Class #2224

Rhythm and Flow Reformer

50 min - Class


Get ready for a fun Reformer workout with a bit of flair with Valentin! She teaches a contemporary class with minimal spring changes so you can keep the rhythm and flow going. She includes fun choreography and her unique terminology which will have you smiling for the entire class!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Jun 30, 2015
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Hello plot is any time, viewers. Today we're going to be doing a reformer workouts, a little contemporary, and it has my flare to it. I'm Valentine. Let's begin. All right ladies. So we've got our sits bones perched in front of the foot bar. We have our arches cupped around the edge of the mat, arms or out to the sides. Ladies. And let's just do a leg press out. Let's press out and in and out.

Very good and in and out. Very good. In last one, out and in. Now you're both going to turn to the right as you press go owl and in keeping those arms, whoo. And go to the right out and in. Last one out. Now to the left.

Continue out and in. Remember your heads at the top of the spine. So stay long ladies and turn out and in last one out. And then now let's alternate to the right first. Let's go right and come home, left spin and come home and go right and come home. Last one left and come home. Put your hands on the bar for safety. Girls, I don't want you to slip.

Move your feet out and externally rotate to the sides first, let's just do leg press to the sides just to the sides. External rotation. Let's do four of them. Ready? Arms out wide. Let's start out this time. Okay. Now when we come up, I want you to inhale. Let's go. Inhale. Now blow and stabilize. Let's go and up. You have two more. We're going to try and stay to four up and down.

Last one in and out and I'll stop. Now we're going to turn right four times when the cart comes in. Go right and go again, right? Grow Tall Girls, be the candy cane. Go and a right left candy cane spin.

You can be a barber pole if you'd like. Lift and lower and goal and lower end. Go alternate. Start Right. Pull it in and go get tall. Pull it in to more lift and lower.

Last one, lift and lower. Hands on the bars, lady. Cut Your metatarsal is around the center of your carriage. Push all the way out, ladies. Arms up high in a v. Very good, good, good, good. I would like you to flex and point. Ladies go heels and toe. So it's Dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, Dorsi deflection. Good. Two more. Down and up and down. Can you tread ladies now?

How does that work? One heel and one toe bend and push and a bend and push. Nice bend and push. Keep that going. Turn to the right girls now and turn and point and to the left and go and push. Get tall ladies.

Two more to go and work those feet and work your abdominals. Last one and put your hands down. Good. Go into external rotation girls and we'll, we'll repeat the same thing. Dorsal flection. Plantar affection. All right, let's take our arms up again. Up, up, up. Now really pull the scaffolding down and get those fingertips reaching. Okay.

Two straight legs, girls all the way out. Dorsiflex plantar flex. Let's go. Heels and toes. Heels and toes. Heels and toes pro. Prepare to turn right now. Turn right now. Left and left and go every time. Get Tall.

Don't re treat four more. Four left to go. And three good. Using your eyes. Two and one last one. Arms out to the side. Now tread girls. Oh one and a two and a heel and a heel and heels. Hardwoods.

Her hand is there and he'll last two and one and two. Bring it all the way in lays. Boom. Oh, very good. Arms down. Now slip yourselves off to the right side of your reformer. Alright, now your left arch is going to be cupped around the edge. Try and keep your toe pads down. Lady's arms out to the side. All right, we're doing a single leg press push all the way out to 90 to push out to 90 degrees is your home girls. 90 degrees is home right there, so it never comes in. All right, and let's press out for four one and up and to try and low your arm am three and go. Now you're going to turn towards your leg. Four four.

It's one good. You get the, you get the view of the beach and go and I and go and uh, out and go. Stay out. All right, now turn towards your carriage. Now when it comes in, you're still going to turn toward the beach. Spin up, go lengthen and go sit tall. Don't lean forward, go and correct and go last one up and down and switch to the other side ladies. Excellent. Good. Moving over. Planting your foot, coming out to the 90 degree at your knees, arms wide. Girls, you're going to turn towards your extended leg four times. Ready? Go One and go. And if you get bored, work on your breathing and go and uh, rich and go and reach and go and stay out. All right, now face your reformer. Okay. Now when it comes in, you spin tall, get tall girls, go lift and open. Don't let that arm cross and go and in and go last one in and give it a rest.

