Class #2116

Strong and Sweaty Circuit

35 min - Class


You'll be dripping in sweat after taking this Mixed Equipment workout with Kevin Bowen. He teaches a circuit class using the Mat, Tower, and Wunda Chair, where he plays with tempo and isometric holds to add a bit of a challenge. He also uses Leg Pull Front and Back as transitions, which will make you will feel so strong when you are finished!
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair, Mat, Tower, Mixed Equipment

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Hello, I'm Kevin Bowen and I'm back at [inaudible] anytime and we're going to do a short interval workout utilizing the map, the tower and our chairs. You want to make sure that you've got your tower set up with your roll down bar in place. You're also gonna need some arms springs. You're going to need push through bars, springs and as well your leg springs. So it's best to have everything set up in advance to make sure they're adjusted at the right height and the right spring tension for whoever's going to be doing the workout today. Joining me is Haley and DJ and they are going to be the two workout guru ladies who will help me put this together and make it be something that you will enjoy doing. So to get started, we're going to do a little bit of a warmup.

What we're gonna do is they're just going to lie flat on their back with their knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and they're going to breathe in their nose and out their mouth just to get out of their head and into their body and they're going to keep their knees separated and they're going to begin to start to move their legs side to side with the knees bad. They're going to go to their right, to the center, to their left and to the center, to the right again and center and left again and center one more time, right and center and left and center. Then they're going to bring their legs together so they're touching. They'll do the same thing again, dropping to the right, coming to the center, to the left and to the center. One more time to the right and center and left and center and they'll stop.

They'll separate their knees again, making sure their feet are flat on the floor. And then we're going to do a little bit of a hip escalator, so we're going to inhale to prepare. Exhale, curl the tail bones up with the pelvis up in the air and hold it there for a count of five, four, three, two, one, and they're going to exhale and articulate back down at the bottom. Inhale again. Exhale, curl the tailbone up. Lift the pelvis up in the air, hold it at the top for a count of five, four, three, two, and one and one more time. Here we go. Releasing down, starting at the bottom. Inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone up. Pelvis comes up. Hold it there. We're going to count to 10 now, stabilizing 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Big Inhale and exhale and articulate the spine back down, releasing.

Excellent, great. We're going to move to the upper body. Now they're going to reach their arms straight up in the air. Their hands are going grab their elbows and they're going to rotate their upper arms around their upper body and release through their shoulders four times in each direction. That's a reverse good. Two, two more. They're going to release their grasp.

They're going to reach their arms up and they're just going to paddle their arms back and forth. Great. Good. Finishing up. Four, three, two and one in both arms. We'll come back down to their side and they're going to go on their stomach or prom. Arms are at their side, forearms are down. There you go. They're going to put sound like they have a little marble in front of their nose and they're going to take a breath in. Inhale as they XL, they're going to curl and lift the head up and press gently into the floor. Not coming up too high.

Inhale at the top and exhale and release back down. And we're going to do that one more time. Inhale, push the marble. Exhale. When you get up to the top, inhale the air and exhale and come back down. And one last time, push the little marvel. Breathe in. Come all the way up this time. Straighten your arms as best you can.

Come all the way up. Turn your head to the right and to the center, to the left, to the center. One more time, right center, left center release. And come all the way back down. Excellent. One Hand. Now comes on top of the other one. So their foreheads resting there. You're going to think first. Lengthen your legs out and you're going to lift the right leg up and release it down and the left leg up and release it down and the right leg up and release it down and the left leg up and release it down. This time. Hold the right up. So bring it up. Bring the left up and swim just with your legs.

Inhale for four. Exhale for four. Inhale for, for great. Exhale for four. Inhale for four. Exhale for four. One more time. Inhale for four, exhale for four and stop. Release the legs down. Sit Up and sit back into rest position and take three. Great big breaths. Breathe in, breathe out again, breathe in, breathe out. And one more time. Breathe in and breathe out. Next onto your hands and knees, quad repair position. And let's do a cat stretch, a big cat stretch.

Rounding your back like a cat. Great. Flatten it out and then arch a little bit and try to look up slightly towards the ceiling. Good. And again, round back. Drop the head. Good shoulders. Stay back and away from your ears. Flatten the backout arch slightly. Look up towards the ceiling. Excellent.

And one more time round the back. Come to a neutral position, an arch. Excellent. Back to neutral. Very, very good. Good. Step the right foot back and hold it.

