Class #1963

Full-Body Challenge

55 min - Class


Ed Botha doesn't waste any time and goes straight in to full body work in this challenging Reformer workout. He includes isometric holds to make you dig deep in your powerhouse. He also teaches exercises that require a lot of control like Front Support Push Ups and Squats, and Kneeling Side Kick. Be safe and have fun!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Dec 24, 2014
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Hi, my name is Ed. I'm here to teach a reformer class. Um, and we are going to be flying through a couple of exercises this evening. Um, but uh, yeah, just be safe, but we'll, we'll, we'll take you through it, right? So facing the footballs from you guys, if you don't mind. So what I'd like you to do is just to bring your left leg up into hip flection. So you're gonna lift your leg up for me and take your hands and rapid round your Shin. Super. Are you going to just bring your leg up towards your chest? Go. So you're just pumping it up slightly higher there. Excellent. Alright, good, good, good. And then the hands go under your Fi. Excellent.

And see if you can extend your leg from there. So keeping your back absolutely straight. Knee extension, Dorsey, flex your foot. There we go. Married, holding it, plantar. Flex the foot, bend the knee and then you can place your foot onto the carriage for me. So more or less halfway through your foot. Excellent. So we're going to do a leg press standing from there. So as you exhale, you should have one spring on there. That's super, you're gonna extend your left leg out for me pressing out and then bending the leg back in. Good. So we'll do that six times. So we go for it too. And back in, um, three.

See if you can just bring your weight back a little bit onto your standing leg so you don't want to work in this way, if that makes sense. Excellent. And then we're going to bring it back in. Yeah, that's great. So you really have to drive through your knee extensors, not using our center of gravity to push the carriage forward. Good. So let's repeat that twice more either we got the hang of it there and bringing it back. So grateful the VMO and back in. Excellent. You're going to bring your leg back up into your hip flection.

Excellent. And this time you're gonna take your leg out. So just one hand and bring the leg out into hip abduction. So we bring the leg out to you, opening up in the hip joint. Excellent. And bringing it back in together and the leg goes back down. Super. Okay. So we'll go to the other side.

So right leg goes up both hands on top of the, uh, over the Shin and bringing the knee up into your chest. Very cool. Then we went hands under the fi and we go into knee extension. So full anthem valet or just the way you comfortable and endorsee flexing the foot. So really try pull your toes up to your nose blond to flex the foot.

Good. And then bending the knee or we can place the foot onto the, okay. We're going to do that one at the end. Okay. Yeah. Hey, you can place it back. Super. That's good. Yeah. Alright, so can I bring you onto the arch of the foot there? Excellent, Kristy. Okay. So from there we're going to push away with her right leg. Extend and bending back in. [inaudible] the stopper and pressing aren't good. So remember we said about the weight. You want to keep your weight over your foot, avoiding the sway of the pelvis. Good. Four more times. So we go one, there's the wakening the knee extensors are two and three. Good. Last one, naval drawing in and up and bring it back in and connect. Excellent. Okay, so we brought the leg up again. So this is up over and then we're going to go into the hip abduction.

So we take it out so we didn't miss it, Christie. So their fee are good and we bring it back in. Great. And then you can bring your foot down for me. Okay, cool. So let's put up our foot bars. So I'll do that. And then we'll have two red springs to start with.

So two springs, if you need a knee pads, it's a good idea to put them on now. But we're going to go into the kneeling and we're going to go into the knee stretch series, right? So we're going to start with the round back. Okay. So both palms onto the foot bar, feet are pressing against the shoulder rest and you sitting back down into lumber flection. Excellent. All right, so in that lumber flex position, you just going raise your butts slightly up off your heels. Or some keeping the arms strong and straight and drawing the shoulder blades down. All right, we're going to move the carriage away. Inhale, pressing away with the legs. Exhale, pulling. Good.

Maintaining the lumber flection. So exhale in. Good. So it's kind of opinion of action keeping the pelvis in the posterior tilt and the lower back in the seeker for good. So just keep going for you. So let's go a little bit more dynamic. So we go for five, four, three, good. Two and one and bringing it back in super, right. So we're going into a neutral position. So we lengthen out the spine. Excellent. And just check that the, the ribs are still staying connected and drawn down really strong where the shoulder blades drawing down your back.

And we are pushing away from the inhaling and dynamic for eight and two. Three. Good. Keeping the pelvis. Absolutely still fall. Five. Good. I'm gonna lift up a little bit here. Quincy. Seven good. One more. And exhale, bring it back in and all the way into the stopper. All right, so I'm just going to take one of the springs off and so we're going to stay on one spring. Uh, we're going to stay in the neutral position, still slightly raised up of the the heels, and then bring your left arm out to airplane position. So we'll do knee stretch, single arm, or we're going to push away for eight again in. And so we've got to control with the shoulders. Two, three. Good. Trying not to move for the trunk at all. Five, six, good. Seven excellent. And eight, bring it back in. Change to the other side straightaway. And off we go. Exhale. One, two, enabled drawing in and up. Three little bit. Posts area four.

