Class #2117

Mat Exploration

50 min - Class


Experience a different kind of movement in this fun Mat workout with Kevin Bowen! He prepares your body for the Mat exercises by doing a pre-Pilates warm-up that completely opens you up. He also teaches techniques like Eve Gentry's one-lung breathing to help you stay connected to your breath and your core throughout the class.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Apr 01, 2015
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Hello, I'm Kevin Bolan and we're here today to do a little experiential pre PyLadies floor work and Matt Class. And I have two young ladies with me who are going to help me. I have Hailey on my left and I have daisy on my right. So we're going to work and talk through the class. This is to have fun and to experience some different kind of movement in your body and then to do a little bit of mat work so we can actually pull it all back together at the end. Okay, ladies, are we ready? Okay, lie there.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth and just take a few moments. Get Out of your head, get into your body and focus a little bit. Very good. Big, deep inhales through your nose and exhale and again and see if you can feel your back moving. Inhale deep into your back so you can feel it. Feel the weight of your back on your mat. Very good. Let's do two more and one more time. A big, big inhale and an exhale. Great.

Now starting with the right knee, you're going to lift the right knee up and then lower it down and in the left knee and lower it down just like you're walking there. Just like a little pretend bent knee walk and left and again, right up and down and left. Up and down in. One more time, right and down and left. Stop. Now just straighten the right leg out on your mat and bend it in. Come back.

And the same thing with the left. Straighten and bend. Good. And again, right. Straighten it out and bend it and again left. Straighten it out and bend again, right, and bend and left and bend in. One more time. Straighten outright and bend and left and bend. Okay, we're going to change it up a little bit. You're gonna straighten your right.

You're going to drop the knee open to the side and slide the knee up along the floor until it comes to the bent leg position. And hold it. Do the same thing on the left. Straighten the left out, drop the knee open, slide it along the floor, bring it up. Great. And do it again, right? Drop it open, bring it up and keep it bent and again, left. Straighten it out, drop it open. Bring it to the and back up. We're going to do two more. One on each side. One right, rotate it open. Slide the knee up, rotate it around, and the last time left. Drop it open.

Bring it around and stop. Okay. Keeping your knees apart. Starting going to the right. Drop your knees to the right and come to the center and these to the left and come to the center and again, right and center and left and center. Now stop in the center. Bring your legs together. Let them touch. Same thing. Knee drops, drop right, come center. Notice the difference in the movement.

Drop left. Come Center again, right and center and left and center. Stop right there. You can separate your knees a little bit. Keep them bent. We're going to now move to the arms. We're going to start reaching the arms back. We're going to use the right arm to reach back and then flip where the left arm reaches back on. Just going to paddle your arms back and forth. Right back, left back again. Right back, left back.

Good. Right back, left back for more sets. Here we go. Right back, left back again. Right back, left back. One more time. Right back, left back. Bring both arms down to your side. Reach both arms up towards the ceiling. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, reach them back behind you. Place them on the floor and upper body angels in the snow. Just bring them down and circle them back. And again, bring them down. Circle them back. Good. Bring them down.

Circle them back again. Bring them down. Very good. Circle them back. You've got four more here. Rotate them around. Feel your shoulder blades move against your mat. Good. Daisy, you can keep your hands down on the floor a little bit. There you go. Circle them back. Bring them down in one more time. Bring him back. Bring him around. Okay, we're going to put our thinking caps on. Okay.

We're going to do a combination of the legs. Straighten with the rotation to the side and a half angel in the snow. So what you do is straighten your right leg, reach your left arm back, drop your right knee open, bring it to the side as your left arm circles around on the floor and it comes in, and then you're going to switch the left leg straightens. The right arm reaches back. The left knee opens to the side, the left arm reaches around, or right arm rather and again, right leg, left arm. Rotate them in, circle them around, bring them together. That's good and left arm.

Good and circle around and more time. Right leg, left arm. Circle around and left leg, right arm circle around. Bring him back, bring him into the center. Stay right there and breathe. Let's take four great big breaths. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth and again, inhale and exhale. Two more. Inhale and exhale, and one last time. Inhale and exhale. Reach your arms up towards the ceiling.

