Class #202

Kathy Grant Inspired Mat

50 min - Class


Be a part of the legacy! Pilates Anytime welcomes Master teacher Kathy Corey to the studio. Kathy dedicates the class to her teacher and friend; first generation teacher, Kathy Grant who passed away two weeks prior to the filming of this class. Many of the exercises in this class were exercises taught to Kathy Corey by Kathy Grant and aren't frequently seen in most studios. It is an inspired class, one we think you'll enjoy repeatedly as it is loads of fun too! Through Kathy's masterful teaching we all share in a piece of Pilates history. Thanks Kathy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jun 29, 2010
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Well. Good morning. I am so happy to be here teaching that class this morning. Um, I have been teaching PyLadies for 31 years now and in that time I was so very, very fortunate to have been able to have studied and learned this work from the master teachers who learned it from Joseph and Clara Palati in the studio in New York. And so their influence is really the foundation of the work that I teach. But in the class today I will be teaching work that I learned from my great, great teacher mentor and dear, dear friend Cathy grant. Kathy grant passed away, um, about two weeks ago on May 27th, she was 89 years old.

So this morning I would like to dedicate this class to her because many of the exercises that we are going to do today, I learned directly from Kathy Grant. So first thing that she taught me was alignment and precision that we must really think about always working with the alignment of the body and being present in the work. So we are going to start with some alignment, but I'd like you to do, I sit on the floor instead of on the mat because one thing she constantly told me was that this was not about a bunch of exercises. This was really about performing movement in life. So rarely do we go through life sitting on mats, but often do we sit on the floor? So we're going to sit on the floor, bring your feet together and find a comfortable position for you. Whether or not that's close in or far out, however you really feel that you sit in your body. Yes, you can sink to the floor because that's really where we sit.

We rarely sit like this, which I wish we would, but we don't. So now I'd like you to take a deep breath and close your eyes and let your body sink into the floor. I really would like you to now just be present in your body. How are your hips on the floor? Is One side heavier than the others? One side more forward than the other? Mm.

Do we feel completely balanced to our pelvis? And Open your eyes. Now do you have a side that's heavier? Me Too. And mine happens to be my left side. Left, right, left, alright. Many times we have, we have a lot of lefts, but we also have some rights. So what we are going to do is go to your heavier side.

So my heavier side is the left side. So I'm going to put my left knee on the floor. So as my leg comes down, I'm going to place the other foot flat and that knee, the right my right knee is going to go straight up to the ceiling. I'm going to press down on the leg, press against the knee and allowing that hip to come up off the floor. What I want you to do is to think about just reaching your tailbone, the Cox's down to the floor and lifting back up. Now I want you not to think about coming from your muscles, but I want you to thinking, think about coming from the interior of the body, about stretching from the hip bone into the caucus and reaching down.

Now the muscle work will follow, but we want to have the work come by really lengthening and stretching bone away from bone. As master teacher Bruce King taught me, it's the rule of the bones. We're going to exhale as we go down and we're going to inhale as we go up and we're going to exhale as we pressed down. Inhale and stretch up and exhale. Now this time reach the tailbone down to four. Stretch as far away as you can and go to the other side.

Place the knee on the floor, hand against the calf and for arrest, the tailbone down. Exhaling down and inhaling up. And once again, think about coming from the bones, not making contractions in the body, but really reaching long and far away. Now for down and stretch through and go back to your first side. Bring your arm up. This time as you press the tailbone down, think about reaching the fingertips high to the ceiling and lifting up and think about reaching the fingertip. Tie to the ceiling, tailbone down and lengthen it up. And the exhale is on the down. The inhale is on the up.

Trying not to let that neem move off of the floor. Try not to let your knee move off the floor. Your, these are your stabilizing points. Stabilize and come down to the center. Really stretch that tailbone away and let's go to the other side. Knee down, arm up, and tailbone presses down. That's an exhalation and the inhale goes up and we exhale down and we inhale up.

Remember, the other knee is not moving. Exhale down. Come through the center and now this time both arms on the floor, knee down, press down, and really think about going straight down and linkedin up. Chris from the sternum down the center of the spine and reach the tailbone down to the floor and linkedin. Hit Up. Exhale, press and stretched down and lift up. Placed the hand back on the leg and Perris to push down and lift your Karma. Press and come down. Lift and come up.