Good. So that's good. Are you okay? All right. So now let's begin and do our plank series. Alrighty. So we're going to get on our hands and knees. Excellent. And we have one red here. So people at home, we have one red. Alright, so get ready to plank out. Long stretch, lift up, boom, boom, boom. Times four. Be sure your hips are down. Times four, reach back, back, back and up. Think, stabilization girls and really pull those apps and in and out and in and out and in and out.

Now just know this is going to be a little difficult. So walk yourselves back to where you feel comfortable. I want your right, like to touch your left. Go touch and touch and touch. Go back and touch and back and touch. Switch legs four.

Keep it stable three and go and think ahead. How can you alternate? Let's go. Girls all turn now and not fast day with me. Touch and four left to go. Keep going. One and go to and go three and go and four give it a rest.

Come down to your knees and stretch back all the way back to child's pose. Allow that stretch to occur in the low back. Right there. Get into that low back is if you can really feel comfy, bumpy, hands to the right of the machine. Ladies to the right of the machine for your stretch. [inaudible] Popo and go to the left of the machine. Excellent.

And now I want you to go into the center of the machine with your body. And now your butt goes right, but right, but left. Good, good, good. Come back up to the plank girls. And now we're going to do a repeater of that creed repeater. All right, so now I'd like you guys to hold that.

Really keep your hips down right there. Now your right knee is going to come in and it's gonna Cross over it. High knee. Let's go high knee and touch high knee. Go back and good in. Very nice lift and go. Keep tail to head.

Long up and down. Take the switch. Here we go up. Use your breath girls. Keep the hips down. Lift. Use your arms. Go stomach and lung. Left to go. Ladies Up, down and up. And give it a rest. Knees down. Take your stretch again, come comfy, bumpy.

And if you want girls push off of the platform so you get some good stretch even longer through that Fascia. Alright, hang to the right bodies to the right. Excellent stretch, stretch, stretch. Getting a good cross. Excellent to the left. Go, go, go. Amy's going along on this. Good. Hands in the center butts right and butts left. Excellent. Now from here, we're going to go into the side plank. So get, remember how to get into the getting into your front plank first, girls. Now all you have to do is move your right arm to the center, right arm to the center and turn left. Correct. All right, so hands are down by your sides and you're going to plank out. Push, lengthen, lengthen, lengthen. And Wu gets perilous. Push out, out, out, and in. Two more out. Out, out in very nice. Last one. Ah, Ooh. And in switched. Okay.

Your feet are in your lovely plank. Don't get lost in there. Place your hand in turn left. Okay, so now you get the beach view. Go girls out, out, out, and go. Go out, out. So you know the challenge would be to put that arm out if you want. Oh, and go challenge more above your head.

Woo. Yay. And Go. Very good girls. Let's prepare right now. Let's get onto the right side. For Mermaid hand on the right. Now the object of this whole series is to never attain change. The spring. So far we've only had one spring change who they are on a single red.

Now in this position, girls, I want you to scoot your greater trocanter near the very edge of the carriage. So if there's any hay going over the edge, it goes over the edge. That's fine. All right, now we've got our hands slightly in front of midline here and all we're going to be doing is triceps extension. The body does not tilt, so push all the way out and end very good and again, out times four and N. Good and out. Try not to tilt and N and stay out. Now we're doing the mermaid upside bend over.

Now keep your sits bones down. The object here is to move the cart by lifting your sitz bone lifted up. Put it back down, sits up, not you and down sitz bone up. Put the Sitz bone down. Continue up so make it dance with your pelvis.

