Class #1979

Creative Reformer Variations

40 min - Class


Your mind will work just as hard as your body in this Reformer workout with Troy McCarty. He includes small adjustments to change the dynamics of every movement, and he adds a little coordination to keep you on your toes. Troy teaches a full body workout, but adds in a few variations of arm exercises like a prep for Rowing, Hug a Tree, and more.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Dec 13, 2014
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Hi, I'm Trent McCardy. I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. Well, I thank you for taking the time to watch my class opportunity for me to work with you. So let's get started. I've got the reformers set up with three reds and a blue and we're going to start with some foot work. So let's go ahead and lay down and let's start with our heels in the V, a little v touching and right? So the it needs this open just a little bit. Toes are out to the walls where it meets the ceiling, those corners there.

All right, so I look at your pelvis and it's nice and place. It's like a punch right now. Nice. Lots of width across the shoulders. Nice soft neck, shoulder blades are reaching way down in the fingernails today. All right, let's take right inhale. And during your exhale, let's go ahead and push the carriage out in stretch one and to squeeze those heels and draw that carriage back in and push too good. And Paul back in press three and bring that spring back into its recoil.

Go for good and squeeze in and five and squeeze those hills. And draw it in. Go six and n, press seven and in press eight and in press nine. And, and let's do one more and press 10 very good and bring it back in. Alright, let's move it down to our toes now. All right, so you're at the base of your toe. Now we still have the heels squeezing. But what I want you to do now in this Little V's, I want you to take your toes and kind of feel like you're shortening the bar.

Just a little, just a little press in to kind of change the dynamics of it. Here we go, we take our inhale and we exhale, we push and we squeeze. Yeah. And Paul back in push and stretch too. Good. And Paul, then press three. And in press four. Good.

Paul in press five and n press six and in press seven pull it back. Press it out. Eight and in two more, press nine and in one more impressed. 10 very good. And Paul it back right now. Let's go ahead and elevate those heels up. Alright, so lift him up. Let's close that in just a little bit.

So you want to keep those heels lifted up. Now a great weight placement to think about when you're doing your footwork is 60% between the big toe and second toe in 40% out through the rest. So therefore we're not ruling of foot are rolling out on the foot. It's a nice place. Foot all the muscles in the correct place to really give you efficient footwork and a cigarette. Inhale. Exhale.

Let's go ahead and keep that lift through those heels and pull it back in. Push out and stretch too. Good and pull it back in. Press three and in press four and N, press five. Good. And, and press six Paul it in press seven and in press eight and and let's do two more please. And we'll reach out nine and pull that spring back in and open spring turn and pull it back in. Now let's push up. Hold out there, right? So nice long body well-placed feed on the bar.

Let's lower the heels on under the bar in this. Push the hills back up. So the caries floats in and it floats back out. Go through three and in and four and you keep that little squeeze to the heels go by. You can kind of feel like you're shortening the bar a little bit goes six.

There you go. And in goes seven and an eight Paul and institute more. Nine Paul in one more and 10 good. And back in a, bend your knees and bring the carriage back in. Very good. Okay, so let's take our legs in parallel, right? And let's wrap those toes around. Now let those heels drop down to match that gear bar.

So we want still the movement to stay isolated and hip joints. We also want to get that nice and Trinzic recruitment of all those muscles in the foot. Let's inhale, that's act-on. Let's push the carriage away and stretch one good and pull the carriage back in and keep wrapping those toes too. Good. And pull back in. Press three. Good. I'm Paul. Back in press 4:00 AM pulled back in.

Push out five. Good. And pull back in. Press out six and Paul, back in press seven you have a hundred foot bar and back in it is Halloween. Go eight two R and press nine one more. Good. And press 10 good. And Paul back again. Perfect. All right.

Now let's bring those seals out to the sides of the bar. All right. Right in the middle of your heel. Some external rotation they have. Not a lot. Just a little bit. All right. Make sure you keep that nene, that toe alignment, that pelvis, place like that. Bullet Punch, right? We take our in here now Xcel, go ahead and push the Kerrytown stretch one and then pull the carriage back in. Push too. Good.

