Class #1762

Total Body Reformer

50 min - Class


Amy teaches a total-body Reformer workout that places special focus on strengthening the hamstrings, glutes, and arms. Amy uses the Standing Platform on the Reformer for many of the exercises in this video, but you don't need one in order to take this class. You'll work through exercises such as Footwork without the foot bar, kneeling quadruped work, standing leg work, Swan on the box, and Star.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Standing Platform

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Jul 08, 2014
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Hi everyone, it's Amy and we were about to do a reformer workout or a session or class as I often call it a session. And I have Haley and Elisa here and there both work with me at center point. [inaudible] leads has been teaching with me for a long time and Hailey is getting ready to go through teacher training. Um, what we have set up is the standing platform attachment. It's at the end of the reform that slides in where you'd put the jump board detachment. It's not mandatory for this class at all. So if you're at home and you don't have the platform, that's just fine.

You can use the given platform that's here, which is, you know, not very wide. Uh, it'll just make it a little more challenging for you in certain places. So I've attached the bigger one so they've got a lot more room for their feet and their hands in a little while. So that's one part of the workout or this set setup. You will most likely need some padding, uh, for hands. And, um, in a little while when we again have our hands on the standing platform and most likely some of that wonderful drawer liners, sticky grip stuff for the feet also for the standing platform and because your feet might get a little sweaty and I don't want you to slide off of there. Okay.

So those are just a few props that you'll need. A long box, a short section there, nothing else. And what this class really is designed where you'll feel your glutes, hamstrings and glutes and arms quite a bit. I think you know with me, I tried to get it all in. So we're going to get started and they're going to be red and blue spring to start and taken a nice couple of deep breaths. You Gaius. And with this warm up, what I want you to start with is a little bit of space maybe between your feet.

So just more in line with your sitting bones and real level pelvis, your lumbar spine for you personally may or may not be on the mat, let your spine be your spine, but your pelvis level. And that is something that I need you to connect to, so you're not going to start tilted. We're going to move into posterior tilt. Okay. Couple more incense. Your points of contact, you've got your head easily weighted, the back of your shoulders and arms evenly weighted your hands and your wrists, your pelvis, your feet, your ribs. I want you both to start moving into a little post to your tilt, very subtly exhale and almost like you're creating a little dimple down low in your lower abdomen. Nice across from your right and left hip bones to your low belly.

A little indent there. Okay. And then as you release that, let your pelvis rock the other way. You can almost stretch that opening there across your right and left hip bones. Might let your lower back art slightly. Let's go back again. Exhale, create a little indent and your lumbar probably releases to the mat and then inhale as you arch the low back and a couple more times you just feeling some weight shift with your pelvis and shift it forward. Natural Movement of the pelvis and the spine and tilt back and tilt forward and then find a place right between the two. Once again, your level, let's go left and right. So if you anchor your right hip more the back of your right heel, hit more on the mat, your left hip will lessen its point of contact and then vice versa.

And I'm going to try to anchor your leg so that the legs of femurs don't do too much motion, just the pelvis. And then back to the right. Again, like almost if you put a little paperweight on one hip or pelvis outside would dip down more a little. Again, is that water in the bowl, that image of your pelvis, like a bowl of soup or water and you're sloshing it from side to side. Just giving some nice movement to the SAI joint. Good. Maybe one more. Each side. Go into the ABS to get those contracted to help you manipulate and massage the movement. Okay, so we've just gone front, back, side to side.

I want you guys do three circles of your pelvis or for each way, clockwise or counterclockwise. You can use the bulk bowl of water. Image slosh the water around the bowl. If you like visceral, you can slosh your guts around. They both smiled. We like Viscera, we've all got it sloshing around. Stretch it in there. My last class we talked a lot about space and volumes. So this is another place you can start to do that as well. Inside Is, you know, get some movement and try to get some space in there.

And when you've done your four sloshes around each side, just find level. So I know you're there. Nice you guys. I don't want to rush you. I'm not sure where you are. She's got one more slosh. All right, so then they've moved a little, we've mobilized that part of our spine. Now let's move into articulation. So before you pelvic curl, stand in your feet, add duct your legs just a little bit. There are only in a red and blue springs, so they're not gonna move the carriage, right? You're going to roll up. Exhale, pelvic tilt. So slash those contents again and you're going to roll up until you've got this beautiful, very clear, easy to see diagonal line.

