Class #1226

Strength and Endurance Mat

40 min - Class


Meredith's Mat workout is a great way to challenge yourself. She teaches many different exercises using the Magic Circle including two variations of Push Ups, Side Kick Series, Swan Dive, and much more. She flows from one exercise to the next which will help you increase your strength and endurance.
What You'll Need: Mat, Magic Circle

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Oct 08, 2013
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Today we're going to fulfill a very specific requests for our class that I received from one of my dear friends, Joni Nichols. This one's for you, Joni. And for any of you out there who feel that you need something, wants something, feel free to leave requests in the comment section of the forums. And I will do my best to try to fulfill your needs. So 40 minutes, level two, three magic circle. Here we go. Sit down. I'm s oh, sit down Meredith. You're already sitting. Sit down at everyone else.

Take your ring and place it just below your knees. Position your feet so that they're separate from one another and then press down into your legs with your ring and lift your spine. So let's just be here for a moment, allowing the spine to elevate and left. And now allow the ring on the inhale to just start to float upwards towards the ceiling and feel that you're rising upwards through your spine as your ring lifts up. And then press create downward pressure on your shoulder blades. Put the ring on your shins again and pull the spine a little bit more upwards.

Maintain the upward position of the spine. Inhale, lift the arms up and allow the arms now to lower again, and he and he'll here. As we exhale, we're going to flex the trunk, so keeping the shoulders just over the hips. Inhale, lift the trunk. Xcel lithiums inhale, lower the arms XL. Flex the trunk deeply. Push down on your shins. Inhale, lift the spine. Exhale, lift the arms, press back with the arms. Take the arms down to the shins. Last one. Exhale. Flex the spine. Inhale, eat.

Elongate the spine. Exhale, lift the ring in. He'll place the ring down. Exhale, create a curvature with your spine. It's as though the rings pulling forward as your spine pulls back. Then pick the ring up and continue down through your spine. Pause there. Inhale the arms lift up. They reach back down, they lift up. You can go a little lower. Windy. They reached back down, so I'm just off my shoulders. Lift up. Literally press the ring down into your thighs and your thighs up into the ring to dig deeper in your abdominals. One more time. Lift arms down.

Inhale and exhale. Follow the ring upwards. Reach the ring forwards over the legs and then list the spine in the arms. Exhale, take the arms forward, curl the spine backwards. Roll down. Find your low position so you're all the way on your lower back in. He'll take your ring towards me.

Your bottom hand goes underneath your top hand and XL to come center in. He'll rotate the opposite direction and Xcel to come center. We reach over and center and reach over and center and reach over and center and reach over and hold. Exhale to roll the spine, drawing back, drawing back, drawing back through the abdominals. Find shoulders over hips. Inhale, build the spine up. Lift the arms. Exhale the arms come down the spine rounds, creating inward pressure through the trunk with the arms against the ring.

Find your low position. Bend your elbows, the rings just parallel to your body. We're going to press and lift. Lower and release. Press and lift. Lower and release. Press and I left lower and release last to press and curl inwards are around the shape of the ring. Press and lift. Lower end release. Take the arms forward. Inhale, roll up. Exhale. Inhale, lift the arms and the spine. Exhale, curl the spine.

Take the arms down, roll back, rotate in my direction. Take the bottom hand out of the ring. Put the ring down, push down on the ring with your top arm ins. Thread that bottom arm through and back and through and back and through and back and tool ice more. Use that top arm to push down and help you. Last one. Push down and help you go down. Take the ring in both hands.

Come to the middle and lift up. Reach up through the spine. Lift the arms. Inhale, exhale. Reach the arms down. Arms down. Yep. Roll the spine down. Rotate away from me. Place the ring down. Put the bottom arm through. Press down with a straight top arm and lift and down and lift and a and three and a and two and down and one more and down.

