Class #1035

Standing Arm Weights

20 min - Class


Even though this class is called Arm Weights, you still get a total body workout. Brett Howard teaches the series that he learned from Romana and then he adds a few of his own elements as well. Brett keeps you on your toes by adding lunges, movements with your eyes closed, and more!

Enjoy this class by itself or add it any of your favorite classes.
What You'll Need: Mat, Hand Weights

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Hi, my name is Brett Howard. And today we're going to do the arm weight series. And this is a series that was inspired, uh, by Ramana [inaudible]. So I'm going to pretty much do how Ramana would do it, maybe one or two little extras as well. So working with, start with our arms facing forward and you're going to just lift the arms up as high as you can. Then lower the arms right back down. And again, lifting up too and lower down. Now what I'm going to have you do is do two more and you're going to close your eyes and you're going to lift the arms up and lower the arms back down.

And again, lift the arms up and lower the arms back down. Hold there. You can open your eyes. Did you guys feel a little bit of sway happening? Yeah. So the goal is as you're lifting and lowering to try to not have this way. So I'm gonna have you first close your eyes again and then this time lift your toes up. So all 10 toes are gonna rise. You're gonna press down with the heel, press down with the metatarsal and you're gonna wrap to the seat. As you lift the arms up and lower the arms down.

Lift the arms up a little better and lower the arms down. Open your eyes. Do One more with the toes up. Lifting the arms up and lower in the arms down. Now rest your toes and now lift the arms up and try not to sway. And then lower the arms to shoulder height. We're going to do to 90 degrees.

You're going to bend to make two right angles and then extend the arms stretch. And now bend the elbows and extend and bending three and extend and bending. For there we go. And extend and bending five and stretch bend, pull something and then press something away. And again, pull something in and press something away. Two more. Inhale and exhale. Press last time.

Inhale, exhale, open up. So we have two right angles, 90 degrees side. You're going to extend the arms straight and then you're going to bend the elbows. Nice guys, extend the arms straight and bend the elbows as you extend. Try not to hyper extend the arms and then, and as you extend, try not to let the arms go lower than shoulder height. And then let's do four more. Extend and bend and stretch and bend.

Two more. Stretch and bend and last time extend the arms and then the arms and there bring the elbows back 90 degrees in front, lower the elbows down into the rib cage, extend the arms and then you're going to wrap your fingers around. We're going to do standing curls first. We're going to do a little wing of the wrist. So you're going to wing the wrist back, curl the wrist in one and wing the wrist back.

Curl the wrist in to wing the wrist back and curling in. Wing the risk doc and curling in. One more. Wing the wrist back and curling in. And now adding on, you're going to wing the risk back, curl in, and then bend and extend. Wing back, curl in. And then don't let the upper arm move. Only the lower army, yes, and wing back. Curl in and then up and down. One more time. Wing back, curl in and up and down. Great guys. Normally I would do eight of those, but we're going to do another exercise called low curls.

And if I decide to do both, I would just do four of these standing girls. And then for the low curl, so you're going to rise up onto your toes and now you're going to open the legs and then you're going to lower the heels down and we're going to do boxing. So you're going to bend your knees, fold at the waist to make a flat table top position. Then from there we're going to bring two fists in. Your palms are going to be facing down and your knuckles are going to be touching together and then you're going to have the right arm go forward.

Left arm, go back in, hold and come back in. Left arm for the right arm, back and in, right on forward, left arm, back and in. Left arm, forward right arm, back and in. Hold their wrap through the rib cage more. Now I'm going to challenge you more and come to complete flat tabletop position. There we go. Can you go lower? Can you arap to the rib cage more? And now, right arm forward, left arm back and come back in.

Left arm for the rider and back and come in. Right arm for left arm and back and in left arm. Forward right arm back in and hold there. Drop the head, drop the arms down and then keep the knees bent. Start to rule up to your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. Once your pelvis is up, right, you're going to extend the legs and roll the rest of the way up. Nice. Let's rotate back to plotty stents and what we're going to do with the side bend, you're going to have the right arm come up and then you're going to lean over to the left, taking a nice side stretch, and then you're going to come back up and then exchange arms left arm up and go up and over and then come back up and exchange arms.

So right arm up. And as you go over, there's a ball in between your arm and your ear. Don't lose that ball. Squeeze that, bring that arm to touch. My fist. Good. Now come back up and exchange, and now arm goes up. And now squeeze this ball as you go over, wrapping through the rib cage. Good. And now I'm come back up and arm comes back down. So what happens a lot of times in this exercise is that we tend to push out.

So what I like to do is I like to have people do it against the wall. So Amy, I'm going to put you here to, to, I'm gonna put you there. And what you're going to do is you're gonna see a stem facing into each other and then step in close to the wall as possible. Now from there, you're going to lift your arm up. Now come in a little bit more. Great. And then bring your hip about two inches away from the wall as you go over.

