Class #2149

Mat/Barre Fusion

40 min - Class


Cecile Bankston is back with another challenging Mat/Barre Fusion workout! You will enjoy her many creative variations including a Star/Arabesque combo. Even though many of the exercises are designed for dancers, they are great for everyone!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi, my name is the seal Bankston and this is a ballet bar, con slash [inaudible] mat class. Um, I have several of these on the site, so each one of them kind of builds onto the others. So if you haven't watched any of the other ones, you might want to go back and start with some of those and then continue on to this one. Um, okay. We're going to start and standing Tyler's music and start standing with our feet in parallel. Okay. And we're just going to do some, some bands with our knees. We're going to start Dami plea a and stretch in the arms are going to go out with this plea. Yay. And stretch and three and stretch and four and stretch.

Good five and stretch. You want to make sure that you're not sticking your seed out and stretch. And two more to go stretch and last one, eight and open the feet a little wider. Same thing. And intramural lil still one. And stretch. And to pulling the stomachs in and up and the re and stretch and fall and stretch. Yeah.

Five. Okay. Stretch six stretch. And seven. Good. Last one, a n. Now we're going to turn it out. So we're going to go into our first position. So feed heels together, banding the knees, arms can just stay where they are on your hips. Whatever you feel comfortable with. Pull, Yay.

And stretch and te and stretch and throw and stretch. Yeah. Whereas for watch that you keep your heels down, you only go as far down as you can go with your heels in place. Good. Two more. Seven and stretch. Last one and eight. Open the legs wide or two. Our second position.

So nice plea. Yeah, you can go a little bit deeper here. And stretch and plea. Yay. And stretch and [inaudible] and stretch and four and stretch. Now when I add a little side bend on this one, so we're going to be at bend the knees, reach to the side, straighten our knees while we're in that side. Bend and come up. So we go over while we're here. Good. Straighten the knees while you're in that band.

Come up and the other side again and bend and stretch and come up and one more and bend and stretch and come up. Good. Go back to your first position and we're going to add Ben and we're going to raise the heels up and straighten and roll down and bend. Raise the heels up straight and try to keep the weight on the center of the feet. Reverse that up and been. Press the heels and stretch and go up to been a nice stretch and good. Now let's open the legs wide, same thing.

Then the knees ant one and he yields to stretch and go down and too and heels. Good. Stretch and down. Re reverse it, sorry, and stretch. Now let's reverse it and go up to bend and plea. Eight and one more and up and bend and good. Okay, now we're going into our jumps, so we're going to start in parallel.

We're going to do eight jumps in parallel. We're going to do eight jumps a little wider. Then we're going to do open and close. We're going to repeat all of that in. Turn out. Okay, here we go. Nice, deep breath in and we're going to jump. One and two pointed toes and four and five and six and seven and open one and two and three and four and five. Six, seven.

Closing open one and open two and open. Watch it. The back is not getting involved. Good fi keep breathing. Six good and seven good, and last one. Now turn it out. Same thing.

Make sure you jumping high enough to point your feet. Your back is not going with you and we go and one and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight. Two. This guy, two, three, four, five. Good. Six knees over the toes and eight closing. Open. This is known as they should pay him ballet. Three good and four. Keep jumping. Keep breathing. Good. And six and good.

Seven. I know, I know. Okay, good. All right, very nice. Good. Okay. Now we're going to do a thing that was originally designed by Kathy Corey. We are going to stand like Tyler is with one foot behind you on the ball of the foot. You're going to bend and straighten your standing leg. Bend and straighten. And again, bend and stretch and bend and stretch and four and stretch.

Now we're going to roll over the ball of the foot. Bend and stretch and Bin and stretch and three and stretch and four and stretch. We alternate. So ball of the foot, roll over it and two and straight ball and stretch and roll over and stretch and ball and stretch. Roll over and stretch and throw. Good. One more and down and up. Change feet. Alright, so we're changing feet and we pressed one and strange and two and straighten and three to straighten four and rollover it and one and straighten and straight down. Don't stick the seed out and press stretch and good.

