Class #2090

Reformer for Baby Boomers

50 min - Class


Risa Sheppard returns with a Reformer workout designed to keep you young! She focuses on flexibility and balance, which are two major concerns for Baby Boomers. This is a great class for all bodies and types, and it will help to lengthen and "de-clump" your body!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Wedge, Overball

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Hi, I'm Risa shepherd and this is reformer for baby boomers. I'd like to introduce you to my assistant Leslie Curtis, who is obviously not a baby boomer, but this is just to show you that baby boomer exercises can be used for all ages of all types. All right? It's just something, this is a workout that actually I even did when I was in my 20s. That is helping me stay as active and as in good shape as I am at 110 years old. So without further ado, Leslie will be demonstrated and I'll be talking through it as baby boomers, all I'm going to say is that we really, there's two things that most baby boomers are most concerned about. Number one is flexibility and number two is balanced.

So those are two issues that we'll be addressing mainly today. Um, not only always creating a very strong core and center, but also being able to work our hips, which constitute our ability for balance as well as our coordination of mind and body. Um, so all of these things are going to keep you young, well into your hundreds. We must keep ourselves balanced and keep ourselves in alignment. Before we start any sort of an exercise program, we're going to start with the fundamentals of the foot centers. This is taken from my mentor Ron Fletcher that I've been teaching now for about 30 some years.

I want you to imagine that there's a laser beam down the center of your foot. I want you to imagine a triangle between the big toe and the fourth toe and then a laser beam up to the middle of your foot. These are your foot centers. This also helps keep us in balance cause I'd rather you think straight down to the center of the earth and fall forward and what happens or backwards. And then we imagine a couple of magnets at the ankles. So we're constantly hugging the middle blind section of our body.

The calves are together, the knees are vibrating together. We have magnets at the thigh muscles. Now here we want to make as much space between the rib cage and the pelvis as possible. Also, as we grow older, I use very scientific terms like clumping. We tend to clump into ourselves. No clumping and polarities. We linkedin and d clumped between the rib cage and the pelvis and we think the spline is not stop at the cervical spine but actually goes out and beyond the top of the head and the energy is lengthening way up into the heavens and as we come down the body, we want to think the shoulder blades are just aiming down towards the floor.

The spine is nice and straight. The tailbone is down towards the floor, the buttocks is engaged. I have found that with many people, their butts are literally comatose and we have to start to use think of our bodies as three dimensional and not just one dimensional. This also keeps us going. We continue the magnus down, the calves, down the thighs, down the knees, the calves and the ankles that I want you to imagine a bolt running through your hips, keeping those hips nice and stable. You want to think of your hipbones as a couple of headlights on a car. If one is out of alignment, you're going to go off the road in order to stay on the road. We want to keep those headlights nice and straight.

And I want you to imagine a Rod, I mean about an inch below your belly button to an inch above your tailbone. And in the center of that Rod, in the center of that body where those rods meet is like the, the hub of a wheel from which all spokes stay strong. So when we lift our arm, we're just not lifting from the shoulder, we're lifting from the center. When we walk we walk, not from our heads, not from our shoulders, but we walk from our center. That also helps keep our balance. All right. And I know the balance is a big, big thing for me too because I don't have a balanced nerve in my right side. So due to an operation, place your hands on the bar and I want you to link them the back as much as you can.

And I'd like you to think of an oppositional movement. So the top of the head is going as far forward this way and the spine is linkedin as far back as you can. And then I want you to just contract, meaning pull the belly into the spine and round the spine. So as the top is around from the top of the head of the tailbone, and then we straighten the spine, we go back into what we call a neutral position, a straight back from the tailbone to the head. And then we're going to simply round again, we're going to think like a cat and Joe plot.

He's loved to use the notion of animals and then straighten the spine. Now I also want you to think of numbering the spine. Two, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 so we can really articulate and round. Good. And then exhale, release and think the top of the head is going out beyond the window. The tailbone is going the other way. And let's do it one more time. Inhale round. Good and exhale, release and straight up. Good.

