Class #2238

Improve Stability & Control

50 min - Class


Improve your stability and control in this Mat workout with Madeline Black. She teaches a class with many modifications so you can move safely and without pain throughout the class. She also shows how you can move from your center with variations of Single Leg Stretch, Rolling Like a Ball, and much more.
What You'll Need: Mat, Wedge, Wall, Table Chair, Hand Weights, Overball, Pilates Pole, Theraband

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For this mat class, you're going to need a few props. We're going to need a wedge pillow, a pole of some sort of dowel, a medium size ball, a set of light, hand weights, or weighted balls if you have them, and a theraband. And we're going to begin the class sitting in a chair. So Nicole, want to come join me. Okay, so we're going to sit on the edge of the chair. So your sit bones are on the edge and your feet just comfortable with wise. I can have him a little wider.

So you've got a little relaxed in the hip joint here. All right, we're going to do a little upper back breathing. So imagine your hands as tiger pause and you're going to grab with the pause and you're gonna inhale and pull the elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together and exhale like that and pull and really draw those scapula together. Inhale, look up a little bit and exhale and again, and pull. Inhale and exhale. I'm gonna do two more times and pull those shoulder blades to go lift up a little bit and exhale. And one more time. And pull. Inhale and exhale. Good.

And relax the arms, I feel okay. All right. So place your hands behind your head so that's on the back of the head, but not on your neck. And Line your head up as best you can. Elbows a little bit forward and you're gonna push your head back into your hands and resist and keep breathing. Good. And switch your hands to the front of your head this way. And you're going to push your forehead into your hands gently, not too hard.

And then release. And again, we're just pushing the head back, keeping your throat open, easy breathing and relax and press the forehead forward. And again, make sure you're still breathing and relax. We'll do one more set and press back. Ease in the neck and shoulders and come back. And again, if you notice I'm not moving my head, you're just pressing into it and relax. Go. Nice. Now we're gonna do a little small arch.

So set up your hands on your thighs and you can sit back a little bit into the chair. All right, so your backs against the edge of your chair and you're just going to look up and lean back gently over the edge of the chair shoe. Inhale. And then exhale, bring that your body back to center. And again, leaning back, just looking up a little bit. So we're getting some extension in the upper back and come center and make sure your weights on the back side of your sit bones so that you're not rolling towards the front of your sit bones when you arch back so that we're only moving the sternum in the upper back last time. Looking up, little extension are easy than neck. And then relax. Okay. And then let's come back sitting on the edge of the chair and we're going to do a little side stretch. We're gonna reach one arm up and reach the other arm to the floor and then reach in two directions.

You're reaching down and you're reaching up and then come back. Inhale, breathe in and reach. And then exhale. Just reach a little longer. Don't sigh bend too much cause you want to reach in both directions. Good. And then inhale and reach an exhale. Keep reaching good. So we're not over shortening the opposite ways, but we're getting length reach and then relax. Great. And then reach across the, grab your knee and hold onto the chair behind you and then just turn and look.

And I'll take an inhalation. Inhale and grow your spine long. That's it. And exhale and come back and reach across the other hand. Grab onto the chair. Inhale, look up, look over your shoulder, and exhale, come back and we'll do that again. Reach across, grab the chair, inhale, look up, and exhale. One more time, reach across, grab the chair, inhale as you're looking back, and exhale. Good. Now if you're feeling a little tight in the hip flexors here, you can actually lean back a little bit. I don't mind if you slouch a little and if you need to have your backs a little tight, you can actually lean on your chair. So whatever's comfortable, I'm going to lean on the chair. All right, so we're going to stretch your leg out just gently and just do ankle circles. Let's do five to the right's right, pulling out three, four, five and then flex your foot. And let's do five in in c.

If you could move only your foot and not your whole leg. It's just the ankle five and then flex your foot. Now press with the ball of your foot so your toes are pulling back and then point your toes. Now just pull your toes back and then push through your heel. And again, ball of the foot, toes, toes, back, heel, ball of foot, toe. Now state toes. Now pull your toes back and unfold them and point and pull those toes back and unfold them. Good and down. Pull the toes back.

It's like you're picking something up off the floor and pull those toes back and flex. Good. And place your leg down. Five circles going outward on two, three. Now move the leg for five the other way. So maybe set a big circle, right, whatever you have in your ankle. Three, four, five. Now flex and I would go ball the foot, toe ball, foot here, ball of foot toe, Paula foot. Reach for that heel, ball of foot, toe ball, the foot heel. One more time, ball of foot, state pointed. Now pull your toes back and then wave forward and grab your toes, pulling them back and press through and pull and press through.

Pull and press through. Good. Now to come to the edge of your chair just a little bit more and hold onto the chair with your hands and kind of lean back a little bit. So again, so we're taking pressure off the hip flexor and I want you to stretch your legs straight, flex your foot and try to lift your leg up. Place the leg down and slide your leg and slide it out. Flex your foot, lift it up down and just lift as high as that you can do without over gripping in the grind here. In fact, you can take one hand here if you'd like and kind of push down on it a little bit. If you push down as you lift, you won't compress in through here. Good and down. And again, so slide.

You can push flex and lift down. And again, if you only just flex your foot here and barely lift the leg, that's totally fine and down. Good and again and up. So we want to build up to be doing about 20 of these as we can to strengthen the quadricep and to stretch the back of the leg. Good. Let's do the other side and stretch it out and flex and lift down. Point back. And again you can push here if you want Lex and lift down and, and stretch it out. Reach to that heel as best you can.