That's a good, there we go. Five, six, seven and eight. Bring it all the way back and pause. Cool. All right. Good job. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to add on a blue spring. So now we've got yup. One and a half. Perfect, right. You're going to sit back down onto the heels again, round the back into the seek of position. So we back into round, back, right then start applying a bit of pressure with your legs against the carriage that the carriage pushes off the stoppers slightly.

Your back will raise slightly while you do that right now to keep the carriage. Absolutely still. And we're going into the knees off. So we're going to hover the knees just off the carriage. See if we can do that. All right, so we go dynamic for eight. We go in and one, two [inaudible] three good four without the height of the pelvis. Aging six, seven last one.

Bring it all the way home and bringing it back down. So it's a really good way to get their body warm. Okay, so we're going to go into our neutral position. So it's kind of, it takes the foot work out of the equation right here and we go straight into a full body work. Same thing in the neutral position. So apply a little bit of pressure into those legs. Alright? Yep. Hovering the knees and off we go in and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, one more and bring it back in there. Gabe, are we still holding guys and bring it back down and take a second there. All right, so we just want those legs to warm up and all right, it's happening.

Cool. So what we're gonna do is we're going to just do one isometric hold in that position. Okay, so you set up exactly like we where we do around back isometric hold. So that's a five count. And you know, apply these counters, you know, one crocodile alligator. That's where, where you guys are from. All right, so let's go into our seeker physician. So slide, push away, bring the knees just off the carriage and we're going to hold lower those knees a little bit, Christy. There we go. Five, four, three, two and back down. Excellent. And take a breather. All right, the last one. Isometric. Flat back position. So slide, push away. Nice.

Come off the carriage and hold abdominals. Five, four, three. [inaudible] and down and relax. Super. Okay, that's awesome. Really good job. Okay, quick way to Walmart. Okay, so you guys could hop off for a sec and I'm going to put the footballs down. We'll use one, one red spring and we got to sit facing to the shoulder. So sitting about halfway down the carriage.

And if you don't mind just sliding your straps over your thighs again. Super. That's great. Right? So if you put your, your palms flat just under your sitting bones. All right. And facing forward it gives you about a hands distance. Sorry. Away from the, yeah, from the shoulder is just to start with super. All right, so we're going to bring the legs up from the into a table top position.

Okay. You got it. The Mirror, a little crammed in the quads already. Oh my goodness. It's going to be a long day and the arms are going to go long along the sides. Perfect. As as we breathe out, we just gonna lower the back down towards the Mat. Pause there. Inhale coming back up for me. So we got to lift back up and up and up.

See if you can add a little bit of extension in thoracic spine. Good. So we're going exhale down. So to a teaser prep position, they're inhaling, bringing it back up, keeping the shins parallel. Good. Two more times for me. So we're going to exhale to melt. Inhale to restack and then to extend as well. One more time. Exhaling to melt.

Inhaling to restack and extend whole the extension. Super. Place your legs back down and just take a breather. Yeah. So this time we'll keep the legs or the feet flat on the floor and you're going to roll yourselves down to the tips of your shoulder blades. So if you need to scoot back you can. But I think you're good. You know, generally we shift back a little bit anyway as we go down.

Excellent. So we take the hands in behind the head for me. Interlacing the fingers supporting your neck, right. And this is where you want to be a little bit careful with the lumber cause we've gotten a little bit of resistance, but you want to draw your navel in and up and we're going to bring both legs up to the table. Top Position. Excellent. And then we go a little bit beyond the table Top, bringing the knees towards the forehead. Inhaling as we lengthen the legs out and exhale as we bring it back in so it really resembles a double leg stretch. Inhaling, as we take the legs up, still flattening and exhale, bring it back in. Good.

Inhaling art with the legs. Exhaling, bringing it back in. Good. Two more times from you guys. That's great. Inhaling up. Exhale, bringing it back in one last time. Inhale and exhale to bring it back in and bring the legs down for me from there and gently go into a bit of an extension. So we open the upper back. It's just their mind. They're here, the foot bar, super back up into the chest. Lift. Use your middle to bring both legs up again for me. Back into the tabletop position. This time, bringing the hands on top of your knees and we're going to do the double leg stretch for five. So inhaling, reaching your arms and your legs to the opposite.

Exhale, circle the arms, flattening the naval and we go again. Inhale, reach, arms and legs. Exhale, good. Three more times. Inhaling to lengthen and exhale. Good. Just keeping the height of your chest consistent and exhaling and just careful that we don't drop the legs too low. So we're going out good. And exhale. Let's do that one more time. Inhale to reach. Exhale to circle it around. Hold the position there for me.

And this time use the hands and the legs to rock yourself back up to sitting. There we go. The strap should do the job for you. All right. And you can take the straps off and hook them up onto the Poles. Cool. And up you get right. So if you don't mind grabbing the boxes for me and putting them into the long box position. All right, so long box position.

