Class #1955

Imagery-Focused Reformer

45 min - Class


Perfect your movement quality with Troy McCarty in this Reformer workout. This class is great for those who are not completely familiar with the intermediate Reformer exercises, as Troy tells you the spring and Footbar settings for each exercise. With his vivid internal imagery, you'll get more out of the traditional Reformer movements.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Dec 08, 2014
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Hi, I'm trim, Bacardi. Pleasure to be back at plot is anytime I have a class prep plan today. It's kind of like a little bit of an intermediate class. So let's get started. So I didn't want to go ahead and lay down. Haley wants to go ahead and lay down. We're going to start with foot work.

Now I have the reformers set up with three reds and one blue. So ladies, let's put our heels on the bar and let's make a v. All right, so like a little plot is, and I'll make sure the bar touches the middle of the heel. This feel lots of width across the shoulder blades, navel down, arms are reaching down. Let's take those scapulars. So shoulder blades, let's put them down in our fingernails today. Okay, so let's take an inhale and as exhale and let's push the carriage out and stretch one. Now pull that carriage back in and press out too and stretch. Good. And pull it back in. Press three and squeeze those hills as you press out four and squeeze those heels as you pull it back in.

Press five and in press six Paul and press seven and in press eight and in two more, press nine and in one more impressed 10 very good. And back in. All right, let's move our feet down toward base of our toes. This, keep that v. All right, so we're still in the beat. Now let the heels drop down so they match the gear bar. So we want those heels to be lined up with the gear bar the whole time cause we want this movement to isolate up here in the hips. Also, I like to see my students and my clients to squeeze the hills as you push out and squeeze the hills as you push it in up, bring the carriage back in to kind of activate the whole leg to get a little bit of the inner thigh working. So let's try that. Let's stick an inhale for our preparation acts on this push and let's pull it back in and keep those heels nice and stable there. Go to, that's it, Aaron.

Good and Paul in press three and pull it back. Press four and recoil that spring in this, open that spring up and bring it back in five go six and in press seven pull it back, press eight and in two more, press nine and and press 10 very good and pull that spring right back in. All right, let's keep that v. Let's go up to a little Relevate here, right? So we have the heels lifted up. Now I like to see feet on the bar was 60% of the weight going between the big toe and second toe and 40% going out through the rest.

So it structures the ankle. It'd be very easy to push to roll in on the big toe are to roll out. So let's think about the crack positions of the feet and all those little muscles in the feet recruiting, holding the foot in its proper position. And as then how this acts held in this push out in stretch one and let's pull that spring back in. Press two and recoil, press three and press four and n press by good work. And in press six and n, press seven pull that spring in press eight and in press nine and then now press 10 and let's hold out there and make your body as long as you can, as long as possible. Keep that connection of the heel.

Think a little bit about that weight placement. Let's know where those heels on underneath the bar and push back. I'm not make that smooth. All right, so a control down and a control up. And let's go three and go for and reach those hills away from your body and pull those hills back up. Go five and up and six and up, and seven pressed it up.

Eight up to more. Nine. One more and 10 very good. Bend your knees and squeeze those hills and draw it back in. All right, let's go to a parallel position, right? Bring the feet up just a little bit. All right, and drop the hills back down and let's wrap those toes around. All right, and let's keep out red across in this of bone, Sarah, a little bit.

Perfect. So show me those lovely carolers on your toes. All right, take you're in hell now and Accela. Let's push the carriage and let's pull that back in. Push and stretch and bring that spring back home. Go three and bring those coils together.

Go four and pull it in. Press five and in press six pull it in. Good. Press seven and in press eight pull it back. Press nine pull it in one more and press 10 very good and bring it in.

All right, now let's bring our heels out to the sides of the bar. All right, so we're going to take that joint and the hip and we're going to open out just a little bit. All right, so just a little bit of turnout. We don't want to go into a fallout position where we let the needs go all the way out. We want to find that in between position. All right, so got the heels. Now that bar is touching the middle of that heel, so you really feel the backs of those legs. Now, great place to start the foot work is that lower Glueck muscle. So way back behind the leg, that lower glute muscles, the impediments of that movement. Let's stay crate. Inhale, fill your body up with air and it's Exxon. Go ahead, push one, pull it back, press two. And in press three and in press four pull it back. Press five and and press six and in press seven pull it back.