Bring your fingertips together and bring the fingertips down on your sternum. Keep your elbows wide, release your shoulders open. Inhale and exhale. Peel your head off, round up and look down at your abdominal area. Holded for four, three, two, one, release, back down, and again, inhale, exhale, curl up. Round up. Hold it there for three, two, one, release back down. Inhale. Exhale. Curl it up around.

Upholded there. Relax your shoulders. Look at your abdominals. Keep it open. Deep in the belly more and release and go back down. And you've got one more to do. Inhale. Exhale. Soften the sternum. Tilt the head round up. Look there. Hold it. Keep the abdominals in. Extend your arms out and do the monkey from the 60s reaching your arms up, up, up, up. Good. Four, three, two, one. Bring both arms together. Reach them out. Inhale, exhale, releasing. Go back down. Place your arms at your side.

Very good. Okay. Lift the right knee up. Lift the left knee up to meet it. We're going to go into tabletop. Make two fists with your hands and stick in between your thighs. Okay, so you're going to squeeze on your fists and Press Open with your fist at the same time. So you have a little isometric. Press, squeeze and hold. Keep your abdominals in. Breathe. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, stop. Good place the hands on the outside. This time you're gonna press the Nilay eggs open as you push the hands in, stabilize in your belly first and press. Here we go. Press Open.

Press in three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Stop. Take your hands. Slide them on your thighs. Kay. Stabilize first, press the knees towards your chest while you simultaneously press your hands against the thighs to push them away. Here we go. Push it. Three, four, five, six, very good. Eight stop.

Slide those hands up to the top of your knees. Think of pushing your knees up to the ceiling while you're trying to hold them down with your hands. Here we go. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. And stop. Ah, drop your knees to the right. Good. There you go. Let them let them rest down. Haley. There you go. Hold it there. Lift them up and drop your knees to the left. Take a little stretch. Okay.

Come all the way over to your right side. So you're going to be on your edge plus your hands together. Like you're going to pray. Okay. That's it. And press your arms over across your body and bring your legs with you. Now bring your arms back and bring your legs down.

And to bring your arms all the way over. It's a little wiggle wobble. And I'll bring the arms back here. So we're going to go arms, legs, arms, legs, and go back over. Here we go. Arms, legs, arms, the other way and bring them down. There you go. And one more time. Arms, legs, lift, legs go, arms opposite. Bring the arms down. And this time let's go one more time. So go over arms, legs, arms, and stay on your side now. So come all the way over. So once you get on your side, you're going to keep your knees bent.

You're going to extend your body out, and you're going to bend your arm up and place your head on your arm. Okay? Take your top leg and drop it in front of your bottom knee, keeping the leg bent. Just let it touch the floor there. You can put your head all the way down on your bicep. There you go. And kind of go there. Place your hand on top of your hip. So your right hands on your hip and rotate the shoulder open and as if you're trying to look across and take a little stretch and then release and do that again. Rotate the shoulder open. So press it back. Turn your head back, press against this, ah, and come back.

You've got two more Presad over push. Ah, there you go. You got your own traction going on there. And one more time, please press it over. Push and stretch. Excellent. And relax. Place both legs on top of the other one or on top of each other, I should say. Okay. And straighten your uh, bottom arm out. Straighten your left arm out, reach your right arm across, and then bring it open over your body and rotate your upper body and follow your hand. Bring it back and stretch it over. So you're going to go straight across again and then bring it open.

Reach and rotate. Open. Excellent. You got two more to go. You're going to reach over and you're going to rotate. Open. Good. And one more time. Reach it over and rotate it open. Excellent. Great. Now reach it over now. So it comes across. Circle the arm up and go around about halfway, half of a feelgood arm circle. And then come back.

There you go. So rotate it. Let your head follow your hand. Rotate open, stretch, and then come back around. You've got two more here. Reach it over, stretch it out. Good. Come back around. And one more time. And you're going to hold this position when you get back there. So reach it over, circle it around, hold it right there, and then try to diagonalize that arm and straighten your top leg so it reaches out and take a nice long rotational stretch trying to open your upper body up a little bit here and breathe and hold that for four, three, two, and one. Excellent.

