Class #2206

Steady and Stable Reformer

80 min - Class


Your body will feel steady and stable after this Reformer workout with Amy Taylor Alpers! She focuses on using the arch of the feet to help support the shins which will help us avoid hyperextension in the knees. Once you begin to stand on your feet instead of falling into the joints, Amy says, "The arch will be the knee's best friend!"
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Pilates Pole

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Hi everyone. I'm Amy Taylor Alpers from the Palati Center in Boulder, Colorado. And I am here with Aaron and Amy and we're going to do an intermediate level classical reformer. Okay. Nice level, nice order, nice rhythm, kind of the material you use most of the time, right? Versus some of that more advanced material, but the kind of stuff that, you know, almost everybody I see it, you know, you get yourself pretty advanced and then you're sorta maybe had a couple months where things weren't quite as steady and all of a sudden you're back down to doing this order again because it's just a really nice steady, stable order. Gets the whole body, feels awesome, doesn't make you crazy, but it's still gets Ya. So, all right. So I, I w before we even start, I want to say two things that we're going to focus on a little bit. Um, because I've been seeing it a lot in working with people and that's the hyperextension of course is always an issue, but we're going to look at it a little differently. We're going to talk about the arch of the foot and the muscles in the arch of the foot coming up the back of the Shin to help support your shin.

So you're actually holding your lower leg from your foot and not letting it hang off your quad. And then conversely, so that'll be a feeling of the calves shins coming forward up into the Tibia. And then conversely in the hip joint, a little sense of pulling the femur a little deeper into the back of the hip socket. So femurs back and shins forward to offset the natural tendency of quads forward. Shins back. Okay. Which causes that a constant hyperextension. Okay. So right away from foot work, we'll be looking at that. Alright lady. So have a seat lie down. We're gonna have a starting with what work.

Obviously you start with four springs on the ground. Smith machines, that can be a little heavy for some, I'm fine with three. That's also a perfectly acceptable spring tension. Okay, so you're going to find, before we start, you're gonna take a moment. Find the big toe ball of the foot, the little toe ball of the foot, the center of the heel, the tripod of both feet, and those little triangles inside. And then like little sails that lift up the arch of your foot, right? And then that arch specifically comes up the back of your Shin, right? So the arch is lifted. Maybe all 10 toes are up, but not hard.

And then a little more on the outer foot and then a sense that the arch muscles come right up the back of your shins. All right, here we go. We're going to take a nice inhale as we go out and come home and lift all 10 toes and out and come home. That's right. And the feet stay. Exactly. Let's come down just a little bit and out and, and you go, you got it. And in Nice job and as you go out, instead of pushing the knee down, stop a little shy of that and keep opening your spring instead. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. We'll do one more out. Beautiful to the arches.

Now you really feel those beautiful arches here. You Go. Out and in. So really like an eagle and you have a heel talent also. Yes. So that you're very much, when you come to strait, you're standing on your Tellez bone instead of hanging in your knee. So you're standing here, maybe bend the knee a little bit, flexing ankles a bit more. Right? So you're standing here and come home, stretch out.

Yes and come home and you don't let the knee drop below. Stop here and come home. Yep. And two more. And Curl your toes. Little less knee in general. What if you just stood on your feet and stood on your feet? Exactly. And one more time. Stand on your feet. Don't push the knee.

Yeah. And come back in and to the heels. So say my did you push the heel and you take a big inhale and instead of pushing with the knee or dropping down in the knee, you stand on the heel and take a big inhale and you keep opening the lungs and the spring you open the lungs in the spring. Oh, away from your heels. Inhale. Exhale. That's the way. And we'll go a little faster. But not crazy. Fast out and into more stretch out.

And in last time man out and into the balls of the feet. Again, arch is very lifted, stretch out. But don't drop your knees. Still stand on your feet, lower your heels and lift your heels. Yeah. So then we'll stay in a slight floaty position because you're using the arch of the foot to hold the shin up with as opposed to dropping the knee down below the foot. So there's a feeling of going straight horizontally into your feet as opposed to even a little lighter here, Aaron. Yeah.

As opposed to swinging down and under and swinging back. Do you see, you can see with Amy, she's very horizontal. She'd go straight into heart, ankles and right back to her lungs, down, down, down and up, up, up, and then last time and up. And you stay light on the arches and imagine what if you didn't bend your knee and fall, but you live arches to bring your shins forward and then you lifted your feet, shins right to come up to sitting to lower your foot bar, right? Yeah. So that you have this feeling that you're about to lift your feet to do the switch and you're already ready because you don't have your feet over here. They're over there. Does that make sense? Okay, so then you're going to hook one foot under the foot bar, pick the other foot up. You got it. You got it. You got it right leg straight down in, arms, straight up. Right.

So even now we notice like our Tennessee again, it's just of up lets us rest the legs and hope we can pick them up. But instead we're going to not do that. We're going to keep our arches strong, which might even if you are a little hyperextend in your ankle, be almost more than burned on a purchase. So we're going to flex the ankle tiniest little bit and then work the foot. Yes, right? No hyper extension. Take big. Inhale strong hands and exhale up. Wake up. And we go in two, three, four, five and out. Good as we're going.

What about it again? Right? How do we not ankle it too much? Maybe bird on a purchase a little bit. So flicks back in the ankle, slightly. Work the arches of the foot. Sometimes they say like, imagine you were going to spine, stretch your foot. What if you flexed it for a second and then spine stretched it exactly right so that we're holding here. Little less knee and a sense that the arch comes up under the back of the Shin and then the femur is way in the back of the hip. Beautiful.

Last couple, no elbow, hyper extension bend. I'm even a little bit more. There we go. And then last long, big lung and then exhale and then bend the knees into the chest, bend the elbows, handles in one hand and come up to sitting and we'll drop down to two springs and you really do have to be on two springs and lie back down. Put your head rest down and we'll do short spine. Okay. So as they're transitioning to get their feet into their staffs, we're going to think about those arches, which are what's going to go on the strap, right? So when you straighten your leg, quote unquote, straighten your standing in your feet, not hanging in hyperextension. Okay.

So arms come down next to your side. So while Amy's here for one second, we're gonna flex slightly back and then point we're going to try and get a little cramp in. The arch of our foot is going is happening. Okay. So that there's a sense, maybe even flex a little bit more. There's a sense that she can stand here, right? As opposed to if she points and hyperextends then the spring is no longer what she's standing on. It could actually kind of catapult her a little bit, right? So we've got a nice push out, really strong through the arch.

Get that right there and you can point a little bit more rounded, but you stay around it. Okay? That's your big inhale. And then you exhale, pick your hips up to your feet and go over, over, over, bend the knees, inhale, and then exhale. Roll it down and leave the feet over your head. That's one. There's several different choreographies. So bring your feet back here and then stay up one inch and then put your belly down instead. So keep this up a little bit. Put your belly down. That's right. And then bend the knees and inhale, stretch it out.

No hyperextension stand on your feet as those are going like this. And then exhale. You pick yourself up to your feet. Not your cas, but your feet up, up, up, up, up. Yup. Bend your knees, Vermont. Say No hanging baskets needs a little narrower. And then keep the feet there and roll the spine away. Little narrower. Yeah. And roll the spine away. Beautiful. And then just bend your knees right here.

Okay. So rather than throw the feet out or even point the feet out, feel like you're doing your bird on a perch a little bit, and you reach out to the arch. Exhale. Lift up, up and up and up and up and up and up and up. Yes. Big Inhale. Huge lungs. Big, huge lungs. Keep the feet, squeeze the ABS. Roll the spine long and then pull the feet down and we'll do one more. Inhale. No, I've heard ascension and exhale up. It's so hard to do. We're so, so familiar with that.

