Class #1178

Intense and Dynamic Mat

60 min - Class


Join Rael Isacowitz and over 200 participants for a Mat workout that was live streamed at the end of the 2013 BASI® Pilates "Learn from the Leaders" Conference. Using the energy from everyone in the class, he creates an intense and dynamic workout. Enjoy challenging exercises like Side Push Ups, Boomerang, Knee Stretches, and more.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Aug 21, 2013
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Let's get down to business. Oh, no lying down yet. Carrie, whoa, wishful thinking. Carrie's ready to lie down and have a little nap. OK, let's put our hands behind our knees.

The excitement is palpable. We're going to contain it. And we're going to put it into our work. And let's think of everyone around the world in different time zones. We've got 20 more, 20 blessed countries with us.

Think of those people in all those countries. As you lift up, feel the energy rising up through the spine, from the base of the spine. Using your arms for support. That's your structure. The energy rising up through the spine, through the head.

Think of that energy line lifting up to the ceiling. I want you to lean forward onto your thighs. And feel that your back is resting on your thighs. But elongate even further. It's like a ramp leading out on a diagonal into the distance.

Activate those back muscles. Reach the arms out on that diagonal line, establishing that long line of the back. Remember, we want long arms. We want arms in line with the shoulders. Bring the arms a little closer to the ears.

And lifting up to the sky, reaching up, reaching the arms around. Oh, that looks so beautiful. Do that again just to see all those arms. It's phenomenal! And open out. And inhale.

And exhale. This time reach a little taller. Feel those energy lines reaching out, out, out to the sky. And hold the arms out at shoulder height. And exhale as we round the back.

And inhale as we lift up. And take the arms out. And exhale as you stretch the spine. And inhale as you elongate even further, lifting up, lifting up, out to the side. And exhale as we round, round.

Think of that long arch. And just like we spoke about in class, now it's a straight line. And feel that straight line. And now you're simply bending that line. And inhale as we rise up.

Rise up. Rise up. Open the arms. And exhale, rounding the back, rounding the back, rounding the back, beautiful. And inhale as we lift up.

Yes, now I can see the other side of the universe. And I was looking at the North pole. Now I'm looking at the South Pole. And reaching up. Reaching up.

Reaching up. And one more, roll up, round the back. And stretch up. Just allow the knees to open out. You can keep the feet just where they are.

And elongate the back forward, feeling that nice opening of the hip joint, opening of the vertebrae, opening of the spine. And roll up through the back. Bring the legs into a parallel position. And this time we just bring the arms forward and roll down just until you feel the comfort of the mat under you. And then we are roll up.

Open the knees. And stretch forward. And lift the back up. Knees come in to parallel. Roll down.

Forward, and up, and forward, and up, and roll down, like a wave. And open, and forward, and up, like a wave. And forward, and-- that is so beautiful! Look at you all! And down, and up-- are you seeing how beautiful it looks from the other side of the room? And up, and down, last time, forward, and lifting up. Feel that elongation.

Feel the arms are long. Feel the arms are long. Feel they close. Close, you don't have shoulders this wide. Your shoulders are this wide.

And as you roll down this time, you bring your heels toward you. And just touch your heels. No one goes down yet. Just touch your heels. Touch your heels.

Touch your heels. Touch your heels, and slowly down. Feel the comfort of the floor. And inhale, preparing for a pelvic curl. We exhale as we roll up through the spine.

And we inhale. And we exhale as we roll down all the way to that natural neutral position. And inhale. And exhale as you roll up. Feel that elongation of the front of the thighs.

Inhale. And exhale. Reach the arms overhead so you feel that counter energy reaching overhead and reaching the tailbone away from you. And inhale. And exhale.

This time place the arms on your thighs so you feel how straight that line is. Inhale. And exhale, reaching back, reaching back, reaching back overhead. And inhale. And exhale as you roll up with the pelvis, pressing down with the arms.