Come back on your side again. You can have one arm in front. Okay. So your right arms in front. Turn your fingertips in. Your left arm is extended out. We're gonna do a little one lung breathing. So you're gonna breathe into the left side. You're going to inhale and feel your rib cage expand into the mat and exhale and try to pull it up off the mat and stabilize. And again, inhale and exhale. Pull it up off the mat.

And two more. Inhale and exhale. And one more time. Inhale and exhale. Good. Okay. Bend your bottom arm. Bend your left arm and make a bicep curl. So actually, yeah, there we go. Put your head down so it's not all the way resting. Make an arm. There you go. And press that arm into the ground and lift your upper body up a little bit and then release it. Okay, so don't let your head rest there just here and lift.

Push and come back down. A little preparation for the sidekick position. Press down and lift up and come back. And again, press down and lift up. That's it. And Go back down. Excellent. Stop right there. Put your body into a little banana. So your shape is like a banana. Everybody knows what I've been.

Nana is flex your feet hard. Press the energy out through your heels. Excellent. Zip Up your legs, stabilize through your pelvis and lift both legs up in the air and hold it for five. Don't worry about how high you go. Four, three, two, one and release. And one more time. Bring it up. Hold it. Five, four, three, two, one. And release and relax. Pull it back together again. Zip the legs up. Lift them up. Hold them.

They're tiny little scissors. We're going to go. Scissors, scissors, scissors, scissors, scissors, scissors, scissors, scissors. For three, two. And stop. Release the legs down. Bend your knees and relax. Okay, flip around. We've got to do the other side. Okay, so bring it around to the other side. Bend your knees up. Let your head rest down on your right bicep.

Put your left hand on top of your hip. So bend your knees here. That's it. Bent the more, and put your hand here. Yeah. And keep your arm bent so you don't have to do the bicep thing. And then press against here and rotate. Open. So just hold the arm up like that. The forearm and rotate open. That's it. And releasing, come back. You've got three more. Presad open and rotate, stretch and release, and come back and again, press it open and rotate and stretch and release and come back.

And you've got one more time. Press it open and rotate in. Stretch. Hold it there. There you go. And release and come back. Good. Put both knees on top of the, of each other. Very, very, very good. Okay. Take your top arm, your left arm. Reach it out and rotate and open it.

Let your head follow it. So just reach it across your body and bring it back. So we're going to come and reach here and rotate and open. And again, reach it across and rotate an open. Good. Reach it across and rotate in. Open. And one more time. Reach it across. Rotate and open.

Good. Now reach it across and circle the arm up and do a half circle around just to half. Let your head follow it. Look where it's going, and bring it back around. And again, reach it around half circle, stretch and bring it back around. Two more. Please reach it around half circles, stretch it out, bring it back around. And one more time. Reach it around half circle, stretch. Follow it. Now Undo that circle a little bit. So bring it back around. Straighten the top leg out.

Your left leg straightens out this way and feel as if you can get a diagonal stretch through your body. Breathe. Two. Very good. Haley and stop. Okay, Ben both legs back. Go back to the starting position. Okay. Keep your head resting on your bicep. Let's take your arm back a little bit here. One arm in front, like so. One lung breathing. So breathe now into the right side of your rib cage.

So you're going to inhale and let the rib cage expand into the mat and exhale and release and bring it up. And again, inhale, expanded into the mat. Breathe into it. Exhale and release. And again, one more time. Inhale and exhale. Pull it up off the mat and last time, inhale and exhale. Excellent. Keep that hand right there.

Make a fist with your right hand bend at your elbow. Take your head off of it, and then press into your elbow and lift your body up off the floor. Not too high. There you go. And release and bring it back down. So press down and lift and release and come back down to more. Press down and lift. Good. Haley, keep your head down a little bit more.

That's it. And one more time. Press down and lift and release and come back down. Excellent. Now, banana shape with your body. Flex your feet, Zip your legs up, stabilizing your belly. Lift both legs up. You can put that arm in front and bring him back down.

And again, bringing a little more forward. Flex your feet and lift both arms up and bring it back down. And again with both arms up or both legs up, I should say. And bring it back. Yeah, those are your legs, aren't they? And one more time with both legs up and bring it back down.