Step the left foot back and hold it and hold our leg pole position for five, four, three, two, one. Kneel down. Sit back and take a little stretch reaching your fingertips forward in your hands forward. Excellent. Then turn around, you're going to grab the roll down bar and we're going to do five roll downs and roll-ups. Go. Yup. Here we go. Okay. Inhale to prepare and exhale and roll the body back down.

Inhale, when you get to the bottom, exhale, head tilt, curl up, scoop, deepen your abdominals and round all the way up. Sit Up nice and tall. Inhale again. Exhale, curl and release back down. Excellent. Inhale at the bottom. Exhale, head tilt, curl up, scooped deep, reach over, sit up. We've got three more. Inhale, exhale, curl and release. Back Down. Inhale at the bottom and exhale and curl and come back up.

Very good. Inhale again. Exhale, curl and go down. Inhale at the bottom and exhale and come on back up and let's do one more. Here we go. Inhale, exhale, release, and go all the way back down. Inhale at the bottom and exhale and come all the way back up. Excellent. They're going to release the bar. Now, let it go, and they're going to stand up.

They're going to come a little closer to the tower and they're going to grab on with their hands on the side of the tower a little bit lower, have their legs about hip distance apart, and what they're going to do is squat back and stretch and come back up and then a little bit of a rapid pace down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up. We've got six more down, up, down, up, down, up. Last three down and last one. Great. Now stretch all the way back. Press the pelvis back and give yourself a little stretch there. Excellent. Good. And then bring yourself back up tall. Turn around.

Be careful with all the accoutrement here on the tower and reach back and grab the tower top. Okay. There's a couple of options here because this can be very challenging. You're just going to hang. That's option number one. Option number two is lift your knees. Option number three is straight legs and you have to do 10.

So hanging would be 10 seconds. Are we ready? Here we go. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one. All right. Release and let go. Yeah, that feels good, doesn't it? Okay. Now you're going to get back down on your mats. We're going to be supine and you're going to put your feet into the leg springs. So go ahead and take your heads around, get into the leg springs. Once you get your feet in the legs, springs reach back and hang on to your upright supports on your tower.

And we're going to start with walking. We're going to go down and uh, and again, down and up, down and up. We've got three more down and up. Good. Down and up. And one last time. Moving down, bringing it back up. Good. Now pull out. Come about halfway. Turn the toes out, heels together. Bend your knees in for a little frog and press back out.

And again, you're going to bend in and press out. Good. Bend in and press out. In and out. In and out. We're going to do five more in, reach it out, in and out. Last three in and out.

Two and out, and one. Excellent. Hold it out. Points your feet. Bring your legs down and sweep them around to the side. Big Leg circles and watch out for your neighbor because you're labeled to hit your neighbor. Circle around. Come up. You may need to make them a little bit smaller. Good.

We're going to do 10 in each direction. Word four and five. Excellent. Six. Five. I'm not even counting correctly, am I? Oh, okay. We got one more change direction. Here we go. Out to the side. Watch your spacing. Circle around. Two, three, four. Excellent.

Five, six, seven. Very good. You've got three more. Three to [inaudible] and one we'll finish off with the little bicycle, reaching our legs out right and left, letting the springs drop towards the insides of your legs and the knees turn out slightly. Very good. Reach it out. We try to keep the pelvis very stable. Lengthen the legs out of the pelvis and reverse.

Take it back back. Good. Keep reaching nice and long through the legs. There we go, and finish it up. Bring both legs straight up. Bend your knees in and take your feet out of the loops. All right, you can just place those away. Now we're going to turn around. We're going to bring our hands down.

We're going to come into the leg pull front position. Once you get up into the position, we're going to hold it for a count of 10. Here we go. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four. Good. Three, two, and one kneel down. Okay. Turn yourself around so you're facing up. We're going to do the leg pull front position and hold that for 10 as well.

Fingertips either pointed forward to the side or to the rear. Whatever's easiest on your shoulders. Inhale to prepare. Exhale, bring yourself up. Hold the position. Here we go. And 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one release down. Breathe a sigh of relief. And then we're going to come on over to the chairs. Okay, so we'll want to adjust the chair springs so that they're appropriate for footwork or for pumps. We're going to start once we get up there into Palladio's V and we're going to start with five at the regular pace. So we're just going to holding our arms here or here.

DJ said a little bit more forward. There we go. And we're going to press down. Come up down, come up, three, come up. That's good. Four come up and five. Excellent. Now press it down and up. Slow down and up, down and up. Down and up. This time down, hold it for five, four, three, two, one. Release it and bring it back up. Excellent. Parallel position. So the same thing.

