Class #2033

Active & Energetic Reformer

50 min - Class


Tash Barnard's clear cueing and vibrant energy will keep you active in your body and focused on using the proper muscles during this entire Reformer workout. While the exercises are fundamental in nature, you are guaranteed to feel your strength challenged. Work through Footwork, Legs in Straps, Bridging, arm and upper back work, Mermaid, and more.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Jan 26, 2015
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Welcome to politeness anytime I'm Tesh, all the way from South Africa teaching the lovely Mary and Mandy. So please join us, right ladies. Just have a cheek down and see that your feet is one first with the part. Your arms are relaxed by your side and you're standing up nice and tall and then at the same time, just make sure your weight is evenly distributed throughout the feet. You're not rolling the ankles in and you're not standing on the outside of the feet. We're going to start with a deep breath as you laterally inhale, they just breathe out without rolling down for now.

And one more. Inhale deeply and then breathe out excel. And the next time we're going to do a roll down. So we breathe in on the XL store, drawing the ta, lowering the chin. Use that exhale to roll your body forward, up and over your thighs, your knees slightly bent and your head is hanging down. So just keep in mind this is your first roll down.

If you're feeling any tight areas in the body, just be gentle. Keep it in mind. Inhale, and then we're going to taste it again at the end of the session. As you exhale and roll back up, bringing your shoulders on top of your hips and your head on top of your shoulders. Inhale again and exhale. Lower the chin. Roll the body forward. Rolling up and over the knees of being Mandy.

Relax your arms for me. Relax. There we go. In how to pause and on the exhale, draw the abdominals. Use these hamstrings. Bring your spine on top of your pelvis, keeping the collarbones wind lengthening up through the spine. Inhale one more and excel. Draw the ABS. Roll the body forward. Your arms are just relaxed, just relaxed. It's a spinal articulation movement.

The arms are just an extension of the spine. Inhale and in Xcel. Draw and roll up. Roll up, Rola, all the way to stand tall. Right from here you can come and lie on your reformers, on your bags, and I'm going to keep the football down and load three red springs onto the gears and we're going to start with a warmup. So you lying on your backs with your head in the head. Raise. Your arms are going to press down by your sides, your feet.

This time is going to be one fist with the part so the feet are a little bit further away from the hips than usual, but that's okay. The hamstrings are just going to work harder, so we're going to start with a deep breath as inhale for the preparation and on the exhale we're going to start with the semi pelvic tuck. As you roll just halfway there and then release back to the neutral on the inhale and exhale drew, drew, drew, you really want to aim front that lava and release back to the neutral all the way down. We do two more semi ones in hell. Xcel drew the abdominals. Keep curling, curling, curling, and released. Back to the neutral. Nice one more guys. Inhale and exhale, drew and drew and we're going to pause here in the semi public colors you in hell and then we excel. Tuck further as you articulate all the way up into.

Then he picks tension. Feel the back of the legs working in hell and in Xcel road, your upper back, your med, Pack Your Lover Back and release the pelvis and the spine down to neutral. Inhale again and Xcel drew the abdominals. Activate those deep stabilizes you saw as a parallel. Roiling up all the way, all the way.

Nice work in hell, deep inhalation. And then exhale, articular down, cold call. Enjoy that stretch over the lower back and release to your neutral. Inhale again for the pose and exhale to roll up. Roll up, keeping the knees parallel to each other, making sure you get that knee hip and shoulder in line like a ski slope in Hell and Xcel to roll down. Roll down and roll down. One Moon goes, inhale and Xcel to articulate up, rolling up, rolling up through that upper thoracic for me.

That's Mary. Good. Stay here for me ladies in Hell. Just keep it there. As you exhale, reach your arms up to 90 degrees, breathing in and as you articulate your spine down, you reach your arms out into a t position, stretching through the arms, lowering the pelvis down, being the elbows. And hold onto the pig's they, we breathe in and on the exhale, lift your right leg pain off the floor. Inhale and exhale. Bring the left leg off the floor. The legs are adducted and strong. Sorry. Maybe if you all want to come and sit on your Shan's, you'll be able to hold me so they not slapped chips, Maddie, but like crispy tracks. Okay, breathing in. On the inhale, we take the knees to the right side, rotating in the waist, rotating in the waist on the XL. Engage the obliques and main.