This time you're going to lift them up and hold it. Little scissors, scissors, scissors, scissor, scissor, scissor, scissor, scissor, scissor. Four more. Three to stop. Release your legs down and relax. Okay. Turn onto your stomach. Okay, face down. Okay.

We're going to come up into a Spinx position where you're down on your forearms to bring your forums down here and lift your upper body up. There you go. There we go. The Spinks in Egypt. Okay. Turn your head to the right and bring it to the center. Turn it to the left and bring it to the center. And again, right and center and left and center. Now straighten your right arm and rotate your upper body and nope, and bring it back down.

And then you're going to straighten your left arm. That's it. Beautiful. And bring it back to house. Good. Straighten your right and look over your shoulder and bring it back down. And straighten your left and look over and bring it back down. And one more time, right? Straighten, rotate. Bring it back down.

That's beautiful. Daisy left and bring it back down. Release your upper body down. Lengthen your body out. Extend your arms out in front of you. Lift your right arm and your left leg up, not too high and release and your left arm and your right leg up. And keep your head down a too high. And release. Relax down here and your right arm and your left leg and your left arm and your right way. Good. And again, right and left, left and right one last time. Right and left, left and right. Great. Release your body down.

Open your arms out to make a t shape out of your body and turn your head to the right. Good. Lift the right leg up. Rotate the right side of your body over towards the left and try to get your foot to touch the floor so you can soften your knee. Good. And you can bend that even more if you want. Daisy. Excellent. Now bring it back to where you started. Rotate back around. Turn your head the other side. Lift up the leg, rotated over. Bend your knee, stretch the left legs reaching over.

Come back to the center. Return the leg back down. Turn your head to the right again. Lift the right leg up, reach it over, bend the knee, stretch it. Get a nice diagonal reach here. Beautiful Daisy. Come back over. Very good, Haley, and turn your head to the left and lift it up. Reach it over and stretch and come back to the center. Good place one hand on top of the other one and let your forehead rest and breathe there for a second.

And just let's do a little double check of our bodies to make sure we're relaxed, the shoulders are released, et Cetera, et cetera. Okay, organize yourself, pull it together, lengthen your legs out of your hips and lift them up off the floor and hold for a count of five, four, three, two, one and release. And then press with your arms and lift your head and chest up a little bit and lift the body up and hold for five, four, three, two, one and release. Go back to the lower body. Lengthen the legs out. Lift them up, hold them up. Five, four, three, two, one and release. And Go back.

And let's do the upper body press and lift up and hold for five, four, three, two, one, release down. Okay, we're going to put the two together so this time lift the upper body up and keep your hands touching your head. So lift the upper body up the hands, touch the head like they were, and lift the lower body up and hold it and we're going to hold now for 30 seconds. Are you ready? Okay. Abdominal, stay in. Good lift, no cheating. Breathe. 23 2121 you may want to have a stopwatch if you're going to time this because I'm really counting. Slowly.

15 1413 1211. Keep the abdominals in. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Relax down. Sit back into rest position. Ah, we, okay, good, good, good. Four big breaths. Breathe in, breathe out. Feel your back move. Feel your back. Move. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale.

Excellent. Hands and knees. Quadra pad. Excellent. Daisy, why don't you turn around and you can face each other. Very, very good. Okay. We're going to do a little cat stretch. We all know this one. Let's round our back and stretch like a cat. Shoulders, they open and then release into flap back and then come into an arch or a little cow, whatever you may call it, and released a flap back and round again. Round your back. Shoulders stay open. Excellent. Bring it into neutral and arch.

Head in, chest up. Very, very good. And I'm going to get down here with you and we're going to turn our fingertips in and we're going to stay here and you're gonna bend your elbows to the side and come all the way down and then press yourself back up and again, bend and come all the way down. And she's try to arch down a little bit in round and come back up. We've got two more than then come down and arch and round and come back up and last time go down. Excellent. And press and come back up. Very, very good. Come back onto your hands and knees.