Isn't that interesting? You Go, you go, Amy. [inaudible]. This is easy here. Out, out, out and in. Out, out, out and in. Very good girls. Now we're going to win Mil, left arm high, going to the shoulder, wrist, right arm down from here, girls. It's a push pull type of thing. So the left arm is the pusher and you're just hanging on for dear life with your left fingers. Your forehead is bowing down towards your thighs, a very reverent look and then pull in your abdominals long, long, long, long Wong.

And you're getting a nice stretch across that back spiral line. Are we good girls? I guess we are. So I guess head rests down now ladies. And we're going to begin control back. Okay. Are you good on red? Yes. Yes, yes. Everybody's going on red. All right, so let's put your hands where you feel comfortable. All right, behind for control back. Now remember how you scoot out with your pelvis like that?

Ooh, yeah, you show it. Alright, ready? Go. Girls. Head goes and scoot. Scoot, scoot. Scoot it out and lift the chest and again, blow, blow, blow chest, chest, chin, blow, blow, blow. Very good. Lift, lift, lift, chest, chest, chest. Now let's reverse it. Lead with the breastbone and then Tuck your head and scoop it in. Excellent. Lead and skull.

Continue up, up, up scoop. Good. Last one, up, up, up and scoop. Now girls, I'd like you to take your right hand and put it by your left hip. Now you're going to look at your left hand as you go back. Scoop with your hips and go scoop and push times four and get tall and scoop. Drive it with your hips and Ah, and scoop.

Good. And up and scoop and up. This time when you scoop, your arm extends, go scoop, scoop, scoop. Put it back home at your hip again. Length and girls' spiral. Spiral, twist and go, go, twist, twist, twist and go switch your other leg. I want this leg long. Go see how long you can get and go.

One more cause I want that length between your leg and your arm. Good. Excellent. Girls switched sides. Alright. Switch legs as well. You're good. Alright, so now everybody's holding their hip and we're going to scoot with your abdominal scoop. Look at your right arm and come home. Try and keep your right arm. Girls as long as possible. Even when you come home, get tall and go boom, boom, boom. Look back here. Eyeballs drive the spine ladies and go and come up.

Here we go. The arm extend out and pull and again, reach good and pull. Scoop and go. Last one. Open the heart. Good. And give it rest. That was fun. All right, so now ladies, we have to work a little bit more on our abdominal. So we're putting our straps. This is called shopping bag form. So you put them inside shopping bag. Okay, now Jeanie, I have all my terms.

This is my gig. All right, now we're doing a little more scooping. So scoop and go out and scoop to come home. Good. Get tall girls. Times four. I think I had no any more numbers than that. Rural and up. Good tuck and roll. Roll and untuck. Nice.

Tuck-In rural rolling up. Now try and keep ladies your arms at 90 degrees. So if you flat back going here, don't drop your arms ready. Go take your arms with you as you flat back girls and come home. Good. And up. Up and down.

Good. Get your hearts open up. Open up your heart. Good. And down. One more. Open. Open, open and down. Second phase, girls. Go Post. All right. Sitting nice and tall, and we're forward. Good. We're right here. Now. Open and close. Now think about the elbows driving the move. Let's actually the shoulders, not the elbows. I just don't want tp. They don't like tp.

Hands Open and close and open and close. Now we're going to add the hip hinge. So you're going to go open. Open Up, close. Close, close. Girls. Blow for stability. And inhale here. Good blow. Blow. Nice in, in, in last one. Stay there girls. Now closing. Open your arms.

Colos and open and close and good. Getting into sweat on Cologne. One more girls and Cologne and bring it home all the way up. Up, up. It's time for Mermaid on the other side. All right, so we're mermaiding over here, ladies. Now remember, just scoot your left greater trow canter to the very edge and Zee yourself off. Square your hips. Good. Sit back a little bit. Sit back here. Back to back, back. And this puts in front non-classical. [inaudible]. All right, here we go.

