Class #1120

Connect Front and Back Body

50 min - Class


Kristi teaches a Mat workout that helps you find connections in the front and back of your body. She includes a lot of back extension and work for the upper back muscles. Kristi also increases the intensity of some of the ab work by adding the Overball. This is a great class to get your body moving!
What You'll Need: Mat, Overball

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Jul 13, 2013
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I am ready to move. Take a deep breath and don't worry about your feet. Just put them where they feel good. Bring some energy and bring our, collect what's already in here and lengthen. Raise the shoulders, raise the ribs, stick your butt out, whatever feels good and it's what bring it back into what feels like alignment and blow out. If it's a through the mouth, if it's like you're fogging up a mirror, that kind of works for me in here. And exhale, I've got to shake a little. You don't have to do this. I just need to go ahead in here. I wouldn't ask you to do that and exhale. And on this one, when the arms get about shoulder height, let your head roll kind of connect to the back of your body as you do your forward roll. This is your measure. You don't have to do anything with it.

Just feel it. Take your inhale and when it feels appropriate and natural, start to blow out your air. And my hope is that you will get all to go ahead and roll up. As you roll up and you blow out your air, you get it all out, but without strain so that naturally the inhale takes the arms up or at least fills the lungs. Do it again. Exhale, blow out the air. You can, you can do that fully, fully try to stop just before straining so that when you roll up on the inhale, it feel, send my natural and for this last one, take in how with the arms up, when it's time, stay up there. If your feet aren't already together, put them together. If it's available to you, class the hands so they're together right from that place. If it's available to you. And only this if press biceps into your head, but not to push your head forward headband. Okay, so if, if they have to be bent, that's cool. From that place, just kinda pay attention to the bony structure of your body. Are you tending towards sticking your hips out, ribs forward, anything like that or otherwise?

It may be that you need your arms more in front of you so that you don't force tension in your neck. I'm not about tension. I'm over with tension in my, we'll see how good I do. Edit from there, let's just shift the hips to the left, keeping interstim with the feet and the ankles and the knees together as best you can. Not to mention both feet flat. Of course, that's going to flare the left side. You're reaching up and out to the right so you're not collapsing on yourself. Take an inhale. Press the hips that are going to the left, back to the center to lift up other side. I'm liking to inhale and it's a sense of lifting to go to reach the hips to the right. Check your alignment of your feet still together, kind of making that shape, shape. When it's time, press the hips back to the center and come back up. Release the arms and let's just go to the floor.

Well, all the way down, feet flat. Collarbones. Why press the back of your arms into the mat so you feel the back of your body first. If I had any challenge today for you, it'd be to see how are the two sides and all sides, but let's say front and back related. How can you press into the back of your body in order to facilitate the front of your body? It's just a thought in here. Start exhaling and allow your body to roll up through the spine. No, not much thought going on just now. Once you're up, now you can think, are you standing in your feet? Do you feel if you touched in front of your hips, I'm just warming you up, right? Can you feel that long line?

I know how tight I am right now from traveling, so I'm going to lower my upper body and tuck more, even though I intend to push you in a minute. Then stand heavier into my feets. I really connect with the back to release the front inhale and from your throat, from your chest. Keep your eyes up, knocked down at your legs or your abs or your knees or anything like that to roll down. Inhale, exhale. Bring it back up. Standing on your feet to do it. We don't have to think too muscularly just yet. When you get up here though, can you feel the back of your body that includes your arms, that includes the back of the shoulders. Inhale. If you haven't exhale any long gate though, you are in fact articulating or rolling down.

Let's just do a couple more. This is you're sort of setting your pace and your tone. Exhale takes you up. It's your time to think about or notice is better word perhaps. What is your body wanting to do? What does it need you? I trust you're gonna modify for yourself. Come down on your next exhale and then from there when you get to neutral, just if you can imagine hugging something between the inner thighs, just enough to feel the front of your body. You'll be able to pick up your feet, keep the arms pressed in to bring them to tabletop and together going towards the window or to the front. Inhale, as you rotate, start your exhale field, maybe heaviness through the bones of the ribs to come back to center and to the back. You still have a little pressure through both upper arms.

Don't let it come off that front arm. Now exhale, back to center. What I encourage you to do is to relax everywhere that you can with exception in this moment to both arms pressing in and again in here. Challenge it a little. I know your arms are close to you, so well limit you a little bit. How about one more each way? Last time to the back. [inaudible] from that place. Put both feet down. Let's just keep them together.

Slide your arms out to a tee first and, and you might have to just stagger for this one. You're gonna want the t. So just like Wendy, only Wendy and Daria can move down a little bit. Okay, so that you're there, that you're in this t position and then without tightening, like I don't want you to tighten, reach your arms as far as you can. I always think of that Michael Jordan Wingspan poster. Tom McCook was here last weekend and he said he's two, but his wingspan is six four. Let's go for that or five for KCP from that place.