Rotate your fingertips forward. Excellent. All right, here we go. Something a little bit different, right arm, left leg, not so different and change. Left arm, right leg and switch. And again, right arm, left leg. Now. Hold it there. Right elbow, left knee, pull and stretch. Pull and stretch. Pull and stretch. Pull and stretch. Changing sides. Left arm, right leg, elbow, knee, pull, stretch, pull, stretch. Two more. Pull. Stretch. One more. Pull.

Stretch on all fours again. Round your back like a cat. Good. Come back to the center. The neutral position and r-chop. Ah, very good. Come back to the neutral position. Hold it. Step your right foot back to go into the leg. Pull position.

Step your left foot back. Hold it. Stabilize. We're going to hold for a count of ten nine. Breathe eight. Don't let your bellies drop. Six, five, four, three. We're going to try to go five seconds more. And for those of you at home, if you want a challenge, try to hold it for one minute. Three, two, one. Kneel down. Sit back and stretch and relax and breathe.

Ah, excellent. Excellent. Excellent. How are we doing? Good. Okay. I want you to come on the edge of your body. I want you to face me so your heads are both facing in and you going to be right here on your side. Towards the front of your mat and you're going to come into your banana. Okay? You're going to lift your legs up.

You're going to take one arm over your head, lift your head up off your bicep. Now you're going to be very careful. You're going to roll onto your back and come back onto that right side and come towards me. Who? Sorry, my fault. There you go. Zip it up. So roll onto your back. Go to the opposite side. There you go. Good. Roll back onto your back.

Come back towards me. Try to stay in a banana. There we go. Onto your back, onto the opposite side, onto your back and hold. Bend your knees in your chest. Keep your feet off the ground. Bring your arms at the side. Round your head up. Okay. Reach your arms down, daisy. Ah, it's going to be harder than you think. So you're going to come into a bent knee, hundreds position excellence, or bring yourself up. Reach your arms down, lift your legs up, head up, soften here, and we're going to just breathe. No arms. We're going to go holding this position.

Choose the hundred position of your choice and begin. Inhale. Exhale, two, three, four. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale. Beautiful. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. Inhale. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. Inhale, I'm going to let go of your legs and exhale. Two, three, four, five, three more.

Inhale. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, exhale, one more for good measure. Here we go. Inhale. Two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Stop. Pull your knees in. Relax your upper body down and take a big inhale and exhale. Good. Straighten your legs out, reach your arms back, and we're going to do the roll up. Inhale, lift your arms up your head. Exhale, peel off and round over. Excellent. Good.

Inhale, stack your spine up tall and exhale. Beautiful, releasing. Go all the way back down. Good. Haley, reach your arms back. Inhale, arms head. Exhale, peel off. Great. Daisy. Inhale, stack your spine up tall and exhale and release and go all the way back down. Reaching your arms back and again, inhale, arms, head.

Exhale, peel off and round all the way up. Inhale, stack your spine up tall and exhale and release and go all the way back down. You've got one more. Inhale, arms head. Exhale, peel off, round over. Inhale, stack up tall. Exhale, release and go back down. Beautiful. Pull your knees into your chest. Give yourself a little bit of a hug there. Excellent. Good. Keep your hands on top of your knees, separate them a little bit and do some little niesters in place there.

So just stir your legs and release. Good. Go the other way. Very good. Lengthen your left leg out on the mat. Keep it there and straighten your right leg up. Good, and do that again. Bend the knee in and straighten it up. Bend it in and straighten it up and last time, bend it in, straighten it up, turn it out a little bit in the socket, and we're going to cross the midline of the body.

We're going to inhale for one circle, exhale for the second inhale for the third exhale for the fourth. Inhale five. Now we're going to take that leg and go way across the body and rotate. Inhale for one, exhale for two. Inhale for three. Exhale for good.

Really rotated daisy. Inhale five and stop. Let's go the other way. First. Small. Inhale for one, exhale for two. Good. Haley. Inhale for three. Exhale for four. Inhale for five. Now we're going to make it bigger. We're going to reach out to the side and rotate around. That's it.

Reach out to the side and rotate it around and reach out to the side and rotate it around. You've got two more. Reach out to the side. That's it. Daisy rotated around and last time reach and rotate and come around and bend your knee into your chest. Pull it back and stretch. Excellent. Yeah. Shake your head and neck out too if you've got a little tension and we've got to change sides. Okay, so bring the opposite leg in. Press it up and straighten and bend. Shake, shake, shake, shake your groove thing. Press it up and straighten and then you've got one more.