Kind of slamming the leg out excess. Even here, you could have a sense that your femurs are back here a little bit and your shins are more forward and you'll feel that changes a lot of things inside your body. Okay, great. Now we're going to take your handles in one hand or both hands. Take your feet out a leather. You got it. Pull your handles out and put your elbows on the mat. So if you have that kind of equipment, that's how you do it.

Then you lift the head. So now the knees are going to be back almost on the ears. Okay? They're pretty close in, a little bit apart. Strong fist, wrists and forearms and and nice straight wrists. Okay. Inhale, straighten. No hyper extension, elbows or knees open. Close. Exhale, knees to the ears or even the cheeks. Yes. And then bend the elbows to 90 and stop. So a little bit more out and a little bit narrower, right on the mat or pretty close to the mat when they're bent. Inhale, stretch out. There'll be hovering open, close.

Lift him a little bit air on your hands. So you're standing on the hands. Yes. Nice job. Inhale out, open, close, exhale all the way home. And then the elbows, a little lower. Elbows last time. Inhale. No hyperextension stand in your feet here. What if you were still standing in your feet instead of hanging off your quads and handles in one hand? Very nice. Okay. Step off, Hook your handles. We're going to put your head rest up, your foot bar up and do stomach massage. All right, so again, as you're doing it could be three or four springs and we're going to use the black pad. So you get to come and grab your pad. Now, no white showing, no white showing from the top down. No white. Yup. Okay, so then you're going to sit still no white showing and what you're going to make sure you do again is your first foot work position in that you keep the arches lifted the shins and calves and you don't slam into hyperextension, which is actually quite challenging.

Okay, so you've got the arch up, so come a little lower. The arches are up and they're actually really contracted in a way that it holds the back of your Shin. And you can see if you can feel that. So you go out and you keep this very high, right? And then you lower and lift. Remember when we saw it, how, how it looked in the lower and lift in the foot work, right? So you come back in.

So you stretch it out lower heap the knees like the ankle, the height of the ankle. Feel it like that. Okay, come in for a second. Must switch your foot a little bit. We're going to come this way slightly. Okay. Yap. So you're standing on all five toes. Even if your toe isn't touching, pretended is okay. Stretch out. But keep your r-chop, stop lower lift. You can go full range through the ankle, just not through the knee. And then up and then lift the shins home.

Keep the heels where they were and flex the ankle. Right? So the ankle stays lower. Lift a little higher here, holding this up. Then the ankle flexes and the Tibias come forward. Right. And that actually will open your back beautifully. Nice. Aaron, you feel it so, so, so good. There you go. So when we came home after foot work to go into our hundred, we talked about not just bending the knee and coming home, but actually lifting the shin to come home, flexing the ankle, all the same.

So a little bit lighter as you go lower and left. And then this flexes, but this comes home so it doesn't drop. It just keeps coming. Okay, so now you can drop the spring. We'll take the arms back, same thing and we'll go a little bit more up to tempo. But it is hard to do. You'll be, you'll say. Okay. All right. So we're going to go out and lower and lift and come back home, man, and lower and lift and come back. So you literally don't straight your knees stopped shy one degree and stand on your feet. Yeah. All right. And I bring your hips more forward again, knees stay.

What if your foot bar was a scale and you, when you straighten your knees, you don't lose any of the pressure on the foot bar. You gotta stay on your foot bar and not drop to your knees. Yes, stay on it. Lower lift, but stay on it but stay on it but stay on it. Exactly right so that you don't just swing, swing, swing, swing home. Yes, you stay perched up on your feet. When we get to Swan, you're going to be very happy you practiced it cause you're going to need those feet for swan and lower and lift and come back home. Good.

Now we can say on two springs, if you can bring the arms around and reach, we go out, man. No lower lift. You go out and you come home and lift all 10 toes. Keep the arch very still. Flex the ankle, go lift the shins. Bring the [inaudible]. Tell man, come on all the way home and come on home all the way and imagine if you will go a little faster. We go out, we're going to think ahead in our minds a little bit to knee stretches. The tail should curl under each time. Keep your arches up, keep 'em up. Keep 'em up. Keep 'em curl your tail instead. Right?

So if you don't lower your heel, guess what you'll have to do? We'll have to crawl your tail. Yeah. Yeah. So pick yourself up and come even more forward and let your spine bend. Yes. So if you watched a cheetah bend your elbows a little bit. Hold something else than elbows. Yes.

If you watched a cheetah running across the African prairie, you'd see his tail come under. His whole spine comes under. Not Tight, but free in such a way that your abdominals on that exhale actually get grab you right and then into your twist. Ladies and out and in. Stay on your feet. Stay on your feet. There we go. [inaudible] back again. Stay on them. They're just always there. Little softer elbows so that you hold something other than elbows and knees, like maybe lungs and abs.

Inhale and arches and exhale and then last that stay up in your feet. Stay up in your feet and then be even come home and we'll just lift the arms and step up and go ahead. All right, very nice. Now we're going to grab our long boxes and do swan, and here's where you're going to need to know where those eat work and stand on them 100% so choose springs and pad for the front of your box. Here's a reminder, if you have another pat or you need another pad, you can put pad here or and, or ultimately the swan is done on the foot bar. So if anybody wants to try that, you're welcome to. All right, so you're gonna step up onto the end of your reformer. Push out. We're going to put the right end of your box, kind of like two inches. Oh, your hip joint approximately. That's not even a real rule, but like right in the top of the meat of your quad. All right?

Then you're going to find those amazing footwork, stomach massage beat, right? So we're going to have this beautiful arch. We're going to have this sense of forwardness here and then a little sense of a little bit back. Beautiful, right? Little narrower, little lower. Yep. So you're on your feet a little bit more. And then lift your arches up. You have a forwardness of the calf into the Shin.

Standing over the arch of the foot. Okay. Hands in, the well above. And then we inhale. Stretch. Don't lose your feet. Stay on them. Stay on them. Where'd you go? And Open your arms and stretch out. Stay on your feet. Yes. And then as you rise, stay back here with me. Stay black back here with me, but not hanging. Yeah. And then push out.

Stay on him. Stay up. Stay on him. Yes. And round over. You see what I mean? So we've got that beautiful tripod we started with. Inhale, rise up. Keep your feet. You can bend the knees a little, but don't lean on your thighs. Stand on your feet. Open your arms, stretch forward. And then arch again. Stay on those feet again. Yes, Amy, feel it. And then you stretch forward and stay on them. Stay on them.

You can straighten your knees but you don't change your foot and round over three times. And we do two or three. One more big inhale. We go way back, but we stay on the feet. Beautiful. Open the arms. Stretch forward. Stay on your feet and then back. Stay on your feet. Cause here's where we like to lean on the box. Stand on the feet a little bit more. Drop your heels slightly. Yes, there we go. And stretch. Yes, and stretch it out and around Dover. Good, beautiful on. Step off and we'll drop down to one spring, a middle spring. If you have that choice. If the springs are all the same, it's better to have a middle spring unless you know for sure you need a specific side because maybe you have a scoliosis or something.

Otherwise it's a middle spring. That's the rule. You're going to lie on your belly, it's going to do pull stops t now you're going to be top of the shoulders, even with the box that might be new, a little bit different. You're going to have to hold your own legs up. Okay. And then when you lift your upper body, think of keeping your sternum, the very end of your sternum on the box. Not Lifting so much that we're arching here, but that we're using the upper shoulder a little bit more.

