Class #1861

Powerhouse Precision

40 min - Class


The energy and passion of MeJo Wiggin shines through as she teaches this traditional Reformer workout. While you've likely seen these Romana's Pilates exercises before, MeJo's detailed cuing will connect you deeper into your powerhouse as she demands from you another level of precision in the movement.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Oct 06, 2014
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I am Nico Wigan. I'm here with my friend Cathy Lopez is a teacher in the area and I'm today on polities. Anytime we're decided we're gonna try to go through some of the most commonly exercises that we teach on the reformer. So we have a classical galot grots reformer here, and we're going to start with some footwork. So follow along with us. I'll try to cue you in on spring tension and, and what not.

So hopefully you can, you can join us. Okay, here we go. So you're going to start in a nice Pilati stance for me, Kathy. Zip your inner thighs and lift nice and tall, and you control your body down to the reformer. No, yeah, no. Thuds smooth to land. And we're going to take you in a very slight [inaudible] stance here and make sure you're right in the center here. You're good.

Hold your powerhouse in and up. That's gendered head. Okay, here we go. Footwork three springs. She's on. Let's go pull along. Good. And you're going to keep going. And I want you to focus on lengthening your body as you go out. Really work the reach. You don't want to pump the springs but rather lengthen them even more way up before coming in. Really reach. Now's your chance to grow an inch.

So length in your body up and all the way up. Stretch high and now onto those arches. Pull in smooth. Nothing is jerking all the way up into your seat. Work up in here to work. That side.

You feel that squeeze and smooth with Nice, relaxed arms, deep center and on your heels. Good smooth transition. We do 10 of each and the foot work is really an exercise to help us bring your body into class. Romana used to say this was almost like a dancer at the bar doing your plea A's. It brings you're focused. Get your center, your relaxed, your heart. You stimulate your internal organs on the foot bar through Eurythmics Lexology points. And this last one, I want you to keep it stay really long for me.

Stretch those springs a little further and then easy. We control it down and lift, lift, lift, smooth to come down, controlled. Come up. Easy down and lift. Now I'm going to change this. Come down and three counts down. One down, two down, three lift. One, lift to lift. Three. What do you feel, Kathy? We, oh, you feel your seat.

Don't you? Lift, lift, lift, controlled down and two and three and lift. Good. Keep these arches lifted. Control down and feel your inner thighs draw together. Hug those inner thighs and pull your body long and tight. Make your body long and skinny. Now's your chance and up. Up.

Give me one more. Down and down and down. And this one, let's keep [inaudible] lifting. Keep lifting. Reach all the way through the crown of your head and easy to come in for the hundred. So you're going to take those handles, but make sure you lift your head and shoulders when you go to lower that foot bar cause you're in your power house right now and go reach into that hundred smoothing with the air out with the air. [inaudible] smooth. You want to exhale more than you take in [inaudible] Langston, your low back is fully supported in the mat. Yeah, and a nice good five inch pump. And you don't want to get too comfortable.

Challenge Yourself. Pump those arms green. She's beautiful. Empty the lungs. Your heels stay together. You don't wanna lock your knees. Soft legs were at your abdominals. Yeah, in an up every exhalation, try to pull your power house even deeper and bring it home. How about a short spine? Let's go right into short spine, so I'm going to flip it to two springs head pieces down and transition right into those straps. Shorts. Divine feels so nice here.

It kind of wakes up your spine for what's to come. Okay, so always start in first. Bend your knees. Let's make sure you're square. You're good. Now make sure these straps are at the base of your arch so your foot can stay long. Okay. You'll feel it more in your seat that way. Now let's go length and out. Squeeze. Lift up [inaudible] stance here.

Then you bend now, roll through your chest, roll through your ribs. Roll into your low back and through your abdominals. You pull home. Now let's take that again. Ready? I want more length that you reach. Now. Keep lifting, Cathy, keep going. Keep going. Keep going. You're pulling up under the strap. Keep going until your carriage fully shuts.