You're going to press down and up for five up to the re four and five. This time slot, we're going to press down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up. Last one. Hold it down for [inaudible] five and release it up. And the last one is the wide position. So your heels will come to the outside. The feet will turn out. Hold that.

And we're going to press right down and up, down and up. Great. And up for an upcoming forward five and up. Now, slow down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down. Hold for five, four, three, two, one. Bring it back up. Excellent. Okay. Back on the mouth's again. We're going to go to the leg pull front position. And we're going to hold for 10. We've done this before.

Okay. Right into position again, holding for 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one. Kneel down. Take a little break. Um, uh, turn it around for the leg pulled back position. Choose your hand position either forward, side, or back. Inhale to prepare. Exhale. Lift yourself back up and hold.

10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, release. Ah, very good. Okay. Now we're gonna use the tower again. So first we're going to stand up. We're going to go back to those standing squats. We did at the beginning where you hang on to the tower legs are about hip distance apart and you're going to sit back.

So you're going to sit down two up, three up, four up five, six. We've got four more. Here we go. Four, three, two. Excellent. One. Very good. Okay, now we're gonna go to the push through bar sprung from the top. So they're going to put two springs on the bar and then they're going to lie down supine and they're going to put their feet up on the push through bar and I'm probably will them with this and you probably should help your students as well. We're going gonna make sure they're in the correct position and we're just going to do a little bit of leg work here, so with both legs. So go ahead and push it through and you got it. Yeah.

Okay. Scoot back just a little bit, TJ. All right, straighten your legs out. Now we're going to bring the bar back and straighten it up. Just straighten your legs, don't lift your pelvis off and then bring it back down again. Pressing it through. Keep the pelvis very stable. Bring, bring the bar back, press it back up to straight, straight in the legs and back down again. Good. And bring it back through.

Straighten your legs and again, bring it down, press it through, bring it back up. Good. And again, pull it down, stabilize the pelvis, bring it back, bring it up and again, bring it down. Bring it back in through. Ring it up. We're going to do one more, bringing it down through and back in up. Now we're going to up the ante a little bit. They're going to take their right leg off and straighten it out on the floor.

This may be a little bit too heavy, in which case you'll have to adjust. We're just gonna use one leg to bring the bar down. We okay, excellent. And they're going to bring it back through. We're going to do six on each side, so bring the bar down, press it through, trying not to rock and roll through your pelvis too much, trying to stay as stable as possible. Great. And bring it through. You've got to hold on it up here. There you go. Bring it down and press it through.

Good and again, and let's do one more. Straighten it out, bring it down, bring it up. When they get to the top, they're going to switch legs so they can do the other leg, straightening the left leg out, stabilizing through the pelvis and bring the bar down and press it through and bring it back and up. Good. And again, bringing it down, pressing it through, bringing it back and up. Good. And again, bring it down and bring it back enough. We've got three more to go down and through. It's getting a little warm in here isn't, ah, bring it down and press it through. Bring it back and up. Let's do one more. Bring it down, press it through and you're back and up. Excellent. Okay, now we've got to take the springs off the push through bar.

We're going to put them away and get them out of the way. They're going to come back up, turning around, and we're going to do the leg pull. Front position again, holding for 10. Once they get up, they're going to zip up the legs. Squeeze the bone under your butt a little bit. There you go. On hold for ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Kneel down. Flip around, choose your arm position and your hand position. Bring your pelvis up.

Inhale, exhale, lift up, hold 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, release down. Excellent. Big Inhale and exhale, relax a little bit. Okay, we're going to go back to the chairs now and we're going to do some swan on the chairs, so they're going to go prone or down on their stomach. Very good. Make sure your chairs are adjusted so the weight is not too heavy. We're going to start in a nice neutral position and then we're going to allow the chair pedal to bring us up. Bring it up and XLM go down.

And again, inhale, come up. Exhale, go down. No rocking on this, just upper body extension. Inhale, come up. Exhale, go down. And again, inhale up. [inaudible]. Exhale down. Good. Inhale up. [inaudible] XL down. They've got five more to do. So here we go. Inhale, come up. Exhale, come down. Inhale, come up. Exhale, come down. Three more. Inhale up. Exhale down. Inhale up. Zip it up. There we go. Exhale down. And one more time.

Inhale up, hold your head and exhale down. Back to a neutral position. Pumping the arms with the elbows. Narrow. Here we go. Press down, up. Two, up, three, up, four, up, five, up, six, seven. Lift your head up just a little bit. Eight, two more. Nine and 10. Okay. We're going to try to go to one arm. Okay. You can either hold the position for 10 or do 10 pumps. That's up to you.