Breathe in a lot of space and volume and exhale as we roll down. This is just so yummy. I think everyone enjoys this. A little assist. I'm just holding the back of the knees and inviting the spine to get a little longer. We'll do four of those. Inhale level pelvis and exhale, so the back body, long and strong, everything is long and strong. Three then good exhale, so and this nice light spring right away. Those hamstrings are working. I can feel it. Good level pelvis brief full, and then the abdomen sinks in. Yogurt. That little dimple, the ribs kind of narrow in a bit. That's right. The front ribs anyway, the side ribs and then the back gets real wide.

Breathe in and exhale. Add Duck. Just a little more beautiful. Let's do it one more time. You guys inhale. We're going to stay up on this next thing. Next Bridge. Good, Lisa. Yeah.

And then what I want you about to do is put your hands right up on your pelvis and um, or in fact better on the sides of your pelvis. Right and left. Okay. Cause that's the way we're going to move our hip. We're gonna glide our pelvis right and left. Yep. And it's gliding right on top of the femur heads. It's like a little weegee board or a little sh conveyor belt that stuck in forward and reverse. Good. Even smaller.

Yeah. Thank you. Blanked. Reach into my hands. Exactly. This should really wake up then the lateral sides of your pelvis. We've woken up the back on the sides. One more. Right, left, good. And the hands on the pelvis just gives you some feedback. Push into it. Inhale, center. Exhale. Roll yourself down and relax your arms. Gorgeous. We're going to go into footwork, which would seem like, well, how can we do foot work? The foot bar is not up. Well, we're going to do foot work with the feet on the platform and they, you won't go all the way to knee extension. There's no way you can. Okay. So, and that actually keeps it a little more activated back here anyway.

So let's take a [inaudible]. How about an exhale as you push, here we go, and then he'll return and exhale, push and inhale return. So you can have that nice rhythm to it out and in and out. Beautiful. Nice. So we're looking tracking, but it's those hamstrings pushing, pulling. So often our folk work, we get very quality and hip flexors. This way we're keeping it in the back line. Two more guys back in and push.

I would really pull yourself in all the way and hold. Okay. Pull out his v. Same thing, but before you start to push legs, feel a little of your wrap. Yep. Without attack ready you use that and press away and use it to pull you in. Good. Press away. I'm just going to adjust your left foot so you're more even, you're fine. Yeah.

And as you're doing this one, check that your feet are still level. Sometimes they're my peer pronation supination that sneaks in because the foot surface is different than usual. There you go. Do you feel it? You did. They're awake. And I want you both now keep going. I'm probably going to do 12 reps, which is like three or four more. Unweight your your body.

Just a little like you're going to levitate your pelvis slightly off of the Mat. There you go. Am I right? Woke them up a little more. Last one there. Okay, then let's go out. Look up for just a second and you can bring the carriage all the way in. And Stan, that was my stand. Why?

So put your feet right on the edge of the board. If you're at home, you can go pretty wide near the edge of the platform. Okay, so, uh, press out on me a little Elisa there. So we want that line of connection up the side of the leg into the pelvis. Alright. Use that and your hamstrings. Push and pull the carriage pushing away. And so their spine is nice and natural. It's their level spine. We're not in a posterior tilt.

I have the head rest down for these two. I just chose that for the bridging purpose at the beginning. You certainly could adjust your head if you're feeling the need to change that support when you're feeling your legs guys differently than normal foot work. Okay? And it did for me, but I not trying to do voodoo magic. Are you feeling a little more more hamstrings?

[inaudible] belly of the hamstring. And I did not pay them to say that I didn't. And last two I think pressing away and in good you guys press away. Good and N. Okay. Come back to the middle and in line with your sitting bones and then be up on a little Relevate so you're going to just lightly lift your heels. Check in there that were the ankle again, hasn't supinated very often.

We'll roll out and I want you to be right on. Here we go. And maybe a little lower heel. Okay. Press into the balls of the feet. Move the carriage back. Inhale or exhale. It's your choice. Good. Even a little lower heel. Yup.

Good. Spread the front of your foot like a cat or a dog that you know, they've got those beautiful paws that they could really widen or like a cat. That's getting ready to reach its claws out. You're going to spread the base front base of your foot. Good press, and just imagine that the request was to float your back body barely off the mat. You're still in a natural spine. You're just less weighted on there. I think that made sense. Let's go for three, usually 10 repetitions. Sometimes I don't count correctly. Last one and hold right there. Lower your ankles or your heels.

