Class #1811

Magic Circle Burn

50 min - Class


Get ready to feel the burn with this Mat workout by Brett Howard. He uses the Magic Circle throughout the class to strengthen your powerhouse and increase your endurance. Enjoy fun variations of the Hundred, Teaser, Neck Strengthening exercises, and so much more!
What You'll Need: Mat, Magic Circle

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My name is Brett Howard. And today we're going to do a magic circle mat. And my body's today are Rebecca, Karen, Haley, and Amy. So what I'm going to have you guys do is I'm gonna have you start seated with the magic circle straight out in front of you. You're going to have nice straight, extended legs, tall back. You're going to squeeze the circle. As you squeeze the circle, you're going to squeeze through the powerhouse.

You're going to roll down to your spine for five counts. Roll back for five, four, three, two, one. So the magic circle, yes, it's a mat, is a representation of your powerhouse. So whenever this is squeezing, you want to do the same through here. So you're going to keep the circle straight up to the ceiling and you're going to have a nice long arm, not a locked arm, not a bent arm, a long curved arm. You're going to squeeze the circle, four, three, two, one and release and squeeze to the rerelease. One more time. Squeeze in a hole this time beat 10 times 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one release. Spring. The Circle, two inches from your thighs. And you're going to squeeze for three, two, one, release and squeeze further, further release.

Last time. Squeeze further. Hold their beat. Ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Bring the circle over ahead. So the rim of the circle comes in a diagonal with your eyes and you're going to squeeze two, three release in this position. Squeeze and wrap the upper ribs. Two, three and release last time. Squeeze and wrap the upper ribs and pulse. Ten nine eight seven six five.

Draw those inner thighs together and release. Bring the circle two and just from your thighs again. This time we're going to move through that range. 10 counts to bring the arms overhead. 10 counts to bring the uh, circle down. So you're gonna beat. Ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Now down, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, again, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and down. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Hold. We're going to beat five counts to shoulder. Height, beat up. Five, four, three, two. Hold, roll the head, neck and shoulders up. Take a five count and roll up. Roll up to your spine for five, four, three, two, one. Bring the legs parallel, hip width, feet tracking in line with knees, knees, checking line with hips. Take the magic circle.

You're going to take the circle in between your inner thighs or right above the knee, so you want it on the fleshy point. You don't want it on the bone. It's going to be more comfortable. They're going to hold on. You're going have nice broad elbows, nice lifted spine. You're going to squeeze the circle. Now keep the circle squeeze. You're going to start with the tailbone. You're gonna roll down, bringing the smaller the back on the mat for the roll down.

Once your arms are to full extension, maintain that upper back curve. Release the circle. Still keeping the hands on for now though. And now squeeze the circle rolling up through the spine. Bring the head to the circle, then roll up to your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. Release the circle and again, squeeze the circle.

Start with the tailbone rolling down, making sure the hands don't slide up or down the legs. They're going to stay nice and stationary. Release the circle, squeeze the circle. Lead with the crown of the head to come forward, and then roll up. Tailbone. Lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Release the circle. One more time. Squeeze the circle. Start with the tailbone. Curl down one vertebrae at a time. This time take the hands off and find your balance. Now release the circle.

Squeeze the circle. Release. Squeeze to release. Squeeze into the abdominals. Release. Squeeze in, release, and in release and in holding. Try to come up. One more inch guys. Five more. Release. Squeeze. Release to release. Three, release four, release five. Hold for 10 hold nine, hold eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Roll all the way down. Slide the feet in a little bit. Now what I want you to do is I want you to not squeeze the circle right now, but just hold it. Start with the tail Bon roll up to your spine, to a shoulder bridge. At the height of the shoulder bridge. You're going to give yourself a little bit of a squeeze on the circle. Release the circle, roll down through your spine, one vertebrae at a time, rippling down through your spine. And again, start with the tailbone curling up, not squeezing the circle, just holding it at the height of the squeeze as the lift, you're going to squeeze the circle and with squeezing the circle, allow you to lift your hips just a little bit higher. Release the circle and now roll down.

Starting from the upper ribs rippling down to your spine, making sure the tailbone will be the last thing to come down and wait the tailbone on the mat. One more time. Lifting up, rolling up through your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. Hold there, squeeze the circle. Now release the circle. Rounding down through your spine rippling like a wave from the upper ribs all the way down to the tailbone. You're gonna bring the knees into the chest. You're going to grab a hold of the circle with the palm of the hands, and then you're going to bring the circle straight up to the ceiling.

