Class #698

Romana Reformer Flow

65 min - Class


Brett Howard is back to teach a classical Reformer class using the tools he learned from his mentor, Romana Kryzanowska. Enjoy the in-depth and precise cues you've come to know from Brett. Move through the traditional repertoire, but suspend your anticipation of exactly what comes next!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Pilates Pole

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Okay. So we're going to do a reformer, classical reformer, and a, I'm going to teach to the grots and Amy's going to be on the balanced body. So let's start with arms crossed and we're going to bring feet and knees together. And then you're going to sit down, lifting up through the powerhouse, then lay onto your side. And now toes on to the bar. We're going to start in plotty stance, heels together, toes two inches apart. You're going to lead through the crown of the head, zippering up through the core. Imagine there's rocket boosters to your sits bones and you're going to extend and pushing out and come back in and extend out to and in and out on three pooling in and out on four and in n five five more out and in n, two in n, three n in very nice.

Four in one more time. Out and coming in. That's go into the arch of the foot, feet together, knees together. They're going to wrap the toes over like a bird on a perch. Great. And now we're gonna go, sorry. No problem out and come back in and out on tune.

Even though we're wrapped over like a bird. You want to have the toes, my son long still and coming in and let's do five more and in and out and in out two more and out and in. Very nice guys out. And now let's go onto the heels. You're going to flex the feet. All 10 toes, pull back and extending out, pulling in and two and in n three and in out on four, pulling in out five, five more and out and in two and in three. Pulling in out on four, pulling in out five and come back in. Let's go onto the toes. Plotty stands. Heels together. Toes two inches apart. And extending out for the tendon stretch. Lower the heels for three, two, one.

Lift two, three, lower two, three. Lift two, three, three, two, three. Lift two, three, four and lift two, three, five and lift five more. Lower to three, lift two, three, two. And lift. Two, three, three. Lift two, three, two more. And lift two, three. Last time. Lift and bend. The knees come back in. So mark, time to have you lower your foot bar and I'm no lower yours and we're going to do a hundred no problem. Chin the chest, arms, legs, exten en plotty stands. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Inhale and exhale, three now, right leg up, left leg down, and Xcel, three, four, five. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale, three.

Now other leg. Inhale, three, four, five XL, three, four, five. Inhale and XL. Let's bring legs together and play a two, three, four, five, extend two, three, four, five. Play two, three, four, five. Extend to cross your inner thighs. Cross two, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Inhale, Xcel, three, four, five, knees into the chest. Helps the a hundred go by quicker and bend the elbows. Rest the head. Take the straps in one hand, sitting up. Take one spring off. So we're on two springs. Great.

No problem. And you're going to lay down and we're going to do, normally I would do the overhead here, but we're going to do short spines, are going to lower the headrest. [inaudible] and we're going to thread the leather through the hoops. Great, and then I'm going to help you here. We'll place these onto your feet. Great. And then heels together. And now it's our extended legs out.

45 degrees and now legs are going to go up and over. Yes, our king through space now. Then the knees, then roll down in one piece. Hold here when the knees are over, the shorter blocks and then roll one vertebrae at a time all the way down. Try and get as much of the back onto the mat as possible. And then pull the heels in, hold for one, two, and again, extend the legs out. Go up and over and then bend the knees.

Then roll down in one piece and now role just your spine down, opening up the lower back. Good. And then pull the heels in, hold for one, two and again, extend the legs out and legs go up and over. Good. And then you're going to bend your knees and then roll down in one piece, articulating to your spine and pull the heels in. Or four, one, two and let's do one last time. Extend the legs out and go. Up and over. Good. And then bend the knees, roll down in one piece and now opening up the lower back. Try and get as much in the back of the mat as possible, and then pull the heels in for one, two.

Let's take the handles and we're going to do the coordination. Okay. Elbows in at the sides. Chin the chest. Look at your abdominals simultaneously. Arms and legs. Stretch Front, hold open. Close the legs. Now bend the knees than the elbow. Second and again. Stretching. Front, open, close. Pull the knees and elbows. Inhale Front. Hold the breath. Open.

Close, Xcel. Pool the knees. Then the elbows. Two more. Inhale, front, open, close. Xcel, knees. Then elbows last time. Inhale, front and open. Close. Pull our knees and elbows. Take the straps in. One Hand, sitting up. Take one spring off and we're going to do rowing. You're going to turn around, faced away from the springs. We're going to be one hand with distance away from the back edge and then we're going to have to fisco into the sternum. Great. And everyone holds this low. Different. I actually prefer this way. Good, nice long wrist, and you're going to start with the tail.

You're going to curl down one vertebrae at a time, opening up the lower back. Now keep the bow body still open the arms. Now don't let the body move. Just press the arms back. Now don't let the carriage move as you deepen over. Deepen, deepen, deepen, deepen. Now shorter blades down your back. Fingertips back with the arms up one. Lift up to lift up three and circle the arms all the way around.

Good and again, two fist in. Start with the tail curve backwards. Open the arms out to the side. Now don't let the body move. Press just the arms. Now don't let the carriage move and deepen over. Great. Now lift the arms up. One, lift up to lift up three and then circle the arms all the way around.