Let's go head all the way down. Legs Up. Just a little nice. That same feeling of calves to shins forward. Femurs back in your hips, gorgeous. Pull, thumbs around your leather, pull with your thumbs. Two eyes up, chest up, but not too high. And then all the way down again. And let's go. Thumbs. Really? Yeah, on head all the way down. All the way down. You got it, Aaron. And pull and arch. We're gonna come.

Shoulders up, shoulders back, but chest way forward. And then exhale the whole thing down. One more time. Inhale, pull. Lift the chest. Maybe lift the legs a little bit. Lower your sternum down slightly. Lift your arms and shoulders more your shoulders. Where are they?

Where are those? Our shoulders like right here. Lifted this. Yes. And then come back down all the way and release your spring. Let's do ti. So you slide to the end of your leather, hold out parallel to the ground. Your legs are still supported, right? And then release your spraying. Bring your carrots home, lift your hands a little higher. Everybody lift your legs a little bit. Arches even maybe slightly. Bend your elbow so you can lift your arm.

Pet's instead, got it. And now inhale, lift up. All Nice job, beautiful. And then fly way out. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Inhale. Up we go. That's the way. So you feel like a torpedo, right? You're like shoot through the space. In inhale, I push your feet forward out your chest and exhale down. Nice job handles in one hand and step up.

Okay, we're going to add a spring for backstroke. And again, if you can just go with another middle spring or a side spring. If you know you need to balance your body a little bit, that can be a nice opportunities. You're going to scooch down, you get your straps, twist it. Now we talked, if you saw the little tutorial we did, we talked about how when the knees are all the way bend, sit bones should be even with the bottom of the box. If your boxes and too long, I'd screwed down just a little bit. And that's for the purpose of when you pull the spring that the spring is about here as opposed to down here. Okay, so knees on your cheeks. Yep. Hands above your head. Point your toes, you go, inhale up. Exhale out and inhale Paul an exhale.

Return Gut. Bring them all the way home. Inhale, I like the arms to come parallel to the floor. Not dropped behind you, but parallel. So when you pull, you go this way and I would even shrug your shoulders up a little bit. Bend your elbow slightly and pull your body up. That's the way. And stay up there as you bend your elbows and keep your some beautiful. You see where she is? Stay there. Inhale up. Exhale wide. Inhale up. We come that way. Less arm, shoulders, more lungs.

[inaudible]. Bend your elbows long. Don't forget those reverse inhale lungs. Exhale. Why? All the way home up and bend high and close. Inhale down and out. Exhale, wide and up. And then right above your head, a little bit higher. And last time down we go.

And why? And stay here for one second. Where are those shins and femurs now? Yes. And Ben. Beautiful. Because these are oh boy handles in one hand teaser up. You're going to drop down to one spring. Yes. That's how everybody does it. Uh, ideally the legs are still up in Teaser, you know, that's how we supposed to do it. Okay, so now the other, but we did our own variation.

So now we have our legs down in our arms back and we're doing teaser and the rule again, so the arms are down, legs are down, you can take them all the way down. Okay. And you're as far down the box as you can possibly be without falling off. And that's again for the same reason, so that that spring will catch you at the right time. Okay, so we inhale, curl our way up. No. Hyperextension yes. Good. Now stay. Got It. Hold it. Yes. And lift your arms and lower them and lift your arms and and it's not just your arms, it's your chest, your lungs, your armpits, the whole bang, Shebang up we come stay. And then we put it all down. Feed, eye level.

Even when you can't see him, hands go to the floor, to the floor all the way down, Erin. Yes, and the legs can go lower, but only lower if they're still connected versus if she were to hyper extend and drop them. Then it's too low. And now we curl back in and hell, we'll go into some circles now when we circle around, and again, we're going to circle the whole arm pit. The whole shoulder girdle. Yeah, the whole arm stay and we'll curl back down. So stay up to the middle and curl it arms. Go to the floor, the floor, the floor, the floor, the floor at last time. And Hell, curl it up. We'll reverse our circles. Now. Where are your shins now? Yes. Where are your femurs now?

On in the socket. Try to shrug the shoulders up so you could lift your lungs. Yes. Keep the shins and curl down all the way, arms to the floor, feet as low as they go. Hamill's in one hand and step up. Very nice. Now you can put your handles on the floor and we'll turn the box and do short box box goes over your shoulder blocks does it?

It does on these. Yeah, and head rest will be down. So it should fit. If these are grads, if you have grads or the center line as well, you've got those nice hooks that hold the box. Pretty stable. Two springs at least. That's just to keep your carriage stable. To grab your short box pole and feed. Go under the strap. We'll start without the pole though.

Feed her hip width flexed. So scooch back. Yep. And then these are kind of longer, aren't they? Yeah, they are. I think they're a little long. So once we could come a little narrower here. So we're shoulder hip-width. Sorry, and scoot back a little bit. It is, and you guys aren't like, I mean your, yeah, that could be okay. You would come narrower and let's, and let's use one straps.

So it's not as tight. It could be. Okay. It does look a little sh, you know, like what you want is that you could feel pretty normal and natural at your hip width right here, which is not as wide as you think. So hip width is actually on the inside of that big tendon right there cause we're hip socket whip. So maybe four inches, something like that from ankle, bone to ankle bone at most. And then ideally you would be for finger width from the back. So if in fact you can't be hip width with relatively straight knees, no hyperextension and you're not this, uh, and you're still so far from the back edge, you might want to play with that, reconfigure that. One thing you can do is actually get a slightly longer strap, which gives you a little more length. So that's an option. All right, you can move the box forward, but your next option is quite forward because you have that shoulder blocks.

So that might be like then, oh my gosh, now I'm way over here. And that's maybe why your instinct is to kind of put your feet on the frame. So perhaps a law, an optional longer strap, because equipment does vary a lot. It's kind of Nice sometimes to just have a strap you can play with a little bit. Or what I'll do is get an extra clip and just add another two inches of length to your strap. So I play with that. I know Starbucks crazy amounts of things that you might have to configure if you're feeling that the box is too high and these are pretty standard, you know like we were talking nine and a half, 10 inches high.

If your box is much higher than that, you could take a stack of pads. Since you can't change the height of the box, you could change how far away the carriage is by putting a stack of these right here and raising the carriage level two inches so that you would be a little less on an angle. Right. So especially if you're working with tiny or people, it feels like you're just going down hill. Yeah. Yeah. So if your box is big, that's an option there. And a little bit of strap option is nice too to make it fit better. All right, so we're going to fold the arms, lift the spine up and over. Now even here, it's not that these are bent so you guys could be a little straighter but no hyperextension but you do want to feel like your heel foot work a little bit where you're standing on the heel. You've got a nice lift here, but you're not shoving this down and you do have a sense of this being snugged into the back of the hip socket a little bit. All right? So you curling forward, pull the belly in and you roll back. And if you are going into an arch, you do want to feel like either you have the control for it, which these ladies do. Um, or uh, you have to configure that box a little bit better because otherwise you really could run into hitting the wrong part of your spine. It's one thing if they're too long and they're gonna fall in the sacrum is unsupportive, that's not good. But conversely, if there's too much box here, you're going to hit the wrong part of the, and that could be uncomfortable. So you do want to, uh, really support, pretend the box shorter and maintain your own support instead of using the box at all. All right, so let's do one more so around and curl and we're going to roll back and we will do two or three more actually, and round over an arch and they're going full arch, which is awesome.