Your goal is to not allow your rib cage not allow your hip to touch and bending over and stretch. Making sure that Hib doesn't touch that wall. Good. Hold there. Can he go a little further? Can you go a little further now? Hold there. Squeeze the ball in between. Bend your elbow, extend the arm one, bend the elbow, extend the arm to nice stretch, right? And it's a good word, Ben. And extend three. Now hold their, reach through the fingertips and then lift up and let's try the other side.

Did you feel about opening? Bill's really nice. Okay, so you're going to face away from each other. You're going to be about one inch away from the wall and then you're gonna extend the arm up. And our goal is to not allow the rib cage not allow the hip to come and get away from the wall. And you're going to go over [inaudible]. There we go. And now hold there and try to go a little bit more than don't press into either one of my hands and try to go a little bit more nice and try to go a little bit more. Now hold there, wrap to the rib cage guys. And then you're going to bend the elbow, extend the arm and you can do profile or straight for it.

I'm going to have straight forward today bend and extend the arm Murmur Time Ben and extend and are reaching. Lift your head, lift your fingertips to rise up. Great, and let's come back to where we were earlier and we're going to do the same thing two more times on each side. And you're going to focus on not transferring weight right or left. So right arm is going to come up, then squeeze the ball and you're going to go over. Now you squeeze that imaginary ball, you're going to bend your elbow, extend arm, and then you're going to lift back up. And then exchange arms. As you go up and over, you squeeze the ball and you don't let your head come away to drop the ball.

And then you're going to bend the elbow, extend the arm, reach to come back up and now exchange arms and lift up and go over. Nice guys wrapping through the rib cage and band. Extend and then lift to come up and exchange arms last time. Imagine you're in between two electric walls. Don't touch anything against that wall, so very flat as you bend and extend. So no rotation, nice guys lifting up and then let the arm come down.

Nice guys. What you're gonna do is you're going to lift up onto your toes, rotate the parallel hip width, lower down, and then you're going to bend your knees and then you're going to make a flat table top position. And how low can you go? And we're gonna do the bug. You're going to bring the arms down and you're going to keep a long arm, but not a bent arm and not a hyper extended arm. We're going to lift the arms up to the side. Nice. And then lower the body down and lifting up to and lower down and lifting up. Three hold there guys. Are you wrapping through the rib cage?

Are zippering up tight jeans and lower down and again, lifting up four and lower down, lifting up five and crock walnut in between your shoulder blades. Then lower down and lifting up, cracking that walnut and lower to more energy through the crown of the head and back through the tailbone and extend. And one more time. Lifting up and lower down. Drop the head, drop the arms and then roll it through your spine when the pelvis is upright. Continue to roll up as you extend the legs, Knights, and then you're going to bring your heels together. You're going to bring your weights together and we're going to do the zip up.

They're going to zip up everything all the way up to the throat. And then on Zip. Good. You're going to zip up heels, calf's knees, inner thighs, pelvis, torso, and then unzip. Nice as you zip up, imagine you're pulling a ton of bricks up and then as you UNZIP, you're driving a shovel down into the earth. And now one more zippering up and UNZIP. Adding on.

You're going to zipper up and now she's a prep. You're gonna rise, rise onto your toes and then lowering down and again, zippering up, rising onto the toes and lowering down. Nice guys. Two more zippering up. You're squeezing a hundred dollar bill in between ankles or heels and lower back down. Last time. Zippering up. Don't lose that a hundred a hundred goes a long way these days. Lowering down. Very good.

And then what you're going to do is you're going to turn the palms forward and you're going to rise. The arms up began without shifting and then as you bend your elbows, shift the weight to the four part of the foot and then broad elbows shavings shaped forward and up one and come back down. It's forward and up two and down. Forward up as you wrapped the ribs and down two and up, four and down. Now adding up on forward and up as you rise up onto the toes and then lower the body back down and shaving up and lowering down and shaving up.

And if it's hard for anyone to do this, they can do saluting. And one more time with shaving up or saluting. Now hold their, bring the arms forward, lower down, rotate the legs to parallel hip with, let the arms come down, bend the knees and we're going to do low curls. You're going to bring your elbows in to the rib cage. Our goal is to not move the upper part. We're only going to move the lower part if they're going to extend the arms, wing the wrist back, curl the wrist in, bend the elbows, extend wing, back Curlin and again, extend wing, back Kerlin and Ben. One more time.

Extend Wing, back Curlin and good. Drop the arms, drop the head and now rolling up. Starting from the tailbone, initiating and when the Pelvis is upright, extend the legs as well. Great. Bring the heels together, bring the arms forward for chest expansion. You're going to inhale. Pull the arms as far back as you can. Then look to the right, look to the left look center and exhale and release. And again, inhale, pull. Nice and now look left.

Look right, look center and exhale and release and inhale. Pull this time, rise up under the toes, squeeze that a hundred dollar bill. There's another one in between these cheeks here and then look to the right and look to the left look center. That's probably my fault. And lower down. Lower down. Inhale pool rising up. And now look to the left. Look to the right look. Center and release. We're going to do one more this time. A little different.

