Class #2322

Teaser Time Mat

50 min - Class


It's not "Hammer Time" but it is "Teaser Time!" Brett Howard doesn't waste any time in this fast-paced Mat workout. He teaches the traditional exercises, but he adds beats and holds to certain exercises to increase the intensity. Your abdominals will definitely feel the burn with this class!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi, my name is Brett Howard, and I'm gonna do a mat class with these lovely ladies today. I'm gonna have you guys cross your arms like a genie, and you have your option of either stepping in front or behind, whatever one you're used to. And you're going to sit down. Nice and controlled. And then I'm gonna have you guys remain seated, and you're going to now, facing away from each other, just to warm up quickly, then you're gonna go onto your hands and your knees in quadriped position.

And then hands underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips, you're gonna round the back like an angry cat, dropping the head, dropping the tail. And then arch the back, head up, tailbone up. And again, inhale, round the back. And exhale, arch the back. And now exhale, round the back, reversing.

And inhale, arch the back. Last time, exhale, round the back. Inhale, arch the back. And now sitting on the heels, stretch out your back, child's pose, and then keep your seat connected to the feet, I want you to roll up to your spine, one vertebra at a time to a nice, tall, seated position. And you guys are gonna turn around, sitting on your bottom, facing into the center, soles of the feet flat on the mat.

Feet are gonna be parallel hip width distance, thumbs with fingers hold onto the back of the thighs for the roll down, start with the tailbone. You're gonna roll down one vertebra at a time. Opening the lower back, trying to get the small of the back onto the mat. And then you're gonna lead with the crown of the head, you're gonna curl right back up, you're gonna bring the nose forward in between the knees, then roll up to your spine one vertebra at a time, to a nice tall, straight back. And again, starting with the tail, you're gonna roll down, making sure that the feet don't roll in and out, or the knees, and then make sure the hands stay nice and stationary, you're gonna round forward, bring the nose forward in between the knees.

And then you're gonna roll up your spine to a nice tall, straight back. Last time, starting with the tailbone, you're gonna roll down, opening up that lower back, and then you're gonna round back forward, bring your nose forward in between the knees, roll up to your spine to a tall back, bring feet together, knees together, arms straight out in front of you. Roll down for 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, flip onto your stomach, one hand on top of the other hand, forehead on top of that. Let's warm up the upper back a little bit. You're going to imagine that there is a marble right in front of your nose, with the nose, roll the marble forward, keeping the hands pressed down, lifting your upper back up, so your sternum lifts up off the mat.

Now walk down your spine, one vertebra at a time, letting your body float down to bring the forehead back where it started. And again, roll the marble forward and up the wall in front of you, getting a nice lift of the sternum. And then walk down your spine, to laying the head all the way down, this time keep your forehead connected to the hands, you're gonna roll the marble forward and up, but now we have a little extra wait, and then you're gonna roll down one vertebra at a time, make sure the shoulders are not by those ears. Last time, you're gonna roll the marble forward and up, equal weight on both hips, and then walk down your spine one vertebra at a time, counter stretch child's pose. All right.

You're gonna keep your seat connected to the feet, you're gonna roll up to your spine one vertebra at a time to a nice tall, straight back. Bring your body, turn around, sitting on the bottom, feet together, knees together, soles of the feet flat, cross your arms like a genie, and then lift your spine tall, curl the tailbone under, roll under 10, nine, eight, seven, six, hold five. Now, navel's gonna pull in one, in two, in three, in four, in five, in six, in seven, in eight, in nine, and hold. Try to curl the tail under a little bit more to roll one more inch down, keep the body still, just pull the navel in one, in two, stomach in three, in four, in five, in six, in seven, in eight, in nine, in ten, another inch down, same thing, little higher now, in one, in two, in three, in four, in five, hold. Up one inch, and in and in and in and in and five all the way down, cross the other arm on top, lift the head up, and then roll up.

One roll up, two roll up, hold. Lift the elbows up higher. Upper ribs are gonna pull in, in, in, in, in, try not to pump the body but only the ribs, ten hold. Try to come up a half inch more. Now upper ribs in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, try to come up another half inch.

And in, in, in, in, five hold, down an inch. And in, in, in, in, five all the way down one vertebra at a time. And now you're going to bring the hands behind the base of the head. Table top the legs, bringing the knees into the chest, and then you're gonna roll the head, neck and shoulders up, looking at your abdominals. Now, keep the angle of the legs the same, you're gonna lower the thighs to where you can control.

