Class #1397

Full-Body Reformer

40 min - Class


Troy McCarty is back with a Reformer workout that evenly works the body through exercises such as Footwork, Arm Series, Short Box Series, Candlestick, and Shoulder Bridge. Troy walks you through the springs and body placement for each exercise.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Jan 23, 2014
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Hi, I'm treme McCardy. Welcome to my reformer class. All right, so let's go ahead. Let's lay down. We're going to put three reds in, a blue on, and we have the bars in the second bracket. Exactly. So go ahead and place your body and you can have your head rest up if you would like our headrests down, your arms are reaching down beside your body and this spring our heels right across my two sit bones right in the middle of the heel. All right, let's take a nice inhale and during your exhale let's go ahead and push the carriage away. So go ahead and push and lets us hold out there a moment. Now let's think about that body does lengthening. So you want to think that your ears are reaching out to the wall in front of you. Your feet are reaching the other way. We're pulling the navel down and up. We're keeping everything in a nice organized position.

Now pull the spring back in and recoil. Let's do that again. We go press out and axel and we bring it back in. Press out three and pull the spring in. Press four and pull the spring in. Press five and and press six pole.

Then press seven pole at back. Press eight and back. Two more. Press nine and back. Lovely. Press 10 and back. All right, now let's move our feet down toward toes. Now I'd like to see the heels match the gear bar, right?

So where you put the springs on there. Perfect. Prepare your body with the inhale. Now XL, go ahead and press the carriage way one. Now pull the spring back in and too, and recoil that spring you long gate the spring and recoil. Press four and in press five pull it back. Press six and and press seven pole and press eight pull it back two more.

Press nine and in press 10 very good and bring it back in. Now keep your feet there and let's elevate our heels up. Now careful when you elevate the heels up that you don't roll the foot over onto the big toe. Our over onto the second toe and nice way of thinking about your feet is 60% of your weight is between your big toe and your second toe. 40% goes out to the rest of the foot and that structures the foot.

So the ankle doesn't do any type of misalignment. Prepare your body with the inhale XL. Go ahead and extend extreme. Press out. Pull the spring back in, press two and in go three Paul, then press four. Pull it back, press five. And in press six Paul that in press seven and in press eight and in two more, press nine pull it. And on the 10th one is reach out there and hold Antin hole.

Let's lower the heels softly down one breast. Sum Up down two and down three press up lower four. Now that machine bloats back and forth, vive and left six and lip seven and lift eight and lift two more. Nine up one more. 10. And um, let's bend her knees and bring the carriage back to its stoppers. Let's put our arches on the bar and take your toes in this, wrap them forward. This prepared buddy. With the inhale, there's axle in this.

Push out and stretch one. Pull your spring back in. Keep that wrap to your feet and chew. Pull it in. Press three pull it in, press four and in press five and in press six pull it in. Press seven and in press eight pull it in to more. Press nine pull it in. One more.

Press 10 good. And pull it back. The Springer heels out to the sites of the bar. Let your feet flex back and we have some rotation. This is perfect. You don't want to take your legs in, fall out into the position. You want to find that in between position. All right, so your heels are on the bar. We have the buddy nice and organized. Again, thinking of why, so with across the shoulders, a nice long neck.

Let's prepare a body with the inhale and it's is go ahead and press out. Reach, not pull the spring back in, press out two and in press three pull it back in. Press four and in press five pull it in. Press six and in press seven Paul in press eight and in two more press nine pull it in. Press 10 and pull it in. Now where are your heels were? Let's put your toes right.

Let's elevate those heels back up. We're seen in that rotated position. That's pressing Kerry. John, this hold from a moment. We're going to lower the right heel down, lift the left heel up, and we're just going to do a nice stretch on this. Stay there just into that cam muscle. Think of that heel reaching as far as you can.

The other heel up and you're just letting that cab muscles soften like a hard stick of butter. You press out again, reach your body back. Let's do the other here and this lowers down. We're keeping that nice placement of the foot. Again, we're not rocking over on the toes or anything like that and as press, let's do it one more time on both sides in lower down. Pelvises nice and stable. It's a lovely upper bodies. Go ahead and push and lower down and go ahead and push back. Has been both needs on this. Return our carriage.