Now the heel of the hand is slightly in front of the shoulder and your triceps pressing. You're squaring to over there, out and in. Don't allow your body to tilt. Just think triceps, extension. Kay. This is short head here. Short head. Do we care if it's the shorter the long. I'm just identifying it and in and in and stay out. Now here comes the side. Bend up and over, keeping your sitz bone glued to the ground. All right, now we're going to do Amy's favorite swing. Lift the butter up. And now look at that over there. Can you see that? Whoa. Whoa. Camera.

We need to zoom in on that sucker. Come on sewing it, baby. Oh my gosh. She got a lot of movement. Come out and we're over it. Now we're done. Okay. Stop. Alright, now come that. Okay. Now hold on girls. You're gonna press away. Press away. Away. Away away. Now drop your head. Now remember he had to do that Phi lift.

Press deeper and you're going to lift up your thigh. Lift and lower. Do we do it on the other side? Oh, I guess not. Okay, well let's just do it now. Go lift and lower. Good. Do not move the cart. Can you isolate girls? Can you isolate? Good. Put some tonus in that foot. Please.

Lift and lower and lift and bring it all the way in. All right, move that left hand back to the inside and we're going to windmill around. Go Up. Up. Right hand goes here. Now this is the push pull. Okay, so the first hand is the pusher. Push. Drop your head and bow, bow, bow reverently and get that pole. So stay there for a little while and enjoy this particularly you since you worked that little area a lot back there.

I know. And come up girls. It's kneeling. Cat, kneeling, cat. All right, we're still on red. We're still on red. We haven't touched this springs. Alright, here we go. Dry abdominals in girls. Now this is flection to begin with. Go flection and push out to extension and left up. Excellent. Oh, and one and two and control and one and two.

And control. Can you go deeper? Let's go. One push. There you go. And reverse chess. Dropped the head. Tuck the pelvis and roll up. Press those hips forward. Goal back, drop down. Well again, one and two and three last one and one and drop. And now it's two reds, two reds, because we have to do our leg shapes. Now we're going to practice our leg shapes for you at home.

This is a little different, okay. We practice our leg shapes with our arms, so we're going to stand here. All right, so is this a good way to do it? As long as we can see you. Yes, you can see me. All right, so what's happening here is we're going to start with our legs. Pretend these are your legs at the top. Okay. The first one that we're going to do is the curlicues at three and nine o'clock go curly. Cue, go down, come up curly cue, go down and up. And then from reverse start here. Curly cue. Go Up, go down. Curlicue we got that girls. Okay, now the next ones, the two and four and the two and 10 o'clock and foreign.

Eight start at the top. Go curly. Cute, curly. Cute. Go down and up. Curly cue, curly Q. Go down and up from the bottom. Go curly. QF, curly Q. Go up, sliced them. Curly. Cue, curly Q. Go up. Very good. Now it may just seem like shapes, but there's some real thinking behind it. Those inside or abduction or abduction, depending upon how I call it. All right, starting up. We're going to do snowman. Okay. The Cue, head, body and butt up. Head, body and but be sure they touch, touch, touch, and then it goes upside down. Okay. All right.

Now we're going to do rectangles. Two long thin ones. Go down, out, up and down. Out. Got It. And then we're going to do two horizontal ones. Start Horizontal, go open and shut. Open. And very good. Let's go to outside reds. Girls. I always say outside, just so balances my machine, but you can just do whatever you want. All right. Oh well no, but you need your straps. All right, there we go.

I know. All right, so we're going to start with our legs up in parallel. All of this is done in parallel girls, so I can read it. And you can pull that line from your big toe. All right, your big toes, the big drawer. Pretend that you have um, two yellow highlighters on your big toes so they have to be definitive. All right, are we ready? We're going to start with the curlicues at three and nine o'clock.

I better move. Ready, set, go. Curly. Cue. Go down and up. Open curly cue. Go down and up. Two more curly cue. Good control. Now think of inner thigh. Inner thigh and down and upstart at the bottom.

Now we're going to go abduction. Go outside by zip and down. Outside by zip and down. Two more one and I'll let good go. Keep it tiny and very good.