Alternating. One and good. Two and good. Just roll right over it and good and full and good. And ple a and stretch ple a and stretch ple a and stretch and ple a and stretch. Good. Okay. Feet and knees together. Standing close to the front edge of your mat because we're going to go down, nose towards our knees, hands on the floor.

We're going to bend our knees and straightened them. And again, Ben and stretch and Ben and stretch. Just one more bin and stretch. And now you're going to bend and sit all the way down. Good. Okay. You may want to scoot to the front edge of your mat because we're going to now roll like a ball.

So we're going to hold on whatever your normal position that you like to do for this is if you want to cross it the arms or you want to be in a slight turnout position, that's fine. Whatever you use to. And we're going to do four planes and then we're going to add some leg extensions to it. So we're going to do four rolling back and forth. So here we go. And going one and rolled up and two and [inaudible] and three and NREL up one more and four and roll up. Good. Now let Tyler show you the next one roll and we're going to extend back.

We're going to roll up and we're going to extend front. That comes from Kathy Cory as well. And we wrote back and extend and row front and extend and roll back and extend. Beautiful. Roll front and extent and roll back and extend and front and extend.

Good and back and extend and last one and extend. Good. Alright, rolling down for our series of five. Okay, so lying on our backs. Nice. Deep breath in. Every time you're going to roll forward and you're going to end, you're going to inhale every time your right leg goes out. Exhale, every time your left leg goes out. Here we go. And inhale one, exhale two and three and good. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale.

Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale, keep breathing. Get up, nose towards the knees. Good. And now change legs and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale, shoulders down. Good. Exhale, try to keep the tension out of the neck. Good. And exhale and inhale and exhale. N N Hale and good lie down for a second.

To relax our double leg stretch, we're going to modify just a little bit so it's a little more dance oriented. We're going to roll up both arms and legs. Reach forward and head, circle your arms around, go into a mini teaser and then bend the knees in a diamond. And again, exhale, reach and circle and come up and relax. Good. Reach and circle and reach up and down and reach and circle and reach further. Beautiful. Last one, reach and around and reach further and good.

Now legs go straight up to the ceiling for our scissors. Crawl forward. We're going to do a little bounce with the first one, so we'd go right like one and two and and two and change and bounce and change and bounce. Change and bounce. Change and hold. Good and hold and good. Now we're going to go double time one and two and three and four and five and six and seven. Eight more or one and two and three and four and five and six.

Good. Seven and a relaxed for a second. Nice. Okay. Hands go behind the head. Now for our double leg lowers, so nice deep breath in. You can turn your legs out, curl forward, hands behind the head, and we're lowering one and exhale up and to exhale, bring them up the roof and exhale and fold and exhale. Good. Five elbows open and six and good and seven up and a and up. Very nice. Here we go. On to our last on Chris Cross.

So nice deep breath in. Remember your back arm is what's driving and we go one and two. Think of the back on three and four and five and six and seven and a and one and two, three, four. Good. Five, six and seven and a very nice lying down. Good. Stretch the legs out. We're going into our roll up. Arms behind you. Legs, knees and feet together. Try to stay out of your hip flexors. Arms go up.

Nice. Deep breath in. Exhale, circle the arms around and roll up. Good and over, keeping the belly button to the spine and roll it back down to three. Reach back and exhale two, three and roll it over the toes. Roll back to three and up again. Well up to three. Shoulders down.

Good and roll back. Good. That's it. And last one, roll it up. Good. Watch that. The legs stay together. Good. And sit up tall. Open those legs as wide as your mat for our spine stretch. What I like to do is flex the feet as we reach forward.

We're going to point the feet as we come up, so we're going to flex and reach forward and point and come up and flex to reach forward and point. Ants it up. Stack one vertebra on top of each other and point and reach up. One more. Flex and reach forward and point to reach up. Now take the arms out to the side and we're going to do little karate chops. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight.