Heels together. Knees aligned with your shoulders. You're going to roll your head, neck and shoulders up, and you're gonna extend the legs out to 45 degrees. [inaudible] and now you're gonna pump in two, three, four, five. Exhale for the a hundred. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five, three, two, three, four, five XL, three, four, five. Inhale. Exhale, three, four, five. One more.

Set for five XL three, four 50. Bend the knees. Place the circle in between the ankles. Extend the legs out to 45 degrees. Wrap and squeeze that circle, and now pump above the waist as you breathe. Inhale and exhale. Three, four, five. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Nice. Vigorous pump above that waist. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Make sure that circle's not for ornamentation.

I want you to really squeeze that. Inhale and XL. Three, four, five. Last set, three, four, five XL three, four, five. Bend the knees into the chest. Take the circle in between the palm of the hands. Extend the legs out on the Mat. Head goes down. Draw those inner thighs together. Squeeze that. Circle the roll up. Chin chest.

Inhale, rolling up and XLC curve. Hands forward, stomach, back, shoulders relaxed. Inhale, round down one vertebrae at a time, melting into the mat. Exhale, arms go slightly back. Hold them on the way up. Massage your back instead of coming up. Think of pushing back. So squeeze the circle. Push her back into the mat to roll up. Push back, push back, push back more back you go. The easier it is to go up. C curve. Rounding down to your spine, one vertebrae at a time, massaging your back and exhale all the way down. Three more.

Arms to ceiling, head lifts, Chin to chest. Inhale, rolling up and XL c curve. Nice ladies. Inhale round down one vertebrae at a time, massaging your back and exhale down twice. More arms to ceiling. Head lifts, Chin to chest. Inhale, rolling up. Bring the head through the arms and see curve. Inhale, rolling down, massaging into the mat and exhale all the way down. Last time arms to ceiling had lifts. Chin to chest. Inhale, rolling up and XL c curve. Inhale, round down. Very nice. Shoulders relaxed. Good squeeze of that circle all the way down.

Bring the arms back overhead. If you slid back, you can scoot forward a little bit. Then bring the circle straight up to the ceiling, right over your shoulders. Squeeze the circle zipper up through the abdominals. I want you to lift the right leg up to 90 degrees for the single leg or the one leg circle. Turn out the leg in the hip. Lead with your inner thighs. You cross the body, circle down, up and stopped in a hold there.

I'm seeing a lot of shaking happen here guys, so control that pelvis as you go across the body, circle down, up in, stop. Much better. Karasu down, up in. Stop [inaudible] down, up and stop. Cross down, up. Stop, reverse. Go down across the body. Stopping a hold there. You guys can see your circle, right?

If you see anything like that happening, that means your body is rocking and a little bit of a rolling as well. So go down across the body, up, down, across the body, up twice, more down, across and up. Stop down across, up. Stop. Hold, zipper up through them. Dominoes, scissor, the legs, controlling that. Now lead with the inner thigh across the body. Circle down, up in stop crust, down, up in, stop, cross. Stabilize that pelvis. Stop. Cross stabilize your rib cage. Stop. One more.

Inhale, exhale up and stuff. Reverse goes straight down. Karratha body stop too. I'm getting seasick guys down. Don't let that pelvis rock so much down across, up and stopped last time down, across, up, and stop. Now let the leg float down into zipper up through the abdominals. Lift the head up. Roll up through your spine for five, four, three, two, one. Scoot your bottom four to the heels. Take the circle.

Place it in between your ankles for the rolling like a ball. All right, you're going to squeeze that circle. You're going to grab a hold right above it and the circle is actually going to help you on this exercise. You're going to roll down to the middle of your back. Then you're going to come right back up and balanced, so down, up, balanced and hold for three counts. Two, three, roll down, mid, back up, balanced and hold. Hold. Hold down. Three up balanced and hold. Hold, thrice, more down, up, balanced in hold. Hold twice, more down, up, balanced, and hold. Hold once more. Down, up, balanced in a hold there.

