Lisa Hubbard - Mat Class

Lisa Hubbard

Lisa Hubbard - Mat Class

Join Lisa Hubbard in person as she teaches a mat class in Carpinteria, California.

Instructor: Lisa Hubbard
Subject: Intermediate Mat Class
Date: Friday June 15, 2012
Times: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Location: The Studio At Padaro Beach
3749 Santa Claus Lane, Suite C
Carpinteria, California, 93013, USA
Workshop Size: 15 Participants
Cost: $25

Note that if you wish to pay with a Credit Card select the option "Don't have a PayPal account? Pay with your debit or credit card as a PayPal guest".

Filming. This class will be filmed by Pilates Anytime. As a result the workshop schedule may fluctuate according to filming requirements. Participants will have the choice of being on or off camera.

For more information please email us.


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