Draw the legs back to the same tab and we inhale over over over night and engage before you move. Xcel back. Good work, nice oblique activation. And we breathe in reaching, making sure these knees on top of each other and we Xcel back. Exhale back and we inhale over to the side, keeping both sides of the body equally elongated. Exhale, draw, draw and draw. And Inhale Aruba. So let's hold the chair for a sec. Manly. Lengthen through the right side. There we go. And Xcel, draw the legs back. Think of your size as windscreen wipers.

So the legs can draw in or they can't hang away from your pelvis. Inhale, inhale and exhale, draw back. We're going to do two more. Inhale herb, or to the right. Keep that level. Rub down. Yes, Mandy. Good correction. X, help back, back, back, and lost one in hell. Up and over, up and over and XL. Resist back to the center. Extend your arms out to the side, reach you arms up to the ceiling. Place your left foot on the bar, left foot on the ball. Right from here, we're going to do the single lake. Lift on the embrace.

You're going to exhale. Inhale, lower the leg down and then Xcel. Lift the leg up with control and inhale down and use the abdominals. Exhale, and again, this leg is active, active, good resistance in hell and Xcel XL and resist up even on the lowering. You resisting it down. I'm not pressing, but I'm just making sure that Mary's activated in her body. Last one, lower down. Inhale, left the left leg on the exhale and lacy down. Inhale and exhale.

Inhale, lower and excel. Softening the rib cage, giving us good core stability, connecting the upper body to the lower body and it's held to more and lower. And one more exhale and lower down. Inhale, lift the right leg paint on the XL. Keep the leg here again, check in and make sure the leg is nice and active.

We breathe in, we're gonna switch the legs in the A as we XL. Switch the legs and tap down. Drawing the lower ribs down, keeping the Tia active. Inhale and exhale. Switch the legs. Inhale an XL, switch the legs. Inhale and Xcel. Switch the legs and if you want to make it a little book but more intense thing it engage the back of the legs and engage. And two more and one more place to for down on the bar, bring the other foot down onto the bar.

And this song we can bring the hands just to the forehead, not pressing down into the head, but just hovering the hands there. Draw your shoulders away from the shoulder, wrist drawing down into the lower ribs. We in hell give me the neck flection and then XL burring the chased up off the floor, off the floor, off the floor. So press more forward using that rectus abdominis. Inhale, hold it, and XL lower down and we breathe in and we XL drool the chin to the chase, the chase towards the thighs that love back softens into the carriage in Hell and excel lover down as work goes, we do three more. Inhale and exhale.

If the arms are feeling awkward, you can rather keep the arms at 90 degrees, almost like a hundred spray in hell. Hole, deep lateral break and Xcel lower down. And we breathe in and we excelled through the chin to the chase and the cheese to the size. Lift and hold lifting, hold lifting home. Extend your arms. Interlace the hands behind the head. We're going to rotate to the right side. As you XL and inhale center, make sure the hands are interlaced and over to the left side and your sams are running down the cervical spine, running down the cervical spine and in the health center. And Xcel rotate to the left. Work those though. Bleaks two more.

And Xcel like a satellite dish. Medic Rota. Yes. Perfect. Inhale one more XL. Rotate, rotate. Inhale, center left and hold it for me. Goals and lower your head down. Lift your arms to the ceiling, press your arms down by your side, draw your knees into your chase and give yourself a little back stretch day. As I say, the reformers up the springs for the foot work. And what we're going to do is we're going to start on a very light spring on one blue screen with the heels on the bar and as we move into the different foot positions we're going to add the springs on today.

