Class #2404

Creative Tower Combinations

70 min - Class


Play with challenging combinations in this Tower workout with Michael King and Malcolm Muirhead. They teach using a circuit format so you transition regularly between the two sides of the Tower. You will try creative variations to exercises like Teaser, Mermaid, and so much more!
What You'll Need: Tower

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Hi, I'm Michael King. And today we have Malcolm Muirhead and Jia Calhoun and we're gonna be doing it tower workout. Now what would we be doing today is very much how we work in our studio is we work in a circuit format. So often there's two instructors teaching with the clients working and we share the clients as we go around. So Malcolm is going to be stepping in and stepping out.

I'm gonna be stepping in and out almost as if you were with us in our studio as we're giving you exercises using the tower. So the idea here is that you're going to hear two different voices, but we're trying to work it so that we do only one or two movements this side of the tower. And then we'll do maybe one or two movements on the other side of the terror. So in a normal environment for homework out, you would actually be transitioning quite regularly. I'd like to be very creative with the springs, um, as in where to use them.

We have, today we'll be using a long yellow spring, which gives you the most resistance. But the settings of this being good, it depends on your height. Um, I play all the time with getting the resistance, right, trying to make sure that you're not fighting the springs and using the springs to add a movement intensity rather than over dominating what we're trying to do. So we're going to start standing the g if you can come around here, come standing with your feet apart Palo before we start anything. But I want you to think about is your feet. Push your feet into the floor and make your whole spine long. So let's set our body up and get a nice position with your pelvis and with the rib cage. Put your rib cage into alignment so we're not, we're not pushing your rib cage out. Open up the shoulders, connect the center.

So we've put before, add any resistance, just engage the center. Now hold along yellow springs and I've set these always at the top setting. And what I want to do is just as you keep maintaining this body position, just draw the arms down this side, breathing out and breathing in. As you come back. Now you have to tell me if you want to move a little bit further back to get a bit more resistance.

Add that little bit more resistance as you're pulling out now as you're pulling the springs, make the spine longer, so drop the shoulders down, breathing in and breathing out and lower the length and out. And what about five repetitions? Thinking about the shoulder blades melting down your back as you're doing this and maintaining your center without engaging or trying to pull that centered a little bit more. Now we're going to add a little bit of fun to this as you pull the springs down with the side. The next time I want you to lift your right leg out, breathing in and breathing out. Lift your right leg so your knee lifts, coming back down, breathing it other side, but the hour length and out. Good. Now your goal here to is to keep the body into the center. So you're, imagine you've got a nice glass of water balancing on top of your head and you're not moving that glass of water. Breathing out and breathing in.

One more time on either side. Lamford I'm pulling out and Paul breathing out and now bring your feet together. Now let's add a balance to this. So as you breathe out now, pull the arms down by the side, lengthen and then slowly come back down. So really the movement, what we're trying to do here is to challenge the stability of that trunk. So you're keeping the body still as you're lifting up, breathing out, as you're lifting up repetitions, you can do anywhere past five but no more than 10 and really each time you do the movement, you come down and make the spine even longer. One more time, breathing out and then coming back down. Now pull the right, lift the right leg out, pull the arms out to the side and are keeping the body fixed.

What are way to do now is take the leg behind you and stretch your leg behind. Looking down at the floor, keeping that back stable. Come back up with the air, keep the tension, put the leg down, and then let the arms come forward. So breathing out Paul Long spine and our push back. Lengthen the spine. Your spine is long. Keep the back long, pulling back in, breathing in and coming back down. Let's repeat that again. Breathing out. Now this time as you go back, bend this standing like play and take the leg down. Push, push, push lands and lengthen. Long spine loans. Mine can be back reach.

Keep the tension with the arms and then bring the arms back forward again. Lengthen center, push back and stretch your body is like elastic. Stretch us by longer, longer can be back up. Breathing in and then can we buy down again? Pool the arms down, push. Fix that tension.

Fix the upper body stability and push that leg back. Keep the spine long. Can Be back up and the Baghdad. One more time. All of this is just the preparation. We're getting you ready for the next big movement.

Lengthen and then can we back down? Now let's stay with the left leg. We're going to lift the leg up this time. As you take the leg back, keep the tension to the arms. Stretch and face the side of the room. Now the top arm lifts out to the side, so you're keeping the shoulders in line and now bend the stunningly bending. Push. Now use the springs. Use the tension springs. Push down with the springs. Good. Come back up. Come back to facing the front. Breathing in.

Bend the knee until you lift up, and then change onto the side to arms down. When the in. Now you're going to face me. Push away. Now use the spring tension. Push you away with the springs to make that body work as a unit. Good Push. Push. Push a little. Lengthen down to the floor, coming back up with the EAD. Bend the knee and then coming back down. Now you found a position I would do a few more times, but tried fluidly going in and as that position, so arms down, reaching out. Now stretch now.

Challenge yourself and as it keeps your shoulders down, watch the rib cage. Push, push, push. Good. Lengthen. Can we back up? Bend the knee and then come back down one more time. Breathing in as you breathe out. Push the arm. Stretch. What's the rib cage pushing down as if and that center.

Good. Can we back? Oh, I'm fun. And then can we back down and now let's go back to that balance. Pulling up and then coming back down. Breathing in again, but the outer balance and then coming back down again. Breathing out. Low anthem up. Good. This time. Come up. Stay up now. Hold attention. Bend the knees. Plea aid.

Keep the arms down to the side. Push, push, push, push, push. See how low you can go. Keep the spine long. Come back up. Yeah, use that sentence. Yeah, bring the arms out and take the heels down again. [inaudible] Push, bend the knees. Key, the spine. Long, long, long push. Push. Push up. Long reach. He is down. Arms at one was, I'm the next time is the best. Meaning the most controlled, the longest spine. You've got. Open the chest, open the chest, lengthen, come back up and come down now because you do not so well. Let's make a little combination. So pull down, push open to the side, reach as it long out, shoulders down.

Use that ribcage put into place. Come back up, bring the knee, take the arms down, push up onto the toes. Relevate bend those knees. Long Spine. Good. Come back and heels down this side facing me. This time I reach out. Got this gorgeous view out this window. Look out the window. Keep the spine long. Stretch, push away further further.

Now pull the arms down a little bit. Keep that tension to the upper body. Come back where the in a I've done down again. Relevate up, bend the knees, push, push the arms down. Now stay there. Let's just finish here with a few arm baits. Push back, push, push ribcage, the occasional long neck. Use your breath to get that breath pattern going. Push stay low, stay low.

I take it down lower, lower now, lengthen up and then put the heels down and just put the arms down and just as a little bit of relief before I hand you over to Malcolm for the next exit. Roll down towards the floor and then slowly roll back up. Now really articulate the spine as you roll down, keep the pelvis forward, so feel like you're not sitting back onto the pelvis. Keep the shoulders engaged, breathing in, and as you breathe out, roll forward and roll down. Yes.