Now lift the thighs up to starting position. And again, lower to your control, making sure that you don't change relationship between ribs and pelvis, and lift the thighs back up. Last time, lower to your control, hold for three, hold two, hold one, lift the thighs back up, flex the feet, same thing. Lower the thighs down to your control, and lift the thighs back up. Lower down to your control, lift the thighs back up.

Last time, lower to your control, hold for three, hold two, hold one, lift the thighs back up. Point the feet, lower the thighs to your control, hold. Keep the toes together, open your knees. Lift the thighs up, and then close the knees. Lower two, open two, thighs up two, close two.

Lower three, high upper body, and up and close, reverse. Open, lower, together and up. Then open, lower, together and one more. And open, lower, together and up. And now, reach the legs out 45 degrees, pilates stance, arms forward.

Pumping, in two, three, four, five, exhale three, four, five, inhale. (slaps leg) Exhale three, four, five, three, two, three, four, five, exhale three, four, five, four, two, three, four, five up, exhale, upper body higher, inhale. Exhale three, four, hold. Arms next to the ears, pump back. Back two, three, four, five, exhale, three, four, five, inhale (slapping leg) exhale three, four, five, curl the upper body a little more, ladies.

Three, four, five, twice more. (slapping leg) Exhale, three, four, five, once more. Exhale three, four, five, knees in, arms down, soles of feet flat on the mat, legs are gonna open parallel, hip width distance. Tailbone's gonna curl up, all the way up to a nice shoulder bridge. Now, melt down from the sternum all the way down to the tailbone, like a wave rippling forward.

Once the tailbone is down, you're gonna curl the hips up again, inhale. Exhale up to your full shoulder bridge. Inhale, bring the chest away from the chin, melt all the way down, tailbone down to exhale. One more time, inhale, lift the hips. Exhale, you're gonna reach, reach, reach.

Inhale, stay there, lift the arms up. Exhale, reach the arms back, back, back. Inhale, arms come forward, exhale, arms come down. And again, inhale, lift the arms, exhale, reach the arms back, back, back. Inhale, arms come forward, exhale, arms down by the sides.

Again, inhale, lift the arms up, exhale reach, hold there. This time, roll the head, neck and shoulders up as you roll your hips down. All the way up to engage your abdominals. And now lift the hips up as the head, neck and shoulders roll back, like a seesaw. And now you're gonna roll the spine down as the head, neck and shoulders roll up, hold there.

Bring your feet together, knees together. What you're gonna do is lift the arms to the ears. Now, you're gonna stretch your legs straight as you roll up to your spine. All the way up, mmhmm. And find your C curve.

Now, bend the knees, roll down, slide the feet in, as you go all the way down, it's gonna make your back round, arms go back. And now, head up, as you stretch the legs, you're gonna round forward, find your C curve. Now, roll down, all the way down, keep those arms by the ears, slide the feet in as you roll down, yes, all the way down. One more time, roll up as you extend the legs straight. All the way up, we're gonna change it up now, you're gonna keep the legs straight.

You're gonna roll the spine down one vertebra at a time, and you're gonna go all the way down. And again, rolling up, and now reaching forward, C curve. Roll down one vertebra at a time, all the way down. Last time, roll the upper body up, find your C curve. This time on the way down, bend the knees again.

Roll down, bend the knees, slide the feet in, bring the knees into the chest, bring the hands behind the base of the head, open the knees in line with your shoulders, heels together, toes apart, and head is still lifted, and you guys are gonna extend the legs out to 45 degrees, as you zipper up for foot work. Bend the knees and come back in. Extending out two, in two, nice long feet. Extending out three, as if you were on your toes on the foot bar, four, and in four, out on five, in five, as you extend out, don't let the weight travel to the pelvis, pull back in. Zipper up into the upper ribs, and in, so the weight should never change on your spine.

In, two more, out, and in, last time, out, and in. Feet together, knees together, pointed feet, same thing. Extend out to your control. Bend the knees, come back in. Keep the weight the same on the pelvis and the shoulder blades.

And out three, in three, out four, really pull the knees in, in with those knees, out on five, pulling in, five more. Out, pulling in, upper body higher, guys, out and in, no complacency here, guys. Out and in, two more, out and in, last time, out, in, flex the feet, and press on the heels, and in. Out two, and in, out three, and in, yes, I'm going quicker. Four (laughing) and in, out five, in five more, out and in.

Two and in, three and in, twice more. And in, one more, in one for nothing, go out and hold. Now point the feet, turn the legs out to pilates stance. Now flex the feet for three, two, one, tendon stretch, point, two, three, flex. (slaps leg) Point, two, three, three, two, three, point, two, three, four, (slaps leg) point.