Now this kind of pressing the tailbone is far away from the hipbone as possible and roll in to the center and bring the feet together and sit up nice and tall. Inhale, exhale. Close your eyes. Feel how you're sitting on the floor and open your eyes. How do we feel in philosophies? What do we talk about? Constantly? Neutral Pelvis, neutral pelvis. Well, who in this class came with a neutral pelvis? Certainly not me. I came with a heavy bag over one shoulder with a suitcase hanging out here.

So what we want to do is to prepare the body for movement and in doing so we created neutral pelvis. Now how did we do that? You were thinking, I am sure. Wait a minute. She didn't quite do so many repetitions over here. She was probably just talking and not thinking about what she was doing. We did a lot more here than we did there. Correct? We created an asymmetrical pattern in order to create symmetry in the pelvis.

And the reason is, what did I say? We went want to think about how we sit on the hips and we want to think about what side of the hipbone was heavier on the body. What does that mean? Well, it generally means that the other side would be tighter. The muscles holding it up. So as we stretched doing five to seven repetitions on one side and maybe only three on the other, we did an asymmetrical pattern to create symmetry in the body.

So when we did it, we did more repetitions, less repetitions, more repetitions, less, or if there's on the last one we did one side only. So we finished off really stretching that tighter side, really getting a lot more energy so that as we said, and I'm sure you feel not only more balanced at weight-wise, but also maybe a wider foundation, that the pelvis is really now prepared in neutral position for us to begin. So let's begin on your maths. This is an exercise to find where our best positions in our core are and everybody will be different. So just as I said, with the hips, everyone's going to be different. Our core strength is also going to be different from this position.

So I'd like you to back sitting on your wonderful neutral pelvis and roll back slowly rounding over and find where you are the strongest. Find the place where the legs could come up. The arms could go up where you can move and now place your legs down. Alright, [inaudible] go down two inches from where you are the strongest and they'll come up to your strong place 30 times. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 01112131415 halfway. They're 61718192020 222324252620 720820930 Ben will little all the way up.

So now we have taken you out, out of your strong place. And what have we done? We've extended that place of strength in your core. We're going, it's not enough to have one spot, whereas we do our rolling, we roll, roll flop, rule, flop, roam in the show. We want to find those places. Get away from where we are the most comfortable and extend that. We're going to do it one more time. This time, go your strong place and come up from your strong place and one and two 30 times three and four and five and six seven, eight nine 10 11 1213 beautiful.

41516171819 202122232425 beautiful. 262728282829 and 32 get on up and roll it over and let me tell you I'm easy on you. When I learned it, it was 50 and 50 remember we have that hundred thing going in Polonius and we're just going with the 60 today. All right, now what we have, what are we ready for? We are ready for the a hundred and let's lengthen the spine and we'll that and now really be present with your spine. Feel it rolling one vertebra at a time. When you get to that space where you may feel like you're losing it, just a little, pull those abdominals in and anchor to come down.

Now we're going to do the hundred in our different positions, which we'll start with our tabletop. We'll go to a leg extension and we'll go to the legs lowering on three different levels. There will be 20 counts of breadth in each level. Now the only thing that is going to be a bit different instead of five inhales and five exhales, which is our typical way, I'm going to cheat the way that came from Mr [inaudible], um, in to increase the breath in this movement, which will mean you'll inhale for a count of three and exhale for a count of seven. Let's try it just without moving the body. So knees are bent, feet are flat. Anchor into the core muscles, length in the spine. Come up, reach the fingertips toward the toes, engage under the shoulder blades, and inhale two, three.

Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Inhale, one, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, reach it out and stretch down. Now do you feel what that is doing? As you're, you're expanding the rib cage on the inhalation, but on that exhalation you are really getting to fully, uh, press out so that the, the rib cage all the way from the back around to the front is really active in the hundred. So let's begin. Tabletop is first two sets here. Inhale, one, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and one, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, legs. Go Up. Two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Inhale, one, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and lower. Two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Inhale, one, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Inhale, one as you lower. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Inhale, one, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, lower, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Inhale, two, three, and exhale. Two, three, four, five, six, seven. Pull the legs in and bring your head down so it adds another dimension with the breath into that movement. The bicycle is next. We're going to lift the head, neck and shoulders, and bring the arms up around the legs and knees are bent.

