Class #2239

Connecting to the Upper Back

70 min - Class


Find stability and balance in this Mixed Equipment workout with Madeline Black. She works on finding a connection to the upper back so that you can work your way up to more challenging exercises. She includes modifications for Planks, Push Ups, Swimming, and more.
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector, Ladder Barrel, Reformer w/Box, Wunda Chair, Cadillac, Mixed Equipment, Wedge, Blanket, Wunda Chair Handles, Weighted Balls, Yoga Block, Baby Arc, Towel, Pilates Pole

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So I'm here with Leslie and uh, we're going to work out. So first we're gonna start with just getting, giving you a sense of somebody longer. [inaudible] so come sit up on the blankets here and elevating your pelvis so that your knees are a little more comfortable. You're okay with that. Alright, now I want you to reach up. I shortened up the fluffies a little bit to reach around, grab through. Good. Then the idea is that your, are you getting a sense of the length through the side of your body and the straps are giving you good.

And now just take a breath in and just breathe wide and exhale good. And if you need to, you can sense your hands up a little more if you need just to see. Yeah, go a little higher on the yeah, cause you're going to create length through your bodies. You may have to readjust your hands. Yes, that's it. And just breathe again and feel the weight of your pelvis. Good. And you want to have the weight on the back part of your pelvis a little more if he can. That said very good. And then breathing in and lift the chest up, keeping the weight on the back part of your pelvis. Good.

And let your ribs just soften in the front. Two more breast is nice and long. Good. And creating that length on the side. Great. One more time and relax. Good. And now you can release carefully. And now I'm going to move you towards the push through Barbara, but we're gonna take a little stack of blankets with you. So come on off and slide these closer. Good. And I'm gonna sit here with your feet on the pulse. This time. Yeah, on the, on the edge. So maybe we have to move them back.

You've got very long legs, so let's move the blankets. There you go. On feet flat on the wall. There you go. Very good. And so, okay. And your knee? Yeah, straight men. Okay. All right. So grab the pole now. Now you're going to reach up with the arms. Now if you have a small, uh, Polonius arch, it's nice to sit on an arc to get a slope down, an incline, but the blankets, the stack blankets gives you that sense of your weight going forward. Yeah. Okay. So like you just fell from the fluffies as you reach up with your arms, don't lean too much. She just going for length on the side of your body.

So we're not going forward so much cause I want your spine to get long, but from your hips, now you're just gonna lean forward, keeping the chest lifted. Good and lengthening through that side body again. So find that same length that you had from the fluffies and breathing in to lift the chest up. Good. The inhale lifts the chest up. Good. And exhale. Good. And one more time. Inhale, lift the chest up and then exhale. I want you to roll back on your sit bones. So just try not to curb there. So come back. That's all right. Come back up.

So what I'm looking for is not a rounded spine here, right? So what I want you to feel is that you're rolling to the back of your sit bones, right? The pelvis is moving away from your thigh bones. So it feels like your lower spines flexing, but your upper back staying extended. Very good. And then push the bar down. Now keep the back straight, cause I want you to stay engaged with the Scapula, and then you're going to lean forward from the pelvis. Right? That's far enough because I don't want the flection here. That's it.

Now bend the knees if you have to just softening. That's it. Keep the lift of the chest as you lean forward. Now you're getting what I want. Can you feel that through the hip joint and the spine. Good. And now you're gonna rock back on the sit bones again. Finding that same position with the little curl in the lumbar spine, but not dropping your chest. You know, you're arching a little bit.

Bring your pelvis back to the back of the sip bones, your ego, and then bring the bar up. And we're going to lengthen the side buddy again. Good. So this might be slightly different than you're used to doing, Leslie, in terms of this exercise, right? So this is not a traditional version of it and abandoned knees a little bit. But what I'm trying to work with is the length on the side of your body, the extension of the thorax, and we're trying to round through the lower spine. So let's try it again. So exhale, rolling back. Don't curl here so much.

It's down here. That's it. You got to get to the back of your sit bones. Good. And then pull the bar down. Good. And then keeping the chest lifted and leaning forward. You can soften the knees a little bit and let them bend. Good. And keep that chest lifting up. That's it.

And then sitting back on the sit bones, right? And remember it's the lower spine. We're trying to curve, not the upper back. So much. Very good. Let the bar take you up and inhale. Find that length on the side of your body again. Nice length. Good. One more time. And exhale. Curl back from the pelvis, keeping the chest lifted because you tend to round there. God.

And then bring the bar down. Go ahead and keeping the chest lifted. Reaching good Scapula, a little more good. And now come back. Very good. Pelvis more, a little more pelvis back on your sit bones. That's it. Yes. Very good. And then coming up and find the length. Excellent. And relax. All right. And then have you legs swing around that way.

And let's take the blankets away now. So you're just sitting on the table and we're going to do a little simple kind of lap pole. So, um, take the bar and now this time I would like you to do with your palm upward if you would. Okay. A little closer to the end there. That's it. So reach away. That's it. Now as you reach, keep your ribcage over your pelvis and bring your right hand behind your head. Good. And the counterbalances you're going to reach with this side of your elbow, which is gonna move your ribcage to the right a little bit, and you're going to extend and reach the bar away. So you're doing two things.

You're reaching away. So we're going to open up. Hopefully you can feel that through the arm. So this little side, bend this way and keep reaching in the opposite direction. There you go. Feel the length. Very nice. And then bring it back your torso and bend the elbow down towards the table and let the bar take you up. Good. And reach up. And again, reach through here, this side and length in the side body here. Feel the weight and the hip. That's it.

And then then the elbow reach long through the elbow. Extend slowly. Very nice in the shoulder. That was good. Now as you lean a little bit, you're going to reach to this elbow at the same time. Good. That's it. Good. Now I want length on this side. Remove the bar, reach there and keep the anchored right hip. Good. And then bringing the bar back, dropping the elbow, keep elbow down as the bar goes up. There you go. It keeps the shoulder in the nice rotation and extend up. Find the length.

So you're still reaching on this side there. So see if you feel both sides. Nice. I say good. And one more time. Pull down and extend. Keep that length in reach as you lean. Good. Keep pushing the bar away. Keep pushing the bar away. There you go. So I'm looking for the length on your left side of your body and then come back.

Control the bar. Bring it up slowly. Keep that elbow down. Very good. Reach up for one more time, length and reach to here at the same time. Breathing in and exhale, relax. Let's do the other side. Excellent. Swing your legs around that way. [inaudible]. All right, we're going to do the same thing again.

So Paul, I'm up very good and behind your head. Okay. So before you start, you want to have reaching through the opposite arm. That's it. Sideways. Watch the shoulder. Reach this bar away. So you want to feel, uh, an evenness between your back and you feel that through the scapula. There you go. And now as you reach with the right arm leaning, you also counter reaching with the other side.

Very good and nice. And then come back to center. I feel that connection of the ribs, right? Just drop the scaffold a little bit. There you go. And again, lean with the right arm, reach good. Keep moving the bar low. You have to keep moving the bar. That's it. That's it. And you're doing a great job of keeping your weight on the hip and come back and scabby a little more dropdown. That's it.

And I'll move the right bar area though. Right side it don't think side bend so much. I know that's what you're used to. Drop your it a little more. I want you to reach outward through your rib cage. With that said, you see that balance between the right and the left side of your body there. That was great, Leslie. Yeah. And come back.