And Curl back in and rounded up. And one more. Inhale, curl it back. You could, when you get down there, you have two choices. You can just go crossed arms to forehead or you could stretch them all the way into the well and then curl them back up and bring it around. And we'll do one more. See if you could, here's this feeling from footwork that you're not standing on your shoes, you're standing on your feet. And even as you roll back, you actually keep standing on your feet. You have to keep standing on your feet. You have to keep standing on your feet. And then if you aren't, you have to arch up off of my fingers. Yes. Right.

So you're still standing on the feet as opposed to hanging off your quads or resting on the box. Especially again, because the boxes do vary and you might have to do that. Okay, so now we'll take our along our pole and reach it up and we'll do flat back. All right, so tall, tall, tall, shoulder, wet. Come in a little narrower, little narrower, a little bit narrow. Make fist. Not a rule, but he was a boxer. And so let's go. Strong fists, wrists and forearms. Really Nice and strong. Take the elbows to the ears so it's a little bit higher. Lift the chest and you're going to do that. Not by arching your back.

So curl just a little, but by lifting the chest. Yes. Okay. Soft elbows. Big. Inhale back. Huge lungs. Look at your feet. Everybody look at your feet and exhale. Look right down at your feet. So your head is supported by yes, the front of the neck and not hanging off your neck. Inhale, and again, you're still trying to stand on your feet as opposed to hanging off the strap. It's there, but don't use it as a safety net, right?

It really is just a guideline. One more in yesterday on those feet. Stay on those feet. Beautiful excess, stay tall, side bend, inhale side bend and exhale up. Good. And again, we're keeping that nice, strong fist, wrist, forearm, and exhale. Inhale and exhale. You got it. And you're filling one long and opening one side of the rib cage. Inhale and exhale.

And if you feel again like you're kind of sliding off your box, you might scoot yourself back. And now we're going to do twist. We're going to stay on both hips so the feet stay hip width apart. We're going to twist to the right and inhale, reach you way back. Still stand on those feet and exhale, come back up. And the other side, strong fist, wrists and forearms.

Reach your body to your knuckles and exhale. So rather than thinking, oh, I do twist, what if I reached myself out to my knuckles and came back up? That's right. And the other way. And Aaron, you could have your knuckles forward just a little. That's right. And come back up. And one last set. Two with Stan. Inhale and so long and exhale, come back up.

Last one. Nice big deep twist. Twist even more. Yes. And come back up. Beautiful. All right. Bar goes back under your knee and let's see your left leg just to be wild and crazy. So you're gonna bring your left leg to your chest, wrap your forearm, deepen under nice strong curl. So that stomach massage position, when we came in, we actually let our lumbar spine curl, which is not the same thing as Hayne. We're connected through our abdominals, right? So we're still in that little bit of a curl and then we straighten up and down.

Nice job. And what, where is your Shin Now? Where's your hip joint now? Right? So you feel, not that you're just kind of moving your lower leg around, but that you're organizing from the hip to the arch to the toes. Stay at the top, flex and point. Very nice. Flex. Good. And right here you have a nice lift, which is not flattening or anything. It's just lifting. That's it, right? Beautiful job. And we're gonna stay pointed.

You lift this whole thing up so the elbows have helium balloons attached to them. They're very light. Okay? You're so strong through the power, this, that this is your secondary support. This is your primary support. Okay? Curl, put the top of your head on your shins. Get this leg vertical to start, but still stay in your hips, not your hamstrings. And then walk down your leg. Powerful hips, powerful hips. And we're still standing on this foot as opposed to hanging off this foot. And we curl that into the chest. The elbows are light and floaty.

They go past your head as your head comes in. So again, we might see that lovely rhythm where the hands in the head sort of pass each other and then we are [inaudible] and then the hands in the head sort of pass each other as we come back up again. Beautiful. Was that three, two, one mark and other. So honest and exhale. Arch feels good, right? And in hand. See if you can find your right foot just a little bit, Aaron. It goes off the radar, right. We're going to stay at the top and take your left hand to your inner arch, your right hand to your outer handle on your box.

Couple options here and you might play with which one works better for you. You can kind of go simultaneous, which might be the ultimate or sometimes it's nice to crow back and then open and that keeps the pelvis more square and or, and then always you come up the same, which is you come up with the leg to the side. Yeah. And then you bend the knee and crossover and you can do a figure four stretch. And there are a couple theories here about this. I like the heel on there. Yeah. So that you get a little leverage back. Otherwise again, all we do is kind of hang in hyperextension right.

But the other option would be at the top to open first and then go back and then come up for sure. You come up with the leg to the side. Um, probably kind of simultaneous, but a lot of times people just lose their organizations. So we've got a couple of choices there. All right, so let's switch feet. All right. Narrow, strong hips. Really feel like there's a strong rooted connection right there. Inhale up and exhale down.

And where are those femurs right now? Where are those shins and calves and could you have a feeling of that? It's really the calf. Ooh, right. And the here. Yeah. As to say the knee, right?

That you really feel like I actually lift this up and then I flex and point from this lift right here. Yes. Use your other hand if you need to. Right? So that you're not exactly lifted calf. Lift your cap up and it's up this way and it's also up into your Tibia and then it correspondingly down in the femur. You maybe pull that Fumar back a little bit. Yes. Yeah. Gorgeous. Yeah. Excellent. Excellent.

I know just those little tiny shifts and it's a whole nother thing. Takes it out of the knee. So this can become instead of a knee aggravator and actually amazing exercise for knee re Rehab. Yeah. Okay, so now keep your ankle up there. Your foot pointed hands come to the ankle. Now here's another perfect example. You're not stretching your hamstring.

You're deepening your femur and you're lifting the calf forward and to up narrowing the hips, standing on this foot, and you're going to walk your way down. But stay on it. Stay on it. Stay connected at the hips. Stay standing on your left foot. Curl your chin to your chest and rise up. Elbows go past the head. And again, even here, don't overstretch your hamstring. Narrow your hips, deepen your Femur, and lift your calf. Yes, that was awesome. Full-Blown support the whole time. Look, Amy, that's so great. So good you guys. So, so good. Okay, so now left-hand into your medial arch.

Oh, one more. Just wanting to go fast. Today. We're getting it so I know they're like, don't stop now and beautiful. You see how it looks like a tree and she's climbing it now, right? That's just gorgeous. All right, now we'll go inner arch. Outer box. Okay, and let's do it kind of simultaneously. But let's see if we can't maintain all that tremendous integration, right? So we're still standing on the spot. We're not going to just hang on our hip.

So easy to do. We're going to simultaneously open, and this can go as wide as it can go, as long as you're not hanging. But we're still standing. It's a little low, right? Yes, you can arch, but you don't arch from here. You have to arch from here. POST-OPS T. Yep. And then you come up leg to the side all the way. Come up, almost like leg behind you. Like open the hip on the Cadillac, bend the knee, like open the hip on the Cadillac and then crossover and give yourself a figure. Four stretch. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

So if we got really deep into those hips because we placed the hit better and we didn't hang the Shin off the quad like we do because our lifestyle just dictates that. It's just that to me, it's as simple as we get out of a chair a hundred times a day and it promotes that pattern. Versus if we got out of a squad a hundred times a day, as you and I have discussed, uh, we, we, we wouldn't, we'd stand on our feet and our femurs and tibias would align beautifully right underneath us versus sheer the knee forward. Every time you stand up out of a chair. So the quad goes forward and then the lower leg disappears behind. And then we come to this standing position because we are unsupported. So pretty much crossed the board.