Now remember that we are holding it. We're on a bicycle and you're going to climb up the hill, so hold your handlebars and begin rolling the legs. Roll the legs. Good bicycle. Now climb up the hill climate. Roll it up and climb up and up and up and stay at the top of the hill and roll. Now remember, these are handlebars are like down the hands.

Do not move the hands. Do not move. Keep it on the handlebars and you can reverse to roll it down. Come back up, holding on hands. Still good. Roll it up. Roll it up, roll it up, roll it up and stay at the top of the hill and roll it and roll it and roll it and reel it. Reverse it and roll back and back and back and back. Roll it down.

We have one more hill and come on and let's make it up and climate and climb and climb. Roll it up and up. Hold it up at the top. Pull the legs in, point the feet, the round the back, and roll yourself back and roll yourself up. Remember the book, this justice we talked with the bicycle. The leg position doesn't change. Maintain the distance between the shoulders and the legs and between right the calf and the thigh, mainly 18 your body design and roll it back. Roll it up, roll it back, roll it up, roll it back and up, and now it's hold up. Round the back and roll this spine down.

One Vertebra at a time. One leg goes out and the other leg comes in. Now single leg stretch. We're going to place the outside hand on to the bottom of the leg and the other hand under the knee. The upper body's still lifted in this position. Now we're going to press the thigh toward the chest on a chouby.

Inhaling, inhaling, and then the long exhale. Inhale, inhale, long. Exhale. Inhale, inhale. Long. Exhale. Inhale, inhale. Long exhale. Now keep going with that movement. But I would like to tell you how Mr has taught this. He taught this, not like a bicycle, but like a bow and arrow. Shoot the Arrow and hit the wall every time. Hit your target. Create a target on that sidewall and hit it with the foot.

Now it's not enough to hit the target. You have to hit the same spot on the target every single time. So now let's take a just a little faster. Inhale and exhale. Inhale, hit that target straight from the hips. Now what does that mean? That you're hitting a target every time?

It means that you're not changing them position in the pelvis. It means that that leg is coming straight out from a stabilized core and bring both legs in, head down and relax and we're done relaxing. Lift the head up. So now we're going to do the doubles. This is the same thing in this position. Now make sure you have a stabilized pelvis.

We're going to bring the legs in and then we're going to extend the legs out nice and long and hit the target with the boat. With the arrows from your bow and it's going to be slow. First, find your target, reach it and stretch it there, and inhale. Inhale, get a nice long exhale and make it smooth and fluid. Inhaling and exhaling. Let's add a breath to that. Inhale. Exhale, hold. Count. One, two, three, four, five. Inhale and pull it in. Exhale and take it out. Count. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five.

Then inhale in and exhale, press it out. And one, two, three, four, five, last time, come in and out and one, two, three, four, five and come in, head down and bring the hands behind the head. From this position, we'll go once again to tabletop. We'll lift the body up, turn the body and face the leg so that we're now going to lift up and do an oblique reach. So stretch around one and two, three and four and five. Come Center and down. Come back up. Turn the other direction. One. Now this is a turn from under the rib cage, not from the elbow. Still say, why didn't open, it's not the shoulder, it's not the elbow. Come back to the center. Head down, come back up, make sure it's coming from under the rib cage, turning it too from the ribs, from the center of the spine, ag comm, center and down. And again, long inhalation. Exhale, one, two, three, four and five, come back to the center and down.

So do you understand now this is where your Chris Cross should come from. It should not come from the movement of the elbows, but it should come from the old bleach and the churn of the rib cage around the spine. So let's begin crisscross coming up one leg out, lift the torso and reach long and change and long with that much attention to the upper body. Good elbows wide chest is open. And inhale to exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and pull both legs in and come on down. Well that was okay, but I still would like to see more rotation in the upper body. So this is a lovely exercise. Lovely, lovely. Um, you may want, you can do it on the mat or on the floor.

But what we're going to do is we're going to start in this position and we're going to drop the knees to the side and we're going to just really work on strengthening those laterals. You know? Okay. Button's not enough to strengthen them, is it? Let's work them. So the body's going to come all the way around and then it's going to come back. And then that's gonna come down. And, but then why stop there, Christie? Why stop there? So Christie, down knees to the side, lift up.