Okay, let's bring your legs together. Let's sit up. Let's go to two red springs and I want you to lay back down, reach back, and grab your straps, and then let's bring your hands up to the ceiling and let's make sure that you start with your hands below your shoulders, your legs come up one at a time toward table top position. Now I'd like to see you connect your heels together and let you knees open just a little bit so you get the inside of your leg activated. You prepare your body with the inhale during your XL. I want you to pull your arms down, extend your legs out, and peel your upper body up. Here we go. Pull now, widen those shoulders and we take our inhale and we pulse. A. One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five, two, two, three, four, five, two, two, three, four, five, three, two, three, four, three, two, three, four, five, four, two, four, five, four, two, three, four, five, five, two, three, four, five, five, two, three, four, five, six, two, four, five, six, two, three, four, five, seven, two, three, four, five, seven, two, three, four, five, eight, two, four, five. Shoulders wide and nine two, three, four, five, nine, two, three, four, five, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two.

Now reach and let's return back into our position. Put your legs down, shake them out. This is a little bit, that was lovely. Nice. One, hundreds. All right, let's bring those legs back up to that tabletop position again. Connect those heels. Pull your elbows down, make a fist, a softwares, and bring your knuckles all the way back to your shoulders so you get a big range of movement there. You're going to pull your knuckles down towards the Mat, extend your legs out to the wall in front of you and bring your upper body up for coordination. Here we go. Press one.

Now reach those shoulders wide open. Close your legs, bend your knees and bring the carriage and let's stay up in. Bend those elbows and press two and reach. Open and close. And Ben and Ben. Press three. We Open. We close. We been, we been press four. We opened, we close, we, we bet. Press Vive.

We opened, we close, we've been and Ben, six open, close. Ben, Ben, seven. Open close. Ben. Ben On eight. Let's hold and reach out. Hold. Take your right leg over your left. Here we go. We switch her legs and switch. One and two. Shoulders white and, and one and two and three and four. One and two and three and four and four. Three, two, one. Bend your knees and return the carriage back. Yeah. Excellent.

Very good. Go ahead and stand up now. Let's put our straps back on the pegs. Let's bring the bar down now in the spring. Our short box up onto our carriage please. No stick yet. Okay. And we're gonna sit on the box.

You're going to face your foot bar and you're going to grab your straps. So we have one red spring on and we're gonna grab our straps as, use that metal spring there. And you're sitting nice and tall. Give me a lovely alignment to look at. All right. And then we can sit with our legs like this are if you want to, you can cross your legs. It's totally up to you. All right, and I'd like to see the hills come back this a little bit so you have something right or you can be like that. Let's take her arms out to the sides. All right. Now with this position, you want your elbow to bend just a little bit and you elevate it up.

Now it's very important that you bring your hands in front of your body just a little bit so you can feel those back muscles. Take your inhale. Exhale. We're going to go pull in. It's like hug a tree. Now you press your arms back and you go to reach good and you press back. Go three, keep the shoulder wide. As you do this and you press back, go for now.

Hold. Now I want you to feel like the walls have closed in on you and you push the walls back out. Go Push. Excellent. So these arms are extensions of your back. You go one and you press now press the walls out like you're filling this whole room up. Let's do three more and press and reach and press and reach.

Very good and relaxed and bring it back in. Okay, let's take our hands and when palms are facing forward now and we're gonna reach our arms up and we're going to flip our pumps and bring them to our forehead. All right. And we just lifting that spine up and all we're going to do is press the hands out so we go push away. One good. We pull back, push to Paul back in press haul it in, press four, pull it in one more and press five good. And pull it back in. Now hold there. Listen. Take the body in, hinge forward this a little bit like that. And let's do five more. Here we go.

Press reach one, pole it back, let go scapular swag down that back, haul it back and three pole in and four pull it in and Vive Paul it in. And let's go ahead and release in this. Bring our body back up. Excellent. Go ahead and hook up your straps real quick. And we're going to do another arm exercise, but we're going to lay on the box. All right?