And to the point where you are, you really are reaching and they can be in on the floor or not. It may be slightly off, is a good idea, but I think it'll work on the floor. If you reach so far, then you're going to hover your arms a little, not a lot of tension in the muscles. Don't think about that. And then from that place, what is it? One, two, three, using your thumb. This is, and just, let's see which one is it? Yeah. Use your thumb to grab the last two fingers on each. Flip your hands over.

And so I've got my index and middle finger up and together. Windy and flex your wrist as hard as you can or reach even further, further, further, further. Melissa, come down a little. It's okay if you touched area. There you go. Finding hopefully a little bit of, well not hopefully, but if you do find a neural stretch, that's cool. Release it and do one more flex. Hold onto those fingers pretty strongly, including the little one. Windy. Yep. I said index finger. I didn't mean index finger. What did I mean? Yes I did.

Yes I did. Yes, I did. That's exactly what I meant. Yep, and release it. Okay. Arms up overhead. Stretch out your legs. Arm's most likely just off the mat and from there we reach them up to the ceiling. Let heaviness come into the chest. Feel the bat that your body release to come up into a roll up and then here we're hugging the midline. It's not about what are we working, it's about how centered can we be. That's beautiful. Beautiful Marina. Down we go. Reach back. As soon as your head touches, you're ready to go again.

It's not that you're anxious about it, it's just that you are deciding that there's no beginning and end to the movement even here where it appears. So you roll back. For those who want to breath pattern, typically from me, I'm inhaling as I begin, I exhale. Try not to look down too much coming up. I want you to look up on the next one just a little. I'll explain that in a second. We roll back to somewhere. Right about now you're looking near the ceiling, right?

We don't want to bury our heads too soon and I think that's a habit. So right now you're a ceiling, maybe opposite wall and only near the end are you probably looking down. Let's go again. Rules. Okay. And your feet. They're long. Yeah. Good. Again, to do your best to keep them together and softly reaching through the feet while they are. Pull the shoulders back a little. Your posture, your spine is good and that's it. What do you need? Die. You're good. Not The lumbar. Okay, last one to come up and here we are from here. We're going all the way back down.

Ben, Johnny's again. Take your hands behind your head. Laced the fingers together. I'm going to get balls for everyone. So just you keep going from here, your spine, it's going to be a neutral. You take your inhale and before lifting up, start pressing your head backwards into your hands a little bit. Exhale to roll up or curl up, I should say. That's it. That's it.

Now from that place, when you're there, just as an idea, I'm going to just come in. You're doing fine. So I don't really need to change. I'm going to push you up a little if I can. Yeah. Now, press your head directly backwards. Yes, so you get that sort of sense of traction. It also lets you be slightly higher without lumbar. Fluxion. Inhale, exhale, come down. Do that again in help. Prepare. Exhale takes you up. Okay.

Inhale, hold. If you can, deep breathe Li. Breathe deeply. My goodness. Exhale, come down. That's what you do. Come on, Eh. Again, inhale, exhaling up. It was not about pushing your low back into the mat at all. It may or may not touch, but can you come a little higher on that?

Inhale and exhale down. We'll change it just to add some rotation. Exhale, curls you up. What I like to do when I'm taking this inhale is gently press my head backwards. I'm aware that I can see my elbows and they're forward in his works for me. Come to the window on your exhale.

[inaudible] in health. Come through the middle, perhaps a little higher to the back. Exhale. Inhale. As you pass through the middle, or even if you're not looking, make sure you're not moving your knees around. Right. You're in control of this and it's not about being rigid. It's about understanding the separation that you can make once you anchor. So inhale through center here we go to the front [inaudible] in and just like before, even though the movement smaller, you're letting all the air out, you kind of have to learn to time that one more each way.

Last one coming up [inaudible] and to the center. Come on down from that place. Either just rock yourself up or we can do one more roll up to get up and exhale your way there. Good. Take the ball behind your back. So this will be more helpful for if you're not wanting to go into that deeper curve. So first things first and we'll play with it. The ball I have, well I want to say it's a seven inch ball, but there's semi deflated. So who knows? But it shouldn't hurt. What'd you say?

Yeah, I love blow it up for if you want. Okay, so here we are. Hold onto the back of your legs actually for this first one and lean back where you can feel some support. I recognize it's not going to be full support, but where you have some sense of it. Then from there, inhale, exhale, think to press into the ball. You don't have to tuck significantly to do it, but you are pushing back into the ball with a subtle sensation of your upper body going forward. Okay, so for those of you who have no trouble tucking, you can do that, but don't do it with your feet. Do it with the action of the spine. Make sense? Inhale, we're just breathe in. Exhale, you're not gonna see much, but there's a sense of I'm pushing directly back as if I wasn't going to change my spine and then some are halfway up the spine.