Now you're going to maintain this shape. Really strong. Pulled in, nice, compact shape. Don't let it change as you slowly, slowly roll like a ball down and hold as slow as you can go. This is control. You can do it. I have faith in you. That's good. Haley. Yes, very good. Everybody. Not Bad. Since we're down there, let's go right into the double leg. Stretch. Arms and legs out. Hold. Squeeze the circle. Circle the arms. First knee, second release and come in and pull. So only squeeze at the full extension.

So go out and then squeeze. Now circle the arms. Release. Come in and give yourself a nice pool of those legs and inhale out. Circle the arms. Exhale, come in and pull. Inhale out. Exhale, come back in and pull. One more time. Inhale out. Exhale, come in and pull. Adding on. Inhale out. Hold. Pulse in five, four, three, two, one. Exhale, arms first and the second pool. And again, inhale out and hold. Pulse. Five, four, three, two, one. Exhale and input. Inhale out and hold.

Paul's five four three, two, one, excelling and pool twice more. Inhale out. Paul's five four, three, two, one XL in, in pool last time. Arms and legs out simultaneously. Paul is five four, three, two, one arms first and second and ride together. Holding hands be the base of the head. One Hand on top of the other hand, both legs straight up to the ceiling for the double straight leg. Stretch of rotated legs. Squeeze that circle. Lower the heel. It's for three two one up to 90 on one count. Lower, lower, lower, quick up to 90 lower, lower, lower lift hold.

Can you guys lift that upper body up higher up, up, up Simon and say to keep going guys. I said, hold on. Now. Lift that upper body. Yup. Rebecca is like, I'm holding now. Lower two, three up to 90 hold lower. Two, three up to 90 now adding on lower, two-three hold there. Pulse, ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three two one. Up to 90 lower to three. Pulse. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Up to 90. Lower to three, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Up to 90 twice more. Lower. Two, three, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Ariba. One more lower. Two, three, 10, nine, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one up. Needs in rest. Her head. Take the circle in between the palm of the hands.

Now circle straight up to the ceiling, Simon, and say to bring your feet down though. Guys, keep those knees into the chest if you haven't learned. I'm a control freak. So roll of the head, neck and shoulders up. Looking at your abdominals. Now you're gonna keep your right knee and left leg is going to go out to 45 degrees for the single leg stretch. Squeeze the circle and now change legs. Left leg in change, right? Change left. Change three, change three. Change for change for change. Five.

Adding a pulse change. Pulse change, pulse change, pulse change, squeeze. Change. Three, change. Three, change pool, change, pool, change, pool change. Pull both knees and hold arms over your head, right leg to ceiling. Left leg out to 45 degrees. A constant squeeze, right leg pulses back, back, scissor for the single straight leg stretch, two, two and two to three, three and three. Three, four, four, five more. Adding a double pulse. Pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse. Two, two, two, two, three, three, three, three, four, four, four, four, five. Hold Pulse, 10. Pulse, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Scissor, pulse, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, both legs, up, knees into the chest. Relax. All right. For the next one you're going to have the hands go behind the head. Now you're going to lift your upper body and she's going to have the circle going between the left elbow and then actually the right thighs are right below the elbow or right below the thigh. Good. Now you guys are going to extend your left leg out to 45 degrees hands. We'll be hid behind the base of that head. Yep.

Squeeze the circle in further in further. Don't release the leg. Just the circle releases. Squeeze in knee and elbow closer, closer release in, closer, closer to more ribbon, hip. Come together. Release one more time in, further in, further in release. Other side. All right, so in between your left thigh, right elbow, hands beyond the head. Now extend the right leg out and now pull in higher, higher left shoulder release. And in left shoulder higher though the side, you're twisting to higher release and in go up higher. Higher twist, more release and in knee to elbow. Closer release.

Last time in further further release. And we're going to go back to the first side. Oh, good teeth. So you're gonna bring her behind that and to be on the head, you're going to bring this are going between your elbow and your knee. And then you're gonna extend the left leg out and you're going to squeeze in. Release, squeeze in, release, squeeze in, release, squeeze in, release, squeeze and hold for 10 whole nine, hold eight, hold seven, hold six, five hold for whole three.