And inhale. And exhale. Go to that neutral position. But then go a little further. Why not explore like a cat?

Opening the fingers, stretching out the back. Allow the spine to feel it's range, back to neutral, and roll up. Placing the hands on the thighs, pressing down slightly, inhale. And exhale as you stretch back. And feel, go through the back into that extension.

Feel that controlled arch rippling up the spine. And slowly back to neutral. And one last one, rolling up, pressing deep into your thighs. So in the pelvic curl position, you're in that bridge position. I love this.

And lifting the leg that's closest to the front of the room, exhale. And inhale. And exhale. And inhale. And exhale.

And inhale. And exhale. And inhale. And exhale. And inhale.

And stay up there. Roll down one time. And roll up. Place the leg down. Other leg.

And exhale. And inhale. And exhale. And inhale. And exhale.

Lift a little higher. I'm seeing some of you sagging. And exhale. And inhale. And exhale.

And inhale. And inhale. Stay up this time. We roll down. Stay just there.

Lift the other leg to join it. This is where the arms reach to the ceiling. And so you did that all with a pelvic curl. Amazing, you are awesome. And bring the legs toward the front of the room.

Inhale. And exhale. I promise I won't detach again from you. And inhale. And exhale.

And inhale as you reach over. And exhale. And inhale. And exhale. And inhale.

And exhale. And inhale. And exhale. Glide the arms above the head so you're feeling that table top position. Lift the lower leg just a little bit so you're holding up a heavy load on that lower leg.

And exhale as you lift forward. Put your hands behind your thighs. Lift a little bit higher. Curl the pelvis up a little. And lower the pelvis down.

And curl the pelvis up, nice. And roll the pelvis. And curl the pelvis up. And stay down with the pelvis. Just there, Michelle, lift your lower leg just a little bit, thank you, thank you.

Stay high as you reach the arms to the ceiling, palms facing forward. That is it, Ash. Ashley, bring the arms a little closer. Just think about that. You were cued in front of the world.

And take the body back. And reach all the way back with the arms. And exhale as you lift up, hands behind the thighs. And curl up a little higher, and down. Try not to bring the legs closer to the chest.

Just curl the pelvis, and down. And curl the pelvis. And stay there. Reaching the arms up. Keep the head forward.

Keep the head forward. Keep the head forward. And reach back. And inhale. And everyone reaches toward the front of the room, and, boom.

And back, and reach. And back, and reach. And back, and reach. And back, and reach. And back, and back of the room, and back, and this time into the hundred position.

Stay there. I need a change of scenery. And ready, Edward, legs out there, sir. Yes, a little higher, lovely, Theo. Inhale, and-- What an awesome picture.

Everyone looks to the front of the room. Feel that stretch of the neck. Everyone looks to the center. Everyone looks to the back. Everyone keeps the front leg lifting as the back leg stretches out.

All the way to the floor, Shauna. And slowly change the legs. So we stretch out the leg. And legs come together. Hands behind again.

Put the legs down on the floor. Hold it. Hold it. Hands behind the head. Hold it.

Hold it. Carrie, the eyes are a little lower. Look straight forward. Bend the leg that's closest to me. And stretch them both out, one on the ground, and one into the air.

Hands are behind the head. Let's just lift up one more time to make sure we're all here. Are we all here? Yes, we're all here. Lift a little higher.

Lift that leg a little closer to your chest, a little closer to the chest. So that leg's got to be like a pole. Feel the energy reaching out up into the sky. Flex the foot. And lower the head down.

Taking the leg toward the back of the room, we inhale. And we exhale. And we inhale. And we exhale. And we inhale.

And we exhale. And we inhale. And we exhale. And we inhale. And ready for the other direction, inhale.

And exhale. And inhale. Feel the chest wide. The pelvis is stable. And reach, and up.

Point the foot. Bring that leg towards the chest, lifting high. Bend the knee. Bend the other knee as that leg goes down to the ground and stretches it up. Don't we love that?