We pick up the ring, we bring it to the center, we roll ourselves all the way down. Scoot towards your feet so that your feet are very close to your hips. Separate your legs in place, the ring insides of your legs, so I don't want the feet wide. I want the feet lined up. With the SIP phones spine down, head down. We're going to press into the ring five press with the sides of the body, the waist, four and three and two and one.

Now Peel and lift the pelvis up. Press Down with your arms as you reach up into hip extension. Hold there, press five for lifting the pelvis to one positive. Inhale and exhale. The chest reaches through the abdominal pole, the spine into the ground. The squeeze continues until the pelvis drops all the way to the mat and we release and exhale, squeeze one kind of quick two and don't open all the way out. Keep a little tension on your ring all the time.

And five we lift the pelvis, press the arms down, use the backsides of the legs to elevate the hits. Pause and squeeze. Five for three, shoulders back and down, two and one, and then keeping that squeeze consistent. Take the spine down, keep the arms press flat, reaching for the feet all the time. Drop the pelvis and release the squeeze part way last time. Five, four, three, two, one. We hold the squeeze. We roll the spine up, standing on both feet, arms, reaching down into the mat. Pause and squeeze. Five, four, three, two, one. Take the arms up overhead.

Reach towards your ears with your arms. Reach oppositionally to your spine with your arms as your arms, as your spine travels down. And then as the pelvis touches, curl the head and chest up. Press down on imaginary surface with your arms and then float the legs off the mat. Feet together, knees apart. We inhalant tip the toes and exhale to squeeze and drag back in. He'll tip the toes. Exhale, squeeze and drag back. Lovely. Inhale, tip the toes. Exhale, squeeze and drag back in.

He'll tip the toes. Exhale, squeeze and drag back. Pause there. Lift the arms just over the shoulders. Lie Down, arms out to your sides. Inhale, bring the ring towards me. And Xcel from the waist. Come back to center. Inhale, we go the other way, and Xcel from the waist. We come back. Continue that movement pattern inhaling across and XL to come back and inhaling across and excelling to come back. Pause there. Lift the arms over the shoulders. Exhale this time as you lift, come across to towards me with your body. Inhale, tip the toes down. Exhale, lift the body and bring the knees back in.

He'll tip the toes down. Continue squeezing the ring. It gets a little tough, but challenge yourself to more. Tip and up and tip and up. Lift the arms. Come through center. Open them out to the side. Take the ring away from me. Inhale and exhale from the waist. Drag it back and take the ring towards me. Inhale and exhale.

Drag it back one more time through OOA and drag back and towards and drag back. Bring the arms over the shoulders. Lift and rotate to the opposite direction. Lifting high. Tip the toes. Inhale, exhale, squeeze and lift the legs. Tip the toes. Inhale, squeeze and lift the legs. Tip Toes in here. Squeeze and lift the leg. Lift high. Tip the toes in here. Squeeze and lift the legs. Lift through center. Pause there.

Take the ring out from between the legs and lower the legs. Opening the knees open. Take the arms forward, curl the spine up a little bit more. And now we're going to roll the spine up maybe and reach all the way forward. And inhale, lift the back, bring the knees together. Exhale, curl the spine and stretch the legs out. Take the arms overhead. Inhale, head, chest, arms lift. Exhale, curl through the spine.

Control this time from around back. We're gonna separate the ring. Pull it into the chest and lift the spine. Push the ring forward. Round the back and roll. We're not going to go all the way down. This time we're just going to go to the shoulders where we're going to lift the ring. We're going to lower the ring back, roll up, find a rounded spine, lift the spine, pulling the ring apart. Press the ring together and round the spy. Roll back just to the shoulders.

We stay there. We take the ring up, we lower the ring down, we curl the spine, we find the round, we lift the back, pull the ring into the chest or overhead, whichever. Reach forward and round. One more time. The overhead. Lower the ring down, curl up, ring the ring into the chest, lift up, take the ring forward around, curl back to the your at your low back, curl back so that your hope that your low back lift your ring so it's at forehead level and reach the left leg. Touch and push down and left like touch and push down and left like touch and push down and left leg touch and push down. Right leg goes lift, push down, touch, push down. Now obviously the higher and the more flexibility you have, the higher that you can lift your ring, the higher as hard or last to lift up.