Hold to hold one and release other side. You can feel it here, right? Okay. So where so extend out the uh, right leg and now squeeze in further in, further in, and now pulse one and two and three in four. Hold for 10, hold nine, hold eight, seven, hold six, five, four, three, two, one and release. Okay. Extend the legs on the Mat. Bring the circle above your shoulders, squeeze that circle and take a five count and roll up. Roll Up. Five, four, three, two, one. You're going to take the foam part of the circle and you're going to place it on the mat. You're gonna have your right hand on top of your left hand. Now we're going to do the preps first.

So we're not going to do the spine stretch yet. You're going to squeeze your bottom. As you squeeze the bottom, you're going to lift the spine, you're going to press down on that circle to the rerelease, squeeze him, press grow longer, longer, and release. And again, press flexes feet, little toe back, just as much as the big toe of release. Hold other hand on top. This time you're going to add a c curve. So as you press, you're going to do a nice c curve. So precedency curve back, back, and now roll up to your spine to tall, back precedency curve, pulled back through that middle back. Maintaining shoulders, right over hips and release and again, press and go further down.

Make a big capital c with your body and release. Now what you're gonna do is you're going to grab a hold of the circle, squeeze it, roll down to your spine in one roll to hold three. Don't let the body move. You're going to float the legs up. You're going to take the circle, plays it in between your ankles and you're going to grab a hold. You're going to squeeze that circle and you're going to roll down to the middle of your back and come right back up in balance for the open leg rocker and hold for three. Hold to hold.

One good roll down as you come up. Nice, curved, lower back and again, roll down. Come up and balance two, three and three more. Down, up in balance. Ribs and stomach back. His heels. Go forward. Twice. More. Roll inner thighs together. Stomach and ribs back. Heels forward last time. Roll down, come up, balance and hold there.

Find your balance. Hands behind the head. Curve that lower back there. Good. Now five. Paul's five four, three, two, one. Keep the lower back curve. Reach the arms forward by three counting. Roll down. Row down. Three roll down to roll down. One legs to 90 degrees. Bend the knees, pause for a second. [inaudible] now extend the legs back up to 90 degrees for simple.

Corkscrews are gonna rotate. So we're not going to lift our hips on this one. You're going to squeeze the circles. Circle the legs are right down. Left Center. Stop. Good. Left down. Right Center. Stop right down. Left Center. Stop. Hold there guys. Not Eight points. Oppression to the mat. Hand, shoulders, head, stomach, hips, and I'll go left down. Right Center stop.

One more time or right down, left center. Stop. Left down. Right Center. Stop. Bend the knees. Take the circle in between the palm of the hands. Extend both legs straight up to the ceiling. Squeeze the circle. You're going to bring the circle to the left as the legs go to the right for a tick tock and then come back to center.

Change arms to the right legs, left center, arms, left legs, right center arms. Do the other way and center. One more time and center balancing on your spine and center. Now you're going to bend the knees into the chest. Now you're going to extend the legs out to 45 degrees.

You're going to roll up to teaser roll up, five, four, three, two, one. Open the legs, lift your spine and lengthen. Great. Now we're all set. Imagine you're holding a steering wheel. Squeeze that twist to the right. Hold round over to your twist. And exhale as you're reaching. Pull your left hip, back and down. Nice. Flex active feet, and then come back to center. Twisted the left hold, and then reach. As you're reaching, you're going to pull your right hip back and down.

As you reach left and come back to center. And now lift your spine. Twist, reach in. Hold there. I'm gonna ask you a question. Do you guys have equal weight on both hips? So the answer should be yes. And then come back to center and now lift wist and reach further. Further. Making sure in hold there guys, look up at your circle. Make sure one side of the circle is not higher than the other. Good.

And then roll up through your spine to tall, back last set. Live twist drops on reach, reach, reach and come back to center. A know it is barbecue season, but keep those ribs down guys. Lift, twist and reach further. Further. I know that moments coordinator and now I'm coming back up to center. And now bring your legs together. Grab a hold of the circle and roll down through your spine for five, four, three, two, one. Okay.

Normally actually I wouldn't have you guys flip over and face away from each other, but today I'm going to have you guys face into each other just to make it easier for you. So lie on your stomach, facing in. You're gonna bring the uh, foam part of the circle on the mat. You're going to have one hand on top of the other hand. Good. So to start, you're going to have almost straight arms, but they're going to be ever so slightly bent. You're going to roll it to your spine as you press down on the circle and lift your upper body up for your neck. Roll zipper up through the abdominals, all the way up from your pubic bone to your throat. Then rolling down through your spine, one vertebrae at a time. As you release the circle, and again, press down as you rise to three rolling down through your spine.