Yes, we love it. Flexing, those of you who are just starting your day, feel the joy. Those of you who got up in the middle of the night to do this, you're crazy. But that's great. Ready, and slowly lower down.

Bring the leg toward me. And inhale. And exhale. And inhale. And exhale.

And inhale. And exhale. And inhale. And exhale. Use those elbows pressing gently into the ground.

And inhale. And exhale. And inhale. And other direction, and out, and round, and out, and round, and out, and round, and out, and round, and out, and round. OK, hold the leg up there.

Point that foot. Bring it in. Bring it in. Bring it in, lifting the body, lifting the body. Bending just that leg, stretch the leg out.

That is a sight to behold! I love you! Maggie, open the elbows. Is that Maggie there? I'm not sure. My eyes aren't good. Open your elbows wider, wider! Yes, Shauna! Yes! Reach the arms straight to this ceiling.

Ed, a little higher, sir. Shauna, reaching the ceiling, thank you. Reach back, ready for a roll up. And we inhale. Pause here.

Exhale as we roll up. Don't lose your heads. I want to see your faces. Inhale. And exhale.

I'm feeling that beautiful energy line, straight line. And now we take the curve. This is an arch. As we roll up, yes, we're right there. And inhale.

And exhale. And reach back. And inhale. And inhale. And exhale.

Carrie, you can work with your arms just a little narrower. And inhale. And exhale. Nice. And inhale.

And exhale. And inhale. Feel, at this point, pause here, pause, pause, pause. This is the power position. This here is the lying position.

This is the power. This is where you get into the powerhouse. This is where do you establish the shape, that c curve. Allow the lower back to sink into the mat. And then from there, whoa! That's like a nuclear energy! Inhale, and feel that going down.

Here we are, back in nuclear energy. Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Maggie's friend! What's your name again? There, that's nuclear energy. Watch me for a second. I don't want to see, no! Because we're in the power zone! Reach back.

And inhale. And now we open out. Open out to the world. Yes, we're there, we're there. And we bring it together as we roll back in.

And there, and inhale. And exhale. And inhale. Feel the energy line! And exhale. And back, there may not be enough room.

So let's inhale. Exhale. Inhale up. There's always room to go high. It may not be room to grow laterally.

But there's always room to grow up with. That's the beauty. And slowly round. Get this power position here, that shape. And then reach down.

And one more, inhale. And exhale. Find that seat. And, boom! Now you're in an L. Oh, that was awesome.

That was beautiful. This is just so beautiful to watch. It's like this is choreography! We're performing! Yes, awesome performance. You look amazing. You look amazing.

Just flex that foot that's closest to me. Lift up high in the back. And a little lift of that leg, up, and up, and up, and up, and up-- point. You know what we're going to have to do? We're going to have to cross the hands because I'm seeing arms too wide, arms too wide.

And boom, and up, and back, and up, and down, it's deep. Yes, the quad is quite relaxed. It's actually deep into that psoas, illiopsoas, deep into the spine. Feel the connection. And feel the connection.

Yes, Tash, lift to the heights! Lift to the heights! Lift to the heights! And draw the legs in as we roll like a ball. Now, remember this is a ball. This is not a wheel with a puncture. So this is a well-inflated ball as we roll, and we roll. Feel the joy of that spine.

Think of what Mr. Pilates said about the spine. If your spine is young, you are young. Your spine is rigid and stiff, well, I won't conclude the sentence. Draw the conclusions for yourself. And roll.

And roll. And roll. And roll. Reach your arms forward. Two more rolls, roll.

And roll. And roll. And roll. Take your ankles and stretch out. We love that extension.

We love it. We love it. Feel those deep hip flexors already engaging because they could hold the legs up there, you know that? Without your arms. Your legs could stay up there.

Just try it. Ha, magic! Hands on your knees. No effort and they stayed there. Don't go down too low. We want to keep the power in the powerhouse.