10, nine, eight, seven. Good. TJ, six, five, four, three, two, all the way down and switch. Get yourself align yourself. Don't try to rush into it. Here we go. Pump or not? One, two, three, four, five. That's up a little higher. Six, seven, eight, two more. Nine and 10. Put both arms back down.

Try to restabilize your body. Reintegrate and bring your whole body back up. Continuing on the chair, we're going to flip around so we're seated on the chair for the press back. So there are two options. You can either leave your knees bent or have your legs or you're going to flip around this way.

DJ Straight out in front of you so you can choose the option that you would like to use. Get your fingertips so they're pointed towards an n. There we go. And Good Haley, come forward a little bit. Just be careful there. Okay, and we're going to go, we're going to go press [inaudible] down. Come up, down, up. We're gonna only gonna do five down, up four and one. We're going to do five more. What? We are going to come higher this time.

So we go down, lift up, down, lift up. That's it. A little higher and try to round it now at the end up. Good. Down, up. One more. Down, up, and this time come all the way up. Reach your arms out in front to give yourself a nice stretch. Bring your arms up overhead. We're going to go to the left side.

So we're going to rotate to the left one arm. Squeeze the legs together or keep them bent down and up. Only five times. And I promise only five times. It's down and up, down and up. Last three down and up. Good to end up. One more time.

Okay. Come all the way. I've tried to bring your arms back up over your head. Twist around to the opposite side. Take your arm down and press down and up. Good. Down and up. Down and up. Good.

Only two more and up. Down. Come all the way up. Breech your arms up. Open them out to the side. Bring them down. Bend your legs. You can get up your chairs and come on over to your maths. Again, back to the leg. Pool position. Front. We've done this before many times now, right? Get in your position.

Line your line, your hands up. Hold. Zip it all up. Ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Kneel down. Sit back and take a little stretch. Ah, excellent. Turn around going into lake. Pull back. Choose your arm and hand position. Inhale to prepare. Exhale, bring yourself up. Hold the position. They are. 10, nine, good. Haley, seven, six, down a little. Five, four, three, two, and one release down.

You may want to take your right arm up and give yourself a little bit of a stretch here. Great. And then release it and go to the left side and stretch it. Yeah. Are we good? Now stand up. We're going to come back to the tower. We're going to use the arms springs now, so make sure you have an appropriate weight. Arms Spring. You don't want it to be too heavy.

You're going to stand on the squishy mat and get your feet really anchored. Let's come into PyLadies v. Lean into it a little bit and we're going to do some punches. Okay. By this point you probably want to punch me. So here we go. We're going to punch right and back and left and back.

Right and back and left and back again. Press and back. Left and back, and watch your shoulder. That's it. Left and back. Three more on each side. Punching. Good. Excellent. One more. Each arm. Press, press. Okay. Little super woman here. Okay. Little super woman.

We're going to reach out and open your arms back around and again, here we go. Reach out through your balance off. Open your arms, back around. Reach out through your balance. Off. Good. Come up on your toes when you reach out. Whoa. And come back around. That said, here we go. Reach. Come back around. Come on Hailey. You can do it. Here we go. Reach. Beautiful. Come back around. Only two more reach. Come back around and one last time, reach and come back around a little dessert.

A little butterfly. Reach up and rotate around. Good. Ah, and bring it back up. Soft little sugar. Butterflies. Rotate around. Release through it. Good. Good. Reach it up again. Bring your arm a little lower this time. DJ this arm down. [inaudible] head up. Ah, don't close it off. Reach it up.

Let your eyes reach around with you. Stretch around. There we go. And a little dosey doe. Okay. And one more time. Reach it up. Rotate to the other side. Stretch it around and back. [inaudible] excellent. You can put those away.

You can do one more on each side and then put them away. Okay. Okay. Release them back to your favorite position. Leg pull. Here we go. Holding the position, get yourself, zip it up. Hold 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Kneel down and stretch back. Very good. Turn around leg pulled back position. Choose your arm and your hand position. Inhale to prepare.

Exhale, articulating. Come on up. Hold it there. Look down a little bit and look at your feet. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one release. Soften your knees, shake your hands out a little bit. Release through it. Okay, we're going to come back to the chair for a little washer. Woman. Make sure you have the right spring adjustments. You're going to stand in front of your chair. Okay, find that you want to. You want to stand a little bit closer with these. Inhale, reach up. Exhale, articulate in scoop and come all the way down from right there. Shoulders Open, press pedal down and come back up. Great. And again, press the pedal down and come back up. Good. And press it down and bring it up.