And slowly sit up. Okay, now I want you to stick the chin to the chest, but again, you think of the neck moving from the center and lift the head up and exhale down and up. And exhale down and up and exhale down and up and exhale half circles with the had one thing, the ears. Now going to touch the shoulder and two and three and four and five and six. Good and center and up. Let's place the right foot on the former platform.

Now again, we're going to keep in mind though centering the two hip bones nice and straight. And what I want you to do is think in terms of balance and just bend the knee forward as if it's an a lunge. Now you can place your hands right here on the um bar or you can keep your hands out, whichever you feel more comfortable with, but you want to just keep a nice straight line and stretch the lake good. And then take it forward and back and forward and stretch. Good forward and stress.

You're keeping the whole body in alignment and you're not wobbling off to the side and front and back. Take the arms up and what I want you to do is just gently lengthen. Think of linkedin over the leg too. You can still hold onto the bar six, seven and a. And then lift up and with the hands in front, lift the knee up the right knee up. Hold it for five counts and release it down. Okay. How'd that feel? All right, let's do the left leg and take it forward. Feeling your centering.

And this is a nice, simple forward and back and two and back and three and spa and four. And so this is also to keep you aware of thinking of the two legs as one to help with the balance and it's all coming from the center and forward. And let's lift the arms up and exhale, reach out over the foot. Two, three, good fee. You should feel a nice stretch behind the hamstring. And uh, arms in front.

Be Aware of the centering first cause we're going to do another balance. You're going to lift the leg up and hold every five counts, two, three, four, five and place it down. Okay. All right, let's go ahead and start with the on the um, reformer. I'm also starting to work a lot with internal and external rotation cause I'm finding that the pips are so used to being turned out in parallel, but they really don't do internal very much. And we want just like we want a spine that goes forward and back. We want hips that can internally rotate as well as externally rotate.

So we're gonna do the leg and the foot work with a slight little twist. Okay. And you're going to start coming forward and he's going to roll down one vertebrae at a time. Now be aware of the alignment principles we were talking and something that also may help a lot of people who tend to clump into themselves that have a hard time feeling their naval pulls at the spine. I use what I call a belly bag that you can also use a bag of rice or you can use a weight I a leg weight or something. But I have found that by placing the weight of the lower abdominals, it helps us separate between the rib cage of the pelvis.

Be aware of pulling the naval to the spine and also because we want those two hip bones straight. If w if the belly bag starts to shift off to one side, that's also telling me that my hip is being raised and we want to always keep, as I said, those hipbones nice and straight. So I'm using the belly bag with Lesley and what he's going to do, he's just going to take a nice breath as he inhales and he's going to do for in an external rotation on the um, turnout position where the feet turned out and he takes a four count back and a four count and now I'm going to have him turn into a parallel position. And again, it's taking the carriage out and forward in nail two and forward three and four. And I want to have an internally rotate, meaning the knees are together and the feet appear there as if they're pigeon toed, but they're not. We really want to internally rotate from the hips because the hips, we have to keep very, very strong.

That goes with the whole core of the body and with an internal rotation one and forward two, three, um, four. Okay. All together. Now let's go hit from here onto the turn out position and we're going to press out one and then forward. Inhale two, three, [inaudible] four. Okay. Go into a parallel position and press one, two, three, four. And now he's going to internally rotate from the knees just a little bit, just a slight curve. And, and press out. One, two, three and for, okay, I'm going to have him do the same heel position, but in the second position with the feet open, we're going to do four of 'em turnout, one and forward two, three, four.

And now we parallel and press one and forward two, three, four. And now internally rotate and press out. One, two, three and for, okay. How'd that feel? Good. A little, a little weird, but good. Huh? Okay. Now we're going to, we are going to do one prehensile cause it's very important to keep the feet as flexible as possible. Another reason why we lose balance a lot is that our feet are losing their flexibility and we tend to just clump on it. So the s the more flexible we can keep the feet and the [inaudible], which are the top of the of the feet, which is an area that never gets a practice too much with the better. We'll be so on here. But the difference on the prehensile hand was like a monkey hanging over a tree.