Breathe in again. I want you to one more time, roll up to a pelvic curl bridge position as if we haven't done enough from this position right now. We're going to, I want you to do those little hip dips that we did earlier. So one side of the pelvis, a stay with this one elite and your left stays up. Rotate your pelvis or your lower right hip is going to dip down. Now, right there, articulate down your spine, track on the right side of the spine, length in your pelvis, away from your ribs. Roll back up the right side. We're just going to do right, left, right, left, so your level. Then rotate your left pelvis down.

Right hip stays up is if there's that string right up. You're holding it good. The left side of your back. It's long to your hip. Contract your obliques. A little deeper. There we go. And roll back up. I think it's very challenging to articulate from there. Ready? Other side? One more time.

Good. Keep reaching both sides of your pelvis long and out away from you. It's hard. So we don't compress this fossette joints in the back. We really want that space. Last time and this internally, the spine is doing a rotation.

Good you guys. So it's all based on that, that pelvic clock and slashing our viscera around. Take an inhale and then roll all the way down. Once you get your pelvis down, I want you to lengthen your legs over the foot bar, which is a little different than normal because I got your stickies. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Now at duct your legs enough that you feel yup, that they're connecting and then reach your arms up toward the ceiling. Palms face each other.

But I want you to open your arms into more of a v so that you can carry your arms further back and on in the oppositional, uh, idea there, the shoulder blades in or moving down your back. Gorgeous. So from an aerial view, you'd see this gorgeous space that they're taking in here. Okay? Now when we come up and do a roll up here where they go, they're going to move their arms. They'll narrow when they come forward and they're gonna roll their way up. It's okay if you reach way out to me, but make sure your stomach is bold way back. Take a breath, pull away from you with your abs and roll yourself down.

We'll do four of those. When you hit those shoulder blocks, just open the arms a little bit. Connect your shoulder rhythm and inhale. Exhale, and up and over. Good and energy off the crown of the head. Nice, long lumbar spine breathing in and exhale good. And the carriage may kind of move around underneath. Yes. All right. And again, waist muscles, obliques are contracting to narrow those ribs. It's going to open up your bath body a little more. Good you guys. And one more time.

Gorgeous. You'll walk back and you're going to pause when you get to the tips of your shoulder blades and your arms will stay by your sides. The 100 they float their legs because they're so long and ready and they pump. Two, three, four, five, exhale, three, four, five. Inhale, three, four, flat. Yeah, so our teacher, Pat Guidon gave me a hand weight on top of my head.

Once Amy set up into the hand. Wait, I'll do that. There you go. I'll do that. You get it. I don't have a wait, but my hand is enough so we'll reach up into your head. Push my hand up there. Nine, two, three, four, five, 10, two, three, four, five and I didn't count right. You know what I meant? Exhale. Three, four, five. Tuck your knees in and rest. Okay, good. You guys come on up and turn around to face the back of the reformer, but in so doing tick off the blue spring, that'll leave you with one red and you're going to sit on the carriage with a diamond set up.

So feet together on the headrest knees open, reach forward and grab the the straps and I want you to reach over and choke way up on the straps and yeah, if the carriage moves forward, that is fine. I just want the longest arm reach you've got. Okay, good. And you both. And then maybe Haley, move forward just to Scotia. You've got about a couple of hand with a little more. Okay, so from that position, roll up to sitting tall, shoulders on your back, nice and tall, up through that head. Just like you before breathing, you're just going to do four basic rollbacks from diamond, pulling the pelvis back away from your legs. Try to let those thighs open more. You'll know where the back of the reformer is cause you're right on it. Inhale.

Now, keep that shape of your abdominals and roll yourself up and go all the way over your legs, all the way over. Inhale right there. Don't roll up. Just go right back from there. So you're just keeping the abdominal contraction as you roll it back and roll it forward and forward, almost facing in. There you go. Breathe in. So what starts that contraction? Think about that. Dimpling we did it earlier, way down low. So the front abdominals are kind of Clemen closer together.

Your back buddies widening. Good. And one more time. Good and nice. Neutral arms or wrists are nice and easy. No extra gripping is going on here. We're going to take that flection and that, uh, into like a diamond or bleak circumlocution deal. Okay, so take your torso and drape it over your right thigh and start rolling back.

Feel your obliques help you, right? You're going to go across your low back, over to your left and all the way up and over your legs. Let's go five each way. Just let it flow. Get some movement. You can think about your viscera again if you'd like. Sloshing. Good. Haley beat together, legs pressed open, just enough work in the abs to keep you connected and moving. That's right.