You can go down just to there. Double leg stretch, inhale! Like a laser beam! And inhale, like a laser beam! Inhale! Boom! Reaching out, the spring closes. Reaching out, the spring closes. Reaching out, the spring-- push your knees into your arms. Lift up.

Open your knees. And stretch forward. Lifting up, bring the knees to here. If your eyes go up to the ceiling in this exercise, it's over. It's neck tension.

You've entered the danger zone. Meaning, I'll demonstrate it once. Your eyes have go to be-- I'm looking right here. If your eyes are there, your head is there. Your eyes are the gateway to the soul.

Everything will follow the eyes. And the next thing, you're doing this. This, my friend, is the danger zone. You've got to be there. We want to stretch the shoulders.

But be there. Let's do three more. And we go into the single leg stretch. And rolling down, stop-- oh, come up again. Jessica, there's no rush.

We are together. We are together for the long haul. We are together for the long haul. And inhale. And cha.

And inhale. And cha. Inhale. Ready for single leg stretch, hands on the knee closest to me. And exhale.

Body up, body up, keeping the head looking forward. Head forward, and boom, and boom. Hands behind the head, and rotate, and rotate, and rotate, and don't rush. It is deep with the arm. And over the leg, and over the leg and reach across, and reach across, and reach across, and reach.

Now stay there. Now reach, reach. You need to find someone over there. Find a meaning in reaching over there. It's not just a place.

It's something. It's someone you want to reach. You want to reach. You want to reach. And pull! You want to reach.

You want to reach. Keep those legs long. Yes, thank you, reaching, reaching, one more, and uno mas. And go. Go.

Love it, Christie. Love it. Bring that leg into the center. The bent leg is on the center line of the body. That bent leg is on the center line of the body.

Bring both knees in! A little higher, hands behind the legs, lifting up, lifting up, hands behind the knees, ready, ready, ready, and put the legs down. Into the shoulder bridge. And inhale. And exhale. We roll up like a pelvic curl.

Take the support of the body. Mandy, a little higher. No, don't thrust into the back, gentle, gentle. We want to see that long line of the hip flexors. I want to see beauty.

Yes, these are bridges, these are bridges, bridges, bridges, that are so firm and stable. You bend the leg that's closest to the front of the room. Just hold it there. Now gather your stability in that opposite hip extensor. Stretch up.

Ready, and down, and up, and exhale, and flex, and reach, and up, and reach, and up, and reach, and up, and reach, and up, and reach. And stay up there, reaching that heel up. Bend the knee a little so the knee comes towards the chest. Now stretch that heel. And bend.

And stretch that heel. And bend. And stretch the heel. Point the foot because now that energy line is so powerful. Bend the leg.

And other side goes up, reaching, lengthening, lengthening. And down, and up, and exhale, and up, and reach, and up, and reach, and up, and long, and up, and long, and up, and reach, and up one more, and down, and up. That heel, the energy is so powerful. It's pushing out of that heel. You're lifting with that opposite hamstring, pointing, pointing, lifting up, lifting.

Bend the knee. I'm sorry. And stretch the heel. And your still in dorsiflexion. And stretch.

And bend the knee. And reach the heel to the ceiling. And bend the knee. Reach the heel to the ceiling, and point. Bend it.

And down. Lifting a little higher, oh oh, oh oh, you're still there. You're still there. Keep it going. Keep it going.

Keep it going. You know what we want to do? Let's go with that first leg up to the ceiling. Slowly roll down. This is what we want to do.

Lift the body up towards that leg. Stretch that leg out. Take that leg. Get a little hamstring pull. This is what we want to do.

We want to stretch out those hamstrings a little. We want to work those abs just a little deeper so we feel the depth, we feel those hip flexors pulling the leg towards the chest. And we go pull, pull. That's why I wanted to do it, because look how beautiful that looks! Look how beautiful that looks! And fan, fan, and fan, fan, and fan, fan, and fan, fan, and fan, fan, and da da, and da da. Hold both legs up there, both legs up there.