That upper body should already be up there. Point two, three, flex two, three, point two, three, flex two, three, point two, three, flex. Point two more, flex, mm, (mumbles) point two, three, flex two, three, point. Bend the knees in, hug the legs, oh yes. Now, what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring your right knee into the chest, which it is, and left leg out onto the mat.

All the way down, give yourself a nice pull there. Now, nine points of pressure into the mat. Hands down, shoulders down, head, stomach, hips down, left leg down, right leg up to the ceiling. Turn out the leg, lead with the inner thigh, cross to the left, circle down, up and stop. Cross, down, up and stop.

Cross, only thing moving is that circling leg. Cross, down and up, and across, down, up, reverse. And little out and across, a little out and across. Don't let that leg control you, you control the leg. And one more, and across, hold there.

Bend the knee in, give yourself a good pull. Change legs. Left leg in. Arms down, nine points of pressure. Leg up, turn out the leg, and go across the body, down, up, one.

And across, down, up. And across, and up, now remember control, it's more than a Janet Jackson song, guys. Across, up, reverse, and down and across. Two, and across, three, and across. Down, and across, and down and across.

Bring the leg in, bring the leg out, arms up to the ceiling, roll up to your spine for five, four, three, two, one. Scooch your bottom forward to the heels. Grab ahold of your ankles, broad elbows out to the side for the rolling like a ball. Roll down to the mid-back. And then come right back up and balance for three, two, one, roll mid-back.

Up and balance, hold there. Cup your hands like this. Bring your heel into your hand, feet together. Now, roll down, as you come back up, equal pressure into your hands. So roll down, equal pressure right and left side.

And again, roll down, equal pressure right and left side, hold there. Now bring your elbows on top of your knees. Now, you're more advanced, guys, so bring your hands behind the base of the head. Oh, yeah, and now roll down. And now come up and balance.

And down, and come up, balance, hold there. What I'm gonna have you do, I'm gonna have you reach your right leg out to 45 degrees. Now bring your right hand on top of your left ankle. Knee to knee, you're gonna lower the leg for three, two, one, lift two, three. Lower two, three, lift two, three.

Three, two, three, lift, now our goal is to move only the leg, not the body. All right, so I don't want a pilates shape here, all right? Lower, and lift two, three, five more, lower two, three, lift two, three, lower, keep that body still, lift two, three, three more times, lift so we get a little bit of leg work here. Lift two, three, one more time, lift two, hold. Switch.

And lower two, three, lift two, three. Keep that body nice and still. Only the leg is moving through space. And four, two, three, and lift two, three. Five two, three, nice rounded lower back, lower two, three, lift two, three.

Elbows out to the side more, everybody. Lower two, three, two more times and lift two, three, and lower two, three, lift and hold there. We're right in position where we wanna be. Roll the spine down, pull the knee in for the single leg stretch, Change one, change two, change two, three, change three, and pull and pull and five more, and one and one, two and two, nice broad elbows, three, and four and four, and ten, ten, both the knees in, grab your ankles, the double leg stretch. Arms back, legs hold.

So do the arms first, knees second, around together and pull. Inhale out and reach, exhale and then pull. Inhale three and hold, exhale and then pull. Inhale four and hold, exhale and then pull. Inhale five and hold, exhale five more.

Inhale out hold, clap your feet. Five, four, three, two, one, exhale and then pull. Inhale out, clap five, four, three, two, one, exhale and then pull. Inhale out, clap five, four, three, two, one, exhale and then pull, twice more. Out, clap two, three, four, five, exhale and then pull, once more.

Out, clap two, three, four, five, exhale in, right leg up, left leg out. Single straight leg stretch. And pull, pull, scissor, pull, pull and two two. (slaps leg) Three, three. Four, four, and four, four.

Five more with the hands behind the head. One, one and one, one. And two, two, and two, two. And three, three, and three, three. Four, four, and four, four, five hold.

Sit up one, crunch two, crunch three, crunch four, crunch five, crunch six, crunch seven, crunch eight, crunch nine, crunch ten, scissor. And now lift from the heart, two. And three, not from the head, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and ten, both legs up, double straight leg stretch. Lower two, three, up to 90. Lower two, three, up.

Don't let those ribs rise, everybody, up. Lower two, three, up. Five two, three, up. Six two, hold. Clap your feet.

Clap two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, up. Lower two, three. Clap 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, up. Lower two, three. Clap 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, up.

