Class #1639

Romana's Reformer Flow

30 min - Class


Junghee Won teaches a traditional Reformer Workout with Romana's flow. She implements wonderful tactile cues and a rhythm to each exercise to maintain the pace of the class, taking you through a multitude of exercises in just thirty minutes.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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May 24, 2014
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Hi, my name is Chung Haywan and this is Leanna. Thank you, Deanna. Of being with me. Um, my class is going to be a reformer. Um, I'm going to do about maybe intermediate and other events mixed. We will see, uh, because I'm seeing Deanna is very first time today, so I don't know her level, but she is the PLRs instructors. So I assume she knows, uh, you know, at least a more than, uh, of course in the intermediate is I want to be safe with, so that's why I said intermediate, maybe advance. So we will see. Um, so I will, I need a time to know about her body too. She doesn't have anything about, um, injury. Not Major, big injury. Sometimes she said your children shorter a little bit.

Yeah. And it depends on day Roy, you know. Right. And sometimes your Piriformis area. Yeah. Which is a, you know, right here at the sacrum. Um, sometimes it bothers her, her, so, but how about today? Good. Today's good thought. Today's awesome. So we will see, uh, so we're gonna just start. Um, so Deanna is a from here, right? I'm from New Jersey. I'm from New York, but now I live in New Jersey. But anyway, so we start. Okay, so Leanna, uh, you want to lie on your back? Very good.

She didn't use any hands when you get into the reformers, so which I love it. Okay, so we're going to start to from dia, footwork for springs. Okay. Right and high. He was up this, I see this size a little bit lower. So I want you to be a little bit higher. This side, a good press, the heels, each other really farm and good. You're making though a powerhouse engaged. I see it. And come back in 10 times less to do a little bit lower legs, your jar and net. Good. And three good.

And in and four and that in and five and in and six very good as seven and in eight. Good. And nine already and 10. All right, very good. Now with the arches, so let's go. So 10 times a one and the in the two and in and the three and a with the rhythm. Four and in. Nice. At a five. Good as six little chest relaxes. Yeah, very nice and full [inaudible] and I think it's nine right and 10 and convey now onto your heels. So he goes right here and then 10 again with the powerhouse.

There you go. And too. And that in and three follow my rhythm and four and in this and five. Good. And she's doing well and seven very good. A nice and nine. Good. Last one in 10 and come again. Good. Now onto your toes.

So we're going to do the attendance rates. So when these are par and press the owl, take your time. You don't have to go fast. Low the heels, lift the heels, get us right. Really, really, really stretch and up and three and up and four work on your powerhouse and squeeze your bottom two and six and seven. Good. And a field of back spine, down to the mat all the time. Last one, he was up and coming back in. Very nice. Now you know, hundreds.

So take out your handles and bring us in our chest. Arms, legs are stretched out. Bring your head up. Yeah. And then pumping. So in her two, three, four, five and six. The two, three, four, five into three, four, five and extra. Two, three, four, five, three and deep breath out. And four good. Extra two, three, four, five five two, three, four five x two three four, five, six and extra two, three, four, five, seven and three, four, five, eight deep breath and nine and breathe and 10 and readout. Okay. And then we do short spine massage. All right, so head up is down and the pictures, straps.

So we're gonna strap circles through the handles. Perfect. Good. And then you're going to fit into those straps. All right, very good. Okay, so bend your knees, bring the heels down to your bottom and make sure you want to lower your hips. Sit Down right here. So a little bit. I usually make a little bit space right here. So when you go for a swan, you don't get stuck here. So stretch lays out girl, and up and over. Girl in [inaudible].

As you exhale, roll down slowly, very nice. And bring the heels down and again, out, up. Bend over. Good in Harambe. Bend. Good roll down at Drexel or articulate your spine and bring the Hughes down. Little quick out and up quick and hold it now in [inaudible].

Slow down here. Slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow. And bring the hills down, out and up. Quick and control interim Ben. And slowly roll down. Very nice. Very good. And that's it. Not too many. We're going to do the coordination as a whole. Do the handles take out the straps always with the control with this eva?

Yes. Very good. Okay. It was a little scary. Bring your head up and arms oasis. Judah. Hold your breath now as you exhale Ben and Ben. So inhale, hold your breath. Bend Denise. Now when the elbows and again inhale, hold your breath. X set and Ben's still x. That and that.