So when you come back up to the top, this time we're going to come around and onto the bed. I'm going to give you a legs, a little bit of a break. Okay. So if you want to sit here and you're going to put your feet towards the bars. So I'm going to use the roll down bar guys. We're, we're using the short yellows today and we're using from the top. That should give a fair bit of assistance here.

So I don't want you to feel that you're working too hard with the shoulder, but you're going to put your hand on top. They're trying to bring the thumb on top as we are also using the part of the hand. Now you hear different options with it. The more you press down, the more you're going to feel challenged through here. But the more you use the resistance here, the more help you're going to get. Releasing the front of the hip and taking some other work away from the abdominal wall. They superficial abdominal wall erectors of dominance specifically.

So if you start to find your shaking and feel too much stress down here, then do a little bit more pressure. If you want to have a release, just don't make it this. Okay, so we're going to do roll ups, but the focus here, just soften those knees a little bit for me. I want to be able to release the lower back specifically so we're not necessarily going to go all the way to the mat. So you're gonna start by tucking under rather than thinking of laying down and make it always come from the pelvis talking from there. Now we're going to do is when to stop and at that point do an actual little tuck under c. There you go. A little bit further. Always leading from the sacrum a little bit further. Stop w let another load.

There we go. And a little bit more when just going to go to the lower back and then stop and roll it back up. But keep the curve so until your weights and completely on the pelvis, keep the curve, keep the curve roll up, roll up, breathing out. And once you feel your weights on top of the sit bones, then you can lengthen up nice and tall. Yes. So you're going to try and make that fluid less intense.

So you've got the feeling that is always led from here, from here, from here, not how far can I go. Okay. If you feel the legs are grabbing more pressure on the bar, couple more of those for me. So again, the focus always articulating from that hinge of the lower back opening out, try not use those muscles, they're connecting to the center. If you feel at any point you need to just take any breath you need here, stopping there and then keeping that lovely curve. You've created that lovely opening here. Now you feel your head dropped into what? Your chest a bit there.

I want you to think of the cervical spine is part of that lovely curve. It's like you're waiting a long color at the back for the Stoller length here. Yep. So keep the night nice tall head, taking it back, taking it back. You hear if I give you a little bit of assistance here, you feel that at that point just release your neck a little bit. Let it move there. That's someone that's a more open neck. Try and keep that lovely shape so when you come forward, you're going to start looking down and then lengthen up all the way up.

Now you are shaking at the end there. Is that too much pressure cause you let it go a little bit more so you're not pushing down so much and let almost hang from it. Try again. The whole focus is trying to use the center muscles as we open up the back and use all of these superficial front muscles all the time thinking about controls of the Scapula. But if it started to fatigue, just release it anytime you want. There's time. Can you go all the way down for me until the base, the scapular touch. So the leg will open up naturally and I stopped there. And as you come back up, press the Bardot in a bit more, pressed through it, press through it. Think of the center. You should feel less work through the rectus abdominis, the six pack.

Sitting up tall. One more time. So did you see any changes going forward or relax that neck. There we go. Good opening age. And just remember that connection to your pelvic floor. It's like a cross between the hipbones [inaudible] make those four points come together. And that came a little bit flat out at the end. Did you feel a little bit [inaudible] in the back there?

Just because you came a little bit flat? So I have to do one more, I'm afraid. Okay. One more gentle press. Don't make it that the member we did before we stopped and we tucked there. Uh, I follow it through right to the base of the Scapula. I need to roll it back up. Now this distance is going to stay the same.

Keep the lovely curve. Lovely curve, lovely, curved, lovely curve, lovely curve. And in no length note was your weights on top and you should feel, you can sit taller with no back tension. Yep. Okay. You want to go to the next one? Nine months? Yes. Elicit. I'll take it forward. So what did you know from the roll down? Take the ball away. Let go with your hands. Put Your feet in the mermaid position.

That fourth position. So turning to face the room. Fabulous. Now with the fixed bar that we just put the springs out of the way, made sure we're not going to hold. Put your left hand on here and now with the other arm, lift up to the ceiling. Now think about folding into the waist. Draw up and push away. Lengthening out and stretch and ice. We release out.

Coming back up as you pull back up, pull the bar towards you. Bend the elbow and now push up to the ceiling length and out. Stretch out. Good. Let's do that again. Bend the elbow, push down and stretch and reaching out. Now feel the hips sinking down landfill and come back up. Bend the elbow with the in or the out.

I'm pushing so you feel like your shoulders pushing down towards the bench. One more time. Breathing in, breathing out. I lengthen and stretch Chad. Good. Come back up. Now really use that attention to the six power we have. No springs attached.

So you've got that bar just to help with the stability as you're pushing through. Now what did you do? I was turn and face. The bar plays both hands on the bar, then the oboes and pushed the bar down and a little lengthen the spine long. Now really feel that lengthening out of the whole body. Come back. Then the elbows push the bar and lengthen up to the ceiling with the in pushing through it. Now as you go through this time, stretch the top legs as it lengthen. Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch. Push the whole body through the spine. Fun.

Bend the elbow and bend the knee. I'm pushing the ball up. Good. One more time with the top leg. By the end I'm breathing out. Push and push. Long Spine, elbow and bend. And we're going to add the second leg. So this time as you bend the back, as you push the ball through, stretch both legs as bring the legs together. So bring the legs together. And now with the underneath, like push the leg up and stretch out. Long Spine. Good Bend, bend both knees and push the bar up. Push through the chest. Now as you push into the chest, drop the rib cage down so you feel like the ribcage is tilting back, but still going forward so you're not letting it collapse.

Then the elbows push through. Stretch both legs. Now push the underneath leg up. Long leg. Push, push. Push a little bit further. Now lengthen out. Now he even here hung onto the width cage. Good Push. That's better. Good than the knees. Breathing in and breathing out. I'm pushing out. Good. The next time we're going to hold it.

So bend the elbows as you pushed through. Stretch both legs. Now hold it there. Lift the legs up and now with the top leg, take the top like back to the end of the day, like forward and split. And now bring the legs together. Breathing in and again, breathing out and split, push long and then come together. Breathing in now, what's the root Kish, Paul? Shoulders. Dad, push out. Your goal is to make the legs a little bit wider, a little bit longer each time. So stretch out long and then pull together. Stretch out.

Long Push. One more time, just five of these on the fifth one. Stay Open. Then the top leg, bend the knee and take that leg back. Push. Push underneath like a little bit further forward. Ribcage, pulling back down. Draw up. Good. Stretch your legs out. Stretch. Bend the elbows coming up.

Bend and push the bar up to the ceiling as release and stretch the chest forward. Gorgeous. So gorgeous. We have to do the other side. So turn and face me. Yeah, from here with one arm now. Shoulders down. Ribcage tilting. That's it. So you'll only see that popping out. Just dropping out. But the in and breathe out and a little lengthened out. Long spine pulling. Bend the elbow, push the arm up and push the ribcage sideways. So there's a nice intercostals opening up, pulling back, breathing in and breathing out. Lengthen out long and stretch.