Starting at the top two and 10 o'clock. Four and eight. Got It. Ladies, I hope you don't do digital. This is a regular analog clock. Ready? Go. Two and 10 foreigners go down and that to hunting Forney down to more you people at home probably don't know, but they're smiling down here cause they gotta think go alone and bump. Bump and down and upstart down. Now reverse it. Foreign, eight, two and 10 up.

Watch that rump one and two and that that am go up, up, up, up, buffer, ban, lift. Last one. Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh. And down, start at the top. It's time for the snowman. Okay girls, you say the last queue. Go head, body and, and uh, and again, head, body. And they're very good because I want you to be together and go and one and say it very good. Now start from the bottom. Now his head, he's upside down. Okay, so don't get so excited to put his butt on first. All right, ready? Go. Head, body and good. Go. So it's small, medium and large. A large, but it's all about that base.

Pull it up and down. You should see everybody laughing over there. Paula. One more. Come on. One and two and up. Pull it down. Starting at the top ladies. Too Long rectangles. Wait, hold on. Now with the rectangles ladies, I want them to be Staccato. Very Sharp, not some, you know, luxurious thing. I want them sharp. Ready, set, go. We go down, we go out, we go lift and close. We go, one, two, three. Very nice. Sharp, two, three and go. Last one. One, two, three. Reverse. We open, we push shut and go.

Keep those hips stable. Keep those ribs down. It's a one and two, three and four. Last one. One. Push two, three and four. K. Now start in the middle because we're going to make those wide rectangles. Remember we're not in external rotation right here. Ready? Set, go.

We go wide. We tiny. We close and look at it. And, and, and go and keep those feet parallel and go and, uh, out and here and shut. Reverse. Tiny, small. Go wide now. Oh, and zip up. Boom. And Go. And one stretch. Okay. And last one. It's one and open and up.

Give it a rest. Good. Now ladies, are you okay on two reds for your arms and straps or where do you want red. Blue. Okay. Okay. Girls, it's arms and straps. All right, well that was easy, wasn't it? Okay, so hold them. Hold them. You're gonna sit. You're good. Alright, I need some participation here. It's, you're going to talk, you're going to say arms, legs, arms, legs.

Now all the joints are straight, your elbows are straight, your knees are straight, and you can be in external rotation in this opportunity here right now. All right, so the arms move first go down toward the mat, arms, then the legs go down, legs. Then the arms come up, up. Then the legs come up. Up. Okay, girls, now I would like everybody to say it. Arms, legs, arms, legs. While you're moving. Ready? Go. Oh, arms, legs, arms, lay. Good. Legs. Arms.

You're speeding up. Arms, legs, arms, legs, arms, legs, legs. Okay, give it a rest. Now we're going to do it. The reverse. Legs, arms, legs, arms. All right. Legs Up. Turn out. [inaudible] feet. Okay, girls go. Legs, arms, legs, arms, legs, arms, legs, arms, legs, arms, legs, arms, legs, arms, legs. Excellent. Then the knees. Now its arms, legs, legs, arms. Okay. You have to think. Remember, plots is all about the mind, so you're connecting movement, connecting movement to what you're thinking. All right. What is it? Girls? Okay.

No, don't speed up. Here we go. Arms, legs, legs are good. Arms, legs, legs, arms, arms, legs, lights. One more arms, legs, legs. Good. And give it a rest. So what else is it going to be after that? Legs. Arms, legs, arms, arms, legs. All right, let's go. Okay. Yep. This is the harder one. This is the fun one. Go legs, arms, arms, legs, legs, arms, arms, legs, legs, arms, arms, legs, legs, arms, arms, legs.

And give it a rest. It could get a little harder, but we'll, I think that's enough of that girls. All right, so let's move on to swan jumping. So we're going to need the long box and I'm a blue, a blue. So for the men you would definitely want a red, red, yellow, if you'd like.