We've still got one red spring. Uh, we're going to set up for a teaser. All right, so you're gonna have a seat on the box for me. Rolling yourselves down onto your shoulder blades and I'll, I'll pass you the springs today and then lifting the legs up to the tabletop position. Okay, very. Here we go. You can take hold of those, right? The arms are going to go out along behind you. So you need to go into a little bit of an extension with your upper back.

Excellent. Just keep the legs tabletops. All right, so we're going all the way out. Excellent. So your arms are more or less parallel to the floor and your head is and slight extension. We're going to circle the arms under the box and lifting up head, chest, arms, lengthening the legs at the same time. So we are using a little bit of momentum. So what I'll do is I'm going to secure you guys and you can both push up a little bit higher into me. There we go.

And then gently lowering yourselves down, bending the knees at the same time. Right? And all the way back. Good and touch. So we using the bane of the legs for a little bit of a sister. So we're going to come up again circling round, lifting up, hedge chest arms. Good. That's it. That's it. Good. Hold it. You guys are doing good.

And then coming back down. It's only a couple of minutes of your life. That's all you've got to remember. It's all you. [inaudible] and off we go. So we gotta make it count. All right. It might not be there tomorrow and let's go back down. Wonderful.

And one more time please. Are we going to go up? Good. Holding the top and then five times small hug a tree. So we go in just there and exhale for one x and you got to dig deep here and two heads it really pulling in from the pass. Excellent. Three, four, good. Keeping the legs one more time. Beautiful Work and five holding, bending the knees, lowering yourselves down all the way and relax. Circle the arms back. Excellent. And you can just put your straps behind you and sit yourselves up.

Super. Okay, great work. Are you okay then? Okay, so we're going to take the box into a short box position and I'm going to put all the springs on to secure the Caribs there. If you don't mind. Thank you. Right. And we'll start with a side over position. So I think facing to the center of the room here, if you don't mind. Okay. So your foot is hooked, you're on the side of your hip, bottom hand is on the shoulder.

Rest and give yourself enough traction so that you've got help from their strap to hold you in position. Okay? So the important thing that I always mentioned is that you're in a nice long line that you're not in hip flection, right? So a lot of people tend to just draw themselves up here from that hip. So think of lengthening, almost using your, your hamstring in your back, a little bit over there, pushing out of your bottom shoulder. That's great. And then the top hand goes up behind your head and hold it there.

So now we've got our beautiful long line and we're gonna just do an isometric position again. So it means we're just going to have a static contraction and you're going to bring your bottom hand up behind your head. And we are going to hold that for five, four, four, four, three [inaudible] and too, and your forearm goes down onto the headrest and then just have a little stretch over the side there. Yeah, so gentle little stretch. We're going to do a couple of positions there. All right. So you can prop yourself back up onto your palm. Right?

And this time you're going to start with your top arm up above your head. Excellent. Ribs are still connected, right? So it's very easy to get wrapped up into extension here. Excellent. Cause if we have any bit of tightness in the lats, it's going to want to arch that lower back. Push out of this bottom shoulder of me a little bit married there too. Great.

All right, so we're going to hold an isometric position with both arms long. So we take the bottom arm and we going to reach it and home for five fall three, two and both hands can just relax down. That's it. Excellent. Have your stretch. So four arm down. I'm over the top and stretching it out. Okay, great. So you're gonna put your palm back onto the headrest arm up behind your head again. Are you good there? You're good. You're good. Alright. It's looking good.

So you haven't given me any reason not to believe that again. So we're going to put the other hand behind your head as well. Keeping your pelvis absolutely steady. You're going to rotate towards me. So just make eye contact with me. Excellent. You rotating from the thoracic. Beautiful. Rotate back to the same [inaudible] and then rotate away from you.

So you're looking down and back to the center. And then up. That's it. Good. There we go. Back to the center and down and back into the sand. So one more time and up. Good. And back in last one down. And this time your hand goes all the way down to the floor and stretch it out. Ah, wonderful.

So just give it a second there. I'll just come around and give you a little pushy. Okay. Then Marriott, you okay there Christie with the arm down. Can I apply a bit of pressure there? Alright. And then let's go to the other side if you don't mind. So we're going to turn round. Same set up, foot in the strap, sitting on the side of the hip there. That's it. Bottom leg is bent. You've got your hand on the head rest. Perfect.

And the top hand behind your head. Excellent. All right, so again, it was just the isometric position there. So the bottom hand goes behind your head for me and we holding for five and four still breathing for three and two and hand on the headrest. Good. Or should I say form down on the headrest and have your side stretch there. Cool. Just going to turn this hip and a little bit there. Great. Okay. So we go back onto the palm. So we do the same with the long arm.

So we've got the top on long. Excellent. Get comfortable and get your position and then the bottom arm goes long as well. And if we go four, five, four, four, four, three and two and four. Arm Down and have your little stretch for a sec. Oh it just gets easier and easier as we walked me off.

Alright, so our last little group we had were the rotations. Okay. So we were back on the palm. We started with the hand behind the head. So I'm going to step back a little bit so we can have a look right. Bottom hand goes behind the head and then you're going to rotate towards me. Super good.