And we'll do that one more time to fist into the sternum. Start with the tail. Curl down one vertebrae at a time. Open the arms without the carriage moving. Now don't let the body move as you press and deepen over keeping the carriage as still as possible. And then fingertips back with the arms up. One, lift up to lift up three and then circle the arms all the way around. Great. 90 degrees, two right angles. You're going to squeeze your bottom, lifting hinge backwards. Then keep the right angles, lift your spine back up, lengthen and round up and over. Then pull alongside the frame and then fingertips back shoulder blades down with the arms up one, lift up two, lift up three and then circle the arms all the way around.

Good and again in 90 degrees. Nice, tall back lifting. Hinge backwards [inaudible] and then lift up and then linkedin up over, then pull alongside the frame. Good. And then pull down with the one with the two. Lift up three, then circle the arms all the way around. Nice. And one more time. 90 degrees. Squeeze your bottom. Lifting hinge. This is our short box. Flat lift back up and then lengthen up and over and then pull on side the frame.

Good shoulder blades down the back. Lift up one, lift up to lift up three. Then circle the arms all the way around. Nice. And now hold there guys. Stretch for one stretch for two, stretch for three, and put the handles onto the eye hooks and you're going to turn around and we're going to row from the chest. So you're going to grab a hold. Thumbs are going to go through elbow. It's going to be great. We're going to inhale, reach forward and out.

Exhale, lower touch, fingertips to mat in how? Lifting up. Now hold there, squeeze the bottom lifted and press down. Nice guys as you linked into your spine. And then we start over again. Inhale, reach forward and out XL, lower touch. Fingertips to mat. Inhale, lift up, up, up, and Xcel. Press down as you linked into your spine. Good. One more time. Inhale, reaching out and exhale. Lower. Inhale, lifting up and then lift more an XL, pressing down, hands on the mat, and we're going to row from the hips. Are going to flex the feet and then uh, any, bring the hands maybe little lower. Good. And then die forward and reach. Hold there.

Now roll up to your spine. This time we're going to stop here. Now you're going to try not to move the carriage. You're gonna reach the fingertips forward and keep the carriage still carriage, still carriage still. And then press down as you lengthen through your spine. Great. And hands down, dive forward and reach and make sure all 10 toes are pulling back. Equally.

Roll up to your spine, one vertebrae at a time. And we're going to stop at 90 degrees now. Fingertips forward. Let the arms up, carriage still carriage, still nice. And then pressing down. We're gonna do another variation now. So dive forward and reach in this time a hold now instead of rolling up, uh, spine first and then arms following. Keep the arms by the ears, roll up, arms by the ears and keep the carriage still carriage. Still carriage, still carriage, still carriage still. That's powerhouse. Good guys.

And then pressing down as you'd like them to your spine. Criss Cross applesauce. Reach the fingertips through and we're gonna Shave. Reach the arms forward and up. Hands are going to go behind the back of the head. Great. And now shaving up and lower down and shaving up.

And you guys are doing a great job because you're making sure that your, uh, needs are not moving. Very good guys. And again, shaving up and then much lift your head just a little bit. Yes. And two more. Inhale up. Exhale. Lower. Inhale up. Hold here. Switch the legs as you open the arms. Greet them, wall hug. Inhale, hug a big ball, annex. Hell Open in hell. Hug a tree. And Xcel open. One more time.

Inhale and exhale. Reverse the breathing. Exhale and inhale, exhale. And inhale. Exhale, hold. And then inhale, push me away. Push me away. Push me away. Push me away. So when I worked with Romana, Romano would let me use you real quick. My tail, you're going to Amy. Hell Ramonda would stand here and she'd go, push, push, push. You can't push me. Can you come with my powerhouse?

So I always think of Ermana actually, ms exercise and I push, I push her away, push her away, push her away, and it gives me a little extra power. Health workout. Okay guys. So let's put the handles onto the eye hook and then in with stand up and you're going to grab your long box and place it on. Good. Very nice.

They did a great job because they bend the knees and they kept their back flat, so that's good. You're going to lay down onto your stomach for the pulling straps. Shoulders flushed with the front edge of the box and you're going to hold a high onto the leather straps and then we'll take those off. Great. Now, nice long arms. Yup, you're great. Amy, you're going to inhale, pull through the wings as you lift your upper body up and hold two, three and exhale. Lower the body down and then at the head. There we go. Look at a little bit. [inaudible]. There we go. And now inhale, pull through the wings, lift in hold, draw those inner thighs together.

Met At American Express Black Card in between the knees and then exhale lower. And one more time. Inhale pool two, three, an XL, lower. Good. Slide the arms down to the end of this jobs and we're going to do the t shape. Inhale, pull, lift and hold two, three and exhale lower. Now I'm going to do this to both of you. Is there going to relax here and loud, uh, in help pool.

What's going on there? Someone was in their traps. So I want you to work lower trapezius and Rom Boyd a little bit more and lower. One more time in help pool. There we go. Yes. And XL. Lower. Good. Take the straps in one hand. Standing up.

You're going to add one spring on. So we're on two and then I'm going to show you the transition. So after you get on, you would go can foot, hand, foot, tailbone last. And then you lay down for the backstroke, not a problem. So you're going to step on one hand, one foot, other hand, other foot and then tailbone will come down. Great. And then you're going to lay down on your back.

Both knees are going to come into the chest. Good. And now arms and legs straight up to ceiling. Open arms, legs around circle. Reach for your feet for three, two, one and come back in. And again, arms, legs, straight up to ceiling. Open. Circle around and reach forth. Three, two, one and come back in. And again, arms, legs up, open. Circle and reach to three and come back in now. Arms and legs up. We'll do one more open circle and reach.