So it's not your typical mermaid where your side bend and you're kind of reaching through the right arm. That one more time. Yeah. Yeah. It's not really, you are side bending, but you're doing it in a different place. The side. Ben's happening higher up here. Very nice. There you go. That's a nice side bend and you're not compressing your spine. Yes. And then come back up and swing the bar up. Great, nice length. So now that we've gotten your spine lengthened, okay and relax. Now we're going to do a roll back.

So I'm going to have you swing and face this way. Put your feet on the Poles and miss getting some props here for you. So I have a wedge pillow for you here and um, it's not necessary, but it's nice to have a little back support, uh, when the lower back is a little um, stiff. So this is just a little $1 a back support. I got you a dollar store, so I'm just gonna place it here. It's nice to have something, uh, for the back to be supported on. Okay.

And you're going to grab the rollback bar. Now, like I said, in the push through exercise, I don't want you rounding so much in the thorax. Okay. So the same thing. So start on the SIP on. So you're going to roll back on the SIP ons, trying to keep the chest a little lifted, but your pelvis is curling good, very nice and breathing out nice and easy and feel every vertebrae coming back down here. That's it. Don't have to go too slow. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. That's it. Great. Oh head all the way down. I got a pillow there for you. Good.

Now can you feel the lower back where my hand is? So, all right, so you're going to keep that connection as your head starts to roll up. Go ahead and exhale. Good. Very nice. Roll and good shoulder blades. Good. And come sitting up. Let's do it again and rolling back. Now sit. Bones are rolling for a second. Don't drum curl your back so much. Yeah.

So it almost feels like to you probably that you're leaning back, but what I'm want you to focus on is the lumbar spine to, that's it. You see the difference? But don't think about you have to curl your body. Don't think that curl because you're over curling in the thorax. Okay. All right, so start to come up. And same thing here. Even though you're, you're floating your head up off the towel or if the pillow, I mean, and coming up right now, right here. Pause for a second. This is as much fluction as I want. So keep this lifted a little bit.

Now work down here. That's better. Very good. So the idea is to try to find a balanced curl in your rolling back. Let's do two more and rolling back. Couldn't pelvis is moving away from your thighs. That's it. We want to create as much space in front of the Groin as possible here. Good.

And all the way down. Good. Inhale. Exhale. Chin to your throat a little bit. And then that's it. Now it's the lumbar spine hanging back. Okay. Pause here for a second. Hang your pelvis back. That's it. Keep the chest lifted and ruling. Let's do one more and coming back down again. Well, don't start in your thorax. Start at the sip up. That's it. That's it. Good.

The pelvis starts and then feel that coming back down. Nice. All the way down. Inhale there. Exhale. Head floats up. Soften the chest now through the middle. Coming up. Keep the pelvis back as long as you can. Very nice. Good. And come sitting up and rest. Good. All right, very nice. Nice and warmed up, huh? Okay. So we can do a little bit of bridging now.

So I would like you to lie down. I have a wedge for your head here a little bit. And I would like you to be on the edge of the table if you could. And we're going to get a reformer box, a larger one, and I'm going to place it in a more of a middle position. So you have a high position, a low position, and there's a middle position. So I'm going places here.

Now let's see how your knee feels about it being down on the box. So let's place your foot. Okay. That's not the one. Okay. Okay. Okay, good. Now let's just bring your hands. So they're on your pelvis. Yeah. So they're not just off the table. All right. And I'm going to adjust the wedge pillow just a little bit, cause it's a little high for you actually. So I'm gonna move it this way.

So you're headed, that's better. So I want support, but I don't want your head being pushed forward. All right? So what you're going to do is just standing on both feet and you're just going to inhale and lift your pelvis slightly up. So it's a little bit of a bridge and lift. Nice and coming back down. And you're doing a great job. And again, press down on the box, lift the pelvis up. You're doing a good job. Feeling it through the hip, right and come back down. So don't lift the chest too much. So go ahead and push down on the leg and lift. Good.

And come back down and feel the inside of this foot just a little bit more. Good. And lift and down. Very good. And lift. Keep this knee right here if you would. Just a little bit and down. Yeah, do three more and up. So you can do anywhere from five to 10 of days on one side.

Very nice. And again, lifting the pelvis good. And she's doing a great job. Not Arching through her back and pushing with her back but actually moving through the, the hip joint itself. So let's do one more. Lifting up. Keep this knee in here a little more. Cause your stay on the big toe side of your foot and come back down.

Super. Let's have you turn around your head. Send this sentence and close to the edge. Okay. Oops. I think I might need to go a little bit more that way. Yeah. Okay. Let's see how your right leg does on the box. Let me move it this way. Good. Now comfortable in your right knee. You don't have to flex it too much. You don't have to force that. Yeah. Okay.

So we're going to try to keep the knee close to the edge of the table. Good. And here we go. So you stand on the leg and lift up. You don't have to go too high and come back down. Is that comfortable in your knee? Okay, good. And concentrate on the hip. So you're lifting the pelvis, the hip joint up and not pushing through your back. So much. Very good.

And inhale as you lift and exhale as you come down and keep the knee towards the midline a little bit. Good. So they'll, if you keep contact of the big toe side of your foot, your knee will stay more towards the middle. Good. And inhale and come up. Press into the leg, which that feels good, Huh? And comes down. Good. Keep going. Lift. Good. And down and left. Excellent. And down. So we want to do as many as you did on the other side.

So let's do two more. Rich. Good and down. And last one, rich and yeah. Excellent. Okay. Come sit up again and I'm going to have you turn and face the other way. And Are you think you're comfortable sitting straddle on the table, meaning your legs or on either side. Okay, good. All right, so we're going to do a reverse push through. So the bar needs to be in the low position, uh, for your shoulders.

So I'm going to bring the bar down. Just reach behind, palms up, hold the bar. Good. And now sitting just right on top of your sit bones. Just reach the bar away without leaning. So just your arm. There you go. See how that opens the chest and keeping your head up on top. Good. And now you're just gonna roll back slightly through your pelvis and just lean without dropping your chest. Just easy.

It's a stretch for the front of the shoulder. That's good. And then bring it back towards the center. So come on back. Keep that elongation that we've been working on through your waist. So chest stays lifted, head stays up on top. Drop your Chin just a tad. That's it. And then coming back, you're doing great, Leslie.

I like the way you're moving through your pelvis. So you want to reach through the arms without leaning. Reshoot your arms without leaning. You feel that it opens the front of the chest and then you start to lean and you come back on the back part of your sit bones, keeping the spine in a nice alignment together. Good. And then come back. Let me do it two more times. And again, sit bones, leaning back, shoulders a wide good and just drop your chin a tiny, but your eyes are going to adjust a little bit. Good and come back.

Do you notice that? How your eyes are level and then they're going to look down as you go. So first the arms reach the arms to open the chest and then lean back on the pelvis, drop your eyes just a little bit and then come back up. And we'll do one more time. And that nice with the shoulders. Beautiful and leaning back. Good. And come back up.

Great. And then I'll take the bar and relax your arms. Excellent work. All right, so we've got all and now ready to get on the wonder chair. Sure. Okay. Okay. So we're going to do some footwork on the wonder chair. So we're going to start in a parallel position slightly wide. And uh, you can use whatever springs give you the most, uh, even effort up and down. So Leslie has a, an injured knee. So where we're going with two lighter springs to not stress the knees, which means then she's going to have to control her core even more.