Then you can bend your knees. Do you feel that? Now it feels better to roll. Now you've got somewhere to roll. Roll your whole chest down. Roll through the ribs, roll through the low back, and bring your heels again. Lengthen and lift that seat. Beautiful, nice poetic stance. Think of your legs. You're getting longer over there and bend the knees.

Keep tension as you roll your chest. Roll your feet. Don't move. And then pull those heels. Give me one more. Lengthen and lift that seat up. No light between these legs. Okay, carriage is it in yet? Get it in. Get your carriage in now. Big Band.

Keep the feet here and roll your chest. Roll your ribs, roll through your low back, and then pull home. Ready for coordination. So again, you're nice and square elbows are at your side. And this is a breathing exercise. Lift your sternum. Here we go. Lengthen. Okay, now quiet your legs. Don't grip. Use your stomach. Instead.

Pull in that powerhouse. So scoop in the legs are quiet. Now. I want you to imagine pulling me and I'm heavy. Come on, pull in those knees real me and Kathy. Come on, bend your knees. Pull them into your ears. Come on real and a heavy fish here. Pull it out. Yes. Take it again. Reach out quiet legs, but now real in the fish and I am hurting to feel that.

Now do that without me. Scoop. Now show me. Pull it in with your powerhouse. That was better. One more show is that's beautiful, rich with quiet legs. Now your powerhouse pools those legs in and then you can release. Did you feel a difference on that? Let's do some rowing.

Let's sit up and turn you around. I'm going to drop it to one spring and I want you to start off nice and lifted through your spine. Reaching all the way up through the crown of your head. [inaudible] nice, tall, lifted body. Keep that beautiful lift as you curl back, scooping, open the arms. Now bring your full hand in the handle as you come through and you actually reached down by your tail, reached to come up. Keep your ribs lifted as you come fully around. Reach, reach, reach, and right into the next one. Lift tall for me, and go curl back. Go, go, go open press and then lift up.

Open to come around, stretch for those toes and reach, and the next breath right back up. Big Lift. Now go curl back more. Go more. Go more. Go more. Oh there. Fill your sacrum on the mat now. Open your arms, stay there, and press, press, press. Good. Caffeine out over the spring. As you come through, you feel that. Now we come up and open and reach and reach.

Lift your stomach, lift your ribs and let it go. Good. Let's turn you around. There we go. From the chest. This is actually called the back rowing. This works your back rich, and then down to the mat. Now scooping to come up and hold it here. Now can you squeeze and lift up, up your seat, lift into those straps and then open wide but taller up.

Keep lifting, keep lifting, keep lifting until you're down from the chest. Here we go. Inhale, hold, exhale, exhale, exhale. Get it out of you now. Big Breath. Pull in your stomach. Tiny waist line. Hold it there. Now squeeze your seat and lift up into that strap. Take your time. Keep lifting. Come on. Lifted. Beautiful. Well, one more, Kathy, from your chest in with the air here, but then exhale.

Exhale. Nice stone, tall, strong body in with air. Pull all the way on hold. Tight seat. Show me the lift. Come on. Where was it? And then you can open. Keep lifting. Keep lifting. Yeah, let's stretch down. Nose on the knees. Flex your feet for me now.

Reach way past those heels now drew, keep your head down and lift your powerhouse up. Lift your ribs up. Lift your chest and your head is a last. Now Flex to come higher. Good. Dig Your heels right into me and open to haul up up. Don't rush it. Yeah, flex your feet. Take it again. Stretch long and low.

Now the Cary shouldn't move here cause you're not rolling back. You're rolling up. Lift, lift, lift, and pull your shoulders back. There you go. Now Flex to come higher. Hold that. Get up off your seat. Take your time, your palm space, the floor, and show me you can lift and lift and lift. Good. Kathy, last breath and stretch down below your heels. Lift your powerhouse. Pull up those ribs. Your head is last scope up. Reach for me as you scoop up.

It's just like doing the spine stretch forward. Allow, take it higher and then you open. Keep lifting. Oh gorgeous. You grow an inch. Let's sit Indian style for shaving. Here we go. Hands behind your head, but I want to make sure you keep your fingertips pressing cause that'll work your arms as well. And you want to start at the very base of your neck. Can you start all the way down at C7? Oh, okay. Here we go. Scooping to come up and come all the way down again.