And one says working with Romana and she put her a hand here and she said, drop your legs, drop your legs in my hand. Dropped them dead weight. And then she let go and my stomach had to hold my legs. She said, it looks beautiful, but you're working too much in your legs, not in your powerhouse enough and pull back in. So let's think about that on this next one. Arms and legs up open. Circle around and reach light legs.

All in your powerhouse. You feel it more right and coming in good. All right, take the straps in one hand and now you're going to sit up. Good. And take one spring off, but you're going to stay on the one spray gun. [inaudible] cocaine. And we're going to do teasers. So you can scoot back a little if you need. Yes. Okay. So inner thighs together.

And then we're going to tease her up. Good. Now lower the arms to the waist and then look to the brow. Lower to the waist, no problem. And now roll all the way down and hold two, three. Okay. And again, teas are up. And then we're going to circle, circle one around and down.

Circle up to and around. You can go a little bit smaller with a circle, and then open the arms and roll down through your spine. Now we're going to reverse that. You're going to come up with opened arms and now come around, road forward and down and around. Forward, down and around. Four beautiful guys. And come all the way down. Good. Take the straps in, one hand, standing up, and then you're gonna bring the straps behind you.

[inaudible] and actually I'll just show real quick. So if I was here and I stood up, I would just bring the steps behind me. There we go. And sit down. And then we're ready for our horseback. Good one hands with distance from the back edge. And let's start with nice extended legs and flex feet.

Elbows in at the rib cage simultaneously. Curve points. Scoop up and find your c curve. Stretch those arms. Now hold there. Try to make sure that your heels stay four of the box longer the feed. Point them curve your lower back.

Now lower just the arms with straight arms and then lift the arms up and lower too and lift and hold. Flex and set to three and I'm going to keep those legs straight. I know that's a variation though and again, curve points. Scoop up. Now spend the arms all the way up. Now hold there, pull back to my hand, pull to my head. There we go. Now we have our stomach massage and lower the arms.

Lift the arms up and we'll keep it in some nights and long will lower the arms. Lift the arms. Good and flexing set to three. Let's do one more and we're going to do circles. So there's a wall behind you, which is my hand. You're going to touch as you curve up and scoop and find my hand. There we go. Now relax here a little more. Lift the head a little.

They have go now it's a capital C and I'll circle out on, around, circling around circle and lift. And then flexing set. That's my least favorite. Okay. All right, you guys can drop. This job's in the well behind jail. And then we're going to do that. The short box series. We'll add one spring on. So we're on to, I then placed the short box on, grab your bar and if you like a pageant can grab the pad.

How many guys are gonna sit down? Great. And how tall are you? I'm Micah. Five, four and a half. Okay, so you'll be all right here. So arms around the waist and you're going to start with the tailbone. You're going to curve back in one vertebrae at a time. Good.

And then come right back up. We'll do a couple of halfs and again, initiate from the tailbone, curling back and soften the knees a little bit. So then we're more in our core lesson, our quadriceps, and then come back up and again, initiate from the tail, curling down, find that and then come right back up to the crown of the head. Now we're going to go all the way back. So you're going to occur back and curl, curl, curl, curl, head last, chin the chest first and then curve the body and come all the way up. Let's do one more. You're going to curve all the way down and curl, curl, curl, curl at the last minute. You can let the head go. Hold there, let the arms go and reach. Good.

And you could give yourself a little pool if you like. And then the arms are going to go around the waist. Chin a chest. Next curve. Exhale, Xcel, Xcel all the way. Upgrade. Take the bar below. You. Bring the arms straight up to the ceiling. And now rib cages down.

Don't get the barbecue sauce out and squeeze your seat. You sit back and Malcolm right back up the center. And again, lifting hinge and now come back up. Centre lifting hinge and don't lose your length. Keeping Long. Gaiting nice and come up center. And again we use the bottom lifting hinge any long gate and come back up to center. Good. And one more time. Lift in hinge.

There we go. Hold there. [inaudible] lift that spine work. There we go. And then come back up to center. All right, bring the collarbone a little bit forward and we're going to do side to side. So you're gonna bend directly over to the right and then come back to center. Now lift and go up and over and come back to center. Good. Equal weight on both hips. Lift up and over and don't touch my hands.

Don't touch. Go over it and pull that down and center. Now go up and over and don't touch. Go over it. There you go. And Center. Let's do one more set. Lift up and over. Good and center and lift up and look over to the left and center and the twist and the reach. Lift, twist. We're gonna. I bred the spine and reach out on the diagonal and come back up to center.

Good. And again, lift, twist and reach and up center. And again, lift the spine, twist, reach, hold there. Stretch your left side a layer ago and come center, lift, twist. Reach out and touch someone and come back to center. Round over. Stretch up the back. This is what Romana called the desert. Only one person gets the dessert today. No.

All right, I'll give you a dessert too. All right. So they take the bar and placed it underneath. Take the right leg out of this job. A port on the back of a thigh per tree, lit through the crown of the head and extend and Ben one extend Ben to extend hold. Turn out the leg walking up you no. Bring your forehead forward. Torture. Shinbone good. And I'm curling back when the lake gets 90 walked onto the hip.