And in press three pull it back. Press four and in press Pi. Good. Pull it back and six good. Press seven and pull the machine in and go eight.

And you open that Spring and you recoil that spring. Go nine and, and one more and 10 very good and pull back in. Perfect. All right, let's bring your legs together. All right, and I'm going to change your springs. I'm going to go to two red springs for this. Thank you. All right, so we're going to bring our heels onto the bar right across from our two sit bones. All right, so make sure it's right in the middle of your heel in this opener right across from your two sit bones there. All right, so we have two feet on the barn and we're going to push the carriage away and we're going to lift one leg up into a tabletop as we push. So you start, you're pushing the right leg comes up to a tabletop, you bring it back down, you place it right back to where you started. Now push away, bring that little left leg up to a table top and bring it back in and this go right lameness.

Keep that pelvis nice and stable and back in and press good and pull back in. Perfect. All right, now let's bring it down to the base of our toes. All right. Again, the heels are matching that gear bar so the movement stays isolated up here in the hip joint. We're going to press the carriage way. We're going to bring that right leg up to a tabletop one. Good. Now pull that carriage back in and go press two.

Good and pulled back in. Press three. Excellent. And pull back in one more and press four. Good. And pull back in. Perfect. Let's go back up on tour heels now. All right, so you're going to push away and you're going to bring that leg back up to it's tabletop. So let's try that. Push away.

Now hold as you bring the carries back in, you're going to bring this foot down, put it on the ball of your foot. So here we go. Bring it in and ball of your foot. Now push away and go up with the other leg. Now bringing in and bring it down to the ball of your foot. Push away and bring it up. Good. Bring it back in and put it on your heel.

Now good. Push away and bring it up and back onto your heel. Let's do it one more time. Here we go. So we push and reach out and ball of the foots. Press out and reach and ball of the foot.

Press out and up and heal. Very good. And press out. Good. And place it onto the heel. Excellent work. It's a little bit of change. Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of like we're emanating like striking heel and the ball of foot, how we walked throughout the day. Okay, let's go ahead and reach back and grab the straps. Now these are your hundreds great place to start with your arms as always below your shoulders, so therefore you've got some shoulder problems we're seeing out of that danger zone and we're going to bring the legs up to a tabletop position. All right, now with your legs in this table Top, would I like to see happen as the heels will touch and squeeze the knees open just a little bit.

So we're squeezing through that mid center line of our body. We're going to take our inhale and during your exhale you're going to pull your arms down, extend your legs out, and your upper body will come forward and shoulders stay wide. Arms reached down the scapular. So way down here in your fingertips. Let's pulse. We go? One, two, four, five. One, two, three, four, five, two, two, three, four, five, two, two, four, five, three, two, three, four, five, three, two, three, four, five, four, two, three, four, five, four, two, four, five, five, two, three, four, five, five, two, four, five, six, two, three, four, five, six, two, three, four, five, seven, two, four, five, seven, two, three, four, five, eight, two, three, four, five, eight, two, four, five, nine, two, three, four, five, nine, two, three, four, five, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two. And reach and bring it back into its regular position. They're very nice. All right, let's put your legs down.

Shake your hips out real quick. All right. It's going into a coordination. All right, so this, bring your elbows down. All right, let's make a soft fist and it's bring your knuckles all the way back to your shoulders. This bring your legs up one at a time to a table, tabletop position. Connect those heels again. All right. Now you're going to pull your hands down, extend your legs out, and your upper buddies are going to come forward. So here we go. One and we should those knuckles. Why no shoulders open? Close your legs. Want to hold, bend your knees without moving your body.

Bend your elbows and stay up. Good. Again, chew and reach in. We open and we close and we bent and Ben and three and open. Close. Ben, Ben for open, closed. Ben Been Five Open, close then, then six open, close. Been been seven open, closed, Ben been and eight open, close and Ben and Ben. Very good and bringing it back and excellent. All right, let's go ahead and sit up and let's go to one red spring. Let's bring the bars all the way down please.