Scoop to get up. Open the elbows to come down. Beautiful. Scooping and reach one more all the way up with a tiny waist. Now open side, keep that one up. This time. Reach up all the way up. Stay up there, Kathy. Stay up there as you cross your feet the other way and open with your arms out to the side. Yeah. Now, Nice long arms holding your stomach shore and we don't want your hands to be above your collar bones.

I want you to lift up and then you can open scope hole. Now exhale, exhale, exhale in with the air. Hold your scope, but then exhale out that air. Hold the breath here. Ready? Stay there. Inhale here. Now exhale. Push the air out of you in with the air. Fill your lungs. Now go exhale and exhale and literally get all the air out of the base of your powerhouse. And then you inhale again. Fill your lungs and go.

Exhale, go. Exhale, go. Exhale and get it all out and then you can rest. Beautiful. Good. Let's take the long box. There we go. Okay, so we're on one spring and we're going to lie right in the center of that box.

Ready for pulling straps. Shoulders are flush with the edge. I want you to reach your hands up high length in the neck, zip your thighs, but we don't want these feet down here. Keep your heels about the same height as your lumbar spine to make your legs long for me, and that's where they're going to stay. Keep them lengthening. Now let's go shoulders into your back. Let's go in with the air in the air. Pull to come up, lift and hold two straight arms right there and then use a beautiful in those feet. Never fell down. Shoulders back. Go. Inhale, lift. Hold it straight. Nice straight arms. Now when you return, make sure your arms are absolutely straight. Keep working into your back.

One more shoulders. First lift, hold. Zip those inner thighs together and then easy to come out of it. Now let's take your hands to the edge into the tee position so the arms are long to the side. Your palms face the floor and don't let your head drop. Now. Goal lift up. Hold. Your palms should still face the floor. [inaudible] shoulders back. There you go. Now go lift.

Hold Palms on the floor. Spill. Yeah. And let it out. Feel your upper back. One more shoulders back. Hold Bet. No. Squeeze those inner thighs kicking glued shot. And then let it go. Nice. So we step off. After that extension, we need to get round. So let's take a backstroke. So you're gonna turn into, add a spring.

Sit on the edge of the box and get ready for a backstroke [inaudible]. So get nice and small. Bring your knees in. Get Nice and tiny. Here we go. Up Open, scoop up off the box. Come on, come on. Hold it there. Now draw your bottom ribs back in the box.

Go down there is where you want to be, and then you can rest. So the first move, you don't move the carriage for me. Ready? Don't move that carriage. As you reach up, he doesn't move. It doesn't move. Now go scoop and use your powerhouse. Hold, hold. Deep Powerhouse Pole.

And then bending. So the first two moves are preparation. Scoop up, scoop open. Now go and hold it and keep it and keep it and let it rest. Teaser, do you know how to transition into a teaser? Bring your handles into one hand. Come on up into a teaser.

Try Not to let your feet touch and try to drop off a spring. Keep those feet up in a teaser. Come on Gabby, and then control down. There you go. Okay, so now we want to make sure you're on your center line again and we're going to peel up into a teaser. Smooth scoop to come up. Keep lifting up, but right there and then easy down to your hip. [inaudible] did you rest your arms? Move, come back up. Come up on a teaser.

Hold your body there and have just your arms go down and your arms pull back up. Now this is a common mistake people make on the teaser. Come back down, gesture arms and pull back up. Okay, stay here. I need you to lean back more, more, more, more. Now look up over your toe. Ah. Do you feel your stomach more? Yeah. So don't give me a vi-set lean back now. Go down and up with your arms. Can you look up over my head, look over my head and stay back. So when your arms come up, your spine shouldn't follow it. It stays back there, Kathy. Nothing wiggles.