So the reason for this is to make sure you are in control of the equipment and the equipment is not doing the work for you, right? So the feet is one first with the pot, arms up, pricing down by your side. We start with an inbred, so don't cheat out on the Xcel. Engage the back of the legs and then extend the legs away without losing the ball. Then draw the carriage in. Feel how much harder this is because you're not relying on all the springs to do the work for you. And we use the hip extensors. As you exhale, reach drawing up the knee cabs.

Get to that full range of the moment. Leave Mine and resist, resist and resist back and hamstrings. Work XL breast away. Reach away. Elongate. Let me feel the freedom in those hips and resist. Resist to more and XL linked in this left side reach where I feel the length through the crown of the head and resists back all the way and one more hamstrings activate. Then allow that nice to extend and drawing in.

Drawing in, drawing in, we slide the balls of the feet onto the ball. And this time we're gonna stay on the police spring. The ankles are nice and high. We breathe in, activate the back of the legs, and then we reach the legs away. Extend the way mind taming that pelvic lumbar stabilization. Draw the knees and pull the carriage back.

Make sure you come all the way in. Engage the back of the legs. Then Xcel brace away. Reach away, elongate through the hips. Go, Mandy. Lengthen manly, pull up the nice, good, and resist and great alignment in between these two legs. Two more XL rich and reach and reach. Draw up the knees and resist back one more and excel. Reach away. Elongate. Feel the link through the spine and resist.

Drew the knees in all the way. I'm adding one rate. Spraying through the heels together. Toes apart for your small veen. Inhale activators in it's size. Use the hip extensors and they embrace the legs away. Lengthen, lengthen.

Draw the adductors together and resist the knees back in hell and Xcel. Rotate in those hips, Ilan guy and drew the knees back in. Aim and in an XL. Rest away. Reach away. Lengthen. Good. Staying active in your body and resist back in health, Ramo and excel. So we want to avoid to ride the carriage all the way in so we resisted, resist and resist to more.

And exhale, reach, reach, and squeeze my hand and draw the carriage in one moon and excel. Brace into the fee, the feet into the size, the size into the rest of the body and resists back all the way. You're going to take your heels wide onto the bar. I'm adding a rate screen. So now we're on to rate and one plea for the wide heels on the bar. And again, we in house activate those thigh muscles first.

Then prays the legs away, reach away and draw the adductors together together. As you come back and XL, I'm going to place my hands in between the heels. Yes, squeeze my fingertips towards each other. Nice Mandy and resist drawing the carriage back and XL. Brace away. Bring my hands together together together. Nice Mary and inhale, come back and three more XL.

Reach and reach and Elongate and come back all the way to more XL. Every time you want to elongate that spring a little bit further and come back one more and exhale. Press into the legs. Reach away, reach away. Beautiful Resistance, nice body awareness and come back for the toes. Wind on the ball. I'm adding the raid and taking the blue off so you're on your three rate springs. You inhale and then we exhale.

Press the legs away. Hold the chair. I'm going to give you a little neck straight chairs. You elongate, Elongate, ah, and bring the knees and come back. And Xcel maintaining the height of the heels and come back. Good Pelvic Placement Day and XL away raceway draw, draw, drew, and come back to mall. And in summary, I think these heels can lift a little bit higher. Work through these ankles. Yes. And come back one more.

And Xcel, press away. Elongate. Hold the day for a split second. The adductors are drawing together. The Tia is active, the pelvis is neutral to I need the glutes overtake this exercise. Lengthen through the spine through the crown of the head. Mandy left your chilis. Yes, and in keep the resistance as the knees come in and you resist and you resisted all the way back. Good work.

Bring the toast parallel on the bar again. The fetus one fist with the pot. We on the three rate's springs. We breathe in and we XL engage those hip extensors and straighten the legs all the way you in the highest rise ever with those ankles. As we lower the heels, inhale and exhale, rise up. And inhale down and excel.