So what I want you to do is I want you to lay on the box facing the Pawleys. All right, so facing your straps, you're on your side. So we bring your head down here. You're on your side with your knees stacked, your hips stacked. You have one arm over the box. So k like that. Now the head reaches out. Now you're gonna take your hand, it's on top, and you're going to grab your strap and let me know if the spring is too heavy for you. This arm makes a circle. Here is like this, your elbows up there. All right, so it's Kinda like hug a tree now. Now all we're gonna do is pull the arm back so you go back one excellent and you pull it back in. Good. Go Chu.

Good. And you pull it back now, shoulder blade down. That's it, Chrissy. And press three. Good and back for excellent. Press five and back. Now if your head is your neck is getting a little bit uncomfortable, you can do what Chrissy's doing. You can stabilize it with your hand are, you can have your hand over the box holding the body up and this is lovely.

Let's do two more. Good and one more. Perfect. All right, let's go ahead and place that strap down. Let's switch our bodies now. Yeah, yeah. Wait, yeah. You've got to switch your app. How are you going to do those same side? Yeah, your heads that way now. Thank you. It's like, okay, what are you doing? We got it.

Yeah. Okay. Reese foreign graphpad strap. Okay. Now the knees are stacked. The hip is stack. You've got your shoulder stacking. The head is reaching out. It's like if you were reading a newspaper and your heads this way you could open it up and read the newspaper. The arm is here. Nice. Ben Elbow here. Soft double, not a real pointy elbow.

The back stabilizes. The waist is pulled in and we pull the arm back one. It's a nice smooth movement and Paul back in press too. Good. And Paul in press three and in press four Paul in press five and in six and in two more. Seven. Paul in press eight excellent work and pull in.

All right, go ahead and hook that strap up. We've got the box in its position, so let's go ahead and hook up all the springs. I've got some Dow rods behind you. Let's go ahead and grab those. All the springs run so the boxes nicest stabilize, put strap on. Great. And this is a big sense trip. Exactly. Now let's, I'm scoot forward on the box so that you sit bones, take your feet and reach out to the sides. So you press into the strap, reach forward and grab your dowel. Please.

Is that clean? This whole distic out. All right, so you've got shoulder blades are down. We got a nice long spine. So again, in this position it's a lovely position to get your spine nice and lined up. You have your ear, you have your shoulder and you have your hip and you're lifting on the sharpest point of your sit bones. Now a lot of people like to sit forward. They feel that it's up. You want to find those bones down here, the sit bones and find this center of those bones. And lift up and GT. You should feel some freedom back here in this sacred. All right, so we're going to take our inhale now and during your exhale you're going to roll your spine down, so whoa, the pubic bond back right there. Now you're going to come all the way forward up in over the abdominal and you're going to reach that body out. Now from there, wearing the lip to stick up to a straight spine hole.

Then we're going to do a hinge back with a straight spine. Good. You bring it back and then we're going to repeat that you rolled down. The stick comes down. Now this is a round spine. Here you go, up in all over your dominal. Now you flatten it back out. You lift up good. You hold those ribs up to your sitting position again under sit bones and we hinge back good, and bring it back in.

This do it again. We rolled down and a stick goes down. You go up and over and reach. You bring it up. You lift that spine up and lift your spine the way up to the ceiling. Now hinge back. Excellent. And bring it back in one last time. It's so beautiful. And you roll down.

Now connect all the movements and roll forward up in, over. Lengthen out. Drag that stick against the wall. Bring it up to the ceiling. Go ahead and do your hinge back. Perfect. And bring it back in. All right. This spring, this stick down. This challenge, this movement once. All right, so let's put one little thing in here. Okay, so we have the same thing we rolled down, right? We roll open over the abdominal.

Now when you're in that flat back reaching your stick to the wall, you're going to rotate your spine. So you're going to rotate it up. You're going to bring it up and you're going to stay in that rotation and you're going to do a little hinge over to the side. Alright, got it. Think so. Alright. Shall we that money? No, I say that to my clients all the time. You want bet money? No. All right, here we go. So we roll down. So here we go. Roll that spine down. Now, up and over the abdominal reach the spine. For now. There's the flat back. Bring the stick up. Now you rotate. You open like this, you bring the stick up.

Here's your position. Now keep your hip down all over. Look at the floor here with your body. Very good. Bring it back up and center your body. You roll down again. The stick comes down like you're pushing a floor down. Now push that wall forward. Now let's rotate the other way.