Put the hands behind the knees. And roll up just to there. So watch what we do. We roll. Put the hands down.

And gently reach overhead to only roll. And come back. And lift up. And we deepen. Put the hands down.

Straighten the legs to go over. And we bend. Roll back. Hold that position! And then we're there. We roll.

And hands go down. And we stretch over. And we roll back. And up, and we round. And stretch over.

And we round. And up, and we play with our bodies. And we feel playful because we're rolling. And every child loves to roll. And so do we, boom.

And we roll. And we roll. And there's no pressure on the neck because the head hardly touches the ground, as we roll, and lifting, lifting, lifting. Pulling the knees back, and back, and back, and back, and opening them so wide. And lifting.

Give me more back. And show me that handsome face of yours! And roll down. And roll up. And lifting, and roll down, and up, and lifting. Now, here you actually pull the elbows back.

Think of that rhomboid exercise, the rhomboid non-rhomboid that we did. And roll, and roll, and up. And stretch long. And roll, and roll, and lifting. And roll, and roll, and lifting.

Yes, Julie! And roll. You thought I couldn't see you in a sea of legs. But I spotted you in a sea of legs! And up, yes! And up, and up, lifting, lifting. We are so powerful. We are so powerful.

We are so powerful that we can just present ourselves to the world without even a thought. Look around. Look around, proud people! And put your legs down, OK proud people, ready. It's all about attitude. I know, we're starting to feel the body just a little bit.

Don't worry. I'll turn around for you, Maria. You don't have to come to the world. The world will come to you. And ready, lifting up.

From the first movement to the last, your focus is within the body. And inhale. And exhale as you roll down. And inhale. And exhale as we roll up, spine stretch.

Inhale. And exhale. You make me proud! And inhale. And exhale. And inhale.

And exhale as we roll a little deeper. Extend the back in this position on the inhale. We feel it so powerful that it just stretches our back. We don't even need to think about it. And then down, and then roll up through the spine.

And inhale. Leanne, lean a little forward. And exhale as you roll down. And inhale as you reach out from your heels, from your fingertips, and slowly down. And roll up one more time.

And inhale. And exhale as we roll down. And inhale, we extend through the arms, reaching out, reaching out. And rotate towards me. And drop that lower arm.

And give yourselves a beautiful stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch. And then you recoil! Boom, to the other side. Put the arm down. And stretch. Yes, I'm loving your backs.

You know, I'm a back person. I'm a back lover. And boom! Rotate and stretch. Now someone's pulling you up there. Feel that energy line.

Someone's pulling your arm. And boom to center, and rotate. And reach. And to center, from there you just lift up, and up, and up. Because of room, we will just rotate.

And we reach forward. And we lift up and to center. Rotate, and forward. And up, and to center. And rotate.

And stretch. And up, and center, love that work. And, yes, and up, and center. Go South Africa. Looking good! Yes! Up! But Santa Barbara ain't looking too bad, I'll tell you that! And up! And stay there.

And just pull, pull, and pull pull, and pull pull, and reach reach, and it's awesome. And it's beautiful. And pull, pull, and pull pull, lifting up, lifting up. And just stretch forward, easing the back. Bend the knees.

Just like that, putting one arm behind you. Putting this arm in between your legs. The arm that's behind you is your front arm. The arm that's closest to me, to the front of the room, be proud! So you've go to push down into that arm. You've got to elevate the body, thank you.

And we go up. Look towards the arm on the ceiling. The pelvis stays square. Now see if you can look down toward your hand. Now lift a little higher, and look up to the ceiling, and slowly down.

And boom! And change. Oh, yes, you heard boom, and you're up there. So it's the back arm now. Ready, and lift up, up, looking, looking. And then down, and looking up.