Touched down. Last one, lift up. Touchdown both legs down, curl up, Corolla or Corolla, Corolla and reach. All the way forward to hook the ring around your feet. Flex your feet and pull your spine out on the diagonal. Lift your arms and your elbows. Bring the ring so it's just around the chest.

Twist this way. Exhale and inhale to center. Avoid moving the arms. So we move the spine and the ring just comes with us. And inhale. You can either push or it's not almost nice to pull the ring a little bit, which I like these days and twist and center and abdominals. And as we twist and center, one more twist and center twist.

Now stretch the arms, then the arms come, center twist. Now stretch out. Pull in, lifting the spine, bring it center, stretch out. Press the arms, lift the arms in the spine, reach the arms down, bend the elbows to the chest and come center. Inhale, rotate. Exhale, arms. Inhale, arms overhead if that's appropriate for you. Arms down. Exhale. Inhale and center. Rotate, stretch, elevate the whole spine. Arms down, elbows. Ben, pull the ring in. Center, rotate. Stretch out lifter, come back, bend in and center. Reach forward. Bend your knees, curl backwards, find your lower back, find your lower back and then just allow the legs to start drifting off the floor. And we're into the double leg stretch. So we just take the arms out overhead and we then, this is for you Wendy, and we reach him and we pull. So challenge yourself to get as high overhead as you can with your arms whilst maintaining stability through the center of the body.

Feel that the back sides of the legs are strongly active. Reach and pull. Reach and pull four. Pull three, pull two. When any of these movements, you could take your ring behind your head one, hold it here, right leg goes one. The left knee or the knee that's bent stays just parallel to the ring.

While the opposite like stretches out on the same diagonal line as the bent knee foot. The spine continues to curl in worth and reach and reach. We'll do two more. Two, one, one. We're going to take the bottom of the ring down the top of the ring over the top for the Chris Cross lift and across. Lift up and across. So in that lift up, the legs are changing but there's a little pause, a little pause.

It's like you're hovering for a moment and then rotating. Hover for a moment and then rotate and again, reach across and now a little faster, but keep that sensation of the hover in the center. Two more and two. Number one. Number one, we lift in center. We tip the mat with the feet. Stretch the legs out, roll the spine at.

Reach all the way forward. Hook the ring around your feet and stretch. Once again, length in the spine. Long take the ring off your feet and separate your legs. Inhale here. As we exhale, we're going to curl forward, curling, curling, reaching down with this spine. Then lead with the arms. Bring the back out on a long diagonal.

Nice dive back forward and roll the spine up. Just continue to press into the ring. Exhale, take the spine down. Inhale, tilt the tailbone back, rise up, ring overhead. Take the ring back forward and articulate the spine to sit to more. Exhale, reach forward. Inhale, lift the back. Stay here. We press back for five. Rising up through the ring with the top of the head.

Last two, last one. We dive back down. I had a role that uh, in here, it's a hot and sweaty day. Exhale, round forward. Lengthen the spine, send the arms right back near the years. The spine is long and we press back. Arms and arms and three and two and one. Simply rounded down. Roll up, twist towards me, rotate the hands of the bottom hand is down and slide that ring. We're going to go in a rounded back.

We're going to roll back up and bring the ring back. Center in. He'll rotate the spine, rotate the arms and dive anchoring through the opposite hip in. He'll build the spine back up. Turn the arms and come center. Rotate and dive. Lift up, turn the arms and center, rotate arms rotate and five. So the rotation of the arms in the rotation of the spine I'm suggesting are separate [inaudible] spine first, then arms, and then spy. Then spine lifts, arms turn, body comes center last one and reached death and build up and rotate the arms and find center. Bring the ring behind you.