And those joints of your spine really moving around. That was five on that side. Let's go the other way and pull back. We are so fortunate to be in this room near the ocean and we've got some good energy in the water today and if these guys are kind of giving me the feeling like ocean current, there's a real push pull that's happening there. I don't know if you guys can feel that and is what I'm seeing, but it's just like the current of the water and comes out and goes back in, comes back out. It goes back in. It's like our fluid system in us. There's some movement in side.

Should be hydration. One more time. I think once you make yourself all the way around, you're going to just come over your leg. So even things out, breathe in restack and all the way up to a vertical sitting position and I want both of you to slide your hands back into the loops for seated chest expansion. We need a little more room. Okay, so you can stay in diamond here and before we get moving too much though, bottom tip of the scapula down is slightly in so that Nice, strong depression and without leaning back too much, you might be a little too far back there. Inhale, move the arms back. Good. Haley. Exhale, arms forward. Think about it this way though. You keep going. Your effort of breathing and expanding your chest is what's moving the carriage.

So it might minimize the movement of the carriage. You don't have to gang with the arms or triceps. It's your breath that's moving the carriage. All the while there's that nice strong, long upward extension and the spineless. Hold this time. Inhale, arms go back. Turn your head right left and turn. Look to the front end.

Release with height in your spine again. Inhale, pull and hold again. Had turn, head turn center. We'll do two more depressed. The scapula down in it. Good turn. Turn. They're working really hard. I can tell their backs are so well engaged. Their chests are open, but they don't look tense and that's some good [inaudible]. Okay guys, good.

Climb up onto your knees, still facing the back of your reformer and walk your knees right up to the front on the shore to the shoulder blocks. And now let's go ahead and choke up on the straps. Again, you might reach onto that grippy stuff. Cherry it. Paul did. Here we go. You're up on your knees. Before we do this, what we did in our last class, let's, let's just mark it a little. What I'm going to have them do by engaging their hamstrings, putting their weight pretty far forward on the front end, the knees, their shins could get a little light for a second. They could actually lift their shins. Yup. Well, we're hoping not to do is buckle in the hip joints.

In a minute we're going to fold intentionally. Good, Haley. Okay, that's it you guys. So keep that alignment. Let's pull the arms back. Either breath you can choose. Hold your arms pretty far behind you. Now I want your triceps active now. Keep your chest open, flex your hips and sit near your heels near them. Come back up, get on top of those knees and return your arms. Good. Three more like that.

And even when you flex your hips and get near your heels, you're still high up in your spine. I'm trying to keep space in our fossette joints and our intervertebral spaces all the way through. And the chest is proud. We are strong. We've got strength in our upper carriage. Okay. That was our four. When you come up on your knees, now you're going to hold. And I want you now butchers to start this. Bend your right elbow and pull the elbow behind you and take a torso rotation to the right and then return the right arm forward to the left.

Now you can exhale on these and yeah, bend that elbow. So now we're adding some shoulders, some oh Mauro bleak. The challenge on this could be, does your pelvis come with you or not? Try to keep both hip bones square, but take your torso into a rotation. Depress your scapula. One more of these. And then we're going to add that little, um, kind of squat to the heels as you pull. Okay. So one more basic. Stay Tall.

Okay, so now here we go. Pull the right arm back and hold it there. Flex the hip. Sit near your heels. Keep the elbow behind you. Good. Come back up. Return your arm facing front. Three more. Pull. Make it flow. Sit toward the heels, but not comfy up. Up, up all the way. Tall and center and pull and near the heels.

Get up onto the front of his kneecaps. Good. Center last time. And Dr. Little with your legs. Here we go. And lift and center. Good. Okay guys, you can put the straps on the hooks. [inaudible] all right, roll your wrist around. We've warmed up our shoulder girdle. We're about to bear weight. So this is where you may want your pads and it's up to you. Yeah, you can put them that way. You can put him side to side otherwise, and we're on a red right now, but I'm going to have them go down to a blue or yellow.

So we are going to tuck our toes back. I am a real big believer here and these heels, they can get to the shoulder blocks there. We're working on it all the time. Yeah. And so you know it has something to do with some length in muscles, tendons, joints, flexibility, all that. But you can still reach that, you know, and also toe flexibility and all the basics there. Now bring your torso on your upper body a little more over your arms. So now I've got this perfect straight line shoulder to hand. Okay.

Shoulder blades on your back. We've still got this nice head energy. Now guys, just push the carriage from your shoulder girdle, trying to keep your hip joint flection push even if you want to. You can go for it if you're, if you want these two pretty good in their shoulders, meaning they've got some mobility. Yeah, this is amazing. Yeah. Good. Haley and then come back in. Send your chest long and forward energy off the top of your head. We're going to do four of those.

