Class #359

Whole Body Wunda Chair

25 min - Class


Julian delivers everything you'd hope for in this short Wunda Chair workout. Enjoy the layers of each exercise as he addresses the whole body. You are likely to be challenged in this class, but we think you'll have a smile on your face while you're doing it.
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair

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Jan 12, 2011
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Okay, we're going to start heels. Shoulders down for me. Heels together, toes out together, and you're going to be on your heels, okay? They're going to be level on midline and your toes are going to be pulled way back and you're going to flex your feet really hard for me. Arms are straight out. Squeeze the back of the legs tight. Take a deep inhalation, squeezed the back of the leg. Exhale, push the heels down and inhale pain. And again, exhale down and in and again, squeeze the back of the legs down and in Anika and squeezed the backs of those legs. Shoulder blade stayed down. Chin is lifted. Energy through the fingers. Work the back of the legs and again, squeezing the back of the leg.

Stay out of those quadriceps for me. Squeeze the back of the legs and up into the cheeks of the bottom. One more. Now gently reversed the energy. The energy is going to come up this time. Okay, so pick the knees up as the energy comes down. Oh, and down, up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up. For more. Two, three, four onto your toes.

Parallel [inaudible] squeeze the heels together, toes together and gently squeezed the back of the legs and push down and two and three and four and five and six. If she changed sunny and seven and eight and nine, leave it down and up and up and up and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10 going into your second position for me, gently squeeze the back of the legs. You're going to be on your heels to start with and draw the abdominals in. Yeah, and and push the legs down. One and two and three and four. Don't let the pelvis move and five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10 hold it down and the emphasis is up and lift up and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10 onto your toes.

Exactly the same thing. Activate the back of the leg, sit up nice and tall, ribs you in, shoulders down and gently push down one and up and two and up and back of the legs and up and four and up and five and six and seven and eight and nine. Leave a 10th one down and here we go. Lifting up and one AML lift and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10 stay. That extends your right laid out. Just elongate it out, hold it there and push the leg down down and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine lifting it up and lift up one and two and three lift four and five and six and seven and eight and nine changing legs and yes, you see how hard it is to stabilize the pelvis. The leg is out, squeeze the back of the leg, push it down and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10. Stay there and pulling it up and lift and two, if it goes into the quadricep of the leg that he's out, you can bend it slightly and three, two, one. Good. Coming back into parallel for me on the heels. Extend the right leg out, straight out. DORSO flex it and make sure that the knee is inline with the hip, not on midline.

Gently pushing the leg down and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10. Lifting the leg and lifted up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and eight, nine changing legs and going down to the heel. Extend the leg, flex the foot and push down. And two and three and four and five. Shoulders down and eight and nine and 10 lifting the knee, lift up one and two and three and four.

Lift high, six, seven, eight, nine. Turn and relaxed. Good. Come on around for me. If you're going to have your hips here for the swan drop, one string, excuse me, hands are down, legs and nicest streets and we're going to have the hips over the edge. Good. Relax the legs for me. I don't care how they are. Okay. Shoulder bleeds are down. Put a retract the scapulas back for me. Gently. Shoulder bleeds, pull back, draw the abdominal wall in tight.

Lift all the way up and gently push down one and gently lift two and again down three and lift the chest, four and again and five and lengthen through the chest and up. Seven and eight. Yeah, nine and open the left arm. Don't change where the right arm is and gently down you go and up. Make sure the shoulders are even and two and three and four and five, changing hands and lifted.

Shoulders down and two and three and four and five and both hands down, gently lifting the chest all the way up. This time as you go down, lifting the legs and rock forward once and up and down and oh, and three and up and four and up and five open the left arm and just exactly the same thing up we come and down and two and down and three and down and four and down. Stay high. Change the homes and continue down and lift up one and down and two and down and stripping the unfold. Christie and down and four and down and five and relax. Good. Push it down. Come all the way up for me. Let's remove the springs. Okay, you're going to grab hold of the edge, back the hips up a little bit.

Now this time you're going to have to really recruit with the lower Qlz, upper and lower glute and hamstrings like crazy shoulder blades are down. Grab hold of that bar. Gently exhale as you gently pull all the way up, lifting the chest up and gently down and again and gently up. Drop the scapulars back and gently down and again retract the scapulas back. Draw the abdominals in and down and again. Showed the place.