Put your hands just on the outsides of the pads of the ring. Push into the ring. Just energetically. There's not really a big squeeze here. You won't be able to really squeeze a bit energetically. Try. So heels down on the mat. We're gonna push the pelvis up, say lifted out of the shoulders as the hips come down and lift the pelvis and lift up out of the shoulders as the hips come down and lift the pelvis and up out of the shoulders as the hips come down.

Last to feeling the hinge ing action at the hip cause that for leg pull back. Last one. We're going to do lake pull back if you need to modify Ben Dinny. Here it is. Pullback one and down to just three. Put the leg down, Heather. Like one. The body stays lifted, two, three. The body goes down, the spine lifts up. We take the ring, we bring it on our hands, we roll back. Exhale as you roll back, start to bend your knees in. Just need to scoot a little bit more forward on my mat.

We're going to come all the way down onto our backs. Ring is in our hands. Slide your feet and close for a pelvic curl. Exhale, we pull the spine out, rolling a inhale, arms reach overhead and exhale the arms reaches the spine, travels down all the way and the arms come forward over the chest and in hand and curl the spine up and inhale, arms overhead. And exhale. Pull the spine down and arms over the chest. Last one, we're going to stick up at the top for the shoulder bridge. So set the ring where you believe that you can kick it and bring the leg up to touch it. Stretch the leg kicked down, touch the ring, kicked down, touch the ring. The leg goes as far as it can without the pelvis dropping. Reach and pull.

Reach and pull. We do four back. Three back to lift one lift. Fold the knee. Place it down. Adjust the pelvis as necessary. Pick up the other leg, kick it up to the ceiling. Take a down and back to just pressing into the ring with your arms.

Three and back, keeping the spine lifted, pointing the leg down, flexing back, blast to reach down. Lift up, reach down, lift up, bend your knee, place your foot down. Roll the spine down. Just leave the ring where it is. Bring your knees into your chest. Hook both feet on the inside of the ring. Stretch the legs straight up. Bend the elbow, spread the elbows wide and the Scapula wide. Bend the knees. Press the pelvis down.

Stretch the heels up towards the ceiling without losing your pelvis in how we bend and we stretch and we bend and we create a downward pull on the ring. So we're giving ourselves some tension. Less to at reach. Last one and reach. Unhook your ring. Put it in between your ankles. [inaudible] hands can either go behind your head or just at your sides.

In a hundred position, I'm going behind my head. We're going to curl our head and chest up. You're going to lower the ring. Going to bring the leg ring up, take the ring down, press into it with your legs and with the sides of your body. Lift lower, lift, bend, kick forward. Lift up, bend, kick forward, lift. Then kick forward. Lift up, pause, go the other way.

Lower. Pull, stretch, push down, keep the back stable. Bend and lift one more down. Then lift the legs, hold them there. Take the arms out from behind their head, put you, put them down, lower your legs to where you can sustain. Heading for the Jack Knife, we lift up, we roll over, we reach down and then feel that the ring is pulling you upwards using your back sensors. You're using your hip extensors, you're reaching for the ceiling, and then we go slowly down the spine, bone by bone. Try to push the ring away from you a little as you come down. I don't think that's a reality. It's just an idea. Legs Up. Inhale, exhale, rollover, tip and reach.

Oh, all the way rolled down from there. Arms Long, strong abdominal strong. Reached the legs away. One more lift. Exhale. Over. Inhale, touch and reach for ending your back. Sorry, I need the backs of your legs, the backs of your arms.

We roll the spine down and roll the spine down. Go ahead and again. One had said that was the end. I did. Bend your knees, take your ring in your hands, reach out in front of you, lower your legs on a diagonal. We're going to lift A, we're gonna slide the ring up the legs, slide the ring up the legs, lift the back lithium arms, lower the arms roll away. Keep the legs where they are, and then the head comes down and lift up. Inhale and roll the spine. So let me just mention that in the teasers.