Now take your left arm up and reach across for your saw and little pulses. One, two, three, four, five, six. Good and a come up center and karate chops again. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Arm Up, reach across. Two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Come up to center. We repeat the same thing in a twist. So twist to the side, arms go. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight reach arm up and across little reach too.

So it's not a balanced as your reach, five, six, seven and eight come up in the twist and come centered was to the other side. And one, two, three, four, five sitting up tall, seven and eight reach up and a cross bounds. One, two, three. Keep that opposite hips sitting. Seven, eight come up and center. Put the feet together as if you were in a first position, right?

Your arms are going to go up to the ceiling and you're going to twist to this side. You're going to lean back slightly. Open that back arm, come up from the ABS and come in, turn around. So we reach and lean back and come up and centered and reach and beautiful and up and center and reach and reach back and up and center and reach to the back up. Last one to go and twist and reach back and come up and center. Now just roll down to us lying down. Your feet are still in a diamond position. Okay.

So you can shorten your diamond here because we're going to do like a little butterfly wing. We're going to close and open our legs. So we're going to close the knees together and open and to gather and open and three and open and four and open and five. Good and six. Good and seven and open. Last one. Eight and open legs are going up to the ceiling.

In that diamond position, we're going to do our [inaudible] and straightened. So we're going to flex our feet. As we go to the ceiling. We're going to point as we come down. And again, flex and reach point and damp and three and Dan and full and damn and by and damn and six and down. Two more. Seven come down. Last one at eight and down. Good stretch. Those are the same legs out long in front of you.

We're going into our time do series. So I want one knee bent. Okay, so slightly bend one knee and you can put the ball of your foot on the floor and turn it out. Okay. And you'll see why in a second. This other foot is going to live to the front, just low and down to the side and come in. Now go to down towards the floor, come up and side and in. So we go front and side and lower and side and front and side and lower and side. Turn it out. Front and side and lower and side.

One more time. Front and side and lower and side. Now circles, little circles. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Reverse two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Good. Now we're going to kick it up high for bought my one and dam two and then the Ri and Dan and [inaudible] four and down to the side wall and good too. And Dan Watch the opposite hip that it's not rolling over for good down. Now we're going into our large leg circles, so we're going to go ahead and straighten the standing leg and we're going to reach across the body around open side and up, across, open, around and up. Across.

Come on, open and around and up. Last one across, open around reverse. Open side. Hold it and re re re that's it. Good. And and uh, and open. Crossed up open Cruyff and up. Open, cross and uh, good. Now bend that knee. Good. And the other legs going to be ready to go for the whole series.

All over again. Front and side and lower and side and front and side and lower and side and front and side and lower and side. Last one and front and side and lower and side circles. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, reversed. Two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Good. Now we're going into big circles. So you a big kicks, one and down, two and down. Four of them, three and down and four to the side.

One and good to watch that opposite side. Keep the obliques working good and for good. Now stretch that opposite leg out for our leg circles. We're going across the body. First one, circle round, two, circle around, opposite legs, stage still around and hip around. Good. Reverse it open and around two and around the re and around and four and around.

Good. Bring that leg down and good. Now bend the first leg up and you're going to grab it with your hand. If you want. Two other hand is going to go to the side. We're going to cross round over to get you to give yourself a little stretch in the back. Good. And then stretch that leg out. We're going to breech it towards the floor. A little small bounce. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Now towards your ear. One, two, three, four. Good, five and six and seven and eight. Bring it down, cross it around and come back up to the other side. Bend the knee, cross over and reach the leg out and bounce to the floor. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight towards your head. Two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Good. Bring it in and good. Alright, now we're going to separate our feet. Hip distance apart. Bend your knees. We're going into our shoulder bridge, modified. We're going to roll up our tailbone, rolling up.