Rotate. Come up. Now look at the, that's it. And all over and back. Up and centered. Let's do it again. We roll down. Go One, go up in all over and rotate and up and over. The hip stays back up and center and roll down. Go up in all over and rotate and reach up and over. Very good, and bring it back and center and that was excellent.

All right, good. Let's go ahead. I'm going to take your sticks away. Go ahead and take your boxes off. We got two red springs and we're going to go into some leg straps. Let's keep the bar down. All right, so you see a good clean sweep and we're going to do some levitation, so I need that head rest to be down for this. Go ahead and place your legs up into the straps please.

All right, so when you have your legs in the strips, I want you to feel like your legs are reaching the straps. The straps are this there for guidance. Your feet reached out and beyond those straps. All right, and we have a nice placement. We have a sacrum that's down. We have the upper body. Again, organize, you've got lots of with across your collarbone, lots of the length in your neck, your navels down in the spine, and we're praying. Again, we've got the neutral spine and the neutral pelvis, so we have the natural curves in there. All right, so we're going to start the movement and where the movement starts. When you do your strap, your feet in the straps is the movement starts down here in the back of your thigh.

So let's take our inhale and it's that sound and let's pull the legs down. Softly lengthening them out. Like you're going to push the wall away. Now drag your feet back up. That wall hit where it needs to ceiling and back up. And think of the shoulder saw and think of that neck nice and long. Perfect. Pull down again to good and back.

Up. And three reached those legs. Reach them back up. Go for and pulled down and back up. Let's do one more please. And five pulled down. Very good and back up. Excellent.

Now this opened the legs to the width of our hips. All right, and let's fix up foot there. This a little bit. There we go. Now with the width of your hips, you want to work on keeping those legs place we keep the same with going down the same width going up. Now it's a little bit easier to do something with the pelvis because we don't have the inside of the legs connected anymore. So let's prepare. Inhale, and that's exhale. This Paul, the straps down softly and this bring the straps back up. And let's think of those feet reaching through the straps. So you go reach them out and you reach them back up.

You go three pull down and you reach back up. You go four pull down and back up. One more and five pulled down. Very good. And you bring it back up. Let's bring her legs back together. Let's do a circle now. And so we're gonna open the legs out and around.

We're going to concentrate on keeping the pelvis in its position despite still. So here we go. We open out with control, pulled down and around. Now make that opening as much part of the movement as the rest of the legs. All right, so that opening has a lot of control to it. So we opened the legs out, we pulled down, this is nice.

We pull together and back up. Let's keep the legs in parallel and we go open. Oh, round. Squeeze your legs together. Bring them back up stu. Two more. We open a round, squeeze the legs together and back up. One more. When we open with control, we pour down good and we bring it back up.

So there's no wasted movement in that circle. That whole circle has meaning. Let's try the other way. So we pull the legs down with the backs of your legs. You'll put them out around. Very nice and go to this. There's a lovely and all around. Good. Go three and around.

Go for and around. Let's do one more and go five. Very good. And around. All right, good. Now let's take our hands. If they're sweaty, kind of wipe them off on your sides there and you're going to reach back and grab your pigs. All right. All right, so you want to pull those pigs now without moving the carriage. Let's roll our spine up. So here we go. We're going to roll up and this go a little bit past the tips of your scapular right there. Let's take an inhale and exhale and roll back down slowly.

So it's a nice articulation of the spine. Alright, this ticker in hell again and that sex hell, and it's like feel like we're pushing those ceiling up higher. Good. Hold there. Take another inhale up there and Xcel pull those adom rolls back down bone by bone. Nice. All right, now let's take it one more time. The sicker inhale and attacks. Tell this, roll the pelvis up now, this whole there. All right. Now holding onto those pegs. Extend your feet towards the wall in front of you.

Find a plank position. Now the key to this is the reach through the straps. Okay? Start reaching. Levitate your spine down this lower. Your spay doesn't have to roll this place down. This is nice. This is nice. You doing real? That's it. No kerplunk in. That was it. Very good. Excellent. Let's try it one more time. All right.

Yeah, come down straight. This. Let your spine float down like a feather. All right. You don't have to roll. It's hard to roll. Yeah. All right, here we go. We got it. All right. Now this, this one thing. If your hands are really slippery on the pigs, okay, you're fine. Sometimes what I do is I reach back and I grab the edge of the carriage.