Comfortably lift down and in. And again, out flex, lift down. This is great, nice and easy. Keep breathing, good flex, lift good. And watch that as you lift the leg, your chest doesn't go down. See, so we want to keep the spine as long as you can. So that means I don't care how high your leg goes. Actually, I'm not even seeing you, right? So don't worry about how high you want to. Just feel that you're contracting that quadricep muscle. So it doesn't have to be high. The most important thing is not only lifting your leg, but not shrinking in your spine. Let's do two more. Okay.

And go out. Flex. Lift down. Good. One more. Out. Flex. Good and down. Good. Now we're going to lean back a little bit further if you can. Keeping your spine nice and long. So let it be back a little bit.

Your shoulders, a little behind your pelvis, your pelvis back. Right now what I want you to do is just lift your knee up and breathe out and place it down the other knee up and down. And you can have a long bent leg so your knees not too compressed. Okay, so I have a little bit of opening behind your knee and down and lift. And now notice the weight on your sit bone. So as you lift your leg, there is no shift of the weight on the sit bone. So you're saying solid on both sides of your hips as you unweight each leg.

And we go a little faster. Ready and up and up. It's a little more like a marching. So as soon as your foot touches, see if you can switch and breathing up and up and up. Very small movement up, up. Good. Getting hot up, up. Two more. Up, up in. Place the leg down. Very good. Now sit forward again and let's just stretch the leg out and just forward and you can place your hand on your thigh if you'd like, and just kind of lean.

It should feel good. Stretch. Pull those toes back and then switch and then reach through your heel. Pull those toes back and you want to bend in the hip. You should feel a nice length through the whole back of the leg, your calf and the hamstring. Let's do one more each side and reach that and back and one more and reach and come back. Okay, so that we did all that hip flexor work. We're going to stretch it out a little bit. So scoot to the edge of your chair, right. So you're right, my rights hip bone is going to be off the chair. Yeah.

And you're going to slide that leg and the need down so you have to hold onto the chair cause otherwise you'll fall over. So hold onto your chair and see if you can just drop and Tuck your toe under. So you're this way with the foot and the knee. Yeah, go ahead. And you want to reach back with the heel and send that knee down. Keeping your pelvis level. Yeah. Good. And then just lean back a little bit.

So you should feel a nice little stretch here in the front and just keep breathing. Go ahead and bring your body back right and let's lean again and reach your heel back behind. You keep reaching your knee down towards the floor and then come back. It's a slight lean. It's not an arch of the back. You're just kind of transferring your way to the backside of your pelvis and then come back in one more time. Transfer the weight back and then come up.

Let's do the other side. So come to the edge of the chair. Good foot behind the toes, tucked under that knee. Nice and down. Hold onto that chair. And then reach your knee to the floor and just lean back and then come center. And again, just lean back and center. And one more time.

And lean back. Good and center. Excellent. All right. So now we're going to come up. I'm going to stand up and we're going to move your chair to this end of the mat. And you're going to stand on the back end of your chair. All right. And you're gonna place your hands on the chair and you're going to walk back and send your hip bones back. So going to go into a flat back.

Now you can bend your knees to walk back. So you are tabletop almost. That's it. Leaning on the chair. Straight arms. Good. No. Walk your feet back a little more and bend your knees a little bit. There you go. And now feel through the crown of your head. Now try to get your sit bones to go up the wall behind you. That's it.

Very good. And then with now you have to be careful not to tip your chair over, but try to lean back a little stretch there. Very nice. Good and breathing into your back and then roll up through your spine. So curl from the tailbone down, sit bones down, come rolling up, walk forward towards the chair. Great. And then we're going to get down onto the floor. So what I'd like you to do is hold onto the chair.

You're going to bring your left knee back down, Tuck your tone. Great. Still holding onto the chair, bring the other knee down. Good. And then you can place both hands down. Great. And what you can do is a little baby, get up and go position. Okay. So you're gonna turn your hips to the right, put your right elbow down. That's like a little baby position this way.

And then roll onto your back and roll onto your back and have your knees set. Great. And then we'll start some mat work here. Okay. We're going to continue with the mat. Work on a raised bed because it's a better viewing for you and a little easier for me as the teacher, but you certainly can be doing this on the floor. So now you need to do is grab your hand weights or weighted ball.

And if you don't have that at home, I would suggest taking, if you still have cans of food, people have cans of food at home so you could hold cans of food or dog food. Um, so something weighted in your hands. Okay. So you're gonna sit and have your ball handy as well. Alright, so a little wider stance in the legs. Yeah. And you could have the ball place behind you. Now here's one of the things when you're home alone is the ball might roll away from you. So, um, but if you don't blow it up completely and it's a little softer, will actually stay in place. So with the hand weight, you're just going to hold them out straight in front of you. Good.

And you're going to keep your spine nice and long. And from the pelvis, which means your hip joint, you're going to roll back onto the sit bones. Don't curl your back so much. Yeah, it's more about leaning back and then just sit up so you don't have to touch the ball and just lean back a little bit. And when you feel that your back starts to to arch a little bit, that's where you have to stop. And again, so out. Good. And come back up and try to go a little further each time. And you can open the knees out a little bit. That's it. Good.

And go a little further into you feel the ball and then come right back up. Very good. We do about 10 of these. So exhale and back to feel the ball. Excellent. And come back. Good. And again, leaning back. Good and up and again. Good.