Lower two, three. Clap 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, up. Lower two, three, hold. Lower, lower, lower. And clap.

10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, up to 45. Crisscross, twist to the right and hold for three. Two, one, change hold. Left shoulder higher, change three. Sorry, two, right shoulder higher.

Change, left shoulder higher, change three. Two, three, change three. Two, three, change four, two, three, don't let the legs cross the midline, three. Change five, two, three, change five, quick time. Change one, one, rib to hip each time.

Three and four, four and five, and five knees in and the rest, you've earned that rest. All right, guys. And now legs out on the mat, arms up to the ceiling, and now squeeze those inner thighs together, roll up to your spine for five, four, three, two, one, yes, that is a hard roll up to come up after that. So, open the legs to the width of your mat, or a little broader, your choice. You're gonna bring the arms straight out in front of you.

Shoulder width, shoulder height, for the spine stretch forward. Squeeze the bottom, lift your spine, round up and over, big imaginary beach ball. And then roll up to your spine tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Squeeze the bottom, round up and over, and exhale, exhale, imagining that you're blowing on that breath-a-cizer. Inhale, making the pinwheel spin as you round over.

And round over, you have that breath-a-cizer, let this wheel spin, spin, spin, and now inhale, roll up to your spine to a tall back. Now you're gonna hold there. You're going to start with your tail, you're gonna curl down, one vertebra at a time, until the heels get fairly light. When the heels are fairly light, you're gonna hold there. Without moving the body, lift the right leg up.

Lower the leg down. Now, lift the left leg up. Lower down, equal weight on both hips. Right leg up, hold. Don't let the weight transfer, left leg comes up and joins it.

Right leg lowers without anything moving but the right leg, left leg comes down, roll up to your spine. Roll down to your spine one vertebra at a time, now the weight doesn't change on our pelvis. Left leg lifts, and then it lowers. Now, body still as only the right leg lifts, lower. Left leg lifts, hold.

Right leg lifts, no transferring of weight. Left leg lowers, right leg lowers, stay there, both legs lift. Now, grab hold of those legs, nice curved lower back, and lift it in your sternum, roll down to the middle of the back, for the open leg rocker, come right back up and balance for three, two, one. Roll mid-back, up and balance for three, two, one. Roll mid-back, up and balance for the balance control.

Bring the legs together. Bend the knees with the arms going inside of the legs. Extend the legs up, open the legs. Repeat together, bend, stretch and open, together. Bend, stretch, open, hold.

We're gonna combine the two. Roll down to the mid-back, come right back up and balance and hold. Legs together, bend the knees, stretch the legs, open, roll down mid-back, come right back up and balance. Bring the legs together, bend, stretch, open. One more time, roll down mid-back, come up and balance, legs together, bend, stretch, hold.

Grab your handlebars. And now bicycle one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, down the hill. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, hold two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Up the hill for full eight count, six, seven, eight. Backpedal two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight counts to lower down, five, (laughs) like, I hate this man.

Hold two, three, four, five, I love you, though. And up two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and reach, roll halfway down, all the way up, one. Halfway down, all the way up, two. Halfway down, all the way up, three. Arms to ears, roll down, all the way down, knees into the chest and hug your legs.

Okay, if you need to move forward, you may move forward. Corkscrew. So, knees into the chest, legs to 90 degrees. Pilates stance, just a simple one today. Circle the legs, circle right.

Down, left, center, stop. Left, down, right, center, stop. Right, down, left and center. Left, down, right, one more set. Right, down, left, center, left.

Right center, knees into the chest. Hand on top of hand behind the base of the head. Press your elbows down onto the mat if you can. Now bring one foot down onto the mat, then the other foot down. Feet together, knees together, a mini tick-tock, you're gonna bring your knees to the right, and now pull down ribcage, lower back, pelvis to come back to center.

Knees to the left, sequential sequencing. Ribcage first, then lower back, then pelvis to come back to center. Knees to the right, hold there. Equal weight on both shoulders, equal weight on both elbows, then pull ribcage, lower back, pelvis. Knees to the left, the upper back doesn't change.

And then pull ribcage, lower back, pelvis. So from the ribs up, it stays stable. Yes, and then pull down ribcage, lower back, pelvis. And then knees to the left, head stays still. And then pull down ribcage, lower back, pelvis.

Now, bring the legs straight onto the mat, bring the arms straight up to the ceiling, roll up to your spine, roll up five, four, three, two, one. Hayley and Amy are gonna scoot back so we're slightly staggered for the saw. All right, arms are gonna go out to the side, legs are gonna go out into your V position. Lift your spine, twist to the right, hold. Drop the arms, saw.