You're going to find every one of you and maybe all of your clients, you're going to need to pull this guy back and conversely bring that forward so they actually come into alignment and you can stand over the arch tailless of your foot instead of hanging in your quads and shins and heels stepping off. Speaking of which long stretch, you've got to find that beautiful organization. Now, whoo. Not Easy. So we're gonna go, uh, one spring. Ultimately, especially if you have heavier springs, right? It could be two, but go to lighter springs because too much and you're going to be just shoving and pushing instead of standing on your feet with your legs.

Beautifully aligned and taking a giant inhale. We're going to go hand, foot, hand, foot unlock elbows and knees right away. So they're long and strong, but they're not hyper extended. You're standing on your tailor. So you might want to bring your toes forward just a little so that you have ankle flection, right? But no hyper extension, no hyper extension shoulder with the part. So come in a little narrower. Wrap your elbows back just a little without hyper extending and inhale back.

Big Lungs and exhale for beautiful. And then are you standing in your ankles? You should be able to lift all 10 toes right now because you're standing in your ankles and not your toe joints and even your wrists a little bit stronger. Use your thumbs, reach around and pull this up. Yeah. So that's that strong risk fist, forearm that you need to practice a little bit more better, Aaron, and then lower the knees and add a spring that two springs for this exercise.

But again, not too crazy heavy for a lot of you, unless you're built really big and strong because you probably just gonna Shove. All right, so what I say to most people here, because we also crane the neck and shoulders a little bit, is actually get a little short. Feel like you're shrunk down, right? But then hold yourself with your belly instead of cranking on your shoulders all the time, right? So get a little shorter. Shrug your shoulders up to your ears just a little bit, right? So stay down here, soften this, and now use your belly. Yes.

Inhale, press back, eyes up, stay up and x out. And if it's too heavy, guess what? You go back and spray. Inhale. And then exhale. Just a little short right here. So you actually have to extend and use your abdominals. That's the wand, right? Index sealed. This comes up and you don't even have to crane for it. You just have to bend. Inhale last time Ben, then bend right, beautiful up into your up stretch.

Here's the perfect place. If we have our feet too low, right? Even when we're on our relevant, when she goes to push, this is our only option, right? So feet very high. Very, very high. Yes. Weight over your hands a little bit more. Curlier hears between the elbows. No. Hyperextension. Okay, so that when you push, you push through the arch of the foot, push through the arch of the foot with your whole body and come on home.

Right curl. Did I say that out loud? You did. And Lexi, you see how she ends up beautifully flexed around the tailless. No hanging head down. Head down. Head down. Good enough. Stay in for one sec. Up over your hands. Way Up over your hand. Strong here. Hold but strong. Higher in your foot. Okay, this doesn't move. This does. Push your foot away. Push it, push it. You got to get some strong girl. You know now and now we're coming in. Whoops.

Sorry. Head stays down and we come on home and then you can go. Maybe on the one spring if you need to. But if it's so that we see from foot were gone, if we don't find those feet, we're getting a different kind of power. Do you want to go into your combo? Woo. Little brick. Oh, the ads. Slippery. So watching this, so here's another little hint. See if I can show it. This thing that we do here, we have to be very careful with that one. Right?

So the thumb needs to reach out. So you need to be reaching your thumbs at the same time. So we're not kinking back like this. So reaching thumbs. So you're standing in your fist, wrist and forearm. You're not hanging in your thumbs, which will get arthritic. It's coming.

Stop it now. Stop it now. Yeah, the to Tibia is helping me now. Perfect. Exactly right. So like I'm feeling beautiful and that's why you need this high arch like she had in her foot work, stomach massage, this high arch, which is not a forced hyper extended arch. It's a strong arch, but it keeps the calf from being able to hyper extend. So when she pushes, she's going to push the whole leg and come on home and the head stays between the e that your stay between the elbows come forward. Soften this stuff. Stand here and push. Push. Yes. Keep the head down and come home in this position and then curl up.

Yes. Did we do Combo? Do we want it to Combo? Let's go into elephant. Same feeling now? Yes, because here you can see cause yeah cause Amy has a hyperextension she can totally sheer back here but we're not. We're going to stand over the tailless with a strong arch in the foot. The femur can be back, but all the same. Be over your hands a little more than maybe you're used to.

Ears between the elbows and then exhale, come home, come home. Yeah. Even relax this a little bit more. Feel your thumbs. What are they doing right now? Beautiful. Erin. That's the way. Exhale. Say you see she comes in here instead of pushing back into the back of the calf. Yes. Beautiful job. Let's go into Relevate one leg.

We'll just do the first arabesque. It's going to rise up again, very high. If you have very hyper extendable feet, you have to make sure you're standing in the arch, right, meaning that it's these muscles here that are holding you and not straining through there. So one leg up, very easy to hyperextend here. Yeah, let's go a little parallel this like let's keep it parallel today. So we're going to keep nice lift in the gut ears between the elbows and when we go and exhale home little more and home you got it. And home switch feet. Yeah, high so that the ankle can flex but you don't hyper extend your calf and exhale and right.

Which forces you basically to have to use your exhale muscles, also known as your abdominals and step to the floor and we'll turn onto long back starts down again on the two heavier springs. It's quite tricky, especially for most, most of you watching probably 90 if not more percent are women. Joe was a guy and he was a boxer. So there's gotta be an assumption of a certain degree of power here. And then that we're not just doing it kind of with shoulder joints, but we're doing it with this big chesty upper body power. So let's say she can go on one spring, but then be careful because it is going to be a little light. That's not a rule.

Just saying okay. And then we're going to stay in that slightly lower position we did in our down stretch. Okay. So cause we tend to want to go like this to try to find some power, but we're going to come down a little bit and hold ourselves here and then guess what? No hypertension. And it's actually very hard here. So you actually do this with your upper body. You Bend your elbows, you push the foot bar back, you stand on your feet and pick the whole thing up and he come on home. Exactly. And you bend the elbows and you push that pelvis without locking your knees.

Stand on your feet and pull one more time. That's totally, exactly. I'm looking at you. So beautiful. Let's go the other way. So we would love to hyperextend oh my gosh, we would just love to, but you see us, she stays supported inside the network. Like she's just completely knitted together at step off. That was gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. All right, we're going to do semi circle. All right, we're going to demo this one bar up, one bar down to, so you know you can do either one. And I personally am a fan.

The original reformers were quite short. In fact, they were sorta enough that you had to keep your headrest up or you would lose two inches because you'd hit the back of the reformer. It was that short. Okay, so now we don't, we have these long tracks you could go on forever. So we miss a good deal of this exercise, which is actually considerably more vertical than horizontal. So you actually want a nice block in your track. So we're putting a blocking around here and then even adding this much more stop to stop that carriage sooner. Now with the bar up, you're going to hit a little sooner than with the bar down so you can play a little bit. And so with Aaron, we're actually adding two more of these in addition to the block and the weight. All right, so now here's those amazing foot work. Stomach massage, Swan feet, right?

You're standing on your feet as opposed to hanging in your knees or whatever else we do, which we learn a lot of things. Okay. And then we're going to see how do we get these shins forward? Calves, shins forward and quads. Femurs back. So instead of getting that look, we get a deeper look through here where this comes that way instead, this goes that way. These come up a little bit. Yes, quad stretch. Great. So [inaudible] normal. Better than normal. So arches up a little bit higher, right? And femurs deep. So this comes forward and that receives a little bit and that begins a little straighter arms. Yep. And then we roll down, keep your shins and your feet roll down. No hanging.