Press eight and in two more, press nine and in, and press 10 very good. And pull it back in. All right, let's just try one thing here. Think of when your knees stretch. Let's pull that naval up higher. All right, so the body doesn't lay out there and it's static. So I was a ballet dancer, so I'm all really, really into movement. So I want to see that body reach out.

There's still movement in the body and bring that carriage back in. Here we go. So we pressed out in the knee, stretch the navel lift. That's perfect. And in and lift those abdominals. And in this do press out three. Good. Let's do two more in. And you pull the navel up, it stays up there and you bring it in and let's pull it up there higher and pull it back in. Very good. Alright, let's go to a parallel position with the heels on the bar right across from the two sit bones. All right, me, it's always over that second toe, the pelvis in its neutral position. The pelvis like a bowl of punch. All right, so we're going to press security to the way with two legs. So let's go ahead, push the carriage out. Stretch in a hole.

I want you to take your right leg and bring it up to a table top without distorting the Nepal. Nepalis. Now slowly bring that carriage back in with one leg. Excellent. Let's put that heel back down. All right, so we're going to push out with two feet. So push out two feet. Now bring your other leg up to a table top and bring it back in. Good. Let's put that back down. Let's try that again.

So we press out in stretch. We bring the leg up to that tabletop, we pull it back in and place back down. We push out and stretch, we'd bring that leg back up and we pull it back in. All right, good. Let's try the same thing, but let's go to the balls of our feet. All right, so down to the base of your toes again, the heel drops down where that gear bar is, right? Here we go. So we push out with two feet. We bring one leg up to table top and we bring that carriage back.

Yeah, good. Let's try the other leg. So we push out with two feet. We lift those dominoes, we bring that leg and we pull that spring back in. Let's do it again and we push out. Leg comes up, the publicists still, we pull that spring back in and we go press and the leg up and we pull it back in. Very good and returned. Excellent. Excellent. Good foot work. Okay, let's go ahead and let's move on. So let's go to two red springs please. We're going to do the hundreds. [inaudible].

All right, let's reach back and grab the straps, right? And let's bring the legs up to the table, top position and this, bring those arms down below the shoulders. All right, so you don't want to give them above. Now take a quick look at those hands and those arms and make sure that your palms are facing the same degree to the front. All right, I like to see the heels touch, but the knees open just a little bit. Squeeze those heels, make that contact point. Let's inhale through our nose and that's axial. This, pull the arms down, extend the legs out. Upper body will come up. Very nice.

Now widen those shoulders. Keep on reaching through the straps. Lengthen those legs out. Squeeze the hills and we pulse. We go. One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five, two, two, three, four, five, two, two, four, five, three, two, three, four, five, three, two, three, four, five, four, two, three, four, five, four, two, three, four, five, two, three, four, five, five, two, four, five, six, two, three, four, five, six, two, three, four, five, seven, two, four, five, seven, two, three, four, five, eight, two, three, four, five, eight, two, three, four, five, nine, two, three, four, five, nine, two, four, five, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two reach. And let's return our body back. Excellent, very good. And put your legs and rest your hips once I was excellent. All right, let's go right into the coordination, right? So let's bend her elbows. Let's make a soft fist. You know, we know, we know Joe was a boxer, so probably some of his positions of his hands was a fist, right?

So I kinda like to use that, but I don't want to grip this. Just want a soft fist. So let's bring those legs back up to that table. Top Position. Now, once again, I want the heels. The touch needs to open just a little bit. Find that squeeze of the heel so the whole leg is activated and ready to go.

All right, so we're going to pull the arms down. Extended legs out in the upper body comes up. One no widen. Shoulders reach those knuckles long and open the legs and close the legs. We bend our knees, we Benner, elbows in. Listen, lay back down. Good. Let's try that again. So we go. Arms down, legs out, and we open and we close and we bin and back down again.

Go. Three knee, elbows touch. We open, we close and we been, and back down this. Do One more and go for we open. We close Ben, and back down. All right, very good. Rest of your legs move. We're going to try that one more time. Now this time I want you to bring your knuckle all the way back to the group's shoulders. You get a more of a range of motion, right? A little bit more. TRICEP. Elbow remains on the carrieds. All right, and now we're going to stay up and we're going to do five more. All right, so let's bring those elbows down. Bring your knuckles back, bring your legs up, the tabletop, connect your heels together. Let your knees open. All right, here we go. So we go press out and stretch one.