I'm thinking now I want to go that way. Inhale, we'll do a couple more exhale. It's just feeling it's okay to talk, but you can't do it with your feet. You could take your feet off to prove it to yourself. And last breath like that. Right now, go a little further down. Not to the point where it feels like it's forcing an arch. You have to control for that so the glutes are engaged. If you're not sure, touch them hands behind your head. Support your head fully. Inhale, extend your spine back. Now don't go so far. Everyone's ball is different.

If you go so far that it's forcing the arts, you've gone too far. Start exhaling, and again, it's direct, backward pressure into the ball whether you flex or not, including your upper spine. Inhale, I'd like you to minimize your flex and inflection and challenge that you already feel it though. Hey, I did two and slow though. Exhale, we don't need to see it. Slow it down right now. I know you can actually take a break. That would rather that then go faster. I'm about to take a break too, and on this next one, hold the contraction you have. Tuck around your upper body from just under the chest.

It doesn't mean look down necessarily, probably right opposite your knees. Inhale, stretch it out too long. If you can. Exhale. I'm not changing my lumbar spine here, or not much anyway. She'd say, push your head backwards. Inhale. It's totally fine to hang on, right? Absolutely fine. Should not be challenging on your back as if there's pain. Last one. Good. And hold on to your legs.

Help yourself up. Take the ball between your knees. How are we doing? Okay, good. Okay, good. I, when I saw Melissa grab her legs, I was like, Oh man, this exercise sucks of Melissa's graph. She's the only one in there. No. Okay, good. We're good then. I think we all felt it. Marina and I felt it sooner cause we've been traveling here where we're holding the ball between our knees. Feet are flat. Move the legs so it's comfy. We're upright. Pressure, head back again and rotate to the front. There's your inhale. Simple. Oh, there's dolphin. Wow, that was awesome.

Exhale center. You're gonna have to trust me. You're not allowed to get up in here. And exhale. I encourage either hand over hand or laced fingers. So you literally have something to not only draw your head back in, but the shoulders easily down. Lightly squeezing the ball again and center one more like that each way. And exhale on the XLC. If you can grow taller last time back now, then you can just let the ball go.

Turn the feet together so the knees turnout ball, just be there. We'll change this a bit. Come to the front. Inhale, the elbow and back is going to read. You're still rotating so it's more still about the spine. It's not about the elbow. I'm just telling you about where it will end up. If you keep rotating the spine as to even on your sits bones, you're reaching the elbow somewhere around the shin.

Some of you will be able to go further. If you do though, that means the other elbow and I have to fake it because I can't go further. The other elbow would be directly opposite it or quite close anyway. Then roll up to straight still in rotation center. Inhale, rotate toward the back. Keep rotating. As you start to hinge forward, there will be some curve to your spine, but you're trying to minimize it. As you continue to rotate. Inhale, as you sit up, you can facilitate more rotation there. Then to center a tiny bit faster. Inhale, exhale, press the heels together. See, you're aware of your balance. Inhale, still rotating and the eyes matter.

Keep looking to the back. Exhale as you go forward and press your heels together. Gently draw the hipbones back. Inhale sitting up and send her one more each way. Inhale, exhale. So it's, well, I'll just stop.

Keep going. Inhale, lift. That's always more to say, I suppose. It's not necessarily the need that we should and okay, staying here. Press the heels together where you're conscious that you're doing so, but without a ton of pressure in the front, you may have to move the legs out from that place. You feel your glutes, you can lift up a little. Kind of get that set up on the sip bones. You're going to keep the elbows where you can barely see them in peripheral vision, but allow your chest to rise. So at my sense in myself is that the back is lengthening.

As I let the chest rise up, I'm trying not to lean back. I'm still letting my head be cradled as I look near or up to the ceiling. Exhale, back down to normal. No collapsing. Now it's as if your hands pull your head and the rest of your spine. You squeeze those heels and a little bit through the glutes to allow for extension. Now let the elbows get too far behind you there and exhale.

I'm only doing one more. This is your chance to kind of let go of the upper tension in the body era. Actually almost everyone except for Wendy, Deborah and Marina, move back in the back, lean back a little slightly. Pull the ribs with here. There you go. And back to center. All right, from there you can release your arms just round forward if that's suitable for you or hinge if that's better. And now we take the ball and I'm wanting to put it behind your shoulder blades and you'll know if it, once we get going, if it's not appropriate, you just adjust it where it is.

So I'm leaving the diamond position for me and it's probably just me. So I'm just saying that for now. You can rest your feet down. But I'm lifting my heels as all to do with my lower leg and that the point is, is I want to have the sense that my feet are connected to my, um, well my body for but my glutes and if I dropped them, I can, I can tend to internally rotate where I'm not trying to. So there's some inner thigh action happening there, supporting your head in the, allow your upper back to go over the ball. Most likely with the size of the balls we have, your head will touch, but you're not forcing an arch in your back. I hope.

From there you have your connection at your feet. You start blowing out your air, your head, your chin, your neck, whatever rolls first. Then you push into the ball. Go ahead. Do as all your mites. As long as you don't force the Tuck of the pelvis, curl as much as you want. Beautiful. Inhale, go back and it's a control and taking it back, right? Exhale. And don't forget your head. Sometimes the head becomes part of something else and we want it to be sequential. Take it back in your head. Comes last.