That's what the coordination, movement and breathing at the same time. That's what's called the coordination. And there we go. Head down. Alright, good. Okay. Um, that's it. That alone box. All right. Okay, so good. Yeah. So you're going to get your box. Good. So we do. First one is a pulling straps. So that's a perfect, you're going to be on your stomach. That's it. And shoulders at the edge of that box.

So all the way up here, right? That's good. So I always see right here so you can make sure you are straight right here. Okay, I'm going a little bit of Jos. So here. So you wanna make sure. Oh, okay, that's good. Okay, so shoulders pull back and inhale and gentle. DePaul lift your chest. That's good.

Hold it one, hold it to hold the three edge of XML is a slow. Really Nice. And again, do it again. I want your video very nice. And start to lift your chest. Liliana. That's good. So fear right here. Ooh, Nice. Yes, yes. Now slowly release. Good. You're going to do one more time.

Inhale, send your shoulder back. Engage in your back. Why? The [inaudible] literature is a little bit higher. That's it. It doesn't hurt your back. Right. And slowly release. Very good. Now you're going to hold at the end of the stressor are pulling stores to number two. So right here, a little bit high.

And your back again and pull tight here and lift your chest there. One, two, three, exhale, sometimes your backpack, those you, then I hold the really like this and then, uh, so you can, doesn't get hurt here. Soko here. One, hold the to hold the three and then slowly release. How's that feel? Is that okay? And then one more time in her and Paul fear my hand right here. That's it. Very nice and extra to the side. Very good.

You're going to keep holding the handle sexually and then you're going to step off to the side. We're going to do the backstroke, so on your back. That's perfect. So right. Okay. I want you more come down a little bit. Okay, that's good. Yes. Now bring your chin on your chest and look at your neighbor. Hands up higher without pulling the straps. Those, I want you to be all balled with that. Hey, they're actually good. It's the arms and legs up to the ceiling. Wants stretch, arms opening too.

Now you're going to circle and pull forward. Everything's a together type, but here, squeeze it and squeeze in here. And [inaudible] and Ben, everything's go to home petition. Um, the lays up one open and full. Hold the one, hold it to hold it three and then bend. Do it again. Um, the lace up opening too. Good. Right here. Hold it. Pulling the stomach. Hold their ego a little bit. You can lift up higher. That's fine. Type. But here, there you go. And then Ben. All right, we've got to the teaser. Okay. I want you to go a little bit here. Move back slightly. [inaudible] okay. All right, so this time I have to pick it up for you. Sure.

So bring your chin on your chest and then you want to roll. That's it. Hold it. Hold on to your ass more deeper. Very nice. Um, the lower right there. And then pull the straps, pull your uptime. And I ended up higher. Good and lower and pull up good and lower arms and pull those traps. Chin on. Cherchez with a control roll down. Very nice.

Good rest here while rest to chew rested three and roll up. Everything's up tight. Hips and lower down. Yeah, that's fine. We're gonna do that again. Just slow down enough and too tight ups and three and pull you up. Domino in channel Church's roll down. Very good. I like that. Yes, yes, yes.

Good. One more time. Bring your head up. Roll into the powerhouse there. Now let's see. Two Circle Yanna. So open apps. Good. And again, to put it up, diamond [inaudible] and three or more upenn. Hold it. Hold it. Yes. All that. And slowly roll down. Beautiful. Good. Now drop your hand those over the head instead of the reformer.

And then step up shoebox. Yeah, that's good. And here, actually I let you use the pad for here because when you sit the, because of [inaudible]. Oh, [inaudible] like that. Okay. I'm not going to use it. I had a reason, but I don't need them right now, so, okay. [inaudible] that's good. You feel it's okay? Yeah, yeah. Right. So arms around your abdominal. Now you're gonna be chin on your chest and you want to it down right there, right there. And then come back up XL while Uli, hard with your legs and roll down. Yes. So you can move up, manage your move on to better.

So you have to really work on the lace and roll down. [inaudible]. Good, nice. And Rebecca and I get rolled down. So keep lengthening. Keep going. Yes. How's that feel? It's okay. Good Rye. Bring your head up. Now you want to roll up x. How was that? Okay, good.

Now pick up the bar and we do flap that right. So long fingers. Who the right there girl had hips and then go hinge back right here and come back up and do it again in Japan. Good. And come back up and he in jail back and come back up last one. Hinge back and come back on. Now we're going to do the two sizes. You want to go? Sigh, girl and center. Other side and Sentra and here and as a side. Good. Now you the twist. Good. And tourists and Ulrich right here.