So this is the first movement and you can see it's a wonderful movement that we're getting really working right in here. But now we're working and coming to this position. Now the movement now comes back to center from under here and that's it. And down. Step three up over now.

Well let's continue that from under the rib cage under the rib cage. So your movement goal is to place that elbow down onto the floor, keeping the elbows nice and wide. Come from underneath here, rotate it all the way up and around and come back into the center. We've got, it's pretty exciting. It was, it was just beautiful. Um, it really, it was, it was very nice. It was very nice. Um, it's not an easy exercise to do, but now you can really feel the rotation of the rib cage and really get that movement of, of um, working around the spine. The exercise name of the exercise is the rotisserie chicken and once you do it, you'll know why I everybody I'm on the Mat. Drop the knees to the side and lift the torso up and down. That's just your number one.

And lift the torso up and down. Lift the torso up and down. Very nice. One more time. Up and down. This time we're going to lift the torso up and we're just going to go and try and face the knees and we're coming in. We've got it from underneath. So now we have shoulder over shoulder and hip over hip from underneath the rib cage. We're gonna round the back and come back down just that much.

First lifted up, tearing it open a turn, open and turn. Beautiful. Come back under it around and take it down. One more of those. Come back up, turn it and sweep it under and back and come down, lifted back up. Turn it and continue your turn. Anchor your hip and stretch it around. Stretch from under. Stretch from underneath.

Beautiful sweep from underneath the body, underneath up high and back down. Beautiful. Two more of those. It's a wonderful exercise. Everybody loves the exercise. Ah, rotated around this way and up. Yes. Now down one more and up. Sweep it, sweep it.

Now what I was given was that they put a little towel or something underneath your elbow and you had to drag it around and drag it all the way back so that you really knew that you are not coming from the top elbow, but the bottom elbow came up and around and open to that position up and around to come back. Rotisserie chicken. Now you all have another side and I really, really hate to tell you this but most of you probably did. You're good side first. Let's do it again. The first position is just up and down. Exhale up and inhale down. Nice, comfortable on the legs, legs over to the side. Exhale up, inhale down. And so that leg position is over.

It doesn't matter if how far your knees are in or out. Um, really what I'm looking for is the hip alignment and the work coming from the upper body. Lets go now. Exhale up, turn and open it, open it, open it just to the side. Now here's a hint. Don't lean on that bottom elbow. Engage the muscles as if there's a breath of air underneath you. Now sweep it from underneath you and go back. If you lean into that elbow, you're never going to get over anymore. Come back up and turn it and turn it and turn it elbow.

Stay wide. Sweep from underneath. Come back into the center and lower down. And again take it up, sweep it over to the side, just to the side. Beautiful. Rotate it back and calm down the full movement. Exhale and open and breathe.

Inhale. Now exhale and continue and continue and continue and continue. And here's your goal right here. And come back and come back into the center. Lift high in the sternum and lower to come down to more time.

Just shake it up, rotate it around, open it out. Open it out. Sweet from under. Sweet. You got it. Beautiful. Look at that. Great stretch. Now from under here. Rotate it and come down. We have one more time and shake it up and rotate around and close the ribs in and stretch.

Sweep back and back and come. Oh, the way over. Come from underneath. You got it. Oh, and come down and bring the legs in to the center. [inaudible] yeah. Now just uh, after we've done these exercises that will work the body individually, visually. Let's now work the body from its center, from the core lengthening up and down, lengthening up and down and lengthening up and come down. Huh? Kay. Find your handlebars bicycle up and climb it up.

Hold it up. Find your balance points. Extend one leg, extend the other leg and bend one link, and then the other leg extended out, extended out and bend it down and bend it down and lifted and lifted. Now in this position, lengthen the upper body and make a contraction strong and deep in the low abdominals. But maintain that stability in through the core muscles so that we are not moving, but we're just contracting and we're lengthening. Shoulders are down, contracted back.

And now with the control of rolling one vertebra at a time, that's a roll it back and roll it up and roll it back and roll it up. Roll back, roll up, and again, roll back, roll up and hold. Hold your position nice and strong. Let go of the legs. Lower the legs down. And as you do bring the arms high. Now reach Earl over to your soft position and stretch past your little tail. Flex your feet, switch past your little toe and come up and stretch past your little toe.