Now keep your arms there and take your time in. Roll down. Draw your shoulders into your back. Pull in your center. Roll down. We need to get centered in a box. When your hips in the middle more. All right, we're going to take that again into an arm circle. Come back up. Scoop in to come up. Lift, look up. Aha. No. Draw your shoulders down and lift your chin higher. Let that neck lift.

Now open to come around open. Okay. What if you soften your knees for me? Now pull your shoulder back. Yeah. Now try to lift higher and down. This doesn't move. What do you feel my app? Oh, she feels her ad good for you. So if you come higher, you're not gonna feel those abs. Stay back.

Use Your Power House. That's so much better. I don't care if you have to soften your legs. This is a powerhouse exercise. Good for you, Cathy. One more. Stay there now slowly with long arms. Roll down. Roll Your Power House into the box. And then open those arms. Yep.

We're going to do one more ready tension on your straps. Come back up. Scoop in. Give me those circles again. Now, right there. Pull your shoulders back. Lift your gaze. Drop your shirt. Yeah, drop the way back there. That's where your shoulders go. Now make a circle out to me. Down and up. Down, up. Good. Nothing moves here. Yeah.

What do you feel every day back there? Stay back there. Stay back. Okay. No, keep your hands where you have them as you roll one vertebrae at a time. Nice. Good, good, good. Let's drop it off in the well and let's flip it. Let's take the short box after that. Here we go. Okay, so two springs and we're going to sit in the center. There we go. Okay. Both feet nice and parallel, and I want you to keep your feet hip with, get tension on there and give it a hug.

Draw your abdominals deep in as you slowly roll back tight c round. And there's a pause here. Now can you exhale and draw that deeper into come up? Yeah. Good. Now. When you're doing Palase, make sure you keep your eyes open. Roll back. You know why? The minute you close your eyes, your stronger muscles are going to take over. XL Scoops. Who stay with me. Stay present. Inhale, lift and roll back. Keep that tight.

Use your feet. Use your seat. Hold. Now can you excel and draw that deeper. There you go. I feel that one more in with the air lifted out of here. Roll back and polled. But then exhale, scoop and reach for your toes. Stretch forward. Let this go. This stays up. Yeah, good. Now to come up.

Let's take the bar hold in your center. Deep Ribs. We're going to take this a little wider [inaudible] up. Okay. Lift up here, take it all with you and then you exhale. Now look a spot out there. Keep your eyes looking down at it. So when you take the short box, you never look at the ceiling. Drop your chin slightly. That's the only thing that drops.

Everything else is going to lift and one more lift and stretch for your toes. Good. Make sure they don't collapse that yes. Side to side. Pull in and lift. Good. Hold on. Can you look up at me long? I want to see your neck the whole time. Where's your neck? Ah.

So your shoulders have to drop and they have to stay there. Lift something else. There you go. Is that different? And again, show me your neck the whole time and up. Lift, reach and center again, lift, reach. Hold on onto it. One more. Kathie, up and up and reach it and go stretch for your toes. Yeah. Good. Let's take a twist. So again, keep the tension. Pull everything in and up. Now go. Give me a good twist in your waist.

Twist your waist, twist the waist, and come center. Now again, draw that in. Twist, twist, twist. Uh Huh. So lift up. Pull that in and twist it. Yeah, I want to see it move. And again, lift. Now, oh, there's a good one. Twist it. Okay, now I have to tilt. Lift, twist it. Once you've got your choice, now get long. And then exhale, twist, don't rush it. Lengthen and all the way up.

Lift and twist. Reach one more. Give me the twist first and then go make your body longer and stretch your toes. Pulling this up. [inaudible] let's go into the tree. So hold under a leg. Make sure you're square.

Now bring your chest, bring your spine straight up perpendicular to the floor. Now hold your stomach and you take your hands under your thigh and bring your thigh literally on your chest. Lock it there. Okay, now we're going for a stretch. Try to stretch up. Feel that. Keep it on your chest. Aha. It's coming off of it. Keep it there. Now growing into when you do that, lift and lift. One more. Lift and hold your ankle. Now draw your powerhouse.

