The Return to Life Conference with Kathi Ross-Nash

The Pilates Teachers Association had their conference, Return to Life on the Isle of Man, on July 14-17, 2016. Several Pilates Anytime instructors were highlighted as presenters including Kathi Ross-Nash, Blossom Leilani Crawford, Junghee Won, and more. The conference was held at King William's College in Castletown. It was a historic event, held on the same Island where Joseph Pilates spent almost 5 years of his life interned as a German national during World War I, and the place rumored to be significant in terms of the development of Pilates as a method. The Return to Life conference brought some of the very best of Pilates to the Isle of Man to teach his work, honor his name and celebrate the gifts that come from sharing it.
Pilates Anytime could not attend this event, but Kathi Ross-Nash was kind enough to share as much of the experience as she could by texting us pictures and commentary throughout the 4 day event as it happened. Receiving Kathi's texts each day (and often in the middle of the night!), made us feel like we were there with her so we wanted to pass on the experience to you as well. We hope you enjoy these wonderful photos as much as we did!
King William's College
King William's College
Entering the courtyard of King William's College
Meeting the Queen!
The staff in the preparation meeting.
Dinner the first night.
You will do my Mat class!
Perfectly #KRNasty!
View from the countryside
Heading to my class in the countryside.
Making a point!
Blossom Leilani Crawford, Junghee Won, and Sean Gallagher in the countryside.
Suzy Mitchell and me getting ready for the gala.
Gala ready!
Teaching Jon Hawkins (Photo courtesy of Jon Hawkins).
Photo courtesy of Jon Hawkins
Photo courtesy of Jon Hawkins
Photo courtesy of Jon Hawkins
Thank you Kathi for taking us on this historic trip and for sharing your beautiful photos. We hope to be there with you next time, and understand that the 2017 Return to Life conference may be hosted at the site of Joseph's next stop prior to coming to the United States, Hamburg, Germany. We'll keep watch for that!
For more on Pilates history be sure to check out the Pilates Legacy Project and Kathi Ross-Nash's classes here on Pilates Anytime.


It was a truly amazing conference - inspiring and full of warmth.

Next year maybe we will see you in Hamburg Kristi!
I really hope so too Megan!
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It was a truly wonderful experience so glad I could be there! Thanks so much for sharing Kathi Ross-Nash, nice to see these photos it takes me there again. Looking forward to next year in Hamburg!

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