Reach it nice and long and come up. Bring the legs together and in. Open them up and lower one. Find your balance lower the other. Find your balance, lower it down and up, lower down and up, and you're rocking prep. Use Your abdominals to roll back and roll it up.

Round down and roll it up. One more time. Round down. Now this time around it so much that it takes you all the way back and we'll lit up and really back and roll up one vertebrae at a time. Roll back, roll up and hold. Hold it nice and long. Find your balance. Let go with the legs, lower them down and saw to the other leg. Flex the feet. Reach it nice and long. Keep that abdominal pulled in, naval to the spine and come up and other side, navel to spine with equal weight on both of your hips. Keep that Nice, neutral pelvis, stabilizing the core and come all the way up and bring your legs together.

Jeez, are, oh, we have so much fun. This is an original teaser. This is in the archives. This was how it was taught. You're going to love it, so I'm going to sit nice and tall and knees are bent. Feet are flat. I want you to roll back to your strong place. Roll back to the place that were where we were in the beginning, where you're absolutely in to your depth of your core, into a place where your legs feel weightless into the place.

Adjust the body into place. We really add, you could sit there forever and I could tell lots of stories, which I often do. So now take one leg up and take the other leg up. Extend one leg up, extend the other leg up. Reach the hands to the toes. Teaser. Bring the legs down and length enough.

Roll back to where you are strongest in your core to where your legs are waitlist to where you have freedom of movement. Lift the legs up. Yeah, you can hold them if you'd like at this position. And take one up and take the other one. Slide your hands to your toes. Reach Nice and long. Reach the torso high which do your fingertips.

Teaser this time, lower straight legs down and lengthen [inaudible] torso. One more of these. Find where you are strongest in to your core roll back. Bend, knees. Really feel that I could sit here forever. I'm off of the tailbone eye and I'm in deep to my core.

Both legs come up, one leg up, their leg up, slide the hands to the toes, reach the fingers to the toes, reach it even longer. Inhale, exhale, lower the legs and come down the next teaser. Oh, you didn't think I was done, did you? The next teaser comments from the reformer in the rowing series. So, um, for those of you who are familiar with the work from the reformer, this rowing is simply that you, you're going to roll back and again find our power and strength. The arms will come out and the arms will come up.

So that's all of the rowing from here. We open wide and out and then we circle the arms on that, on that Nice plane in front of us. The only thing that's going to be different in this exercise is that once we are here, I want you to find your balance point. Find the strength in your core and bring your legs up as we bring you on home. Show rowing two teaser. Sit very tall.

Roll yourself back and find where you're strongest in your core. Pull the arms in, open them out. Let the legs float to the ceiling. Let the arms come around or reach yourself up lower and stretch it all the way out. And again, roll it back. Find where you are strongest. Pull the arms to the chest open and wide. Let the legs float up. Float them up, float them up.

Circle them around to the chose, letting the torso come up even higher. And um, torso comes up. Legs come down. Let's do it one more time. It looks great. Roll it back. Roll it back. Beautiful articulation. Pull the arms in and open them out. Hold it there now as the legs come up, circle the arms towards your toes. Bring the arms into the movement. Circle it high.

Lift a little bit higher and now arms up and legs down and open. Beautiful. Beautiful. Alright, we've got one more. You didn't think I was going to stop there. So, all right, we're going to do a spine stretch. So you're going to have your legs slightly apart. Bring the arms up, spine stretch forward, which is simply a contraction. Rounding the back as you run the back. However, we're going to bring the arms behind us and we're stretched in this way.

Very nice. Now pretty much everything's the same. From here, you're going to circle the arms around and roll back into your rowing position. You're going to bring your arms out. You're bring your legs together and bring them up and bring them up. Then the only difference is going to be at the top of the movement. You're going to open the legs out to lower them down.

So you start where you finished. So here spine, stretch forward around over, round to your strong point, bringing the legs together. Legs come up towards there comes up, arms and legs. Open legs come down, arms come up, spine stretch, forward, roll to go back, rolling it down. Legs come up, arms come up, open out, legs down and up. Spine. Stretch forward and roll. Bringing the legs together to come down. Reach arms and legs up. Open them out, reach it to stretch down spine, stretch forward and roll and sit up.