Press up to your in a nice diagonal line from knee to shoulder. Good. Now, all we're going to do here is lift the heels in Lauren want and lower and two and lower and three and lower and four and lower five. Keep the weight on the center of the foot. Good. Knees over the toes. And last one and good roll down from the breastbone please. One Vertebrae at a time, all the way down, all the way down and good stretch his legs out and let's go to ours.

Okay, so we're lying on the side. You can be, um, you doesn't, you can be sideways. You can have your legs slightly in front of you for this, because if they're directly to this side, you're probably gonna arch your back. Okay? So I want to also see a nice little breath of air underneath the rib cage here. You're going to lift both legs up slowly.

We're going to rotate them and turn them out. Turn them back in and put them down. Lift up, turn out, turn in and down. Lift up, turn out, turn in and down. Lift up, turn out, turn in, lower down. Now lift them up. We're going to take the bottom leg and bring it up and down. One and she and three and four and five, six, seven, and eight. Now, little circles with the bottom leg. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Good. Other way? Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now scissors, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Again, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight.

Now put one leg bent in front of the other one. So the passe presses first. So take one leg up. Good. So he's going to press this knee back towards the back wall and little bit pressing one and two and three and four and five. Six, seven, eight. Now put it on top of your leg. Press it back. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight to the back of the knee. Press back. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Good. Now, but leg goes out, bottom bins, you're gonna wrap your bottom arm around your waist.

Your top arms should go fairly close to your elbow to harder. Okay. If you want to make it easier, you go up towards your shoulder. Okay. So here we go. I wanna I want you to push up, but what I want is a straight position like Tyler is doing here and as he goes down, he's staying straight so we're not coming up to a round position. So w reach and going down. Keep lifted too and damp and lift three and down and forward and down.

Good. Down six. Keep breathing. Good. And seven and one more. Eight and down. Good. Very nice. Okay, put both hands behind the head. Bend both knees. Okay. Now I'm going to have Tyler show this just for a second cause it's a little bit hard probably to follow. You're going to lift arms and legs.

You're going to roll onto your back. You're going to extend your legs to the ceiling. You're going to bend them, roll back onto your side. Okay. This comes off of a series that Kathy grant used to do. So reach. Let's start over. So everybody's together. We're going to start to our side and we lift arms and legs.

One roll onto our back, extend up and Ben Roll back over, lift up, roll to the back and legs. Been Roll to your side and lift up. Roll to the back. Legs go up, legs bend and roll side. Last time back, legs go up. And Ben, roll onto your side. Good. Now we've got to repeat everything on the other side.

Okay. All right, so we're going to start with our legs to the side slightly in front of us probably. We're going to lift both legs up. Turn out, turn in and down. Lift up, turn out, turn in and down and lift up. Turn out keeping this stomach held and down and lift up and turn out and turn in and down. Now lift up. Bottom leg is going to lower and lift and one and two and three. You can keep it turned out or parallel. Five and six and seven and eight.

Bottom leg circle. One, two, three, four. Good. Five, six, seven, eight. Reverse two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and scissors. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and a passe presses. So we're going to put our leg in front of us and we're going to press to the back. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and put it on top of the knee. One to keep the hips driving forward. Six, seven, eight behind. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and h stretch those legs out. Bend the bottom knee. Bring the arm underneath you for our side. Push up.

So we're gonna lift up and warm and come down and press up and down. Stay as straight as you can and down. Good for and down. Reach it up and down. Don't let that shoulder rotate and down.

And seven good. Last one, and eight and down. Good. Now this time, instead of rolling to our back for this little position, we're going to roll onto our stomach. Okay. And we're going to do a double leg kick. So we're going to roll into the stomach like he's doing. And then we're going to roll back to our side. Okay, so here we go.

We're going to start by lifting roll to this stomach, double leg kick, kick, kick, extend. Just keep your hands behind your head. Roll to your side, lift and to the stomach kick. Want to extend Ben? Roll to your side. Lift it up. Annual over and kick. Kick, extend and bend and roll over and live and roll. Kick, kick, extend and stay there. Going right into swimming. And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. Good.