But you do arch, you push out. It's not so far. Then your arch has helped lift your shins up. Your artist's help lift your shins up. Nice. And you come all the way home. Beautiful. Stay up here. Curl something else. Yeah, so the arches stay, they will move in space, but they don't drop and then you push out through those feet as opposed to through your quads.

And then you come on home arches lift and you don't hyper extend, but you do stay lifted one more. And we're showing Erin with her fists because we want that carriage to hit the base of the shoulder blade. Maybe Amy show that too, because they've got a good side view. So she goes on her fist like this. Should I show? Yeah. Okay. You'll see it'll slider down a little bit so that as she rolls down, it's going to hit her over the back of the shoulder blade instead of in the middle of the rib cage. Yes. Beautiful. And there's our up stretch that we wanted our down stretch. Sorry, and the Swan.

Exactly. And then we're up and that shit come forward. But this stays back a little bit. We reverse staying up here. You've got to push somewhere else. Keep this up so that you get this nice horseback oppositional right there. And then you can go heels a little low, lower, but they don't draw.

That's the hard part. You're in charge of them. You can put them all over you want and you stand in them and you keep standing. And then that's so good. So you're suspended between your hands and feet rather than hanging off your hands and feet. Three, two, we do three. One more. This is the third one. And those two springs, those will make you strong. Nice job.

And then you come on in. Yes. Do you have to fall? So this again becomes that knee rehab where we're not pulling the knee this way all the time. Literally. But instead we're learning that in fact, this needs to migrate forward and these quads need to come up on the quad. Yes. So the suddenly the foot comes on. Oh my arts. She's not even touching my foot. Yeah. I feel my arts suddenly grab. Right. So if we get the arch and we find the Tibia in the right place, then the knee starts to actually transition back to where it was before we started living in chairs and we kept on going that way versus this way, right? And so when we go into semi-circle, we really feel it.

And then that sets you up for a better test expansion. Stepping off, speaking of Wedge, okay, we're going to, we could go one spray again to tactically, but don't go too heavy and then remove any blocks that are in your track at this point. Because I think because of the nature of having extended the equipment considerably over time, moving the pulley way back here, the straps are now at least three feet longer, right? So the pull on the body's quite different and the pull on the carriage is quite different. So all of a sudden if you're going to do arm circles, you've got to get those blocks out of your track or you'll hit them. All right? So chest expansion feed hooked over the back two or one spring, your hands on the end of the leather. If that's too far up, you can come down onto your metal a little bit. Now here you are, shins and calves down. Kneecaps in, quads up, femurs back. Okay, so that, guess what happens? You can open your chest. So you go. Inhale, chest opens, opens, opens, look, look, center. Exhale, good. Go.

Thumbs around your leather again. Just so you don't. That one kind of be can become a little stumpy. Two little narrower hands, strong fist wrists. And exhale. I like the tiniest little shrug so that you're not compressing. You just floating the shoulders up. Narrow hands, little narrower air in. There you go.

And exhale calves and shins forward kneecaps. Um, quads up, femurs back. Beautiful job. One more and he'll pull chest it up, chest it up. Come on, give me some chest, big chest, exhale and good. Nice. Okay. Now if you have long hair or any here that could conceivably get cotton in spring, then you use a pad and you put it over your spring's hap. It handles in one hand. Let's add two sprays.

I think you want to be at least three springs. If your springs are lighter, you might even go on four sprays. Yes. And then I would put, both of these ladies have hair that could dangle if they're going to go into a full extension. If somebody is not going to full extension, it won't be a problem. But it has been known to happen that somebody gets down there and then their hair gets caught in the spring. That's not pretty. Okay. Yeah, that's not good. That's not a good thing. So here we are again, right? This goes for all kneeling employees everywhere, but even just flexing of the knee, which happens constantly. Shins and calves down and toward the heels a little bit energetically. And then kneecaps and quads up. Femurs back. Okay.

Hands are a little higher on your leather. You're looking down at the end of your reformer, thumbs around your leather and you inhale back. Stay on those shins. Nice strong Shin Femurs back, but you don't sit and then you lift back up. Look down a little bit more, Aaron, as you go. Inhale. So all these flat backs like flat back on the short box, right? The eyes are down so that the head is held through the front of the body a little bit more. And if you want it to art, shrug the shoulders up a little bit, arch the whole chest and come back up. But because they're in, but then curl to head to approach into chest before you come up. Right?

So we worked a little bit in our pull strap t right, that we weren't going this way into it and then leaning back on our mid backs. But we were going this way up, right? So that we were in our upper backs a little bit more in the shoulders were very open so that when you go down here, because there's a tendency to be a little bit like this, you have to have that little shrug shoulders on the side and when you go back you have to arch the shoulders to maybe even a little shrug because they're down. And then chin to chest and then lift. Okay, we're going to do one more Rep. We're going to take one moment. Before we do so just run this little camera through your body for a second.

Right? Calves, shins down to the mat and back towards the feet a little bit so that you almost, it's almost like you move back slightly over your Shin so that the knees and the quads are up and lifted and the femurs are back. Thumbs around your leather. You're looking at the end of your bar, of your reformer. But because the tendency is to hang off the arm and shoulder a little bit, we're going to shorten that slightly levitate the shoulder girl just a little too so it's not compressed, right? So you can breathe. I stayed down. You're going to inhale as you go back lifting your chest and that big beautiful picture of Joe and that big chest. Go as far as you can. Then you've got to take those shoulders with you. So the neck is safe.

Chin to chest first, but even here now lift the arms. Yes. So what happens even in teaser and we're going to do arm circles now so you guys can take handles in one hand and turn around is that we end up kind of dragging the strap with little skinny tendons around our joints, right? Instead we're going to hold this strap and a strong fist wrist for arm and we're going to move the whole drums stick of the shoulder girdle instead of the arm around in the joint. Okay? Yes. So I'll do that one more time. So instead of going kind of this way, we do it in Teaser, we do it all over the place. We're trying to find power.

Joe had power. We tend to be not so strong right here. Not so meaty, right? Instead of doing, Huh? Cranking on the shoulder, we're going to hold it out here and we're going to move. The whole thing does not the same thing as shrugging or cranking, but it is moveable, right? So the lungs are free and you hold that spring out in your strong risk fist and forums. And the truth is, Joe just did that automatically. We have to make it happen because we don't tend to be that strong. Okay?

So we're saying even though we're an ankle flection now and the toes are really flexed, so you are an ankle flection, right? Not just toe flection. Deep ankles, heels against your shoulder blocks, shins down, femurs back. Shoulders shrug a little tiny bit. No hyperextension not now. Not ever. When you push forward with your fist, your feet should go into the shoulder block and you're stuck between the two, not kneeling. You're standing on your feet. Circle the whole thing, the whole thing. Stand on your feet and keep your weight out here. Yes. In half. Dan, on your feet.

Stand on your feet. Stand on them. Stand on them. Stand on them. Yes. Inhale. Stand on your feet and you're way out here and you could open yourself to your hands. Nice job. We're going to reverse it a little harder in hail up whole thing, whole thing. Don't settle your shoulder blades, right?

Just stay in your hands to stay out in your hands. Stay out in your hands. Yes. And conversely, on your feet, inhale, stay on your feet and your hands and bring it down. Gorgeous, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful handles. In one hand. Step off. We're gonna do a long spine. So you take your handles back with you and you'll hook your long spine straps on. Okay. And you have kind of two choices. So you can either loop the leather and the wood and I'll help Erin because she's used to different equipment.