Probably an exhale cause you're going to want the support from your abdominals. Beautiful. No tucking you guys. You're not. Neither of you are looks fantastic. Which pull. Pull yourself over. Yeah. Use those back muscles. So shoulder flection. Oh [inaudible] good depress. A little bit. Good. Once again.

Can you go a little lower? Good. Yes you can. Yeah, that's it. And then coming in and you're going to put the left hand near the right hand and do two or three on the diagonal pelvis stays where it was. The upper body takes a slight veer. Beautiful. And when you pull back in Scapula.

Nice. Hailey, two more I would say for you guys. Just [inaudible]. Um, think about your elbows. What can you do to them? They were, we are all hyping. We love to hyperextend we over push through those elbows. Think about almost making a bicep curl in your arms. Good job. That's it. Now you've got more balanced Haley between and both Elisa in Bicep tricep, three on the other side. Yeah. That's my cue for myself to try and make a little bicep while I'm doing tricep work and shoulder extension or flection.

There you go. Cause as we are about, we're bearing weight. We want a stable joint for locking that out over stretching those biceps and the tendons. They're a little more bicep. Hayley. Yep. One more and then we'll move to hip extension. You guys are doing a great job of not moving at your hip joints yet. Biceps. Oh good. And in. They'll reposition their hands.

You can a one on each pad even here. Make a little bicep work. Okay, now nothing up here. Moves is the hip extension. Let's go for about maybe four or five there for smaller movement it. How can your heels touch the blocks? Here they go. Draw the ABS up, being able to do this hip extension without a collapsing in the low back. Good.

Now let's connect this pattern you're going to push from your shoulder girdle on the next one. Here we go. Shoulder girdle. First Pause, hip extension. Next pause. Shoulder flection or extension. You bring it in. You know what I mean? And then hip flection, shoulders, pause. Hips, pause, shoulders, good. And hips. Reverse it twice. So hips going to extension, shoulders into flection, hips into flection. Good. Shoulders into extension ish. Last one. Hips first.

So tricky not to hyperextend the elbows are working hard. Yep. Good. And hips and shoulders. And just back off your wrist for a minute you guys and just kind of shake them out with one more from the setup. Good. Okay. That's it. Okay. Get back in neutral spine again please. Heels on the near the blocks without moving your carriage.

This is where the yellow, all that would've been fantastic on a yellow right knee, however, the knees, so on an exhale here though. That's it. There's energy out the head out the tail and then you just set it down. And again, this shape of the spine doesn't change. I would add duct a little bit here. Yep. Good and down one more time. Now extend your hips, push the carriage back and bring it in eight times back and bring in maybe eight is too much. I'm sorry. One more.

That's not appropriate to do eight in and lower the knees. That's too much. Okay. Sit back and rest. I saw you look at Courtney. You're island. What is she talking about? Ah, fantastic. Good. It's time to come off the, uh, get these off. I want you now to do a red spring. Will you change that? Okay.

So we're about to do some standing up on the reformer now. And I know these two, I trust them. They know their balance. Uh, if you're doing this at home and you're not so sure about your balance, you could grab a broomstick or a stick, a partner, or just omit this part. Okay. So guys, go ahead and stand up on the reformer. And how about you stand with your left foot on the platform first? No, I'm sorry. Right foot first. Thank you. Okay. That might weigh my queuing is good. Right?

Then this ain't so tell me real quick. Do you feel even, no. Okay. So for you at home, while I'm asking that question, this wood platform is higher than the mat, so I wanna stick this underneath probably both pads. [inaudible] and in fact, I'm going to angle this a little cause we need a slight external rotation. Excuse me, Healy and didn't, yeah. Okay. Better. Does that feel better or is it too much? Perfect. Perfect. Okay.

So what I want you guys to do is slightly open the carriage, you know, three, four inches and hold it there and just hang out. We're into external rotation land. Now. Whatever you want to do with your arms, that's fine with me without moving the carriage. Do a little PA, no movement of that carriage. And straighten the knees four times. So we're getting some really nice connection and work out in the glute. Yes.

And stand again. Last one. Now stay right there. Okay, just stay there for a moment. The leg, the left leg extended out so that the NEA straight, you're in a turnout with that leg and then bring it back in four of these more turnout as you extend all the way through the knee. Oh good. And in, so it's that spiral kind of deal going from your I good Elisa, all the way down from your hip to your heel. One more time. You're gonna love it. Hold that leg straight straight. And the other one push off the, the board. Come back to a bent knee.