Good. You go some really nice flexibility. Keep checking your center. Make sure that you don't just let the body oh out to the side. With that each time coming back to hang on to the center and now lengthen and stretch. Push can be back and 11 out one unless time push and not go back. Now turn and face the bar. Place both hands on the bar.

Push forward and stretch. Now make this first one about the upper body, so you're stretching the spine. Check the shoulders melting down. That's nicer. That's better. Now bend the elbows and then push the ball up and stretch up jazz forward ribcage, back. Good breathing in and push forward and lengthen along. Let's add the top leg straight away. Now the Publix stays on the bench and really push it further now through the top of the spine. Make the spine longer, longer, shoulders down, bend the elbows, bend the knee and then pushing out up to the CT.

Good with the end is you come back taking you back a little and it's a long stretch. I'm coming back. That was the third one. So the next one we went to stretch both legs together with the underneath like lifting up. So pushing back, push the ball down. Stretch both legs now underneath leg, lifting up good and I use that. Nice flexibility but you hang onto the center. Good Push, push, push, push.

We the end is you come back with the out, you push forward ribcage tilting down again, pulling back and pushing forward. Lengthen now even longer. Make the leg, keep the net back in the like long good. Coming back and just chit we're staying in the center. I don't want you dropping off the bench. Pushing out. Reach and come back at 11 now this time, push forward.

Hold that position and now with the legs, split the legs open, open and then come back. Good. Now I wanted to see the rib cage tilting back. Good. Keeping the shoulders down. Long neck with the end weeding out, pushed out, lengthen, push out. And I hold it this time by the top knee. Obviously like your foot is coming around to your head. Push the leg around, push the underneath leg forward, lift the waist up there. Gorgeous position. Stretch both of the legs. Reach pulling back.

Then the OBA is one Bush. Push up and fun. And now just release, like go with the ball and just bring your legs either side of the bench. Just let the legs hang, hang over the bench and just stretch forward tilting as you are flexing back. Good releasing out. Good. I'm gonna keep you there.

I'm going to go back onto the spine articulation again. Yep. So this time you're going to turn around, lay on your back. And I'm going to take the bar here. Never again. We don't use a spring here, so I'm going to keep the safety strap off and we actually don't even have it on the machine at the moment. But the thing you want to check is be sure that that bar is never going to hit your face. Okay. So you can see it's going to pass your face. No problem. We don't want the bar to be is. If you're holding it, it's in line with your shoulders.

You're just going to Shimmy a little bit down at the grit. Okay? I'm going to continue that feeling of the rollout, the articulation, and again, here the bar is going to help us a little bit with this feeling, but now you're going to bring it up with the head and neck first at the base of the scaffold. Just stop there so you feel the contact there. This is the point. You're going to start breathing out with the out-breath. You've got to think connect. That's it. Connect to the other day into the pelvic floor. Think of that. Um, drum drawing up and breathing out and try and roll through and bringing yourself up to a nice long spine.

That long spine means you come from here. So we're not going into extension. We're keeping it nice and long. Lifting out from the base of the spine that now you see that and make feel a little bit tight so there's no harm. Taking them away. And again, you've got a habit of always put your feet together. They can be slightly more open and that again means you're not. It's tensing in the lower body. Now here, if this is stressful in your shoulder or you just don't come too far, okay, I'm holding you there. Do you want to come down?

Come down with that articulation that you did before. Roll through. So it's a different way of connecting to the muscles but still moving the spine. The whole point here, you can bend the elbows and reach it back. Then when you reach it back here, your focus is the back of the ribcage making contact. Yes. So it's not about popping up. Bringing the arms through. That is the point here.

Breathing in at this point still. No, just before the scapular come off. That's your right. Let's start roll through. So we're going to progress this into full teaser. Yes. So we'll make an alternating Mulatta up, tilting it back, roll through. And if you feel you shaking a little bit, don't go so fast that you actually forget the the connection to the center. But you should allow your breath to happen as you're moving.

Instead of thinking I'm slowing down because he's not talking fast enough for me. I'll keep up with you as long as you keep the movement going. So breathing in, breathing out this thing, float this leg up, reach it out. Long. Reach a long, long, long, long to me. There we go. Creating that lovely line. Okay, taking it back. Tilt, tuck under. There we go. The leg softens back down to the floor.

Reach through and again that reach to just connect to the back of the rib cage. Yeah, I always try and think not collapsing the ribs. I want to keep the lit rib cage with a full open. Good. She knew it was other leg. Fantastic and bringing it back. So we're going to progress quite a few levels for you.

A because you can do it be this is a plan, a development. This next time. Yes. You're going to bring both legs up, reaching out long, long, long, long, long there. Hold it there. Hold it there. Hold it there. Great Tuck under articulate control legs soften, low decreases and reach through one last time. This way. So we're jumping quite quickly with you or we're finding your capability. I'm looking for the connection to the Santa's been their shoulders and good place and then soften it down, roll through.

So whole point again is this movement of the spine with the Santa's on the superficial muscles working in harmony. That's the whole point of all of this work. So again, one more time. Can I stop for a second? Go back down to the base of the shoulders. That would be your embraced stopping. Know somebody then nobody doubt and that should have felt easier to bring yourself.

The out-breath at the right point on any roll up is just as the mean weight comes off, the not before you do it before you're going to run out of breath. So frat too easy. You're going to bring this arm here and take her across your front. You're going to do it. Single-Sided. Now your choice here, we'll try it with two legs, but if you wanted to, by all means go to single leg again or no legs. Okay, we'll try it with too. And you can, you can tell me roll through breathing and still breathing out.

Now flip the legs, hold it there. Now you're going to present yourself. Open our mote and a little bit of rotation. Bring it back through and take it back down. Then we can stay on this site for another one, but at the time we'd done all these variations of more than enough of these, but holding that nice and tall, open out and as you open out this, there's still this, there's still an opening comes from here, there, there that has it. Bring it today through and around and take it down. You still okay with the two legs? Okay.

Changing the arm this time so there, change the arm. Now if you've got a strong imbalance in one site in the other, you're going to find this. The legs, we don't want to swing away at this point. If you're fairly balanced, the legs will stay together and they'll stay out towards the middle of the platform. I remember that rotation doesn't come just from the shoulder joint. It's coming from the base strips. Okay? I'm bring it back through and roll it down through and you're trying to make sure that both sides evenly at this point as you could do one last time. So think of the connection breathing in, scapular down, breathing out, roll through, flex the length and length, little lifting.

The secret on lift from the sacrum arm comes up and again that rotation comes from the base rib. The arm just follows through, roll it back from the center and bring it back in. So it's never the arms or the legs we're thinking about. It's that trunk control always. And let's just finish with that one. So again, Michael, you want to, yes, and we're going to keep the theme of presenting yourself. But this time sit up and turn around the other way. What do you use the long yellow springs?