So from down here you haven't really pushed into the ball. You Roll your head. Now you're exaggerating the push into the ball. For Fun. We stay there. Draw your feet in a little closer. A lot of us are gonna need our arms down for this one. Bring your feet in close enough that you feel like you have the ability to slightly tuck if necessary. In other words, I don't want, I'm about to pick up one foot than the other and then both, and I don't want you to feel like you get tossed. So that's the idea.

Pick up your right leg. Just do that and see if in this position, can you imagine the leg is heavy and that is being held from your center. It's almost imagination. Otherwise it's just simple. Other side. Exhale. Okay, so far so good curl. A little more marina. Just a little. There you go. Now both. Sorry for the late. Called both legs up the back. Shouldn't move. Try to push into your ball here.

Bring your legs as high as you need to to do that. Support your head again. Now that we're here, you've got the heels pressing together. Curl up a little more marina. Act like you want to get off the ball. There you go. That stays there. It's like you're getting off the ball. Start to lower your legs.

They probably won't touch cause we want to keep the rest of the spine the same. Exhale, bring them back up in here. Push them down like there's something behind those legs. Exhale, pull them. Keep that contraction. We can go to windy and it's not really about the feet, but I do like to remind people to think of that connection. If you're up for it, you're going to extend your spine over the ball as you go down. Inhale, the feet don't have to touch. They exhale.

Everything comes together in him to exhale. You gotta be careful with this one. If it starts to go into your low back, you're either done or perhaps you're making too big of a range, in which case you're still done. Last one for everyone. Exhale. Take your feet all the way down. Leave your upper body up and curled up. Taking the arm closest to the back, reach toward the window, rotate. Be careful not to roll the whole body to drop both knees equally. There you go. And from there it's a subtle push into the ball.

That's more the direction. It's a backwards push. Yes, you're going to appear to be going forward, but not until three and full. I'm trying to take the front of my body back. Just a thought rather than just getting up. If we focus too much on the front, you just don't get as much. Do One more there and just change that to the back. Check that you don't rotate. Hips or legs are both heavily weighted and we press exhale backwards to reach forward. Push back into the ball. It's pretty small. Your head, everything is essentially going backwards, but because you're on the ball, it forces that little push for more.

Ah, check that you're not reaching the arm, but you're letting the spine rotate to more, uh, one more. And then bring your hand back, stretch back over the ball. You can stretch your legs out together in parallel on the floor. Reach your arms back. If that works for you or you can continue to support your head. And from there we bring the arms after your head follows, push into the ball to help you up and then bringing the ball a little closer.

So this is going to take you into a little more flection. If it is too much, you don't have to do the flection, you don't have to do so much fluction I should say. Um, and again, these balls are a little bit smaller than I would have liked if I thought about it ahead of time. We lean into it and for now hold on. In case in case you don't want to flex as much, anchor your feet and from that place you're just pressing into the ball, creating a little flection and release it back to what feels like neutral pressing again. It's so small, right? There's not much happening elsewhere. If your feet are driving in, I'm going to suggest you don't do that. I'll do that in a minute. But just for now, the feet aren't doing anything you're trying to create. If I didn't have a ball, it'd be a subtle sense of curve there and one more.

Now do the exact same thing, but use your feet, Aaron, just bring your feet a little closer to each other. They're about sitz bones. Yeah. Now actually use your shields. You're still holding on. You're going to drive your heels down to create that resistance. Try not to strain the toes. It's just a down so you have hamstrings pushing into the ball.

You're not forcing shoulders forward. It's just the same exact movement coming from a different place. Okay? Okay. From there whole or release it, I should say, gently press into the ball, not with your feet, not with just your abdominals, your feet or anchor. Pick up the right knee and pull it right into your chest.

Right in as close as you can without coming up. Weigh in and extend it out. How about inhale in? In, in. That's abdominals there. I'll change the breath. Mint. Keep the foot high. Exhale, reach it high and inhale. Your spine is almost neutral. I do have, I am inflection, but it's not big and put it down if it's too much you coming up or allowing yourself to Tuck, right. That's another option. You can talk and sometimes that helps. If you don't have a reason not to, other leg is up. We inhale, pull it in.

Try not to lean into it unless you absolutely have to. Exhale, maintaining it. Inhale, exhale. As your leg goes out, can you push more energy into the foot and away from you tomorrow in here. Oh, I feel it. That's enough. Put them down. Inhale and exhale from there. Just crush your feet. Knees like so, and I'll come back to where we were in a second. I'm just getting my ball out of the way. You can put it wherever you want.

You don't need to do that. I just don't want it to go chasing it. Elbows or near your body. Okay. You could do this with your legs differently as well. If you prefer to be sitting on something and all we want to do, it's absolutely fine. All we want to do is feel the arms next to us and just lightly as if the ball were where minus lightly. Kind of hug inward and take the arms. Just rotate.