Push off to straighten the carriage is going to sh move a little bit. So this is what's going to move and you're going to push your way out. Did that make more sense and come back in bent knee. One more. Push out. Hold them straight. Keep them straight in turnout. Carriage comes in, Garrett. Carriage goes out in your turnout. You move the carriage. Yes.

If you can't see what I'm doing at home there guys, I'm behind and Lee's and I'm taking her legs and trying to more rotation. These two like that challenge I think. Yep. And good all the way in and relax for a second. Okay. Whew. Parallel now. Okay. I think your pads are fine. Yeah. Okay.

Now Open your carriage again a little bit and then just stand there. Pelvis is level anchor into both legs. You are going to squat four times and squat and really reach your sit bones back, chest forward, sitting bones back without moving that carriage. Come up to standing. So really contract and stabilize in your pelvis, meaning muscles against your pelvis, hinge at your hips and then come back up. Beautiful. Last two. So both legs are active.

One is pushing out on the carriage. The one is pushing off of the platform side. Last one, hold [inaudible] pulse. Little eight pulses. You're gonna think squat a little deeper. Let the femurs glide. Three, no movement of the carriage and five good. Six and seven. This is not easy and eight all the way up and come in. Okay, beautiful guys. Turn to face your other side.

Okay. Externally rotate first. Okay, good. Alright, so open your cares slightly. Good. Hold right there. And their pelvis is very well centered. They'll do four little Debbie plays first. So Demi players, small knee bend without moving the carriage.

So there's an equal balance going on of pressing the carriage out, but not too much and keeping it in, but not too much to close it one more. They're going to play a in hole. Now it's the carriage leg that extends and pushes. This leg is stable. Alright, I'm thinking of a little corkscrew through the hip to the leg last when it stays there, announced this, they get pushes off to a strong rate. Good. Comes back and flex and flex. Yeah, you're gonna know why. You're going to know we did this tomorrow. I think. Good push off that standing platform. Good. Haley, little dimple and lift. Yup.

Good. Hold your leg straight and then in and out with the carriage four times. What's above you with your head? Kind of this upward space. Beautiful. You both are moving more now. I don't know if you're aware of that. It's good you've increased your range of motion. Just letting you know what's going on. Awesome. Okay.

Come on in in parallel. Now for the parallel squats, shaken legs. Okay, so here they go. They're going to open the carriage a little, just a little stabilizing that and squat and you could do anything with your arms. They've just got 'em on their hips. I didn't tell them what to do at home. If you wanted to do some extra stuff, you could. Prayer position, you could circles, you know, but what we want to do here with this is enough push out through the side of the hips, but let the femurs glide back. Good and level pelvis here. One more. Or you're going to squat in whole little pulses for aid and one sit bones back to justice. Proud and for dimple five, six, seven and eight. And come all the way up and carriage comes in.

All right. Face a stand on your platform. Okay. And let's face the foot bar. So you're going to fe, turn around for Liza. Okay, one more standing on this thing. Uh, there. Yes, I'm going to omit one. I'm making a choice right now to admit the should I, I don't know how right I'm going. Okay, I'm taking these away. Stand in a [inaudible] v please. Alright, take right leg back onto the carriage. Carefully step backward. That's Kinda tricky cause you can't see where you're going right now. What I want to bring attention to is, and I'm looking, and it's as if you're still in first position, one legs behind you, meaning the straight leg behind is not too far across behind.

You'll lose your balance. Okay? Now Bend your front knee so that you slide the carriage out to extend your right hip, your long leg hip, and bring the carriage in and bend your front knee [inaudible] and bring the carriage in and bring the carriage in. And Haley, move your right leg a little to your right ever so slightly. You can good. Okay, one more time. And stay right there in that lunge. Okay. Take your arms forward and up and do a back. A little upward, back bend.

This is tricky. This is a balanced deal. Good. And then bring your potty forward. Carriage is going to come in. Come all the way down. Step the back foot forward onto the board and roll yourself up. Little tricky here. Gorgeous you guys. Okay, so the left leg goes back and again, it's not crossing their midline.

Good. I didn't say on the first side, but it is okay to have an open hip a little bit. Um, what I do want you to do is connect that pinky toe though. Your left Pinky toe. Good. And then more square pelvis. Okay. Bend the front knee. Here we go. So this one's been slide the carriage back by thinking contract the glutes again and pull in. You're fine. Nice and pull in. Cool.