I'm going to tell them around the inside of the tower. And I'm gonna try about here first cause sometimes if the, the lower the springs are for the, I want to see a little further back on the bench. So just a little bit further back because I wanted to get some movement in some rotation. Work now. Now hold the handles sitting up straight. Put the legs together parallel now bring the arms towards you and then reach the arms out. Now get used. First of all today, everybody attention is a poor animal. Anther no good. We're the in and we're the outpour and lengthen. Then the next time you pull, I want you to lift a leg up. You can choose which one push, and then add it again. Breathing in and breathing out. Lengthen and reach.

Good. One more time. A little Anthon unreached. Now this time, lift the leg up. Keep potentially the upper body, but now turn to the side. I'm pushing. Lift the hip up. [inaudible] live, lift and become. I can give you a little bit of help. So you're going to add some live rotation. Thinking about this like lifting up and now turn that. Is that good? Keep that lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, and now come back.

So all the words coming from the waist, lifting up. You've got the tension here. Now lift the leg, push and now rotate. Turn, turn, turn, turn. Good. Good, good, good, good. Pulling. And then coming back. Breathing in now again, the keys, obviously the center pool. Push the leg away and now push and rotate. Gorgeous Bush a Hansen and now coming back down.

Breathing in and breathing. Lengthen. Um, pool. Now obviously the first time you do a movement, the body tries to find out how you can do it. They said you have to do a thousand times before the body really knows where the move, where you would muscle work comes from. So the good news is we've got another 973 times to do, pulling out, push and lengthen. Stretch as it. Good Lenten. Push the like long, long, long, long, long. And then coming back down, breathing in and then one last time, lift up, stretch and rotate. Push the leg, push the like rotate shoulder down.

Good. Lengthen. And now coming back and then release the arms out. Now from here, pull the arms toward you and just give me a little extension. Lift the chest up. Now the next day is long. Lift up from here. Keep the tension, but flex the body. Good again, lifting up and now keep the tension. Push, push, push. Now trying to attention back to the body back a little bit further behind you. Good length and breathing in.

Come back up and flexor body curving back, round and Lenten again. Lifting up and push. Lifting up to the ceiling. I Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now keep the tension and net play with it. How far back can you take the body? How far back? Now don't let the net go, but go a little bit further. Further, further, further, good. Come back up. Use the rib cage center and flex back. Breathing air.

Breathing out and lengthen. Lifting up, push and reaching out. Push, push, push, push, push, push, push, push rod and lengthen and curving back. One more time we the in, Eh, but yet now hold that. Open the arms to the side. Stretch. Now pull back with the arms a little bit. Good. Now keep the arms that flex and curve. Push the arms behind you. Push, push now flexibility a little bit further forward. Forward.

[inaudible] come back up and pull the arms toward, you said a bit like a presentation. Lift up and station up. Push Nike, the neck law. Open the arms. Now from here, push and curve. Now the arms push back and then come back up. And one more time where the in, use your breath, breathe out an extension up, up, up, up, up. Good. Open flexibility, curve round. Come back to your sitting position.

And now just push the arms down by your side and push back and push and lengthen and lessen the reach. Reach up. Good. Four times, four, three, two and one and release the strap. So just so we can do this with ads, just move a little bit further back. So I was like, I of a little bit, I threw it with the tension this brings, sometimes it's good to practice it first. Lift the leg up, no arms out to the side. And now turn to face me. That's better. Good. So everything is coming from the waist here. Now coming back down to the end, but the leg down, lift up. So the glute lifts and you turn to the side, push, push, push a little bit further. That's it. So some great oblique work going on, pushing and down. But the upper body is stable. One more to each side.

Breathing in and everything out. Push now look at the hand, try and get more rotation. Turn further, further. Come back wall last time where the end up and our rotation, push the Lens. 11 and coming back, I'm just going to set myself up here and so we're going to still target your shoulders a little bit, but the focus this time is gonna go more internally and back to balance. You want to be standing outside. So I try and put these in line with your shoulders.

So that would be a roundabout. Your shorter hate. Okay. Rather than higher than your shoulder. Am I going to basically do a lunch? Okay. But with the I'm saying, okay, look if for some reason, um, cause I think we've been talking about my Scotty tax in a little bit beforehand. So what you can do is going to face that way for me. I'm going to give you the straps.

And what you're basically going to do is you're going to do a lunge. So bring the hands to hear from you first. So it seems really simple, a lunch, but the focus here is keep the back heel on the floor. So when you go forward, there's a temptation to go forward too far and make it all about the heel coming off the floor. I want you to keep it down. So things small to begin with and focus on w opening at the back of the knee and filling the stretch right down here. But as you do that, you then gonna push through and this time you're going to get help with the depression of the scapular temptation extension. No, keep that rib cage open at the back neutral spine center and coming back as a trick. So we'll talk through that when you do it. So which leg are you going to go with first? That one forward. So reach through.

Now you're coming back. Your goal is to come back through and try and put as little weight as possible on the front foot using the spring tension. If that's too heavy, you bring it a little closer to, and if it's too light and you need some help with the springs, you take it a little bit further, right? Alternates into their leg lunge. They see how this is got a little bit of a extra dip in it. So keep long there. That feeling of the rib cage back, reach through and then bring it back through new goal. Eventually as the fruit comes completely off the floor, as you come to the center, push through, drops the heat again. So again, fill that lane so you're really pushing forward from here there and bring it back through. Nice and simple.

So you should feel you're working from the center. When you're coming back, you're not thinking about the shoulders or the arms of the legs so much. That's the work on the superficial side. This is the work on the center, so we get the both together. How's that feeling? You've been very quiet. We're not giving you a chance to talk. Are you? Are we good? It feels good. Yeah. So you feel that you're getting a bit of everything. Not too much on the shoulders. Right. A couple more.

And then we're going to try the old faithful. You're going to actually try and punch me. Well, imagine I'm there. So when you get to this point here, stay there. They imagine my face is about here and you're going to bring one arm back. Punch, punch, punch. No. Make the punch.

Come from the rib cage rather than from the fist. But five times each side. Yes. Make sure this is nice and open again. You love using your extension. So try and lengthen at that lower back and mid back area. Bring it back to the both and then bring it back through. So lunge on the other side. Lunge. Find your alignment.

Make sure you're open here. So there's a whole rib cage, that feeling of that angle there. Yes. Yep. And now their rotation rotation, make it come from the rib cage. Loose Rep. The arm just follows through rather than leads in straighten their arm. That's it. Some you don't like and bring it back to center and bring it back in once more each side. So you're holding that stretch again in that lovely opening out here, opening at the front of the hip, filling the center work off you.

Go with a punch rotation, rotation, rotation and you'll go able in the fifth year, shouldn't have put my face failure. I will was sort of holding the pelvis and control and bring it back to center and controlling that balance. Foot comes up. Wonderful. Last one. So Michael, are you going to keep her on this side or take her to the platform? I think with Geo we're going to give a little bit of a rest of the upper body.