You're going to press it up and straighten and hold and turn it out a little bit. Both legs are important. Don't forget, reached down one, reach up and out through the other one. Small little circles across the midline. Inhale for one, exhale for two. Inhale for three. Exhale for four. Inhale five and stop. We're going to make it bigger. We're going to circle the cross. Inhale for one, and really take it around.

Exhale for two. Make it as big as you want. Inhale for three, exhale for four. Inhale for five and stop. You get to go the other way. First. Small. Inhale for one, exhale for two. Inhale for three. Exhale for four. Inhale five. Now we're going to make it bigger. Reach out, inhale it over and bring it up. Good. Inhale, exhale. Good. You've got three more and up and again, beautiful and around and reach and around and stop. Pull your knee in towards your chest. Stretch yourself out.

Breathe and relax. Ah, okay. Put both knees into your chest. Place your hands on top of your knees and hold it there and deepen your abdominal scoop as much as you can and round your head up. And all we're going to do is a little rock and roll back here. So we're done. A rock forward and backward. That's it. So rock forward and backward.

That's it. Now, rock yourself all the way up. Yup. And bring yourself into the rolling like a ball position. Come all the way up and hold the position. Reach your arms around. Press your knees open. Hang on here. Five. Rolling like a ball. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, come up. Good. And again, round your back even more. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, come up. Good again.

Inhale back, exhale up. Good. And one more time. Inhale back. Exhale up. I lied. You're going to do one more. Inhale back. Exhale up. Hold it. Hold it. Balance, balance, balance, balance. Yes. Good and relaxed. Bring your legs in front of you. Okay. And then bend your knees, circle yourself around.

Sit up tall again. Face each other. Come a little closer together. Put your hands down on the floor just for a little relaxation there. Take your feet out and circle them around. Circle, circle, circle, smile. Four, three, two, and the other way. Change it around. Good. Five, six.

Try to straighten your legs. There you go. And stop. Grab that right leg. Pull the right knee up, hang onto it with your left hand. Put your right hand on your right ankle and slowly lower yourself down for single leg stretch. Hold that position. Lengthen the left leg out. Lift it up off the floor. Inhale, right. Exhale, left going. Slow. Inhale, right. Exhale, left. Excellent. Inhale, right. Exhale, left. Two more. Inhale, right.

Exhale left last time. Inhale, right. Exhale left. Put both of those knees into your chest. Hold it right there. Round yourself into a tiny little ball. Now extend your legs out and reach your arms back. That's it, and then bring yourself back together again. Exhale, reach, and inhale again. Exhale, reach. Inhale, circle around. Two more. Exhale, reach in. He'll circle around.

Keep your upper body up this time. Keep it up. Exhale, reach, circle around. Let's do one last one. Exhale, reach. Circle around. Hold it there. Excellent. Don't move. Take your hands behind your head. Rotate your upper body around to your right side. Ooh. Drop your knees over to the left side and try to keep your feet up.

Ooh. Okay. Now change it. Rotate the upper body around to the left side. Drop your knees to the right side, keeping your knees lower than your feet and rotate around again. Switch it around. Knees go over to the left. Upper body rotates to the right. This is not easy and switch, so take it slow. Rotated around.

Trip the knees lower and the feet higher. There you go. And rotate it around the other way. Knees or lower than feet. Excellence. Got a real big spiral in your body. And one more time. Rotate it around. Great. Come back to the center.

Pull your knees into your chest and give yourself a big break and drop your upper body down. Very, very good. Okay. Put your feet down on the floor. Arms at your side. Make sure your knees are separated, you're lined up with your asi. Es Feet are nice and flat so they can support your body weight. We're going to do a hip escalator and come up into the shoulder bridge. Okay.

Inhale to prepare. Exhale, curl the tailbone up with the pelvis up in the air. Hold it there. Try not to let the knees separate too much. Hold the position, keep that position there. Excellent. Just straighten the right leg out without wobbling your pelvis. So the right leg just straightens out. Good and bend it back. Keep the pelvis stable, pull the abdominal zen, straighten the left leg out. Good. Haley, and bend it back in. We're going to go one more time, right? One more time left.