Good and let the head go. X hel enchanted chest. Inhale, curling up, walking up to a nice, tall, straight back. Good. And now drop it for a head to shinbone. Good. And now curling back when the lake gets 90 walking down and let the head go. Exhale and Chin and chest. Inhale, curling up. Walking up to a nice, tall, straight lifted back. Last time for HEDIS Gin. We'll do a variation on this one. Curling back or walking down.

Let the head go. Let the arms go and grab the frame. Good single leg circle and go across. Down, up on one good and across. Down, up good. And a cross. Down and up. Reverse and down and across. N Two and a cross. There we go. And three and a cross. And then walking up.

[inaudible] good to a nice tall lifted spine. And then flex the foot, point the foot, flex the foot, point the foot, flex the foot, point the foot. And then let's do the other side. Holding onto the back of the left leg. Lifted through your spine. Head over, shoulders, over hips. And now extend the leg and Ben. Good and extend. And Ben, I know it feels like gonna fall for her. Extend.

Hold there. Turn out the leg. Oh, walking up. Job, forehead to the shinbone. Now make sure those shoulders aren't lifted guys. And then curling backwards. When the leg hits 90 walking down, I let the head go. Exhale. Nice guys. And now chin a chest. Walking up. Tonight's tall straight spine can jump.

Forehead to shed. Curling back. You're working so hard. And then let the head go. XL, Jenna, chest. Inhale, curling up to nice, tall, straight spine. Them blue. Head up a more forward. Good and I'll drop forehead to shin, curling backwards and when the lake, it's 90 walking down. Let's do our variation again.

You're going to reach the arms back and now the single leg circle cross down, up on one and across, down and up and across. Down reverse and down and across. Good. Two and a cross and three and across and now walking up. Good turn. Nice Tall, straight spine and then flex the foot, point the foot, flex the foot, point the foot, flex the foot, point the flood to good, and now that's been the knee. Good. Standing up.

I'm going to have you take your bar and take the box and you're going to bring it to the back. Okay? Then what we're going to do is you're going to let your head rest up. Then foot bar up second and we're going to do the long stretch series. If you like, you can use the pad for your feet or you don't have to insure choice. Now you're going to step on one hand, one foot other hand, other footsie or right in to position.

Great. Now going out and pulling in. Inhale out and exhale, pulling in and inhale out. And Xcel pulling in. Hold there. Lift your right leg up and inhale out.

Exhale in. Inhale to an XL it switch sides. And now inhale out and Excelon one more time. Inhale out and Xcel come in, good. Tows down, knees come down, feet against the blocks for the down stretch, pelvis forward. Literally the core. It's you're lifted up, out of the spine.

And now inhale as you go out. Good. And then exhale. Exhale XL as you come back in. And again, inhale out. And both of you focus on not hybrid stench. Standing those elbows. One more time. Inhale going out. There's a string attached to the head. Lift through the crown of the head. Good. And now let's do the up stretch.

So you're going to pike up, you're going to walk the heels down a hair and then nice curve back and you're going to press back with your heels. Good. And now keep the chin to your chest and then long line at you come all the way in and up to the powerhouse and back through the heels. And then long linage come all the way in. Good and up through the powerhouse. Dock through the heels. [inaudible] go ahead, press. There we go.

And then to keep that chin to chest long, linage, come all the way in. Let's do one more. Up to the powerhouse. Back through the heels. Good. Then long linage come all the way in, in, in flat feet for the elephant curve. Your back head drop, tailbone dropped. And now go out. Who's lifted and come in, in, in and out on two and in for three, two, one out and in, in, in, out, and in, in, in one more out. Inhale and exhale.

XL X help. Good. Stepping onto the floor. And then you're gonna step on hand, foot and foot for the long back stretch. That's a good hip hop to do. Hear that. All right. And now lowering down and going out.

Lifting up an n, n going down an out and up an n. One more time. Down and out and up and in reverse. Going out, lower down. Come in and up and out.

Lower down and in and lift. Try not to shrug. Use the back in and use the back. Okay guys. And stepping down onto the floor. Alright, and let's go to three or four springs for the stomach massage. So I'm going to start with the round. We're going to sit down, sitting down. You're going to [inaudible] now you could bring your hands down and turn around face into the bar. Good. Plotty stance and knees are going to be aligned with the shoulders. Rod.

Elbows out to the side. Try to make more of a capital c, less of a lowercase c. Imagine someone just came and tried to sock in the stomach. That's your initiation. Push back and extend out. Now lower the heels, lift the heels an n out to lower lift. Dan N. N. Three lower lift down in and out.

Lower lift. Done an n five lower lift five more and out. Lower. Lift down in two. Very nice guys. Lift down and three lower lift down and four lower lift down. N. N. One more. Lower lift. Done and good. And now hands gonna go back.

If I was on forest springs, I would move it to three, but a you're on three, right? Mousa budget or an I just keep it on three and then tall back open. The collarbone and hands can be here, here or here. Whatever's most comfortable for you. Just make sure that you have a nice soft elbow and uh, any, bring the knees just a little closer. Great. And now extending out and lower the heels. Lift the heels and n n two.

There we go. Lower lift. Done en lift lifted the crown of the head. And imagine you're an etiquette school. You have a book on your head. Don't drop it out. Lower. Lift five more out and lower and lift Dan in out lower. Lift down and out. Yes you ever find late eighties?