So we'll start down. So just have your arms just cross for now. That's it. And look straight ahead. So you're going to go down and now as you inhale, exhale, bring the legs up, keeping the back nice and stable. Exhale, press down through the back of the leg. Good. And inhale as you come up, you're very, very good in the lower back. And exhale, come down, keeping the weight the same on the sit bones. Keep moving through that and XL. So as you push down, your weight should not go forward on the sit bones. They should stay towards the back of the sip bones. If anything, yes, they're going to want to fall forward as you do that. Good. And exhale down. Good. We'll do two more. Okay. Moving here. Good.

And keeping the nice length that you created on the Cadillac through your waist and one more and stay down. All right. To challenge that a little bit. In your core, you're going to hold the balls and I'd like you to hold them out. Whatever's comfortable further out, the harder it is you can soften your elbows here. Go. And as your legs come up, I want you to bend the elbows in and then extend slowly. Good. Keeping that stable. Good and bend the elbows in and try not to drop the elbows. Good. And just keep them as if your arms are on a tabletop.

Going to keep the elbows right here, good. And the shoulders are connected into the back. Good and up. Great. Keeping the weight on the back of the sip bones. Good and up and pressing from the back of the femur down. Excellent bending, doing great. Keeping the back connected.

Extending. Let's do two more and bend and extend. We'll do one more and you can finish on the down position and exhale and extend. Good and rest. Or I'll take the balls and I want you to go a little wider on here with a little bit of a turnout with your feet. Your heels come to the edge of the black part and have your legs turned out.

And I'm going to have you hold the balls again and this time you're going to have your arms down by your side with the palms facing forward. All right, so as your legs come up, your arms are just going to come up and a little bit of an angle. You should be able to see your arms in your hands. See the balls in the corner of your eyes and down. Okay, ready? And again, the weight on the sit bones, that's going to stay real anchored. So the legs come up, arms come up a little bit and exhale, press down, keeping that connection and you went forward on your sit bones on that one. Yeah, and come up. Good.

Even when you come up [inaudible] keep that stability in the pelvis. Good. It's harder with the longer lever. You can do this without a weighted ball or you can just simply hold your arms this way if that's too hard. But the challenges to keep the pelvis from rocking back and forth and to keep that nice and stable, that was a better one. They're good. And keeping the back connected. Lifting good, and exhale down and lifting good and down, getting better, getting more stable. They're good.

And we'll do two more and down. And last one. Excellent. Leslie. Good. And press down and hold it down. Great. And I'll take those balls for you. All right. Now I'm going to come to the balls of your feet out there. Um, no. Coming to the parallel position, right, and I'm going to give you, you can use a ball or a, hey, I'm going to give you a block now.

It's not about squeezing the block. All right? It's just about holding it there. Okay, so I'm going to let go. I'll make sure you keep it there. And your weight's still in the pelvis and a little spring. The bar up a little bit. Whatever's comfortable. Keep your back nice and stable. Drop the heels down a little bit. There you go. So your, your ankles are flexed.

And now what I want you to do is push through the balls of your feet, keeping the stability of the block. No, don't let the block go down. Come back up with, drop the heels down. There you go. Block's gonna stay right here. That's in the heels. Go down towards the floor. Good. Nice one too. Stabilizing. Seep and keep the block from moving. That's it stays nice and stable. You're just working through the ankles, your soleus. Feel the back of the leg and the stability, the work in your quads.

Great. And the weight on your pelvis is staying the same, not rocking back and forth. Keep going. Push down the bar low. Good. Push the bar down. Keep the block where it is in space. Very good. Go ahead and again, good down. Press down two more times. The bar goes down. Good without the block going down. That's all right. It's hard bar down, but the block doesn't go down. Good.

Give me one more and bar down. Excellent. And come back up and I'll take the block for you. Let's see. That's all right. And come on up. Alright. Let's stand and challenge your balance a little bit. Just how's your knee doing? Okay. All right. So we're gonna use the handles just in case though. I think your balance will be good enough. So here you hold that for me so you can have the handles in and I'll do that for you just in case you need it.

It's just safety for caution, but ideally you won't have to to use that. So as you're facing the side of the chair, your leg closest to the chair and your cases, the right leg is in line with the stick. And then you're going to take, you can hold this at first and put your foot here and press the bar down to start. Good. We'll put your hand here first and push the bar down. There you go. Good. Now adjust your foot so you can feel like you can really have some contact, but all your weight should be on the standing leg. So even though you're putting the bar down, the pushing the bar down, you're not going to lean into it right now.

Just see if you can balance for a moment. It's all right. And just having your arms down by your side is fine. You can put your hands on your hips if that helps you balance more. And if you need to, you can grab that. Okay. So staying on your standing leg slowly bring the bar up and your knee can turn out a tiny bit. Let the knee come out a little bit. Good.

So it's a little external rotation. And then as you push down, your leg is going parallel. They keep a little pressure on the bar as your leg starts to rotate out a little. That's it. And then she pushed down. There's a little spiral. Nice when Leslie pushed out. And again, resist the bars. You're coming up with a little external rotation and then push down and you keep the contact of your foot the whole time on the chair. Excellent. And again, little rotation. So this is working your deep rotators of your hip. Good. And the stability of the standing leg and down. Good.

I'm going to do 10 times. So keep going and up resisting the bar. That's okay. And good. And press down and you're doing a great job. Not Putting too much weight on your front foot. I'm gonna do two more. Coming up and press down. Good concentration and focus. All right. And coming up. Last one.

Most. Well that's okay. I want to do one more for a good one. Here we go. One more. Lifting up and pushing down. Excellent. All right. Hold the handle and then bring the bar back up. And let's do the other side. So your standing leg is going to line up with the pole and place your foot up. Excellent. Okay.

Now on this side, before you start, this side's a little different. I'm noticing that this hip is up a little bit, so just sink it down a little. There you go. And then push down. It's always nice to start down here. I'll tell you why. Cause you have to adjust your foot. That's it. Good. And make sure you're on that standing leg. I'm gonna let go. There you go.

Okay. And a little turnout. As the leg comes up, just a small, your foot shouldn't change. You'd have contact with the big toe, inner edge of your foot. But let your knee go out a tiny bit without losing your foot position. That's it. And down. Good. And bring it up and let that just, that's it. But keep the contact of your foot nice and keeping the right hip. Dropping a little bit. Yep. So when that leg comes up, the pelvis doesn't come with it. Good. Nice. Leslie. Good. There you go.

Now you're doing the rotation. Good. And resisting the bars. You come up and exhale, push down there. Try not to lean into it. Keep going and up. This is not easy and pushing down. Excellent and coming up and down was your two more and resisting coming up and down. Last one coming up and rest. Excellent. Let's bring the bar up and we're ready to get on the reformer. Okay, so let's start with a hip flexor stretch.

So I'm going to have you stand a one red spring, medium bar and I'm going to put your right foot on the shoulder rest and kneeling and have this leg so that your lower leg, your Tibia is vertical, so not too far forward and not too far back. So just nice and up. And then we're going to make sure your pelvis is level and you're just going to slide the carriage back, keeping your spine nice and long and it's just open the front of the hip and then you're going to resist the carriage as you come in, bringing the pelvis upright. Okay, so standing leg is vertical. Good. Excellent. Let's bring your foot forward a little bit because I want that to be a vertical.