Okay, we're going to turn our bodies around. This. Put our head rests down and we're going to put our legs through the shoulder rest. And now the distance you want to be sitting on, your character's usually three to four fingers away, so you always want to give yourself a check there and makes sure. All right, we're going to grab the straps. Let's go ahead and grab the straps. Now a nice thing to do with your legs when they're reaching to the shoulder rests is to push outward into the shoulder rest so that we're kind of utilizing the whole body here. So these feet kind of press outwards into the shoulder roasts. All right, now let's hold the hands up and let's extend the arms out and your fingernails are facing each other. Now think of these arms. So you're holding with soft fists and your fingernails are facing into each other. There you go. And then make a soft fist. There you go.

And extend your arms out. Perfect. So you're like that. There we go. Now you're lifting nice and tall. So think about your ear, your shoulder, your mid rib, and your hip. Staying in that nice alignment. All right, so you get that strong line. The first movement we're going to do is we're going to pull our knuckles towards during them one whole. Now you're going to keep it there and you're going to wall the spine down.

Roll to hold right there. Now press those legs into the shoulder. Rest right. Pull that naval back. Now release your arms and your knuckles. Go back out towards unique caps. Three hold. Now let's see a nice roll up. Come over four and lip that spine up nice and tall and lengthen.

All right, so let's think about more this roll down through this portion of the back. All right, so that we're really articulating and making this nice and long instead of hanging up out here in the upper racich. Alright, so these shoulder blades are down. We see a nice long lift. We take our inhale and exhale, and we go pull the arms in. All right, now we're [inaudible] inhale and exhale. We will that spine down, pulling that back. There you go. That's it right there. Now you release those elbows and release those hands back to where they were and you're going to curl up and over those a dominoes and you're going to use those abdominals, suspect snack, that spine right back up.

Nice and tall. Even tolerance. Do that again. Inhale for a lift and that's your moment to really lift your body up. Shoulders are down. Exhale, you pull those arms in. Let's take it in health. For a moment here. Let's exhale and let's hollow and roll the spine down. Good.

Now let's release those arms and bring them back and to see that deep curl over into those dumb, oppress those things. Very good, and let's stretch and bring it back up. Let's do it one more time. Big Lift up through the body in health. Fill this room up with your back. Exhale rule, Paul. Now take an inhale and exhale. Rule that spying down. Hollow that belly out whole. Release those elbows. Reach those arms back out.

Pull that spring back into his recoil with your spine in your downloads, and we sit up nice and tall. Long stretch. All right, very good. You are going to grab the right strap with your left hand so you don't need one strap. All right, now that's reaching out. Your other hand reaches out to the side like this, right? You're going to pull this elbow back and you're going to make a rotation. All right, so think of pulling back and rotating.

So you go Paul and go rotation and back in. Let's have the palm down the other hand. Let's get that moving again and go pull in rotation. Bring it back in and pull in rotation. Good and bring, let's do it one more time and let's take this other arm and do something with it. So let's go ahead, pull it in. Rotation left, very good and back in.

Now when you take that rotation, right, you're going to pull, this arm's going to swing around and grab that shoulder and you're going to increase that rotation. All right, here we go. So we go Paul and reach and grab it and return back in and pull and reach and grab that shoulder and pull it back in Poland. Reach and grab that. And in a stu two more. Pull and reach and grab that and pull it back. One more. Pull and rotate and left that spine very good. And bring it back in.

Let's try the other side. So arm out, arm forward, and we go pull and reaching. Grab it as, go right into that. Grab. All right, grab it and bring it back in and to and reach and in and three and reach. Good and in and four and reach. Paul it in go five and reach. Excellent. And in go six and reach two more and in go seven and reach one more.

Good. And go eight and reach excellent where it can bring it back in. Lovely. Alright, let's go ahead and turn our bodies around. So hookup your straps. Let's turn the body around. You see with your legs straight out. All right, you're touching the shoulder. Rest with your sacrum there and reach back there carefully and grab your straps again. All right, let's bring our arms out to the side.