So you're going to lift up this side more stretch. Yes. And other side twist and bridge. And again, toys down or rich, this side more up and are those side toys that are rich and good. Okay. It's a lower down. Now let's do tree. So, so one and two. Good, nice and three. Nice. And walk up to your income. Now pull you up, diamond. I in bend over towards your leg. And then together you rock yourself.

You walk down the leg, roll down here. There we go. Bring your head up. Exhale, come back. So I give it a stretch a little bit. And Dover yourself back and roll down. Keep the leg long. Very nice. And come Becca. XCL and here throughout. And one more time and go, that's it. And come back our shoes. [inaudible] here. Okay, that must be good. Right? Good.

So I'll have to sigh and go one and two and three. Walk up to your ankle is the Thai side. Okay. So you need a more stressor then honestly, take your time and right here still. And then now bring your head up. Curl up. X. Yeah. So I'm gonna pull yours up here so it can really get the stretch. You're right. And again, it's always, we have with ty, sy and Louisa Psi.

[inaudible] so you want to stretch it the tie side a little bit more. And one more time. I see this less, even more lower. Come back on XL breathing. Okay. Huh? I have to be strong for a supporting body. Okay. Step Up. Alright, so bicycles away. We do, um, long stretches series.

Yeah. So you want to get into the pose and the foot hand. I just like be perfect. Okay. So there you go. I want you to really feel here. Very good. And here and the lift up here. Very good. And then push out and slowly so shoulders over the bar and again, nice.

And come back in and again now and come back in. Good. One more time. Very nice. [inaudible] good. He was against the shoulder. Blossom. Bring your hips forward. Proudest chess. Really lift a pie and inhale slowly. Exhale, come Becca. I want to go a little bit less and trying to, when you call me whore the bean, the carriage in a little bit longer and hold it up. Hold it up. Hold it up, hold it up. Inhale little [inaudible] right there.

And then I say come up and [inaudible]. So what this is about the word not pushing out the word. So inhale here. Now start to work. Work, work, work from here even more. Right there. That is about, okay, now let's go to the up stretch. So you want to stand up, that's good. So bring your head down Rye. How would you really stretch to here? I feel that, yeah. Okay. Now from you, you're going to press a low.

Your hips headed out. Hold it there up time. And as you come in, so shoulders over the [inaudible], the upper abdominal right there. And do it again. Owl, push right there and slow, slow, slow work. Work here, up and out. [inaudible] and then do the work, the abdominal work in, in, in, in one more time and then push and come in, in, in, in their ego. Here's the down elephant's okay headed down. Am I killing you? Yeah.

Okay. I lived over here. So 10 tells us a little bit. Push right there and in slow right there and again in slow work again in is the work. Yes. Pull up dominant in your muscle tight. Work on your muscle and in last one and put in, hold it. Nice. Okay. [inaudible] and [inaudible]. Okay.

Right. We're going to do an stomach massage. That's right. Let's see here. So I was out really put for the pulley up Donna and really hard. So I want to open up your Loeber eyes feel. I see you have like a, a very hollow back, right? Your Lobell so you want to be more opened. Okay, now you press down. So here we go, lower the heels, lift the heels and come in and again, out down. I've been in, up, down, up and quick in and quick in there.

Quick in, in his work I told you right? Yes. And in right there in and in last one and come against stay. That's good. They got the one spring. Yes. Hands were really open up your chest length in your spine. Grow tall and go out. Lower.

Libertine have higher long here. Yes. Not Too much here, but get the law. Yes, from your powerhouse and apply and in and sick. And in. And seven, I have to show the way back a little bit. Yes. And in and nine and become pulled in because there's a moving. Okay, now harms ritual. There we go. So this is just loss.

Inner one counts as USAA. Three counts to three in a row. And I get one lift higher and out. More, more taller and higher. Higher rise. Stay there. Stay there. Keep lengthen your spine. Keep lengthen your spine, spine long. And now you to twist as, as you Xcel to us. Inhale, center. Exhale. There you go. And exhale. Yes. Lift your stomach.

