Sherri Betz - Workshop - Posturing for the Future - 08-19-2013

Sherri Betz - Posturing for the Future

Join Sherri Betz at The Studio at Padaro Beach in Carpinteria, California for her Posturing for the Future Workshop. In this workshop, Sherri Betz, PT, GCS, will share the latest research in exercise for bone health and some simple postural tips to protect your bones from fracture.

Instructor: Sherri Betz
Subject: Workshop - Posturing for the Future
Date: Monday August 19, 2013
Times: 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: The Studio At Padaro Beach
3749 Santa Claus Lane, Suite C
Carpinteria, California, 93013, USA
Class Size: 10 Participants
Cost: $100

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Workshop Overview
Just what are the best Pilates exercises and (Yoga Postures) for osteoporosis? Can we prevent the progression of dowager's hump, vertebral fractures and hip fractures by practicing good postural habits and balance?

Learn how to incorporate safe exercise/yoga postures for low bone density and strengthening for the bones of the hip and the spine.

Sherri Betz, PT, GCS, will share the latest research in exercise for bone health and some simple postural tips to protect your bones from fracture.

Duration: The workshop will run from 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. and will include a lecture by Sherri Betz followed by a class applying the skills discussed in the workshop.

Filming: This class will be filmed by Pilates Anytime. As a result the schedule may fluctuate according to filming requirements. Participants will have the choice of being on or off camera.

For more information please email us.


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