Hold there. How'd the other hand go? On top? And now press down and rise. Now keep that position zippered up. Lifted wraps with the ribs. Look to the right, circle the head down. Look to the left. Look Front. Look left. Circle the head down. Look to the right look front.

Look right as you're doing this, the circle should be completely still and center. Look left. Circle the head down to the right and center. Now rolling down through your spine, and now let the circle drop for a second. Sit on your heels. Stretch out your back child's pose. I want you to come back out onto the stomach.

You're going to place the circle in between your elbows flat on the Mat, and then I'm going to put in with your upper arm as you pull up through your abdominals. Good. So active port in and you're going to zipper up. Right leg is going to kick for the single leg kick. Kick, kick, left, kick, kick, right, right and left, left type seat. Loose feet kick, kick and kick. Kick again, five, five and five more. Kick, kick and kick. Kick Taller upper back, kick, kick. Rub the ribs more.

Kick, kick zipper up. More kick kick and her thighs closer together. Last set, kick and kick. Kick. Now what you're going to do is you're going to roll to the side, bend the knees, and go into this position. You can face me, you're gonna take the circle. Place it in between both ankles. Then from there you're going to lie on your stomach. Bring one chic onto the mat, and we're ready for our double leg kick. Good. So you're going to not squeeze the circle when you're kicking.

You're only going to squeeze the circle at the full extension. So you're going to kick three kick to kick. One, extend as you lift your upper body and then squeeze further in. Further in, lower down other side. Kick one, two, three. Extend and squeeze. Squeeze, squeeze and lower kick. One, two, three extent in squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and lower kick. One, two, three extent in squeeze, squeeze, hold there. Haley and Karen. Arms to the side. Rebecca, Aimee. Arms forward three rocks. Swan Rock. One, one, two, two, three, three, four, four, five, five, six, six. Lower down. And then sit on the heels. Stretch.

[inaudible] got your back. It gets to that point and you're like, oh my God, my hands are just going to cram soon. I lied. Okay, so rolling up. That's true. So what you're going to do to be fair, I was going to have you switch, but as like that's a stupid idea. So I'm just going to keep them going. So what you're gonna do is you guys are going to sit facing into each other.

The is going to be completely flat and you're going to squeeze in on the circle. As you squeeze in on the circle, you're going to squeeze in through your center seat. Okay. For the neck pool, hand on top of hand, and then bring it behind the base of the head. Wrap through the ribs, Zip road up, squeeze the bottom. We'll lift in a hinge. Hold. Then start from the tailbone. Roll down, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Good. Roll back up. Inhale. Exhale. Nose in between the knees and that is okay.

Rolling up through your spine. Now lift in, hinge back, and then round down. Lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head hold. Yes, so it's okay if the hands come off. It's okay if you have to soften the knees a little bit to come up. Yep. Exhale. What's not okay is to jerked up and rolling up to the spine. Lift, hinge, back and round down. Tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Let's do one more. Rolling up. Inhale. Exhale. Nose forward in between the knees. Roll up to your spine. Tonight's tall back lift, hinge, back, hold, wrap those ribs guys tolerant. Squeeze that bottom. Lift in, hinge back and round down. Tailbone. Lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Scoot forward a little bit.

Put the circle to the side within reaching distance. Okay, they're going to bring the soles of the feet flat onto the mat. Parallel hip with distance. Now arm's going to come down by the sides for the shoulder bridge. Start with the tailbone. There's a string attached to it. Roll up through your spine all the way up to the ribs.

Now softening in the ribs. Roll down, melting down through your spine. Rippling down like a wave. Tailbone will come heavy. Two more rolling up. So we're warming up those hamstrings before we take one leg away. Now rolling down through the spine, rippling down tailbone will come all the way down. Good last time, lifting up. This time you're going to grab that circle, place it underneath your body.

Then from there you're going to squeeze in with the hands. You're going to bring your right knee into the chest, right leg up to ceiling, lower knee to knee. Lift in 90 degrees. Knee to knee, 90 degrees. Need to ankle, lift to 90 bend the knee and then bring your foot down. Let's do the other leg and bring the left leg in. Left leg up. Lower. Need to knee. Lift to 90 degrees.