Rise up and inhale, reach down, reach down, and exhale and formal reach down and excel, rod and Serino and XL rise and two more. Reach down and exhale. Last one. Inhale and excel. Keep this VMO, tie, DA's, Mary, good, holding high. We're going to press the right heel under the bar as we press down and we spit it up. We go. Inhale. Inhale, exhale n XL, n n helper. Brace down and exhale and Xcel to most sates and change and excel and lost eight. Inhale, inhale and exhale and pause in hole your right here under the ball.

Breathing in and breathing out and change legs. Inhale and exhale and inhale. Let me give you a straight Mandy and exhale. Now rise up onto the balls of your feet. Bend your knees and resist the carriage home. Even the end part is part of the exercise. Good.

Take your hands for your straps. I'm going to remove two springs so we on one raid spring for the abdominal worth. Keep your feet on the ball for now and then shift your shoulders down a tad so that your hands are in line with your shoulders and the shoulders. Oh, off the shoulder race, right. We always want to make sure that we have stability before we do the movement. So drawing down into those scapulas, feel like your hands are pushing these straps away. Lifting the right leg.

Then the left leg off the bar, and again, we've got these active legs, so right actively eggs we're going to breathe in. Goes on the XL for the a hundred spray. Draw the chin to the chase that chase did the size and reach your arms along your hips. Mandy, you can press down a little bit more with the arms. Yes, lift the arms. They lower the head and the chase down. Arms back to 90 and we go. Exhale, lift, reach pose. Give me that little inner inner core activation. Lift the arms, lower the head and go down and exhale, lift, reach better. This time, good reach and hold. We're going to stay here.

We're going to breathe in on the exhale. Extend your right leg away for the single leg straight. Hold it. Bend the knee pose. Inhale in the knee and pose. Exhale, reach the left leg away and in how bean and XL reach the right leg away. The arms are active and elongating away and XL lift leg and we're going to do four and we're going to pick up the pace and we go XL, fall B three leaky, the chest high and last one, Bain. Pause. Give me your dominoes. Left the arms, lower the head and go down all the way breathing.

Make sure they hit us relaxed in this position. So allow your body to have a release. Yeah. Without letting the stability in the core area. Go in the abdominals, the back. Inhale, we're going to reach the legs away as you call your chest forward. On the exhale. This time we been the elbows, we've been the knees. Inhale, extend the arms and the legs simultaneously.

XL Reed put up the trust. They put up the traffic in how to bend the knees, good XL brace, reach and hold. He has way the strength is and in been five more. You guys are doing great. Xcel, brace rich and hold my timing. The heights of the chases, the knees and the elbows being formal and XL region, whole region hole and three more good stability.

You go an excel brace, reach and hold. One more. Inhale your best one and Xcel. Use the brief. Use the brief pain the knees, lower the head and place your right foot and your left foot on the bar. I'm going to add your blue spring for the hip work. Keep the feet. Yeah, you go with skin. Press away.

Bring your right foot into the strap. Please praise into that strap and then bring the left leg up and we're gonna start in your frog position. Your straps. Okay. Right, so your knees are bent. That hips are externally rotated. We're going to breathe in again. Give me muscle activation. Before the movement on the XL, we reached the legs away. Reach, reach and rich.

Good Resistance, Mary, in how? Being the knees and pause and XL praise, reach and extinct. Extend, extend and beam and XL priests reach prisma. Prisma, yes, Mandi. And in hell to bane and XL. Extend.

Keep these ankles to see slate for the frogs and three Mo regional. Stay here for a split second in the straight legs. Holiday. Draw your adductors together. Dorsiflex your ankles. Now I'm going to place my finger tip in Lucina hills. Mandy and with your abdominals, pull me in. Our northern legs are working.

Yes. Yes. Good work. Mass resistance. Two more Xcel. Can you feel that? Can you feel how in control you are from your core area and being one more and XL reach, stretch and hole. Go into a extended ankle for me point because yeah, we're going to go into the circles. We inhaled to 90 we eight keep this leg straight.

Maddie x out. Praise down. Circle up and together. Good and Xcel breweries down out together and left and Xcel. Press down, open up. Nice rotation in the hips and again extending from the back of the legs. Circle out, up and together. One more and Xcel, strong abdominals drop.