And slowly come down, down, down. Now, this is complicated. This is complicated. Time's running short. So we're going to simply change sides again.

Change sides again. Face the front of the room. And put the top leg in front of the bottom leg. So there are two tribes. There's that tribe, school of salmon swimming that way.

You are the school of salmon swimming that way. For now, I belong to your tribe. For now. Ready? And get that line.

Get that line. And you're going over. And you're coming back to center. And slowly down, and you carry on. I'm turning-- no, you carry on! Laurie, I didn't like that.

Going down for Laurie. The world's going down for Laurie! OK, so from here, let's do Laurie's version from here. Laurie, your holding on for me. You've got about 5,000 people Lisa! Oh, you're watching, OK, good, good excuse, Lisa, there, there. Are we there?

Are we powerful? Yes, we're powerful. Go over, reaching over, and back to center. And slowly, barely, tip the ground, and shoot! And over, and center, and barely tip the ground, and up! And over, and up, up, bend the elbow just a little. And up, side push up, down, and up-- oh, where is his mind going?

He is crazy! He's lost his mind! Stay up there, straight legs. We just go down to look towards each other. Tash, what's happening? And then up! Everyone, yeah? Yes, everyone that can be here, putting the leg just under you.

Bringing the hand behind your head. Lifting up in that leg. Lifting, and pull, and back, and pull, and back, and pull, and back, and pull, and back, and pull, and back, and pull, and back, and pull, stay back! Put both arms on the ground. The leg lifts up. And slowly, just a little down, up, and just a little down, up, just a little down, up, just a little down, up, take the arm up! Look! Look! You're opening up! You're opening up like a flower! Find the balance.

Find the balance. Find the balance! Find the balance. Lifting up. Taller, Laurie, shoulder's are relaxed. Shane, I want to feel a longer line.

Draw in the right side of your rib cage. I want to feel that you're fierce! And up, lifting, and come to there. And we just draw in, thigh stretch, and up. And we draw in, and up. This is a power position.

It's in. Posterior tilt of the pelvis. Beat, beat, beat! Yeah! Let's get some percussion going! Let's get some percussion going! Wrr! And up, OK, let's get some African beats going! Yeah! Where are all you South Africans? OK, drawing to the abs. Hold it! Hold it! Ready for percussion.

Drr! Arms, and up, at the side. OK, now the two tribes are about to collide. Are you ready? Drawing in. Now you have to start tapping into that fierce energy.

And over, and inhale. If Shakira is watching this, Shakira, you're my idol. I love the way you say fierce. And down, you never know, and up. You know, we always live with hope.

And up, and down, and up, and over, and up, and down, and up, and over, and up. We do a little side pushup. Where are my men, yeah? Oh, I saw that scapula move! And just tiny! It's a centimeter! And up, it's a centimeter. And it's up! And then take the body, straight legs, straight legs.

Go down! Look away from me! There, exist there. And lift up! Yes, I know you love it. From there, hand behind the head, lifting. And kick forward and back, and forward, and back, and forward, and back, and forward, and back, and forward, and back, and forward, and back, and forward, stay back. And rotating, and just that leg goes up, and down, and up, and down, and up, and down, work deep, and down, and deep, and down.

Stay up! Stay up. Rotate like sunflowers lifting. That's almost too much of the head, Lianne. But do it for the back. That's what I love, yes.

Legs, I don't see any legs in the room! Find that beautiful balance! Yes, and lifting up, beautiful, Lorelle, beautiful. I want you to take this arm. Stroke yourselves up the side of the body. And, shot! That's the energy I want to feel. This just doesn't do it for me.

This does it for me. Take the leg. Feel hot! Even the men, hey, the BASI men are hot. Absolutely, I saw everyone agree. All the men are hot.