And then rotate back down towards the Mat and back into the center and towards me. Good. And back down towards the floor. Good. And back up last set towards me. Excellent. And back in. Keep the pelvis still and rotate down and bring it back into your center and have that full side stretch. There we go. Well deserved. Cool. And you guys can bring it up all the way.

So if you don't mind taking the boxes off for a sec then I'll go ahead and start putting the foot bars back on. We'll need the middle a little bit and I'm going to have a, I'll start off with one one red spring or one spring. You're going to have a light on on your back for me and we'll take the hands and we're going to put them into the the straps. So give yourself a little bit of room away from the shoulder pads. Yup. As I feel good. Meredith on the equal. Well, so you put a little bit of tension onto the straps there for me.

One little adjustment day is better. Okay, so legs up into the table, top position. And just five times into some shoulder add action. So you just bringing the arms down, there we go. And bringing it up and bringing it back down. Good. And bringing it back up and just staying stable in the center and down and back up. Cool. Two more times for me. So we go down and up and just paying attention to what's happening in the ribs and down and bringing it back and up. Cool.

The rest of the legs for a sec. Yeah. So what we'll do next just to progress a little bit as we do that exact same position without the head raising, just the arms or shoulder extension or um, vertical abduction with the legs in 60 degrees. Okay. So you've got to really hold through the middle. All right. It does resemble a teaser. Position's familiar. So it should be piece of cake. So we'll take those legs up long and then exhale, just pressing down five times one and exhaling food too. Good at telling, trying to hollow out with middle there. Good. Twice more for me.

One and one more time and exhale and to. Cool. And then we're going to bring it back and relax the legs, right? So what we'll do next, same thing. Arms come down, but the legs come up to 90 degrees as the arms come up again, legs go back to 60 degrees. Are we heading towards that closed jackknife position? Okay, so we're just breaking it down slightly. So press the arms, legs go up to 90. Lift the arms, legs lower, that's a good. So we press the arms, legs up to 90 and lower. Super good. Two more.

So we press and in good one more time. Press and bringing it back and relax. Bending the knees and give them a little bit of a stretch out by just opening the knees out slightly. So you just butterfly, stretch the legs. Okay. So what we do is we can do a little hip bump. Okay. So that's where they are starting to initiate our rollover position there for me. Alright, so legs back to parallel. Okay.

Back up to the 60 degree position. If you don't mind with the legs as the arms come down. So we press them down, the legs raise up to 90 degrees and then gently just lift your hips up off the carriage for me. A little push up and in, back down. Arms come up, legs go down and away. Good. So we're going to bring the arms down, legs come up and a little scoop and lift and back down. And no way. So you really want to connect into those abdominals. That's it. Really finding the, so as they're going up and back and away. Good.

Two more please as we go down and little lift and back and away. That's wonderful. One more time and we are pressing down and up and back and all the way up in the knees and relax for a sec. Good. Give those legs a stretch. One more time. Okay. Are we ready to give the Jacqueline? I have a trial, right? So we bring the legs back up to the tabletop position.

60 degree legs. Press the arms down to 92 the carriage legs up to 90 rollover. Good. This time we lower the legs and then lift the legs up. Vertical. Good. And then gently start rolling your spine down. As you keep your feet just above your face or your eyes.

As the tailbone starts, anchoring the arm, start lifting back up to 60 degrees. That's excellent. So we're going to bring it up and over, down and up. Good hip extensors and rolling it back down. So articulating the spine by trying to control with the flexes and two more times. So we go up to 90 exhale to roll it over. So find the lower abdominals again. So as lift up hip extensors.

So we use hamstrings, glutes, upper back to lengthen and enrolling back down again. So this is where we switch on from our center again. Good. Rolling it back, back and the arms one last time. Inhaling and exhale over and down and up. Good. Reach up. Just pause for a second there. Try reach your fingertips to the end of their carriage. There we go. Good.

And slowly rolling it down very slowly, little bit at a time and bring the arms back up. Pain journeys. That's great. Well done. And you can hook your straps for me. Excellent. So ladies you can hop off. So we'll do a little bit of a stretch. So what I'm going to do is I, let's do both variations. I'm going to do a full lunge position with Meredith. Christie, if you don't mind going into a kneeling lunge position. They have meat.

So Christy is going to have two knee pads. So one spring them good that you got a full spring on the mirror. Cool. Right? So Meredith, you can go into standing up on the carriage one heel up at the back. So let's call it the right heel up and then left foot up onto the foot football. Christy. So we go. Cool. So just the important thing, here's the start position with the knee above the heel. Absolutely good.

But upper backs are extending slightly, right? Tailbone is, or the sacrum is just dropping in underneath you, right? Using a little bit of the right gluteal to deepen your stretch. And then with mirror, I always like to think of pushing your knee cap up and back. Can you feel the difference there? Okay, so you get really full hip extension. Yeah. So we working into our hip flexors. They're right.