All right, so it's up to you. Whatever feels more stabilize for you. It's it's option. Okay. All right. Here we go. The leg said together you've got your state crumb down your feet reaching up to the ceiling. It's prepared, buddy, with the inhale. Now during your axial, that's cruel. That pelvis up does let those bones leave one at a time. All right, now you start reaching your legs forward and you're going to plank your body out there in space, right?

So I should see the toes hit the wall where it meets the ceiling. You keep on reaching, you pull back on those is a little secret and you'll do it every time. That is really nice. Good work. Bravo. Very good. All right, let's go ahead and take the leg straps off. Oh, Ooh.

Okay. Let's go to a blue spring only. All right. All right. Now what we're going to do is we're gonna do a kneeling, a lunch series. Okay, so you're going to put your foot against the shoulder rest or right. So one foot in the bars down. All right. You know what? We can bring the bar up. This. This makes sure that it might give you a little bit of security. So foot against the shoulder rest right now.

Bring your other leg back so it matches your needs. So your, your knee is square. All right, now this, take our hands off the bar. Let's bring our hands behind our head like this, and let's stand up on the supporting legs. So go ahead and stretch your supporting leg and the knee will come off. All right, this is our start position. All right, so we've got the abdominal and we're in Nice alignment of our body. Now what you're getting do is you're going to start pressing the carriage back.

As you press back, you're going to go into a lunch of the supporting leg and let your knee touch. Boom. You bring it back up and you return back in and push out and the knee touches. Now alignment is crucial here. Very good and back up. So again, you want that knee to reach over that show and you want to stay as square as you can in your hips. Prepare your body with the in how axle you push out. And you do your lunch very good. And you bring it back in.

Good. And press out and lunch. Good. Excellent. Right there. It's good. And bring it back in. All right, so still very good. Very, very nice movement. Let's bring our arms down beside our body. We're going to put some arms into it now. All right, so as you press the carriage away, you're going to bring your hands up to your head. As you return to Carrie, she bring them down. Okay, so here we go. We go push and we go one. And Ah, good to excellent. Ah, go three up.

Press four and up. One more and pressed five. Very good. And bring it back up. Nice work. Let's try the other side. All right, we're okay? Yeah. All right. All right, so the fleets against the shoulder rest. Now this leg, this knee wants to match the other knee. All right? Then this here goes into a stretch position. This knee will come off. Adam magically, you bring your hands behind your head again.

Your elbows are forward. This will put tension here. We want to release that. Let the scrap it or slide down the back. Now we're going to start extending the leg back without distorting the pelvis. Here we go, we pulled back and then we go into our lunch one. The knee touches the softly to the carriage.

And then you use the back of your leg and you pull it back up. Excellent. See, push that foot down on the floor. Like you're pushing the floor away. Go down to good and back up. [inaudible] go three down. Excellent. And back up we go. Four down. Very nice. And back up. Let's do one more and we go down five. Good. And back up. Let's put our arms into it now. Alright, so shoulders, nice laymen of the body.

Inhale and go axa. And we go down on and up to and up a three and up a four and up. One more. A five. Very good. And bring it back up. That was excellent. And bring it back down. Very nice. Let's put three red springs on. Now let's get you off your legs and we're going to lay back down and we're gonna rule that spine again with our feet on the foot bar. I love rolling spines because it gives you a great chance to really think about unlocking vertebrals. Really moving your spine, articulating the spine, so healthy for you. So healthy forest, you're your clients. Here we go.

So your heels are in the bar right across from your sit bones. Your arms are reaching down again. So think of that organize upper body that we're after lots with across the shoulders. Nice long collarbone there, Sun, lots of with the neck that's off. Let's prepare our body with the inhale now and during your exhale, let's wall the pelvis up slowly, bone by bone. No finger scapular is still reaching down to give them that next soft perfect.

Take another inhale here and exhale this hollow the out. Let's roll down and let that sternum melt down. Bone by bone. Now don't get up there in the shoulders is relaxed. Very good. Take your inhale again and exhale. Curl up in. Roll that spine. Good enough.