We're not squeezing our back muscles, not even a little bit. Take a look down and make sure that your hands haven't traveled up nor down, but there is no level parallel to the floor as possible from that place. Not a lot of energy with one exception that it would be if your inner thighs were coming together. Extend your arms. A little bit of squeeze through the glutes may be just so you feel an anchor point from that place without thrusting the ribs. They are not to move. You're going to draw the arms back, squeeze the glute so you don't arch your back anymore and lift your chest to look back. I'm looking for you, hoping for you to find your upper back muscles a little and then come back to neutral arms. Come forward, Ben. We'll just do a few of those back to the front.

Open out, reach wide. Start to squeeze the glutes. You feel like your spine is getting longer. That's it. When they're out on that diagonal to the side, you continue to squeeze through the lower body a little and extend your spine as you reach the arms as far back as you want without thrusting energy only into your low back and it's a play. You gotta look for it. That's sort of the nature of all of our work. Last one, we come back to the start and open out. Reach out. You can start growing yourself, your spine, and that's in both directions.

By the way, you're thinking. Reach through the ground, extend. You can squeeze your shoulder blades if you want. Lift your chest, keeping your neck long and weak. Okay. Make sure I got everything I want here. I didn't for the moment. Put these aside. We're going into just the basic spine stretch for the first few cause I'm going to do a fair amount. We're thinking of the breath theatre. Flex sitting tall. Knees can be bent.

No big deal. Inhale on your exhale. Let's focus on letting the exhale, letting the movement get the exhale out. Prove it to yourself without strain. Can you get your head on the ground without straining the Braille? Because when it's time to inhale, you'll just rise up and it should be that easy of coordinating. Exhale, roll down. Okay. Try not to let the shoulders come into play at all. There you go. It's the action. You let the movement create the release of the Bra. I mean, yeah, the release of the breath. Inhaling up and we'll go a little quicker now.

Exhale, the air pushed through the bottoms of the feet. It's an exercise in balancing the resistance. Inhale up. Last one. I'm imagining I'm pushing everything forward to get the curve and we're up. Let's go into what I guess now I'm going to call rail's version or is it Aarons?

I'm not sure, but anyway, hands behind your head. Good. I'm liking. I just want to do one little quick change. It's very settled for everybody. I'm gonna barely back you up and just focus on lifting here. Just this, almost like skin. Now push your ribs into my leg a little bit more. Your ribs front, not your arms, your front ribs. Into my leg. There you go. That's exactly right. That's good actually. That's good.

Y'All fixed it. Before I could get to. Okay. Exhale rampart. It's okay to let the arms go forward here. Now we're going into extension of the spine, so press the legs or whatever you need to do. We're lengthening from the tailbone through the crown of your head. I am, by the way, still pressing the back of my head into my hands. Gently from that place. Extend your arms on the exhale.

Can you elongate more without too much strain? Just let yourself be along in how refold the hands. Exhale. We're rounding forward. I'm thinking. Try to get the crown of your head in front of your knees closer to your upper thighs and inhale, sit up. Exhale. If it's [inaudible] foreign to you, if there's movement, let the elbows come forward and aim the elbow points to your abdominals on the way down.

Then inhale into new extension. Elbows will just go on an easy diagonal. Get along. You feel your mid back, mid back, mid back. Good. Nice job with the arms. Refold the arms and XL. Nice. Sit down. You go gorgeous. Nice. Right? All the way back up. So let that, let's if we could on this next couple. When you do this last part, cause you've done this [inaudible] up, up, up, up.

I've inhaled when you go into the excel, let's not have that quite so controlled. Don't tell me when I said that, but that you're just so the inhale is facilitating something. Here we go. Exhale. When it's time you run out of air, that's your chance into extension. It'll be easier if you run out of air. If you haven't, you're in trouble. Exhale. Extend your arms. You might be aware of your front of your body here so you don't hyperextend inhale. Refold this is where you're as long as you can be and now you exhale. When it's all gone, you're going to just pop right back. Last one. Exhale.

Feel the front of your body pressing into the back of your body. Create that change. Inhale and dear extension. Yes. Pay attention to your ankles. Now are you flexing at the ankle? Extend the arms. Stay there with the arms for just a few. Pull the shoulder blades back, but perhaps you're thinking long through the spine. Here's bolt to Xcel.

Pull three. I'm not done. Here's four. Let your arms come down to shoulder height. Lean into it as if someone pulls you forward from the hips. Separate your arms to a t or a V and from there draw the shoulder blades together. Try not to thrust the ribs for four. There's two, there's three. Getting longer through the spine and tail and let the arms come back up.

Exhale, round over. Roll yourself up. Bend your knees as you do and pick you up your feet for open leg rock. So there's, again, this is another one of those. There's a little bit of a round, but it doesn't have to get excessive here. So plug those arms and plug the legs in. Inhale, roll back.