And come up now. Okay. You're gonna bend the elbows and hold the weights kind of in this position here, right? And you're going to keep the weights in front of your chest here. And again, you don't have to have weights. You can just do your hands like this. All right, so you're gonna lean back, but then look over your right shoulder. So go ahead and lean back and turn a little and come right back up to center.

Perfect. Lean back and look over your left shoulder. Just a little twist. Good. And come back to center and lean back and rotate. Excellent. And come back. And again, the ball is just nice to have because you can limit your range, but generally if you don't have the ball, you want to feel what? What point is your back? Want to start to reverse in an arch instead of continuing to lean back.

Very good. We're going to do three more on each side. So one and center and rotate back. N Center. Good and turning. Keep breathing out and centers doing a great job. And rotation and center. One more and back and center and back and center.

Very good. Alright, so now I'm going to take this for, and you've got to reach without the weights forward with your hands and you're gonna roll back until you're actually resting on this ball. So reach your hands forward, like you're holding the weights and you're gonna roll back into your actually resting on the ball. Very nice. Good. And now just place your hands on your elbows like this, just to kit them kind of out of the way for now. All right. And I want you to bring your legs. It's comfortably closer together as you can. Just easy. Yeah, it doesn't have to be not too close together.

Whatever's comfortable in your hip joint. Now you're going to exhale and just unweight your right foot. So you're gonna lift your right knee and it's just a little lift right? And now and now feel as you do it. Switch sides left. Good that your back is staying in contact with the ball.

So when you lift the leg, your spine is not moving towards the leg. You're spine staying where it is on the ball. Very nice. And exhale in here. Good and up. Good, good, good. We're going to do a few more. Do about 10 each leg. It's kind of like a little single leg stretch. Good. Oh good, good. And then roll up to sitting up. Good.

And now I want you to take a hold of your weights again. So grab a hold of them. Now these are two pound weights as a little heavy, so lighter would be better, but just take it easier. As you do this, you're going to lean back again, rolling onto the ball and you're gonna stay on the ball again. Now what I'd like you to do with your thumbs up, you're going to turn your thumbs to the side and slowly open out and let your head go back a little. You're going to arch a little bit over the ball, but not much. So change your focus. Got an open out. We're going to open the front of your chest a little bit. Drop Your Chin towards your throat a little bit. There you go.

And then just bring the weights in so that the two ends of the weight. So yeah, they don't have to touch. Yeah, there's too much attention there. Just bring them kind of in line with your shoulders, not touching here. Just opening out. Inhale here and exhale. Just bring them in. Good and out as wide as you can. Good. And look up a little more. So the neck is, that's it. Good. Maybe a little challenging for the neck, but that's why we did that little beginning part with the knack to prepare it.

Good. So if your neck starts getting tired, then it's time to come up out of it. The one more time, little more opening, a little more stretch Nicole. A little more stretch in your pex. There you go. Exhale. And then rolling up to sitting up and rest. Excellent. Okay, so now we're gonna, I'm gonna have you roll all the way down if you can, if that's not possible for you.

So come roll onto your side for me and then come sit up. Yeah. And then sit up facing like we started. So if rolling down is difficult for you, cause your backs, I'm a little tight, you're going to roll to your side and then a little baby get up. So your knees going to go this way I'm then go down on your elbow and then the sand and then roll onto your back. Yeah. So you don't have to roll down per say. This lying down in this position is uncomfortable for you for any reason.

Maybe your neck is too far back or you're feeling like it's hard to breathe or your back is really tense and arched off. The Mat is a good time to use your wedge pillow. So, so roll onto your side, has gum up a little baby, get up position, and then I get your role. So let's do that again. So come onto your side and then lie back down. Great. And place your legs this way. Good. And you can have a little wider legs. That's fine.

Now if you feel that it's really hard for you to keep your legs in this position, you can use this medium size ball as just a little prop. Don't squeeze the ball, it's just hold. It's just there. So your legs can uh, be held together with the right amount of contraction, not by squeezing, which actually shortens the inner leg. So we don't want to do that. It's just to keep your stable through there. Okay. So you're going to place your hands behind your head again and like what we did in the chair, you're going to just push back a little bit with your head into the hands. And as you exhale, float your head up a little bit. Yeah, but don't let your head go forward. So come back.

You're going to push your head back into your hands and float your head up and curl from here. That's it. That's far enough. Good. And your focus should be a little bit up above the ball so you have pressure of your head and back in your hands. Keep that pressure as you try to lift your trunk. That was different. Yeah, yeah. Couldn't come back. So you don't want to be pushing. Keep going. So you're pushing back with your head and then you're trying to bring your trunk up, but you don't stop pushing on your head. I hope that's clear. Yeah. So I don't want to get this kind of Chin forward motion.

So let's see how much you push back on my hands. Push. Not Super Hard, but just that note, stay there. Push on my hand. Now keep pushing and you lift. Yeah, you're not pushing. Press back. Yeah. Now stay there and move from here. It's a small movement through chins moving too much. Push back with your there. Now keep, keep that PR now move from here there and come back. Yeah, it's from here. So push back. It's okay. And right from here, this is the struggle. Yeah. See how it's so much?

We want to pull that head forward, push back, keep a little pressure back and move from your sternum. That's what I want. Good. And rest. I know it's hard. So it might be a small movement at first. Okay. Now take your right hand and reach kind of on the diagonal that way, but keep your body in the center, right? So what we're going to do here, same idea. You're going to push your head back into your hand and you're going to turn and reach your elbow towards the ceiling and reach that arm. So you're gonna reach that arm, reach this elbow towards the ceiling. That's it.

