Class #2164

Traditional Mat Flow

25 min - Class


Work on smooth movements and transitions in this Mat workout with Adrianne Crawford. She starts with a Footwork prep which is like the Reformer on the Mat. She then moves into the traditional Mat work, keeping a nice flow for the entire class.
What You'll Need: Mat

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I'm Adrian. I'm going to be teaching and intermediate mat today and we're going to start with your knees bent. I think I'm going to actually start with a little, um, boat work preparation. So what I'd like you to to do is to start with your knees into your chest. All right? So what you'd let, what I'm looking for is it's kind of new. It's the same for work you would do on the reformer.

If you're familiar with the reformer at all. We start on your toes. So you're gonna start with your heels together, toes apart. You've got to keep your arms long, your chest open your next long, and then just begin to stretch the legs straight up to 90 degrees. Let's go up first. Yeah. And then you're going to bend and chem in letting the knees open and do 10 of those. Your toes are kind of pointing, kind of like you were up on your heels to Aaron.

Try to really link than the legs three. Now if you want a little more challenge, you could go out a little bit more challenging. You're back in your abdominals more. Three and a little bit quicker stretch and Ben four so we're just kind of warming up just like you would on the reformer five and six and you're really lengthening the legs and pulling it. Seven l and eight out in nine so the lower the legs, the harder it is and 10 now flex your feet, knees together, toes back and you're going to stretch out and bed in and I'm sorry.

You're right. You're going to curl your toes and push and kind of like you had the the heel and toes wrapped around the bar three and stretch away four. Keep those arms relaxed as you're moving in, right back in five rich and pulling six keep those tummies in and up. Seven flat back, eight two more out in nine out in 10. Now Flex your feet and stretch and pull in or warming up to 30 shoulders down, four out. Keep pushing those heels.

I'm pulling the toes back. Six stretch, seven oh eight out nine one more out 10 now turn the feet back out, back on your toes. You're going to go back to 90 degrees. Hold the legs up and flex the feet and point tendon stretch and flex long legs too. So she's zip 'em up three and shoulders down four and five keeping the legs long or backs long. Six seven, eight, nine and 10 bend your knees in. Take your legs to 45 degrees, arms up, head up hundreds and breathe in. Two out, two, three, four, five bottoms tight too.

Oh, sorry. Four, five 20 now as you're moving, if you want a challenge that you could lower your legs, otherwise stay where you are. 0234540245 234-FIVE-FIFTY-2523 or four or five. Really deepening that work. 16 two shoulders reaching out. Stephanie, two five two three four 82 three bottom. Still working legs are lengthening. Last one. Nice deep breath. In.

Long breath out and rest. You're going to lower the legs or bend the knees. Either one. Take the arms back, go right into your rollups, rolling up, peel off that mat, stretcher over. Touch the toes, try to put your nose on your knees and all the way down. You use that control and keep those hips turned out. Add four more ana together. Over nose between the knees and right back down. That's it. So as soon as your head touches, you're going to come up and up, all the way over. No jerk. You want to make it smooth and down?

Yes, we're moving but smooth movement and all the way over. Stretch all the way down. Good. Keeping the arms a little long at one more time. Up and over, nose to the knees. Hold the stretch. Keep pushing those heels out. So flex your feet colleague, go to a flex. Good. And now bring herself down. Stay down. You're going to bring one knee into your chest, getting ready for circles and go ahead and give that leg a stretch.

Take your leg up, hands at your side. Legs are long. Hips are still, and circle to your left shoulder, down and around and up. Five times down. And now I should not see any hip movement. So keep those hips really still.

Three around and up for circle five. Now you can make them as big as you want or as little as you want. It really is up to you, but more importantly, listen to your bodies. Don't let those hips move around to go to where you've got the control three and touch your nose four. That's it. Touched those notes and rest. Bend journey, switch legs. Give the other leg a stretch.

Take that leg up. Hands at your side. I'm going to move you just a little bit here. [inaudible] and now over to your right shoulder, up. Touch your nose. One, five circles. Two good. Three, four. Now careful not to tense your shoulders on this five and reversing or circles. One, two, around, up three, four. One more. Alright, five you're going to go ahead and sit up. Put your hands at your hips, lift your seat and sit at your heels. Grab your ankles, heads down and roll like a ball back and all the way up pooling in.