Whatever. How I would, I would tend to not load it up. I would tend to not load it up cause you want to have length to get into the end of the reformer by those uprights for some of that sustained movement. So I'm, I'm making it light for you girls. You're both of you have your bars. Yeah. This part needs to go down. Yeah. Drop your bar a little low. Lower. Alright. So ladies, let's get on with your hips down. Good. Excellent.

Now you're going to be forward. I like to be a little more forward. Not too far. Cause the more you have your body, your shoulders over that box, the more you have to hold up. All right, so to intensify, you can actually, um, move back if you'd like, but don't worry about it. So we're doing arm jumping. I'm looking for prone, so to keep the head down and I want you to be like superman. Connect your legs back there and lift them slightly. Yeah. Alright, you ready? We're going for four jumps. Go push one good go.

And two. So the arms never draw three. They stay the same height. Good. And for give it a rest. Now we're gonna jump to the letter t. Now remember it's a prop plane, not a jet prop plane, not a jet. And the your arms don't break until your feet are as far into that, those uprights as possible. We're going to go for six. Go hold tea. Perfect. Go whole tea. Hold it longer. Go whole t good. Whole. Perfect.

That was good. Two more girls. Whole t, whole t. Give it a rest. Now we're going to make the letter L in your mind. So one on has to say prone and the other one goes out to the side. Be sure that the pushing arm does not veer away from where it is. When the other arm goes to the t, the right arm is the Mu is the gesture arm. Ready? Set, go. Push that Jen. Yep.

Keep the Ryan. I'm going and go. Go and go. Tonas in the feet and legs more and go. Good. And Push. Switch to the other side. And l good. Go and two and go push. And three. You have three more. Good. Concentrate.

Go and l last one and l give it arrest. All right, so now the last one is swimming legs. So you're going to push off hold the prone arms. I don't want the arms to reverberate. Okay. That's the hard part. But the legs flutter. Don't be going like this. I know. That's classical.

We're not into that right now. It's me. Alright, so tightened down your glutes, you're going to hold those arms. And when I call you to flutter, flutter, ready, set, go. Hold. Flutter. Home. Push flutter. You got six out. Good. Go. Push flutter, flutter, flutter. More on work. Push head, go push. Last one. I know that was more push and give it a rest. Very good. Girls on the top of your box. Go into child's pose. The same one we did earlier with the arms hanging right in the left. Okay, so round down and get your arms to the right.

Good to the right side. Excellent. And to the left side. Good. Good, good, good, good, good, excellent. And then hands in the center and rump us to the right side and rumpus to the left side and very good. Alright, so now we're going to do short box abdominals. Alrighty. So all swings loaded and drop your foot bar [inaudible] and find your foot strap.

Now be sure you have your gluteal fold near the front edge so that your back has some support. All right, excellent. And we're going to have our left leg under the strap and our right ankle crossed on top external rotation. All right. Start with your arms extended in front. And we're just going to Tuck and roll times four. Inhale to set Tucker roll one good. Now Roll and come back up. Okay, I have to get my little announcement here.

My cue at home is called 51 so 50% of your rolling is back? Correct. Okay. 50% of the movement is back. 51 is the hardest cause that's when you have to hold that and curl over. So when I call 51 pull those abdominals and Co and call and curl over. K , that's my 51 okay, that's not a drink. Sit Up nice and tall. Roll back.

Give me a 51 and pull up. Do you see what I'm saying? It's sorta cool. Yeah. Tough girl. 51 it easy. 50 you're going with gravity. 51 at pole and get tall. Good. Last one. Then come back up to fifth as 75% up. Okay, now sit up. Now up goes the leg. Okay, so we're up here. We're going to zig.

Say going down, Zig and zag and zig going up one and two and three going down. One N two and three n go one and two and three and 51 it and close your legs. All right, let's practice on the other side. Okay. And then we'll do another part. So let's just roll down. Now you people running wide, you got to roll down when, when it's virtually the same. No, there's, it's a different pole cause that one leg is free. So sit up. Nice and tall.