Deepen and drop your chin. Pull your ribs in for me. Scoop, scoop, scoop, control to go down. Walk down, lower, lower, lower. Take a good exhale. Now Close Your Chin. Close your chest. Close your ribs. Pull in here and come back up. And lift. Lift. Can you get your thigh on your chest? Oh, go for it. Give me a flex. Flex spot. Beautiful. Let's do it again.

So now draw your powerhouse in a way from your thigh. Look down at it. Good. Get that low of dose, lower abdominals on the box as you go. Go, go and take a big exhale down on the floor. Now close your chin, close your chest, close your ribs. Scoop beautiful and lift and left. Give me a good flex finish. Grab the ball of that foot and pull it right over your head. Big Stretch.

Love it, and let it go. Switch feet. Good, good. If he'd done the tree like that before. All right, here we go. So what we do on one side, we should do on the other. Get very straight. Hold that leg right on your chest. And now try to stretch your leg up. [inaudible] now as that leg, those goals, Rowan, EJ, show me you can lift.

That's a good one. Lift up with it one more and then take it. Take your ankle. Now this stays here. Drop Your Chin, scoop your powerhouse into the box. Now control one vertebrae at a time. Lower, lower, lower, lower end. Take a full exhale on the floor. Close your chin, close your chest, pulling your ribs and lift and lift and lift. Flex that foot [inaudible] and take it again.

Scoopin control it down. Go back, pull in your center and go, go, go. Big. Exhale Gabby. Stretch. Now close it up. Scooping. Curl into yourself. Use your powerhouse and finish with a big lift. Long spine flex. Aha. Now lift your head up for me. Lift and bring it over your head. Oh, there you go.

Look at that beautiful stretch and then let it go. Nice. Let's get rid of the box. Good, good. So let's go into the longest stretch. So we're on two springs. The foot bar comes up, the headpiece comes up, and we want to get you back into a straight, long line. After all that stretching, so length in your body, and pull yourself together.

Tight seat, zip those inner thighs. And then easy. Bring it in. Bring it in, bring it in. Your feet. Don't move. Here we go. Press out dome over the feet. Now pull all the way in and get longer and breathe it in. No feet. Kathy. Squeeze your seat. Pull, pull. Good.

One more breath in with the air and XL. Bring it all the way forward and longer and longer. Get over that foot bar and now take your down stretch. Push the heels back, draw them in here. There's a breathing exercise. Here we go. Give me a big breath in, but then take your time to exhale.

Exhale till there's nothing left and you have to inhale again. Exhale up. Exhale up. One more in with the air. There's a little pause. Now blow it out. Blow it out. Blow it out. All the air out. Is Our carriage fully shot? Yes. The up stretch. Good fold in half your ribs are up.

The carriage is in. Up. Now go press under. Yes. Now pull all the way in. Lift, press. Now what's the breath on this in the air? Hold it as you push now. Can you exhale? Exhale your way in. Just like the long stretch. Inhale up. Hold the breath and breasts. Now blow it out. Blow it out to come in in with the air lift.

Exhale to come in. One more into the air. Press it, but then exhale and we go into the elephants. So pull up your ribs, let your head drop and your feet are a little too far forward. I know you're short and you want to come forward, but that's too much. Jia. Oh, look at that gorgeous scope. Now easy. Press out. Now don't rush the elephant. Find the elephant. Find your powerhouse. Hold. Nope. Hold the command so you don't want to build momentum out in, out, in, out, in push. Stop. Now pull, pull. Come on, close it. Come on there. Push hold. Now pull.

Pull more. Scoop more. You feel the difference out now slow. Pull in and deeper to shut the spring one more out. Now press down in your heels and use something else to come in there. Is your elephant. Nice stepping off for stomach massage. We're going to take it on three springs and we want to get you round after that.

Okay. Back into a Pilati stance. You want to sit to the front of that carriage, draw your abdominals, deepen and hold. Come back in. Starting again. Uh Huh. Now. If you look at you, your body is all rounded forward here. What if we lift your heels and now can you pull this away from your quads? Oh, you filled your stomach more. Okay, can you hold that position now? Go Out, down, up in. Let's move it out and down and up. Get a rhythm.