Like we're in. Hug a tree mode here. All right, so when I look at your arms, would I like to see is that your shoulder is the highest point your elbows a little bit lower than shoulder and your hands a little bit lower than your elbow joint. And there's a little bend of your elbows, right? There we go. Now these arms are extensions of those back. I teach this all the time when I'm out with plots on tour, these arms come from way down here and they come up through here. All right, so feel this back. All right. So let's go ahead and let's go in with a curl, right? And then you push the walls away and you go to, and those elbows are lifted, right? And you open like you're pushing.

That's lovely. Go three and press as two. One more good. And then back out. Now you're going to keep the same arm, but what I want you to do is take your little finger and curl it. But don't let that distort your album. The elbow, it's like balancing something. The little finger curls in, just like that. So it's that shorter stays. Nice.

And why now with that little finger curl, let's go ahead and pull in one. And where do you feel like you see how that works? That tricep region more and push back out and curl Choo. Keep that little finger so you feel that hole underneath of the arm and that back. Go three good. And press back out. Go for good, and press back out. Let's do one more and five. Excellent, good and pushed back out. Lovely. Let's go ahead and hook those straps up now.

All right. And let's go. We're gonna stay with the same amount of spring and let's do a kneeling position. And let's face this way and you're going to face this way. Alright, so you're kneeling and you're gonna face. So let's face the front the other way. So we have one. You have that kneeling, you have one knee against the shoulder. I see other knee out. Now we're going to grab the strap, right this with this hand out here. So grab it with the other hand there. All right, now this hand is on your hip. All right.

And probably to get the strap a little bit longer, once you guys scoot down just a little bit to this kneeling, be careful doing that. There you go. That's it. Now you're here. Now extend that arm. All right, so now we're going to do the same kind of motion, but we're going to do it with one arm. This part of your body stays absolutely stabilize. All right. This shoulder stays nice and wide. We inhale, we asked him, we go in one good. Now the body doesn't move. It's the arm and bring it back out and go choo.

Press. Nice and push it back out. Go three on press good. And back out. Go four and press good and back out. Let's do one more and go five and press. Very good. And Brandon pack out. Now I'm going to change your spraying for Ya. All right, I'm going to take you down to a blues, so be careful.

It's a lighter machine now. Alright, now we have the same arm position. All right, but we're going to take the arm and we're going to put it down here and now the Arms gonna go behind you. All right. I'll be conscious of this bone in the shoulder stays in the middle that you don't throw it forward. All right, we're lifting that spine up and we go Paul. Nice. And bring it back and make that arm long. So your fingers touch behind your thigh there. Go to that. Yeah, and a little bit of the elbow would be nice. There you go. And just kind of missed the glute area three. Yes.

So it doesn't have to be a big movement to be a great moment in plots, right? These little simplistic movements were really are a big deal to us. Yeah. Good press. Let's do it one more time. You feel that? Yeah. You're feeling it. Yeah. Very good. Impressed. All right. Now hope. Take this hand off your hip and put it behind you and grab that strap with that hand. Put this hand back on your hip right there.

Now bring this hand out a little bit. Elongate and just do a little pull outwards. Go Paul. Ooh, there we go. I do this with my ball players and Cleveland, right? And Go to accident. This is a little bit of that of the elbow. Shoulder says, why three?

Good work and go for good and back in. Let's do one more and go five. Excellent. And all right, let's say the other side. That was great. All right, so be careful. We got changed. Back to the red. All right, we started out just a little bit, so this is like a a perfect time to talk about your kneeling position. So sometimes when we kneel, I kind of feel like my students kind of sit back a little bit. If you take your hips and just push forward a little bit, this kind of tones the leg up and places you on top of the leg.

I'm not asking you to tilt her talk. All I messing you do is to bring your hip forward just a little bit. And you're gonna feel the inner thighs so you can feel the outside of the leg. So you just to feel the leg come alive and you're going to be so much better kneeling, a better position, a better alignment. And this arm is out now and it's the same idea. Here's the shoulder, the elbow, the wrist. And if I was a dump of bottle, a like a glass of water would write down that arm. All right?