Nice and tall sell three different teasers all coming from the original work, just a little different patterning on them. That makes it really a nice way to look at the teasers, the butterflies. Next, so we're now in this position. We'll open the legs just a little bit wider, sitting up very, very tall and placed the hands behind the head. We're going to inhale and lengthen the torso and reach it up even a little bit longer. Now from that position, we're going to stretch up and over to the sign, bringing elbow down to the waist and press to lift up into the center. I'm going to lengthen the torso and stretch over to the side opposite side and come up into the center.

We're going to lift up and stretch up and over to the side and reach out and come up into the center and one more time up and over to the side and reach out and up to the center. This time it is a butterfly. So we're going to come up off of our flour and we're going to stretch over to the side and we're going to flap just the top of wing. So it's going to go down and open and press it down and open. Press it down and open and press it down and open.

Reach down and lift high other side up and over and flap the toppling down. It open and down and open. Nice deep breathing. Inhaling and exhaling down opening. Reach the elbow to the waist and come up in to the center. Now this time we're going to take flight. We're [inaudible]. We're going to stir edge to the side. Now keeping the elbows wide.

Ring the nose down toward the knee. Naval stage to the spine. Fly Up the sidewall high to the ceiling and come back into the center. Lift it up, go over to the side, fly down to the knee, elbow, stay wide and open up the sidewall. High to the ceiling and [inaudible] to the center over to the side. It's beautiful, isn't it? And round to come down. Climb it up to the ceiling, higher, higher, higher, and then land in the center up and over and fly down through the center around and stretch high to the ceiling and in to the center.

Alright, one more set. So this time we're going to come up and we're going to stretch to this side. We're going to fly down to the knee. Okay. But now we're going to change our mind and go back the way we came. So we sweep under, go to the opposite wall.

Climate high to the ceiling and in to the center. Go to the side, fly down to your knee, change your mind and go back the way you came up the opposite wall. Up The opposite wall in, in to the center and lift and stretch. Fly it down to the knee. Change Direction coming underneath. Climb up the side wall all the way to the ceiling and into the center.

One more time. Up and over and down to the leg, back through the center and high to the ceiling and stretch in to the center and reached the arms up and lower them down and spine stretch forward. Once again. Now just lengthen the spine. Rounding the back. I use the hands lightly on the floor. Slide the fingertips out. Relax the shoulders and the upper back completely. Keep Navel to spine.

Let the arms float up around the ears and come up and round the back and slide it out along the floor. Reach it nice and long and come all the way up to the center and come down. The next exercise comes from the Cadillac. We're going to sit with our feet and just a little bit wider than hip distance apart and we're going to stretch to the leg so both arms are going to come to the Lang. Rounding the torso over. Then we'll bring the thigh in, knee close to the chest and extend the leg. From there.

We will bend the leg and reach up and take the arm now and stretch it past the little tail and bending. Stretch up then and stretch past the little toe. One more time, Vandy, and stretch it up. Bring it down and stretch past the little toe. Now we're going to bend it him and bring it up.

We're going to take the arm and reach past the little toe on. As his leg is up, the chest is lifting nice and high towards the leg. Reach past the toe. Bring the arm up, use that rotisserie chicken. Rotate around the spine, around the spine. Arm stays right by the ear. Now the arm is going to reach to the ground behind you.

Lift back long and straight. Twist from under the rib and reach pasture. Little towel and again up and turn it and turn it and reach all the way down to the floor and stretch up. Turn from under your ribcage under the rib cage, past the little tail. One more time. Lift it up, lengthen it, turn it, turn it, turn it from the ribs and breathe deeply. As we working through the movement, take it up. Turn and we each.

Now we have some fun change arms. Reach past the big tail. Take the harm up. Do the other way. Oh, not turning so much our way and it's wretched down. Lengthen it out and turn it and reach past the big tail. Linkedin it up from under the rib cage. Onto the rib cage and open it. Take it down, reach it in the hole, a nice and long, strong, long movement and around past your big tail. One more time.

Take it up and rotate it around. Reach and stretch all the way down. The arm goes right back up around the ear. Turn from under the rib cage. Reach has to tell. Change the arm one more time. Lift it up, stretch it out, and stretch all the way over around the body. Inhale and exhale.

And the other side we're gonna take the one leg is longer. Yes it is. So that's why we do both sides. It is, yes. And again, so much has to do with us working the body individually to work into symmetry, especially from the core muscles. So let's link to the other one, shall we. So onto the other side, reach it nice and long. Nice and long. A pull the leg all the way in. So now, once again we have it, the position of the pelvis is now stabilized here.