But I see this done incorrectly all the time. What I want you to do is take a slow and I just want you to take the carriage out halfway and then instead of pushing back, I want you to think of just pressing in the bottoms of these to the floor and pulling the heels towards me. All right. And what I like to do is give a little hands on stretching, put the hands into here so we have a nice stretch behind the calves now keeping the heels under as much as they can. You've been the knees and come forward and keeping those magnets going. Good. And again, back halfway, just halfway.

And then press the knees down so it's not really a full range of motion where you go all the way back. It's just halfway back and pull under and forward and back and pull under and forward and back and pull under and forward and back and press under and forward. We're going to keep it there halfway and just press the knees under. Now I'm going to keep the heels, press tourism is much as possible as the bins, the knees and comes forward. And one more straighten and press under and keep the heels under as much as you can and think with the feet as much as you can. Stretch over the bar and it's not so much currently the feet as it is thinking of arching them as much as you can. All right, cause by curling them can sometimes create um, some cramping in the feet.

Okay, let's go into the toe position and the gimbal are going to do the, the, um, external and internal rotation. Let's start with a external rotation and inhale, press and forward and two and forward and three and four and four and four. I'm sorry. Actually we started with the turnout position. I think I would like you in second position for this. Okay. And let's do it again.

Inhale one and forward two and forward three and forward four and forward. Okay. And now let's go into a parallel position and press one and forward two and forward three. Four. Okay, good. And then an internal again, internally from the hips and press one, two, three, four and come forward. All right, very nice. Okay, we're going to do some single leg [inaudible].

We're going to take off a spring. Probably a blue spring is pretty strong so we can do it, but at the same time he's going to be concentrating more on his form than it is he is on the strength. I'm going to use that push the cough analogy that you told me once that you can make the simple some movements as hard as you can. Even Baryshnikov would, could build up a sweat while he was just doing his simple plea A's. Okay, so that's the idea. You worked on how to work more internally as much as you can. And inhale one and extend the leg out.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Tan last two 11. One more. Okay. And 12. Okay. Let's extend the leg and I want you to flex the foot and point and flex. We'll do that six times and point and 3.4 0.5 0.6 okay.

And bend the knee and forward. Okay. Other leg. Extend and bring it in. Now notice also keeping his leg as straight as you can. I see so many people doing the first or this position where they drop the heel into the butt, but try to keep it up. Point really extending out.

Six, seven. Hey, notice I'd like to conduct a little bit. I can't help it. I sway all the time. One more and extend the leg up from under the buttocks and flex the foot and point. Flex point. Flex point. Flex point.

Flex point. Flex. Okay. Bend the knee and forward. Okay. We're just going to finish the leg on the foot. Work with some Nice, uh, we used to call it running in place. Think more of prancing or walking in place. I'm going to is, is more, more of a stretch for the calves and hip stability for the hips rather than strengths. I would just want you to go back and you're going to inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale and n, yeah. In and get one heel as low as you can and you get the other heel is high as you can really work through the feet. Again, a lot balance comes with the flexibility and the strength of those feet as well.

So be aware of every single muscle working every toe on the bar. [inaudible] three more, N and two more. N and one more. N and, and last one. And in and, and forward. All right, we're going to do a c, um, the abdominals now with a little bit of a twist because one of the things, um, we baby boomers like to do is to keep our minds as active as we can and we have to sort of keep those synapsis going. So we're going to take you, I'm going to take the belly bag off. We're going to go down to one spring, or actually because you're a guy, you could probably use a VA red and a blue, but for most people it would be about for a red take the straps, he brings the knees into the tabletop position first. That's just to always make sure that you're not pressing on the back too much. And uh, you can keep your leg straight if you'd like, but we're going to be switching positions from the hips. Take the arms down and began. First of all, let's just do three, just arms down and up.