I think of kind of reaching the legs out of the hip. Exhale and extend the spine at the end. Inhale, send the tail up. Send the tail down. Extent. So maybe you're thinking too, I dunno, I dunno actually. Okay. Back if you want a little wider Denver. I think it would be even, yeah. Last one. Okay, good. And there you are from there. Whole the fee or bring the fee together.

Bend the knees and we rolled. Leave the Nisa tables off because guess what? We're coming back up. Daria, if you don't want to flex, what I would do is go into a hip lift here. Yeah, just for a few. We're coming up cause this one's a hard one. Not to feel you have to flex for this one. And everyone just flex your feet. Can you imagine just imagination that you're pushing against something as you roll down. So if your hamstrings are involved, go ahead and roll to your shoulder blades only this time.

And then imagine I was hooked at your feet to bring you back up. It's all, it's all mental games, right? One more. It's all mental games. It's all like what can we do when you come up, stay up and Face Front for Mermaid. She's the boss. Since we have it, you don't need the ball for what I'm about to do. But if you have one, it's kind of fun. So sitting in this, what figure for like position. That's all I need to say. I think for a second I'm the, the ball is just there. I'm not using it a lot.

I'm like I just want to lift off this hip. What? Nothing. Okay, I'm lifting off and then I want to sit. What? Alright, she's having her. She's human and setting it down. Lift it again. I don't get it all the way down. I suppose some do, but you hear that cue that your hips down. Well, I'm not so sure we should, but anyway, I'm still learning now. Whatever it can be, it's down. We're going to roll out anchor as if your opposite outside calf is as heavy as it could possibly be. Hand afforded at the wrist or hand. Exhale, rotate. Now it's all spine. You're still weighted through the legs.

Most of the weight is back in the legs or some in that front arm reopened on the inhale. You might have the ball a little far next time. And so here's the thing. If you get way out here and the hand is still on, it is going to be tough. So I don't know how to tell you where to put it, but you want it forearm supported when you get there. Yeah. Then you can rotate. Here we go. Inhale. And by the way, it's like you're being lifted up first. Then you're rotating into it. So if you want to put more weight on it, you can, but it's not forced. Reopen just that ribcage and spine.

And now as if you've been pulled up, just two more. Here we go. In exhale, putting weight opposite where arms are. Find your anchor so you can move more freely. Inhale and thinking about where, I'm sorry. Last one. Inhale, your arm is connected. Your spine. Imagine so it doesn't get in front of you turns. Now your arm can move more freely. Reopen everything up.

We come holding on where you need to at that free arm, opposite arm up and think up. You can even raise the shoulder. I encourage you to decide if it's in your back, you probably thrusting the ribs cause that's easy for you to just check for that. That's a natural one. And then before we change sides completely, just take the ball and front you might want to bend it. Let's bend it a little. Feel better, a little pressure chest dries. We're going toward the anchored side toward the legs and just rotate into it from the spine.

Try not to back away so I didn't roll off that forward here it didn't change. And then from there just press into the ball as you get tall for five x sales and pushing into my hands to lengthen my spine. One I am thinking of trying to rotate a little further too. It's pretty subtle. You're not going to see it. Surrey both hands pushing. Heres for one more time.

Five and let's just change that. I've missed y'all mermaid. Okay, you're tall. We go. Inhale, reach out. Check if you need to move the ball. Do I don't have enough weight on my calf? Dia, I'm on it. Yeah, I don't you there. I need to shift now.

I can move right now. I can feel like I'm levitating even though in fact, the more I rotate in, the more I want to lean in the ball, I can reopen it and lift. Oh, I didn't do the lift and lower. That's what I'm missing. Inhale. Excellent. And two to go. Feel your spine moving. The rest of you feeling where you can stay stable. We okay and finally, good, good.

So wherever you are, just you can put your hand on it on the ground if you want. See if you can rotate your spine further without moving your hips. Yes, Marina. Very good. Then carefully, you got to pick that arm up again. Reopen it. Come on home, hold on. Where you want to or need to other arm up, reach up.

It's okay to lift the shoulder here and side bend. If you're more flexible and you want more for the lat, you can fold it too. I'm feeling like Germany leads me here. Okay, good. Come on down onto your abdominals. Placed about just under your sternum. If your ball is a little bigger, you might have to move the ball more forward and vice versa, but it should feel like it's supporting you a little bit.

Then elmos where traditionally for single and kick would be right under your shoulders. You can move them forward a little, just a little, and then walk your legs, your hips backwards a little so that you can attempt to feel the front of your hip bones as well as your pubic bone. I'm not asking you for a Tuck here. You want to feel all of it. Okay? It's the balls too big. Get rid of it. In other words, if it's forcing pain in the back, just get rid of the ball cause it works without it just as well. Okay, so you have that. Then reach your legs to the point where without picking them off the ground, you feel um, hamstring work. Then hover them. Good. And the knees didn't bend. Did they good. Exactly. Check your knees too, Wendy.