It's really helpful if you look where you're going. So don't look down. Look ahead of you or up above you and back. One more. Lifting up or rolling. Looking ahead of you. Arms reach, arms. Come down. Hold here. Arms Up, legs down, legs up, arms down. Try to touch your legs. Two Uri and two and three. Now split the body. Lower the body, low. Ring the ring overhead. Lift the head and chest. Roll all the way up.

Let's just keep the ring where it is. We roll the spine away, the legs go down, the arms start to elevate. Just go where you can with your legs. It's important, critical that your back is stable. The knees can be bent. You can just stick with the teaser. When were your legs? Don't lower it all. This is our last one. Last one. Control it. Container, lift, curl, reach, reach, lift. Bend your knees, drop your knees open. Um, stretch forward. Okay. Come up on to UNISA.

Put your ring in your left hand holding onto it. So the pad is facing down. Not so much. I don't really mind. I just want to queue left, right? And then you're going to go over. Ring's going to come down. You want to put the ring kind of far away from you. Okay. And then we're going to lift the leg Mustang here.

Lower your leg and lift your leg and lower your leg and holding your balance. Lift your leg one more. Lower your leg and lift your leg. Stay there, kick the leg out and bent and kicked the leg and bet and kicked the leg out. Hold here. Kicked the leg forward and back all the way and forward and back all the way and forward and back, all the way lifted higher. See if you can find your balance there.

Picking your ring up as your leg comes to the ground, pick your ring up, drop your pelvis underneath you and reach your ring out over that straight leg. Lift back up, bend the knee, exchange hands opposite arm out to your side. We're going to hinge over. Remember your ring wants to go really far. If it's right underneath you, it'll be really hard unless you want really hard. And then that's how to do that. Lift filet. Lower the leg hits a bent knee first, lift the leg, keep the spine stable, the bottom shoulder, stable, lift and lower. That was three. Here we go, we left, we kick out and bent and kick out and keeping the body stationary out and bend and out and Lla goes forward and reaches back and forward and reaches back.

And you can use this. I'm kind of like an antenna helping you balance and reaches back and to the side and higher and down. And just in time we find our balance. Drop the hip, hold the ring in both hands and stretch over the straight leg all the way. Okay. And then lower the arms down.

So shared an idea with me and I have not tried it before, but we're going to about to all try it together. So we're going to take the ring in our upper arms and our upper arms like this. Yeah. And then bend over and put your hands down on the floor. So let's just talk about this position for a little bit. What I want you to notice here is that you have weighed on all 10 fingers, eight fingers in two thumbs, and then press your upper arms into the ring.

As you press your upper arms into the ring, lift up through the center of your body support. I'm going to step back one foot. We're going to step back the other foot. Well let's play with this. Bend your arms there. You won't be able to go very far and straighten and Ben, keep the ring pressing inwards and straighten one more and straightened ahold there. Point your right foot. Reach it out and down, out and down. Keep squeezing inward with your arms and down two and down one.

And now we're around your spine. Nigos under the ring and back under the ring and back under the ring and back only to the ring and back. One more under the ring and back. Place your foot down and bend your knees holding here. Oh hot. Keep your arms active. We are going into the cat stretch, so got those arms strong. We're going to inhale, going to exhale and curl the lower spine as you crow the lower spine. Pressure up her arms towards one another. Inhale, release.

Exhale, extend. Bringing the chest first through the ring and then over the top of the ring and inhale to come back. Exhale, curl the spine. Use The backsides of your legs and your abdominals to help you really accentuate that curve. Inhale through center. Exhale, extend the spine. Inhale through center to more. Curl the spine. Upper arms. Press. Inhale through center. Extend the spine and back. Last one, curl the spine and back and extend the spine and back. Step your legs back again. Playing position, elbows pressing and [inaudible].

Bend the arms and straighten and bend the arms. Press the arms in and bend the arms. Press the arms in left leg lifts five and down. As you lay comes to the ground. Pull up on your ads. Three and down, two and down. Upper arms pressing inwards. Hold their round. Your spy meat comes under the ring and back under the ring and back up her arms.