Try to keep your heads between your knees and when you come up. Balance each time. Three, so no momentum to bring you up. It's a curl for one more time, up and balanced. Place your feet down. Put your hands at your hips, lift your seats and stretch back. You're going to lie down on their backs. Bring one knee in for your single leg stretch show right hand on the ankle, left hand on your knee. Lift your head, lift your other leg. Get a nice anchored backs. Curl up a little bit more of a squeeze.

Switch legs. One, two, good length too. I just want to see a little more rotation in your hip. Bottom. Yes. Three and that's it for four and five. Elbows out strong arms and six and how quickly? Six, eight times seven. Seven. Keep pulling an eight and double leg. Both knees in, arms, legs go out, arms, legs.

Come back in one and stretch away and brewing it together too and reach in three and I'm going to grab you reach and four. Use your seat out there. Five rich. Very nice. Keeping those backstairs six and seven. One more time. Then you're going to go into the next one. One leg up and pull pool and switch and pulse polls.

Keep your head down. Two and two. Two, two, clear pulses. Three, three, three, three. Pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, five, five, five, five. Let me see the pulse now. Pulse, pulse, six, six, seven, seven tummies tight. Seven reach for those ankles. Eight add. Bend your knees, hands behind your head. Legs back up. Lower. Lift the legs. Heads up, lower lift and don't go too low, but more importantly, try to get up here and now let's bring your elbows to your ears and lift your chest. But the legs up, up, up, up. There you go. Now just a little bit down and up. You're going too low to go where you've got control. Stay up here.

That's it. Three more, man. Colleen, touch them at all the way up. Keep your chest up. Touch and left. Walmart down, and Chris. Cross the elbow to the knee through bend. Journey into your chest. Good. And don't go too low with your extended lay and turn those hips out to hold. Now counter three, holding one. Bend your knee more. Calling two, three, switch. Hold. Try to tap that. Nate, can you tap it? There you go. Two, three switch. One, two, three. Now three fast one.

What? Two, two, three, three and set up for your spine. Stretch legs apart, feet flex, arms up. Breathe in. Squeeze your seats. Exhale all the way down and try to get to the top of your head on the Mat. Try to keep your arms above your head, so let your head fall between your arms and then come all the way up. Stack your spine, one vertebra on top of the other to sit up tall and deep breath in. Use your seat. Exhale, lift. Keep lifting.

Keep going. Keep going. Pulling in way down there and come back up quickly. Up Open and breathe in. Three more. Exhale right away. Glue little bit quicker now and I'll come right back up. Getting those heels to push out, making sure you're not sickling your feet too more and all the way down.

See how you should, you should be getting looser each time and all the way back up tall. One more time. Keep the energy up and go down and come back up and move forward so you have a little more room, because now you're going to open like rockers. So you're gonna grab your ankles, lift your legs. That's the fancy way to do it and that's actually great.

It's good practice for everybody. All right, you're going to turn those legs out. Now, if this is hard, you can lower your hands a little bit. Drop your chin towards your chest. That's it. Now you're going to control it. Don't roll onto your head. You roll back, you come up, you find your balance, and then you try to stretch your back just like your trees. Remember, it's the same thing and now around your back. So when you're lifting, you're lifting your spine. It's all about your spine and three more chin down. That's it.

Keep your head down and then you lift and stretch to more and all the way up and stretch calling. Go ahead and bring your feet together. Grab your toes, you stay there. Legs apart. Do the same thing. Drop your chin, go back. This is a more challenging with the legs together and it'll lift your back. One more time. I like to go back all the way up this time hold. There was a little hop there. Do one more with no hops. What issue? Cause she had a sneeze. That's why.

And Bend your knees and lie on your backs. Okay, you're going to go to corkscrews and there's several ways to do this. You're just beginning. You're going to keep your hips down. If you want more challenge, and you've done this before, you get nice strong backs, you can go ahead and add your hips will lift them up. The higher the lift, the more challenging you want to always protect your neck. So if your head is lifting, you're going too high and you're using your arms too much.

So only go to where you're not working up here. Shouldn't be working your arm, your shoulders, keep it out or you're not good. Keep the stability and here, that's it. So the, you keep the range where you've got the support and Walmart time. And if you are going all the way up, you should be here. Hold that. Yeah. If I let go, could you hold it? Okay.

And then drop your feet and start to come down. So that's the idea. Okay. You're going to sit up and go into your sock. So legs are apart. Fitter, way apart. Arms out to the side. Lift those hips up. All right, you're going to twist to the right reach for your toe. I like the that you can see you guys go opposite ways.

