Hello, this is Karen and Amy. I'm Jonathan. We're going to do a mat class incorporating the towel today. Before we start with the towel though, I'd like to just take a moment and since where the pelvis is in space, so a will plate, we'll place that one hand just above the pubic bone, the other at the sacrum and Mr. Fletcher. Ron Fletcher talked about the bolts and we're not going to spend a lot of time talking about the bolts. All I want you to do is just imagine from your front hand to your back that there are there's beam and we want that beam from the front, the back to be parallel to the floor.
So just feel that if you need to look in a mirror that sometimes is helpful too. Just wanting to take a moment to acknowledge the pelvis before we move up into the shoulder girdle. You're going to take your hands down now and we're going to do what I call setting the shoulder, which is simply lifting the shoulders up, a little bit, about 25% of what you have available to you, slightly retracting back. And then just letting the shoulders settle down. So not pushing the shoulders down or jamming the shoulders down, feeling them float on the top of the rib cage.
And I discuss more of this idea about where the shoulder should be set in a tutorial if you want to refer to that. But we're just going to think about setting the shoulder today. And that's going to be a key is having that shoulder awareness as we go through the mat class and seeing how that specific placement may even actually free up the spine. So we're going to grab our towels now and if you have a one of these beautiful Fletcher towels, that's preferable. But if you don't have a towel and, but you have a cheap all thin towel at home, you can just fold it.
I feel like Martha Stewart and half and then in three corridors and then you twist it like so and you have a towel. Those towels are better, but these work just fine. For our purposes today, when Ron developed the towel, it was in order to help his students have a better understanding of where their shoulders were in space, getting a sense of where the shoulder blades were moving the arms from the back and moving in symmetry. So the towel is, it informs the shoulder girdle. So that's what we're going to use to tell four there's whole body of work with the towel. That is amazing. We're just going to use it at its most simple form as an informer of where the, where the shoulders are in place with the discipline, with the towel. The first thing we need to learn how to do is to pull the towel taught.
So I'm going to ask you to just take your towel mid, sternum height and you hold the towel. Basically it's about as long as your arm, so, so I'm going to have you choke up a little bit, Karen, just a little bit. Good. Yeah, and that's one way to look. So, so you don't, you don't have to go to the end of the towel. All right, so every, every arm is different. Every towel is different. So we just find where where that placement is. So let's bring that towel down again. We're going to reset the shoulders.
Once again, pull up back and down. The towel comes sternum height. And if you're looking in a mirror, you'd want to have the towel just below your shoulders so you'd be able to see your shoulders. If you were looking in the mirror. We're going to use the grip, use your grip strength and very delicately you're going to pull the towel taut and then release. And when you pull the towel tot, it's kind of like your dimmer switch in your dining room. You slowly turn the lights on and then you slowly dim the muscles. As you release. Inhale, you pull, exhale, you release, and as you're pulling you're going to feel the muscles between the shoulder blades come into play and release and you're going to feel your shoulder blades.
I almost think that you can almost see your shoulder blades by pulling on the towel. Perhaps you're, you can use the same part of your brain that you use to see, to feel your shoulder blades. They're hard to, we can't see them because they're in the back, but we can see them maybe in a different way by pulling, if that makes sense. So one more, we pull and we release and then lower down. That's somewhat fatiguing. We lift the shoulders up, feel the tension. Now settle the shoulders down. Just let them float down, lift up and set them down and inhale and exhale and inhale. And Ex Haile very good. Pull the towel tot. Now at at your hip height, we're just going to reach the towel overhead. Inhale and exhale.
Feel how the pulling of the top top towel keeps you engaged in those muscles between your shoulder blades. So they're just vibrating and a little higher frequency because you're pulling the towel taught and the towel is telling you how your shoulder blades are moving on the rib cage and how you support the arms with the shoulder blade muscles. Good. We're going to take the towel now just behind the back. And what's going to happen is you're going to lift the towel away from you. As you lift your co, you'll pull the blades, the shoulder blades together, then you'll release the shoulder blades and come down. So you'll, you'll initiate with your arm and then your shoulder blades will pull together.
So it's a sequence and then the shoulder blades start to release and you come down. So you pull up, squeeze the blades and squeeze the aides and come down. One more time. We pull up, squeeze the blades and on squeeze and come down. So that defines how we're going to be using the towel as we, as we go into the mat work. All right, let's do though a few more things. We're gonna take the legs to the side and reach the towel up overhead. So you've got a nice wide base of support. You can make a slight turnout.