Lift your stomach. That's good. Last one. All the way back in. I'm going to give you a little bit of the, stretch your back because your back is tight on knees. Open a little bit. [inaudible] and just breathe just a little bit here. So think of the bag is opening. More. Lengthening, breathe. Again. Inhale. As you exhale, let it go. Yeah. Alright, that's good. And let's just do a semicircle.

So yes, you don't need it. Yeah. So just riding the wave, you know semicircle, right? So in your back, but your toes first. Very good. You Watch the center, your feet, which is very important as always. I do feed and then you sit there, you laying down, you slide it down. So don't move your feet around. Very good. Now you're gonna be a nice, good, very good. And then we start to go here. You feel that? Now I see this size a little bit. Titers. I want to stretch to this side more slowly. Roll down through the spine.

Make sure your neck is along. Keep your arms ray there. Ego. Feel slowly down. Yeah, you find the right place, right? You know that right now. Slowly, gently are locked. The carrots. Don't move the carriage. Now lift your bottom there and come big and slow.

Yeah, don't rush this one. I'm going to give you here a stretch. Okay, now slowly roll down. So upper back girl, right here. Yes. Now go. Did he pull heap down? Yes. Hip your hip down. Keep your head down. Stay there. Now lift your bottom. Correlative under right. Keep the long neck as you come in. Keep your arms along super low. May Show your toes a little bit more. Up Higher. Yes. Very good. Nice. You feel it?

Good. And one more time. So roll down your sternum, keeping on the SRE. This is Yay. Nice. And now good stop. Call up there. Now come in. Xcel. Lower the heels. Feel right. [inaudible] yes. Now have tight hips here. Right there. Feel here. Now push away. We do that now.

Stop and roll down sternum again. Yes. Beautiful. Even more deep. Right there. So you get the really stretch on PTO and come in now lift your bottom stretcher again. Now slowly. Yeah, push it away. Strong. Roll down. Sternum again. Linkedin, Linkedin, linkedin. Good. Yes. This is a wonderful feeling, right? And here also, I love this one. So it feels so good. And press that one more time out and hold it. Don't move any farther. And then go down. Stretch, stretch, stretch. Nice. Keep your hip down.

Leanna. Keep your down. When you call me. Keep it down. Keep it down. Keep it. Uh, yes. Now off. Yes. [inaudible] right there. Okay, so you're done. So now we're going to do the uh, Adidas wraps or like [inaudible]. So usually what I do, I ask them, my client do one and I do one. Okay?

Okay, great. So we do here together. That's where people get always confused. So we'll do the, our strap and I handled together and they just said at the strap, that's it. And I like to do always astray usually. Okay, so lie on your back. Good. And then you have fear into those wraps, right? Go ahead. Good. And other one.

Perfect. So may sure the metal part is, goes outside, always girl and low hips down. Heels are down right here. Always amazed. Show your Hebrews a really engaged with here. So, because I see people go like this, right? So I don't want to see really engaged their hips. The holder here, this is not all the way down and not all the way up. So you'll be between. So you feel the straps. Okay, now stretch your legs out right there.

And then bend your knees. Good. And again, press saying yes. And Paul, there you go. And again, so chess, chess, chess. Yeah, long. You longer do you reply, you reply yes or more. There you go right there. So now you're gonna feel here. So keep pushing away feeling, but made sure chest down there. Now we just circled and one and two there and three.

Good. And four and far smooth. Small. So your hip. Keep hip. Your hip. I use it on my buttocks to good. Keep. Hold it up. When you lays open, easy to be loose. Still hold your bottom there so you can manage.

Know your movement the better. Reverse one and two. And hip and hip. Yes. Five, six, seven. I like a, okay. All right. Ben Journeys. You're going to take out the straps. Let me see how you, do you know what I do like this? Yeah, I'll hold it both. That's where try and [inaudible] the more feels like a more study. Yes.

So then drop them up over the head and above. Good. And then we do ease riches. Ooh. Knees and the hills. We got it around the back first. So I made sure to not your chest round your back. Keep hold on your apps and [inaudible] out in an inch. Strong arms.

They're three and four always, you know, make a hoarding par has to be strong so you can really move. Okay, now arches look up. Yeah, don't to go to a ton too far. Go little less an in [inaudible]. Yes, yes. I like that better. Actually. [inaudible] not, you know, bumping. Yeah. Okay. Around the back and he's off and go. Yes.

Strong arms and two and three lawyer. But I know it's hard to five and six. Yes. Almost a two more. Nine and finish. Okay. Nothing happened. Okay. Now I'll step off and we do running. Okay, so let's see.