Need to knee lift to 90 need to ankle. Lift to 90 bend the knee in. Bring your foot down, right leg again. It's going to brush for this time though, so you're going to brush and kick up. Flex and lower point up. Flex and lower pose. Up guys up flex and now slide the foot in.

Now left leg is going to brush and bottom up and flex. Lower kick up. Flex lower. Kick up, flex and slide the foot in. Take the circle, place a to your side and then ripple and roll down through your spine. Okay, that start facing into me lying on your side, back flat and I'm with back edge of Mat. One line from elbow to tailbone. Then you're going to have a rotated leg. [inaudible] so top leg will be rotated.

Now ladies are going to be at a 45 degree angle. You're going to press down to three release, press two, three added release. One more. Three, two, three release. Hold parallel the leg. Press down to the rerelease. Press two to three noted thing. If one was easier and rotated or parallel position. Now, inward rotation of the leg, press down to the rerelease.

Press two to the rerelease. Press three to three release. Parallel the leg. Rotate the circle so the rem of the circles on the mat behind you. Bottom leg goes inside of the circle. Rotate the circle forward. Top leg will then come inside of the circle.

Then you're going to turn out the top leg and you're going to lift up, up, up, release, up, up, up. Release, up, up, up, release. Parallel the leg. Now lift up, up, up two, two, three, three, two, three. Now inwardly rotate inwardly. Rotation inwardly rotate the leg and you're going to lift. Two, three, two, two, three, three, two, three. Parallel the leg.

I want you to pull apart with both legs. Lift both legs up, lower the legs, release the circle, pull apart, then lift lower down. Release the circle pool and lift. Now pulse apart. One pulse, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Lower release the circle top leg will come on top of the circle. Now rotate the circle back. So the rim of the circle comes onto the mat. Bottom leg goes underneath. Then rotate the circle forward.

All right, now squeeze in with both this time, lift both up to three and release. Squeeze, press two, three, lower release. And again, squeeze, lift, pulse. 10, nine, eight, seven, six both legs. Three, two, one and release. Keep the circle onto your stomach. One Hand on top of the other hand. All right, and now you're going to squeeze. Release, squeeze. Nice straight legs. Release. Equal weight on both hips. Release now quicker.

Squeeze and squeeze and squeeze. Squeeze and squeeze. Squeeze. Squeeze. 10 more. Squeeze. Two, three, four. Nice. Relaxed shoulders. Eight, nine, 10 more. Squeeze. Two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and 10 lie down a actually yet. Lie Down. Facing the other way. So now you won't be able to see me, you're just going to have to listen to me. Alright, so back, flat in line with baggage. And Matt. One line from Alberta tailbone. Then top leg is externally rotated.

Turned out you're going to pull down, down, down, and release. Pull down, down, down, and release. Pull down, down, down. Release. Now parallel top leg. Press down, down, down. Release, down, down, down. Release, down, down, down, release. Hold there. Turn the leg inward. Press N, N N. Release in n N. Release n n N. Release. Parallel the leg. Rotate the circle backwards. Bottom rim comes on the mat.

Bring the bottom leg inside of the circle. Rotate the circle forward. Top leg goes inside of the circle. Top leg is turned out. Lift up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, hold. There are parallel the leg, and now go up. Up, up two, two, three, three, two, three and then turn the leg inward. [inaudible] good inward rotation and lift. Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift. Parallel the leg. Separate both legs. Pull them apart, lift the legs, lower the legs, release the circle.

Pull both legs apart, lift the legs, lower the legs, release the circle, pull apart, lift up, holding. Poor part ten nine eight seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lower the circle release. Top leg will go on top of the circle. Rotate the circle backwards. Bottom leg will go underneath the circle. Rotate the circle. Frontward [inaudible], and then we're all set.

You're going to squeeze in with both legs. Lift both legs up in a hold. Lower the legs, release the circle, squeeze in, lift the legs, lower the legs, release the circle. Squeeze in, lift the legs. Pulse in ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lower the legs. Release the circle. Now what you're going to do is you're gonna go back onto your stomach. We have another set [inaudible] on top of hand called there.