OK, take the arms down to there into a pushup position. Leg pull front ready. Lifting the leg closest to me, we go up, and down, and up, and down, and tap, and down, and up, stay up. Slightly to the side, out, and in, and out, and in, and out, and in, and out, and in, two push ups with the leg in there! And up, and down, and up, put the leg down. Ready, ready, and up, and down, and two, and down, three, and down, and four, and down, five, stay there, no, we did down.

And then we went up. To the side, one, and down, two, and down, three, and down, four, and down, five, and down, and up, and down, and up. Put both legs down. We go into an exercise called the panther. Flat back, feline, and shoo! Get those legs working.

Inhale. Flatten those backs. Shoo! Inhale. The panther, feel feline. And boom! And feel feline.

And boom. Slowly, slowly down to the ground, reaching the arms forward, swimming. Left arm right leg, right arm left leg, left arm right leg, rights arm left leg, and go, ta ta ta, ta ta ta, ta ta ta, and arms out to the side, thumbs facing the ceiling. Feeling those scapular in place. And ta ta ta, just the legs.

Flutter, flutter, flutter, keep those arms up. Keep the arms up. Keep the arms up. And hands behind the back. Give the legs a little rest.

And now we stabilize the center of the body, lifting the legs. And we go one, two, three, stretch, double leg kick. And one, two, three, and up. And one, two, three, and up. I'm not putting my cheek down because of the mic.

But you can put your cheeks down. And stretch. And up, two, three, stretch. And up, two, three, stretch. Put the legs down.

Bring the arms around. Put the hands under your shoulders. And we slowly press the elbows into the mat, and slowly start lifting up, lifting up, lifting up. We go down just to the elbows. And then we come up.

And just to the elbows, and we come halfway, halfway, halfway, elbows nice tight by your side, beautiful. And now slowly. all the way. Don't we love those triceps? Yes, we love those triceps! So what do we do?

We celebrate! And catch, celebrate, and rock, rock, because we can! Rock because we can roll! Rock and roll! We are rockers! And we are rollers! Rock, and up! Rock, and up! Rock, and up! Rock, and up! Pull into the stretch, cat stretch, not cat stretch, rest position. I'm sorry. We've got 20 more minutes, no, 20 more movements and only two more minutes. So tuck the heels under. And stretch the heels to the ground.

Up stretch position, up onto tiptoes, I love your back. And lower the heels. And up, that's Japan! Say hi to BASI Japan! Yes! And up, bend your knees. You're still on tiptoes. I know you're on tiptoes.

Stretch and lower the heels. And up, bend, stretch, and down. And up, bend your knees. Stay there, a little jump. Everyone in the world has to see the BASI knee stretch.

Ready, yes, so, stay low with the pelvis. Be ready for it, world. Get this pelvis low. Draw in the abs. Nothing changes in the body.

Just that leg closest to me lifts up as we do inhale, cha, inhale, cha, inhale, cha, inhale, change legs. Inhale, cha, inhale, cha, inhale, ba, inhale, ba, inhale, hold it! Wow! Power, reach forward, OK, so let's sit slowly. Those who haven't yet warmed up, you've only got three more minutes to warm up. So let's get going. OK, lifting up, three Teaser prep, three Teaser one, three Teaser two, three Teaser three, three Teaser four.

And we'll think of something else after that. Ready, and we go slowly, slowly, down, and up, and down, and up, and down, and up. Let's give the back a bit of a stretch preparing for Teaser one. Look at those legs. Oh, if only we could stay there.

But we will. We will. Let's Go! And down, and up, reaching down, and reaching up. And lift, and down and back, and up, and lifting, slowly, hold the hands, just the legs down, and up, and two, and up, and three, and up, and four, and up. Let's goes back.

Teaser three, the legs don't touch the ground. And lift, and down, and how are the people behind me doing? And up, lifting! Hold it there. Bend the knees, lifting up in the back. Oh yes, let me change scenery, uno momento.

And we are ready? For what? That's what I'm thinking about it! Put your feet down. Straighten one leg. Get your legs nice and tight together.