Think of your thighs reaching forward, your shins, reaching over your ankles, those knees reaching over that second toe. Now let's keep that length there and lets down and go head roll downs. Rule that spine. Excellent. Excellent, excellent, excellent, very good. You feel that? So it gives a nice link to that spine. Let's try it one more time. Let's take another inhale and exhale. Let's curl up in wall, the pelvis up to that Balaam bird.

Now think of those ties reaching forward. Knees over totients reaching forward and we will back down through that spine. Excellent. Now let's bring our heels out to the sides of the bar and you don't want to do too much. True. Now you want to find that happy position right in the middle there.

And let's again, let's take our inhale and let's exhale and it's curl the pelvis up solely bone by bone. So we will call that spine. Uh, all right, now hold there you went and take another inhale and we're going to x out. We're going to push the carriage back one and pull the carriage back in. Press back to and pull back in. Press back three and and press back four pull in, press back five and in press back six poll in, press back seven and N. Press back eight pull the spring back. Two more.

Press nine Paul in one more please press 10 pull it back in. Take your inhale here. Exhale, roll the spine down slowly. Bone by bone. Lovely. All right, now bring your feet back across from your two sit bones. Let's go to the base of our toes again. Let's elevate the heels up without rolling out on the little toe or over in the big toe. Go ahead and extend the carriage back, right?

So this is your running exercise. One heel lords down the other heel lifts. Now let's just hold there. Now this heel should be reaching as far as you can get it without distorting anything up here in your pelvis. This foot, this heel should be lifting up and we should be keeping a good placement of the foot. I don't want to see roll out our roll in. We press back in, we reach the spine back and we do it to the other side. Then you find a nice rhythm and you continue on.

So let's go ahead and they won and one and two and two and three and three and four and four and five and five and six and six, and they seven and eight and a two more and nine. One more, 10 and 10. Now let's bend our knees. Let's bring the carriage back in. Let's go to one red spring and we're going to do a thigh stretch. Okay? Go ahead and stand up. You have your foot against the shoulder rest.

Your other foot is on the ground and your hands are resting on the bar. All right, now the foot here comes forward. All right, now your hands are resting on the bar. You're lifting the torso up. What you're going to do is press the carriage back and just go into a nice lunge position. Yeah. All right, so you're the exactly shoulderblades are down. Now, think of this knee reaching forward, right? And this knee over here, reaching back.

So you have needs reaching opposite directions to give you that opposition as pull it back in. Good. Let's take another inhale and let's exhale. Let's go down. Go ahead. Think of lots of width across the collarbones, shorter blades that roll down the back, and let's pull it back in. Lovely. Let's try the other side. Alright, so we have a nice placement of the bud before we begin, right?

So that's crucial. We take our inhale and we accell and we roll down, and let's let the toes relax on the floor. Make sure that you're not taking your toes on the floor and you're gripping that the toes are linkedin outs. We have that great placement of the foot on the floor. Naval is still into the spine. We're still hitting those abdominals.

Let's bring it in. Let's try it one more time. Just take a big inhale and as acts held and as Paul Shit out. Perfect. Nice work. Now let's pull it in and let's lift those abdominals that bring it back in and you ladies are done. That was a lovely lesson. [inaudible].


I really enjoyed this class! Great cueing, very precise and to the point without being too "wordy". Loved the standing lunge exercise, and the exercise where you came down in a "plank " while legs are in straps. Thank you Troy!
My second class with you!! Love the standing lunges and ithe short box abdominal work! your cues are great Troy! So glad to have met you here!
Hi Becky:
So happy you liked my class. I love those standing lunge exercises also. I have a few more variations I teach on the lunges. Thanks again for watching my class. I truly appreciate it!
Hi Connie:
What a pleasure to meet you! I always have fun teaching short box abs. I teach a seminar for Pilates on Tour called Short Box Long Box. Thank you for watching my class.
Would love to try your long box abs! never been to a Pilates on tour. need to put that on my bucket list!!
Maybe you could shoot for coming to the Texas POT :o) - would love to take that workshop from you!
Thanks great class
Hi Lynn:
I will be in Texas with Pilates On Tour. Hope to see you then!
Hi Jodi:
Thanks for taking my class!
Thank you for a great class. Articulate descriptions while at the same time keeping a good pace. My favorite class so far!
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