And we go pull in five times, one good work and bring it back and go too good and back. Go. Excellent. Keep lifting that spine. Think about your legs, feel those steps a little bit forward for good. And we go five. Excellent. All right, now this arm goes behind you and I'm going to change it to a blue. All right, thank you. All right. So again, we don't want to shoulder the push forward, but we want to shorter to be right in the middle of the shoulder socket. Alright, and we go back one good and we go choon it's right behind your back there and we go three good. And we go for excellent and we go five.

Perfect. All right. Now reach back there and grab it with your other hand. Never careful. Now take that and put your other hand on your hip. And here we go with the other hand. Elbow spent just a little pointing outwards towards the wall and we go press one. Good. This little bend of the elbow go choo. Nice go. Three. Excellent. It's hard.

Go for one more good. And we go five. Very good. And bring it back in Ra. Perfect. Okay, let's go ahead and let's put our box on short. Now let's hook up all this springs. All right, keep the bar where it is for me. All right, so we're going to sit on the short box. Now you have all your springs on to stabilize the carriage, right?

So we're going to grab this strap here and you're gonna put your feet through. And I'd like to see my students sit little bit closer to the edge with the knees bet and their feet reaching the legs, reaching out to the sides. All right, and bend those knees. Some presses likes up to the sites. That's it. Let's take the arms in this grabbing. This is the basic roll down that I like to teach, right? So you have the lift up through the a domino. You have the shoulder blades down.

So I see a nice long spine right now. We're going to take her in how we're going to still support that torso and exhale you get a scoop and hollow and push that pubic bone back. Then there needs to be a little tone back here in the leg, right? A little tone in the glue. Not a lot. Cause that will change. That'd be far enough there. And we're going to take an inhale way down here, deep into the back and an exhale.

You're going to curl forward and get deeper into that. Abdominal, do little shakings, good for the heart. And then bring it back up. Very good. And stress we in how we lift the spine up. We, so we hollow and needs our tone and the movements here. Good. Hold right there. That's perfect. Your eye level stays forward or my shoulder. You inhale, you accell, you crow forward, pulling up, scooping stack those vertebrals up one at a time, right up to the top of the ceiling. Inhale. Exhale. You pull and you will pull this down. So Nice flection of your spine.

That'd be far enough. I can get down there a little bit more right there. Pull that back. More that, yeah. Yeah. Take your inhale and exhale. Curl back up. Very good. Let's do our last one in how an XL and rolled the spine down slowly. Good. Perfect.

Take your inhale and act so you will back up. Very good. And stretch. All right, good. Let's just some sideline. Alright, so go ahead. Let's face the camera. Let's go ahead and face this direction. So we have one leg there and how I'd like to start is I have my clients put their hands down on that shoulder rest for some guidance. All right, so they can get lined up. Now this leg is going to balance something. We don't want to think that we're using this, like the polar stuff up.

This shoulder is open and I'm creating a line. This hand reaches out and you're gonna make a fist. All right, so a soft fist. Now this hand is going gonna come up and go behind your head and you're going to stabilize that. Now we're going to go down into the Weldon. The arm lowers down to the hip as we go, and then we press back up in you reach one good. We'd go down to now, keep this leg still and back up. This lake stays absolutely still go three good.

Now open up that shoulder. Good. And you need to be in that neutral for, that's it. That showed her obey. Ooh, and we go, yeah, and go five. Very good. Now rotate your spine over. Let go the head. Put your hands onto that frame and just let yourself stretch. Good.

This, hold that stretch from him. This is a lovely stretch for the upper thoracic. All right, now take this hand and bring it over to the other side. All right, and really try to rotate more. Now, once you're in that position, what you can do is you can move your hip back and forth and release this a little bit more thought releases good and press and push it back. Very good and it's bring it back in. All right, let's go ahead and let's try the other side. All right, so you're going to get lined up and I remember the shoulders are over those hips, right? Everything's lined up. It's not about pulling the strap with the foot. All right? Now what you're going to do, Lord, that arm down where I fixed my mic here, everywhere you go, it's my song and this is reaching up. Now, stabilize that spine nice and long to that part.