So this exercise flows. We can't tell where it starts or where it ends. It just moves. Scoop. Good. Kathy, keep my rhythm down. Up and reach down. Up. What do you feel? Scooting down up. Yes. The hold my rhythm. Boy, you have to use your stomach. Don't you? Keep it moving up and in. Scoop down. Lift one more.

Reach down and you're in here. My abs are burning. Now the hands back. You got it. Lift your chest. Now we do the same tempo. Pick it up. Go tall, tiny little waist and you'll keep this gorgeous lift for me and we're going back to growing an inch. Cathy, show me that lift. Yes. Lengthen down up nice and tall. Nice and open. Lengthen your spine and draw those abdominals in and up. Grown inch today. Reach down, up. One more stretch.

Now reach and drop a spring. Reach your arms forward and press out. Hold here. Shoulders anchor a hung, a slow to come in. Taller, taller, taller. Press out and hold. Now notice when you start, your collarbones are in front of your hips. I need them in front. Now when you come in, can you keep them in front?

So don't fall back on me. Don't fall back. Don't go yes. Stay forward. Now stay forward. But we go up. That's different, isn't it? Don't fall back. Scoop. Beautiful. One more out. Now lift and we twist. Twist your whole waistline reach. I want to see your waistline move. Ring out your waist, stretch back there, and then come in. So start from the waist.

Twist your waist, twist your ribs, twist your chest. Reach now come in. Start from the waistline. Twist now twist your ribs, your chest, your shoulders, and then your head. Feel the difference. Start from the base. Don't start with your hands. Twist your waist. Reach.

Lengthen one more and go twist that scope in. Reach. Big reach. Come on. Give me more on this side and easy. Let it go. Ooh. Yeah, good. Easy to step off. Okay. From here, let's go into a tendon stretch. Okay, so we're on two springs. We want just the heels off the edge and I want you to zip your inner thighs together and I need you to keep this beautiful c curve here for me. The whole ride. Okay. In with the air. Go Dig your heels.

Now exhale and scoop all the way in without a bang in the air. You control it. No scoop your power house in and up you go. It follows your breath. Smooth, nice, long arms all the way in. One more in with the year to dig those heels.

But the next sale come all the way up and up. Close that Spring and let it rest for this one. Yeah, good. Stepping off into a semicircle so we get to massage your back again after all that. Okay, so semicircle, we can either take your feet parallel or Pilati stance. Let's take your feet here for you. Open this one, just the tad is okay in your ankle here. Okay. Now make sure your ribs are anchored. I should, yeah. Drop your full chest.

[inaudible] now Kathy, can you give me a fist? So slide down a little more. Give me that extra inch there. Now you keep your chest down as I pull you. Keep your chest down. Yes. Is that a quad stretch? That should feel really good. Okay, now we're going to articulate, roll your chest. Roll your ribs. [inaudible] keep that stay centered. Push.

Now go lift up and then bring it in. Bring it in hold. Okay. That right foot that you were talking about. Your Bunyan. You've got a big turnout in this foot. It's hyper mobile. Can you give me parallel feet? Okay. Okay. Stay parallel. Now roll down and try to keep this parallel as you go down.

Keep it there. Keep it there as it now keep it there as you lift. That's better. Now bring it in parallel knees. Okay. Stay there. Lift your hip. Look at your hip bones. Are they level? Yeah. Dead level here. While that's down, I'm going to give you a pole. Resist me again. Roll your chest. Roll your ribs.

Land here. Push lift. Now bring it in. Bring it in. Stay there. Drop your chest more high gesture chest. Tuck your pelvis and let me pull you. Resist me, cat. They don't let me bull you. There you go. Now reverse it. Push. Hold there now. Roll through your chest.

Sit in. Curl your tail up. Huh? Push out again. Now don't move the carriage as you roll. Don't move it. Sit. Sit, sit. Don't move it now. Bring it in. Curl your tail up. Try not to move that carriage as you lift your hips. That's different. Cheslow stretch. Good again.