I have one more out. Lower lift down in hold back as last. Shout out to chase the mallet. Now you're gonna reach and you're going to take one spring off. That's good. And then you're gonna [inaudible] reached up and now zipper up his extend out and come back in. And again, extending out to and lengthen. Lengthen. Lengthen.

As you come in and extending out three Adam lengthening. And one more time in hell. Out and excelling in the twist. And exhale, twist. Inhale, come back in. XL, twist to the other side. And inhale in. Good. Exhale, twist. And in Hela. And last time, exhale, twist. I'm in Helen and rich. Touch my hands. Touch, touch, touch, touch. Good. And you guys can stand up. So what'd you going to do is you're going to, uh, fold the pad. Please sit.

[inaudible] are, let's place it here. We're going to do the tendon stretch. Great. Is they're going to step on one hand and one foot other hand, another foot. And then you're gonna curve over. So good thumbs with fingers. I want you to have your sits bones directly over your heels. Bring the carriage all the way in Martech. There we go.

Now there's a bar behind you, Marta. There's an imagine what? Matt? Jerry, one behind you, Amy. Don't touch it and go out. Good. And now come back in and don't touch it. Good. And Go hang out. I'm going to get over to you in a second and come back. Okay.

Yeah [inaudible] yes, of course. Yeah. And again, standing out and come back in and let's do one more step z am going out and coming in and there we go. And sitting down. Did you feel that in your powerhouse? Yes. Great. So standing up and now lower the foot bar and you got your bare foot. So I don't think you'll need the pod here, but you can definitely put a pad here if you feel like you're going to slip. And then what we're gonna do is we're gonna lower the headrest and we're gonna do the overhead. So we are going that we used to, uh, we switched the overhead in the short spine where I am.

You might call it the Jack Knife. Okay. Yes. Good. So I'm going to start with the legs out on to the bar. Lottie stance arms are going to go straight up to the ceiling. Good. Now how are you Amy with your smear? Okay, great.

So simultaneously, arms down this leg, school over now. Jack Knife up, up, up, up. Ban. Roll down through your spine. No problem man. Again, Jack Knife up over up. [inaudible] I've been rolling up to Earth Biden, one vertebrae at a time of an arms and legs are going to together and again, Jack Knife over hold there. Come over a little bit more. A Marta here. Now lift to your spine and pull your scapula together and then lengthen. Good.

And then the road onto your spine. One vertebrae at a time, and then arms, legs going to arrive together. Let's put the eye handles onto the eye hooked. Lift the head rest up. [inaudible] and then we're going to do semicircles. They're going to push your body forward. You could just, okay, roll down. That's a good self correction. You're going to roll it down through your spinal one vertebrae at a time. Touch the pelvis to the springs and now going out. Dust the springs.

Now keep the, that's okay. Keep the carrots still as you roll all the way up. Carriage still carriage, still carriage still, and then come all the way in and again, curling down. Touch the pelvis to the springs and then dust the springs as you go out. Now keep the carriage still as you lift the pelvis up. Don't let that move and then come back in. Let's do one more.

Curling down one vertebrae at a time and then dust the springs as you go out now. Carriage still as she lift up, still carriage still, and then come all the way in. Let's reverse and now pressing out. Now hold there. Keep the carriage still as you roll down through your spine. Don't let it move. Good. And then dust the springs, come all the way in and then lift the knees forward and up and again, pressing out and then roll down through your spine, keeping that carriage still very nice guys. And then coming in and then bring the pelvis forward and up and last time extending out good and rolling down through your spine without the carriage moving. And then dust the springs. Come all the way in. It means forward and up. Circle the arms around. Grab a hold of your ankles.

You can give yourself a stretch. Would anyone like a stretch? [inaudible] you got that out too quickly as I that when they come to you first. Good. It feels good, right? No problem. And I won't forget about you either. Great. Okay. And you guys can pull back. And now I'm standing up for chest expansion.

So you're going to kneel, um, and you're going to hook your toes over the back edge. You're going to hold on to the leather strap, head over shoulders, shoulders over, hips, hips over knees. And then you're going to engage your adductors and now allow you to bring your body a little bit more upright. And then in help pull through the wings and hold. Pull Mar. Look to the right.

Look to the left. Look Center and exhale and release. I'm going to be mean. Sorry. Okay. Bring the pelvis forward a little bit more. There we go. Now get that popo forward. There we go. Now inhale pool. Keep that Popo for it more. Now look to the left.

Look to their right look center and Exhale, release pool. It's all hamstrings, glutes, and powerhouse. Abdominals in help. Pool. Good. Look to the right. Look to the left look center and exhale and release. So think of your pubic bone and your sternum coming towards one another as you guys, Paul [inaudible]. No jet skiing.

Don't name back collarbone directly over the hips. Can you guys come forward? Just a hair ma. There we go. Martha, come on. Just one more inch forward. Amy. There we go. Now can you pull more? Staying in this position? Look to the left. Look to the right day here or profanity.

Exhale please. Okay. Take this drops in one hand and you're going to, I'm going to keep it there for now though. Sorry. She was like, I'm all out of sorts after that one. All right. What'd you going to do is take one spring, place it on and we're going to do the by stretch. Okay. Uh, one spring. I uh, I usually do it on three springs. I'm the Grad, so I'm okay. Oh, okay.