It's Kinda neat and come back up. It's really pretty and other side and turn. Put your nose on your knee noted. Stay on that right hip. Don't fall off of it and come back up and turn and try. So as you go to reach for the opposite toe, you don't want your hip to follow you. Those hip stay still. One more time and reach and stretch up and center quickly flip over to your stomach and go into your neck roll. So your hands underneath your shoulders, your heads are down, your legs are long. You're going to push into the hands.

Come up off the chest, open the chest, but get those ribs up and bottoms tight and look right down around left and center. I want those ribs up way up. There you go. You don't want to hurt your back. Get those ribs up. Good. Now look left down around right center and that's enough. Lie All the way down. Good. Come up upon until your elbows make a fist with each hand getting ready for single leg kick. So same idea here.

You know how you had your ribs up before so you don't want this collapse here. You want to get this ribs up? Keep going more. Yeah, keep going. You're right there. There you go. Can you hold that now? Take your right hand and kick your seat. Kick. Kick those ribs up and kick. Kick. Good job. Kick, kick and kick. Kick.

Very good lie all the way down. Turn your right cheek to the man. Take your hands behind your back. You class the hands, you bring the arms up, but the elbows are down so you're not locking the fingers. You're just holding the hand. Now can you slide your hands closer to your shoulders? Great. Elbows down, heels together, toes apart. Hips down. Now you're going to take both feet. Kick your seat three times. One, two, three. Drop your feet and reach back.

These are great stretches. How often do we get to do this? And switch and kick. One, two, three and stretch and switch and kick. One, two, three, stretch. And one more time and kick. One, two, three and stretch back. Long net reach, Nester legs.

And that's enough. You're gonna sit back on your heels. Stretch your backs out. Okay. And turn over to your backs for your neck. Paul, you guys will lie down, legs or hip with a and flexed hands behind your heads. Feed. Stay, flex. Now you want to keep the feet from doing this. You want to keep the release still. The first one's the toughest one to do that, right? So we'll count that as your warm up. So you're going to round up, pour in, stretch for pretty good and sit up tall. Now keep pushing those heels out. Start to go down, curling, curling, curling. Now, the other challenging part is not to let the elbows jerk. Okay?

So I want you to keep your elbows in for now and work on the curl. You keep your elbows apart and keep it and don't let them pull it. Okay, so there's two different versions. This is Colleen is doing a more advanced version. You're doing the beginning phase of it and then you're going to go back down and, and watch those feet. Don't let them sickle. Go up your head and lie back down. Okay, now let's add the flow up over to the knees.

Good. Oh over. Sit up tall. Everything yourself down. And I'm going to add one more step for calling. Oh way over three more. Keep those feet flex. Sit up tall. Call and keep the elbows open and add a hinge back. Go as far as you can and then curl down two more and, and all the way over. Go ahead, lift your backs and hinge and Kuru.

Otherwise just keep curling down, but keep the energy out of those feet. One more time, all the way over. Exhale, use that breathing. Sit Up. Tall, deep breath in. Hinge, hinge. Exhale, curl down. Down. Rest. Very good. Lie On your left side for some kicks. Good. All right, line yourselves up. You're fine. Legs forward. Little bit more forward for you. Calling with the legs, right leg up, hip level, right hand on the mat. Other ways, if you want to challenge yourself, you can always put your right hand behind your head.

Take that right leg and kick two times toward your nose. Kick, kick, and then swing it back. You're gonna do eight of these kick kick to Nadow. Let those hips move with you. They stay right on top of each other. Three kick back for [inaudible]. So as you go back, I should see. Pull those ribs together. Five kick kick six keep your back stable. Seven shoulders back and eight take the leg on top of the other, going up to the ceiling, coming down, back down, a reaching out.

You can add a flex in a 0.2 she already has three. I want to see the stretch. So ready. Stretch three, make those hips. Reach for, use your seats. And five, that's it. Up and six and up and down seven. Any other ways you can just keep the feet relax?

You don't have to do that now stay down and go into circles. Five Times two, three in. There should be no rock and roll the hips. Three, four, five, or think I've lost you. You're going to reverse your count five circles to keep it moving. Three, four and if you done 20, relax. Okay, you're going to flip to your stomach, palm on top of palm, forehead on your hands. You're going into some transition beats. Now before you start, it's always good to have an extra eye on young. Make sure you're centered.