Press it down, bring it up again, press it down, watch your head DJ, drop it in and bring it up. That's beautiful. Down and up, down and up. Two more. We're gonna press down and we've got one more. Hole this position down. Turn your elbows out a little bit and pump the arms 10 times. Press two. Great. Three, four, five, six. Don't move your upper body. Seven, eight, two more. Press and press.

Hold it and round up. All right, bring your arms up. Reach your arms up in the air, open your arms out to the side. Excellent. Adjust the spring. Wait on the chair for the pelvis. Pull up. Okay, so you may want to have this a little bit heavier because by this point you might be a little bit fatigued in the workout and you'll need a little assistance. Step one foot on the pedal and press it down. Step the other foot on the peddle. Hold it there and get your arms in place. Wrap them around. Okay. Drop the head. Inhale and exhale. Lift up and bring it back down.

We're going to try to do 10 drop the head round through the upper body. That's good, that's good. And again, round through the upper body. Excellent. And come down and again, exhale and come down. Exhale and come down. And again, lift good GJ and come down. Lift and come down.

Lift and come down. Let's try one more and hold it at the top. All that at the top. Hold it for three, two, one. Release it down. Step one, leg off. Let the other leg slowly allow the pedal to come back up. That's very, very good. Woo. Okay. Leg Bull, run and back again. Here we go. Getting into your position. Hold it, zip it up, lengthen through it. Hold 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four. Lift up.

Three beautiful. Two, one, kneel down. Stretch it back. Ah, turn around leg, pull back. Very, very good in. He helps her prepare. Exhale, curl and lift up. Hold the position, pull it all together. Look down, hold 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Ah, shake it out a little bit. Give yourself a couple of little stretches. You get to stand up now and we're going to come back to the tower.

You're going to hang onto it. We're going to finish off our exercises with those 10 squats with the arms. So line your feet up so they're just underneath your pelvis. Bringing in a little closer together. And here we go. Down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up. Great. Up. We've got five more. Four good. Three, two, and one. All right, take a nice stretch. Just pull back, drop your head forward, stretch, ah, and then press the pelvis forward.

We're going to do a little bit of a spread eagle and arch back. Good, excellent release. Turn around. Inhale, reach your arms up. Exhale, open your arms to the side. Inhale from here, and then exhale. Just curl down and round over and just let it kind of hang just and let your head go. Let your arms go.

Excellent yourself back up all the way. That's great stage. Just as you are, bring your hands back behind you. Slide them down your body. Look up at the ceiling, stick your lower teeth out like a Shih Tzu and release. Take your head forward. Inhale, reach your arms up. Exhale, open them out to the side and give yourself a hug. You're finished. Thank you very much. Very good.


1 person likes this.
Fun class Kevin. Those poor girls were probably happy to be finished that class!
1 person likes this.
Fantastic and so challenging! Looks more of level 3... thank you for so many new ideas!
Wow... I needed this after a long Northeast winter, thank you Kevin Bowen. My new daily workout :)
3 people like this.
I liked the energy of this class. Not sure if I was dripping in sweat as mentioned in the description. More like a nice warmth. But a good quick class. A couple suggestions. Please tell us the spring tension on the chair. Not once was a number mentioned. Also, instead of just doing plank and reverse plank, how about changing things up? Leg pull front or back instead? It got redundant at times. But overall, enjoyable class.
Kevin Bowen
Thanks for all of the comments and positive helpful feedback....
Enjoy the "challenging simplicity" of the mixed equipment class!
1 person likes this.
I don't have a tower , but I do have a portable bar, MVE chair, Thera Bands and a roman chair. I was able to do the whole class except for the push thru bar part, I used the chair. Loved it
1 person likes this.
I too don't have a tower but used exercise bands attached to my wall to simulate roll downs and arm and leg work. I used a theraband to work my legs during the push through bar work. I loved this class and am continually trying to take your tower classes by just getting creative. Thanks Kevin.
1 person likes this.
I totally enjoyed this workout! Would love to see you do one using the reformer, reformer/tower combo, tower, and the chair. I usually just use a few different videos to work out everyday. The studios here do a number of classes this way. They may even throw in the spine corrector or some other piece of equipment. The way you teach has such a nice flow, the mat work, everything. I will have to do this one again!
1 person likes this.
Pele, the chair springs are very standard 3, 3 for leg pumps and pikes, drop a spring for back extensions , washer woman....agreed some choreography would be fun for front and back support.
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