The towel is just directly over the crown of your head and feel your shoulder blades as they're placed, but not jammed. They're just delicately placed and engaged. And we were going to do a sideband. You just, let's go to the left. Inhale and Exhale, come back to center and to the right. Inhale and exhale. Back to center.
A mirror is very helpful. Whenever you work with the towel, it really is almost essential. So invite you have that, that opportunity to look in the mirror and watch yourself. It'll help you maintain your symmetry because it's sometimes it's surprising how what we feel and what's truth don't necessarily always agree. And one more time we go to the side so you can use the mirror to kind of calibrate what you've see and what you feel and bring the towel down. Great. Let's just go ahead and lie down without any further ado. So you're gonna lie flat and we're just going to take the towel underneath your knees here.
Stretch your legs now long on the mat and you're going to reach your towel over head. Feel that pull of the towel and how that helps you sense where your shoulders are and keeps, keeps the shoulders true. The arms are going to come up towards the ceiling. You're going to lift up and we're going to roll up and round forward. That was hard and we're going to do a little pulse here.
Try to keep towel over the crown of the head. You come into this little hinge and then we're going to pulse here.
You're going to unfold into your hinge. Toes are pointed. Pulse, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Lift up and flex the feet and round. Back. Reach up and back. Full. Stay flexed. Tel Up, head up, curl up and forward, pointing the toes.
Go to your extended hinged position and pulse. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Lift up and flex and we roll back. Bend your knees. Now you're going to place both feet inside your towel.
This is probably not Ron Fletcher approved, but we're going to do this anyway. You're going to take your left leg now long on the mat. Keep the right leg where it is. It's best you can link than you're right waist. Make sure you're not hiking up the hip and we're just going to do a little pulse of the of the hip crease. Here we go. Pulse, two, three and four, two, two, three and again.
We go across, around and up. Inhale and exhale, but there'll be a little bit of momentum in the swing. And then stop the momentum. Inhale. Exhale. Keep reaching that right leg lung to reverse the direction down and across and up, down and across and up. Inhale. Exhale up to arm.
Just two more and the last
Keep your headwear tos arms and legs. Extend. Circle around. Inhale and exhale. Lengthen and in lengthen and in. And Go ahead and lie back. Let's grab the towel now and we're just going to do that again with the towel.
Take your inhale. Exhale, curl up, pull the towel tot and here we go. Paul taught and in inhale, exhale and stretch and n.
Let's flex and point.
Here we go. Okay.
Take your hands. Inside the knees we rise up to here. I'm going to take your towel. The towel is just going to go directly straight up overhead. So this is, and we're going to flex the feet. So this is a spine spine stretch with the towel.
And what I'd like you to feel is you have a vertical line and then you're going to exhale just until your arms are parallel to the floor. So our horizontal line, and then inhale as you lift up. Exhale, round forward.
Now shoulders are placed and this is kind of like a bow and Arrow, so you're going to pull back with just your right arm, keeping your left arm where it is. Feel the muscles between your shoulder blade and spine on the right side come into play and then you reach. And then the opposite. Just feel how the towel helps you to be more attuned to how the shoulder blade moves on your rib cage and Paul and reach and Paul and reach and pull and reach. We're going to put the towel now to the side and do our saw, but I invite you to have a sense of incorporating what we just learned from the towel in your thoughts. We'll start up and you're going to twist to the right twist to the right and as you round forward, feel the shoulder blade come towards your spine as you come into your saw and then we'll come back up to the twist center.
Twist left. Feel the shoulder blade come towards the spine. We exhale round forward. Inhale back to that twisted position center and
So what I'm going to ask you to do is hold your towel forward in front of you. I'm going to sneak back and the head and neck followed the line of the spine. This is your Arrow position. The shoulders are placed. Pull the towel gently, but deliberately taught and you're going to lift, lift, and just slide, kind of slide the arms up along the mat rather, and then come back forward. So it's a different sense of the swan. It's really very active, so you may not come as high because you're really only relying on your own extensors to lift yourself up and you come forward.
Let's inhale to lift. Ready and exhale. Lower and inhale, lift. Exhale. Lower. Two more.