And then come back. And the same idea where you're pushing your head back into your hand, constantly reach with the arm and it's the elbow that's reaching. Don't overturn your head. Turn, turn your trunk. There you go. And then come back. So your Chin is going to stay right over your center here. Yeah. So push your head back and reach that arm and reach again.

And where you're looking, you should be looking over your fingertips. Good. And it's not a lot of flection, so don't worry about pulling your head up. Right? So you're reaching and rotating and reaching through the, that's better. Nice. Do you feel a difference? Yeah. So don't bring yourself up and forward too much.

Push back and turn good and look up. That's it. So you feel the twist, right? And sub rotation. One more time and press and rotate. Excellent. And then come back and then switch hands other side. Now it's going to be a different side because we have different kinds of rotation going on. Okay. So push back with your hand.

Reach your elbow to the ceiling and reach this way. So we're kind of going into that and it's like you're rolling onto your side with your pelvis staying down. So feel like you're just rolling onto your side. And again, much better. Great. Is that easier side for you? Yeah. Okay. And again, reach good. Let me lie. I like to do about five to eight on each side. Great.

And that's for good. We'll make her do eight five. Keep going. This is good. Six, seven and eight. And come back to center and take a rest. Okay, so now we're going to take the ball away, right? And you're going to slide your leg down and we're going to go back onto your side. I'm going to get rid of the wedge pillow. So do the little baby get up, right. Great. And then you're gonna stay on your side and you will need a little neck pillow for your head on the side. So a little bolster or your neck. Good. Now make sure you can slide your legs out so you're not off the table. Yeah.

So let's move you down. Perfect. All right, we're gonna do a little leg series here. So you're going to bend the knees, right? And what I would like is that your heels be in line with your sit bones a little bit. So there's a little bit more openness in the front. Now what I want you to do is squeeze your heels together gently and open the knee up. So you're doing two things. You're pressing your heels together and you're opening the knee and down. Good. Now the inner edges of your feet stay together, Nicole.

So you kind of squeezing here and then you try to lift your knee. Just see that. Yeah. And keep your pelvis forward. Good. So it's not a huge movement, right? Cause we're getting hip rotation here. Good and down. Put your hand here and I want you to do is flat push your pelvis into your hand. No, no. Forward your pelvis. Nope. Hold on. It's this direction, this direction. That's as you open your knee, feel the pressure of that bone in your hand. That's it. And come back down.

You feel that and do that again. So that helps keep the stability of your pelvis. So if you place your hand on the front of your hip bone, you keep going because we're going to do about 10 of these. You want to put a little pressure of that hip bone into the hand. Excellent. Great.

And you have a little squeeze going on in your heels gently cause the end. You feel how that hits a little lower in the hip joint. Yeah. Excellent. And keep going. Nice. So you're squeezing the heels slightly together, keeping pressure of the front of your pelvic bone into your hand and only opening your knee as far as you can, keeping these two contact points. So it's not going to be very far at all.

And actually her range is actually very good. So yours might even be smaller and that's okay. The important point is to feel the work like you're feeling right is right in here. Now we're going to do another different leg movement. All right? So what you're going to do is bring your knees together and let your top foot come up towards the ceiling. So knee to knee. So feel that, keep this hip here, not too much forward. And then switch, turn your knees out and go back to the clam. So open your knee up and bring your foot down. You got it. So knee goes down, your foot goes up, foot goes down and he goes up and this stays, stay stable. Alright, there you go. Here we go. Need a knee, toe to toe.

That's it. Need a knees. Your knee drops good, and then the knee comes up. Good. Open that clam, yes, and down with the knee. Feet together and now knee opens, right knee down, foot up. You got it. And feet together and lift the knee and again, and don't think of it as two separate things. If your knee goes down, your foot goes up with it. It's like a seesaw. This goes like this. This goes like that. Do see it's one movement, but just move your knee.

Knee to knee, toe to toe. That's it. Need a knee, toe to toe. That's it. It's one movement. It's a turn inward and a spiral. Outward and inward. There you go. I'm getting tired and I'll Lord, this is good. About 10 of these inward. All right. Outward, inward and outward. Okay. And rest there for a second. Very good. Okay, so now what I want you to do is bend this knee and bring it towards your chest.

So bring it if you can lift your knee up. So it's the height of your like this. Okay. Come back to this position. Lift your foot and your knee up. There you go. But only to the height of your hip and they should be level. Can you feel that? And then go back down. So this is one line, lift straight up foot in the same level before I had, yeah, same level. He got it and come back down and really flex your feet.

You kind of have like a dead foot there. You've got to have a strong whole leg. Yeah. And lift the whole thing up without turning in, you'll say and come back down. So okay, you'll feel it and come straight up. That was it. And come back down. Now you're going to come straight up and stay up and I'll bring your knee to your chest and then swing your heel back towards me. And again, forward. It's like our leg kick, but don't drop your knee.

It's got to stay at the height of your hip. You're dropping your knee there and bring it into your chest and keep this still the same level. That's it. So your foot doesn't change, you're just, that's it. And press back behind you. You should feel the glute a little more back if you can. That's it. And in good Nicole and back. Push. Good.

And in and push. Great. And in, we'll do one more and push. Excellent. Alright, let's do the other side. Okay. So we'll have to push yourself up. Swing your legs around and three things. Clam, a knee, toe-to-toe, and then the leg kick. All right, so you start with the heels in line with your sit bones. You've got to bring your feet back. Don't over bend your knees too much.