So you make sure that you really work in the abdominals and pressing it down. And that's what's lowering down. If you have trouble with your knees straight, by all means, bend them into what we call the tabletop and okay, and now let's just have fun with that. Follow along and lift the upper body up and go. One, two, three, four. She flips the thing, she out, she liked the legs straight up. She opened the legs, she closed the legs, lower the right leg, lower the left leg, both legs up and release. Okay. Very nice and release. Okay.

Hope you had a little fun with that. At least it keeps your mind on your body, which is what we want it to be and again, I love to always give a nice little stretch in between. Most of the exercises just makes the client feel good. Sure does. And Four. Okay. We're going to go on to two reds. We're going to do the um, sure, I sure. Spine series, but we're not going to go into the full short spine.

We're going to do again, work on that internal and external rotation a little bit. Where were we really working in the hips. The head rest goes down after the leg and the foot work and the foot and age. Other side. Okay.

Let's start first with bringing the heels into the center of the body. We're keeping that alignment. The two hips are stable and just press out using the buttocks. Make sure you use those buttocks. Remember, we're three dimensional not to [inaudible] to an inhale. Exhale, press five, press.

Think of squeezing the inner thighs together. If you're wobbly and about a little bit, that means that you're not centered enough and use the buttocks. Okay, let's go into a parallel position. And now let's just try and internal rotation and then parallel and turn out. So what we're going to do, or some leg circles and all three positions, and I'm going to stand up. I was going to sit over here right on the bar so I can keep a good look on exactly how straight his body is and keep making sure that those two hip bones are straight. So let's just start with some external rotation.

I'm open and around. Just think of the inner thighs together to and around. Good three. I'm going to move my hands. Four. Okay. And now let's do four with parallel one and around.

But all the movement is still emanating from the center three, four and now the tough part. Think of a little internal rotation good too. And as he lifts his feet up in this totally straight line or very good, and now go into the turn out. Again, we're going to reverse it. You're going to lift the legs up. I'm sorry. O open first and then press down two and press three and press four out.

Okay? Now we're going to do parallel round one, two, three, four, and now with an internal rotation, one, two, three, and four. Okay, and then parallel. Alright. Okay. Let's take the feet straight up. Grab a hold of the Poles, and now this is going to stretch the hamstrings in the back, which you're able to control it better. All I'm asking you is to please pull the belly down, feel the stretch in the back of the legs and is take a few moments to feel your back. Really lengthening and the tailbone lengthening. There you go. Good. One more time. Breathe. Inhale, and then exhale. Okay, let's look good, but in the knees and release.

The next exercise we're going to do is the stomach massage one that is not done as often as I would like. Joe Polato. He's loved it because it was really about working the inners muscles, inner being of the stomach as much as you can, and also it helps with little thing called prolapse and keeping all those muscles really tight that help to control all of our inner organs. All right, so it's really important to think of the muscles coming up and almost under the rib cage. All right, but we're going to have a little bit of a help with a wedge and a ball. Sometimes I use a bigger ball, but you're going to see, this is going to help not just with with your stomach massage, but also opening up the shoulders and opening up the upper back. Okay, so you grab the wedge and I'm going to place this ball sort of right at his lower back.

Okay? Okay, so the fee, we're going to start first with the summit massage. The feet are going to be on the bar. This can also be without the wedge, but for our purposes today as a little bit easier with this, you can really concentrate in pulling the abdominals up and under the rib cage. I'm sorry. Actually we want three springs. So just put a blue one. Usually we do it with two reds and a blue.