I think I should t there you go. I think you're good. I was wrong. All right. Uh, pick a leg. It's kick, kick straight and here it is. Kick, kick straight and switch sides. Kick, kick, straighten. Now gently pry, keep doing that. But gently press your chest into the ball as you push your elbows into the ground, but also pull them towards your waist. So it's a little sense of traction, like you're going to go forward. Let's go a little quicker. Kick, kick, straighten and kick. Kick reach, kick, kick, reach. Can you bring your knees closer to gather? Last four, three. Keep your body lifting marina like your proud. There you go to, Oh, I lost count on that. Can you believe it? Finish it.

So it's even and on you stretch your arms forward. Move the ball. Um, forward. I think a little bit. I'm gonna move mine all together. Just cause of Mike or Cause I want to, you can move yours too if you want. Basically what I'm wanting to do is have you go into extension that try without the ball first. Try without the ball. So we're all together. Your arms are in front of you. Probably a tiny bit wider.

I'm thinking of the one two chair. I did this recently by surprise and it worked out well. Um, from this place without lifting your spine. Exactly right away. You have the setup in front, lift your head, start to look forward as if you're curious. And as you see in front of you, oppose that with the shoulders pulling back like you're deciding you're going to go there. I think I'm gonna do it, but I'm going to be ready so my shoulders are gently pulling back. Continue to look up the wall or whatever's in front of you without thinking you're going to lift your chest, keep your chest in the ground. As soon as you start to feel like your chin is tilting forward, it's time to start lifting your chest, your arms, because you're not going to leave the shoulder.

You're going to keep them plugged in, are going to start traveling with you, but because you're more in your back, they're light on the floor, they're light on the floor. You can start applying pressure when you want to lift up. Exactly, and then go back down. So if you're more in your back extensors and I recognize you're on, if you're using the mat as a guide, it's going to be too sticky. I think the wood floor will work cause you're not, you don't have a whole lot of pressure. So you start with your head, you lift right at this point you've got your legs long.

You might feel your chest pushing down into the mat when you want to go further and you can bend your elbows. But I encourage you not for as long as you can. I'm still lifting almost without my hands, but my hands are definitely involved. Come only to where it feels good. Good. Now stay wherever you are. That's great. Moonless just for challenge, can you bring your dumbbells down actually, but keep your chest just as high and yes. And then Daria don't come any higher but think to pull yourself forward through there. Exactly. Same with you Andy. Just barely.

I would even go lower with you with two and just think chest towards Darren and I'm liking the rest of it all the way down and one more. We start to lift. If you want. Again, you can move your arms back and do it from here so you don't ever have to drag your arms. But what I'm trying to convey is that you can do most of this exercise without the pressure of your arms and you don't need to be hot. Keep the good marina, barely pull your shoulders backwards. That's great, and down we go. When you get there, however, the legs and the arms, you're long, you're relatively low. Before going into swimming, which is what we're doing, I'm going to ask you to gently press your chest down, but lift your collar bones and faith up so the subtle arch of the very top of your spine and starts swimming. Inhale, nice and long. Use Your Butt. Exhale. Good. Inhale. Keep going. Really? You're doing great. I just want you to move. Work from here. Ooh, good. Even more, even more in gorgeous exhale.

Some of you can look forward because you're nice and high, almost Aaron Youtube, and on the next exhale you get to come all the way down. That was nice all the way down and take yourself into a rest position when you're ready. If you feel like you back worked a lot, you're gonna want to go for a curve in the spine. If that's not appropriate for you, you can separate the knees and make it just a little bit of a hip release for the moment. All right, come up to hands and knees. Hands right underneath your shoulders. This might be able to be done.

No, I can't. Sorry. It could. It could be done on your elbows, but it would just be a much smaller range. So from here, extend one leg back, curl the toes under so you weighted on it and then push through that leg to the point where you feel your butt connected to it. Then the other from that place, let's say right leg up, pick your head up a little marina. Thank you. Bend the knee and draw it in. If you're not to flex, don't, if you can flex, don't drop your head to do it. Pull the knee up so far that only then is it natural for you to bring the head down. That's right. Put it back. Change sides. Draw it in, in, in, head up. Marina. Just a little for now. Keep coming. And then if your tail starts to curl under, your head can adjust to that and back a little quicker.

We pull it in and out and alternating and back. Back a tiny bit less head Debra. Just a little, not much. Thank you. One more time each, everybody. And now both you back. Lift your hips up, guide your shields down. It's okay if the knees are bent. Kind of drawing the weight towards the hips or the thighs. Now the varieties up on the toes, if you can imagine, and I don't want you to look up for it, but can you imagine you're gonna push into the balls of the feet as if to propel you forward and do that with both and let that allow the back of the leg to Tuck the pelvis to roll through.