Now let's sit back on to our heels. Give yourself a nice stretch here in our child's pose. Good. Very nice. Good. Now let's go back onto the stomach. Okay, we're gonna put our head on our, um, hands here. Remember the Tom [inaudible] series we did on our backs. We're going to repeat the same thing now on our stomach.

So turn your legs out and we're going to lift one leg up, back and side. Lower it down and side and back and side. Lower down and side and back. Side. Lower down and side. One more and back and side.

Lower down and side. Good Circle. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Reverse. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Now here, we're going to go right into our ground. Bottom. Lift it up and down. This is hard pull. Think of putting a lemon underneath your belly button. Good. Four and down. Five and down.

Six and down. Seven and down and a and other legs. So we lift and back and side and down and side. Good. Back side, lower and side and back. Side. Lower and side. Last one.

And back and side and lower and side circles. One, two, three, four. Good. Five, six, seven. Reverse in one, two, three. Lemon. Underneath your belly button. Six, seven and eight. Grumbach Ma. Up and down. Two and down. Three damn. Four. Good. Five, six, seven and eight. Good.

Let's sit back. Uh, sorry. I skipped one beat. So we're going to lift our legs up, turn them out, and we point B, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Flex, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and 0.2, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. And Flex, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Okay, now you can sit back and stretch. Good. Very nice. Give yourself a nice stretch there. Good. Let's go onto all fours. Okay. So we're going to do our stretch here.

So we're going into our cat position. Nice. Round, back, really round. Not just the upper back, but the lower back. Two, two good. And flatten out and go into a slight arch and come back to flat. Good. And around and center and arch and center and round and center and art and center. Last one.

Round and center and arch. Good. Okay, now let's come off of hands and knees. And we're kneeling like this. Okay. We're going into a thigh stretch here with a porter bra. So this is hard. We're gonna reach our arms up. We're going to hinge from the hip and stretch. Now. Circle the arms, upper back arches come up into our stretch and hinge back one. Circle the arms and come up and good and reach and that circle.

Beautiful and good and want and to reach back and last one and stretch and hinge back and reach. And uh, very nice. Alright, back on to hands and knees. Good. We're going to stretch out our legs behind us, into our point positions. Okay. And we're going to actually go into a Jack Rabbit, so we're going to bend one knee into our chest. Now as we extend it, we're going to rock back on to the heel, to Arabic disk and go back into the needed the chest. Go back to arabesque and needed chest and era.

Beth and needs a chest era. Best knee to chest era. Best need to chest Arab Beth. Good. Now, one arm push up. Keep that leg out and one leg push up. One arm push-up would be pretty hard too. And good.

Three and good. Four and good. Five and good. Six and good seven. Keep breathing. Good. Other side. All right. Inhale, bring that knee into your chest and stretch it to Aira Beth and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale. Good.

Reach and reach back and inhale and exhale. Stretch it in and back and last one and back. Good. Keep that leg out. Here we go. Push up and two good. Three and four. Keep breathing hand.

Five and six and seven. Last one. A good stretch. Back. Knees, band. Good. Very nice. Good. Okay. I'm going to have Tyler show you this one first. This next one has its, I'm a little complicated so it's our side bend a take off on our side. Ben and Starr. Um, so we're gonna start in our side bend position.

We're gonna lift a leg up. Now he's gonna Cross over. Keep that hand off the mat. Lift this leg into arabesque. So we go back, we lift that leg up, we bring it forward and we stretch back into that Aribel risk. Okay. Alright. If you have to put our hand down, you can, but we're going to try not to. Here we go. And lifting up and lift the leg.