So you're going to hold up onto here. I would, I usually have them hold onto the copper and then you're gonna bring the chin to the chest hinges back and then lift the arms and coming up. And again, hinge tobacco in one piece. Good. Now lift the arms and come back up. Hold on one second. Come up a little bit. All the way up. There we go. Now hedging back. Chinet yes, there we go. Now go ahead and hinge from the knee. There we go. Now lift the arms and come all the way up.

And that should give you a little bit more of a thigh stretch and I'll take it on the back mark. Okay, so take the straps in one hand, standing up and take two springs off. If you're on the grads. And um, I'd imagine you're going to go to one spring, Amy for arm circles. All right, you're gonna bring the cops behind you in each hand and you're going to kneel down. Good. All right, let's bring the arms to the waist and they're going to lift up and circle around and lift up too, and keep it within your peripheral vision and China to lean back here. Yes. And circle around, reversing around, forward and down, around. Forward and down. One more time. Around, forward, all the way down. Let's do some bicep curls.

Crawl up one. Curl up, two good. Curl up. Three good. Take the straps in one hand, standing up nick and drop them into the, wow. All right, we're going to do snake in twist. Does anyone want a spot? Alright, so I normally spot in this wet and soft spots. You now what you're going to do is we're going to step on one hand, one foot other hand, other foot.

All right? Yep. If you like. Yes. Good. Now inhale, extending out. Exhale, arch. Inhale, coming back up. Exhale, come all the way in, man. And again, inhale and exhale arch. Inhale up and exhale. Come all the way in. Now the twist. Inhale, exhale, twist, and come back around and pull up to the powerhouse. One more time. Inhale out.

Exhale, twist an inhale. Come around an XL all the way up, and then you can step down onto the floor. Great. How are you on the other side? I think you're okay. So stepping on one hand, one foot, other hand, other foot. Piking up. Good. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale up. Exhale.

Hold their square off your pelvis, guys. Inhale out. Exhale, inhale up. Excellent. Now the twist. Inhale, exhale, twist. Inhale, come back around and you come in, no foot hooking. Don't pull your cell phone with your foot. All right, Amy. Now exhale and inhale, come back around. I felt powerhouse, no foot Hogan and now stepping onto the floor. Right? I was teaching someone. Wow. One of my apprentices ones and I said, your foot hooking and then she goes, she does it again. She goes, Oh my God, I'm a Huh. Gotcha. I was like, I don't think you want to say that.

So we're going to go to two springs and we're going to do the cork screw and Ben, we're going to do the long spine massage. Let's set up the long straps and I'll set them up actually before you [inaudible] and the head rest will be lowered. So corkscrew, I actually myself usually do it on three because of my height. But for you Marta, I think two is going to be good. Alright, so nice broad elbows and now we're in the legs up and up.

Over and legs will go parallel to the floor. Good. Now roll down to the right side, circle around and then come up to the left side. Good. [inaudible] now roll down to the left side of the back. Good circle around. And now roll up to the right side of the back [inaudible] and now just tilt the more weight on that right side.

Massage that side of the back and then circle around. Now should come up. Massage the other side of the back and center. Massage the left side of the back. Circle around and come around massaging the right side and center. One more time. Roll down to the right side of the back. Circle around.

Roll up to the left side of the back center. Now roll down to the left side and give yourself a good massage imprint into wet sand making. Nice deep, heavy imprint. Massage that spine. Now come up to the right side of massage. It actually feels quite nice. And now roll down through the middle. We're going to do tic talk. So legs up to the ceiling.

Legs will go to the right as the head goes to the left. Yes, and come back to center. Stingy is go a little more now. Legs to the left, head to the right [inaudible] center and all that. That's better. This time, leg to the right, head to the left and center legs to the Left, head to the right and center. Make sure you keep that right angle legs to the right, head to the left, so don't go too far back or forward and center. Last time. Legs left, head to the right and come back to center. Good. And then we're going to induce, you're going to place your straps onto your feet. And Alice, since I put yours back, there are pictures on great heels together. Arms are going to come right down by the sides and we'll do our long spine massage. Let's do two different variations. I'm going to give you first, you're on to red. Yup.

So I'm going to give you a more basic variation than I'll give you a more advanced variation. So legs are going to go out to 45 degrees. Good. Now what you're going to do is you're going to open the legs and then you're going to bring your legs back. [inaudible] [inaudible] keep going back, keep going back and then roll up to your spine. Good. And then bring your legs together and roll down. Nice. Then bring the legs to 45 and actually, I'm sorry. Let's do it this way first is good together.

Let's go up and over with together. First to go all the way over. I had a senior moment here and open the arms and you're gonna roll down through your spine. One vertebrae at a time, and now legs to 45 degrees. Bring the legs back and roll up to your spine like the straps. Do it. So you're pulling on the straps to help assist you up. And then open. Now you're massaging your spine, massage, massage, massage. Bring the legs to 45 now more advanced version.

Bring the legs up from here. Lift up, lift up, lift up, lift up, not open. Reach through the heels. Reach, reach, reach, reach, reach, legs together. Good. Let's do one of the more basic version. Open and go back. We've actually already did this one accidentally. Now lift up and then legs together.

Roll down through your spine. Good. Let's do one more of the basic version. Open Up. Bring the legs back first and back. And then roll up to your spine, let the straps assist you legs together, and then round down through your spine. One Vertebrae at a time, taking a nice massage of your back. And one more time. Open more advanced version. Lift up high a pop up legs together.