So we're going to start with just a simple, pull it up and you press it in the carriage back. Inhale, drop the heels under the bar, lift and then forward. And the more he pulls the those abdominals up and under the rib cage, the more internally we can work all the muscles around the Oregon am 4:00 AM and five and and six and and seven and and eight and and nine we'll do 10 and 10 [inaudible]. Okay. Now what we're going to do, cause we're going to also open up the chest, we're going to open up the upper back and we're going to get a little stretch for that upper back. As a posture is a big deal with everybody. Even the young people these days from the base of the spine, I want you to feel each vertebrae grow, lengthen as you take the carriage back and the arms around and open up the chest to the sky. Good drop and now lift and then contract and forward.

So what he does, he lifts, open out, forward, good lift, open and very nice. Forward and open and yeah, forward think the chest up to the sky and forward and oh no, stay back there Leslie. And just do some lice arm circles. One, two, three, four and reverse and one and two, three and for, oh, okay. Okay. Okay. And then round. So he is contracting as well as opening up and lifting and opening up his ribcage and his sternum. Okay. And back one more time. Good and forward. Okay. Let's see.

What I'd like you to do is take your right leg out and place it on the floor. And I'd like to take your left leg out and place it on the floor. I want both hands on the side of the um, before, before Hummer and move your middle of your body more towards the front. I'm going to move the ball and just want a simple opening up the back as you take an opening up the knees, two, three, four and reach six, seven and eight. And now he sits up nice and tall.

He turns around and does a nice rotation for the spine. And again, as a teacher, I love to give the hands on stretching and come over here and is linkedin. And again, it's the linkedin up and out of the rib cage. No clumping and the other side and lengthen up. I've got a nice crack there. Forward. Okay, let's open up the sternum even more.

We've got to get away from this computer posture thing was happening with everything arms out to the side. And what you're going to do is just slice the arms back behind you in two, three, four and [inaudible]. Sure. So open up two, three. Feel the shoulder blades closed and open. Seven, eight, turn the hands. Two, three, four and [inaudible] in two, three, four and sh sure.

Hands up in two, three, four and [inaudible]. Okay. And two, three, four and [inaudible]. Okay, keep it open. Inhale, lift, turn and press. Turn, lift, turn and press down.

And one more time. Inhale and press and release. Let's just circle the shoulders as I feel good for fevers and one, two, three, and four. Okay. Inhale. Up and back. Now we're going to go into the pelvic press. I want you to lie down and I want you to put a foot on either side here of the pole of the foot bar. Okay, the head is nice and he ret, we're lengthening in that spine again.

Now as I mentioned, you are as young as your spine is flexible and we want to really keep that flexibility and openness of the spine. So what again, what I'd like you to do is to think of number in the vertebrae. One, two, three, four, five. It just kind of helps in articulating the spine and we're going to start with a few simple moves and then move on. And I want you to think of the first three vertebrae and where you're going to squeeze the buttocks and gently lifted up one, two, three and then down to three and until the other way, this is particularly if you wake up in the morning and you're stiff instead of just going into a pelvic presses, a nice way to warm yourself up and until the pell was one, two, three and without moving the carriage as much as, because you're going to have to really use the buttocks and tilt it the other way. Good. Now we're going to come to four. One, two, three, four and roll it down. Two, three, four and tilt the other way. Two, three, four. So you were tilting a down center and up and tilt it up to three. We're going to go to five and roll it down. Two, three, four, five and till or extend the other way and center and tilt up to six.

We'll go up to seven, five, six. Roll it down. Two, three, four, five, six. Tilt the other way. Two three, four, five, six and last one, but on seven one, three, four, five, six, seven. Roll it down. Two, three, four, five, six, seven and under two, three, four. Okay, good. And release. And that you can do almost every morning and night. You can do it line in your bed or on the floor, but it's really, it's terrific. And warming up, particularly the lower back. So from here though, we're going to keep that same articulation of the spine as we lift up. You're going to keep the buttocks up and you're going to engage those glute muscles, particularly don't grip onto the thighs and we're going to take the carriage back to a full extension if we can without dropping the butt and the taking it forward. Okay, so feet on either side, she tilts the pelvis up, he presses back, keeping the buttocks lifted and forward and then articulating the spine, rolling down one vertebrae at a time. Good. And again, tilt the pelvis, lift up and press back and forward and slowly roll it down and tilt up and back and forward and slowly down.