This leg is pushing up and it's going to stay there. Take your other hand off, put it behind your head. All right, and we go down into the weld. This thing's still good and bring it back up and that this doesn't have to be a big moment to be effective. A small moment with this. This is fabulous. It's a great oblique. Okay. Press Down Movement here so you don't really have to go down too far, but the main thing is you want to think about keeping like absolutely still.

So we isolate the moment and go forward. Let's do one more. It's hard in it and go. All right, one more. One more and down. Yeah, go back up right now. Rotate your body over and let that hand go and just let your head hang down there and just enjoy that stretch. All right, good. So you feel that. Now take that hand Gore to your other hand and try to rotate.

Bring your sternum over here to this box. Now once you're in that position, think of this part of your body seeing absolutely still in this hip moves back and forth and just get a little bit of release. Like make it nice and chewy. Yeah, it's a delicious stretch. You're welcome in. Pay me after class. All right, good. Now bring it back up. Very good. Alright, let's go ahead and let step off that box. All right, and let's put it back where we had it.

And let's go to a red and a blue spring with your bar in the middle position again. And let's go ahead and stand up please. And Are you gonna put your heels against the shoulder? Rest your a flatfooted. We're going to do a flat back elephant. All right, so the body is here and what we want to do, think about pushing the hips back behind the heels. All right, so let's kind of giving you more stretch.

Think about pulling that quad muscle up. Now let's take the two sit bones. He's like the two bones in your glutes and this push them up to the ceiling where it meets the wall behind you. And that's going to give you a deeper stretch. All right, we hold that position with our, our arms. They're in our back and we're going to push the carriage way with the backs of your legs. Now hold, this is a great chance of push down in the middle of your heel and recoil that spring back in, right? So this is a little bit different than the classical Elvin cause I don't have the toes curled are the spine round. But I can remember Bruce telling me, push down in the center of that heel to bring that carriage in so you feel that deep connection. Go press good and pull it back in.

Let's do two more and press back and push down. Pull that spring back in. Let's do one more. You open the spring and we're gonna recoil that spring back up. Now the heels lift up now. All right, they go up against the shoulder rest. So push him up there.

Your hips are a little bit higher so your chest can be down to this a little bit lower. All right. And again, we're ticking those sit bones and really lifting them up to the corner of the wall where it meets the ceiling. This is good. And Go ahead, push the carries back one. Now make sure that then in this position that we're not letting the ribs protrude through. We're still in control. Go to and really work on pulling that quad muscle up and stretching. Go three. Good and pull it back. Excellent. Go for push and pull it back and we go five press good and pull it back in.

Go ahead and step off please. Good work and let's go ahead and let's put three red springs on. We're going to lay down on the carriage to make sure your shoulder, your head rest is down for this next movement, your heels are going to be on the bar right across from your sit bones. I love doing this movement with my clients because it gives my clients a chance to think of articulating their spine, moving in and around. It gives them flexibility and some strength, especially for my older students.

All right, so we're going to take our inhale and exhale. You're going to curl your pelvis up bone by bone. We're rolling up. The thighs are going to reach forward. The knees are reaching over that second toe, the shins over the ankles, so it's a long line. All right. We softened the chest with the inhale and XL.

We roll down through that slowly, bone by bone. Just make it a delicious roll down, Eh, this, those bones. Let's go one at a time. That's lovely. Good. Take your inhale and exhale. Let's curl up again. A roll up. And this is, yeah, that's a lovely roll up. Nice. And he size reach for the shins needs, and you take your inhale and you asshole you this wall that down. Soften those shoulder. Ah, lots of link between your chin and your chest there. Uh, and back down. Good. Let's do it one more time.

Inhale and exhale. Let's roll up to that spine. Good. So those ties are reaching forward. Nice. Now let's take another inhale. Hold your body there and let's exhale and let's push the carriage away and reach your ears all the way back to here. Pull it back in. Now you may have to lower your pelvis down a little bit so that you don't arch your back. Go press out, chew and reach good. And pull it back in.