Very good. And then both hands towards the corner. Great. Nice level pelvis. So what happens is the standing leg hip tends to go up high. So drop it down a little bit. Go ahead. Can you bend that knee a little more or no, there's the left one. The standing length. Yeah, bring the carriage back in before you go back and come back in. Yeah.

So what I'd like you to do is find this hip flection. Drop that down. There you go. So the standing leg has a good amount of hip flection here. Do you feel that? Yeah, that's better. And then put about 75% of your weight in your right knee. No, your right knee. The one on the carriage, that's it. So you're anchored on that right side.

Do you feel that? Great. And now from there you slide the carriage back. And as you do that, just think of the breastbone coming up. That's it. That's far enough. And then bring it in. Good. And again, what happened to my hip flection on the left? Yeah, don't lose. You're not. Yeah. No, that's really good. Now put your weight in your right knee and that's what sends the carriage back really good. And then come back up.

Do you understand that your glutes working nicely to put your weight in the right knee and that's what sends the carriage back. Nice Leslie. That's it. Very good. And come back and again, the weight and the knee goes down into the carriage and that sends it back very good. And come back and you should feel this heel to sit bone and gluteal connection and a nice opening of the front of your hip. It's fantastic. Great Leslie, way in the knee. Slide it back. Great job in coming in. We're going to do one more and back and come in. Good. Now stand up. No, be careful cause that hip just got opened up near other ones not to have a little appropriate reception. Dance. Yeah. So be careful. Come around. Yeah, it feels lighter. Let's do the other side. So again, the standing leg, your lower leg should be vertical heel against the shoulder rest.

Gotta make sure the knees in line with the shoulder rest so it's not inside of the shoulder rest. Excellent. All Right, nice. Good. Now come forward just a little bit. There you go. And the idea here is to really feel the, the standing leg hip flection, but 75% of your weight on the knee. That's on the carriage. Yeah. And by putting your body weight on, the knee will engage the hips. So you're going to put your weight in the knee and send the carriage back. Good.

And come back. This one's a little you. Okay. In the right knee. The standing leg. Okay. To let the right hip drop a little bit more here. The Groin. Yeah, it's hip flection. You know what I mean by that means you're folding. That's better income back. It's not about how far back you go. What I'm interested in again, this right hip flection before you, before you go back, right this right, the lunge part field, the Femur, the lunge. Wong, back to the, that's it. Right.

And this is going down as well as this is going back. So feel this go down and your weight. There you go. Now you're glued, starting to engage. You feel the difference. So this folds at the right hip and your heel is connecting to the sip on there and starting to come. It's starting to come. Good heel too into the shoulder. Rest drop down in that hip that's better. And come back. And again, a little more weight in your left knee. Don't turn, you're fine.

I just want you to get a sense of, I think there's too much weight on your right hip. So put 75% of your weight in the left knee on the carriage and then put the weight on it. That's it. And I'll put the weight in the carriage and slide it back. That was different. You feel a difference. Yes. And come back and I your Gluc commit. So the idea is to put your way in the knee, let the weight go down to slide the carriage back.

So don't be in a hurry to push the carriage back. Yeah, that's it. You want to feel the weight first and then let that slide the carriage back. We'll do two more and again, put your weight. There you go. Good. And come back. Very good. Let's see. One more and back. Good and rest. Alright, come on up. We should feel a little more balanced.

Tighter. Okay, then maybe that was the problem. A little tighter there, so it was hitting a little harder for your glute. All right, so I'm going to get a reformer box for the next one. Alright, so you're going to sit on the box facing that way. Feed on the headrest if that's comfortable. If that's too narrow, you can always put your feet out here. I have the straps, uh, at the length of the little pigs here on the side. So you're going to hold these with your palms and I have it on one red spring. So extend the arms out a little bit. So they're going to be a little supportive.

And now I want you to feel the backs we'd like we did on the roll back. What I'd like you to do is find a leaning back. So you're going to go to the back of your sip phone. So I want the curl of your pelvis to go. That's it. But don't drop the chest and start to lean back. That's it.

But lean back from here. That's it. There you go. And then come back up. So let's just practice that. We're gonna do a progression here. So go ahead and start from the lean back from the back part of your sit bones. That's it. So it's hip joint movement. That's a little too much in the upper back. And then come forward that, don't worry. Keep trying.

So you're going to come back to the back of the sit bones here. Right back here. The pelvis moves away from your thighs there. That was it. Just find the feeling. Yeah. And come back up. So rolling onto the back of the sit bones. The front of the pelvis is moving away from your thighs. That's perfect.

That's the perfect amount of flection. Good. Yeah. And again, leaning back. Good and up and leaving back, keeping that chest nice and lifted. Great. So you're doing a great job. Let's do two more. So the bottom of your sternum, the pubic bone is actually staying the same length. Can you feel that as you go back so it's not increasing?

Good. And one more excellent. [inaudible] come back. Next set. Can you lift one leg up off the off the shoulder rest. So hold there. We're doing a progression. Palms up. Just lift one leg up. That's it. Where do you want it? Well, yeah, if you can hold it there, that would be great.

Or You could simply just bend your knee. You can just lift it up and hold it there. Why don't you do that straight? Okay. Now hold it there because the street's gonna pull your policy. Just lifting the knee slightly. That's it. All right. Same thing. So you start to lean back with the pelvis though, right? And come back up.

Remember that feeling that you had from the sit bones? You're rolling back on the sit bones without dropping the chest. That's a little bit too much chest dropping. That's okay. My it is challenging with the leg up. Palms up. That's it. And try to find that pelvis. It's hard to get the right side to come back.

I bet the right side of your pelvis. Yeah. So just rolling back onto the sip on this better. Keep the arm straight cause this is actually supporting you. Good. One more time. Keep that chest lifted. Nice. Keep the arm straight. Good in place. You'll like down. All right, I'm going to try the other leg. Hmm.

That's a good thing. You didn't have the leg straight, Huh? Okay. So you just have to lift your foot a little bit off an extent. Yeah, there you go. Now lift up straight arms. Good. And now sit back on the sip bones keeping the chest lifted and come back up. So we're trying not to increase the flection in the thorax. So you want to come back onto the sip bunk. That is it. Very good.

And come up and again, you want to feel both sides equal Leslie. That's terrific. And come back up and again, nice long body on the side of your body there. Good and back and do two more. And we got it nailed here and leaning back. Good. And come up and lean back and come up and place the foot down and rest. You ready for a challenge?

Okay, I'm going to get a little prop for your back. So if your back's a little stiff, I'm having a towel to roll up here. We'll give you something to lean into. Okay. All right, so we're going to go a little further back. So before we were leaning back and now you're going to have to curl back a little bit. So I'm gonna take you back until you feel contact of the towel on the back.

Can you feel that right there? That's far enough. Nice straight arms. Now good. Now you can take a breath in and exhale. Just lift the right knee or left knee up. Now don't straighten it. Just lift. I want up like this. The idea is to feel the weight of the femur down into your pelvis. That's it.