And when I say slowly, I mean more with control. All right, so you feel each vertebrae literally separating from each other and tilt the pelvis up and back and forward and roll down. Okay. Very good. So keeping with our flexibility and our balance idea, we're going to continue with the internal and external with the pellet press. So he's going to turn the feet out. He just didn't parallel and he's going to do three of those in external and then he's gonna do three internal. Okay. So tilt the pelvis up and one and forward and two and forward and three forward.

Good. And then roll it down and I was going to do three internal. The knees are together, these are facing each other. Hips are rotated and tilt up and press one and forward and two and forward and three and forward. And then roll it down one vertebrae at a time and heels together. The heels together, I'm sorry. In parallel position, flex the feet and let's do one with the parallel.

Tilt the pelvis up and press back one and forward and two and forward and three and forward and slowly roll it down. One Vertebrae at a time. Contract, contract, contract and release. Okay. Very nice. Leslie, you'll okay. Okay, good. Let's sit on up and we're going to stretch a little bit. The, so as muscle, the PSOAS is the muscle that allows us to stand up and a lot of people, particularly if it gets very tight, very short in here and there, it's hard to stand up. So we want to keep the psoas muscle as stretches we can. So we're going to do one and you're going to just put the foot, the knee down. The chest is going to stay high as he just lengthens the leg out and keep the thigh on the carriage, hold it for three counts, one, two, three. And then as he lifts, he lifts up from the center. So he's just not bringing the knee in. He's actually gliding up and press bat. Go back as far as you're comfortable and forward.

If your knee bothers you, put something under your knee by all means. And three back [inaudible] and forward and now just for a little bit more challenged that you can choose to do or not. He takes the carriage all the way back. He lifts the back knee up and he comes forward on the front knee and then he straightens the front knee good and forward. So again, we want to keep the hip stability three and four and five and front.

Okay. And release and up. Alright, good. Let's do the other side. Men particularly get very, very tight and they're so as muscle best from doing so many years of sports where they're, you know, contracting and those hip flexors and Psoas. So much so that men love this as those young dancers like Leslie. Okay. And press out and lift up and too good keeping shoulders, square, shoulder blades down. What I love about Polaris is usually one part of the body, but the whole body is engaged as it is when we're a been out in the real world and one more and hold too and good.

Lift the knee and come forward and back and forward and back, keeping the hips stable and forward. Keep the chest up and back and forward and back. One more and forward and back. Good and release and come on up. All right. Let's see.

I want you to turn with your left foot against the shoulder pad. Now you can either hold on or you also want to put on another blue spring. I have a red spring. When you want to put a blue spring on, or perhaps for a man who maybe could use two reds, you have to kind of see how how it feels, but again, we're going to be working that hip area and the buttocks, this whole area helping us with, again, with our, with our balance and our stability. So either he feels confident enough he could just do it straight up. If you need to put your hand on the bar, it's okay, but basically he's going to take the knee in and extend it out using the hip and bring it in. Good. Two and three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Last, two, nine, one more and 10. Good.

He keeps the foot against the foot bar as he turns forward, the entire foot is on. We're going to be working the buttocks muscle. Good. If he wants to hold onto the bar, he can. If he wants more challenge, he can do it standing up. But it's basically using the buttocks muscles to take it back and isolating that part of the body too and making sure the hip bones stay staring straight. Three, four, five, six. Really Elongate the leg. Eight nine Tan last two 11 one more and 12 and release. All right. Okay. We're gonna do the other side.

Okay. And one, two, three, four. We tend to source those ice skaters, right? Are Those six seven but work from the hip, eight, nine, 10 last two 11 and 12 good. And then he turns forward, the foot is straight up and extend to, he uses the muscles of the lower back and the bit and the buttocks to extend six and we'll link the legs. Seven, eight, nine, 10 less to 11 one more and 12 okay, good. Let's work a little bit on our chest and the upper back and keeping that posture erect.