Left little finger reaches past the right little toe, but the left tip grounds itself. And come back to center. Lift and twist to the left. Drop the arms, saw, and reach. Reach further, come up to center.

And again, lift, twist, keep your windshield wipers off, guys. And reach, all ten toes needs up to the ceiling. And come up to center. If your ASIS bones, front hips are headlights, keep them front. So twist, reach, headlights front, everybody, while you're looking out that window.

And come back up to center. One more time, lift, twist to the right, and reach. For the ball of the foot back more, equal weight on both hips, and come back up to center. So if your asis bones heels are wheels, keep all four wheels on the pavement. And reach, further, square shoulders to the floor.

Then come back up to center, bring the legs together. And now, I'm gonna have Hayley, Amy, you're gonna come forward. Arms gonna go forward, this is something we used to do it for (mumbles), it's called the races. You're gonna walk back two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Forward two, three, four, five, six, now a little quicker.

Back, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Forward, nice tall back, five, six, seven, eight. Back, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Forward two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Roll all the way down, right arm up, flip over onto your stomach to the right.

And then we're gonna do our neck roll. Centered on your legs, on your body, slowly open the legs and see if one foot touches the side of the mat before the other foot does. If that happens, then you're not square. All right, so square yourself off, bring the legs together, elevate the hands one inch into the air. Little bit broader for today, and then what you're gonna do is you're going to lift your upper body up, and lower the body down.

And again, you're gonna lift the upper body up, there we go, and lower down. Lift the upper body up, now when you cannot go anymore, hands down, and the wider the better because that will give you more extension. You're gonna rise all the way up, mmhmm. And then lower the body down. When you can, you're gonna take the hands off, control the descent.

And again, lift the upper body, hands down, continue to rise, make sure I don't have to get my barbecue sauce out. There we go, now hold there, look to the right. Circle the head down, look to the left, look forward. Look left, circle down, to the right, forward, hold. Now, the inside of your elbow, is it facing forward, or is it looking at one another?

Mmhmm, everybody. Now look right, circle down, to the left, look forward, left, circle down, to the right, look forward, lower the body, when you can, take the hands up, control the descent. Counter stretch child's pose. All right, onto your stomach, make a sphinx position for the single leg kick. Now, let's have fists go towards each other today.

I want you to press your fists down, your elbows down, but what you're gonna lift is you're gonna lift your head up, ribs up, stomach up. Now bend the right knee, kick heel to bottom, kick, kick, now left, kick, kick, and right, right, left, left, and kick, kick, and kick, kick, and four, four. Four, four, and five, five, and five, stretch both legs. I want you to press your fists down, so far down that your elbows might float up a little bit. Now imagine I have my hand on your head.

Keep touching my hand with your head, and now push your elbows down without changing anything. One more time, fists down, elbows lift a little bit, now touch my hand with your, elbows up a little more, everybody. Touch my hand with your head. Now, don't come up, push the elbows down, stay there. Now kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, and kick, kick.

Now, fists down, elbows lift. Shoulder blades down, but keep your elbows lifted. Now, two more, kicking, fun fun, (slapping leg) and kick, kick, and kick, kick, lower the elbows, lower the body, right face, cheek onto mat. Hands behind the shoulder blades. Elbows pressed down, kick three times.

Kick one, kick two, kick three, slide the arms down the back, but keep your feet down for right now, keep your arms on your sides for right now. And now lower down, left cheek. Kicking one, kicking two, kicking three, slide the arms down the back, hands down, feet down, body lifts. And again, right cheek, Kicking one, kicking two, kicking three, and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen. Lower left, kicking one, kicking two, kicking three, lift and lengthen.

We're gonna do two more sets of this, adding on now. Right cheek, kicking one, kicking two, kicking three. Arms will stay connected, but lift your legs up this time. Toes back more, everybody. And now lower down.

And kicking one, kicking two, kicking three. And rise, rise, rise, last set. And kicking one, kicking two, kicking three. This time arms lift as well. Try to touch the hands to the sky if you can.

And lower down, kicking one, kicking two, kicking three. Upper body lifts, legs lift, arms lift, and lowering down, counter stretching child's pose. And then roll up to your spine one vertebra at a time up to a nice tall, straight, lifted back. All right, guys, turning around, you're gonna sit on your bottom. Hands are gonna go behind the base of the head, legs are gonna be parallel, hip width distance, active, flexed feet and nice, stretched legs, roll down to your spine, massaging your back as you roll down, hitting every vertebra.