We open and we close and we bend. Now stay up and curl into a ball. That's it. And Go chew and reach. We open and we close and we'd been in curl. Go three. We open, we close, and Ben and curl. Go for we open. We bend and curl. One more.

We open and we close in a bed and curl up. All right, very good. Relax. Nice work on that. Okay, let's go. Let's do some basic arms laying down. All right, so let's bring those legs back up to table top. All right. And we're okay with the springs, with two reds for now. So let's let the heels touch again. The knees open. Now let's think of her arms as extensions of our backs.

So we're going to fill this whole room up with your back and you're going to hear me say that again. And smother arm exercises. So these arms are extensions of your back. Let's take our inhale and this exhale. Let's go ahead and pull the arms down softly one and you can just have a soft hand now and back up. Good. And I'll make that smooth and again chew.

So you're going to open the spring and then we're going to bring that spring back to its close. Go three. With that acts, how good and in how back up. Go for exhale and Inhale Back Cup two, one more, and go five. Very good. And bring it back up. Now hold. This is open your arms out to a 45 degree. Reach right there. Take your inhale for your prep heels. Squeeze. Exhale, pull the straps down one. Now back up. Enough your lot. So with the cross, the shoulders go to good and back up.

Exhale three and back up go four and back up. Let's do one more and five. Now hold this. Bring the arms up to the ceiling. This make a circle. And we go around one. Now fill this room up. With this movement. Go choose good. Around three and for good, and five.

Excellent. Let's reverse that now and go one reverse. Excellent. And two good. And three. And for one more and five very good. In the spring. Our legs back down to the foot perch there.

And let's go ahead and put the straps back on the hooks. We're going to go to one red spring. The bar needs to be down completely. And we're going to bring the box onto a long position. Yeah, let's put the head rest down. Alright, so you're going to lay on the box on your stomach and your chest. This can be over. All right.

You're going to grab the straps above the hardware where you see that tape. Now you have your legs comfortable together as you can. Right now the spine is lifted right off the edge and box. So you're in a neutral spine. Shoulder blades are down right now. We're gonna take the hands and we're going to pull them all the way back to our hips. So here we go. Pull one. Excellent.

Now Back Down with control. Keep the body right there. Go to Paul, and remember you're pulling the naval up away from the box. And back in. So the only thing that's moving right now are the arms go three and again, these arms are extensions of these muscles through here. Let's do one more and go for very good. Excellent. And pull it back in right now.

I want you to hook the straps back up. I'm going to change your spring for you. All right, so we're going to go to a blue spring for this. Now you're going to grab the right strap and your left hand goes behind your back. Sometimes when we're laying on our stomach and we pull with both arms, we have a tendency to let a dominant arm takeover. So we're going to take this out of the picture.

So I've lowered the spring down to blue. We're still on the box. Here we go with one arm, arm reaches out and we pull back one perfect and back in. Once you go ahead and grab the tape, they're good and go too. Good. And back in press three.

Good. And back in excellent. Press Four. Nice. Let's do one more please. And press five. Good. And pull it back in. Excellent. Let's try the other side. All right, so hook that strap up, grab the other one. All right, place in hand. Now if this is too tight, if you're having prompts getting your hand behind your back, you can always put it to the side of the box.

This makes sure that you're not using it. So there's a lot of work going on up here. We're stabilizing the torso, we're using the arm correctly and we're smoothly pulling that spring open and close. So here we go. We XL and we pull the arm back one good and we pull it back in and we go back to good and pull it back in. Go three good work and pull it back in. Go for presses, do one more and pull it back in and press five very good and pull it back and excellent work. Go ahead and hook that up.

Let's step off the box there and let's bring the Barb back up. And this go to a red spring only. Okay, Kay. Now we're going to lay down on our stomach here with the chest over and your hands are going to be on the bar. Okay, so once again, we want the legs to be together as comfortably as you can get them. We're going to do a nice swan here, so I want you to go ahead and press the carriage away. All right, so that'd be your ax. Help rough here.

Swan is a lovely movement to really get an extension of the spine. Stretch the abdominals out. So we're going to inhale and we're going to bring that body up. Let the shoulder blade slide down the back lot. So with a cross there and exhale, we're going to come down one vertebra at a time.

Perfect. Now really feel that body up with air. All right, so here we go. We inhale and we bring that body up. Shoulders are wide. This is lovely. Earn and exhale, lower back down one at a time. We inhale and the shoulder blades slide down that back. You get a lot. So with across there. Now if it's bothering your back, do you want to press though? Hipbones right into that box.