Yes. Maybe we should. So release the arms and take it down so Jay can lie back down. It's gonna be arms a little bit. Rest. Be Nervous. Be Nervous. When Michael says a raced. Yeah. Yeah. When we say rest, it doesn't really be west. It means one part of the body's not going to be using a lay on the side and what I want to do. Yeah. Lay on the side of the sideline position, hopefully underneath foot over the front of the bench and flex out foot nice and long. Now this leg is straight here. Now with your hands, you're going to have to keep your hand as you've got it here or you can reach out and hold onto the bar and what do we do now is going to use a long yellow spring and I'm going to put it in the center of the tower, but I'm going to take a strap, a foot strap and hook it over the side here.

Now we're going to do some sideline work. Now before we start this, put the leg straight together. What I want to think is about lifting nice. A bit longer position here, there, but I want to focus on throughout all of these movements is the waist is lifted. Now you're not going to tense your shoulder. We're going to get these little bit of Rs, don't use them, and we're going to be using this in all the movements. So it's almost like little insects can walk underneath your waist at anytime.

Don't let them be killed by squashing them. Now bring the top foot in here. Flex the foot. Now turn out and bring the heels together. Good. Now get your alignment again here. Watch the rib cage. Watch to keep that waste and not just draw the heel up, the leg up, and then just immediately take it back down. Just get a little preparation first.

Now be aware that your fingers are very lightly on the bench. In fact, you want to really impress me. Just put one thing on the bench so you're not using the hand to help you stabilize where the end as you come up and breathing out as you come back down. Good long leg breathing in and breathing out and the turnout comes from the top of the leg. Don't squeeze the glute. Use Your Center. Push away. Now this time, bend the knee, keeping the waist lifted.

Lift the knee up to the ceiling and now stretch your leg up to the ceiling. Keeping the tension on the spring and straight legs. Bring it back down. Let's do that again within eh, lift the leg up. Keep the spring tension and bring the legs together. Now the bottom here really feel the pressure, the legs coming together turned out to cause a nice work here. Again, lifting up, breathing in, push. Extend the leg, and then take the leg back down again, shoulder blade down, long spine, keeping that waist lifted, and then draw the leg down. Good. Take a breath in.

As you breathe out, push and then squeeze the legs together. Now it's the same movement, but this time, bend the foot to the knee and now take the legs straight forward so in front of you and now squeeze the legs together straight again. Draw the foot up, stretching and pushing our good. Now the NTT foot. Keep it flexed. Keep that help from the stability of the leg, pushing out again, your fingers going a little white. Try not to push too hard on the finger you as it gets a little bit harder to just check that and center. Use your breath really in. As you pull up and we're the outers, you're pushing out forward.

One last time, lift and then take it back down. Now this time we're going to take it behind you. So draw the foot to the knee. Now take the leg back in Airbus. You're taking the leg back, but without losing that front, keep the rib cage good and not bring the legs together. Good lifting up. Nice simple movements. Start with where your focus is, the waist. Now keep the neck relaxed.

Sometimes what we do is move to it. Put a towel between the head and the arm, so if you feel you're getting too much tension in the neck, that might help. Keep the the tension out of there pushing out. One less time. Reach and down. Now we're going to do a full circle, Rhonda Johnson, Brendan Foot to the knee. Now take the leg forward. Now lift the leg straight to the ceiling up. Take the leg straight back behind you. Now our best.

Let's reverse it and bring back reverse. Come back, lift up. Take it in front of you. Bring the foot to the knee per se, foot to the knee, and then take the leg down. So drool that knee foot to the knee. Take the leg forward. Now lift a big circle. Impress me. Take it back, back, back, back. Lift up to the ceiling. Reverse and bring it in front of you. Shoulders down then and then take it back down. One last time.

Good. Remember that waist out. Don't kill the insects. Keep them lifted. Lift up. Take it right behind. Push, push, lift up. Bring it down. Bring the foot to the knee. Now take the leg down. And now taking the hot potato exercise from mat work. Bring the foot forward and bring the leg behind you.

So touching in front of behind, but keep the inside thighs touching. So your inside the eyes, uh, keeping the contact. Breathing in really ad push and back. Good lesson. And we're going as a nice little rhythm to this. We go forward, back, hold back, forward and behind again. Forward, back.

Now the hole is to check everything. Lengthen, pull the legs together again. Breathe in and hold again. Push. Check your breathing. I'm going to have to hold a mirror against your nose. GL. Are you breathing? Breathing in [inaudible] and Ah, good again in ticket, back, squeeze, push, lengthen back. Clean Movement. Let me check about waist wash. Shoulders red again in, push out. Good. So this is all about the inside thighs.

Use the inside lies Paul again, our long fine. Good. Two more times. Push and back, wartime and release and slowly roll up. Bend the knee and the foot out. Now the good news is let's do the other side and we have to decide whether the first side was your good side and not just a good side. [inaudible] see even I put the leg in here. Good. Now set the position first to get some nice alignment.

So the underneath leg is flexed over the side. The waist is lifted. And now slowly check the shoulders. Check the rib cage before we start and keep the space under the waist. Draw the foot up to the knee. Hold that. Just take it back down five times first, just as a preparation where we start the movement pattern brewing in the legs together. Breathing in and breathing out.

Rushing out. Good. Lengthen. I try and get a little bit more turnout with the leg so the pelvis is open, pushing out. Now here we go. This time we're going to add an extension. Just lift up straight and bring the legs back down again. Lengthen out. I love the sideline movements. Now they're great to do in a mat. Work without the tower. But obviously working with the tower, what they do is give you the resistance.

It's much harder to cheat when you're with the equipment. People ask me all the time, well this is the difference with working on the equipment in the mat. Well for me it's about being more specific. You've got the resistance of the springs helping you, but guiding you as well. So keep that weight lifted, pushing out. Good. One more time. Lengthen her. So d this is your good slide on lots of goods. I, which size feels better for you?

Ah, this I struggle with this. I have feels better. So you'll have the challenge. So good. So bring the leg up up. Now. Be like forward. So really we should always be thinking about your body. The body tells you a story. You know as you're doing the movements, what you want to be thinking and analyzing is you know, if once it feels easier, that's usually your strongest side. Once I didn't feel it so easy, that's your more challenging side, but sometimes there's the leg he used the most. Isn't is physically, you're stronger. It's the stability of this side. The bottom feels the challenge most lengthen up.

Bend the knee, breathing in and out. Bring it for an hour long. Lay acid. Lengthen up. I never met Joseph Gladys, but what I hear he said all the time was every time you do a movement is an opportunity to make the movement better. So maybe bring that in today. Lengthen up, make your leg longer out the window, out the window, out the window. Thank you. Pushing out. Yeah, don't use your eyebrows though. It's all about the center and not the eyebrows. I would say you have to keep the platas face in every exercise, which means no stress, lengthen, reach and then pulling back together.

Now let's take the leg behind an arabesque. So lengthen now long leg. How far back can you go? Keeping that ribcage and then pull together again, but up extension back. Now remember the waist, where's the shoulder bringing in and bringing our remote. The Hook that underneath foot. So you've got the stability. Lengthen out, breathing out and stretch back. Long. Good. And Colon, pulling back together. Up that don't cheat.