Are your knees touching? Yes, they're touching! Body up, roll down, and back, roll up, rotate! And center, roll down, and back, roll up, and rotate! And roll down. And center, roll up, and rotate! Center-- oh, Carrie, Carrie, Carrie! Both legs up! Leg down, and up, and down, and roll up, rotate away from me. And up to the camera, center, and down, and roll up, to the camera, center, oh up, oh. Cross the front leg over the back.

I'm determined to fit in a little boomerang for the Aussies! The Aussies are here in force! So we're going to do it a little differently. What we're going to do is just stretch forward. We're going to roll back. And we call this the BASI rock. Because we know we are rockers.

And we know we are rollers. And we know we are rockers. And we know we are rollers. And we know our rockers, and we go over. And legs together, roll up.

And find it! And arms back, stretch the chest. Lift the legs. And over, and ready, rocking, and rolling, and rocking, and rolling, and over we go! Change legs, lifting up. Find it. Find it.

Find it. Find it. Stretching, and up, and over, and just one to each side without the rocking. But find the boomerang and roll! Change and roll up, lifting, and around, stretch, and over. And rocking, and rolling, and change, and boom, and up, and up, and up, and up, and stretching, and over.

And bend the legs, holding one in front. And we just roll, and roll, and roll. And I want you to do a little half circle so you face me at the end of the day. You're going to face me. And you're going to face me.

And you're going to face me. And you're going to face me. And lift up! Magic, how did you all get there? Didn't look great. So change legs.

And we're going to do that half circle again. But face the opposite way to what you were. So you're facing away from me. You're facing away from me. Change legs.

And let's try to do that a little better. Just a half circle-- it's actually a quarter circle. It's not even a halt. It's a quarter. It's an arch.

It's a part of a circle. It's a little piece of a pie. And let's go! And boom, and boom, and boom, and boom, and boom, and magic! You should be facing there. And separate. Just put the feet together.

And holding you hands-- holding your legs, I'm sorry. Lifting up the chest. Looking directly forward. And slowly roll down the spine. Reaching the arms forward in front of you.

And slowly rolling up. And up, beautiful, and use your arms for support. That's it, Loraine, use those arms. Rolling forward, and inhale. And exhale as you roll up, and up, just through the body.

And everyone rotates to your right. So you look there. You take your arm around. And you pull on that knee to get yourselves around. Now, like a spring, when I say so, you spring back to the center arms overhead.

And go! Oh, it was so beautiful. It was exciting to watch. And go to the other side. Wind yourselves up. Get that beautiful stretch.

Lift up in the back. Yes, look even behind you. You're looking to the back of the room. Ready, in one fell swoop, and boom! Beautiful, hands together, and slowly to there. And inhale.

And exhale. And inhale. Press the hands together. Exhale, hold it just there. I cannot thank you all enough for your amazing gift to me.

Thank you so much! [APPLAUSE] Thank you, thank you, thank you, beautiful.


Such an awesome experience! Fun to take it from home now too!
1 person likes this.
Seeing the entire room with these "new" camera angles is fantastic! Almost as good as being there.
Rael rocks! cant wait to watch it!
The energy in that room was nuclear! 230 amazing people from 25 countries and hundreds more joining us on the "live feed". Thank you PA for being there for us. You are awesome!
Niurka C
was a pleasure to do my workout today with this class so amazing ... Me encantas Rael,
I hope to see you in Argentina :))))
Beautiful class and great passion! Thank you
2 people like this.
Rael is great enjoyed his
Class but had a hard time
Will continue taking classes slowly until I get
Stronger thank you for this wonderful on line
Chance to do this and be able to take class at
Anytime that is convenent for you
Seriously amazing class ! Thank you Rael and thank you PilatesAnytime for sharing :)
Great class Rael! Wish I could have been there for the live version!
2 people like this.
Rael, you are unreal! Amazing feeling after this class :) Greetings from Ireland.
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