Let's do one more and go in how lift up. Excellent, right? Not too high with the head. Kind of Nice glance out here. Then your head stays in the right position and asks how we lowered back down to that spine. This been right. Elbows in this. Bring the carriage back and very nice. Okay, let's go into a short box now. All right, so go ahead and step off carefully. Let's put the box on short. Let's put the bar down and let's put all the springs on.

Um, I like it in front of the shoulder. Rescues is gonna move in a minute. All right, we'll put it in another place, right? So we're sitting on the box and your feet on the strap underneath the strap there. Now I like my students to sit forward on the box there. So go ahead and scoot forward.

And I'd like them to take their feet and reach out to the sides because I want to get some work in the outside of the hip. All right. And this way with the knees bent over that second toe. I'm trying to take the hip flexor out of the situation here. Let's cross our arms like I dream of Jeannie here. All right, so that was like way before your time. So, but you know what that is cause you watch old shows on Youtube, right? Cause I do that all the time. All right, let's take our inhale.

Now let's actually on this, let's do a basic roll down. So let's go in house and go axa in this hollow and roll. Nice. Now hold there. Take an inhale as far enough and acts help bring your body back up. Very good. And Stir Rach. All right, so a great place to start a roll down is usually the pubic bone.

Now what I like to see my clients do is to really think of pushing those abdominals back slightly, that tailbone under a little less here in this upper thoracic. Lots more down here in the lower spine, the lower lumbar. I don't like to see my clients go down there and sit in that upper thoracic quarter. All right. I want that in the fluxion, but I want action way down here in the Pawas, the pubic bone. All right, now also one, one quick, one quick correction. When we're doing our roll down, we want to still keep that separation between your rib and your hip.

Joe wanted 10 fingers in there, so let's try to maintain it. Okay, so we take our inhale. Lift up through the tops of your ears. Exhale. Let's haul in this roll down. Yeah, more here. More there. That's it. Now hold right there. There's some tone back here in the legs. A little bit of tone in glutes. His shoulders are down and take it in. How? Without changing anything and acts up, bring your body forward to sit up nice and tall. Inhale.

Exhale, hollow in. Roll. Good. Knees over that toe. Good. Right there. That's nice. Take your inhale and exhale, Miss. Rule the spine back. Let's do one more. Inhale and exhale. Roll hollow. A little tone back here. A little tone in the glutes. Good work, and in how an Axon.

Let's bring it back up. Very good. So a basic roll down. Now what? I'm going to ask you to do is go ahead and step off your carriage is all right, and we're going to go to a blue spring only. All right, so let's change it to a blue and we're going to take the short box and I want you to move it up forefingers from the edge of the carry chair. All right, some fingers, right? Exactly. So let's bring that up. Perfect. Go ahead and sit on the box now and let's get the foot and I'll be careful getting out of that box since that's a light spring. So it has a tendency to move and again, we have the feet to the sides. Now get scoot your bumps forward on the box. There's your sit bones are kind of towards the edge.

Reach your legs out to the side. All right, so a different feel right already. Usually at my studio we did put sticky pads on the box so the clients don't slip and I think we'll be okay. All right. Back into this position. All right, so we're sitting nice and tall. Now with your iron stool, a little press of them together, that not real hard, just to get some back energy going. All right, we're going to take our inhale and during your exhale you're going to roll the spine down in. Push the box back. So go ahead and rule and push. Excellent. Take an inhale and exhale, bring it back in and sit up nice and tall. Inhale, exhale, Brule, and push that box back. Inhale. Exhale, roll back up. Inhale, exhale, roll in. Bush and wall. Back Up. Two more. Inhale.

Exhale, roll in. Push that box back in. How axa rule back up. Here's your last one. Inhale, exhale on the pubic bone. Paul's back. Now you really feel that connection, right? Take your in how an ask. So you roll back up. All right, very good. Skillport on the box again.

That's when we searched the site back. So we're kind of like using the legs a little bit. We're giving some movement to the box. All right, so let's go ahead and bring our hands back here. All right, and I love this. Next part of this exercise. Push the box back and don't do anything with your spine.

So go ahead and push the box back in. This halt, you lifting up nice and tall. The shoulder blades are down. All right, you're going to take your inhale here and exhale. You're going to pull your pubic bone back. You're going to roll the spine and bring the box back in. Then those needs some. Bring that box of all the way in. Good Kaboom.