Keep the pelvis stable. Straighten and Ben [inaudible] and left straighten and bend. Inhale to prepare and exhale and release and roll back down. Ah, okay. Very, very good. Let's flip over onto our stomachs. Okay. Flip over onto our stomach.

That's right. Good. Press yourself up so your upper body is lifted. Bring your hands together and hang onto them. Gently hold that position up and your shoulders up. Try not to collapse too much in your lower back and pull the abdominals up.

Kicking the right, flex your foot and kick, kick and straighten. And the left kick, kick and straightened right kick, kick and straight. And try to flex left, kick and straight and right again. Kick, kick and straighten. Left. Kick, kick and straighten. One more time. Kick, kick and straighten. Left. Kick, kick and straight and relax and release your upper body down. Good. Really try to lengthen through here. There you go. Stretch it out.

Excellent. Take your hands and place them behind you on your lower back. Comfortable position. Let your elbows hang open to the side. Turn your head to your right or left. I don't care. Let's try it. Let's do right. Okay. Notice what that feels like. Pick your head up. Turn it to the left. Notice the difference.

Double leg kick. Here we go. We're going to kick our legs in. Three, two, one. Straighten your legs, slide your arms down and lift your body up. Deepen your abdominals. Lengthen through here and switch. Bring your body down, bend your elbows, and we're going to kick again. Kick, kick, kick, straighten, and slide. Pull the abdominals up more and release. Turn your head the other way. Kick, kick, kick and straighten and slide and reach up with the abdominals up. That's it, daisy. And one more time during your head. Kick, kick, kick, and straighten and reach and release and go all the way back down. Sit your body back into rest position so you can really be focused and relaxed for a second. Let your lower back go. Stretch it out. Very, very good. Okay, I'd like you to be on your side facing the front of the room.

All right, so keep your heads down for this. Shape your body into a banana. Lift the top leg up, flex your foot. Okay, we're going to kick forward. We're going to inhale, kick, front point. Exhale, swing back again. Inhale, kick, front point, exhale, swing back again. Inhale, kick, front point, exhale, swing back. Keep the pelvis stable. Kick Front point, exhale, swing back in. One more time. Inhale, kick, front point. Exhale, keep it back. Keep the pelvis stable and lift. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, four more. Here we go. Four, three, two, and stop. Don't drop the leg, but bring it in front. Point your foot, little circle up.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven. Reverse it back. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, and stop. Release the leg down. Flip yourself the other way so you're facing the other direction and make that little banana. Keep your heads down. Keep the abdominals in. Support your lower back. Lift the top leg up and flex it and kick it. Inhale, kick, front point. Exhale, swing back again. Inhale, kick, front point.

Exhale, swing back again, and exhale, swing back again. Inhale, kick, front point. Exhale back. One more. Inhale, kick front. Hold it to the rear. Turn it out just a little bit. Abdominals then, and little kick to three with the lift and kick. Two, three, four and stop. Bring that leg forward. Little circles up. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, reverse back, two, three, four, five, six, seven and stop. Good. Release the leg down.

Turn onto your back. Excellent. Good. Pull your knees into your chest. Round yourself into a little ball. Okay. Exhale, straighten your arms and legs out with your head. Up. Good. Inhale, release your upper body down. Reach your arms back over your heads.

Circle them around on the floor and round yourself up into teaser as high as you can. That's a drop your legs a little bit. Hold it there, and then release your upper body all the way down. Put your knees into your chest. Make a cannon ball around your head up. Bring your head up. Exhale, straighten your arms and legs out and not all the way up that high. There you go. Inhale. Drop your arms and your upper body back. Circle them around. Exhale, reach up into your teaser. Good.

Hold it there. Keep your legs in the air. Release your upper body down. Pull your knees into your chest. You've got one more cannonball round your head up. No, no, don't come up that high. Just told that there. Straighten your arms and legs. Inhale, reach your arms back. Circle around, Xcel round roundup into your teaser. Whoa. Here we go. Hold it. Hold it, hold it, and release your upper body down and put your knees into your chest.