Key that Pelvis Square. Alright, here we go. Let's give her the bigger movement. So we're going to take it forward. Now Circle Behind Rhonda, come back, keep the pelvis, push, push, push, push. Bring the legs together and then we're going to reverse it back up. Brewing the leg, keeping the waist lifted and bend the knee and take it down. I should just decide. Look stronger at holiness side pushing off.

It must be the view you've got out of the window. Lengthen out. Push Linton, Linton. Inspire yourself. Look over the horizon. Lengthen out, lengthen up, reach, good. Hushing a bend and then down. If you really want to impress me, you can take both arms out here so you're not using your finger at all. That's it. Now use your center. Now lengthen out. Good. Use the upper body has it. Keep the waste reverse back. So we've taken all the help you had from that single finger and put the work into the saying center Bryn, like back down. One less one.

Of course, the best breeding in taking it forward. Now circle back, reach, lengthen, push, push, push, push, push. Good. And you want that moment to take it back so you really feel the legs in longer. Lengthen up. Good. Bend the knee. Take it down. Let's go do a hot potato. Fordham back. Now here, focus on the inside. Thighs inside buys.

Drawn together without squeezing the glutes, making it about the size inside that is pulling forward and back. Good and long spine. Good. Use your breath. Now let's give her a little rhythm so we go forward. Back and hold back and hold. Now remember that hold is the time to check your body.

Push and hold. Good. There's a squeeze the glutes. There's a little tension in the glutes but not too much. The work is on the inductors, on the inside, the eyes. Who? Ash in it up? Good. Just a few more. We'll do like 60 push back up. Hold. That's it.

Lengthen ribcage. Waste all the time. Check your body, check the shoulders, check the spine, check your center. Push. Good. One more time. Now hold it together. Hold it together. Literally hold it together. Lendon this by push, stretch, stretch and release. Yeah, so when I said we're going to give you a little rest of the arms, it would even give you so much of a rest for the lower body. Let me hand you back to Malcolm again. So I think based on that I might try and rest your trunk a little bit.

Feel shorter, rigid, a strength movement. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take it down to the preparation. We would do their articulation. Again, I seem to be getting a lot of the articulation of your spine today, so you're going lay down on your back there. This is going to go behind your knees. Now if this short spring be being high, it might be too much changing for you by that I am trying to get the spring to try and pull it up in your spine a bit more here. So you're gonna put this bar underneath your knees.

Let me put my hand there for that. Right? So to get some more tension, you just shimmy a little bit further up. So go with that way a little bit for me. And what we do want to do is when you, you, you're going to articulate the spine up into a bridge and then articulate it down. So like a basical chin. So the image here without a doubt is literally everything. Like we did do a rule up, but this time with no compression. Okay, do you want to tilt the pelvis first? Failure will we work with neutral spinal Lord.

So the idea here is it's an initial imprint and relaxing and neutral and you should feel that you're opening the hip there and connecting to the center. I take it back to the neutral for me with that natural curve comes into the bag and then began that again. There's time pressure of the lower back into the mat. The bottom will get lighter and roll it back through, so small progressions to develop. Again, focusing on the tail and keep that focus on the tail. Don't think about coming up. That will happen naturally by seeing the bones moving.

The muscles will come along and do the work as long as we got the center. So take that there, fill the lower back, start to peel from the mat and then roll it back through and we're going to eventually go further up the spine each time. For the moment we're breathing in. As we go up and in to come down, you're going to read out and really think of each area of the spine. If you've got real good flexibility, you can try and think of each individual vertebra roll each time back into neutral. You feel any sense of this pooling you not pulling you? You Do, right? Great. If you didn't get that home, then you just come further away.

Or You could even go to this, um, stronger springs. I've not got them here. The red ones, that's normally too much, but you've got such flexibility. You should find the right spring tension that you feel this lovely opening out and in some places you even will stand up between you and grab the bar and even help you get attraction. So try and give a little sense of that for you. Here I'm going to hold and give a little bit more resistance. And now roll the spine down from the mid pack to the lower thoracic, the lower rib cage into the lumber.

Keep the tuck going under open at the lower back. Work against me. Make me work, make me work. Roll it through Annan couple more times for me. Now the idea is here we have to work with the deeper muscles as well. You can't just do this with this. The superficial muscles keep, keep this going for me. That should feel nice. She had a bit of a, you'd be able to breathe. Now I remember where you're doing this movement. When we do the breath we know is we're doing a further range readout. As you roll up, breathe in here that it, feel that nice width here and then breathing out.

You allow you to open out the med back often at the lumbar spine and roll through trying your best to connect to the scapular and not let intention come into the neck. He let go. No, that wasn't neutral each time, every time you go back to that opening in that lovely curve in the lower back again, the idea is that you train that into your lower back muscles. I don't want them not to be familiar with that position and just be a cause that allow you to switch to the center of. So keep it going each time. Roll through everything. Okay, that's happening. But I'm not feeling that but challenged. I think I could do a little bit more, but I think it will be cheating with short attention. What I could do is get you to float your arms up to the ceiling. So here let them melt. Just relax a completely. So rather than tension, stabilize the scapula down your back. Just gentle connection and know, articulate. And you might find if you go left, right dominance here, sometimes you can even see it with the bar starts to angle a little bit that feel different. Yeah. Yeah. Does it bring more focus to your spine? Good.

So anything you didn't do, any little tricks that change the character of a movement? Don't always repeat the same thing again and again and again. If you like it, yes, but try and just to add a little twist into it. Something different here. All I'm doing is relaxing the shoulders, the arms. If you start to lose the blood in your hands, by all means put them back down again. [inaudible] lovely, gentle articulation, subtle traction all the time thinking the back of the legs. The glutes are not the dominant muscles.

See the bones underneath all those layers of soft tissue. See them doing the work and let the muscles take care of that for you. The only thing you need to do is occasionally check shoulders down, spine long. The breath is always here. It's not in front. It's not an abdominals. The center, that mouth connection, remember your centered is a marathon runner. It's not a sprinter, so it shouldn't be over contracting and trying to release as much change and through the rest of the muscles as possible and let them just do their job without creating tension. One last time and rolling about down there off to the side. I can see my collecting.

He's ready to do something. He's thought is something else that is going to work with you. It's a role that down. I'm just going to take this from you, so let your legs come up when it's saying, there you go. Good. Great. Okay. What would you next come to your knees. Now this is member facing this direction, this movement I do on the Cadillac, but it works quite nicely on the tower as well, but this is a little bit challenging.

Why don't you do is hold the bar and shift the body forward and back into view goes. I'm using a short yellow springs, so you've got quite a lot of tension in the upper body. If you need to have less tension, obviously go closer towards this beings. What I want to do is you're going to fix the pelvis in this position and you're going to hinge the upper body forward. So the bar is going to go down towards the bench. Now know we're now going to ship back. So immediately is that I want more attention. Okay, so I'm going to just hold my hand here on your pelvis and now hinge forward and take, take the Barch. Let's take the Tulsa down, keeping neutral and your balls.