Take your inhale and exhale. Push the box back and lift your spine back up. Inhale, Exhale, roll in, Vioxx, back in. Inhale, and exhale. Push back up. Inhale, exhale, roll. Bring the box.

Good. Inhale and exhale, roll back up. And the spring, the boxing say sitting up nice and tall and stretch in a scoop forward again. Now you can see where the sticky pad really comes into play, right? Yeah. Let's do one more exercise. All right, so let's grab our wrists now, right? So we just a little bit of Paul. So we kind of get the upper back and we feel the back muscles in this, right?

You're going to take your inhale and you're going to ask how you're going to roll down without moving the box. So let's inhale Axon. Let's not go down too far right there and let the arms come down below the sternum right there and bring your arms up. This one inch. Now you're going to push the carriage way and you're going to rotate your spine towards me. So rotate. Now stay on both sides of this hip bones, right and back in the center. Bend your knees and bring it in and push in. Rotate. And we stay centered on those hips. Good. And you pull it back. Yeah, let's do that again. And go rotate and push. That shoulder stays down.

You're on both hips correctly. There you go. And you're shaking and back in one more and go push in and rotate. Excellent. And pull it back in. Take it in. How has that changed the shape of your spine? Xcel is roll the spine back up. Very good and stretched. Very nice. Go ahead and step off.

The carriage is carefully to the light spring box away. Let's go to two red springs and it's going into our leg straps. Okay. Okay, so we're using two reds and let's leave the bar down. Alright, so let's leave it down. So I got a good clean sweep of the carriage. I can see what's going on. Go ahead and get your feet into the strap to make sure that we put that strap down there close to the hill so we really feel the backs of the legs.

Take a look at your feet and make sure that you line up correctly, that you're not doing any type of readjustment of the ankle up there. We bring the legs up to the ceiling and we want to hold that stretch there. We're going to be parallel today. All right, so I just like to let my clients get into this environment here with their legs up. It's an excellent way for them to kind of feel what's going on next. It's also wonderful circulation for the legs this way, especially my elderly clients. All right, so we're going to take our inhale and during your exhale you're going to pull the legs down softly. One good. And then we bring it back up. Good. Let's do that again.

Inhale and go ax. How Paul down. Nice. Good. And let's bring it back up. All right, so we're going to do this again. So what I want you to do is don't think about your feet. All right. Disassociate your feet out. This picture where the movement happens is down here. All right, so the movement quality will be a little bit different if you can.

Really just not so much about the feet pushing into the strap, but about the hamstring going down towards the spearing and back up. All right, so you got that Aaron? Yeah, Hailey. Good inhale here. Exhale the bow. That was beautiful. Lovely. And then back up. Good. And we'd go down with the backs of the legs. Perfect.

And back up. And we pull down three. Good. And back up we go. Four and back up press five. Very good. And pull it back up. Nice. Now let's make it a little bit harder. All right, so let's open the legs to the width of our hips. All right, so now there's a lot more going on. We've gone from a closed position to a open position, so there's a lot more stabilization happening. Again, you want to initiate the movement down here in the backs of those sties.

All right. It's not about the feet. This strap here is only for guidance. All right? It's about using the current part of your body. Here we go, we inhale, we axle, and we go down slowly. Good. And we go back up. So the only thing I want to see moving are the legs to body. So beautiful. And it's nice. Organized state. Go to good. And back up.

Pressed. Three. Good. Excellent. And back up. Let's go for and backup. Let's do one more please. And we go five. Good. And back up. Alright, let's very feet together now. Okay, let's turn them out in first position.

So this a little bit of turnout at the top of your hips. We're going to do circles and we're going to keep this same amount of rotation in the hip joint. All right. Once again, it's about the backs of your legs. It's not about the straps, it's about the backs of your legs working correctly. So let's go ahead and we're going to open the legs out with control, with control, and we pull them down and around. We keep that same amount and we bring it back a good and we go around Choo.

Good. Now how you open is as just important as the rest of the circle. Go three. There we go. Around for good and go. Five. Excellent. And go six. Let's do eight, two more and go seven. Good. And one more. And go eight. Very good. And bring it back up.

Now let's reverse that back to your legs. One around. Lovely. Go to good. Go three and for Nice. Yes, go five. Good. Go.