I was holding your legs. Relax and breathe there. Relax and breathe. Excellent. Okay. Come up onto your forearms. Was Daisy's going to face Haley, you're going to hold this position. You're going to straighten your legs up and you're going to bend, straighten, and Ben. Good tap lift, tap, lift, tap, lift. Starting kicking to the right. Here we go. Tap. Kick. Right tap, kick, left. Tap, kick. Right.

This looks great. Kick left. Tap, kick. Right tap, kick, left. Tap, kick. Right tap, kick, left. Kick Center. Hold it there. Starting right and left. Windshield wiper right and left. Right and left, right and left. Open up your shoulders, daisy. Right and left. One more time. Right and left. Bend your knees in.

Roll your upper body all the way down. Relax for a second. Hold it right there. Ah, okay. Grab the back of your thighs. Rock yourself up. We're going to go head to head and we're going to come into the leg pull position. Okay, so starting on your hands and knees. Push the right leg back and hold and the left leg back and hold.

Okay. Line yourself up. Daisy. Squeeze your bone. That a little bit. Drop this. Haley, you're going to do the leg kicks. Daisy, you're going to hold the position. So Haley, kick up and down and left and down. Good. Good, good. Change Lake. Saley up. Good. Hold of daisy. Up. Up. You got one more? I think Haley up. Hold it Neil. And sit back and stretch back.

Ah, okay. How are we doing? Yeah. Okay. Stand up. Yes. Stand on the edge of your mat. Reach your arms up. Bring your body down. Hang, hang there. Shake your head out. Take your arms out. Try to get down a little lower.

If you can touch the ground. Hold the position. Round yourself up. Okay. And again, starting from the top of your head around, down, drop all the way down. Walk your hands out about halfway right and press back into your heels and alternate. Bend right knee and then left knee.

Then right knee and left knee. Excellent. Ben. Right knee and left knee and right knee and left knee. Walk your hands back. Go all the way back. That's it. Inhale, exhale, round. Come all the way up to standing tall. Good. Face me.

Okay. So you're going to reach your arms out. You're going to take your right leg, you're going to reach it out to the side and bring it back and come down, and you're going to reach out again in n and reach out and take it back. Come all the way down. Wherever you feel comfortable. Bring it back up. Bring it down, and we're going to lean and we're going to lean and we're going to wobble a little bit. Lean, lean, lean, lean. Okay. Stand on your right leg. Here we go. Just the right leg. Stand on it. Bring your knee up.

Test your balance. Whoa. Test your balance. Come on, daisy. Test your balance. Throw it off. Throw it off. All right, stop. Change legs. Stand on your left. Bring the right leg up. Test your balance.

Test it. Whoa, Whoa, whoa. Trust your feet. Bring it down. Reach your arms up. Breathe in. Exhale. Open them out to the side. One more time. Bend. Come down, reach up. Exhale, open them out, and again, bend, come down, reach up. Exhale, open them and give yourself a hug. Okay, you're done. Thank you.


4 people like this.
This class was generally awkward. The pace was way too slow and the instructions were sometimes confusing. The instructor seemed nice but it didn't work for me. It left me a feeling of not having worked enough.
I love Kevin Bowen and I love this pre- pilates warm up class ! Thank you Kevin ..Through Pilates Anytime I have learned so much through your teaching and expertise !
1 person likes this.
I like his thoroughness. It made me work intelligently.
1 person likes this.
I loved this video! It increases mobility in an easy unstressful way. Great for maintaining flexibility through life. Thank you Kevin.
1 person likes this.
Excellent and relaxing class for when you want to try something a little different. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
I thought this was a good relaxing class but not sure if it is Level 2. I understand everyone is different but perhaps could be labelled as Level 1/2.
Sabrina ~ Thank you for your feedback. After reviewing this class again, we have changed the level to 1/2.
1 person likes this.
After a couple of week hiatus, this was the perfect class with which to resume my practice. I really enjoyed the spirals and oppositions. Thank-you.
1 person likes this.
I think this was a very good class! Really liked the way it finished too with the fun leg balance :)
1 person likes this.
This was my first PA class, it seemed slow paced but in the end was a good workout for me. Thanks!
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