So you can either kind of loop them both together or you can drop the handle over and just loop it onto the leather. So let's do both of them. Just kind of keeps it a little more still. Okay. And then just hook this. Your goal is that your hooks are on the outside like that facing out. You're on the fabric and not the metal here.

You can just hook them or you can figure out how to get on while you're still holding two springs head rest down. All right, so way back to short spine, way back to foot work. How do we stand on those straps versus hang in our hyper extension. Okay. Yes. Femurs back calves. Shins forward. Remember our up stretch when Amy was like, Oh my God, I feel where my calves are supposed to be now. Okay, so you're going to take your straps and put them on your arches, right on the arch, right? Right. Like if you could, if you kind of know your anatomy a little bit, you've got this navicular bone, which is that little pointy one. Just pass the inner ankle bone, and then on the outer of your foot, you'll feel that there's a bone that protrudes just on the heel side of that, the navicular and the cuboid, right? They should work a little bit, almost like they could kind of clamp around your arch a little bit, which will trigger that posterior Tibialis right up the back of your Shin.

Posterior Shin Muscle holding from your arch through the back of your Shin. Okay? Now you can bend your knees all the way. Really, somehow. Yeah. So you're down here all the way, like seriously. Okay, that's it. They are bent. Okay, so now take a moment. Even here you've got your arches. You've got your shins and calves. They're lifted.

That doesn't mean they're lifted in space. That means they're lifted inside you and the femurs are a little bit deep in the back of the socket. No hyper extension. Stand on your straps. Inhale. Actually, let's straighten the legs over your head, bring your carriage home and then rise up through the soles of your feet. A little less pointing, a little more. Lifting. Yes. Open. Stand out here. Stand out here like you stood in your straps with your hands, right.

Maybe flex your ankles a little bit. Point your feet. No hyper extension. Push your feet across the sky. Hands, pushing the carriage back a little bit. Press, press, press. Keep going. Not too slow. Go, go, go. Push. Push, push. Yeah. You got to find that power right together. Less pointing, more lifting up. We can lift up less through the point. More through the lift. Yeah. Right. Flex your ankles just a little bit and pick your hips up. Yes.

Open because we subbed. That's it. Any we sub hyper extension for lift. We've got to lift instead of hyper extend. Exactly right. Yes. Well we do is we lock the leg out and push or lock the leg out and hall, whereas we want to not lock the leg out and lift. Yeah. And you can bring your carriage home a little bit.

There's two thoughts about that. One is the carriage. It comes all the way home and one is that it doesn't quite come all to my home, but it definitely comes home a little bit more than you come up to the top and we'll reverse directions at the top and you press through the feet. Right. Versus through the Shin, calf, back of the knee, ligaments, any of those other places. Beautiful lift feet come together. Press through the feet. Yes. Put your hands back and move your carriage Erin right there. You got it.

And come back out. And that goes for legs. Springs too. Cause almost all of us will push the Nishan instead of the foot. The captain, my Tibia is working right, so you see us, she lifts straight up versus if she went into hyperextension now she could. Yeah, she could bring your care to him just a little bit more by just kind of curling your spine a little bit. Yeah, and then she push from here all the way. Beautiful. All right, you guys take those off.

We're going to go into knee stretches. You can just drop those in the well, come up to standing, put your foot bar off in your head, rest up. Okay, so now here it all comes together. At this point it really, really does. We've been using it the whole time, but suddenly a knee stretches, especially because it's exercise is crazy and it makes everybody a little bit confused, right? Everything we know to be true here, thumbs, wrists, fists, shoulders and everything we know to be true here. It all plays. Okay, so hand, foot, hand, foot. We'll do knees down and then arched and then knees off. All right, and if we get it right, it works beautifully. Ears between the elbows, that is the rule. You're pretty low, okay, but you're standing on your feet with your calves, shins forward and your knees light and lifted. Femurs deep, right? So that the movement is hand to foot, push the carriage out, foot curl in, and then here's that nice release and allow your tail just like a beautiful cheetah or on and across the field. Tail comes under. Exhale. Right? Exhale, shoulder, wet, little narrower.

No hyperextension ears between the elbows. Yeah. And come all the way home. And every time, all the way, all the way home. All the way home. All the way home. Yes. And all the way home. But watch this. You don't have to do this part. Shrug your shoulders back the other way. Yeah. So this is a little softer. You could even almost swan out just a little. Yeah.

Okay. We're not pushing the back back. We're curling the spine forward. Maybe Amy can show that here. Like instead of pushing way back like this, right. We're gonna, we're gonna let this relax a little bit. So the movement is more this way. Yes.

And it comes in head down. Head down a little bit more, but it's not hanging. It's curled there. Okay, so then we're going to arch. Now here's the shoulders again. They're going to come back a little bit. Right. But you're still standing on your feet. Where are those feet? And your ankles are deeply flex and you're strong. And your fist, Russ and forearms. No. Hyperextension yeah.

And I would come down a little and forward the other way a little bit more forward through your chest. Bring your chest through. So here's your, here's your down stretch right. Chest through more. Okay. Yes. Okay. So this goes forward and you push the feet out and you come back in and in. Shrug these back a little bit. Yes. And stay down. Yeah. Exhale. Exhale. Keep pulling them back. That's the way. Yes. So you're standing on them, you're not pushing off to them and then come home.

So if we did it well, when we go into Nissan for right there, it's so awesome. Okay, so we're not pushing off them, we're standing on them. We're curled. We're going to lift the weight over the springs a little bit. And then the same thing. You stand on your feet and your hands stand on your feet and hands come forward just a little and curl your tail.

And Curl your tail and curl your tail. Lost her on that one, right? So if we got our stomach massage really good, then we feel it here too. That the tea, if you watch a cheetah go across the field, just Google it and you'll see that the spine is free. The spine is free. Let it curl. More curl. That's fine. Curl the spine. Curl the spa. Okay, so go ahead and step off. Add another Springer to headrest is good. Will I down and do running now? Guess what?

Harder than you think tonight for extend here. Okay, so you're gonna stand up in your arches. Toes are light, right? All five big toe, little toe and everything in between. Stretch out, but stay up on your feet. Shins are forward. Femurs are back. Flex one ankle than the other. And stay on your feet the whole time. You got it right. So no swagging is very horizontal.

Goes to the feet and up to the lungs, back and forth, and right through the ankle bone, right over the tailors into the arch of the foot as opposed to the calf or the Achilles tendon. Go a little faster now. Switches switch on, switch and switch and like that. Inhale and exhale and then come in. Remember how we came in. Lift your shins and come home as opposed to breaking the knee and sliding home. Take your feet wide on the bar level. Teacher Pelvis, three inches. Stand on your feet. Press your chest, expansion back a little bit. Inhale, stretch it out. Stand on your feet so we're not going into hyperextension. Yeah, we're standing on the feet. Good. Now you could go ahead and come back in.

Come a little lower. You could do it like that. Actually I don't mind that so much. Technically it's on the arch. We can go as wide as we can go. All right. As long as we're not hanging, we're widening. We levitate the pelvis, no talk. So I lift your chest a little bit, right? Come on up a little bit and feel that whip right.

Wrap it around and stand right on your feet and how nice job, right. Inhale. Exhale. Think that you're going to inhale instead of straightening your legs. So you're going to end the hail and stand on your feeds and then you're going to exhale. Stand on your feet. Stand on your feet. Inhale. Stand on. 'Em stand on. 'Em stand on and keep going and keep going. Keep going. Exhale.