Pinky toe. Lateral edge or foot needs to be anchored. Yup. Try something for me. Elisa. Sneak your foot forward a little bit. Thanks. You Bet. Sometimes. Yeah, you can adjust where your foot is. Uh, one more guys on hold. All right. And then arms, upper back extension. Let this feel good. You don't have to do this part. This is tricky cause you don't see, you can't see where you're going right now. All right. Open your arms. You stomach control. Good job.

And bring yourself down. Carriage comes in. Step onto the board and we're going to roll up from there and I am going to give your legs a break now. Okay. Yeah. So carefully step off the reformer to one side. We've just grabbed her long box and put it up on the reformer. And what I just had the gals do is take off the platform that we had on, but if you didn't have one at home, it's fine now, but you do need the foot bar.

Is My point and we put it up on the low bar setting. So they're coming. Prone chest will be at the front end, hands on the side of the bar first rather than on the foot bar itself. And I want you just to feel long for a moment or two. Okay. And let me make sure that you're nice and straight legs don't have to be to actively lifted right now. Do add duct them, but I don't want you to lift them too high. And that dimple image that we created earlier, kind of like you're going to float your stomach off the box and unweight your hipbones go ahead. For right now guys, just do like four presses or out.

Just extend yourself away from the foot bar and come back in. So the hands lower puts it in a different place in your shoulders, probably. Therefore heads are just slightly hovered off of the um, above the Var. Good. And it just starts to tap into some of the shoulder push muscles. And then I want them to do one more.

And this is where they're going to stay right there. So if you now just do this like a, the a baby Swan, little mini Swan. Basically just unweight the chest and a little bit into the ribs. Okay, let's do some scapula glides or some Serita's work. So if you retract your scapula and pull them back in together and let them widen and push towards your pinky fingers. And again, retry and pro tract really having this be the shoulder blades. Good shoulder blades, shoulder blades.

Really easy to see here. Down and together. Sorry, I'm right in front of you and down in wide. Two more guys. Lot of mobility here. Think about your biceps a tiny bit. Yeah. Good, nice. Okay. And then there you'll bend your elbows and you'll come back in.

Now place your hands on the foot bar and we're going to do a little mini swan from here again. So push yourself away. It's might feel different with the hands above and they're going to come into a mini Swann meaning a little higher than before. Yeah. Nice Liza. So this is still very integrated now. Neck roll from the Mat. Work. Look to your right shoulder. Turn your head, look down to your long box, look over your left shoulder and look back to the front and just one on the other side without the movement of the head and the upper cervical spine and thoracic without losing this good. And then bend your elbows and come all the way down and in.

Now push your arms straight out again. Three more regular swans, and it's going to be your choice. How high up you extend. They're coming up, they're looking out in the horizon and knowing again, there's real strong connection to what's above. And then just push straight back out. Two more there guys. Good. Really Long, strong covering lots of energetic space.

Fill up the molecules. Beautiful and back down. One more time. You don't even have to lift, but just a little into me. Just a little leg. She just give me a little leg right now. Just a tiny, tiny bit. There you go. And then push all the way out in the long good. You will bend your elbows, you're gonna come back in.

And I want you guys to make a child's pose up on top of your box to relax your back. Okay? That's all I had for long box. We have two more exercises and the first one will be of Nice side support thing. Come on down. Sights apart with a little rotation in the thoracic spine. So why don't you on the way back mount with your right hand on the foot bar, we're gonna stay on the red spring. This is, this'll be fun. All right, so inside leg, the right foot is going to stay side stack on the shoulder, rest closest to you without moving and carriage. Hopefully wait, bear onto that long strong, straight arm and step your left foot up and over onto the mat.

Okay. What I want both of you to do is put your hand behind your head so that you can feel your head. Press back into your hand. Okay, ever so slightly. Lift your bottom waist up. Exactly. Now push the carriage a little bit as you inhale, exhale, pull it back in and do that two more times. These are itty bitty, lots of lots of energy through this top elbow. You got it. Okay. Now it's going to add. We're going to add, push out again. When you come in, rotate toward your foot bar with your thoracic spine and pull the kerogen.

Push out as you open two more only [inaudible] sending, getting tired and push out and come in and that's going to be enough. Carefully reopen yourself. Put your inside knee down and they're going to change sides. Boy. Red Spring. Not, not easy. Low Bar. Not Easy. After all that other stuff. Not Easy. Here we go. Left hand. Huh?