We're at least stretching them. Right. So from there we're going to move into a hamstring stretch. So we gently start pushing away with the front leg, right, keeping the pelvis on the same line and the heels are drawing down in under the foot bar. That's it. The long legs hip is pulling backwards. The opposite hip is pulling forward. Good.

And then gently bring it back in. And what was good. Okay, there we go. So we can do it one more time. So we gently push out your [inaudible], pushing away with a friendly, and we'll add in the rotations or Meredith, we're going to take the left arm up and out. Behind juicer. We lifting their arm up. Good. Yes. So Meredith's doing a great job keeping their murder.

The one last thing is to drive your heel down under the bar a little bit. Excellent. Christy, you get there. That's a palm is open. If you don't mind, if I can just do it like that. Good. All right. Bring the hand back down and bend the knee and bring it back in. Super and relax. Cool. Then change size. That's really good. Okay, so obviously you can progress from kneeling to full, right or night. Yeah. Yeah. The, you know, the, the kneeling lunge I find is a lot, a lot more of a stretch where the standing one or the, the, the full line, should I call it, is a little bit more of a stabilization and kept her chest up a little bit. Tailbone or dropping the sacrum slightly. Shoulder blades are drawing down.

Excellent. And let's start from there. It's going to hamstring. So we push away front leg. That's a gently driving through the heel. And that's the beauty of the foot bar. It's almost like you're in a Mankey position. They're already there.

You can drive that heel in underneath. So create traction and bringing it back in carefully and pause. Yeah. So we'll do one more and we add in the rotation so we push away again. So we driving out excellent. And we're going to lift the opposite arm again. Palm is up. Good. That's of creating nice long lines. Excellent. Twisting from the thoracic spine.

Good am just hold for another two. Good. Meredith, you driving that hill and one and Bree, your hand back on excellent. And coming back in. Cool. Alright. And then back down onto the knees. All right. And then what we'll do is if you could just step over to the right side of euro for me into a scooter position. Alright, so I'm going to do one red spring. All right? But what I'd like to do is bring murder this heel back a little bit there for me. Okay. So it's going to be a little bit more challenging, um, with the resistance. So Christy, if we bring it back, all right? Um, if you've got any knee issues with this exercise, then there's nothing wrong with bringing your foot that's on the floor a little bit forward. And then you're gonna stand up for me with your hands behind your head.

So your knee comes up off the carriage as well. All right. So we're quite deep in hip flection. Alright. And now from me, you're going to try drive into your hip extension. Yeah. So it's a tight one. All right. Ahead. Good. And then coming back and all the way in. Good. So we're doing five of those.

So we go foot two and bring it back. And to give yourself more space, you can always straighten this leg a little bit. [inaudible] go Meredith to go. Meredith [inaudible] and back in. Good and for Nice Crest. Just watch out for too much lumber and one last time. Cool. And bring it back in all the way to the front. Let it go, let it go, let it go and relax. Cool. Over to the other side.

So it's just a little bit deeper. I, there's no reason why you couldn't bring it a little bit further forward, but that's going to be a lot easier. Okay. So I just really like to get that full hip extension. You know, this is almost like you're pushing deep out of the hallway. Okay, so we're going to lift up off the knee. There's no tension on the carriage. As you start to, you're just on the stop of there. Just make sure you stay connected so it's not a push from your lower back. It's definitely a push from your hip extensors and definitely you're quite as well. And then just gently pushing away and bring it back. And then we always find our good leg.

And then to make sure you keeping that hollow position there for three and back. Good. Exhaling for one more time. I'm five and back and relax. Cool. And you can step up. Good. Right. So I'm going to add, um, so Meredith, that you're going to have a green spring one here. Okay. I'll put it on the full setting. Um, a red, yellow for you, Christie, right? So you're gonna stand in the elephant a position again, so you're gonna stand up safely on your carriage feet flat with them, against the shoulder s last long fingers, just so that there's pressure through the wrist, fingers and the shoulders. Okay, so we've got it along the line. So you're drawing your shoulder blades. Normally we would say down your back.

In this case it's up your back towards your sacral area. Are we gonna just move the carriage away? Inhaling and exhale as we press it back in four, five and gentle four for a little bit of stretch through the carbs for three and to, and then and hold the one. Good. So the important thing here is that we have this long line through the lumber, right? So we're trying to create a stretch by, there's almost a tipping on anterior tilt of the pelvis, right? Then you're going to lift your toes up for me.

So literally bring your toes up to your nose. Good. So we'll draw your toes to your shins. Can you lift a little bit more? They very good height. That's great. Stretch their fee and then we're gonna move away for five again and exhale. So it's a little bit more of a neutral stretch there. Uh, there's two, four, three and four.

One more time and bring it back five and hold and relax. [inaudible] keep yourself on the stopper. Put your hands down on the mat. Definitely right. Bend your knees softly, softly, softly, and see if you can wrap. Elbow to elbow behind your legs. So you wrap your arms behind your legs. Right? Obviously, just be careful with your balance here and just make sure that you're aware that the carriage can move. So you've gotta be very cautious and then gently straighten the legs up a little bit there for me so we get a little bit more of a stretch through the Lumbar area, right? Um, if you've got any hamstring issues, just be careful of overstretching them and then let your arms relax back down and walk your arms back towards the football. Cool.