And then place it down and the other leg. Exhale. Good, good. And come down to really feel like your leg. Go ahead. Is dropping into the pelvis. Drop it down. Yes. So don't lift it up, but drop it down. Good and down. Good. How are you doing in your bag? You're okay. Good. Drop the femur down. Yes. That was it. Do you feel the difference? So the idea is the head of the Femur, your thigh bones going into the pelvis, deeply good and down. And then we're right. One, suck the bone into the socket there. There you go.

So that right one's a little sluggish. Let's do the left again. Drop it in. Good. One more time and feel that femur drop. Excellent. And then roll it up. Sitting up. Beautiful job. Great. And rest. Alright, come on up. And we're gonna use an arc now. So you're going to put the straps down.

Now you can do this on a box except for it's a little bit, uh, nicer to have a curve path so that the edges of the box don't press into your thighs too much. Alrighty. So we're going to, uh, sit actually facing way with your legs. Like you're on a horse. She said, straddle up over the, yeah, you feel comfortable with that? Okay, good. Great. There you go. Excellent. All right. Do you want me, well, when do you put the bar down? I think this would be nice. And then you can have your feet right here on the side for now. Good. All right, so we're going to bring the arms down by your side. All right, so now can you bring your legs down off the reformer so they're dangling down a little bit. Okay.

Now here's the thing with the weight of your leg is that it's going to pull your pelvis forward. So you have to be really conscious to stay back on the sip on spring. Your legs more parallel. There you go. So you can engage slightly on the art. Can you feel that? Good. And Flex your feet for me. Yeah. And then bring the thighs in towards the reformer and engage there. God, that's the work right there.

And bring your arms out to the side and then inhale, they're engaged. The hip joint here. And then think about lifting your pelvis up. Not your ribcage out, but just like your unweight unweighting your pelvis off the arch by engaging your legs and then just sit down and relax. A little bit. Good. And again, engage the legs first and then lift the pelvis up. Just kind of lightening it if that's it. Good. And back down. I know it doesn't look like a lot of movement, but the idea is to engage through the hip joint and to float the pelvis up and come back down and again, engaging through the legs and lifting up.

This is great. And back down and again and lip and down. And one more time engaging through the hips and lift. Beautiful. Lastly and down and last one, and engage and down and rest. Super. All right, come on off. Very nice. Good. I know it's a big movement, but it's a nice engagement through the hip and the court. All right, so we're going to progress into a, a little bit of a easy niche stretch, um, because of your knee. We're not gonna flex you too much. So we're gonna put on a one red and one blue spring and we're going to have the bar and the medium height. All right, so you're going to kneel on the carriage and place your hands on the [inaudible] are, and the heels are going to be up against here, right?

So tuck your toes under and have your heels just like you did with the stretch. Now the knees should be in line with the shoulder rest here. So a little bit more open here and the heels in towards the midline. That's it. So your heels are in towards the midline and the knees or on the out. Now send your sit bones behind you a little bit. Don't move the carriage.

Just kind of send them back. Whatever's comfortable in your knee. Cut. Excellent. Very nice. All right, so now I'm going to keep the stability. You're not going to push with your arms. You're going to feel that heel to sit bone connection and you're going to push the carriage back just a little bit. That's enough. And exhale and pull it in. Yeah, and when you pull it in, don't transfer your weight. Your hands. Okay.

So push back through the heel to sit bone and exhale, pull the kerogen. And guess what? You get to do that hip flection again. Yeah. So you fold at the hips. So press back and exhale, fold in the front of the brain, the knees forward to the bumper. That's it. And sit bone to heal connection. And exhale, bring the very nice, good. We want to get that hip flection motion and again, back and fold at the hip. They're right at the where the pelvis meats. That's it. And back and pull in.

Much better. Good. Let's do three more and back. Exhale, pull in, kicking the sit bones wide there and back through the heel and in, we got one more and back. You're doing a great job, Leslie. Good. And come back. And now we're going to do a little bit of a curl now. So we're going to drop the tailbone down, but I don't want you flexing in your upper back. That's the whole thing. Yeah. So it's smaller actually. So don't flex here. Lift your chest again. So you want to keep that sensation of the pinkie side of your arms.

So feel the line from the pinky into the yes. Perfect. I know it feels like a little mini. Nothing curl. Right? But actually it looks really curled. So compare it to here. All right, we're gonna do the same thing here again. So you push backs. He'll just sit bone and then curl. Now try to drop the tailbone down a little more. That's it.

And push back and exhale and drop the tailbone. You're got to bring the knees under you though. You've got to bring the carriage in. Yeah, that's it. So it's a, it's an odd feeling because your tail is dropped and you're still flexing in the hip. Good. And sit bones back and exhale and pull it in. That's it. Leslie. Good and back. And keeping the weight stable here and curl it in.

Good and back and curl it in a little more hip flex. That's nice. Good. Not so much here. And exhale on him. The thorax is going to stay extended as you drop the tail and curl one more time and back and exhale and curl. Great. Okay, now you're going to go back in a curl. So go back and bring it in. And then now extend and look up the chest forward.

So we're going to add a little extension of thorax. Good. And then curl the tail and push back. Excellent. And then come in with the curl and now extend the chest. So we're adding extension. Good. And you can look up a little bit and curl first, curl, push back. Good.

And then as you bring the carriage and look up with your eyes and lift the chest. Now curl from your pelvis and not your chest curl, curled. Sit Bone. Sit Bone down, tail dropping, curling the curl that you did. No, not in your thorax, not thorax. That's better. And then push back and come in, curl and extend the thorax. Lift the chest. That is, look up. Good. Now pause here for a second. Now try to just curl the tail under. There you go. Do you feel that? And then push back.

And then you come in and then you lift the chest more and look up. So a little more extension. Two more times. Curl the pelvis first. Curling, pushing back, beautiful as the Yas and bringing it in with the curl. And then lift the sternum up. Nice. One more time. Curl the pelvis. First Curl, pushing back. You got it. And bring it in and then bring the chest up. Awesome. Fantastic. Let's do, uh, some are more.

So come on up and I'm going to put the box up here. So we're going to want the box in a short position and one red or blue spring. And I'll take the bar down and you're going to sit on the box facing the bar. Okay. So the first motion you're going to do, you can sit with your legs crossed on the carriage. On the carriage. Yeah. Cross your ankles for me. Yeah. That way your legs can relax. Okay.

Are they resting on here or is that too, too much knee flection. Oh, it's okay. Am I okay? A little further back. Absolutely. Good. Okay. So your hands are going to be this way. And I, and you could have them off the box a little bit. So can you feel a certain amount of space in your armpit, right? Yeah. Okay. So we want to keep that amount of space and the straps are going to pull you back behind you this way, which is gonna open.

You remember the reverse chest expansion we did. So this is going to open you up this way and then you're going to push into the strap. But not like closing the ve, the space in your armpit. It's just straight forward. That's it. And then let it pull you back. Okay. So it's a little bit of a reverse, uh, chest expansion. So here you go. Good. You got it. Alright. Like that. Like this.

Good. And just remember the amount of this angle. It's gonna stay the same. So let it take you back and feel the chest nice and open. Good. And exhale and press forward. Keeping the chest open. Good and rack and resist the machine. Good. And exhale, fold forward. Good. Keeping the head up on top and good.

