Alycea Ungaro - Workshop - The Discovery Series - Teaching to the New Client - 06-04-2014

Alycea Ungaro

Alycea Ungaro - The Discovery Series - Teaching to the New Client

Join Alycea Ungaro in person, on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 as she teaches in Carpinteria, California.

Take the journey alongside real life new clients with Pilates pioneer Alycea Ungaro. Trying to navigate the complexities of teaching a first time client can be a daunting task. Successfully working with the new client requires nuanced communication and analytical skills, not to mention high proficiency in understanding the Pilates method! Let's face it, how well you handle that first session can determine whether the client will continue to pursue Pilates or not, as well as affect the growth and stability of your Pilates practice.

Instructors: Alycea Ungaro
Subject: Workshop - The Discovery Series - Teaching to the New Client
Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Times: 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: The Studio At Padaro Beach
3749 Santa Claus Lane, Suite C
Carpinteria, California, 93013, USA
Class Size: 15 Participants
Cost: $100

Note that if you wish to pay with a Credit Card select the option "Don't have a PayPal account? Pay with your debit or credit card as a PayPal guest".

Workshop Overview

In this 3 hour workshop, Alycea walks you through two different new client sessions sharing her strategies for success and logic along the way. You'll enjoy this rare opportunity to observe one of the most experienced teachers and studio owners in the business, teaching a new client successfully. Best of all, you are sure to go back to your studio with the tools and logic to do the same. Join us!

Duration: The workshop will run from 2:00pm-5:30pm and will include 2 client sessions with commentary (approximately 2 hours) and a 30-45 min discussion and lecture (split between the beginning an end of the workshop).

Filming: This class will be filmed by Pilates Anytime. As a result the schedule may fluctuate according to filming requirements. Participants will have the choice of being on or off camera.

For more information please email us.


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