Gonna touch the bench about here. Good. And now slowly lift back up. Good. Now obviously what the body wants to do is take the pelvis back. So I don't want that to happen. I want you to use your center so my fingers here and now breathe out. Now you just send to use the center control. Keep the spine long.

Doubt little bit salsa dancing, going on their shoulders. Linden up. Use your breath, check your breath. Good. And lengthen up. So you're using right across the trunk, right across the center, right through the back where the in and breathing out. Lengthen, good push, push, push, push, push. Good. And now hinge back up. So obviously when we do this on the Cadillac, the spring tension is from above. So here with this spring tension on the tower, you're getting a little bit more anterior work so that the front of the body is working a little bit more to keep that control.

But you need to make sure that pelvis is not going backwards, which of course he wants to to make the movement easier cause that way then the legs can come in. So I'm holding quite firmly on Geo as pelvis as she's not allowed to go backwards really in. And as you're breathing out and thin up, good. Let's just do one more time. Lengthen, hinge forward, hinge, hinge, change. Good. Long Spine. Now let the ball touch the bench. Now hold that. Now keeping the torso fixed. Just stretch the right leg behind you on the bench and then bring the leg back in. Now the other side. So we're keeping the work with the upper body and you're just alternating legs.

Now on you. Imagine I like to use visuals a lot in my teaching. There's a baby asleep on your back and you don't want to wake it, so keep the baby sleeping so you're not moving the spine at all. Breathing in and breathing out and thinking of it. Now you can take a little bit for the slight away. Keep it clean. So keep the body fixed. Just stretch the leg on the bench.

Now lift the leg up with the lay back to the bench and bring it back in. So technically this is like a closed chain movement. You're touching the bench, then you're opening the chain, brewing leg back. And then back here, woman, I decide there's a lot of work with upper body. Keep it working. Keep the shoulders dad center and bring it back. One less time. Push up center and then coming back. Now we're going to come back up to stop position. So yeah, good use to send it.

Usually send to use the center wash and then reaching out. Now I'll let my combinations. We're gonna do one of each. We're gonna do one hinge, one extension or more leg. Come back out, hinge forward one on the other side. So, Ah, before we start, let's check everything. Check the pelvis, check the rib cage. Think about the ribcage tilting backwards. What we used to say in plot is we used to talk about the ribcage closing, but now what we found out by doing that often the obliques can work too much.

So it's about tilting the rib cage backwards. Almost spiraling backwards now. Shoulders down, fix the pelvis. And now as you take the hands forward, hinge forward. Good as it. I'm not seeing any push back this time. That's great. Now stretch one leg length. The like up point the toe. Don't, don't change. Baby's asleep. Baby's asleep and give it.

Still bring the leg back in and change other side up. Lengthen. Good. Bring it back and now come back up. Keep the pelvis still. Yeah. Confuse you then. Cause I said what I told you we're going to do with new one leg and come back up. And then we did both legs.

So let's go back to what I said we were going to do, which was take the bar down. Now touch the bench. Good. Now one leg, extend the lift. Come back and now bring the leg back on the hinge. Back Up. Good. Hinge, nice and good. Nice upper body work. Now hinge forward again. And of course we reverse it and do the other leg. Push.

Stretch and lengthen out. Good. Come back up. Hinge. Now just watch the risk. Keep the whiz long. Now come back up to [inaudible]. Bring the arms to the hip here. Good and length an app. Be The in. Bring the hands towards the pelvis. God. Now as you're doing this, make the spine longer. Long Spine, neck, long.

Breathing in and breathing out. Push good. Now we're going to find the position you can maintain. So bring the hands now. Keep that so the angle and now hinge backwards. Good. Lean back. Lean back. Now take the bar with you. Take the ball down. Take the bar down. Hold it there. Hold it there. Keep the spine long. Now don't move the bar.

Sit back onto your heels and now come back up. Push and lengthen up. Good. And then sit back onto your heels. Getting tied with the legs over. Tiring. I just need more tension. Okay. If you need it, you can bring the bar down. Now hold that now go back. Now don't move the bar. Sit Away. So you're sitting down in the end and I'll come back up again.

Breathing in and lift back up. Long fine. Push. Lengthen up. Push up. Reach. I'm back. One more time. Lift up and hold it there. Come back up. Now you've set the tension. So now we're going to hinge forward. Yeah, so now we're gonna hinge forward there.

The round that now take the ball down. Say the ball down. That's it. Good. Now one leg extent. Push away. Lift the leg. Come back, lift up in one piece. Keeping the pelvis fixed. Good. Now push the arms down, keeping the wrist long. Hinge backwards. Hold the ball. This. Sit away from the ball.

Come back up and we just have one more time on the other side. Come back up. So hinge forward, hinge. Keep the pelvis still. Push the ball down to here. Good. Other like extent stretch, pushing out, back. Lengthen. Can we back up? Good. Now keep the tension long. Pushing the arms down. Ignore the strange amount at the end of the tower. Push away. Hinge back, hinge.

Good. Now long spine, long slide now good. Keep that. Sit down away from the bar. Come back up. Push, come back up. Believe well done. It was excellent mark, because you've been there. I'm going to bring you here. I've got a couple of things I like to do with you there. Um, what we try and do is bring the variety. So on one side working with the bench and then what we'll do here standing work and we're going to focus on deep into the hip socket.

So this will be clearly posture related. So depending on where you're tight, where you're flexible, these movements will change in character. And we're gonna use here quite a strong spring tension. So we're not going to go for big size movement, but you're going to step inside this with one foot. Yep. Now we're gonna work on back in the leg, inside, outside, and front of the leg, all four positions. So your hip joint can do this. We're going to go forward out, across and behind. Yes. So in that position where you're standing, the idea here now I could give you a foam roller to give you a little bit of stability if you need it. We'll see how that works. I can get, I know where they are so I can get one if I need it. If, if I'm here and available, I might help you.

But your goal here is literally try and shift the weight now onto your left foot and then take the spring and pull it behind you. But keeping us nice and long. So you feel you're connecting and firing up into the hamstrings and a little bit into the glutes. Yes. So we're working on strengthening this back group here, but obviously it's balance. So if you need to just take your arms out to help with the balance, anything that helps you think of your center, but try your best to keep your stabilizing food as still as possible. So we're not going to do too many of this. This is a stronger spring we're on. Yes, I can make it lighter, but yeah, probably.

Let's look at this for the moment. Yes. So now we get always trying not to let this become your habit nice and long in the lower back. It's the whole rib cage is not going to be pushing up and forward. It's nice and open, feeling quite strong, working on a trunk as well. Good. So we get all the added benefits, but this is my target. This can be a weak area for you in your Porsche type.