Yes that you feel that ribs drawing down Mary and we reverse in hell. Excel reached on, Elongate, elongate and left up and open. Reach together and left up. Work through the feet. Yes. Open. Press down together and up. Timo and inhale and exhale.

Add Up to his good work, Mary. One more and we go open out, down and hold it here. Keep it. Yeah. The legs are in the center. You have the longest legs in the whole world. We going into the openings. As you inhale, reach the legs wide again. Give me muscle activation.

Draw the legs together and in hell let carriage will move. The carriage will move. Move, move, move and Xcel. Rich. Drew, drew, drew, squeeze my fingers. Good. Three more. Inhale, reach wide and Xcel lengthen. Be Active in your body. Don't allow the equipment. Do the work for you. Good.

Mandy, did you feel that little bit of a extra squeeze? They and egg cell reach, reach, reach. Hold the chair and bring your legs parallel. Bend your knees towards your chase. Take your right foot. Then your left foot out of the straps.

Place your feet on the bar for the bottom left. We're gonna change the springs to two red springs. The carriage is not allowed to move during the articulation. So you're going to bring your mind to your hamstrings. Bring the mind to the hamstrings. Let the hamstrings work hard.

He shut down a tiny little budget so that you have spice day. Good balls of the feet on the ball. You're going to start with the inhalation. Then get that pelvic flow, the ta draw the pelvis into that deep lumbar affliction. Articulate your spine. If the carriage moved in, it moves once and then you keep style. Okay, inhale and XL. Give me flection llection flection.

That is a good cram to have cause it's in the right place. If anything, you're okay in hell and XL. That tells me you working the correct muscles. Mandy, a Mary. Call. Call and call Kimmy hips, Kimmy hips, Kimmy hips. Lower up stuff, slight posterior tilt, slight pressure itself.

Inhale and excel. Cool down. Cool down and call down. Back to the neutral breathing. Last one, Xcel, deep lumbar fluxion deep lamp reflection. Use the hamstrings. Use Your glute Max. We're going to hold it yet. We're going to stabilize.

You're going to press the left ball of the foot into the bow, working through your left hamstring and lift glued. Have a straight Mandy. Then you pick her up again. Left her right leg up and hold it for me. We are going to tap down in hell. XL. Lift the leg up. Can you extend your hips a little bit higher? Higher. Yes. Mary. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Left. Tumo girls.

Inhale hindering in the hip. Exhale. One more. Inhale, XL left pose. Placeable on the foot down. I want in a peace. Find the position. Brace for the ball of the foot, right hamstring. [inaudible] Max. The left leg comes up. We inhale, tap, we excel. I need higher hips. Both of you come on a little bit more. And in health, three more. Xcel, sumo, Mariano, you can give me two more inches.

Left the hips. Married. Thank you Mary, but nicer for a down hole and articulate down. Articulate through your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. Back to your neutral position. Huh? You guys have worked so hard. I think those hamstrings deserve it. Straight. Come into a kneeling position on your carriage. Please on one red spring so you can meal facing the football.

Bring your right ball of the foot onto the football and press your hands down into the foot bar and extinct through that thoracic spine. So as much as what we stretching the legs, the rest of the body is still active in the movement in the position we're going to breathe in. You're going to pause here on the exhale. [inaudible] give me this, the rassic extension. Look at that. Keep the lower ribs down and it's not an internal post [inaudible] that you want to keep thinking of. One more breath. Inhale. Then on the exhale, press into that Rottig as you press a to the hamstring stretch giving me that beautiful stripe back, keeping the pelvis squee so you want to think of the ice cream stick on the right side and the left side of equaling. Yes, drop the hip into my hand.

Good breathing and hold it XL. One more breath. Inhale on the XL. Donate the carriage. This collapsed in. You activate that right and you breath. Pull the carriage forward and forward and lengthen your spine. And we repeat the stretch. Really brace into the arms, be active the whole session. Be Active in your body and pause.

