Nicolas Cimino

10 years ago I followed a life long dream and moved to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I opened PV Yoga and Pilates in 2006. Very simple to describe the rest..... Bliss!!!!!!!!



Member Since: October 2, 2014
Videos Viewed: 73 (0 past week, 1 past month)
Comments Posted: 4

About me

I'm: a Man - 59 Years Old
Where I Live: PV Mexico---Montreal Canada
Language(s) I Speak: French, Spanish
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Swimming (Daily), Cycling - Outdoor (Three days a week), Yoga (Daily)

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 23
Practice Frequency: Daily

My Teacher Training

Balanced Body - Comprehensive (2013)

Recently Viewed

Playful, Rolling, Garuda, Flow

Apr 26, 2022
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Garuda Mat Flow
James D'Silva
45 min
Garuda Method
Fun, Creative, Whole-Body, Strengthening

Mar 05, 2019
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Creative Mat Combinations
Carrie Pages
35 min
Pilates Unlimited
Footer Pilates Anytime Logo

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