Imagine your feet are underneath a strap, and you're gonna pull on that strap. And now rolling up, inhale, exhale, nose in between the knees. Inhale, roll up to your spine to a nice tall, straight back. Lift, hinge back, and roll under. Tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head.

And again, rolling up. And exhale, drop the head. Inhale, roll up tall, and then lift hinge back, and now push (mumbles) and roll down. Tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. One more time, rolling up.

And exhale, drop the head. Inhale, roll up to your spine, lift, hinge back, hold. Now round under ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. All right, guys, you're gonna bring your soles of the feet flat on the mat. Now I want you to watch me for a second.

I'm not gonna curl up this time, I'm just gonna lift my hips up a little bit. Maintaining my hip height here, and them I'm gonna lower. We're gonna do that three times. And then what you're gonna do is the same thing, now I'm gonna extend my leg out. Now, don't confuse one inch with five inches, you'll lift one leg up one inch, making sure the hips are square.

All right? So, I'll guide you through it. Legs parallel, hip width, instead of curling up, float the hips up a couple inches, one to two inches. And lower down. Well, two to three inches, rather.

And now lifting up, hold two, three, lower down. Lifting up, hold two now hold there. Don't confuse one inch with five inches. Stretch your leg out, keep your heel on the mat. Now, put your heel down, but lift your bottom up one half inch more.

Now, one inch, the heel lifts, mmhmm. Two, three, four, five, that leg is lifting, guys, and I don't want it to lift higher than it is, mmhmm. And ten, now slide the foot in, yes. Now the other leg goes forward. Keep it down, don't let that leg gradually rise, everybody.

Now lift it up one inch, and that's where it's gonna stay. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Heel down, slide the foot in, lower down, where did you feel that? Well, that's exactly where I wanted you to feel it. Now, (laughs) roll the hips up to a nice bridge, this time we're gonna curl up.

This time, you melt down, softening up the ribs, melt down one vertebra at a time, all the way down, and again, rolling up, one of my teachers would do this. She would say, on the way down, kill the fish, (woman exclaiming) gut the fish, clean the fish, all the way down, one more time, that's Cary Regan. And now rolling up, an excellent teacher. Now hold up there, right knee into the chest. Right leg straight up to the ceiling, lower knee to knee, lift to 90 degrees, one.

Knee to knee, lift to 90 degrees, two. Knee to knee, 90 degrees, three. Now hold there, Simon didn't say to move anymore. Leg is up, guys. Now bend the knee into the chest, bring your foot down, left knee in, left leg up.

And then Simon says knee to knee, lift (laughing) I'm kidding, 90, knee to knee lift to 90, knee to knee lift to 90. Now Simon says knee into the chest, foot goes down, roll to the spine all the way down. All right, we're gonna do this again, we're gonna do a little bit more advanced variation now. Now curling up, all the way up to a nice shoulder bridge. But this time, instead of développéing the leg up, you're gonna brush the leg forward and kick it up, flex and lower the foot down.

Point up, flex and lower. Point up, flex, lower, slide the foot in. Now left leg brushes forward and kick up. Flex and lower. Point up, flex and lower.

Point up, flex and lower, slide that foot in. Melt down, kill the fish, gut the fish, clean the fish. Good. Knees into the chest, hug your knees. All right, everybody, let's lie on the side facing toward me, let's do some side kicks.

All right, back totally flat in line with the back at your mat, one line from elbow to tailbone. So if you go any further, you'd fall off the mat. Then you bring your feet forward, at a 45 degree angle, the free hand comes down, and you're nice and closed. You lift the top leg up hip height, bottom leg lifts too, and clap five, four, three, two, one. Lower, lower, lift, lift.

Five, four, three, two, one. Lower, lower, lift, lift. Five, four, three, two, one. Lower, one more, lift, lift. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Lower, lower, flex. Top leg lifts not too high, and lower. Because if we go too high, we're gonna start to change our hip alignment, yes. Lower three, lift three, heel reaching out. Lower four, lift five, and lower.

Lift six, and lower. Lift seven, and lower. Lift eight, and lower. Lift nine, just bring that foot a little further forward. Lift 10, hold there, good, pulse up 10.

Nine, eight, four, three, two, one, again. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Last set, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Lower the leg, turn the leg out, point the foot, développé. Toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend, resist down.

Toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend, resist down. Toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend, enveloppé. Kick up, knee to shoulder, toe to knee, slide down. Up two, knee to shoulder, toe to knee, slide, one more. Up three, knee to shoulder, toe to knee, and now, up, hold.

Circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse the circle. Two, three, four, five. Lower halfway down, circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse one, two, three, four, five. Lower all the way down, circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse, two, three, four, five. Halfway up, circle one, circle two, three, four, five, reverse, two, three, four, five, all the way up.

Circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse, two, three, four, hot potato beat front two, three, four, five, up, down, back, I don't know who's teaching this (laughs) one, two, three, four, up, down, back two, three, four, up, down, one, two, three, up, down, one, two, three, up, down, one, two, up, one, two, up, down, down, down, down, and down. Okay, lift the leg hip height, last one. Kick, kick, back, back, so switching the order a little bit. Back, back, three, three, back, back, four, four, back, back, five, five, back, back, bring it home, lift the leg to it, kick. Front, front, back, back, two, two, back, back, three, three, back, back, four, four, back, back, ten, ten, back, back.

Legs together, lower the legs, on your stomach, one hand on top of the other hand, forehead on top of that. Lengthen the legs, float them up, open the legs, close. Open, close, relax your shoulders, thighs nice and high, five, close, six, close, seven, close, eight, close, nine, close, 10 close and hold there. Two, three, now a little quicker. Open, close, one, and two, and three, and four, and five, six and seven, and eight, nine, 10 squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.

Now a little quicker (claps) feet. Six, seven, eight, nine, 10, hold there. Longer legs. Straighter legs, thighs lifted, don't lower the legs, but think of your feet pushing down on a table top. And now lower the legs.

Other side, let's face me, but you can just flip. All right, guys, I coulda had you guys face the other way, but I don't know, lift the leg up hip height, I wanna see your faces, so (laughs) you're gonna kick, lift the leg hip height, other leg lifts and claps. Five, four, three, two, one, lower, lower, lift, lift. Two, three, four, five, lower, lower, lift, lift, beat two, three, four, five, lower, lower, lift, hold. Beat 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, lower, lower, flex.

Now lift half the up, maybe a little more than half, maybe a little less, and lower, to where your hip alignment is, and lower. Lift three, and lower. Lift four, lower squeeze. Lift five, lower, five more, lift and lower, wrap the ribs, zipper up, two more, lift and lower, lift and hold. Pulse up, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, hold.

Nice flat hand in the front and pulse up 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, I know you just had (mumbles) but this is stingy, there you go. Now pulse up 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. And is that knee straight? Get that knee straight, get that leg up, I know I'm makin' you hold it, and lower the leg, all right, turn out the leg. Développé, toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend, and lower down.

Toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend and lower. Toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend, lower, reverse. Enveloppé, up, knee to shoulder, toe to knee, slide down. Two, knee to shoulder, toe to knee, slide down. And one more, knee to shoulder, toe to knee, slide down, kick up and hold.

Turn that leg out and circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reversing. One, and two, and three, and four, and five, now lower halfway down, circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse, two, three, four, five, all the way down, circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse, three, four, five, halfway up, and circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse one, two, three, four, five, all the way up circle one, circle two, circle three, four, five, reverse one, and two, and three, and four, and hold there. Since you guys did such a good job on the left side, let me show on this side as well. Beating front two, three, four, five. Up, down, back, two, three, four, five, up, down, one, two, three, four, up, down, one, two, three, four, up, down, three, two, one, up, down, three, two, one, up, down, two, one, up, down, two, one, up, down, down, down, down, down.

All right, lift the leg, the front and back kicking front, front, back, back, two, two, back, back, don't let your body sway front to back, kick, kick, back, back, think of your body like a grandfather clock. The leg is the pendulum, the body's the base. Kick, kick, so the only thing that's moving is the pendulum, back, back, two more, kick, kick, back, back, one more, kick, kick, back, back. All right, guys, turn, oh, I forgot that one, that's okay, lower the legs. (all laughing) We should do it, lift up, now, kicking.

Front, front, back, back, two, two, back, back, three, three, back, back, four, four, back, back, five, five, back, back. Now turn, face the other side 'cause we have to be even, so feet into the center, we have to do five more with the leg down, kicking front and back, mmhmm. (women protesting) I know, but we did five extra on this side, so mmhmm. (laughs) Well. So lift the leg up hip height, kicking front, front, back, you can lower it on this one, front, front, back, back, front, front, back, back, two more, front, front, back, back, one more, front, front, back, back.

All right, guys, on your back. Teaser. It's not hammer time, but it is teaser time, so. Knees into the chest. (all laugh) All right, so, knees into the chest.