Pull back as you gently lift up, up and down. One more time, and gently the scapulas come by. Lifting up, up, up, up, up, up, up, and gently relax. Good. We're going onto one spring, lifting it up [inaudible] and you have one spring down for me and we are gently going to sit for the CT side. Switch one, two. So you're going to sit on your side. Good. Stretch the leg down, leave it down on the floor for me, and gently placed that hand down on the bar. The arm lifts up and gently reach over as we stretch. Big Stretch and gently back to center. And again, draw the abdominals in energy down through the hip as you stretch and gently back and gently push that heel into my foot. Mill. Push, push, push, push, push. Good. And back to center. One more time. Push that too hard, Christine, to my foot into my foot more, more, more, more, more good. And relax.

Other side, make sure that you keep energy out through the foot as much as possible. So you've got a two way stretch. The arm goes up, the fingertips stretch away. And the weight goes down that heel of the foot or the toe, whichever the case may be, and again, and stretch, big stretch and back to center. Push into your heel. Heart. Lengthen through the heel as you reach the fingers and back to center, then forget the stamina, ERGs, and gently stretch, press, press, press, press, push and back to center. One more time and gently stretch and back to center.

Going back to the first side, left hand is down. Your legs are going to be split top ladies back. Okay. You Stack your hips, one on top of the other. The hip is back one on top. This arm is lifted all the way up towards the ceiling. You gently pull the abdominals in. As you lift the bar up, imagine that somebody sticks their finger in your rib. As you push the bar down, you pull the bar up, draw the abdominals in and gently push down.

Squeeze your legs hard against me, gives you something to work against. Draw the abdominals in. Now lift up as you push all the way over and gently up. We come all the way up. Hold your bellies in tight and gently push and we come other side.

Good. Make sure you keep energy in those legs so you lock them in tight if you can. All right, stretch this back a little more now. That's better now. All right. Okay, squeeze tight. Lock them in, draw the abdominals in and gently pull the bar up. Lift up and over as you go over length and push down and curl up.

Now up and over here. Mill up and over with the ribs and gently push good and lifting all the way up. Up and over. Draw the belly in and stretch it down politically. Back up and over and gently up and over. Big Stretch. Last time lifted up. Lift those ribs there. Little flection, stretch, rest, rest, rest, rest, rest, rest, stretch and gently relax. Good.

Sitting up tall for me. Good. Okay. It's turning around onto the side here. Left foot is here, right foot is up. We're going to do two springs out. They'd get a little bit more resistance. Okay, so when they're on then, okay, you have facing here left leg. Is that okay? Food is up. Okay for me. When you line it up, have the toe to heel and then just bring the foot up. Okay, so we miss one step down. Okay. Toe To heel like so. And then just doing this foot up right there.

Arms out to the side for me. Shoulder blades down stomach is in. Gently lift the knee up and squeeze the back of the legs as you push it down and gently lifted up and gently down and again, draw the stomach in and push down and again and push down to more and pushed down and pushed down. Stay there. Come up onto your toes on the standing leg. Keep that heel lifted. Come up onto the toe and the other leg and hold that where it is. Just the leg up and push it down. And again, I'm not going anywhere and push it down.

Squeeze the back of the leg to lock it in. Good. And push the leg down and push it down. Squeeze. Lock in the back of the leg and squeeze the insides of the legs tight together if you can. Two more or is that Tim? Oh, hold you ladies. How's that? There we go. Yeah, I feel like I'm back in ballet class again. Good and relax. Other side. Good. Okay. As you see, it's hard when you come up onto elevate, squeeze the back of the leg when you lift up so you can balance and lock it in.

All right, on your heels. First one and two. Okay. Gently lifting up and push down so you really lock in the back of the leg right here where these ladies are here. Okay. And draw the abdominals in. If you don't pull the stomach in, okay. You're not going to be able to stabilize where your pelvis is. Good. Draw the belly insights are good. Three more. One, two, three. Up on the toes, ladies. Good.

And on the toes on the ball and up we come. Energy pushes down stomach and back of the leg. Lift up towards the ceiling and again down it goes and up and down and up again. Down and up and down and up. One lot down and up and relax.