Stand on your feet. Move your shins instead of bending the knee. Move the shins. That's the way. Pull the femurs. Move the shins. Pull the femurs, move the shins. Yes. So it's not even that the knee goes out of them and he goes out, but it's at the Shin goes out a little bit more. The Shin goes out at the ankle flection. Right?

So the Shin goes forward from the ankle. Exactly. So you stay on your foot. Yes. I bring your feet together and step off. Let's just do side splits in front splits. Then we'll be done. All right, so you're going to um, take foot bar down. You got it pad on the wood if you eat some good idea.

Right. And what I would do is I would put it, let's put it under. Yep. So it's on wonder at one side or the other. If we're not going to go down and pick wheat, which we won't, then it doesn't matter what side it's on. Okay, so you're going to step onto your carriage. Two feet step on up. You're going to go foot to the, I put that a little too far foot to the pad and then another foot to the shoulder block. Now you're going to stand on your feet. You'll hyper extension. Okay, so the sense of forwardness here, a sense of deep and back here and even a little more forward here.

Now you really wrapped the feet so you can wrap your foot around the outer wood. So where you really would rather not have that standing platform if you can. And then you take the whole thing out from deep in the hip. So you go way out wrong two springs, but you could be on one. Does anybody mind if we go on one?

Ideally one. All right. You don't have to, but ideally, right? We're not hanging in the leg. We're standing on the feet. We're not hanging in the elbows. We're in the lungs and we press way out and we could go all the way out. We could just go all the way out and then come back up because this arch is supporting our inner knee. This arch is supporting our inner knee.

If we've worked our arches really well, then the arch has the knee, the arches, your knees best friend, and then you could go like a gymnast on the parallel Bar, the [inaudible] or whatever it's called, parallel bar, the balance beam and step over to your carriage and we'll turn it. Just bring your foot in a little closer first all the way and then you can step over and then turn and face the other way. You can just stay right in the same direction you were on foot to the wood pad, first heel toe out to the shoulder block, all the way to the silver block if you can so that you start the movement from really wide position into wider and it's way less about advection and abduction, although that's in there. And way more about hip range of motion and strength. Yeah. So you really want to get a deep, deep action in your hips. Got to keep those hips strong. Too many hip replacements, strong feet, starting to act up a little bit, but just have it and a little more lift helps when you get your feet.

Little Higher Arch right here. Yeah, your feet could do 10 times more than they're doing now. And that would, and then you heel toe with your foot. Um, and if your feet did 10 times more than they're doing now. And by that I mean really being actively supportive and helping you move and helping you stand, then you can do 10 times less with everything else and then you're able to brace instead of hold your breath. Okay. So let's do front splits and we'll be done. Right? So two springs for front splits, one for side splits if you can. And we're gonna think a little bit back to our tree.

So we're gonna step onto your carriage. You could, if you feel at all that this is sticky, you can put a pad there. Let's go right foot ball of the foot in the center of the foot bar, and it's pretty much dead center because you're going to be offset a little bit over your shoulder block. You're going to heel toe. So yeah, there you go. You're gonna heel toe back. Now here, we've got to have that incredible arch. All right, and this is not hyper extended, right? This is standing on the foot, okay? Femur has a sense of being back, but pelvis is very forward, deep, deep hip with that little, remember our tree connection, power connection of the tree.

Then that thigh stays on the chest and you inhale, stretch out just like you did in tree. So even though it's a split, the organization here is very, very important. Now you push both feet apart, stand on your feet more, get a little lower on this foot, get down a little bit. So come back in for one second. Even come down right all this way. The other way, the other way. So you're up in your first foot work it even lower, even lower, even lower, even lower, even lower. Lift these toes. Okay? Nope. Hence the pad for the toes, right? Yeah, maybe. Right? So that you're standing on the big toe, little toe, and you can push with your arch. Push with your arch.

Don't hang in hyperextension. Stand on your foot. Come home, stand on your foot. Stand on it. Stand on it. Stand on it so that you learn to trust this a little bit more. Also, it stays up a little bit more than this stays up. So now you're hanging off it. Stand on it. Yes, there you go. And you come home, standing on a stand on it, stand on it. And actually Shin comes on first, right? Let's switch feet. Pick your hips up, bring your back foot forward for your back foot forward before this even one goes back. So that one's there. Bring your back foot forward, get it where you want it and then he'll tow the other foot back.

You're going to be in the outset of your foot. Well we would call prayer foot a little bit like sides of the foot together. If they were together, you can come in a little bit, right? And then this arch is so up, it's Gotcha. Here the knee is not unsupported.

And then this arch is so strong, right? You're standing here that this knee is fine, so we can't even hyper extend if we keep this arch. And then when you come home, stay on your arch instead of coming forward at the knee. Stay on your art to bring your Shin forward over your arch. There you go. Got It. Yeah. And stay low with your hips, but high with your foot high with your foot high with your foot.

And then when you're out here, don't hang. Just open the carat between your two feet and come home between your two feet. Stretch it out and come home between your two feet. Nice job. Come in hips a little lower, Aaron. Yes. Then when you come all the way home, you pick your hips up, put your foot down, your front foot down, and then step off. Take a little moment here.

Find your amazing feet for a second. A little plot. He's B big Toe, little toe center of the heel. Just like when you started. No hyperextension. What if those calves and shins were over the arch of your foot femurs a little back so you're not tucking femurs back. Yes. Big Inhale. One big lung stretch and exhale and you're welcome.


2 people like this.
This has been a great learning class. Kind of a love hate relationship with my feet so this brought out a whole new awareness for me. Thanks Amy. Learning something new everyday.
2 people like this.
Many thanks for the subtle cues that keep Pilates as it was intended to be...lovely!!! I appreciate how teachers like you help me to continue to become a better teacher, so grateful to Pilates Anytime for bringing you to my "studio"
3 people like this.
Wow Amy, brilliant lesson as always! Light bulbs were flashing on for me all throughout. Probably the best description of the footwork and how that supports the rest of the routine I've ever heard! Thanks so much. :)
Tina K
2 people like this.
My crummy knees say thanks Amy! I've always modified and wondered if that was okay. I feel better informed and ready to keep going!
3 people like this.
a new mantra for my classes "shin forward femur back " Thank you Amy for sharing your deep approach of the pilates work.
2 people like this.
Loved the point you made about stacking the quads, shins, hips properly. This single point is workshop worthy! Please do a tutorial on this! Thank you for the great info.
2 people like this.
I almost passed this class by when you said it was going to be a classical. sometimes those are just too fast for me. I'm so glad I didn't pass this one. This was great.. it's going into my favorites! queuing and set up was so precise! I also love the close-up angles with the camera. thank you I will. definitely do more of your classes!
2 people like this.
this was fantastic. I agree with Connie Murtaugh, the classical classes tend to move to fast for me and jack up my nervous system. Not you! Your brilliant cuing encourages juice, elasticity and oomph while not making my nervous system go crazy. love it. Also, shins forward femur heads back is my new mantra for both myself and my clients. Big thanks.
3 people like this.
It's all in the details! No matter how long you've been practicing and learning this method, more can be found, deeper connections can be made, more ease can be achieved.....and more breath taken. Amy-----thank you!
Amy is a great instructor. This class, however, seems more like a level 2/3, than a 2. Perhaps Amy could do a level 1/2 reformer workout next time she's in if she considers this a 2. I really like her teaching style and explanations.
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