Arms next to ears, legs out 45 degrees, roll up to teaser without those legs moving, for teaser one. Arms lift to the ears, keep the legs still, roll the spine down all the way down, and again, rolling up. And now lift the arms up to the ears, roll the spine all the way down, and again. Rolling up, lift the arms up, hold there. And now, you're gonna lower both legs.

Lift the legs up one, lower two. Lift two, bodies still, lift those arms up, lift three, hold there. Upper body and lower body, lower, but hover your hands, feet and head up in the air. Arms over head, everything comes up so teaser three, but it's not allowing yourself to come all the way down. Now lift the arms up to the ears, float down, and let everything hover there for three, two, one, everything comes up.

Lift the arms up, everything goes down, but you hover, your head and your heels above, hold there, clap your feet 10, nine, eight, seven, head up everyone, five, four, three, two, one, everything goes up. Lift the arms up to the ears, and everything goes all the way down. All right, keep the legs where they are, bring the arms up to the ceiling, I'll give you something nice now. Let's roll up five, four, three, two, one. So you have some options here, you can either be on your forearms, or you can be on your hands, okay?

Your choice, so I'll do the forearm option for right now. So, okay, I'll do the straight arm option, you guys can do forearms, though. So, you're gonna go knees to the right, for the can-can. Knees to the left, knees to the right, both legs kick right, and down. Knees left, right, left, kick left.

Knees right, left, right, kick right. Knees left, right, let's take it a little quicker now. Right, left, right, kick right. And left, right, left, kick left. And right, left, right, kick right.

And left, right, left, hold left. Legs to 90, now circle the legs right down, left up. Left down, right up, right down, left up. Left down, right up, one more, right down, left up. Left down, right up, round over, and stretch.

Two, three, roll up, turn, face away from each other for swimming. So, arms lengthen, legs lengthen, float up and swim. Swim, two, three, four, five, exhale, three, four, five, imagining you're on a beam with your stomach, inhale, three, four, five, let's go for a long swim today, 40 meters now, exhale, three, four, five, now the 50 meters, exhale three, four, five, 50 more meters, inhale, exhale, three, four, five, two. Exhale three, four, five, inhale three, four, five, exhale three, four, five, 20 more meters, exhale three, four, five, last 10, exhale three, four, five, 100 meters, lower down. Sit on the heels, stretch out your back, child's pose.

All right, guys, so what you're gonna do is you're gonna roll up to your spine one vertebra at a time, and now you're gonna turn into the center for the seal. Okay, why's everyone look so happy? (all laughing) Reaching through, balance on the pelvis, and clap your feet three times. Clap one, two, three, back one, clap two, three, and two, clap two, three, and two, clap two, three, and three, and three, clap two, three, and four, (slapping leg) and four, and five, clap two, three, and five, clap two, three, and six, (slapping leg) and six clap two, three, and balance. Balance, balance.

So, I was gonna end with that one, but since you guys were so elated, we have to do some push-ups. All right, standing up. All right, pilates stance, arms up to the ceiling, now you're gonna round over, bring the hands flat onto the floor. Walk forward in four counts, one, two, three, four. Now, long lines, brush your elbow against your ribs, lower, lift up one.

Lower, lift up two. Lower, lift up three. Walk back one, two, three, four. Roll up to your spine, bring the arms to the side, lift the upper back, round back over, hands flat, walk forward one, two, three, four. Push-up, down, up one, two, up two, three, up three, one more, four, up four, walk back, one.

I didn't say that we weren't gonna (laughing) Rolling up, and now, arms up and center, you see I'm a control freak, rounding over, walk forward, last set. This time we're gonna do five. All right, push-up, down, up two, up three, up four, up five, up, walk back one, two, three, four. Roll up to your spine, one vertebra at a time, lift the arms up, whole body extends, center. Upper body extends, center.

Arms down by the sides, shoulders up to the ears, release, and you guys are done for today. Thank you. (women clapping)


4 people like this.
Nice morning, thank you. Super...
Viera (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Love this class! Just what I needed this morning...thank you
wow weeeeeee! Great class. Thank you very very much!
Wonderful and wish my studio instructors were as great as you!!!!!!!!!

Too much talking at my studio!!
Naz D
Love love LOVE!! That has heated my body this morning. Thank you and I shall be practising ... Lots!!! ??
Fabulous! Thank you Brett..
Great class. Enjoyed the challenge!
1 person likes this.
Whoop whoop a new class from Brett. Beyond happy
Theresa L
Challenging, fun and great class, thank you so much!
What a great, tough class! Loved it! Really liked the variations on so many moves.
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