Hold there, pull this a little bit more. There we go. And then reach through the heels, reach through those heels, reach through the hills, very nice for each of the heels. And now bend the knees into the chest. Great. And now you can bring the legs up and over and then flex your feet and let the straps fall off or down through your months after your spine, massaging out your back. Good knees into the chest. And now standing up. Let's lift our head rest up, foot bar up. And we're going to do the nice stretch series.

We don't yet need the pad anymore. Great. And when you're ready, hand, knee, other hand, other knee. We're going to round your back like an angry cat. Dropping your head, dropping your tailbone, and now you're going to extend out and come back in and to accent in three accent in an n four more in and in and in an in hold their arch, your back, head up, tailbone up. I should be able to put a champagne right on your sacrum. There's a diamond around your neck. No it off.

And now eight more out in to don't drop the champagne. Three n four n five in, six in, seven in eight in around the back. One more time. Dropping the head like a ragdoll. This time let's bring the pelvis directly over the knees. And imagine you are a bad dog.

You got to keep your tail in between your legs the whole time. Lift the knees up two inches and go out in two in three. Good for bad dog five. There we go. Six in seven. Drop that ahead and make your head and tell. Come towards each other. And last time gently bend the knees down. Gently was the operative word.

Now good standing up. And now let's add, um, the spring setting that you had for the foot work. So if you are in three, you're going three. If you're in four, you will go on for cross your arms like a genie sitting down. Roll to your side, lay down onto your back. We're going to do the running feet together, knees together, high lifted heels, stilettos and now going out and now been one need change. One change to change to change, three and three and four up four up five, five more.

One and one and two and two and three and three, four and four and five and five. Lift the heels. Good. Hold there. Are you guys hyper extending and now bend the knees, come back in. Feet are going to go into the corners for the pelvic lift. And I'm going to have your feet go onto the arch of the Flint. Good.

Now a nice flat feet as if you're on a flat surface. And then start from the tailbone. Curl your body up. [inaudible] so you should be not too too high yet. Maybe just a little higher cause you went your lower back down. But you want your pelvis lifted. Now extend the legs, press through Quick Sen, and then bend the knees and come back in.

Keep the curve and extend and stretch as much as you can to get a nice opening of the pelvis and again extending out and come back in and extending out four and pull back in and extending out five. Let's do five more and pressing out and in out on two and and out on three pulling in two more. Inhale and exhale last time. Inhale out and exhale, come all the way in. Roll down to your spine, one vertebrae at a time. Bend the knees into the chest. Give yourself a good hug of the knees. And we're going to do the balance control pushups front.

So you're going to roll to your side, cross your arms and stand up. Good. So let's go to second gear and I'm going to put two springs on the Freedman. Great. Yes. All right, so what you can do is you're going to step on one hand, one foot other hand, other foot. So you're nice and piped up. I'm happy to go from this side. Any yes, no problem.

Walk your feet a little bit more to their right and now pike up for a second guys, and now push the carriage out and send to your body. So now you're level. Great. Now you're going to push forward in one and forward into and forward in three. Now hold their right leg up and forward and down with the leg. Now the other leg can go up and down and again, up and down. One more time.

Up last time and up and down and up and down. A hold there. Three pushups down, up, one, down, up to down, up three pike, up in step, one foot down onto the floor, and then the other foot. Let's go back to first gear. [inaudible] great. We're going to do the [inaudible] balance control, pushups back [inaudible] you're going to step on one hand on foot are their hand other but great, nice straight legs. Lift up tall and I'll go back and in.

Hold on one second. Step off for a second guys. So I feel like both of you, your risks are a little bit too broke. So what you want to do is not be so much here, but be a little bit more forward. And then you can cup your hand so you don't slide, but this will keep it out of your wrist and more into your back. Okay. So stepping on hand, foot, hand, foot, and that just being a little more comfortable and then no hyperextended elbows. And then you're going to go out and in and two and in and three.

And now the right leg kicks up up as you go out and up. Ban in two, added in two. And one more. Three in three and three depths down ups, someone's hybrids done, and two up and three up. And then pull the carriage and step onto the floor. Good. Or on the home stretch. Let's do our side split. That look good to one, a, one or two springs. Your choice.

And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put shoe. Yeah. Ah, you're going to start a, Yep. [inaudible]. Good. Thank you. I think you're okay. Yup. And then you're gonna step on in the middle.

Now you're going to bring the foot that's closest to this springs onto the pad or the od board. And then you're going to Souza Q over with the other leg. Good arms are gonna go out to the side. [inaudible] good. And now you're going to go out for three, two, one, hold two, three into three. Hold two, three out. Two, three. Hold two, three into three. Hold out, hold two, three into three. Hold two, three. Susie. Q, The foot in and one year. Susan King. Your goal is to keep the character still as possible and then step in the middle. Now turn it into the springs and then you're going to bring your right foot on.

Now try not to move the car. Just use Susie Q over to the other side. Great. Now arms are going to go out to the side and now you're going to go out for three, two, one. Hold two, three in for three counts. Hold two, three out, hold into three. Hold one more. Set Out. Two, three. Hold. Two, three in, two, three. Hold two, three. Susie. Q, The foot in the men's step in the middle and then step on the floor.