Joe running long arms good here again. Yeah, don't get so and then you push it away unless you go running. Make sure is pedaler so streamline that a little bit of tempo. Can you drop them? [inaudible] and one, one and two and two more. Opiod abdominal pressure back and back. Five and five.

Six and six. Seven, seven. You are using the laser lacquer. That's why you does, you know this is moving. Okay. He goes up and hold. There you go. Now bring the carriage back in. All right, now let's do the pelvic left. So right here, lift your bottom up. Hold it, hold your waist tight. Squeeze your buttocks theory. Go and press out.

Hold it out as you have [inaudible] [inaudible] and again are coming slow with a really little bit below your hips actually. So a little more lengthening and again, out XL length. That's good. Better or more time and XL. Hold it in here. So the whole, the whole luxury shoulders. There we go. Nice. Roll down as you exhale all the way down to the tailbone. Okay. Benjamin is your chest. Exhale. Okay. And step up. I want to do the last exercise.

Um, or knee stretch, um, front split, but it's only kneeling. Okay. I think is a good for you. Okay. Alright, so just to here, you're going to put your hands on a one foot in the middle. The other foot is against the shoulder. Plus we can just don't get on your knees first. Yeah. So Poacher, uh, love to hear back here and then bend your toe forward right there. So I want to see really here. Right food in the middle, right there.

So yes you so your right there. Lift your chest, use your fingertips to Diaz right there. So push yourself up higher usually as you [inaudible] there we go. I want you feel right here. Okay. Here. So opening the hips right there. Let's breathe in as you push a little bit.

So push your rifle and love to hear fear both equally. And then when you come in, bring the lap to hip forward and then rise your spine upright. There you go. Okay, do it again though. Now you understood. So push it away. Pull your up timeline. They are now coming from the ass and the all the way. Lengthen your spine to keep your arms along and again in her press.

So trying to really open the hip and Xcel. So when you lengthen your spine, you can open the hips a better. Good, hold it there. Just set this up. Now you're going to aside the stretch. Keep your son again stomachs. Then again, they're there now lift up, hold. And they're lower down. Change other side. Okay. Did you get the feeling? Okay. I want to make sure you really want to get the feeling okay. That's good.

Good. So Cho, may sure he'll really both against lift your powerhouse and then you want to push it away there. Father, you can go farther. That's okay. So you can stretch here to Umaine is about the hip. Okay, now come begging. So lift, rise, rise, rise. Rise are not pushing the stomach. Just rise. And again, inhale. As you exhale, open the hip, focused on your hips, and the lengthen your spine. There you go. And do it again. And XL, come back up and up and up. Hold it up. Keep, hold it up.

Left, right and Momma up. Right side. Yes. Cube. Lift your pass right there and stretch it out. Stretch. Yes. More from here. Yes. You feel that? And then lower your hand down and now you cave, uh, carefully. It's about all right. Do you? Great. Great. Yeah, you did a good workout.


1 person likes this.
What a wonderful precise class. I loved how Ms.Won worked into her client's tightness and was very professionally hands on. I had to laugh because I could hear Romana saying, "More. More. Pull it in more." Thank you for filming this! One of my favorites!
1 person likes this.
Just wish I had Junghee pulling me further in semi-circle! Loved it!
Yeong Cheol C
Wonjunghee teacher. Anytime first appeared in Korean. I'm very pleased. Very good contents.!!
1 person likes this.
Thank you for a wonderful class! I wish you taught more often! I love how you cue, teach, show hands-on gestures - The Authentic Method - THE BEST!!!!!!
Yeong Cheol C
wonderful tactile cues.
Anna L
1 person likes this.
I loved this class!! Junghee's energy, tactile cues and focus on keeping the class flowing were excellent. If she were my Instructor, I would work extra hard for her. Now I want to travel to have a session with her! :)) Great class!
Ann L
1 person likes this.
I really like Junghee's cues and energy, and her sense of humor. I like the way the student was not a typical Pilates Anytime experienced perfect student. Much more realistic. Thanks Junghee and student.
2 people like this.
Great class quick precise and fun. Thank you
2 people like this.
Excelent teacher and great cues .... I miss sometimes how many springs they work with.... If you're an instructor you can guess it but not for an ordinary or low experience student.
Teresa S
5 people like this.
Would be helpful if you announced spring type and color.
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