Sweaty hand on the foot bar. Not Easy. Yeah. Do you want a grippy one? Sure. Okay. Well before the days of carpet, you know drawer liner. We had muscle, right? What they do then. Okay, here we go. Left foot up. Step up and over. Yeah, you got it. Head back. Proud. Here we go. Ready? A little lift on that bottom. Waysides you're not dropping. Good. Haley. Push. Pull that top elbow. What if it had a little suspension wire held up to by the ceiling. There you go. So you've got some support above you resource that. Okay.

Little Push. Now when you come in, it's a little rotation. Exhale, squeeze those. Oh bleak in. He'll connect to the suspension wire. Yep. Paul. All the way. Tap that bumper one more time. You got it? Yes. Reopen. Finish. Bend the knee. N. Okay, good.

You guys. Excellent. Last little bit. Let's stretch your hip flexors. Okay. And I'll let you do this. Face your foot bar. You choose what leg, what put you want up on the foot bar first? It's a low bar. So it's different. Yep, exactly. [inaudible] okay, so when we're in this position, we can passively be there or Tada and contract. Good contract. Linkedin. As we know, it's not a resting stretch whatsoever. You can push the carriage.

No a little bit with the downward knee and hip. Good. And you kind of already did this in that little Air Becka deal as far as we're in the leg was behind us, but you too are well balanced. Can you take your arms up? Two or three like that? Now there's suspension wires on your fingertips, right? And they're even higher up. Way Up there. Good. That's it.

That does that feel better. Kind of come in. I'm better than that. Come in now. You guys lift up into an upper back bend again. Lift up, lift up, lift up, lift up. Lift up over my hands and good. Nice. Come in other side. Bella. Beautiful. Oh, pretty. Okay. Oh, I heard of carriage.

25 cents for carriage. That moves. I'm kidding. No, I'm not. Okay. Add duct a little. Yeah. Good. Okay, so gas, you put the effort of this hip extension, that thigh open the hip joint. Open hamstring should be engaged. Glutes engaged. There's a lift back here. Heel reaching. This is better. Yeah, and then in, so you can think about it that, oh, so many different ways. You opening your hip, which is really what's happening. You could be thinking, I'm pushing with my heel.

You could inhale and move the spring. Hailey likes that one. This is different for you. When you do that, you move smaller, but it's more internal. So arms up for three suspension wires. Why I'm queuing this so there's less compression. That's it. Okay. Contract that gluten a little more more, right, but yes. Okay, hold. I know you're working so hard. Is your body tired?

Heart lift, lift. Low belly is a dimple. The upper back is in a salon. The skin is stretching. There's suspension through this fingertips. They're opening around. They're going to bring their hands onto the foot bar and I want you to carefully close that reformer. [inaudible] time has come.

I stand on the side of where you reformer guys onto the floor and just take a nice easy finish and you can face each other. Sure. Either way, that's fine. Take a breath and then just take an easy roll down ahead. Neck, shoulders, easy. Open up those fossette joints in your spine, in the back. Soften your knees if you want to make sure that you're not bearing all your weight back on those heels, dropping the head, let your brain spill out part of your viscera and that really breathing in. Slowly roll up, drop the tail. Each vertebra is very precious, but one on top of the other. Then the next one, then the next one, then the next one. They all have their own place. Gorgeous. And you are finished. Thank you so much.


I feel wonderful, only from watching it. Amy is a wonderful teacher.
Whew! That was downright FUN! Thanks so much Amy!
Amy this is a great video. I'm an instructor (in progress) from Istanbul.. Your sessions are very much appreciated!! Thank you..
ahhhhh... this felt awesome! I loved the diamond shape legs while working abs and I loved your cue with connecting to the ocean! Great cues at the end of class for the variation of star. It was all great! Thank you Amy! p.s. I passed the PMA! wooo hooo!!
Awesome! I feel very mobile and hydrated after this-thank you!
Thanks to you all for these comments......I say this often, but I truly mean it....your comments and feedback are incredibly important to me, each and every statement helps me stay on track! So....thank you!!! And Connie.....Congratulations!!! But I didn't doubt it at all!
Thank you so much!!! This workout was awesome!! Got some new cues for equestrian work...Thank you Amy!!!
Thanks Amy! I taught this session early this a.m. and my students loved it. The splits/squat sequence, chariot pull as well as star variations were especially fun.
Very nice workout! I feel lengthened and refreshed! Great cuing and energy, Amy--I gleaned some great ideas for an upcoming class--thank you!
Thank you Amy! I have a question: what would be a modification for star if left arm is weak thru elbow joint and cannot push carriage out? (I guess it's the pronator/supinator muscles) Can it be done in a kneeling position? Or bent elbow on wood platform to shorten the lever? Thank you so much! Awesome class!
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