There we go. You're welcome. All right, so you guys are going to beat ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one ten nine last set, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 lie on your side facing me again this time. Bend the knee. Please take the circle, place it on the mat in front of you. Bring the legs forward and then just be careful of your neighbor a little bit. Lift the top leg up, press down. And what I don't want to see is I don't want you to get all jiggy with it here.

All right, so press down and keep it still and then you're going to kick front, front, back, back two, two, back, back, three, three, back, back, four, four, back, back. Try to keep an even pressure on the circle. Threw out five more kick. Kick. Make sure that the body controls the leg. The leg is not controlling the body, so no shifting on your torso and back. One more kick, kick and back. Leg on top of leg.

Nice pressure here. Turn out the leg, kick up, resisting down, up. That microphone is going right into my side. Release Up and released. One more time up and I'll small circles and one circle to circle. Three circle fourth, circle five, reverse one, two, three, four, five onto your back. Take the circle overhead. Roll head, neck and shoulders up. Looking at your abdominals, maybe a little bit lower. Rebecca, there we go.

Now I want you to lift the right leg, two inches. Lift the left leg to join it. Now lower the right leg. Lower the left leg. Lift the left leg. Lift the right leg to join it. Lower the left. Lower there right now. Lift both legs. Hold now the legs. Pulse, ten nine, eight, seven six five, four, three, two, one. Hold.

Now the arms pulse, ten nine, eight, seven six, five, four, three, two, one. And guess what together. Now Paul's ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. El Otro, Lado other side. Okay, bring those legs. 45 degrees in front. One line from elbow to tailbone. Lift the top leg up. Hip Height. Press down on that circle. Even pressure and kicking. Front, front, back, back. Two, two, back, back three, three, back, back, four, four, back, back. Don't touch either one of my hands. Back. Z. End, kick, kick and back. There we go. Kick, kick and back. Two more. And there we go. One more. Up and back.

Now send to the leg and now you're going to rotate. Kick up, resisting down, up, resisting down. Three resisting down. Four resisting down five small golf ball sized circles. One brush to brush, three brush, four brush by reverse. Brush. Two, three, four, five onto your back. Shake out the legs and you're going to bring the circle over your shoulders.

Bring your knees into the chest and it's not hammertime but it is teaser time. So you're going to bring the leg out to 45 degrees a girl. You know it's true. Now. Legs out 45 degrees now roll up to teaser. Rolling up now without the legs moving. Lift the arms to the ears. Round your spine down, keeping the legs completely still throughout and again, rolling up. Lift the arms up to the ears.

Rolling down through your spine. One more time. Rolling up. Hold there. Open the legs. Take the circle in between. Reach forward. Now keep that pool in that curve. Lower the legs, two inches live to press me lower to lift, to lower, to lift to hold there. Bringing the arms over your head. Row everything down.

Oops, I didn't say to release. Now roll everything. Bagged up for teaser three this time grabbed the circle in between the palm of the hands. Lift the arms overhead, roll everything down, roll everything up. But the circle in between your ankles again, lift the arms overhead, roll everything down. Last time everything comes up. Take the circle, plays it to the side, bend the knees, thread like you're threading a needle, the seal, and you're going to clap. One, two, three, back. One, clap, two, three, and two. Clap. Two, three, and back. Clap. Two, three, and three. Clap. Two, three, three. Thrice. More and up. Clap. Two, three, back. Clap two, three, twice more. And back on the last one. You can either balance or you can stand your choice.

[inaudible] everyone's a stander. All right. So what you're going to do is you're going to take your circle, maybe step back a little bit from one another, and then we could stagger a little bit too. But the circle right out in front of you, and we're gonna repeat what we started with at the very beginning. You're going to squeeze in two, three, release, squeeze two. But now in a vertical position, release. Squeeze. Three. Pulse, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one release. Now bring the circle two inches from your thighs.

Squeeze to three yes. And squeeze to three. Release and squeeze. And pulse. Ten nine, eight, seven five, four, three, two, one. Bring the circle. So the bottom rim comes on a diagonal with your eyes and you're going to squeeze to the rerelease. Good. Two, two, three. Release three to pulse. Ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Now take the circle, place it onto your right hip. [inaudible] this arm is going to have air here so you don't want to drop. Nice curve. [inaudible] and you're going to squeeze. Two, three, two, two, three, three, two, three other side. Nice curve here so it matches the other one. And they're going to squeeze. Two, three, two, two, three, three, two, three on the same side. Place it on your shoulder.