I've tried to keep the scapula right where they are. So when you go back or actually opening the front of the humeral head here, that's it. And back, especially on the left side. All right, so open the front of the chest. That's far enough and come back. Good. And keep reaching, especially through the thumb side of your arm. Reach with the thumb side. There you go. Nice. You feel the difference when you reach for the thumb side is that little stretch than that part of your arm.

And then the pecs are contracting as you come forward. Good. And back and XL forward. Good. And then you keep going. And I'm going to get up. Cool. And come forward and rest. Excellent.

So now we're going to take the pole and put it through the loops here, like great. And you're going to hold on the outside of the strap. Excellent. Good. And then bring the stick in. So it's close to you and close to your thighs and your elbows are dry. So what'd you going to do? Is you're going to push the pole away from you until your arms are straight and low, and then they're going to come up and you're going to do that and leaning forward for me. Good. But now reach for the pinkie side of your arms. Good.

And then bring the pole down and bring your body back over your vertical axis and bend your elbows so they come in. So the action of your arm is extend you lean. Bring your body back as arms come down and you bend the elbows in. Okay. And again, now push into the pole. Good. Now connect into your back. As you lift your chest connected to your back. You don't have to go so high.

I want you to feel your back there and the pinkie side of your arms. Now you feel that good. And then bring it down and bring your body back over your center again. I'll stay connected into your back and press it away. Keep your scapula where they are, stretching your elbows, stretch through your pinkie side of your arms. Reach. Lean forward a little bit.

That's it. Good. That's better. You feel your back now. That's good. And bring your head back on top and bend the elbow. [inaudible] just keep that connection with the scapula. Push Away Pinky side of your arm. Step that said, we've got to get the triceps leaning good and down and bend and come in. Let's keep going. Scapula. Stay on the ribcage.

Extend through the pinkie side of your arms. Lean forward a little bit. You see how you're going so high in it? The ropes are, yeah, it's an angle. Connect into your back. Reach to the pinkie side of your arms. Good. Now lean forward. Hold it up there. Keep this. This is what I want you to feel. Get through the pinkies. Yeah. Okay. And then bring it down.

Otherwise your triceps won't be working. And again, now try to find that scapula on the rib cage. Press reach to the Pinkie side of your arm. Now lift your chest up and lean forward. Good. And come back down. Can you coordinate the leaning forward with the lifting of the pole? Connect into the ribs. Push away through the pinkies. There you go. Beautiful.

That was the right time and great and come back down. So give me three more like that. So press away, feel your back and now lean and extend pinkie side of your arm and down. Yeah, I want that full extension through there. Come on two more and reach. Extend through the Pinkie side of your arm. Good and down and we're going to do one more and reach through that pinky good and down and rest. Excellent. Okay.

I feel it mostly in my, in your upper back. Yeah. Yes. Good. Excellent. That's where you will need to strengthen more. Can now we're going to take this and your hands are going to come this way. Palms are still going to be this way though. Oops. That's all right. Almost on the inside. Yeah. Okay. All right.

I'm going to bring the stick up over your head this way. Okay. Go ahead and bring your elbows. I got the box so don't worry. Good. Bring your elbows in a little bit, just a little bit, not connected to your back. Again, like you felt the last exercise. This doesn't have to be behind your head. It can be more at your hairline. Now lean forward a little bit and lift the elbows up, not the stick behind you.

There you go. Find the elbows up. Now up there. You don't feel your back. Okay, now extend the arms good and bend and bring the stick towards your hair line up here. Go to your forehead and extend. Feel your back. Very nice. Good. Keep that connection into the scapula on your rib cage. Good. And extend your shoulders look fantastic. I was like good. And again and reach and you're doing a great job reaching to that Pinky side of your arm. You got that feeling good and keep going. We can do about 10 and then and reach and Ben, we'll do two more and reach. Excellent.

And one more and then stay extended and just bring the stick down in front of you and bring your body up, right. Alright, let's finish with the elephant. Okay. I don't know if you know that one, but we'll go through it. Let's see. All right, so we're going to stand up on the carriage. Actually not going to get the box, but yeah, let come off the box. All right? And so what we need to do is have a medium, a bar. Some people do it in a higher bar, but you're tall.

So I'm gonna choose a medium bar in a red and a blue spring. I get rid of the box and you're going to stand on the carriage this time with your hands on the bar and your heels are going to go against the shoulder rest. I have done. You have done this one. Good. Okay. Now here's your challenge. This is what we've been working on with you. Okay? Now what I'd like for you to do with your hands is to actually have your thumb on this side.

You can have your wrist in a straight line this way and elbows facing each other. No hit is in line. Good. No, don't. You're doing a great job keeping this extended. Now can you curl your sit bones down towards your heels? Don't go back more. Try to drop your tail in your sit bones. We're going to go down towards [inaudible]. One's going up the ceiling.

That's it. So the sip on's going towards your heels. Good. But not so much in your thorax. That's it. But just concentrate on the bottom of your pelvis, right? Your sit bones going down. How's it doing on your right knee? It's okay. Okay, so now press the carriage back with both legs without losing your sit bones dropping down and correct. Very nice, good and out just a little ways.

Now try to use your quadriceps to pull in. Good. Keep those sit bones reaching down towards your heel. Especially when you come in, there goes. And again, can you feel the stretch in the lower back a little bit and the engagement of the abdominals could reach good and bad through the heels. Sit bones down and curl. We're going to do two more. You're doing great. And back and XL and rest.

Excellent. Come on off carefully. Very good work. Great. I'm going to challenge your, uh, core a little bit more on the large barrel. So we're going to do some lean backs on the large barrel. So you have your feet on the balls of the feet. On the second run. You want to be sitting on the down slope of the arc and having your arms extended out so you can hold a magic circle. You can cross your arms, you can hold weighted balls if you'd like. Same thing though. Ready?

You're an expert now. So you're gonna roll back on the back of your sit bones without rounding your chest and let your eyes go up as you go and leaning back and exhale and come back up. Finding the center as you come back up. Good. And again, find that long lined going back. You're doing great in the lower spine and then come back up and keep that sense of those scapula on the ribcage here, right? So that you don't overstretch the upper back. Keep this connection and concentrate on the lower part of your pelvis. Good.

And then come up and adjust your eyes a little bit. So as you go back, your eyes actually should go up. Look up a little bit. Yeah, just a little bit. And then your eyes, you look down to keep the head moving with the torso. That's so much better. Keep this here and exhale. Good and leaning back. Very nice. Good. And up. We've got two more to go and back.

Super Center. And last one. Leaning back. Yeah. Okay. So that's a lot of hip flection. So let's do a little stretch for that. So just come stand down here. Let's see. Let's do your left leg. Come close to the ladder. And can you um, put the top of your foot of your left foot or your right foot, whichever one you'd like to do first. Okay. That's it. And this, drop the knee down. Yeah. And don't lean back. You're not gonna lean back.

Stay forward towards the ladder, your pelvis. Is that okay? All right. And then drop the knee. Yeah, I know. Drop your knee in towards the mid line towards your, that's it and lip. That's all right. Just breathe. Okay. Now this is cause it's going to help push your foot on the barrel hard.

So you feel your quadricep contracting? Yes. Do you feel that? Good. And then stop pushing your foot on the barrel. Just stop. Go ahead and now try to lift your pelvis up a little more and drop your knee down. Good and high now and again, push your foot on the barrel. Hold it. Keep breathing. Two, three, five, counts four, five and then stop pushing. Yeah. And now lift your pelvis up a little more. I know. One more time. Push your foot on the barrel. Hold it.