Inhale, rise up. Squeeze both hundreds, one between those cheeks, the other one between the heels and pump into three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Inhale, and exhale. Three, four, five, three, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two more. Medic 50. Inhale and XL. Three, four, five last time, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Lift the arms up. Open the arms, and we're going to do the hug. Inhale a hug a big beach ball XL. Press someone away with your forearms in Hella. Hug a ball and XL. Push someone away. And again, inhale, hug, and XL.

Press one more time. Inhale, hug and Xcel. Press. Nice guys, hold there. Rise up onto your toes and then exhale close. So we're reversing the breathing. Inhale, open. Exhale, close. Inhale, open. Once again, exhale, close. Inhale, open. Last time. Exhale, close and inhale, open and lower down. Arms are going to come right down by the sides and we're going to do sparklers are going to hold the middle of your weight and they're going to circle forward. One and two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Now reverse the circle down to three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 a hold there.

Grabbed the very end of your weight and so now it's really like 4th of July sparklers and we're going to work on keeping the wrist very long and the circle up to three, four, five, six or seven eight, nine, 10 and circled down. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Hold the end of the Wade. Still Rise up for 10 counts. Take a full 10 count together, and 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Now lower for 10 there's a water balloon underneath your heels and you keep pressing on it and we're not going to bust the balloon until we get to number one, two, one. Try that again. Rise for 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lower, ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two. Busted. Water and blue on one. All right, adding.

We're going to combine the two together. You're going to circle up. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lower. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Now grab the middle of the weight. Same thing. Rise up. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one lower, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 arms circles. Inhale, lift the arms up. Exhale, pressing down. And again, inhale, lift and exhale, pressing down. And again, inhale, lift and XL. Press. This is when you start to feel it right. And again, inhale, lift, and exhale, press, reverse the circles and around and lower down and around. Two and lower down and around.

Three and lower down around four and lower down. And now what we're going to do is fencing. So we're going to bring or lunging rather, sorry, you're going to bring her heel right into the middle of your foot. So we're almost like a third position. If we're going to do ballet and you're going to step out to the side.

Yup. Now from there you're going to slide the leg back in and go back to starting position and slide back in. And again, stepping out and slide back in. One more time. Stepping out and slide back in. Now what you're going to do, I'll demonstrate this. You're going to step out and you're going to have one long straight line. Then from there you're going to slide back in. Okay, and stepping out yes and slide back in and again, stepping out and slide back in. Let's do one more. Stepping out hold there, reach through the hands more, reached through the head more, back to the tail, wrapped to the rib cage.

Ground the back leg and I'll slide back in. Good other leg, total body worked out. They're on weight series actually and now bursts without going over with the bathroom was step out and slide back in and stepping out and notice that Tetsuo and Amy are doing slightly different arms. Both are okay. You can either open or you can go straight and again, stepping out and slide back in. One more time. Step out and slide back in. Now let's add the flat back.

Step out and find that long flat line wrapping to the rib cage and then slide back in and again, step out and slide back in. Last time. Step out in a hold. Pancake, the feet, energy through the head, energy back through the, reached through the fist, ground your pelvis, and then slide your body back to center. Great. And when you thought we were done, we're going to do one more. You're going to grab those weights and we're going to do the arm circles yet again, but this time on elevate, so on the toes. So we're going to elevate up and you're going to lift the arms up and circle the arms all the way down. And again, inhale, lift, and exhale lower. And again, inhale, lift, and exhale. Lower last time. Inhale, lift and exhale lower.

Now let's reverse and lifting up and lower down, lifting two and lowering down and lifting three and lower down. Last time. Lifting up. Inhale and exhale. Lower your heels as well. Lift the heels, rotate to parallel. Bend your knees. One, extend one Ben, to extend to Ben. Three extend three shoulders to the ears. Two, three release. And you guys are done for today. Thank you.


very precise and efficient work + excellent teacher ! Merci, Pilates anytime, to inspire me and make my day so often !!!
1 person likes this.
Now I have a reason to log on to Pilates Anytime even if I only have 20 minutes. What a deceptively concentrated liltle workout. Sleeveless season about this as an add on to any of your other favorite routines?!
2 people like this.
Thank You so much Brett
I look forward to ANY class you teach :) Love your clear and concise instruction !!
and I agree with Joni, I can add this to a chair or spine corrector workout with pleasure !!
Thanks Brett! Loved it! I do weight training at the gym but this is a different approach and nice work with the 100$ bill.
Great class. Thank you.
how many weight ?
3 people like this.
As one of his lucky students that day, I can tell you all that this short little workout did the trick! For me, the slow and precise movements and focus are what I love the most and I felt fantastic after. A great compliment to a short jump board, chair or spine corrector class indeed. Thanks Brett!! Can't wait to have you back!
Very nice clear, calm, instruction.
1 person likes this.
Loved it!! Great to add to my Barre class!!
Fabulous! Love it!
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