I want you to sit on your knees facing forward and as we're going to also work with the breathing and with even our neck muscles a bit because we tend to get so stiff in that area. So I want you to hold on, place your fingertips here. And what I want you to do, I might take, I want to use, just use one red for this, although Leslie could probably use a red and a blue, but it's again more important to really open up the chest. I want you to inhale open. Now you hold that as you exhale to the right x, you exhale to the left and then complete the movement forward and you're going to be at a slight angle back. So you're going to be incorporating their buttocks as well. Inhale, open.

Exhale, right. Exhale, left and forward, back and right, left and forward and back and right, left and forward and back and right, left. Okay. And for really feel the stretch on the neck. Really turn the, rotate that neck and forward three more back. Hold it and right left and forward. Two more back and right. Left and last one and back and right.

Left and forward. That's can we tell like the elbows are on a tabletop or we're just gonna use the um, biceps this time and you're going to bring it in? One and two. Open three. Open Four. Open. Five.

Good. Again, the higher you Kip, the elbows, the more challenging will be. You can also keep the elbows by the side of the body, but it's more that he stays erect. Uses the bicep muscles. Ten two more and 11 one more. And [inaudible] 12 okay, good. And release and release. Okay.

We're going to do one last one before the last one before the last one question. It's going to be on the box. It's going to seem hard but really is it. But what it is is going to incorporate our, our last, our inner thighs and our abdominals. So we're going to take the box. I'm going to place it on the carrot. The other way, the long box we want to springs on are the two springs, a red and a blue. Actually, I think it should just be a red for most people for you, cause you're a big, strong guy and you're going to be on your back and facing forward facing your head up.

You're going to take a hand in each, and what you're going to do is bend your knees, lift your legs up. If you can't get them all the way up, keep it on a tabletop. You're going to open up the legs and the arms and you're just going to close it together. One and then open, and two. Now the hands more the side of the body. Three more. The side of the body for good. Okay.

Five zone. We Chan like you're almost a crack in a wall, but under the armpit. Six, seven. Good. Hey, so we're working the inner thighs. We're working the abdominals, and we're thinking with our heads too. Ten two more. 11 one more. And 12 now bring the knees into the chest.

Put your hands on top of the knees. Now take the arms back and then close it all in. And two and close, and three and close. Four. Inhale. Exhale. Right. We're just gonna do one more of these and six good and release and placed the feet back and come off of the bar.

So the movements here are designed to keep you flexible, to keep the hips strong, to keep your mind active and thinking, do whatever you can, but as long as you just keep moving because it's important for all of us to move, no matter how old we are, we're the, we're nine or 90 so with that, I want to thank my teacher, Leslie, and I want to just do a nice basing me together. Always, again, leaving with the same as we started. Take a breath, inhale, and then exhale down and lift up and press down and lift up and press down. And let's just do it one more time and inhale up and press. And I thank you very much.


Nice solid class! Good cuesI especially liked the arms in stomach massage!
Thank you Allison!! Glad you liked it!
This was my first time doing a workout session. It is very doable.
Doable is important! Thank you Tiffany
Where did you find that reformer wedge? Thanks for offering this class.
Hi David, Thanks for your comment. You can find wedges sold in PT catalogues I believe. You can also use a ball behind the back as well. I find that works just as well.
Awesome class! As always your class is so great! Your cues and the breathings are great! I especially liked the addition to the psoas stretch where you stretch your hamstrings. This class is not just baby boomers, it is great for all ages! Thank you I loved it!
Thank you Bita! Glad you liked it.
Good workout! Nice to see something for the Boomers, and everyone else who are interested in finding balance in their workouts.
Enjoyed the class, liked the reminders of more internal external rotation with footwork, and the addition of armwork with stomach massage. Great clear cueing and extra info on the actual exercise. Was really helpful. Will definitely look up more of your classes. Thanks so much.
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