Keep breathing though. Two, three, four, five and then relax and bring your pelvis up a little more. You got better though. See How more upright you got? Good. Alright. Release. Let's see how that does on the other side. I know. Well let's sing. I can help you if you want. Swing your leg out to the side and just, nope. Okay. I don't.

Okay, good. Can you come closer to, you can lean forward and come closer with your foot to the end here. You can hop with your left at all or no. Okay. I thought if you had more distance and I could actually, hold on the barrel has a few more inches here. Yeah, this will let me get into this will help a lot. Yeah, that's fine. Okay, so let's bring the foot up. Excellent. Yeah, it's not, it's not about bending that knee more. This is fine.

Do you feel the opening in the front? Okay. And your back looks fine and just look up a little bit, but have your Chin towards your throat so that you're not extending your net. Good. All right. So how does it feel to push your foot on the barrel? Push down on it. You feel the contraction in the quad? Yes. Okay. This is good. And then stop that and relax.

And then just lift your pelvis up in the front here. That's all perfect. Push your foot on the barrel. Hold and keep breathing. Good. Counting to five and then relax that and lift your pelvis up in the front. Excellent. Good. One more time. Push the knee, the foot on the barrel, not the knee, the foot and lift and relax that and lift the pelvis. Nice. You got more upright. Excellent. Okay. Carefully come out.

Swing it around. Okay. How's that feel? Good. Good, good. So it wasn't about increasing knee flection, it was about opening the front of your hip. Okay. So now I'm going to have you turn and face that barrel this way. And this time you're going to have your heels a wide and against the wood. Just leaning and then come forward. And so your pelvis is leaning on the barrel.

No, you'd be upright. Just your pelvis. I might have to move the barrel back in. I'm actually, that's pretty good. So want to connect? Yeah. Does that feel comfortable on your heels? It's okay. This is slightly up. Was slightly up cause you're getting a calf stretch. Yes. Okay. So this is nice. So what I'm looking for is that you have a nice straight plum line on the diagonal. Now reach arms out in front of you soon. Not Resting on your arms.

Very good. Connect into your back again. Good holding that position. This is excellent. And now I want you to drop over the barrel a little bit and curl down. Good. Good. Now linkedin through the Pinky side of your arms. Again, I want that connection. Remember the exercise on the reformer where you're pushing the strap.

So I want you to have that strength in your arms and connect into your back again. And then you're going to inhale and float the head and chest up in the stick comes with you. See if you can lift your whole trunk up. Now use your heels, dig down into the heels, work the upper back. Woo. Beautiful. So it's just like pulling the stick forward on the reformer and then coming back down. So you have to use your legs to bring your torso up. Okay, so here we go. Chest lifts, head floats, shoulderblades and use the legs. That's far enough. Nice. Straight, good. And back down. And let your head go. Good. And again, feel your heels and lift the head.

Chest stick. Feel the Scapula, feel your heels excellent. And back down. I'm going to do two more. And again, and thoracic extension, lifting the chest, press into the arc with your hips, good and down, and then preparing you for one more. And then we're gonna stay up. So go ahead and extend and feel this position. And this is the same as a plank position. Can you feel that? It's as if you're doing planks. Guess what? You're gonna to do plank now.

So come on up. Go ahead. And we're going to go to this end of the barrel matters. Who has that same strength that you just had so you can hold the top rung and walk your feet back and then find that plank position. Good. So it's that same feeling with the chest coming up. Feel your back now. Straight arms. You've got that Pinky side of your arms. Good. I make sure this doesn't slide. Excellent.

Now Walk your feet back a little more. Good. And then bring your pelvis forward and connect into your back. The upper back. Good. And feel the strength of the Pinky side of your arms. You don't turn the elbows, just feel the strength through the arms of the pinky. Is that wide for you? Is that feel good? No, it's good. Okay, good. And hold it.

Connecting to your back. Excellent. Come forward a little more on your pelvis if you would you ask, do you feel how your sit bones drop down? Keeps the length of the lower back? Great. And then come up out of it. Can we go down another rung? They have to have to go narrow now with your grip and I'll walk your feet back a little more. Good. And then bring that pelvis forward. Now connecting to the backs is all the work we've been doing up to now. Right.

Is to get that thoracic extension connection of your upper back. Right Chin towards the throat. And now a little more sit bones down in forward sit bone. That's it. Oops. Sorry. I was holding that there. Okay. That's why having a barrel on a carpet or a sticky mat is a good idea. Okay.

But so try to feel that because you are putting your weight into it. Uh, at our studio with a wood floor, we have the uh, barrel against the wall. So it's helpful. Yes. Good. And I'll get the front of your pelvis there, chest up a little more. Hold. Excellent. And come up out of it and relax. Excellent work. You're putting all the pieces together here. Okay. We're gonna finish with some small barrels stretches that will feel good to you.

Okay. So with the small barrel or spine corrector and a box when I'm going to have, so you'll have to climb up a little bit. I'd like you to lie on your stomach. Um, but your arms are going to be on the table and your abdominals are going to be in the, well your pelvis on the arc and your legs on the box facing that way. Okay. There you go. Yeah. So come forward to your breasts are actually off the edge though.

You have to come forward to some more. There you go. That's okay. Sorry my nail. Got Ya. All right, great. Good. Is that comfortable for you? Great. All right, so now here's a choice. You can keep a box for support or not have a box and have to hold your legs up. But we'll try both.

But I'd like you to do now is to find your thoracic again that we've been working on connecting to the, the shoulder blades come down and towards one another. Little more, a little more on your upper back. There you go. And now reach your sit bones towards your heels. Yeah. Don't let the legs are resting on the box. All right. And you're gonna straighten the arms and lift your chest up. Good. Very nice. Now as you did that, did you feel how your scapula went really wide?

Can you draw them in towards your spine a little closer? There it is. Do you feel the difference? So when you push with your arms, I don't want you spreading your shoulder blades quite so much. Okay? Now bend the elbows to go down slowly. Keep this connection good. And then use your arms again to lift your trunk up there so you know that right one went a little wide. There you go. And back down, bending the elbows. It's a little bit of a push up here and little swan and lift. Lift the chest.

Connect into your back. Very nice and back down. Except feel comfortable in the front of your body. Good. And push away. Good. Very nice and down. And as you lift up, I want you to think of the Sacrum, right? The tailbone. Yeah. No, no. Don't do that here. As you're lifting up, go ahead and start to lift that. You're reaching Wong towards your feet. You're not tucking under. No, don't touch tucking under. Can you show me tuck under? It's not that. Okay.

So you keep the front of your pelvis on the arch, but you're just reaching the sacrum towards your heels. It's just kind of more of an intention and come back down. Good. Connect into your back. And again, so the sequence reaching towards your heels as you lift. That's perfect. Now I got the action I wanted there and the pelvis. Can you feel that? Yeah. And come back down. Good and reach. And you're going to stay up now.

Okay. So if you can keep, you got a little wide in the back. Connect here in the back. No, don't. You're getting wider on me. I come back down and be very picky, but I feel your scapular. How you have them towards your spine. Yeah. Draw them in towards the spine. That's it. So you have to stay connected under here. You feel that?