Push once again. Right there. Now articulate chest ribs. Sit on the floor. If you can bend it in, curl up your tail. The rest will follow. Good. Stay there. This upper back stays right grounded on my finger. Reach for the side of the foot. Bar one hand at a time. Reach for it. Reach four, but this still has to stay down. Lie On me there.

Stay down now pull a little more. You feel more stretch. Keep this down and pull Paul. Good. Look at your hip bones. Are they level? Keep them levels square off. You can see what your hips are doing from that. Position this down, hips up. Good, good and easy. Slide yourself back on the carriage. There you go. Slide your body back. After that, bring your knees all the way into your chest. Give him a good pull in stretch.

Push out the air. Okay, let's do a corkscrew while we're here. So take your legs straight up. Now those elbows are wide, but I want you to think of the chest expansion. Can you anchor your shoulders down into your back? Off the shoulder rests. Here we go. You scoop in. Smooth here. Now take a full exhale round and back to center.

Reverse over, fully around. Good. Now keep those legs dead straight scooping and feel your right side in the mat. Feel it holding your power house. Now I want you to get your left side to the mat to get back up. Reverse pulling your left side. Control it.

Now scooping your right side. That's the corkscrew. You fill your obliques in. Pull into the right. Nope. Exhale, draw deep into the left. Ooh, one more. This is great. In into the left. Exhale, scoop into the right and let it rest. Beautiful. Oh good. Good. How are you feeling? Good. Good. What do you say?

We go into some knee stretches. Okay, so two springs again, the bar comes up and you're going to take your heels back. Let's get you nice and rounded. [inaudible] okay, so the arms are striking. A beautiful c curve, but I need to seal the stay connected. Keep that heel connected. That's important. Hold your stomach out of here. Drop. Let's go 10 times out. Pull it in and it will make it big. You want to keep your c curve at all times in accent, the hin the in.

I want pull in Mark Athey. Come on, pull [inaudible]. Pull him out in, in. Pull into more. Pull in and you hold now arch. Anchor all that. Now continue again. Outright back in, in accent. The in popin. Good. Are Your heels still connected? Make sure you'll stay that left one. Wants to come off, doesn't it?

That's your weaker side. Keep the connection and use your powerhouse to pull and pull. Pull in and then get rounded again. Good. Now keep your heels hold up. We've got to start with your carriage in all the way. Oh No. Keep it in and sit back here. Okay, now don't move that carriage as you lift.

Hold it. Let's go. And in close that spring. Good Cathy, pull it in. That's it. Beautiful. C curve the whole time. Beautiful. And in two more. Bring it in and now keep the carriage in and ease your knees to the mat. Oh good. Let's reach down and add a spring and let's go running.

There we go. So running is just like footwork all over again. Only now we should be a little longer. Hopefully a little straighter. Here we go. Length and out your body. [inaudible] draw your stomach in Nice, wide. Collarbones let's get you centered more. Look at your feet.

Are they in the middle there? Okay, now let's go for a run up. Smooth. Now don't move this reformer control. If you're wiggling your reformer around, you're not in your powerhouse control. Don't run with your feet. Run with your power house. Use your seat. Yeah, so goop in and make it smooth. Every motion, lifting and pushing, controlling length. And that's better. Deep Center. And then easy to come back in for the pelvic lift onto your arches up.

You're good. Curl up your tail. Now go. So on. Pelvic lift, your ribs are down, but your tail is up. Push now just like we did on that foot work. Can you stretch more? Push, push. Find another inch in your body somewhere to stretch that spring. Now pull yourself in. Don't skip the good part. Push, reach, reach. Now pull up all the way, all the way, all the [inaudible] in again mate, that was legs longer length and all the way through the right your head. And then pull it in. This is it. One more. Find that extra space in your body.

Now pull it in and it stays in. Keep it in as you roll one vertebrae at a time. And we step off. How about some side splits? All right, we're going to take them on one spring. Okay. Uh, if you're barefooted, you should be okay. So you're going to stand right in the carriage. No Springs. Oh nope.