We're gonna end up in a plank until your feet are both flexed in your head. Is reaching long from there, your head is going to come down. You're going to lift up away from your hands. It's still long in the hips for a moment. And then I roll through and at the last minute I released the hips into the long stretch. We're almost there. Rise up on the toes, connect that somehow to the abdominals.

And I do think it's a bit of just a thought that your level roll through. You still have a sense of the back of the body. The spine is long. Let your head come down as it pulls your chest up to roll back through the spine. And from here we're going to lift up the toes or the heels. One last time. Step forward into a lunch. Yup, it doesn't, I didn't choose a leg so you can pick what feels right from there. Can you, without needing to see anything, how much longer or how much more released can you let there be in front of the hips. So sometimes we kind of bear down and try in a stretch, just wanting to let go a little hair and [inaudible] and other places too.

It's a matter of fact, but that's a different story from there. Let the knee go down. You can't really separate this stuff, can you? It just keeps showing up. Can we let the knee go down if he can and I'm gonna release my foot as well and reach the chest forward. If it feels good, you can come up, you know, holding your knee or tie. I might have to stay here today. Yeah.

And you're, you're not just hanging out on your hip. Sorry Daria. You're just flexible. Yeah. Okay. That's good. Right Marina? We could, we can travel. We can travel. We can always come back. It's a little scary sometimes.

I'm going to change sides. Take your time getting out of it. Oh, that seated position will kill you though. I think that if she's switching sides, this is Kent, my tight side. So for me, what I, everyone's going to be different but at first find the opposite end of grounding. Right. Whereas for me, that's the ball of the back foot. I'm kind of like, oh, there it is. I can tell my knees now that I have that I can tell my knee in the back isn't straight though. I thought it was a minute ago.

So I'm going to let that happen and Oh, there's a reason it was strange. So I'm being gentle with myself, uh, in this moment. And I encourage you to do the same if you need to be up and not down so far, that's all good too. And at any point, go ahead and lower your knee. And again, based on what I just learned about my body today, I may stay here, but you could go lower releasing the foot. That's actually okay right now. Slightly different stretch. And certainly if you want to come up or up or whatever you need, the idea is that you're not just dropping into this forward hip, but yes, you're allowing for that.

You're allowing for the sense of the front of the body to rise, but also the back of the body. So it's never just one side, right where we are in fact connected with ourselves. Oh and with that, or when you feel ready, when to step out of that back to a plank just to help ourselves out or [inaudible] first into the pyramid. Once you hit plank and if it, it's worth a moment just to check your feet, check how your knees line up. Can you be in this kind of a position? Again, your knees can be bent and that might be more appropriate to then feel the connection to your hands, to the mat and allow your head to hang freely, but also with the sense of reaching the tailbone, lengthening your neck and when it feels right to do so, either walk your hands back or your feet forward until you're folded in half and the top of your head is down. Your teeth are even relaxed, or at least you're thinking that it's possible to allow for everything around it to let go. Let the shoulders just creep up around your ears. You can even let your abs go. No one will know [inaudible] again, when you feel ready, it's worth reconnecting to the ground with your feet.

Do you need to bend your knees a little to push down into the ground to let your body start to roll up the sit bones become almost heavy to facilitate an easy roll up heavy arms, heavy bones. Who cares about the muscles, right? No. Cause they're there for us. Turn the arms out. Take a deep breath. I might want to look out the window. There were still dolphins. Last exhale. Let it go and one more for the dam. So glad you're all back. I'm glad I'm back for that matter. He should move back. Melissa.

Exhale. Thank you very much. Everybody.


2 people like this.
All your "conversational" cues are so helpful Kristi. Pilates with personality...pilates with plasticity! Thank you. Not camera ready for swimming but your cues got me to my personal best yet.
Thank you Joni! A huge compliment and much appreciated!
Kristi, this really helped me fighting Jet-lag and I felt good and strong afterwards. It was great to see you "live" at the studio, even though for just a minute. You really do exist
It was so lovely to meet you Viola! You and your husband really made a great impression on everyone at the Studio. I was very sorry I didn't get to be with you longer. I think you must be very special. Thank you for stopping by and taking class with us.
2 people like this.
That's so kind of you! It was a dream come true to be with you all at the Studio. I was overwhelmed how everybody made me feel at home. Thank you!!!
1 person likes this.
I took a hiatus...This one is great one to get back into the groove of Pilates! Thanks Kristi!
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I agree with Joni. I love the way you teach. So natural that it seems I'm there with you. During spine stretch when you helped correct someone's ribs by pushing back to your leg I corrected myself as well as if you were there. I'm on vacation so ths class really helped me get the kinks out. Thank you Kristi!!
Wonderful to hear! Welcome Back Amy!
Wow - loved this. Thank you so much. Needed some inspiration for today - love how I felt after this great class. Wonderful imagery - thank you.
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seek and ye shall find. extension, rotation w/ breath, ease and a little humorous letting go. All were needed today, Kristi. (no. we can't separate this stuff from Life!) So glad to see your face back in your cyberspace studio. :)

Much gratitude!
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