It should be comfortable in your knee, joint, hand on the front of your hip bones so you can monitor your pelvis, squeezing the heels together and lift the knee up and down. Good. And up and down. Good. Open. Good. You're doing a great job of keeping the pelvis here. A little squeeze on the heel. Good. N Five good. Six. [inaudible] seven good. Eight, nine, 10. Great. Now Nita needs to open it. Open the leg again. Clam Open. Okay.

Need a knee toe-to-toe. Open the knee and down. Now where's your pelvis? Keep it right here. Just your leg. Open the knee. That's it. Knee, down, foot up and toe to toe. Lift the knee. It's one movement. Turn in turnout. That's it. Lift that need to keep this more stable. Go ahead and keep moving your leg and toe-to-toe. Need a knee. Lift your foot, toe to toe. Keep this stable.

You can feel it with your hand right here. Keep going. Good. Need any toe to toe? That's it. Good. It's hard to move just your leg and not move your pelvis. Yeah. And lift the knee and toe. That's it. One more. Great. And then come back down.

Now you're gonna lift your leg straight up just to practice the level. So what we want as the foot, the ankle, flex your foot and knee at the same height and then go down. So just practice that. So same level, knees got to come up a little higher than he tends to drop down. That's it. And come up and lift that knee. Very good. So this is on one plane. All right. Stay up.

Now bring the knee to the chest and press the leg back as if you're pushing. Pushing back here. Push into my hand a little bit. That's the feeling. Yeah. And bring the knee towards your chest. Keep the knee at the height of your hip. That's it. And press it back. Yeah. And you don't have to over bend your knee. Lift your knee. It dropped there and forward. That's it.

And back. Excellent. And now do it more as like a little bit of a kicking and kick back. Bring it forward, kick back, bring it forward. That's it. Kick back. Bring it forward. Good kickback. Nice. Bring it forward. Kick back and rest. [inaudible].

Okay, so we're going to turn onto your back. So if you are a person who needed your wedge pillows, now's a good time to use that. But I think Nicole's fine without the wedge pillows. So come and lie down on your back and we're going to grab your theraband and we're going to do our leg circle. So here we go. So bend the right knee and let's place your foot over the band.

You could use a yoga belt as well. It's a little more stable if you have one. Good. And then straighten the leg. Now this can be a challenge right here. This is a nice stretch, first of all, and make sure the bands on the ball of your foot. Okay, so this is too much. You can actually lower the leg more so lower the band so you can lower the leg. So find a place where you are not feeling a huge stretch, just a nice length.

But for Nicole, she's got good flexibility. So she's going to do it here. Okay, so holding that and you're just going to circle the leg. You go across the midline over to the side and you try to keep this hip down and circle up. So across the mid line, around and up, good and across and out to the excellent. Now you're doing a great job. And keeping that pelvis stable. Can you go a little more out to the side? So we get a little more opening of the interlock in inner leg there. A little more stretch on the inner thigh and very nice. Yeah.

And it's nice what you just did feel your heel coming around. Nice. Good. One more circle around. And then we reversed. So you go out to the side circle across, just easy and around. So actually don't circle across quite so much. Just more towards that set and turn the leg out and around.

Make it a gradual turnout. Just kind of a natural shape of your hip. Right? So as you go out, your leg is going to net. That was better. Good. You don't want to do like turn, you know, like a sharp return. Good. One more time and rotate out and come up. Good. And then bend the knee and let's switch. Okay. And bring the other leg up.

Excellent. And we have to stretch this leg down so we start across the mid line again. Find a comfortable place where you're not overstretching but you feel nice length in the back of your leg. Now you go across and around and up. Very good. And she's doing a great job and keeping that pelvis nice and stable. Good. And you want to breathe in and then exhale as you circle around.

Good and breathe in and exhale, circle around. Good. Breathe in. Exhale, circle around, good around good and around and around. Good. And let's reverse and out and around. Good and opening. You're doing a nice job. Nice rhythm and flow. You can certainly do it a little bit slower if you need to, if you don't have the control on your pelvis. And she's got nice control here so she's able to go a little faster. Excellent.

Let's do one more. Great and rest and bend the knee. Okay, so I am going to get the wedge pillow for you. So roll onto your side to sit up and we'll place this here because I want to show you with the single leg stretch without holding your body up. So you're going to slide the right knee towards your chest and hold the, the leg so you can just gently, uh, don't clasp your hands and don't squeeze the knee and you can reach one arm a little bit longer. Just kind of support the knee. Good. And then what I want you to do is think about this leg as if it's getting shorter. So like don't bend the knee, but just the idea that my leg is pulling into my hip, not reaching out. Does that make sense? So that, there you go. So you feel that connection there.

Okay. So what you're going to do is as you exhale, you're going to slide this leg down and bring this knee up and slide your foot. So I want to slide, your foot is going to slide and bend the knee and you're going to slide and lift. You see? So you have contact with your foot on the floor. All right, you ready? So let's bring the right one up. All right. And shorten this leg and slide and switch. Good. And exhaling up. Can you do it at the same time? Now? So as you're moving this leg, that legs moving, both are sliding. That's it. Easy. You don't have to be fast. Slide, go slow.

Move this leg slide and slide easy and slide. Slide to foot. Foot hits the floor. Foot hits the floor. That's it. Go slow because you can do this as a new movement for you. Now here's what's happening here. Keep this contained. Good, good foot hits the floor first. Can you get your toe to hit the floor and slide it along? Yeah, I want your foot to slide along the table. That's it. Good and exhaling. Good.