One of the things I noticed in the single leg kick is it's easy for the upper body to kind of start to melt and sink. So we're going to pour deliberately in firmly the towel and do to keep the upper back engaged and alive. Single leg kick starting right. Ready, go, kick, kick place, kick, kick place. Inhale. Inhale. Exhale, kick, kick place.
And we're going to just keep the arms reaching. Keep the towel just slightly above the back side here. So go ahead and route, stretch the arms long and we're going to see, we're going to go from here. So you're going to keep the arms reaching and just, just down to the towel is, is, is touching the the back side. We're going to do three little kicks. Here we go. Exhale, two, three feet to the floor. Now we lift up up, squeeze the blades, feel that, that squeeze of the blades. Crack a walnut between the shoulder blades. Turn the other cheek, just bring the towel down and we go kick, kick, kick and reach. Reach, reach, and exhale. Exhale. Exhale. In.
Inhale, inhale,
Excellent. We're going to bridge, so please lie down. Feet, flat, hips, knees, ankles, feet aligned. Take your towel and you're just going to gently but meaningfully pull the towel taught and your and the towel is now touching your thighs on a full breath. In other words, in inhale and exhale. Segmentally rise up to the bridge. Here we go. Stay in your bridge. Reach overhead.
Once again. Curl up.
Tell now and roll down. Great legs up towards the ceiling. We're just going to pull up and come up to sitting in a long seated position. We're gonna do a spine twist here, but with the towel, what? I'll just talk you through it. We are going to rotate to your right.
That's your inhale. On the exhale, the towel is going to come up center to the chest, so it goes twist Tel up center and sternum height. Twist. Tell up center, Stern.
I'm going to ask you to lie on your right side. Maybe I'll have you both just like, yeah, does that seem good? Okay, so we're going to do a variation of just have some side leg work today. I'm actually going to have you, but I'm actually going to have you just center yourself in the middle of your mat and we'll, we'll take head in hand like so because we're going to just work in this long position today to to access just some different muscles of the hip equal opportunity work. We've done plenty on the shoulder, we got to do some hip work, so you're going to keep your knee caps pointing straight forward, just straight forward and you're going to only lift as high as you can without dropping in the waist. So it may not go as high as you'd like it to in lower down.
But we're, we're not doing a w we're not on stage, we're just to work than muscle. And so feel how you only go as high as you can without any kind of side bend of the spine, just straight. And the knee cap just goes straight ahead. Straight ahead.
Feel the spine undisturbed. One more lift. Good. Now we lift and you're going to keep your pelvis where it is, but take the leg back and a little bit of an Arab Basque physicians to just take it back a little bit into a little extension in turn the kneecap up towards the ceiling and hopefully you feel something here. And just in case you don't, we're going to do a little pulse up. Just a tiny little pulse that goes up, up, up and up.
Salad, plate size, circumference of your heel. Not An entree salad, a side salad and [inaudible].
You can feel those and we're going to keep those muscles engaging. We're do our little lifts
Inhale and exhale.
The base there of the glute, two, three and four. Five, six. Let's do eight more. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one. And Go ahead.
Lift up and lower down and up. Lower down. Now lift the upper body too and yeah, and lift down. Lift and down and lift. And
We're going to tease and I think our towels are feeling a little colt. We better pick them back up. All right here. Let's see what happens. Okay, we're going to lay back. We're going to just go from this laid out position and we're going to see what happens when we try to come up to a teaser. Ready? Here we go. Keep the tell top and pull yourself up.
Let's take the tail over and [inaudible]
Yeah, that's crazy. Let's let the tell go with it.
Then we go up, up, up and up, up, up and up. Eight more. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one and
And we sit back and come forward now and up. We're just going to do a push up here, so we just come right into your pushup position and think about your shoulder placement and we're just gonna bend the elbows, bend and stretch. Then I'm gonna ask you to keep your, your shoulders placed and lift up into a, an up stretch where your hips go up and your arms are next to your ears and back to a push up. And we bend and we stretch and we lift to the app stretch. And to our long stretch bend, stretch up. Stretch. Two more. Lungs, stretch, bend, stretch up. Stretch.
And Go ahead and just walk your feet forward and come up to standing and then round forward and take your towel and reach up. Once again, we're gonna just come to here. It's always nice to do something at the end that you did at the beginning, just to see if there's any change. So go ahead and put step wide, slight turnout. We're just gonna do those little side bands. We'll go to the left first. Inhale
Is this right? And I think we're even, and I think we're cooked. Thank you.
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