Let's go back to the first side. Okay. Stomach is in you gently lifting all the way up with the arm. As you gently come down, lifting the other hand up for the pumping. Okay, so I'm goes up and gently down you go. Take that right arm up to the ceiling and gently push the arm down. One bending and two and three and four and five and six. Pull the elbow in, tight to the side. And eight, two more closure. Feet together. Nine and 10. Now can you push it down? Stay there and lift your heels two inches.

So you've got to lock it in with your stomach. So your energy is up to the ceiling. Stay there, lift your heel slightly and bend and straighten the arm and one and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight. Two more. Nine and 10 other side. Good. Okay, so the challenge of course is that you've got less skin down on the floor, which means you have to absorb it into the, into the torso. Turning to the other side, the energy. When you push down, when your heels are lifted, pulls up away from the hips and you push down hard with the hands. Lifting the arm up and gently down. You Go. Draw the belly in. Push that bar down. Squeeze the insides of your legs tight. Tight, tight, tight, tight and gently bending and straightening and two and three and four and five.

Squeeze your legs and six and seven and eight and 9:00 AM heels. Lift slightly and squeezing the legs. One and two and three. Squeeze your legs. Mil. Four. There you go. And five and six and seven and eight.

Two more. Nine. Andrew, relax. Good. Rolling all the way up. Okay. We're going to do the pull up. Your feet are going to be here for me. Your hands on the edge. Okay. For this, however, we're going to split the bar. Okay, so the legs are even, you're good there. Okay. Fetus together heals it together. Toads are slightly apart. Squeeze your legs. Nice and tight. Hands are down. Alright.

Drop your heels for me down below the bar. Keep on there. Okay. The relationship between the heels and the toes. Heels are always below the bar. Gently stomach is in as you curl your pelvis all the way up [inaudible] and slowly down and again, squeeze the heels as you lift up and slowly down and again, squeeze the heels up and slowly down. Three more. Lifting up and down and lift up and down. One more and lift up. Stay there, turn the legs parallel, leave your ribcage where they are.

Bend your right leg among your left as if you're running and run. Drop the heels down just like you want a little stairmaster. Good. Squeeze the back of the leg. The benefit to dropping the heel below the toes as it stays in the back of the leg, not in the quadricep. Good. Now as you're doing that, you're going to bend your arms as you can. Run down, down, down, and [inaudible].

Straighten your arms up. I am Ben [inaudible], down, down, down, and run up, up, up, and again, down, down, down, down, down, and run up, up Bob and again, down, down, down, down, down and up. Keep the legs nice and straight. Stay there. Then gently bend and straighten your arms. Five Times. Elbows bend and push up. One and two. Little slow, a mil, three and four. One more. M five and gently stepped down. Good. Okay. Yes, we are going to rejoin those two balls there. So make it one again.

We are going to drop one spring. Sorry. Okay. Your hips are here for the teaser. Your hips are going to be here holding on for me. Your legs are going to be out straight all the way straight. You're going to push out and for me, you're going to start with your spine directly off your hips, so, and your head is also on the spine. Okay?

Drop it back a little more at the crown of the head. Back are okay. Now from there, drop the chin to the chest as you round the back. Slowly forward, come all the way up and then slowly roll the spine back again. Push that bar down. Good. And again, drop the chin to the chest as you round it forward. Better. Squeeze the inner thighs and gently roll it down.

This time we dropped the chin, round it all the way forward. Lift high up, look behind you in a thoracic extension and gently push the bar down. Now from there, lifting up in the high thoracic extension and bring the head forward and roll the spine down to the starting position. Crown of the head goes towards the ceiling. Good. Drop the chin, round the back forward. Curl it all the way up. Lift up and over my hand. Big Stretch. As you press all the way down, lifted up again all the way up. Head and shoulders. Come forward. Squeeze the legs and roll it all the way down.

Lifting your right leg to wards this ceiling. Exactly the same thing with your right leg. Up we go. Good. Drop the chin to the chest, round the back. Forward all the way up and roll it slowly down. Don't do the thoracic extension yet. We have to plane and again, curl it forward slowly up.

Okay there and slowly down. Now this time we get to do the thoracic extension. Chin drops, curl the back forward all the way. Good. Lift the chest up, push the ball all the way down. Open up in the chest, lift the chest up in a high thoracic extension. Head comes forward and roll back to the starting position. Good last time, Chin drops to the chest. As you roll all the way up, lift the chest up. In an ideal world, that leg stays at 90 degrees and gently lift the chest all the way up and I smell head forward and roll down. Changing the legs. Lift the arm or leg all the way up.