That's it. So what? She's doing a great job and keeping the lower ribs down. Good. Okay, now slide both legs up. Okay. Both legs up. So here's a choice for you. All right? You can, uh, have both toes go down to the table and slide a little away. Slide them back in and bring him back up. Okay. They don't have to straighten all the way toes to the floor. Slide.

Slide them in XL as you lift them both together exactly. And toes to the floor. Slide them away. Slide them up. And bring them in. Good. And one more time. So that's one version. You can do this. Keep going up good. And then the next version would be that you don't slide your feet and that you just reach for your legs. So stretch out a little bit. Touch your kneecaps with your hands. Yeah. And then bring them in.

You can straighten your legs a little more and reach out a little bit. That's it. And bring him in. Good. And again, XL. So now this is not sliding. You have to have the strength to be able to hold your legs out. So maybe you start with the sliding and then build yourself up into that. Good. Good. One more time. Good. And rest in place your feet down.

Excellent. All right, let's do a little twist. Just let your knees fall from side to side. Just a little wiggling just to let it go. Okay. And on the next twist, you're going to roll to your side and stay there again. All right. And this time I'm going to take your, uh, wedge away again. And this time you're going to bring this elbow underneath you a little bit and you're going to lie down on your side and your head is going to be on the table.

So you are side bending your head. I W I do want that arm in your waist. Yeah, there you go. Good. And your hand can be flat like that if that's comfortable. Right? And stretch your legs out a little bit. So then they end in these, but bringing your feet behind you like the clam position. Okay. And on your side. All right.

So what you're gonna do is lift your head up so it's in alignment. If you can lift your head up. So it's just there. Is that, okay, now just hold. Now you can just hold this position or you could try to lift your pelvis up a little bit. Just try to unweight it just kind of left this very hard and come back down and put your head down. Okay. And your is your left arm. Okay. All right. And again, head comes up. Now lift your pelvis and go back down and put your head down. Go ahead and lift the head and just a little pelvic lift.

And if you can't do the pelvic lift, what you start doing is just think about lifting it and you kind of try to lift and eventually over time it will start to happen. Let's do one more and this is good for the lateral neck as well and rest. Excellent Khan. Now push yourself up and we're going to do the other side. All right, so tuck your arm in. Good. And your knees. Good. Alright, good. Nice. All right.

And uh, yeah, you can have this arm here or if you need to, you could have a hand here and push yourself up. But let's do it here. All right, so your neck comes up in alignment with your head. That's a chin towards your throat. A little bit. Not Too. Don't look down though. That's it. Now lift your pelvis up very nice and down and let your head go. And again, bring your head up and lift your pelvis. Good. And come back.

Now what she's doing a little bit, which is okay, bring your head up and she's pushing down with the arm a little bit. Lift your pelvis up. Don't push too. There you go. You can use that arm some, but you want to try to lift from your pelvis. So what's working here? My goodness. Everything right? Your waist, your core, your inner thighs, your rotators, your pelvic floor. Yeah, it's a lot of work for the whole side body. One more so that we're even, and then you get to sit up. Great. And rest. All right, come sit up and I'll have you face this way and stretch your legs out. Alright. Just sitting up. Good. And uh, sit back a little bit more on the Mat, right? And Open your legs a little bit wider. All right. So if you can sit like Nicole, she's got a very nice length of hamstring with a nice straight back.

This is fine, but many people can't cut. The back is tight in the hamstrings tight. So you can simply just raise your pelvis up by sitting on a stack of blankets or a small box. But you're fine. Okay. And what I want you to just put your hands on your thighs and you're going to start by rounding back through your pelvis, a roll back on your pelvis. Stretch your arms forward in the opposite direction and your head is going that way. You see? So your pelvis is going back, but your head is going forward.

Does that make sense? And then come up. So I don't want too much collapse. So you want to start with the pelvis rolling back and reaching arms forward and feel a long spine. Where's your chin? Where's your neck? What's going on with your chin? Chin to throat. Yeah. Okay. And then come up. We want a nice curve through the whole spine. So start at the pelvis and there. What's your head doing? It's got follow. Good.

And then come up. All right. Now push up with the crown of your head for me up here. Yeah. Can you stay like that in curl? Go ahead. Start to curl and stay up here though. Which the crown of your head doing and drop your chin. Yeah, you see the difference and come up. So you're collapsing just a little bit. So lift up and then start the curl with your pelvis and your Chin goes towards your throat. That was good. And come up. Do you feel the difference?

It's smaller feeling, isn't it? Yes. Now lift up through the crown of your head curl and let your chin drop towards your chest there and feels smaller because your curve is actually more elongated. Okay, one more time. Up and then Chin and curl. Good. And then come up. Great. And now we're going to do is what we call saw. So bring your arms out to the side this way, right?

And you're going to reach your right hand towards your left foot. All right? And then you're just going to reach forward and curl. Let your head go a little bit and don't overreach. Just curl. Curl your Chin again. Yep. Yeah. And then come back up and swing your arms out to the side and go to the other side. Good. Now you notice how your legs are changing length.

So your pelvis is doing too much. Yeah, that's right. And Go ahead and curl again. Where's your chin? What's your head doing? That's it. So keep your weight on both sit bones. That's it. And come back to center. And again, rotate and curl. Now flex those feet for me so we have really energized legs and Chin towards your throat. It's flection. There you go.

