Application Process Explained - 2016


We have tried to make the application process as simple as possible. We have two pages of content that we are requesting. The first page is Public Information which will be visible to anyone on the web once the voting phase begins. The second page is Confidential Information which we will not share with anyone. We will use the confidential information to contact you and as part of the application review process.

There is no charge to enter the competition and you do not need to be a member of Pilates Anytime to enter.

We suggest that you print out this page prior to starting the application to make sure that you have all the information available. You can not save the application and come back later.

Public Information

First Name and Last Name
Your name as you would like it to appear on your contest page. This does not have to be your legal name.

Video Link
Link to YouTube page with your video. For YouTube once you have uploaded your video file you can find the link code by clicking on the Share button (e.g. We recognize that this will be the hardest part of the application. If you need any help please contact us.

Your Website (Optional)
If you have a website or Facebook Fan page that promotes your Pilates practice then enter the URL. For example or

Your Location
Where you are living and working at the moment. Some examples would be London, United Kingdom or Dallas, Texas, USA.

Years Teaching
How many years you have been teaching Pilates. Remember that we are asking for a minimum of five years and we will checking this for entrants that become finalists.

Teacher Training Organizations
The name of the training organization or organizations that you trained with (e.g. BASI or Romana's Pilates).

I encourage my clients to take responsibility for their own wellness by...
Please complete the the sentence "I encourage my clients to take responsibility for their own wellness by..." in 100 words or less.

The purpose of this text is to help you promote yourself and communicate why people should vote for you. In order to check the spelling and the grammar it is best to prepare this in a program such as Microsoft Word and then cut and paste it into the application.

Please upload between one and three images of yourself (we recommend three). The pictures should show you in a variety of poses. We require a high resolution head shot and request two whole body shots showing you teaching or performing Pilates.

Confidential Information

First, Middle and Last Name
Your name as it appears on your passport or drivers license. We will use this to check that you did not somehow manage to get Joseph Pilates to present in your video.

Email Address
This is the email address that we will use to communicate with you. Please use an email that you check regularly as it will be our main form of contact.

We will probably never have to use this address to send anything to you. It helps us understand what time zone you live in and will help us avoid calling in the middle of the night.

Phone Number
If you live outside the USA please add your country code and use the phone number format we would dial from California. If we need to get in touch with you we will use email and only if we do not get a timely response will we contact you by phone.

Skype ID (Optional)
If you are one of the Potential Finalists we will contact you and set up a time to either have a Skype call or phone call.

Please either enter your Teaching Experience or upload your Resume (CV).

Teaching Experience (Option A)
Please briefly describe your Pilates teaching experience. The following is an example from our website:

After earning her BA in Communication at UC Santa Barbara, Kristi began studying the Pilates Method guided by Cathie Murakami. She earned a certificate from Synergy Systems™ and the Physical Mind Institute®. In 1997 Kristi aligned with Master Teacher Rael Isacowitz, founder and director or the world renowned Pilates education organization, BASI Pilates®. Kristi earned her certification with BASI in 1998 and shortly after graduation was honored to have been invited to work with Rael in his studio in Costa Mesa, California. It continues to be a privilege for Kristi to call Rael her mentor and friend. Kristi has since been named a Principle Instructor for BASI Pilates®, a job that entails development of advanced education. It also allows her the opportunity to teach the BASI Pilates® certification in places like South Africa, China, Australia, Greece, and both coasts of the US. In 2003, Kristi had the unique opportunity of participating in the DVD series Rael Pilates. The three part series was voted number one Pilates DVD by Health Magazine for 2006.

Resume (Option B)
If you have a resume (CV) please upload it. The formats that will work best are Word documents and pdfs.

If you need any help with the application email or call us and we will help.

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