Six, two more. Please go. Seven. One more. And we go eight and around. Lovely. So a little bit of different movement quality there. All right, let's keep that turnout position and let's pull the legs down to a 45 degree reach. When we're in the leg straps, I'd like to see my client separate through toe from the thigh, so it's a long, long leg, so it's like we're drawing a long line through this part and we're trying to make that line longer. You feel that? All right. Now we're going to do some plays or some frogs, so you're to squeeze the heels together.

You bend your knees and you squeeze your heels in. Exactly. You squeezing, you push back out, you pull the spring into its recoil and you're going to open that spring back out. You go three and press go four and press and five very good and press in us. Bring your legs back up to the ceiling and it's go to a parallel position and this is still a nice stretch to the side so that your legs open out to the side, like you're pushing the walls away. Now bring your legs back together and pull them back together. Let's repeat that one more time and press out and stretch and reach open.

Very good, and pull your legs back together. Perfect. Those are lovely legs. All right, so let's take those straps off. We're going to bring the bar up to that middle notch. The stick with a, let's go to a red and a blue spring. Okay. Now we're going to stand up on the curates very carefully and we're going to go into elephant. So we're going to be in a flat back elephant today.

Okay? All right, so the fluid is really important. So you have the middle of your Achilles tendon touching. The middle of your shoulder rests there and the foot is out nice and place and I don't want to see any type of rolling are anything else but a well-placed foot. We have the abdominals lifted up and we have the back straight and then that can see an extension of that spine.

Now once you to think of pulling your quad muscles up, now we have two bones in our glutes. Color sit bones, greater tuberosity. It's all right. So what I want you to do is take the sit bones and kind of take them up to that ceiling behind you where it meets the wall so you feel a bigger stretch right now we push the carriage away with our legs we hold, we're going to push down into the center of the yield and drag back in. Good. So we push away the of her legs. We're opening that spring up and you push into it and drag your feet and close this spring.

Go through [inaudible] and push down in those heels and drag that spring back. Yen. Go for and drag it back in. Go five good work and in go six and in, let's do two more. Go seven and Paul it back in and go eight and push into those heels and drag that back in.

Now let's take the heel and it's elevated up and it goes right against the shoulder, wrist. Now, this is where you want to make sure that you keep that weight placement between the big toe and second toe, 60% of your weights between the big toe and second toe, 40% out to the rest of the fee. We're going to go from this position into a pike, a plank. All right, so from a pipe to a plank, here we go. Press out, and we plank the body. We hold there, we bring the hips back up and you reach her. You press out and you put like good and you bring it back up and press out and put like good and back up. Now press out in plank and drop that pelvis down. Open up the chest.

Lift that sternum just a little. Now hold there. Bend your knees and bring it in without changing the shape. Now don't get into too much of a art and bang, that's it. Now push back out. Let your hips go down, chest up. Now do it. Go Bend. There you go. Bumps stays down some more in a neutral spine and go three and in the bum down.

Good, and go forward. Let's do one more please, and we go five. Excellent. And pull back in. Now hold this, lift the hips back up and bring the carriage back to its home. Excellent is go ahead and step off carefully. All right, now let's go to three red springs now. Okay, let's go ahead and lay down on the carriage. All right, and we're going to put our heels up on the bar. Now we're going to do some pelvic lifts, so you want to make sure that your headrest is down for this next movement. So we have the heels on the bar right across from our two sit bones. All right, we're back into that lovely organized state. So think of lots of width across your shoulders.

That nice long neck enabled pulled down to the spine without changing the shape of that back. Knees over toes. We're going to take our inhale through our nose filling this your back up with air, and during your exhale you're going to curl your pelvis up, one vertebral at a time without moving the carriage. So we're going bone by bone, we're unlocking vertebrals, we're putting some blooming in the spine. Let's take an inhale here and let's exhale. Let's roll the spine back down. Good.

And let's inhale and exhale. Curl the pelvis up. Think of the thighs reaching forward. The knees over the toes, the shins over the ankles. Keep that reach. Now roll the spine back down. Soften that chest area shorter. Stay wireless. Two, one more. Let's take our inhale and let's exhale this wall, the spine backups, bone by bone.

All right, now hold there. We hold everything still. We're going to take the right leg and lift it up into a table top without changing the shape of the pelvis and you bring it back down with control. Same thing with the left leg. We engage behind the leg and we lift it up and back down this. Try that again. So think of gaging behind the leg. Then that was perfect, Aaron.