Exhale. Exhale. One more. Breathe. Inhale, and on the XL, brace out. Reach out. Bring the heel under the bar. This time if you feel you can have a deepest stretch, we breathe in and we breathe out. Good pelvic stability. Inhale and exhale. Press a little bit more here. Man's baby. Go in. How?

One Mall and with my back. Where's my back? Yes. Bring the knee. Come back all the way. Keep it. Yeah. Take your left arm, reach it up towards the ceiling, and then just go into some lateral flection. Stretching again, deeper [inaudible] into that size, into your hip flexor reach. Inhale and exhale and come up. Place the hand down. Step the right foot off and step the left foot back up, bringing the pelvis forward, braced up through your bodies.

We take a deep breath. Inhale and exhale. Two more. Inhale and relax the right shoulder, Mandy, and one more. Inhale and again, activate the left side as you brace back into that Jaime straight. Push. Push and hold it breathing in. You can lower the left hip a little bit more for me. Extend through this back. Nice.

Inhale and exhale and see if you can lower the heel down and down. Breathing in and it's like someone's pulling your sternum, your breastbone up towards the ceiling as you come back for the hip flexor straight, bringing the pelvis forward, lifting the sternum. That's look at this back. So much better, Mandy. Good work. Inhale and exhale. Can you lower the left hip a little bit more setback? Yes. Inhale and exhale.

One more breath and brace away. Sorry, you're hanging out there for me. Breathing and breathing out. Allow that hamstring to stretch. Nice and easy. Inhale and exhale. One more breath. Give me back Mary. Lumbar, Lumbar, yes, Mary, and pull the carriage back in all the way, all the way. Reaching the right arm up and over and be kind to your body. Breathe in and breathe out.

Reach a little bit further. One more. Inhale and reach a little bit further for the last one and come back by. Show. Hands on the bar pretty by feedback into the shoulder. Race. We're going to do the knees straight, flat back. So your hands are gonna stay on the bar.

You're going to sit back with your glutes towards your heels and then just left an inch off like one space of a hand off your heels. Maintaining this elongation through the spine like these, a rod through your spine. We're going to inhale, press the knees back XL, draw the carriage forward, maintain the height of the pelvis. Inhale, reach back XL, brace for do your lower ribs. [inaudible] inhale and exhale. Feel like your legs are disassociated from the rest of your body. We do. Three more. Inhale and exhale. Draw over the eyes. Two more.

Inhale and exhale. Last one. Inhale, brace. XL. Reach and hold it. Come into DB. Lumbar. Fluxion, Lumbar, fluxion, lumbar fluxion. So Mary, I think you can bring the carriage home a little bit more. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And we brace out. Inhale, maintaining the curve this time. Exhale forward and in how? Reach out and excel.

Draw, draw and draw. For more, inhale, reach up and exhale, brace through the elbows. Three more. Inhale and exhale. Round. Two more. Inhale and exhale. Last one, rich and excel round, round, round. Sit with your pelvis to wards your heels and you're going to shift your knees right forward for the shoulder. Push with the legs abducted and the palms on the outside of the bar.

So Mary come even more forward with your knees so that you've got good range. The elbows are reaching out to the side. I want you to have bring the elbows back in, Mary. We're in the starting position. That's okay with your nose over the bar, these elbows wide and this scapula's sitting nice and flush against the ribcage.

Beautiful back. Good choice of a chlorides today. Mary prays back here. Mandy, hold on. Yes Mandy, did you feel that this is working now? Thank you very much. Breathing in, initiate the movement with your left. Just stabilized. Then reach, reach and reach. Now I want you to have the sensation of pulling your hands off the bar as you bring your body back over the bar and the inhale and exhale, draw the abdominals with lifting the back elongate and I need full extension of that elbow full, full, full and resist.