Go three and reach and press and pull back in. Go for it and reach and back in. Let's do one more five and reach. Excellent. And pull it back in. Take your inhale and exhale roll softens.

You get those upper vertebrals, the thoracic vertebral circled, they're very good and bringing it back in. Nice. All right, let's go down to the base of our toes. All right. The seeing that same position, and let's do some running. All right, so let's go ahead and push the carriage way. Lengthen the body out. Now you're going to let one, he'll go down when he'll come up. All right, so there, now this heel should be lifting up as high. She can get it in. This heel should be pushing as far as she can get it away from them body, right? And we push again, go press and press and down. So there's lots of movement down here in the feet.

Half the movement in knee joint there, and restrictive movement up in the Parvus, right? So we're keeping that powerless like a punchbowl. There's balancing on that carriage and we're keeping all of the pumps inside the ball and this really feel that our position reach how you can articulate those fi, those feet. We're going to tell me a story. I want the story to have lots of big words and expressive words and action words. Yeah. And press good and push.

Let's do a couple more and press and press. All right, very good. Let's bend their knees and return the carriage back in with control. Okay, let's go ahead and stand up on the, on the floor now. Alright, and let's go to one red spring now. And let's finished our lesson today with a thigh stretch. All right, so you get your foot against the shoulder, press your other foot on the ground. Right now your arms are right across from your body there and there.

This resting on the foot bar, right? We took her in how and we act so and we just lower ourself into a stretch and you want to make sure that this knee over here is reaching forward over this second toe and this is a good placement of the foot on the ground, right? All right, let's bring it back and all right, and let's try it one more time. Let's take an inhale and exhale. Let's bring it down. Okay, now hold there. Sometimes I ask my students, can they lift their right arm up in the air? So lift up right to the ceiling. Good without losing the torso.

Find that civilization. Feel the difference in your stretch. Now take your other hand and lifted up. Hold there. There you go. Find that. Hold there. Excellent. And just bring your hands back down onto that carriage and it's bringing the body back in. Let's try the other side. Alright.

Foot, good hands. And we go down into the stretch. We're still pulling up in the lower abdominals, right? It's everything's in a nice organized position. The shoulder blades are rolling down the back leg. Tumbleweeds.

Okay, let's bring it back up and let's go down. Bring that in, right, right there. Take that other arm of stabilize your Taurus. So, alright, now find that balance. Your eye focuses out. Let's slip that other arm up. Hold that stretch. Very good.

Bring your arms back down and this, bring the carriage back in. And what a lovely class. Thank you.


1 person likes this.
thank you Troy - great class presented here. As an apprentice, I love PA as a tool to help me better understand sequencing of exercises and working within my scope of practice when teaching clients. I'm learning movements don't need to be fancy in order to be effective. Thanks again
Hi Patti:
Thank you for watching my class. Exactly simplistic movements or sometimes or best educational moments for our students. Good luck on your teaching journey Patti!
1 person likes this.
Loved so many of he variations in this class. I especially appreciated the side sit-ups on the short box. That stretch... Wow!
1 person likes this.
Another great class. Your cueing is so informative. Enjoyed the concept of 'talking feet and their vocabulary'!
Hi Stacey:
Thank you for your comment. Side box work is always fun to work with. Thanks again for watching!
Thanks for watching my class. I ask my clients to let their feet talk in their work with me. I try to help them make them articulate expressive and strong. Thanks again for viewing my class.
I loved the powerful simplicity and walked away feeling elongated, centered and strong. Well done!
1 person likes this.
Hi Viki:
So happy you liked my class. Check the other ones out. Thanks for watching.
1 person likes this.
Troy, Ahhh!! This is a prime example of why I love Pilates SO MUCH! I feel amazing when I'm done! Hips feel open and flexible... Learned two new things today. Wow, how curling in pinkies affect triceps- loved that adjustment. Also loved the small rocking of hips during the oblique work! (probably explains why my hips feel so amazing after finishing your class!) Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Hi Katy:
Thanks for watching my class. Curling the pinkies is a fun one to teach. Check out my other classes if you get a chance.
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