Press under the [inaudible] and back. Two more and one more and stepped down. Bend your knees, sit back. Your ring will just come out of your arms. Sit back on your feet and rest. Slide out onto the mat. On your stomach.

Take the ring and hold it between your hands coming up into the single leg kick position. So we press inwards into the ring. You pull the spine up in forward. Hold the abdominals in however the legs and now he kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, reach, kick, kick range. K, k. Great. Press the ring as u k k. K. Reach, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, reach a couple more times. Keep the body stuff.

K, kick reach, kick, kick, reach, pause there. Allow the legs to come down. Allow the spine to come down. Reach back out your ring between your ankles. Okay, come all the way down. I'm going to keep my head up off the mat, but I want you to just rest your head on your hand. So supporting through the center of the body, we're gonna float the legs up.

We're going to press the knees towards one another so they're pretty parallel and we're just gonna let do little lifts. And as you lift, pull your heels towards your glutes and left and left and left and two and one hold there. Stretch the legs out and bend the knees in and stretch the legs out and bend the knees in and stretch the legs out and bend the knees in and twice more. Last one, stay there. Take the arm that's furthest away from me, out in front of you. Use the arm closest to me to roll yourself onto your side.

Just like that nice little trick. They're going to hold the ring in our ankles. We're going to reach out and up and Ah, ah, and Ah, and Ah, ah, and down. Now as you lift your legs, slide your arm up the side of your legs and yeah, and slide your arm out towards your knee. Maintaining all the control through your waist is as humanly possible, right? Yeah. And yeah, and reach out and down. Take that arm off your thigh, reach around, put it down, roll over onto your stomach. Keep your legs in the air. Yes.

And now we lift a straight leg left and left and lift and lift and fide. As you lift, squeeze the ring for three. So we're going to do that in the opposite direction. You guys will face the camera all face away. So you reach the arm closest to me over.

You roll onto your side. Legs are straight. You have to space that way it'll be on the other side. There you go. Good. Now we just lift the legs for three and two and one. And now we take the arm on the thigh and we reached the spine and the legs up and the spine and the legs down and the spine and the legs up and the spine and the legs down and reach out as you lift and down and now turn back over all the way. Bend your knees, put your legs down, and take your ring in your hands. Put your ring out in front of you.

We've got 10 to a hands, like a steering wheel and the 10 and two position. I want you to start to lift with your abdominals, reach with your legs, and then start to draw backwards on the ring. As your head reaches through the ring, reaches through the ring and then rises above it and then go up. Continue upwards, continue pulling the ring back toward you. And then as we go down, we're gonna push the ring away and we're going to float the legs.

So now as the legs lower down, we start sliding the ring towards us, extending, elevating through this spine, reaching up, reaching a reed. You can go for it. You can make it small. We lower this spine and lift the leg and lower the legs. And this is fine. This all, this'll be our inhale. Keep the like strong. Even though they're on the ground, I gotta be ready to move. And then lift the legs. Lower the body, lift the body, lower the legs, reaching up. Allow the ring to help you. Nice job.

Lower the legs or lift the legs. Lower the body. Last one. Lift the body, lower the legs, lower the body lift filet. Lower the lanes. Take your ring behind you. Turn your head to face. Me Holding onto the ring. Allow the ring to rest right on that where it's comfortable for you. Elbows are wide. We're going to hover the legs. We're going to kick the ring.

One, two, three. We're gonna push the ring around. Lift. Turn your head the way. Kick one, two, three. Reach the ring away and lift. And again, one elbows, y three reached the ring away left and again, one, three, reach the throwing away left. One more time through kick, kick, kick, reach you and lift and kick. Kick, kick, reach you. And lift. Take the ring over your head. Hold it in your hands. Hold it in your hands over your head.

Just like that. Lift your right leg in your left arm, your left leg, and your right arm, right leg in your left arm. So the circles turning in your hands. Three of five, two of five. Last one. Set the body down. Set the ring down. Rest your spine for one moment. Place your elbows underneath you, your forearms underneath you. Push off and sit back towards your feet again.