Nothing from the core or pelvis changes as the leg simply extends, it bans in. And then as we go out, we take the arm and we reach past the little toe, equal weight on both hips and Palladian and Lincoln it up. Yeah. As it comes down, we reach it over and go past your little toe and it in and shake it up and bend it and stretch it long and reach it past the little toe. Now this time we come in and out and hold it up, stretch it nice and long and take the hand past this little tail lifted. Turn and stretch all the way around and be present in your body. Realizing once I'd may have more flexibility and then the other, turn it around and stretch it nice and long.

Stabilize your core and turn and turn an open all the way down and lengthen and stretch high turn and reach past the little tail. Once again, come high. Rotate from underneath the rib cage, sitting up tall into the core. Inhaling and exhaling down and reach high and exhale and change your arms. Go past the big tail, reach at Nice and long. They'll come up and once again turn and open as you stretch.

Lift at nice and long. Reach it around and breathe deeply and lengthen and turn and open the arm down. Reach up nice and tall. Turn from under the rib cage and stretch past the big toe last time up and turn open and stretched to come down. Lift long and strong. Turn and reach and stretch it up and bring the leg high.

Pull it Ian, stretch it out. And once again, past the little child. Let's bring the legs in and together and bend the knees and roll the spine down. One vertebrae at a time please. The hands lightly on your thighs. Now engaged from under the shoulder blades. The neck is long. Make sure you're placed in the head evenly, not Chilton.

They had to one side so that the cervical spine is a long gated. Do a small pelvic curl. I'm just really stretching the low back muscles in a nice even fashion. Now this time do a small pellet curl and as you roll up, slide your hands down your thighs, engaging under the shoulder blades. Come up until the hands meet the thighs so that we're not going any further than this position. But maintaining the length in the torso, keeping the ribs closed in from there, start high from the throat and open the throat.

Roll the spine down, one vertebra at a time, coming down under the rib cage and bringing the arms up the size, stretching them even longer to the knees. Once again, curl and rule it all the way up and exhale and stretch. Sliding the fingertips down. Feel the evenness all the way through the spine and through the core muscles as well. One more time and exhale and come up. Keep it long. Keep it straight and inhale. Roll down, chose ankles and knees. Remain together and we slide the fingertip. Chips up the legs, engaging the muscles through the upper body and bring one leg in, stretched long other leg in stretch long bicycle up to sitting bicycle and really yourself up, up, up, up, up, and hold it there. Bring the legs open and down.

Sitting on the floor. She'd comfortably create that nice alignment. Feel the body and how it sitting on the floor. Be in a comfortable position so the legs are not too far in or too far out. However you feel most comfortable and close your eyes, feel how you're sitting on the floor.

Inhale and exhale and open your eyes. How do you feel? Still balanced? Yes. Yeah. The, the, the main, the maintenance of the neutral pelvis is still with us. And so we worked very, very strenuously for the last hour and yet after this hour, we maintained that balance with the pelvis. That is the genius of the [inaudible] work is it does create harmony. It does create alignment.

It does do what it was meant to do by Joseph [inaudible], which is to create a strong and healthy body. And it matters not so much what you do three hours a week as much as what you do in 165 hours a week that you are not doing Pele's. So that Polonius needs to be with you and with your body as you go through your day. I thank you very much for coming. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Great class. Great class. Thank you.


This is presently the most popular class on Pilates Anytime. We hope you enjoy it!
1 person likes this.
I Love her style of teaching! I wish I could have her as my teacher trainer.I love that she brings fun and a sense of humor to the class! Kathy is dynamic....
oh my goodness!! I loved working with gentle yet powerful!! I loved (hated) the bicycle up !!!! Thanks thanks thanks !!
1 person likes this.
Amazing class, please add more classes Kathy!
It is clear that she is a master. Any mentor program in the works or teacher training? Love Love Love this one. Thank you!
Jennifer Kathy does have a teacher training program. Here is a link to her website:
// m/certification.html
I really liked her use of imagery. It all flowed beautifully!
wonderful. can't wait to do it again. she is a genius.
We're talking to Kathy about filming her again... late Spring. She is fantastic!
Kathy is an amazing master trainer. thanks !
It would be great to have more of her classes.
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