Now put it in front. Crossover. Lift the back leg in, Arabesque and through and star. Cross and reach back. If you have to put the hand down, you can and star and good into Arabic and through last one and star and good era. Best and through other side. Very nice. Good. Those are fun. All right, here we go. And lift up and lift the leg and cross and Aira. Beck lifted up and through. Good. Tyler's not a dancer.

He's doing not too bad. And through and cross and live and good and through and cross and lip and up and through. Last one and lift the leg up and cross era best and through. Beautiful. Let's sit down. We're going to go onto our elbows and we're going to do our canned Cannes.

So we're going to bend the knees in towards your chest. You're going to bring them to one side of your body, extend the legs, take the top leg over to the other side, meet it, and then bend, extend, reach over to meet it and been exed in. Reach over and me and Ben Extend, reach over and me and bend and extend. Reach over and last one, two, bend, extend, reach over and meet. Very nice. Good. Okay, let's go on to our helicopter.

So we're going to start with one leg up both and we're going to go into a split. Good. So we're going to swing it around. Go to the other way. Now we're not going to go into another split. We're just going to keep swinging it around and across and around and a cross around and across. And around and across, around a cross, around a cross. Last one around now. Last one around and cross.

Good. Let's sit up and do our open leg rocker just for fun for our very last hard one. All right. Take one leg up just to, just to stretch it out. One and been and the other one and Ben and stretch up and then, and either one and then now both legs stretch. Oh and bend and stretch up. And Ben, now hold them, stretch up and we go into our rocker and rock back and front and rock back and Ah, and back.

Beautiful control. Ah, and and ah, and Beth and last one please. And bag and a good. Now lying down on your back for me. We're going to take one leg on the floor, the other knee, your hands are underneath your knee, your head is down. You're going to keep your head down. You're just going to stretch that leg back into a split and Ben and stretch it back and Ben, stretch it back and then and stretch it back and then change legs and stretch the leg back and bend. And two. And and give yourself a nice stretch.

And then one more stretch. And Ben. Very nice. Okay, let's sit up. We're going to sit in our position where we have one leg back. The other leg is like in a number four position. I don't want it tucked under too much.

I want it out so that you're getting a stretch in that pure form is muscle as well. Good as the hip flexor. Hold it and keep breathing please. Good. Hold it just for a second. Good. Now let's sit down and cross that back leg around into a pretzel position. Good. We're gonna Cross ourselves around and give yourself a nice stretch.

Good. Hold that good. And if you want to you can straighten your arm and reach across even further. Yep. Good. And okay. Other leg. So we're going to sit first in our position. That's sort of like a pigeon and Yoga, but I want you out a little wider.

Good, nice. And hold that good. Nice hold. Keep breathing. Good. Okay. And let's bring that other leg around and go into our pretzel stretch first. Just holding it. Nice. Cross the body. Nice stretch across the body. Good. And then if you want to, you can cross even further.

Straighten that arm and reach back even further. Put that hand on the floor if you want to. Good. And coming up to sitting straight. Beautiful. Okay. Very nice. Good.

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4 people like this.
great class cecile, i do love your teaching, very challenging one....and let me say, I can see Tyler sweating like a crazy so, for those who are not into it yet, Pilates is a great way to exercise, ESPECIALLY for men...
2 people like this.
You challenged my former ice skater mind and body...thoroughly enjoyed your style and pace. Thank you, Cecile
Beautiful! Just beautiful! Thank you so much!!!! You guys are amazing!
too fast
Veronica, I just wanted to let you know I have many of these mat Barre fusion classes on the site. Each one sort of builds on the other so you may want to look at one of the earlier ones. Hope that helps
Thought it was great! Like the pace. Useful variations, thank you!
2 people like this.
I love your classes. I wish there were more Mat/Barre fusion. They are my favorite! Your classes are by far my favorite!
Loved it! That was fun!
1 person likes this.
Welcome back Cecile! Ive missed you! Perfect pace and as always you are awesome! Cant wait to do your other classes!
1 person likes this.
Loved this, really enjoyed the pace, be great to see more like this, thankyou.
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