And then back down. So we're lifting the active labor versus a dead leg that's nice and strong back there. You're engaging, you take your inhale here, you accele as bring it back down. Good. And let's finish on the other side. If you just even out. Very good. And back down the hall. Take an inhale and exhale. Soften the chest wall, the spine down bone by bone. Good work. Excellent. Let's say in that position with her heels there.

Go ahead and extend the carriage out and stretch. So long legs, long arms, long body, long spine. Right now I want you to hold the carriage. Still. Keep pushing into the hills and wool your spine up. So go ahead, roll up, stretch those knees. Don't let them bend. Good. Now hold. Take it. Inhale as you exhale, roll down and come move the carriage back a little to get that stretch.

Don't let, don't, don't sympathize in the movement with the knees. That's a good inhale and exhale. You curl that Publix up again. We're still rolling. Good. Nice work that. Take that in. How an exhale roll down in this. Get that spine to get a little bit longer, a little bit more length.

Take your inhale and exhale this wall, this spine back up. Perfect. Let's inhale and exhale this wall, the spine back down. All right, let's bend our knees in this. Bring the carriage back in. Now let's go down to the base of our toes is keep the same position. All right, this, elevate the hills up.

Now make sure that when you elevate that you're not rocking over or out on the foot, the sewer running. Okay? So let's take our push back. All right, now we're going to let one heel down, one hill lifts. Now this is hold there. So this heels lifting up as high as you can get it. This heel is pushing away.

So there's gonna be lot of movement in this position of your, your here, a little bit half of the movement here and very restrictive movement up here. All right, so here we go. We press and we go one. So like these feet, there's a lot to dialog down here. Lots of big words, lots of very descriptive words happening. Medium words up here, and this is a little, little words up here is how I like to explain it to my students and my clients and make it smooth or try and make the carriage float back and forth. Good. And with running you can use your own breath. You can end house on ax. Hell, it was just a nice way to wind down, but it still, we're lengthening that spine recruiting abdominals. So let's go ahead and bend the knees and bring the carriage back again.

Let's go ahead and stand up on the floor carefully. Let's go to one red spring and let's do what? Five stretch. All right, so we have the flit against the shoulder rests the other foot on the ground and your hands are placed onto the bar. All right, right now bring that exactly. So bring it back. This one edge, right? You bring your foot back on the floor. Perfect, nice and tall in your body. Take your end health Xcel. Let's go ahead and press the carriage way.

Stretch out and let those hands just kind of rest on the bar there. Pull that, naval it so you get that big stretch. Now it's important that we see this knee reached forward over this second toe, so we have that placement and also this knee is reaching back in the pelvis, a stable shoulder blades. Slide down the back. Let's bring it back in. Let's try it one more time. Let's go a little bit deeper now into the stretch. Begin help fill this room up with your back. Exhale this, go down and press down. Good work.

Excellent. And let's bring it back in. All right, let's try the other side. Okay. Okay, so foot toes are curled under. That foot's place right into that shoulder rest. So you feel that connection with the machine, right? So that's really, their shoulders are down to begin with, right? We take our inhale, we exhale, we push out with stretch. Good. The hands are just resting on the bar instead of doing the death grip that my clients love to give me. Yeah. All the time. Hold on for dear life. Yeah, this, bring it back up. Stick it in here.

And let's exhale. Let's push down, cause then we go a little bit deeper into that stretch. Make sure those toes on the ground are relaxed. You feel that Nice placement of the foot. Let's bring it back in. Wow. Thank you guys for gray. I love working with you. Thank you.


1 person likes this.
Lovely class. Great cueing, explanation and tempo.
Thanks Hydie. So happy you like my class.
Paola Maruca
I always appreciate Troy's work. His cues are always 'clean' and precise. I really enjoyed the variation on short box.
Hi Paola
Thanks for the nice comment. I love being being able to teach on PA.
1 person likes this.
I am so glad that you are my mentor. I love watching you teach and I always learn more every time you teach. Pieter
Thanks Pieter. Your a wonderfully talented teacher!
1 person likes this.
Loved this. I am always looking to see if you have new classes. Keep them coming. I felt great after this class. Thank you.
Thank you Jeannine. So happy you like my class. More to come.
1 person likes this.
great class, nice flow and loved the variations. More please!
Hi Karen:
Thank you for watching my class. There are more classes on their way.
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