We want one spring. There we go. Thank you. Here we go. Outside foot parallel. Okay, let's keep this one here. Now this food of yours, I want to open this a little more, but can you stay up off your little large? Okay. Hold that foot steady. Long arms lift in and up. Press out. Hold, hold, hold.

Now pull in and lift and lift and hold. Good. Now careful. We've got a tendency to hyper extend your elbows. Soften them instead. Imagine there's two big balloons here. Can you press down on these big balloons? Press down to grow taller right there. Hold that. Keep pressing through those arms. Now go out. Is that different? Yes.

Beautiful Arms. Now scooping and pull up and lift and lift and lift again. Press hold. Watch the hyper extension. Press down on the balloons to get taller and taller and taller. One more press stay there.

Stay there as you round your spine. Stretch forward for me. So draw the ribs in. Reach all the way in front of them are former and stretch. Reached down on the floor. Hold on, hold on. Lift your stomach. The carriage doesn't move. No. Can you come back up? Okay, we're going to take that again. Roll Up. Reach the arms, push the carriage out and do it again. Now don't touch the reformer. Don't touch it. Who Don't stick your butt out. Oh, scoop. There you go.

Right. The dome over the spring, Cathy. Now pull up one vertebrae at him. Scoop up and up. That's it. Feel the difference. Scope. Use your powerhouse open now. Pull your carriage in now. Keep the carriage in and do it again. Round now.

Karajan round in front scope. Yes. Like you're reaching over across a big river here. Don't touch the river now lift your powerhouse and roll back up. Beautiful. All the way up. Open the arms and walk in your foot. Nice. Karajan turned to the other side. [inaudible] so now I want you to take your foot to the front [inaudible] and the other one over here. Right there. Now hold the carriage steady. Are you a carriage in?

It's not in. I'm holding it. Come on. Pull that carriage and there you go. Now reach your arms. Soft Scoop. Press out. Bring this forward. Now pulling here. Now come in with straight legs. Lean to me more. Lean forward there. Soften those elbows. Press out. Hold.

Hold to hold three. Now pull in and lift up. Grow Taller. Up off those little larges in your feet. One more press stay there. Do you know the saw on the mat? Twist your waist. Go saw the carriage doesn't move and up. Eyes Open. Carriage doesn't move. As you twist.

Stretch down, holding your abdominals and come up. Yeah. Now pull the carriage in. Bring it in. Pull linear. Now do it again with the carriage twist. Don't move that spring. Don't move this spring and lift. Hold. Hug those inner thighs again. Twist and go. Good.

Now your hips still facing front. Try not to twist the hips. Keep this pulled back. Eyes Open. Lift up. [inaudible] holding your carriage. Can you pull spring in all the way? Good. Keep your carriage in. Keep your carriage in as you walk in your foot. Walk in your foot. Uh Huh.

And then careful to step down. Got It. Thanks Cathy.


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This is now my 3rd MeJo class. I love it! I want to move to your city so you can be my personal instuctor! And, I just love your name! Is it a nickname or is that your given name?
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Connie ~ I'm glad you liked this class! MeJo is great and I enjoyed all of her classes too! You can find out how she got her name by watching her bio interview. Thank you again for your feedback!
Kathy Lopez you impress! And Mejo I'm coming back to watch this again. . Love your onelinere and passion too

"Never rush the elephant" .....Mejo Wiggin
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Thank you Gia!
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always learn something on PA....interesting session. Loved the clarity of the instruction. Thank you! "what do you feel?"
i just got re-inspired (i do that a lot of pilatesanytime!). WOW :)
I love the attention to detail, imagery and correction.
Thank you!
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I'm so happy to hear you are enjoying this class. 20 years into it and I am still just as inspired as the day I started! Thank you Kristi for making pilates accesible to everyone. xo
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MeJo you rock!! Thank you!
Mejo, you inspire something in me that no number of years practicing has touched thus far. I can't speak to the results of it yet, but I can tell you that I am benefitting from having you in the PA studio and taking your class here online. You are gifted and I sincerely appreciate you sharing your talent as a teacher on our website.
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