I'm not saying you, I'm just saying in general guys, depending on your Porsche, if you have your posture and analyzed, someone should be able to tell you what's weak, what's strong, what needs to be balanced, and then your program would change accordingly. Last time. So now we're going to do this. Turn around. Face the front. This time we're going to go across the front. So literally you feel this time it's going to go forward a little bit. So start with a little bit of tension in the spring.

So it's not resting on the floor, so it might need to Shimmy a little bit over towards the left. A little bit of change. Now you came, we're not talking big movement quite close like we did with a hot potato in front. Try and bring it across the front. You really should feel you're connecting into the inner thigh. Yep. So again, strengthen that area. I'm going to do all the same in the same leg. Obviously you could alternate. Am I going to do one switch, switch, switch, switch, switch. We're going to try the same and the same leg. If your standing leg starts to fatigue, we can stop and change it and not doing lots of repetitions.

Try and get across the front pasture. Big, tall, [inaudible] and again, this feeling here, I'm still a little bit of a collapse there. So openness out from your tuck the tailbone under a little bit more. And again, the arms. If you just wanted to like some, if that's building tension in your shoulder, just relax that there. Yes, totally. The focus is the control from the center, the alignment of the pelvis and that inner thigh work. This time it looks so simple, doesn't it? They are going there. They are looking at this thinking, ah, until they try it. They might not know what you're going through last time. Okay, so again, put the food down and their same face out to this direction.

So here what we're going to do getting into the front of the thigh, so this, the idea here guys is we're going to again shift the weight over onto your left foot. Try your best to keep both sides of the waist open, not let one crunch more so you're not hitching the hip hop. And then thinking of Sladen the foot forward on the floor. But it's not coming from the tour is coming from the thigh. Yes. Good, we've got it. So again, depending if this is a weak area or no strengthening it, if I went for a lighter spring, I could do a filler movement and I can actually get going backwards as well.

So if you come forward, maybe a couple of steps. Yeah. So we can a bit more even. And the spring night when you take the food up, the springs when you want to pull you back. So let the spring pull you back and then you get the feeling of opening that. So someone was tight here. If you're really tight here, this could open out this area, keeping it stabilized. Okay, last one. So we're not doing big reps, we're just getting the feeling for it for the moment. Relax.

Turn to face me this time. So this time here, what we're going to do, again, you can bring it into the front of your foot there. We're going to do this. Time is working on the this side, the abductor muscles. So they stay in the foot comes forward a little bit and then you're going to open out. So what I'm going is trying to think about here. So this is where you give me your hands. So let me push a little bit onto my hands to stabilize.

That should help you a little bit with the violence. That should take some change at your lower back. This would be where home, you can maybe use a chair to give you some stability. I certainly, if I worked with some of my clients who maybe there've been finding some challenge with balance, I can give them a cheer for support, but something that shows if they're using it too much is really useful. This idea here, opening out, try not to open out with the turn of the pelvis, trying to make it just those outside of the [inaudible] muscles. So you're reaching out towards that direction, Gary, and you should again, you mentioned before about one side being stronger than the other. So you're going to see again the difference when you get into the other side.

Last time, really simple but definitely effective. And again, we look at, you might notice it tomorrow if this is the first time you've done this for awhile, but ultimately now we need to change into the other foot. It doesn't matter who the order we're going to be working. The same sequence you have. You've got now. Okay. Yeah. So again, what did we do with first? Yes, we did the glutes and the hamstrings. So remember the feeling here nice and tall and I'm going to give you some support. This site. Yep. So you've, that helps you focus on their layman a little bit more. It takes away a little bit of the struggle in general. For me, I use this feeling that if you're fighting the movement, you're fighting the method, you're not actually working with the controlling position that over shaking and struggling is maybe feels rewarding in one level, but it's just gonna cause you to compensate and create tensions.

So this movement is not about the Luke. You're not trying to sell it to someone walking past the window. Yes. You're at home, you're in the club, you're in the studio. It's all about the internal feeling. And you know what's happening here right now, don't you?

So that feeling of recognizing left to right, without a doubt, and they were going to go to the other side. So what did we do? I can never remember the sequence. I was rely on my clients remembering what was your [inaudible] going to do? The insight side. Yeah. Great. So again here I'm going to give you this stability.

Again with this stability you should be able to be much more precise with the pelvis. So it literally is just the muscles in the thigh joint and it's just that thighbone that's working. The pelvis isn't doing a little Shimmy of its own. So strengthen that inner thigh work quite specific, keeping the spine long, the shoulders are down and again you can have a solid surface or something a little bit more unstable like a foam roller that you can press on onto. And one more. And then I think we did the front. Yep. So sometimes a lot of people think about making it exciting for me.

I'm excited by the details and the subtlety, and this is about training stability and strength into a joint stability. It's about controlling movement. Strength is making sure that you actually have power behind that joint as well. So we're getting a bit of both here. If you'd met nice work, the spring tension, correct. You can in the deep muscles on the more obvious superficial muscles will give you, you want something to balance again, last one. And then we've got across the front, right? Yep. It helps, doesn't it?

So what really helps is when you've got two teachers with one ha while I designed here, now this is the ultimate, this is very training because when you've got two teachers here holding you out, this is either a bad sign for a studio that's too quiet. Oh, and while you're doing this, I'll just work on my Niels. Yeah, keep working. Think of the center centerlink. So you should be thinking about challenging yourself and learning how to work with this. Okay.

Okay. You got it. Good. Relax. The good. Good. So we hope you enjoyed today's at tower workout. We know g is, um, we put it through different exercises. I just want to say just give yourself a little bit of a sell. So now just to at least it's always good for everyone to do at the end of the session. I was a bad saastr too, by the way. But you can be creative with the tower. There's some great exercises you can do.

Of course. What's behind all of these exercises and all these movements is the blood is method, is it? Whether they're based on a traditional exercises, which have gone or gone a little bit further into being more creative, you have to make sure that we're using the principles. So realize thank Gao for coming today and being our client, which shared between two of us and I hope you feel okay tomorrow. Yeah. Thank you.


1 person likes this.
Very challenging class. Thank you:) I really loved the teasers and the single leg work!
1 person likes this.
Nicely challenging! Thank you very much for offering this Intetesting class. New work is very appreciated.
Loved this! Innovative and deeply invigorating.
1 person likes this.
Beautiful mechanics of the body, guided by understanding aware instructors. Thank you for unique additions to familiar movement sequences.
1 person likes this.
Super fun! Creative and meticulous cuing. I loved this class.
Valya Karcher
The simplicity of each movement - at it's very essence - is it's most amazing challenge. A perfect workout for my male clients tonight. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
This was super challenging both for body and mind. I loved it! Thank you so much for sharing your professionalism.
Carolina D
1 person likes this.
I love these two man, the way they talk and the way they treat the body they have in front of them.
Thank you so much for sharing.
1 person likes this.
Fantastic class. I can feel my inner and outer thighs and definitely my core.
1 person likes this.
Thanks for the comments. We enjoy what we do and had fun trying out this format for Pilates Anytime. Knowing people got something from it simply makes life even better.
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