And come back up and again to the other side and rotate and curling. Let your head go down. It's a curl. It's flection, and you're looking over to the right. There you go. And come up and bring the arms up. Now we're going to do a reverse swan. So you're going to now go this way, right? Keep your arm towards the other foot and look back at me and reach towards me.

A little extension. Very nice. And then come up and then go to the other side. Rotate, look back. And the little lean back. Just a little lean back, just like we did earlier today. Good. And come back and then rotate again towards me and then lean towards me. Excellent. And come up and again in rotate and then lean and come up and rest.

Very good. All right, so come to the edge. We're going to do a little rolling and this is where you're going to have a pole that be really helpful. Okay? So if you happen to have one, if you don't, you can actually just simply put your hands behind your thighs, but it's nice to have, uh, the stick to kind of press into, to help yourself roll up. And if you're a teacher doing this with someone, you can actually use the pole, separate your legs a little more to, to actually help and pull the person up. All right? So what she's going to do is she's going to rock back and exhale and roll back, and then she comes forward. She's going to press her legs into the stick and I can help her if needed. Good. And exhale. Good. Nice, nice and easy.

You don't get into momentum. Use of control. That's it. And you can use this stick. That's all right. I got it. That's all right. Good. And Pelvis. Good. And I've tried to get your pelvis up a little more into the shoulders. Rolling up. Good. And the rest. Okay, very good.

So now I want you to come onto your hands and knees to do a quadruple head position. Alright? And I want your knees wide, a little wider. Good. And I want you down on your elbows. Very good. If that's comfortable to you. Good. Now what I want you to do is just to sit back now, just kind of easy and keep your elbows. So say the stretch. Yeah, that's it. Easy. And come back up onto your elbows, could move your elbows a little more forward. There you go. And they can be wider if they need to be. All right?

And the idea here is to feel your shoulder blades moving and stretch the back. That's it. And come back. So you're going to do this just three or four times. And don't do any over pressure on your knee or your hips in. This should feel good in the shoulder. If you feel any kind of impingement in the shoulder, then adjust your arms, uh, and don't go so far back. Okay, very good. Now straighten the arms.

Go ahead and bring them underneath you. All right, so you're kind of a quadrat pen. Bring your knees in just a tiny bit so you feel like, yeah. Okay. So what I'm gonna have you do, keeping a nice long spine is you're going to reach your right hand forward and touch the floor and your left foot back and touch the floor. Touch the floor. Go ahead and have the foot if you can in line here. Okay. And then just bring them back underneath you and do the other side, touching the floor. Touch and hold. Good.

And then come back and again a touch and hold. Go ahead and touch and hold. And then lift up both arm and leg. Hold it not so high and then come back down. The reason I said that and come back and do the other side. Touch the foot low. Now. Pause level. Don't change that. Yeah, don't change that and lift your hand and your foot. Yeah. So it's not high.

Yeah. And come back down. Yeah. And come in. It's more important to keep this stable than it is to lift your arm and leg high. So one more time. Each side lift and come back down and lift and come back down. Okay. And rest. All right, good income. Sit Up. Great. So we're going to go to the wall now and do a few things. Okay.

So now we're going to go to the wall and do a little bit of shoulder opening, hip opening, and some arms strengthening. So we're gonna do a little arm clock. So you start with your palm down against the wall and then start to slide the arm up and go as far as comfortable with your arm. And Nicole has a nice range around and then reverse it this a little harder. And if your body needs to twist a little bit, allow it to twist. That's it. And reach up nice and back. And again, if you have tight shoulders and you can only, let's turn and do the other side.

If you can only go halfway up and come back down, that's fine. Go ahead and go up and rotate. Let's step forward. Yeah, good. And again and up. Good. And just three times is plenty for that and you go a little slower. Enjoy the stretch, especially when you're in the back part of the pet care.

Very nice. Okay. Now you're going to stand against the wall with your back. Good. And then bring your feet a little bit forward and widen your stance a little bit cause you want to be able to balance now going to work on some balance. So bend your right knee. It's a little awkward to get your foot on the wall if you can. That's it.

And just see if you can balance there a little bit and I'll have your back against the wall and your ribs against the wall. Great. And you don't have to have a really bent knee. It can be even less if you want. Yeah. All right. And then from there, push into the wall and see if you can stand up and then go back to the wall. Very good. And do that three, four times and push and stand up and balance. Take a second there and then go back. So this is difficult for you to keep.

You keep going. Okay. You could just stand with your foot there and think about standing on that leg. But if you feel like you have good balance, you can do that. All right, let's switch to the other side. And this is good. Uh, back of the hip, uh, strengthening as well. Good. So feel the foot flat, feel comfortable, feel your foot spread on the floor. Push into the wall and see if you can stand up. Very nice. Slowly come back into the wall with your head too.

So it's good for the alignment and bringing your head back into place there. Good. Reach your knee down a little bit. Uh Huh. Good. One more time and standing in balance. Great. And finish. Perfect. All right. Some arm strengthening. Let's and face the wall to do some wall pushups and move it to sway a little bit. Okay. So when you line up your hands, make sure your wrists are in a nice straight line.

So your second finger is actually going to be reaching up. You can spread your fingers a little bit too, which is helpful. Now just push away from the wall. Really straighten your arms. And notice where your elbows are. Can you turn them in slightly? Yeah, just a little tiny bit. Not much. And you see how that kind of opens up your arm pit a little bit? Yeah. Okay.