I'm going to finish with another pushup variation. So when you're ready, roll through your spine and left. Come onto your hands and knees again. Sorry. Take your ring. Put it under your breastbone. Hands are just on either sides. You guys good. Okay.

So what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the ring to challenge the integrity of the position. That's the idea anyway. So stepping the legs back into a plank position. We want you to lower your body with your elbows coming very close to you in your shoulders, reaching down, hover, and then push reluctantly upwards. Lower your body, hover, push reluctantly upwards. Lower your body hovering on the ring. Pusha three more. Lower your body.

Push two more. Lower your body. Push. One more lower body pusha. Bend your knees. Take your ring in your hands, come up onto your knees and bring your ring behind you. You can face me or you can face each other, either one.

So what I want you to do here is reached the ring down first and then just start to elevate the arms out and back and down. If you had a little shoulder stretch. So now as the arms reach out, let's bring the chest forward and down and arms reach on. The chest rises upwards and down. One more arms reach. Ah, this time keep the chest reaching upwards. Start to lean back. Maybe turn, nope, we're gonna lean back. We're gonna re, you might have to adjust the ring in your hands.

We're going to reach the ring down towards the Shins and arrest the ring on the shins. We're going to back bend, pressing the chest. That worth pushing the ring downwards, pressing the hips forwards. And then all in one fell swoop we rebound from there. Take the ring and both hands turned towards me. Lift both arms overhead and then you reach into the ocean and exhale to lift and reach up to go over and exhale to the left and reach up.

As the spine stretches over, lift, reach off his. His phone stretches over and left. Now from here we're going around the spine. Reach the ring out in front of us. Stay there so you're sitting back in a bend. Your elbows. Bring the ring into your chest. Roll the pelvis up so you're in thigh stretch. [inaudible] take the arms forward, lift up and come all the way up.

Exhale, round the spine. Draw the ring out in front of you. So strong leg strong abdominals. Bend near the shoulders back. Pull the pelvis towards the ring by. Lean back with your body. Keep opening through your shoulders. Stretch your arms out. Lift your body and reach overhead. One more.

Take the ring forward as you round back. Then the elbows in. Press the pelvis. Forward, shoulders, reaching away from the years. Lift the chest, lift the chest, take the arms up. Say here, lift the arms up, lift the body up, and for one last time you just drift over to one side, drifting and lifting up and drifting and lifting up, and then we lower the ring down. Hello? Yeah, I think that's it.


4 people like this.
I had an "old" 60 min level 2/3 already loaded for my morning class. My time was a little more limited today though and I used the PA search tool to click in what I REALLY wanted... a 40 minute magic circle class. Imagine my surprise to have my wish granted so fantastically!!! Very sneaky sashay into those teasers my dear. And of course exactly when you cued the option to put the ring behind our heads, my neck was saying "yes!". LOTS work on with this class Meri...I´ll be coming back to it often. For those who want to keeping moving throughout class...this is a "gotta do".
3 people like this.
Loved it!! Great flow and great work. Thank you!
Thanks ladies! Joni, if I remember correctly, I filmed this one just for you. Glad you like it :)
3 people like this.
Fabulous as always, Meredith! Thank you. So many creative ideas of how to use a ring. I think I will do this class again very soon! Some of the movements felt so good I actually pressed "Pause" and made a couple of reps more... Although I like these 40 minutes classes, I wish this one would be longer
2 people like this.
Thank you for another fabulous class. I will be taking this one often. Your cues and your transitions are superb. You are a fantastic instructor.
1 person likes this.
Great workout. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Loved it!Really challenging!!
1 person likes this.
Yet another favorite of mine ! Loved the flow, loved the cues, loved the challenge ! Thanks Meredith :)
1 person likes this.
Amazing workout! Thanks so much :) pure inspiration.
Thank you everyone for taking class with me and taking the time to leave such lovely feedback. I appreciate you all so much!
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