And drawback because this exercise can easily so feel like it's not working too hard. X help raise and inhale. Lift your elbows, brace into my hands when you come back. Brace wordpress, wordpress wide, one more, and excel reach, reach, and we're gonna hold the chat. I'm going to taste you. Give me back my handy thoracic thoracic. Feel that in a core area of your thoracic spine extending, I want you to stabilize so much into that left arm goals that you can hover the right arm off the floor without having to shift away and hold and hold and place it down. Stabilize so much, bringing the left arm without shifting white. That is brilliant. Stability Plus the hand down.

Bend your elbows and come back all the way. Bringing the elbows down for the chest. Hips. Move your hand slightly in so that they in line with your shoulders. Keep the fingertips up towards the ceiling, pressing into the palm of the hand on the embrace. We XL bracing away. Keep the elbows down, down, down, down, and resist that same sensation of pulling the carriage in and XL, race and whole fall range and resist back and XL.

Yes, Mandy, lower your body, lower your body, but press the sternum forward. Good. Go and resist. Resist, resist three mode and excel. Reach away. Reach away, reach away, and resist back. Feel like your skin is pushing up towards the ceiling to more. Exhale, exhale and exhale and resist back.

Nice one more. And Excel, reach, stretch and hold and hold. Give me bags, give me bags and resist coming back all the way and roll up through your spine. You go skin. Step down. I'm going to lower the foot bar and we're going to do the skating. Drape. Okay.

Are going to stay on one red spring. You keep this [inaudible], right? So stepping onto your reform, onto the wooden platform. First you can bend your knees, make sure that toes are hooked over the edge of the carriage and over the edge of the wooden platform. Your hands on your hips with your sons pressing into that glute glutamine. The weight stays on your right leg, the leg that's on the wooden platform and we inhale. I want the activation first, so activate Ja and then press away.

Good and inhale, tubing and XL brace. Reach, full knee extension and in helping and Xcel brace region hole and resist the vein and formal brace. Region hole and resist beautiful stability and the supporting date and two more XL. Oh, you're in your best posture. That's the Rassic area and one more Xcel reach and hold it. Hold it without the white onto the left leg. Press a little bit further, pressing a little bit further and being journey and come back.

Stay forward and down and we stay around to the other side. Walk around to the other side and we stay up and up. Make sure your feet are in line with each other, the Tosa over the ages. You're going to be in your knees as much as what you possibly can. Keep the weight on the left leg. We breathe in, activate, then move. Exhale.

Inhale to beam and Xcel raceway and inhale two B and show rich, rich, rich, full knee extension and four more exhale and resist. And three more praise sprays and resisting. And two more exhale and being glossed one and excel region. Hold and activate a little bit more. Hold at Mandy full knee extension. Hold, hold whole and bend your knee and come back.

Stepped forward and down. We're going to set, we're going to do the mermaid on the one raid spring. Thank you. So make sure your knees are paint. Your Shin is against the shoulder. Raise your hand is in line with your shoulder and reach the opposite hand out towards the headrest. And on the in-breath you're gonna press the carriage away all the ways so that your arm is parallel to the floor.

Now use the obliques and reach that arm around and over to hover off the bar. Keep the abdominals active. Inhale, reach the arm back to the side and then draw the carriage in. You work through the [inaudible] into that shoulder adduction. And we go again. Inhale, nice work guys. And we XL reach up and over. Up and over.

Even this back stays good. No where they head a little bit in how elongate reaching home and left up and two more. And inhale and exhale. Scoop, circle, circle, circle in hell, written whole and all the way up. One more. And inhale and exhale drew the ribs.

Draw the ribs, it's in waist. The rotation is in the waist. Inhale, bring the arm back and left up. Hover and hold and we spin around. Cool. So make sure you've got good shoulder and scapular stability as we start and we go. Inhale, reach away, finish this movement XL, pervert your body up and around the shoulder. Reach, reach, reach, reach. Inhale, slice back through the air without the carriage moving left up and set up tool.

And we inhale, reach away and excel. Scroops circles. Circle and in how back? Nah, I feel that [inaudible] left up and hold two more. And in reach, Xcel work the obliques to rotate that torso around and around and around an inhale, bring the arm back and left the body up. One more ladies and in how to reach, brace away, brace away. XL Scoop, pivot, reach. And in how back and left up all the way. Good.