Now step back away from the wall more. So you're on more of an angle. Very nice. Excellent. So now you have to hold that. Now bend the elbows, go towards the wall and push away your hands. Look a little high for me now that you moved back. So move them down. Perfect. All right. And now bend a little good and push away. Good. And she's doing a great job keeping the shoulder blades on the rib cage and not allowing them to come towards the center there. So there'd be, they're very stable and this is a nice connection into the rib cage and she's keeping a nice long spine here. Good.

And want to do about 10 then I'm going to challenge Nicole A. Little bit, and she doesn't really know what's happening. All right? So this time you're gonna win. Next time you push away, right? When you push away, you can push off. Okay. And then you're going to land again. So it's like your jumping push off. Yeah. And land. Now stretch your fingers to the wall toe. Yeah, there you go. Uh, fingernails to the wall and bend and push.

Now remember those shoulderblades bend and push and bend and push. Great pen. So you can do lots of these. Yeah. And if you can try to keep the Scapula head like you had them in the pushup. There you go. He sees a little different. You feel that in the triceps. Beautiful. Good. Keep that here and rest. All right.

Now sideways, put your right hand on the wall a little bit lower. And again, watch the wrist and the elbow. Okay. And now walk your feet away and you're going to be a little bit like an a side plank. This is hard. Now bring your shoulder blade down a little bit. Yeah. And it looks straight ahead. You feel comfortable there. Okay. And straighten your body out. If you can't, that's it. All right. Now bend the elbow slightly and push away. It's not a big movement.

It's just a slight bend and push away. Good. And a slight bend. Even a, think about not even moving your body so much. Just bend the elbow a little. That's it. And push away. Do you what I mean by that? By not moving your body, that's, it's more in the arm. In less than your torso move. That's it. Do you feel that? So it's more of arm and back as short. So just been good and push away. Now how about a jump here? Can you try to push your fingers? Go ahead and vent. There you go.

And push away shoulder blade. That's it. And Lean and push away. Now Body. See if you can keep it here and bet the easy good. Reach two more end. Watch that shoulder. Come on. There you go. This is a real challenge for you and rest. Good. Now Watch my shoulder. So you don't want them. When you're, when you're coming in, you don't want, the shoulder gets shoved in like that cause it could be not so good.

So just lean. It's just thinking. See and is that little bend to the, and I'm just leaning. It's not a big, you're kind of going like big jump, right? It's not a big jump. It's just a lean. I'm leaning and I'm pushing away. Okay. All right. Other side. Alright, so wrist good there. Maybe you're maybe further away than I was. Maybe your lean, you know, you can be a little more. Yeah. Okay, so just practice a little bend of the elbow. Just a little bend and then a push away. So there's very little torso movement.

Right? Good. It's a lot of arm. Good. Go ahead and kick on and the elbow can go down a little towards the floor just a little bit. Yeah, just a little down. Yeah, instead of out that way. Good. Just a little down. Perfect. Good. I feel that Scapula. Yeah. Now we're all watching your scapula now. Okay, so here we go. Try to push away and now just think about leaning. Perfect. Yeah, don't, don't, don't fall into the wall. Just do a lean because say a little stronger here. We'll just lean. That's it.

And push away. You see that's the range. Can control here. Good control. Reach, control. Very good. Okay. Face the wall and just do a nice long stretch for me. Just sit back like we did on the chair. Bring your feet under you. Yeah. And then lean back. So yeah, you go. And what, what are your shoulders doing?

Wrap them around this way. Yeah. Keep a nice long push away from the wall. Now. Get some link. Nice and easy. Good. And then bend the knees easy and roll up. Curling through your spine. Woo. Good work. Thank you. Thank you.


1 person likes this.
Some great rehab exercises here - scap and hip stabilisers in particular
5 people like this.
omg, I have died and gone to pilates theraputic heaven. i am an active 52 year old with a 4 year thr with a total bi lateral knee replacement scheduled for August. This will be my go to class. Thank you.
Eric C
1 person likes this.
Great to see programming emphasizing side lying/lateral challenges & frequently changing of body positions relative to gravity.
1 person likes this.
I'll be doing this one often..thank you!
1 person likes this.
YAY! A new Madeline Black Video!!Loved this class. Thank you for all of the wonderful moves! Getting ready for a total hip replacement and my back keeps going out. So this was exactly what I needed today!!! Back to basics with your incredible guidance. I feel so lucky to have your expertise in my own living room! It's like I just had a good PT session!
1 person likes this.
Loved this class!
Alexandra L
1 person likes this.
Excellent fundamental session with Madeleine Black. Extremely useful approach for many of my beginner beginners but useful for us all. Wow, thank you for a creative class filled with modifications to be used immediately.
Donna B
Managed to do this with help from a toddler! Thank you!!
Love how this Madeleine Black really thinks outside of the box to bring the fundamentals of Pilates to a less mobile population. I work with an extremely diverse population and am always researching new ways to motivate and challenge my clients who face limitations in their workouts. Recently, I discovered the Tye4 apparatus developed by Physicalmind institute. Sceptical at first, I've quickly come to to realize how this "wearable apparatus" has transformed mat and standing excersizes for my clientele. I have clients begging for more videos with Tye4 for home practice, so when I watched this video, all I could think about is how much more effective it could be with the client wearing Tye4. This would also allow for fewer props and greater flow. Once again, I'm incredibly greatful for this site and instructors like Madeleine who continue to create innovative workouts.
Berit R
1 person likes this.
I love your teaching. Thank you
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