Right? So we'll take the left hand and we're going to bring it in to halfway. Right on. You're gonna let your left leg hang over the side of the carriage. Alright, so you're going to stay on this stopper for me. If you can please feel free to change your weight. If this feels a little bit too light for you.

This is more about what's happening with the leg that's free right there. Now I'd like you to bring your leg up into abduction. So yeah, so we don't want to cut it in short, Mary, we're going to bring that leg up and over Christie's over here. So we think of the fence, right? And we're going to go over the fence and round all the way back and then turning. Yes, the left hip down to the mat. Excellent. And hold that position there. So we're gonna move the right leg away.

So we go in and exhaling four one, keeping that leg up to three. Excellent. Fall. Yeah. One more time. And then hold the fives in on the stopper so you can bring it in Meredith. Right now from there, remember we go over the fence. So Meredith, you're going to bring your leg right over my hand, yet over, over, over, over, over, and bring it back down. Good. All right, so change the arms here. Slide left to the side, right to the middle, right leg goes over the side. And then from here, Christie, well I'm over here.

Go over me. No over me. Over me. Yeah, just come up higher with it there. Sorry. There we go. Good. And then we go around and round and round, turning the hip and that's much better. Good. And we go four, five and one. Four, two, shoulder blades wide. Three. Excellent. And Four.

One more time and back onto the stopper for five and we bring the leg over the fence. Good over the side, Meredith. Strong leg and bring it back down. Cool. And let the arms hang and just relax. Roll yourself up from there slowly. I'm curling up and we can talk off them. Careful. All right, good. Okay, so we're on the move.

We're going to take a one red spring for me. And so one spring we're going to go into the balance control front position or I guess a modified version of it. So what we'll do is let's just go onto kneeling facing that way. Alright. And your palms, we're going to put the thumbs, well, Yup, on the inside. Exactly right.

And then you're going to place your right leg up behind you on the foot bar. So this is kind of actually the easier way to get into it, right? And pushing it out up. Absolutely straightened strong. Okay. So what we want to pay attention here is I would start going into quite a strong posterior tilt of the pelvis already. It's obviously quite tricky with the knee dropped. All right, but you want to hold that position now without the carriage moving.

You're going to push the left leg back out onto the buck. All right, so you'll be okay there, Christine. So can I bring you a bit more posterior? Yes. Good. So holding, so little bit of tilt in the pelvis. All right, but extension in the thoracic and we're going to move the carriage away for eight. So we are exhaling one and bringing it back in under the shoulders. And then two, exhaling for three is no rush and exhaling for four good. One and two.

Excellent for three, building strong shoulders. One more time there and four. And hold the carriage still under the shoulders. Good. Yep. One leg goes down and the other leg can bend and bring it in. All right. And then just take a breather for a sec.

So you come up onto your knees just to let your arms relax for a sec. Okay, so next we're going to go back into that friend support position and we're going to do some scapular adduction and abduction, right? So just the shoulder blades moving. Does that make sense? All right. So we're going to work around in the serratus anterior. Yep. So let's give it a go. So hands on there for me, if you can remember which leg you had her change. So just so you get used to switching those legs up or a little bit. It's not, not essential, but it's just a good habit there.

And we'll go up with the other side. So now we need to keep the carriage still where it is. Can you bring the carriage in towards you? Slightly. Perfect. And then we're going to let the Scapula adduct and then abduct pushing away and that good and abduct. So you pushing the bed away from you and up. Good. Three more times. So we go scapular and away and scapular.

Good and away and in and push up and hold of me a little bit of posterior tilt. Lift the pelvis up a little bit, Christie. Yes. And then bend the knees to come back in and relax. Good. And relax the arms again. So we've got two more variations to go. Alright, so the next one is probably the toughest is to do a pushup. Right? Keeping the carriage though, right? I, I'd like an oboes in push up. Right.

You definitely can't go down all the way. Right? Cause what would happen is because your legs are elevated, the pelvis tends to sag a little bit. So what I want you to think of doing is while you're doing your push up, think of lifting your pelvis slightly as you're going down. So you just hovering the hips up a little bit higher and you just go as far as you can really keep those elbows in tight. Okay. Should we give it a go? All right, so we're going to do five, five times. Okay.

It'll change your life. Okay. So set yourselves up carefully. So nice and neat. Posterial so remember the hips, think of them lifting up a little bit as you bend your elbows. Good. And exhaling up one. So hips and two are good. Trying not to drop the head, the righ two more times.

That's good with the hips for much better. One more time. Good. And come back in. Okay. Excellent. The worst is over. All right. Okay. So the last, the last thing we're gonna do is we're going to do an air squat. Okay. So it looks like a squat, but you just tipped over in the front support position. So literally from your same position, your same setup, you just going to bend your knees in and out. All right, so it's a horizontal squat position, right?