So now as you straighten, go ahead and keep that connect. That was it. Good. Now stay there and can you unweight your right hand and lift your left leg just a little bit and come back down. Excellent. Yes. Good girl. Let's try the other side and unweight good. And come back. You don't even have to reach your arm out cause you're losing your scapula. Just unweight your hand. That means take the weight off and hold it there.

Don't reach out. That's it. Good. Don't reach your arm out. Just unweighted and lift the leg. This one, keep it towards your spine and come back. So that side's a little weaker. Let's try that side again. Keep this strong. Okay, that's, that's your strong side. Let's do the other side. Connect here. Do your leg and the arm. See how your shoulders, how you're dropping and come back there. So this arm has to stay strong and do that side again. Keep strong here.

Work here. Um, that's better. Do you feel a difference? So you have to stay more stable. Think about the stable side, not the moving side. So the right arm and your left leg is stable. So think about that as you lift the opposite arm and leg so much better. You see the concentration good and down. So sometimes we have to think about the places that are not moving.

One more time. Each side. Think about the side, not moving and stabilize. Perfect and down. And now stabilize the side, not moving much better and back down and come down and rest really good work. Excellent. All right, so come on up. I'll take the box away for you and you're going to sit on the end of the table and we're just going to lean against the arc so you can just turn around and just slide this this way and just going to sit here and lean against it. So your upper back and your head not so close. Scoot that way a little more.

Your head has to be as you can lean back and you're resting on it. Yeah. Bend your knees, place so you're just relaxed there. Good. See here, why don't you hold these and pause a second and I'm going to get you a head pillow and let's see how this looks for you on your back. So let's bring the head back. Yeah, perfect. That feel comfortable. Good. Now you're gonna bring the balls up with your palms up this way. And I want you to think of the external rotation of the shoulders.

Now these are weighted balls, so they're gonna. Gravity's going to pull them down. So I want you to go gradual. So start to open out to the y to the center. Good. Keep going out. Now rotate your arms. So they're turning the headset, opening the chest. Good. And then keep the pinkies going this way. And as you exhale, bring them in towards the chest, but don't touch can remember what I talked about. The armpit space. So yeah, and keep the back of your shoulder against the arch. Can you feel that?

The shoulders against the arc? Yes. Now keep it there as you go down. The thumb is reaching towards the floor. Turn your thumb more if you can there. And then exhale, bring the pinkies towards one another, keeping the width and your back. Beautiful. And again, opening wide. Keep the lower rib connection as you do it. And exhale, pinkies coming in. Nice. Two more times and open.

Now maybe go a little further and a little more rotation. Pink thumbs towards the floor. There you go. And pull it in and we'll do one more reaching. Good and yes, beautiful chest stress there. Good. All right, so come up now I'm going to do a nice side stretch and a little bit of a twist to finish. Okay, so we're going to take the art care and come on up and I'm going to slide it this way. Come off the table for a moment.

Go ahead and let me show you the position I'm going to have you sit in. So you have to come up and you're going to sit with one leg here and this leg stretched out this way. All right. And then we're going to come over and you're going to do a nice, you can hold the art care and I don't want it. Whole side bend collapsed with the neck. I want you to reach through your leg this way.

Feel that length of the waist on both sides, and you're going to lengthen out this way, right? And then we're going to add an arm circle. So we're going to circle in both directions. We'll do three and then I want you to add a little bit. We're going to add a little twist back and then come back to center. Okay, so you're hooking the leg here, so your right hips in the well, so set up on it.

Go ahead. And your left leg is extended out nice and long, so you have to reach you that heel. Good. And you're going to lengthen your waist as you go over the arc and you can hold, you're going to hold here that good. And I reached this arm overhead. So we're going to bring the stack, the pelvis right over the, that set. Now reach for this leg. Very nice spiral. That arm like we just did with the balls.

Reach that hip forward and lengthen through here. Good and length and through here. Let's reach the arm. Yeah, good. Pull in the opposite direction and that's it. Inhale in through here. Expand through the waist with lengthening the waist. Good. And exhale. Good. Keep reaching through your leg. Inhale, expand through the waist, expand through the waist. Good.

And now stay there and circle your arm down around. Thumb up and around overhead. Good. And again, just keep the head here and circle. Now thumb, turn your thumb the other way up. Factset. We want to open the chest. Good and down. Now start to turn your thumb up. Nice and overhead and reach, and then go backward and back. That's it. Forward, thumbed down overhead. And then that's it.

Back and reach overhead. And now stay overhead here and then twists back and look over your left shoulder and your hip goes forward and your ribs go back. It's enough that the arm is more about your rib cage. Excellent. And then come back to the center. Reach overhead. Reach Long, reach to your leg. Oh good. And then use your right arm on the barrel to come sit up.

And let's do the other side that feel good. Great. You could just turn around. Oh, that's okay. It'll be nice to see you're back doing this too. Okay, so we hooked the leg in the front and your leg is reaching out to the side. Flex your foot so you can get a good reach for the leg. Good. And lengthen the waist as you go over. Good.

And hold the barrel down there and extend the arm up overhead. Yeah. Over your ear now. And reach at set. So we stack the hips and reach to the arm. Can you go lower on the RQ? There you go. And let your head drop just a little now a little more on this angle.

There we go. So you feel from the pinky all the way through the hip. Let's stack the hip forward a little more. Now reach through your leg. So we're getting maximum length here. And good. Now breathe into the rib cage. Breathe into here. Expand. Go ahead and exhale. Good like an accordion. Opening up, breathing and keep reaching through your leg. Beautiful.

And breathe into those ribs and exhale and start circling your arm now and down in the front. Good. And then you rotate out. Good and open the chest and overhead. Inhale and exhale. Circle around. Very good. Reach to the hand, reach to the leg and circle and again and down and rotate and reach. Now we get to reverse and back the other way now and reach good. Go a little bit behind you if you can, just a little bit more so we get a little more opening of the shoulder.

Very nice. Let your head just stay heavy over there. One more circle. Now stay there and now rotate back through the rib cage. Good. Bring the arm up just a little bit higher. Look back over your right shoulder. Open the front of that chest. Do a little rib twist in the pelvis, comes forward air. Fill it to us. Good. Come back to center. Reach over head again and reach to your leg. Lengthen. Breathe in, and exhale and come up.

Push up and turn and face me to just sit on the barrel. Yeah, face me. Just face this way. Good and rest. All right. Good work. Thank you. Thank you.


Thanks Madeline!
Carol P
3 people like this.
Hi Madeline: Would you comment of the focus of the bridge modification that you use in this video (compared to bridge with feet on equal plane)?
1 person likes this.
Really like the modifications for exercises that are quite difficult for people starting out. Great way to get the correct recruitment patterns happening right from the start.
Madeline Black
Hi Carol, the bridge using a brick or block places the hip joint into rotation as the pelvis remains level. If the right foot is on the brick, it is in slight flexion compared to the left. The left extends more, the pelvis is level between 3 and 9 o'oclock, which places the right hip in a slight internal rotation and left external rotation. This movement is from the pelvis on the femurs. The posterior hip and stability of the trunk is challenged more. Hope this is what you felt.
Excellent program modified for ALL!
1 person likes this.
Brilliant! Totally body therapy. Thank you

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