That was good guys. Now if we're on one, let's go back to two springs and um, we're gonna end with the Russian split and then we're going to lift the foot bar up. Okay. Um, if you like it, you can place it here. Yup. There we go. And then you're going to step on one hand, one foot other hand, other foot. Then from there we'll place one foot back and then you're going to micro hop the other foot. So the ball of the foot is on to the pad.

[inaudible] I think you're okay. Just in case you feel like you're going to slip. [inaudible] okay, so let's bring our right foot back and take a corner. Now micro hop the other foot forward. Good. So the ball, the foot is on. Now leg will be straight for now. Push out the carriage, then bend the knee.

So then the knee never goes forward of your heel. [inaudible] good. This will be our starting position. You're going to go forward, push forward and bend in one and forward into forward in three. Now hold there, make sure that the knee is not forward of the heel. You're going to reach the arms forward and lift up forward, and then cross your arms like a Russian Kazak. Good. And now go forward and one, make sure you're not rolling in or out on that foot.

The one that's on the headrests. Now hold in, lift the arms up to the ceiling, round up and over, and then you're going to bring your hands onto the shoulder blocks. Extend your legs straight, then pull the carriage all the way in. Then bring the foot forward more so the whole foot is on to the headrest. Now keep the legs straight and now we do our splits and split to your comfort and then come back in. And again, split two. And you're very flexible. So what I'm gonna have you do is you're going to go all the way out, bring your elbows down and turn your opposite cheek to shinbone.

There we go. And then come back up and come in and I'll hop the foot back. Then what you're going to do is step down and then we bring the, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I stepped down onto the carriage. Then you're going to bring the other foot back. Good. And then micro hop forward. So the a ball of the foot is on and I um, I have you right now you're in the middle, which is correct.

A lot of people teach it that way, but I prefer it a little bit over to the side. It gives you a little wider base for balance and now pushing front with a straight leg and then bend the knee. So then your knee will never go forward of your heel. [inaudible] and now press out and in one and push out and bend into push help and Ben in three hold there, reach forward to come up and reach forward. Hands are going to go be ah, Kazak, Russian Cossack Ah, like a genie.

Good. That's okay. You can do it that way too. And now going out and in two and in three and in the arms up. And then reach forward. Forward, forward, forward for now. Stretch the knee and bring the carriage all the way in. Hop The foot forwards, the whole foot is on. And then you're going to split. Now focus on no hyperextended stension of the knee or the elbow.

Good. And come back in and extending out too, and come back in. And if you can go all the way out like you are doing, bring your elbows down, turn the opposite cheek. [inaudible] good. And then you can come back in. And now stepping down onto the floor. And I actually always like to end with this one. Let's do a one spring. We'll do eve Solange. Okay, I'll do a couple of different variations of this one.

So you're gonna kneel down on one knee, then you're going to bring your foot, that's by the frame forward. Great. And then you're going to hold onto the bar. Yep. Great. And then pressing out with that. But let's keep the front knee bent. Yes. And now come back in and again, try to keep the arms extended as you press out and come back in.

And one more time pressing out and hold there. Take your arm inside arm, reach it up to the ceiling, bend over to the bent leg side. Yes. And then come back up and extend the back Comray back and then I'm back up. Now bring your hand down. Take the other hand, Ma handoffs, circle around, grab the outside of the leg. Good and nice. Twist them to just shift a rib cage a little this way. Good.

That should give you more better stretch. And then bring the hand back on. Center the body and come all the way in. Good. And let's do the other side. Traffic Jam. Now [inaudible] pressing out and make sure that the back heel is not going in or out.

Just saying it and I'll come back in an organic stunning out too. And come back in Walmart time extending out in hold. Take the inside arm up and bend up and over. Yes and center and then calm Bray back, arching your back. Good. And then come to center. Take the hand down. Other hands circles around and reaching.

Grab the outside of your leg. Now, both of you. I want you to think jazz and shift your rib cage over a little. There we go. I didn't. Then hand comes on and now come all the way in and you guys are done for today. Thank you guys very much. No. [inaudible].


4 people like this.
Oh My Goodness Brett ~ Awesome Class :)
LOVE The Comic (pain) Relief ~ Impeccable curing as usual
Thank You
3 people like this.
Oh my goodness is right! Fabulous instructor, now would love to see a class performed by Brett!! Thank you.
2 people like this.
Love classical apparatus!!! Beautiful teaching! Would love to see all apparatus sessions with Brett. Thank you, thank you, thank you for Pilates Anytime!!!
3 people like this.
Brett, you are a treasure and lovely to hear you teach!
3 people like this.
I could watch Brett all day long - what a gifted teacher! Next best thing to being there!!
3 people like this.
Great class. I liked the eve's lunge variations at the end.
1 person likes this.
Great class Brett! Big thanks! :D
1 person likes this.
I did not find this class of the high quality that others thought. First of all he said "chin to the chest". This creates over-flexion of the neck flexors and minimal flexion of the torso. The flexion should always come with the central core. I also felt there was no continuity with the program. He had the class up and down with no progressions to the exercises.
3 people like this.
Brett I could watch you all day teaching you are a top class ,,,
This is pilates and I like the way you deliver it from my experience some teachers doing a mess you are clean
Thank you
Agree with Dolly, would love to see Brett teaching all apparatus. The mat and chair sessions that I have viewed were excellent as well as this one.
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