So we just pushing out from the hips. So when you're ready, we're going to do that eight times. So we're going to bring yourself up to the setup. Wonderful. Yeah, keep that abdominals connected. Definitely. And now we bend the knees in. There we go. The pelvis raises slightly and then push out with the legs one.

So as you come in the pelvis raises a little bit. And then to good and Bain for threes. Same as our knee stretches early on and for good, for more to go and one. And then for two good. Mary, come in a little bit deeper this time they end in, in, in, in, in, in, in. There we go. Yes. Better and push. One more time. Last one. So we go in.

Nice Meredith, and then push out. Good and hold and then bend one leg and come back in. Super. [inaudible] all right. And up you get for a sec. You guys still with me? Yes. Cool. All right, so we're going to try aside kick kneeling with the strap.

All right. So the difference is that you're going to have resistance when you're doing your hip flection and extension. Right? But the nice part is that you've got a lovely shoulder wrist too on that. Yeah, that's the only nice part about it. Yeah, let's do that. Okay. So, so what we going to do is, let me just, um, set you up mirror and then Christy, you can see if you can get yourself in as well. Right? Cause it's obviously something that you want to be able to do at home. Right?

But it's not that difficult. So I would go light. So I'm going to go on a blue spring or even, um, yeah. So let's, let's give it a bit. So Meredith, you're going to go kneeling right on the front end and close to the side end of the reformer, right. Okay. So you're gonna put your right hand side of your left hand up onto the shoulder is cool. And then you're gonna push with your foot that just push yourself away from me, right? So what I do, so this is the way I teach it, right? And then I'm going to hold this store and then you're gonna bring your leg in through the strap. Okay.

So from there we're gonna kick this leg out straight all the way out. And there we are going to hold. Okay. So Christie, you're gonna get the hang of it there. So you've got to do a little bit of a karate kick to get it out there. That's pretty cool. Alright, so top arm behind your head. And then from there we're going to bring the leg forward. Now slowly, cause you've got resistance at once to pull you lift the leg up a little bit and then exhale as we bring the leg up and are just in line with the body so we don't have to go behind for this variation. There we go. Inhaling.

And then exhaling as we press up are not good. So we're going in and let's go. Exhale as we progress, hold their abdominals. Good. And again in, we can just do two more and exhaling two per Perez. Good. One more time, bringing it back in and exhale, press and just bring it into line with your right now from there what I want you to do is create some resistance in that strap by pushing your weight over your knee that's on the ground. So you needed not on your hand, but lean more on your knee. That's it. Good control it.

And then just bend your knee and bring your foot down somewhere. There are right. Cool. Okay. And gently, easy with a strap. Cause you know you're working with pulleys here, right? So let's see if you guys can get yourselves in by yourself this time. Meredith. Alright, so yeah, so you're going to use your opposite hand in the strap. Good.

And you're going to pull that strap, that's it. And then you just kick the leg out from there. So you've got to do a little bit of a internal rotation to get that leg out. Cool. So hand behind your head is the slot. Okay, good. Good. All right, so keeping the leg pushed out there for me on the leg goes forward. So we're going to go inhaling and exhale and the foot stays in a slight plantar flex the whole time to keep the strap on. So we go forward deflection now use the extensors. This is the best part. There we go for too.

Good. So we've got three more to go. So we're going to go in, try, push the pelvis forward a little bit and exhaling. There we go. Two more times. Ready to try. Push your hips to the ocean. There we go. And good. And again and yes, I've lost the cancer. We'll do one more. No, we can do one more calmer and relaxed and being the knee and good. Excellent. You did. I didn't feel it. Excellent. All right, so you guys can hop off for me for a second up. Yeah, Bob up there, right? So I'm gonna use one red string and I'd like to just do along, back stretch. All right.

So if you could have a seat on your foot football facing your shoulder, wrist, fingers are facing forward, and then you're going to walk your feet all the way until they flat up against the shoulders. So you know, it really depends on your height as well. Some people use foam rollers here. I think you guys are both okay in this position. Yeah, no, you're good. But you can angle the feet as well. Yeah, that makes no difference. Yeah. All right. So that's cool. Right? So you pushed up out of your shoulders.

So we're going to take a deep breath in by bending the elbows. Pause on an exhale. Are you going to do a pelvic skull and lengthen your arms at the same time and then start swinging back deep lumber flection and then extend your spine back to the start. So we go again. So we're going to go inhaling to bend. Exhale as we post Styria told and Lens in the arms, looking towards the pelvis and in swing back. Still on that long breath and lengthen up tall.

One last time. So we're going to do a little bit and roll it all the way up and extend. Press up out of the shoulders and then rolling it back in, in, and relax. Have a seat on your foot bar again for a sec. You're going to married. Okay, so guys, what we'll do from there is we're going to do five shrugs.