And I think we need to bring you forward this way. Lord. Never go. Okay and gently rolling forward for me. Curling up and roll it slowly down. Head goes back. Good head, arms and shoulders come forward slowly and gently. Rolling. Bank head, arms and shoulders. Come forward. Ready for that thoracic extension. Lift the chest up. Push those arms all the way back. Push it down, push it down and push it down and lift the chest up against the back. Lift up, up, up, up, up, head forward and roll all the way down. And again, roll the Chin forward and curling all the way up.

Lift the chest all the way up high and gently push it all the way down. Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, and lift the chest all the way up high. Bring the head forward and relax slowly down and good. Sitting up nice and tall for me. Okay. Your feet are going to be down over the end here. You're facing that way. Good seat. Further off for me. Still more good.

You want your sacrum right on the edge. I'm going to swing you slightly that way. Okay. Laying down on your back for me. Good Ben Genesen. Drill the abdominal wall in Nice and tight. Lift the right leg up towards the ceiling and strips the left leg all the way down. And I want this leg to drop down off the end. Drop this further down for me. Stretch it down. Okay.

The emphasis for the leg pool on the box here is not the pulling of the leg towards you, but the leg that's going down towards the floor. We want a big stretch in the quadricep and the hip flexors. So the back of the leg is what's locking down. Okay, so we stretch it down and down. One to change. Stretch it down faster. One, two, again. One, two. Again. Push the leg down. Push the leg down, push the leg down, twist the leg down again. Push the leg down. Push the leg down.

Push the leg down. Three more. One, two, two, two. [inaudible] one, two. And relax. Good. Coming around to the side for me. You're gonna be in a push up position. Left hand is here. Blind hand is down. You want to believe a bit more rigid, I think. Good. Okay. Excuse me. Squeeze the legs. Nice and tight. Shoulder blade is down. Push that bar down for me. Square the shoulders up, which means that elbow of the hand that is on the bar is going to be bent slightly. Bend it more layer so the shoulders are even gently bring the elbow up and out.

Lift the bar up and gently push it down. One and two and three. One little extra resistance and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine. And open the right leg or the left leg out to the side, right leg. Few left leg female, and gently open it there and bending the arm and one and two, shoulders down and three and four and five and six and seven and relax. Eight good. Other side. All right.

All right, good. Shall We? Okay, Dan, we go. Ladies, remember when that leg opens out to the side, right? Nothing changes in the hips or the hip. Okay. It just locks out to the side. Okay. Squeezing the legs together. Here we go. 10 plain, and then eight with the layout to the side and lift it up and push it down. One, squeeze you bottom. And two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine. Leg goes out and one and two.

Good correction and three and four and five and six. Shoulders down. Seven and eight. And relax. Bend the knees in and relaxed. Good. Thank you very much ladies. Next time. [inaudible] good, thank you.


this was very chalenging class for me. I really enjoy your teaching Julian, thank you
1 person likes this.
I loved this class !! Julian, your use of time in incorporating so much is invaluable !!! thanks
Liked the class, kived tge tempo
That was awesome. Loved it--really helped open my breath--thanks!
Deceivingly hard!
Nice nice, lovely variations, love the speeding up. Just feel there could be more instruction and less counting, but love your teaching. Thank you
LOVE THIS WORKOUT!!!!! I have had the extreme pleasure of taking a workshop with Julian many years ago in Miami. As well, once at Pilates on Tour, I think Orlando. I love his teaching. I wish he would come to South Florida again. Thanks so much!
love his classes..
I lile this teacher but I think either the spring setting should be printed on the class or the teacher needs to take time out to give these directions. I have a peak chair, not what he had so i could have hurtmyself trying to figure this out
Paola Maruca
1 person likes this.
my hate/love relationship with the chair continues. after this class.....LOL LOL LOL.....very nice
...@Karen...I have a Teague chair, so a different one as well. My advice to you is 'play' with the springs a lttle bit. I personally don't think it exists ' a precise rule' with the chair simply because we are not all the what it works for u (even with the same brand) might feel completely different on my body. have a great day, ciao
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