If you guys can step down and grab your boxes for the breaststroke prep on one rate, spring implies to box the long way line was your chase over the box and your hands in the same position as the shoulder push elongates through these knees, Mandy? Yes. So give us the 10% in your glutes that elbows are wide. The SCAP is reaching away from this spine, and then make sure you get your neck extension before you go into the back extension. This time on the inbreath we extend and brace away. Grace away. Rest away. Both of you can lift your online. For me, that's it.

Now draw the carriage and feel like you pulling your hands off the bar to resist the carriage in. Otherwise it's too easy and in hell, keeping that Tia active. Nice left, rich, rich, rich. Extend. Yeah, for me. And give me more psoriasis. Good goal and resist drawing the carriage back. Aim and give me neck extension. The racich good, good. Full extension of the elbows. Full extension of the elbows. Keep the collarbones.

Why draw the rebs, draw the ta and resist the movement as you lower down. We will do one more after this and we get, see one, two. There we go. Nice Mandy. Good extension through your back. Beautiful. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Breathe in. Extend your knees. Be Active in your body. You want to have the feeling in your body that you can lift one arm up without your body dropping and just the sensation in your mind, in your mind, and then the other arm lift up in your mind without dropping the body and lowering and bring the elbows and come back.

You can bring your hands onto the corner of your box. Pull your knees and we're going to do the cat stretch. To finish off, make sure your hips and knees are in line with each other. Your hands are right underneath your shoulders. We're going to inhale and on the exhale we come into this deep lumbar flection. Align the lower back to stretch, release to the neutral.

On the inhale. We come into this, the rassic extension, the lower upside down for like your hands are pulling back into my hand and back to the neutral and on the XL deep lumbar flection, drew, drew, drew, and Randy stood the neutral and extend on the inhale. Nice and one, and exhale, draw the abdominals deep. Palombo deep lumbar. Allow your body to stretch and release to the neutral and then extend the thoracic spine. Elongate without the neck collapsing and release to the neutral Weldon. You can step down to this side of your reformer. Again, we're going to finish with a roll down, so standing up nice and tool.

You should be able to feel the difference between the first roll down that we did and now so we breathe in and on the XL. Drool the ABS, lower your head and roll your bodies forward. Keep those arms relax, hanging the body down. Inhale and then engage the abdominals and roll back up. Curl up, curl up and stand tall. One more.

Inhale and excel. Draw the ABS. Roll down with a purpose as started this session, just holding it here, breathing. And then Xcel vigil pelvis initiate the movement. Then the spine moves all the way, all the way into your perfect posture. Turn parallel to the floor, active in your body for the rest of the day.

Well done guys.


2 people like this.
I love this class. My favourite yet on Pilates Anytime. I find Tash's cues perfect for me and I feel like I've worked every part of my body really well. Thank you!
2 people like this.
Great class!! Love all the cues (verbal and tactile).
1 person likes this.
Nice imagery with exericises
2 people like this.
I appreciated the increasing weight on the footwork and the low amount of springs on mermaid. Makes me realize I've been letting the machine work me too often.
1 person likes this.
I felt this EVERY WHERE. Great imagery and cuing was spot on.
1 person likes this.
Great communication by Tash verbal and tactile. Very useful for me with my students. Change of pace with very light springs.
1 person likes this.
Tash! As always…LOVED your class, especially the progressive springs during footwork and your cues for shoulder press and breaststroke prep since I often have a hard time getting my clients to feel what they are supposed to during those exercises. You continue to inspire and teach me! Thanks so much! What a fun journey!!!
1 person likes this.
A perfect way to start the day. I feel energized and ready to go! Thank you Tash.
3 people like this.
I do wish there was a way to know which reformer the students are using in order to convert the spring colors to my own.
1 person likes this.
This was a great class and sure didn't feel like 50 minutes!! great cues and help along the way too. I will be back :)
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