Okay? Alright. Just five regular shrugs or the arms are staying straight. It's just the scapular going up, scapular going down. And then straight after the five shrugs, we do five dips and then you have a seat and then you're done there. All right, for now. All right. Okay, so the hands on, we'll take the feet up against the shoulder rest again. So just to where you comfortable. So either up at an angle or flat, and then inhaling as we bring the shoulders up to the ears and exhale as we press up, one at it, still abdominals to [inaudible].

They'll staying in strong and exhaling for three. Very good for fall one last time, and five. And let's do five tips. So we go inhale. Now we know what the shrug feels like. We're the shoulders down. Two good three. There's no rash, Christie and, and for good one more time. And Xcel press up and hold it up at the top and have a seat.

Wonderful. And relax. And off you go. Okay, so we're going to do a, a um, a swan variation. So I'm going to bring the foot bars down. We'll work with one red spring if you don't mind bringing a long box again. And so what we do is you can place the conventional long box position.

If you're a little bit taller like I am, I actually used the box on its side. All right. Cause then my knees don't get in the way when I do the Exercise Meredith, which you've done it or you just demonstrate it. That's great. Thank you very much. Okay, so, um, yeah, so otherwise you just do it a flat, right? So you're going to lie with your pelvis just over the edge and your feet in a small v position. Um, similar to the footwork position, um, on the either the foot bar or on the end of the, the frame as well. So either one is good, right? So your legs are bent, and then what we'll do is you're going to have your arms bent and just hanging over the end. So it's almost like you're, you're a puppet being controlled by some strings over there.

So the first thing you're gonna do is lift your thoracic spine up slightly for me. So you do a little chest lift there, right? Then from there you try keep your elbows and the same height and you go into external rotation of your shoulders. Good. So you want to keep the scapular broad and then as you lengthen your legs, you push the arms out long as well in front of you and possibly go into a little bit more extension, but definitely not necessary, right? And then you're going to bend your knees and your elbows at the same time. We rotate the arms down again, and then we lower the body down gently.

So this is just to work into the upper back. Yeah. So we're gonna rotate externally, rotate with the arms. We're gonna press art with the legs and the arms, sliding the shoulder blades down your back. As you do that, bend the elbows as we come back in. And the legs not too deep with the bend of the legs. Rotate down and bring it back and down.

Let's do one more time. So we're going to go up rotated Perez art. So remember the bit of thoracic lengthen. Good. Bend the knees and the arms internally. Rotate and lower the body and just have a few seconds to relax. Yeah, so what we'll do when we get to our top position again, right, you're going to take your arms out long in front of you. Right over there.

We're going to just do a few little pulses in the eye position and then we'll take the arms wide. We'll do a few pulses in the y position as well. Alright, so great for the rotators. Really good for the upper and mid back. So start with the band arms again. Rotate. Excellent. Lengthen. So hip extension, arms lengthen. Give me a little bit of upper back, turn your thumbs up to the sky.

Arms a bit closer together this time. And then pump the arms up for five, four, three, two and one. Go a little bit wider. You know why? And we go five, four. Keep the Lib. Ribs three and two and one. Turn the palms down. Good. Bend the knees and the arms internally. Rotate and relax. Excellent. All right, so the last thing we're going to do is just take the boxes off.

Alright, I'm going to set up the foot bars. So I'm just going to put on to raid springs. Headrest is down and this is just a little bit of r. So if you have a lie down on your backs for me, so supine and then the feet in the wide or open v heels, right. And then we're going to do a couple of little pelvic calls there just to release. So as you exhale, you just slowly start rolling your pelvis up, little stretch and then rolling back down for me and just sinking down so you don't even have to go into a full hip extension. It's really about that lumber articulation there. All right.

And just by keeping the knees a little bit abducted, it just gives you a little bit of space to work from. A little bit of freedom in the hips and not too much of a challenge on the hamstrings and stretching it back and down, and two more times. Exhale and going up and it'll stretch back down. So articulate. Good. One more time. Go ahead and gently melting it back.

Back, back. Andrew, relax. Give the knees a little hug into your chest and then you can just swing yourselves up to sitting. Thank you very much. Good job guys. Thank you.


Gregory D
full body work at his best,super,
thanks dude!!!
Thank you mate! Glad you enjoyed it.
Ingrid J
1 person likes this.
Awesome work! Kneeling side kick with feet in straps kicked my butt! Loved it! Thanks Ed!
Hi Ingrid. I love doing that exercise!
Lots of grunts today, post-holiday excess, but I felt very energized at the end. You did not disappoint, Ed, with the great cueing and innovations I've come to expect from you.
Fun and challenging class. I agree with the Kneeling side kick, that is a great variation.
Paola Maruca
Everytime Ed is on PA I get myself 'mentally prepared' for a killer workout (in a good way). Loved it. WElcome back Ed
Thank you!
1 person likes this.
This had potential. I like the idea of focus on a good workout but a warm-up (spinal articulation) would have been useful before jumping into teaser at the beginning of the workout. I stopped right at the teaser.
Love the strength work, the pace, and attn to detail. Thanks Ed.
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