Girls, look for 90 degrees here. All right, tuck and roll down, down, down, down, down. 51 go down, down, down, down, down. 51 roll. Like Heinz Ketchup. No worry. All Day. And Roll Up. Now you're going to go down and come back up to 75% of your workout and roll up to half. Okay, leg up. Get ready to zig, zig and zag.

And Zig. Go down. One and two. Don't move those arms. One and two and three and four. One n two m three and forth. 51 and bring it up. Other leg. Alright, so now we're going to windshield wiper. That leg. Got It.

First the leg, then the arms, cabbage patch. I know. Set up. I know I saw those hips earlier. Tuck and roll back. Concentrate. All right, now leg is up. Now it's windshield wiper. The legs, days are one and 2:00 AM three and four. Five and six arms only go the opposite one and two and three and four.

Mentally set yourself for your head. Go that way. The sweat. Keep going. One, you've got different heads, but that's okay for three to give it a rest. Bring it up. It's fine either way. Just a salt. As long as there's cervical rotation, I am happy. All right, here we go. The other legs instead of tall. You're sitting back. Alright, tall. Okay, go down, down, down, down. Alright, now come up halfway.

75% like is that we're going to windshield wiper out and two m three and four. Five and six. And add your arms. One and two and three and four. Five and six. Now look on the side of your foot. There there goes. And good, but better. Yes.

Yes, yes, yes. Four left to go. Keep the legs tight. Point those toes. Don't breathe. Breathe and roll up. 51 51 bring it up and give it a rest. Alright, bars, boxes are down, and now we're going to be doing the fast workout for you at home. You don't know what that is. I'll just tell you now.

That's where the thigh meets this. That's why it's called the fast workout. All right, so now we're on red, yellow, or red, blue, or even red. Red, depending upon the length of your life, depending upon the strength. All right? Put your right foot down on the floor, right foot down on the floor and your left. Metta tarsals are high on the shoulder rest. You're not used to that, okay? You're not used to that. Now you're going to soften your support knee and your arms are going to be somewhere in the center here, okay? Soften. Good.

And you're not going to be arching up. You're pitched forward. Abdominals really scooped up. All right, so we're going to hip extend and let's go. Go out and in and two, and in three and in right arm to the side, one and in and two, and in three. And in switch arms. Here we go, one and in and two, and in three and in and arm toward the front. Overhead go and two and go three and go and four both arms down.

Change your feet, external rotation with the right leg down. And then we're going to cross the Leftwich leg behind. Grabbing the top of that shoulder rest, squaring the hips, girls and lifting the thigh. Sort of like attitude position if you were a dancer, but if you weren't, that's what it is. Okay? Soften your knee the best you can and kick it out. One and two.

Now I'm trying to access this area right of the glutes out and and good girls out and in. Now, right arm out to the side. Go out and out. Gentlemen, you will want to load this out in switch arms. Go again, out in, out, get some power, glutes, good arm overhead. Go four palm facing me. Reach very good reach. Give it a rest.

Now we changed the feet again. Down goes the left leg and external rotation. Up goes the left leg on the opposite shoulder rest. Be sure you go to the shoulder, rest squaring the ASI s toward the foot bar. Donald's held in your pitch. Just slightly push back slightly.

So the your arm strain and go one. Go. Now really use your stomach like a wall. Push away. This is what I call grab and go. You grab your stomach and you go grab and go right arm out for four one and go two. Good, good, good. Don't move anything. Just use your gluteal switch.

Hands One and go to keep moving out and in arm in front one. Stay long to do you feel it ladies, we should have loaded up and give it a rest. Switch sides. So it's getting the fast. That's where the thigh meets the, you know [inaudible]. Alright. It can also be called the blegh with the meats. The leg, that's the blade. I have a blegh and a fass. Alright, soften. I know. Hey, this is me. I'm so non-classical me. Look at me.

Ready, set, push out. And in good. Who would wear octopus pants? Really Octopus and go last to out and in and out. Arm out blend and go. Push back to go tighten the stomach. I'm not seeing the grab and go switch arms. Girls out.