Place the hand on top, and then you're going to have a nice broad elbow. Pat The head. Two, three. Pat The head. Two, three. Good. Adam? Three, two, three. Let's go to the other shoulder and you're going to squeeze two, three, two, two, three, three, two, three. Okay, one for you. Now everyone's going to have one for you.

You can use it for that later and one for you, and now what you're going to do is you're going to take this up and wrap it around this circle. [inaudible] there we go. And then you're going to place that, and actually I should probably do it this way. You're going to place that onto the side of your head. [inaudible] now the goal is to not move the head. The head's going to be nice and stable. You're going to pull it in two, three, pull in. It's all about maintaining, maintaining a still neck and head to three.

Let's go onto the other side. Good. Next strength thing. Exercise. Okay, and you're going to pull in in, in only the arm is moving in the hand, pulling towards the head. Make sure that the head doesn't move to three. We could do diagonals, but I think we're going to go right to the forehead and you're going to have one hand on top of the other and you're going to pull it in in in two, two the head stay still throughout and release. Now you're going to bring it onto the chin and the other hand is going to go on top. Now and now these ones are Manet's to call the facelift exercises. This was pre botox, okay? You're going to pull it in, pull into pull in three.

The one she said was good for preventing double Chins. You're going to place it underneath and I'm making this up. You're going to pull it up two and three. Now you're going to take your paper towel and you're going to rewrap it, so then it's inside the fold. Okay? Then you're going to bring the circle to the back of your head, and I'm going to have your head through it.

[inaudible]. Now this is you're gonna imagine that you're going to slide your head back along the shelf as you push your hands forward and push to get a good traction of the neck release and press to the rerelease. Press three to three release. All right? You can put your paper towel down. You can use it later if you'd like to. Or now you're going to place the circle onto your stomach.

You're going to create a nice solid wall here, and you're going to pour in as you exhale. Exhale, exhale, release. Exhale, exhale, exhale, release. Exhale, exhale, exhale, release. Rotate to Pilati stance or slightly wider. You're going to put the circle in between your legs if you like. That's difficult. You can open to a small second position, okay? You're not going to get to full extension.

What I want though is I don't want this, okay? You're going to have your hips right underneath your shoulders, okay? And you're just going to stretch to three, stretch two to three, stretch three to three, grab a hold of the circle, go back to your plotty stance. Now you're going to place a circle behind you. Have options. Option one option. So this is option one, option two to make it a little more difficult. You can put it on a diagonal. Now don't worry about squeezing like crazy. It's just the effort.

And what I don't want you to do is I don't want you to bring your shoulders forward, but I also don't want you to bring them back. I want you just to keep a neutral shoulder. All right, and you're going to squeeze your scapulas together. Two, three, squeeze. Crack a walnut in between your shoulder blades. Last time. Squeeze two, three. Bring the circle in front of you. And now, similar to how we started, we had the combination. You're going to be 10 times as your circle rises. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Down, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 again to six, seven, eight, nine, 10 down, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Hold and squeeze. 10 counts, four and elevate or heel raise.

Rise for 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Now down for ten two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine heals down. 10 repeat Ries, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, three, two, one. When you're lowering, lift up, lift. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. The last thing, let's put it together. So rise. You beat. Two, three, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Lower, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Now a little quick, quicker. Two, three, four, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, down to three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now, one more set quick are two, four, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 down to three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. And you guys are done for today. Thank you.


5 people like this.
This is the best magic circle class I have ever taken. Instructions and pace or perfect, and the variety of exercises work your whole body. LOVED IT. Thank you
Loved this! Quick (or so it seemed), super fun and ready for the day! Thank you Brett!
1 person likes this.
Simply amazing.
3 people like this.
Fabulous. I don't know where the time went. It was so much fun. Thank you.
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Thank you!
Trisha Donnelly
Great class, thanks
4 people like this.
"Tight seat, loose feet" - love your cueing Brett . Thank-you for a great class !
5 people like this.
love love love it..your transitions are seamless. Great reminder on the neck too! Thank you!
2 people like this.
A new Brett Howard workout, Hooray!! Fun workout, Thanks!!
2 people like this.
Thanks for kicking our booties! Loved it.
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