So both of you are pretty good. I'm just gonna move you a little bit to make sure you are centered. Okay? So now you guys are straight. Your spine is your long, you know, reach your legs out long. If not, hopefully you can feel that out. Reach those legs out and get the eyes off the manager. You can't really stretch back. And then clap the heels together too.

So keep reaching out. Three four, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and now I'm going to grab Ya. Keep reaching. And now 10 more. 10 No, eight seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and rest onto your right leg. Hip on top of hip. That's fine. Your backs can be this one. Face Lotion, legs forward, chest, open, gaze forward as well. If you're in Max or long and you're not like this, good. And now ready, kick, kick to your nose, stretch back, kick, kick back. No swaying you and keep those backs long. Keep them as strong.

Three four. There's a little movement going here. If those ribs together, four five and squeeze your seat as you go back. Six kick, kick, seven Walmart, kick, kick and leg on top of leg going up, reaching out and coming down. And you can add the flexing point if you want. So you flex up, point down, or point up and flex down. Either one as long as you're consistent. Three now you're don't let the hips fall back.

Hip on top of hip. Four stays open. Five next day long. Six really easy to get lost in these seven Walmart and circles. Five Times. One little circles to, it's a hip circle. Three so you should feel it in your hip. Four, five, reverse. One more hip, less knee for dough. Let your hip ball for, Aha.

That's it. And Five. All right, let's lie onto your backs and let's just go to teaser one. So you're going to lie down and actually, can I have you turn and face this way? So I'm going to spot you here. They don't block color. Yeah, you're going to start with your knees in you're intake. Take your arms all the way back. Naser Open. So you're in your Pilati stance. Good.

And you're take your leg straight up to 90 degrees and I probably move your head a little bit to the left. Okay, now you're gonna take your arms straight up. You're going to start to lower those legs for 45 degrees. Now you're going to lift your head and started to peel off the mat to your toes. All right? Come up. You have to reach for those toes. You're going to lift your arms to the ceiling, stretch your backs out.

Now you're gonna lie back down, keeping the legs up while you go down around knee. Now one vertebrae at a time. As soon as you touch, you're going to come back up and back up to the toes. Stretch to the ceiling. Lift and bring yourself down, down, damned up your shoulders all the way. One more time, all the way up to the toes. Reach for the ceilings ceiling, and then come back down and you're going to stay down. You're going to bring those knees in.

You sit up and go to your seals all the way up. Hands underneath the ankle. So inside the legs and under good heads are forward. You can hold the ankles or the top of the, the feet heads are forward and get a good concave. So that way back there. There you go. Now Clap three times heals two, three, rural that club three times before you come up. One, two, three, one, two, three back. And I'll let you do these at your own pace, but I want you to do six.

So keep your chins curled towards your chest and control it so you gotta get that concave. You gotta really get those ribs in other ways. You're not going to roll like a ball. You'll roll like a fizzled out ball. Yeah, that does a roll tumor. Control it back. You don't want to roll on your head either. Do Walmart, control it. Breathe naturally though. Drop your feet. Reach for your toes and just stretch. Good.

Stand however you'd like. If you want. Incarcerate instead and you can otherwise just stand and then stand tall. You're not going to do this. I was gonna think about just having you reach straight up for his aiming deep breath in. Stretch your sides and let your arms drop an exhale.

Just let them lower, lower, lower. Do that two more times. Just little big lift for the heart. Stretch up. Get those ribs together though. Squeeze your seats, good weight towards your toes, and exhale. Exhale. Excellent. Now you're going to rise to your toes and do two more with the arms going up at the same time. Arms, come up with your left and arms come down and you come down one more time and arise up, lift it, does ribs back in, and exhale, exhale, exhale, and shake yourselves out. You're all done.


Susan B
2 people like this.
Perfect. Classic flowing mat work. A complete workout, but short enough to do every day !!!!
Nice! Short but good!!
Great total body work for everyday! Thanks :)
Agree! Short and sweet!
Thank you! Glad you all enjoyed this short class
Yes!, These exercises are meant to be done everyday! It makes a huge difference and feels so good, thanks for watching!
1 person likes this.
Simple......and still a lot to learn. Enjoyable practice. Thank you.
This is my 2nd month with Pilates anytime. So far this is my fav. Perfect pace and length to fit into any day.
Susan H
Excellent short practice. I love Adrienne's cues and order of exercise.  
Cues were perfect as well as pacing!i liked your modified and advanced versions of exercises! Thanks Adrianne!
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