Think about lengthening good. Keep that tension in your arm. Change your arms. Fingers four and five are reaching in order to get the scapula and out switch feet. Put the arms down, put the left foot down, turned out crossover. Trying to get that corner of your button. Now that they always say corner, not real. You don't want to think of your button as square. He wants to be round, but I don't know how you, you know, maybe put in an old clock format or something. I don't know. Turn your foot out.

Good. Are you good? I know she didn't think it was going to be like this. All right. Push one and go two and we're almost done. Go keep it going. Arm Out and go to and stay. Square three.

Fight fights, switch arms. Go. Keep the insurance up to and go. Think about lengthening that arm right here. Lengthen. One and two. Go to six, three just because I like it. Four and five. Last one.

And switch feet again. Oh my gosh, this isn't going to end. This one goes down. Turn out again. Externally. Rotate arms here. Soften. Push your hips back. Grab and go. Go One and go two. Yep. It's got to find it. Three n go four. Arm Out. Go One.

And good to keep moving. Three. Watch that shoulder switch. Arms lengthen. Fingertips reach too. And feel it. Three. You want me to hold it here forever for let's go to go. Three. Go for two more.

Out and in and out. Give it arrest. All right, now let's not stretch that area back here. Flat back. Elephant, red, yellow. You don't have a yellow. So d, what do you usually do on green? Green. Perfect. Alright, your heels are flat up against this. So stay down. Elephant. Okay. Flat back. Alright. Alright, here we go. We're going to try and keep our next long and keep your ears within the framework of the upper arm. We're going back and forth. Just go back, back, back times four. Fourth, fourth, fourth. Good back. Keep the resistance through the heels of the hands, good back, back, back, forth, forth, forth. Go back, back, back, forth, forth, forth.

Walk both heels to the left shoulder rest and then to arms are going to the right side of the bar. Continue burying times for one. Laugh those hands to go again. Out three, making that rib. Go toward your thigh four and in, walk to the other side and again out, out in, in, one, out, out, out, in, into perfect, out, out, out in, in three. Last one out. And for now, both heels are going to be butted up against the shoulder, uh, each respective shoulder rest.

So right-hand now is going to try and grab either the ankle or the shoulder rest. Now as you go out, look underneath your left armpit and effect a twist. Go twist. As you push and come back. Left heel of your hand is important. Go, go, go and come back. Do it again. Push, push, push and come back. Really try and get this round. Taishan and, and one more. We're on Tay Road and switch sides folks. Alrighty. We're narrowing it and here we go. Out, out and in, rotate.

And in those purple shirts have taken on a new color called eggplant and out, out, out and in and onto your knees. Everybody. Knees, knees, knees and relax. Alright, sit in onto your heels and relaxed. I would like you to interlace your fingers. Push the heels of your hands forward, lift up, put the palms of your hands behind the back of your neck. Look up to the ceiling and lean back. That should feel good on your back. Actually, it should feel very good and relax.

Thank you very much, you ladies. We had a great time.


A killer:))))
2 people like this.
Very innovative class. Loved it.
I love both Valentin and contemporary!
Moran B
I enjoyed the class very much! Wanted to ask if there is a place the class is written down in pilates anytime? And if I can see the class 1.5* faster,
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Moran ~ Thank you for your forum post. We are happy to hear that you enjoyed this class! We don't have the class sequences written down anywhere, but we do have a few classes with Closed Captioning so you can see what they are saying during the class. You can find these classes here. We also don't have a feature that allows you to speed up a class. For now our video player just allows you to fast forward if you need to skip a section.
Glad you liked the challenge!
1 person likes this.
Thanks for watching......more to come!
Woo Yang C
2 people like this.
LOVED, LOVED YOUR CLASS! SO FUN! Please upload more videos!
2 people like this.
Question: Do you start out with no springs at all (for the footwork sitting on the footbar)?
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I use a red spring on the footwork.
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