Class #2405

Coordination and Alignment

45 min - Class


Work on coordination while maintaining good alignment in this Reformer workout with Troy McCarty. His clear explanations make it easy to understand how to fill up the space and move from your center. He also uses rhythm and creative choreography to bring out the beautiful mover in you.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Nov 25, 2015
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Hi, I'm Troy McCardy from Cleveland, Ohio. This is my good friend and student or from Hawaii or higher the show you a reformer class today. Okay. Orfield go ahead and lay down. Okay, so I have or laying down on the carriage. And we're going to use three reds and one blue for some simple footwork. So let's start by putting your toes on the bar and let's make a Little v here. Now when we put the toes on the bar, I want to see that the metatarsal is our across the bar.

And I also want to see that the heels match the gear bar so they movement isolates in its hip. So let's take our inhale now and let's exhale and this, push the carriage out and stretch one good. And then pull the carriage back in. Press two. Good. And back in. Nice. And press three. Excellent. And Paul the character back again, and press for good and back in. And let's go five and back in.

And let's go six. Good. Back in and press seven and back in impress eight and keep lifting those dominoes. Perfect. And go nine and press. Let's do one more and go 10 very good and bring it back in. So when Oris pushing the spring out, what you'd like to see is a nice opening up the spring and a closing of the spring. So smoothly out and smooth on the end. So we're going to go from the toes. Now we're going to go up onto the heels.

So let's go up to here since create that little v. All in that little plot is first. So listen, help prepare our body please. And let's exhale and this, push the carriage out and reach your ears out. And then pull that carriage back in. And press two. Good. And in, and press three and back in and press for good and pull it back in.

And press five and n and press six and in a little squeeze of the heels and seven, squeeze those hills and draw it back in. Go Eight. Good. Back in. Let's do two more. Please go nine and back in one more and go 10. Good. Pull it back in. Now let's go to a parallel position and this move our feet down.

And let's do a wrap. All right, so let's wrap those toes around the bar there. Now the heel still stay down, matching the gear bar and the toes are wrapped and this is an excellent position for the feet because all the intrinsic muscles of the feet are now activated. We put those feet in the shoes, we walk around like that all day. It's nice to kind of take them in different positions. Let's inhale then. Let's exhale. Let's push the carriage out and stretch one good.

And we pulled back in and pressed two and back in and press three good. And back in the oars. Doing a really good job of stretching the knees at the same time and bending the knees at the same time. And six back in press seven. Good. And back in press eight two more please press nine and back in one more and press 10 very good. And poll the machine back in.

Now let's go right up to the base of the toes again. All right, so let's do a high relevant. So I have wore up on the balls of the feet there again, and we're looking at the placement of the foot. So he has a pretty high art. So I'm making sure that he doesn't roll out on the little toe, are over on the big toe and I see the alignment up through the whole body. So let's do 10 this way. Let's take her inhale please. NSX. Helen, let's push the carriage out and stretch one. Pull the machine back in and press too good and pull it back in.

Press three. Good. And back in press four and back in press five. Excellent. Pull it back in. Press six and in press seven and in press eight. Good. And in, let's do two more there.

Press nine and in, let's hold the 10th one and hold. Now we're going to try some heel drops. So let's lower the heels down and smoothly back up and two and up go three and up, down four and up five and up. Six and up. Seven up, eight.

Up, two more there. Nine and up. One more. And turn very good. Bend those knees and bring it back in. Now let's go from a parallel position out to a turned up position. So we're going to put the heels right out to the sides of the bar, and I don't like to see a lot of turnout. I don't want somebody to go into a fallout, so he just kind of fall into the joint and I don't really want to see that.

I want to see them work in a little bit more of a center point of the hip joint there. Let's prepare our body with the inhale and let's exhale on this. Push the carriage out and stretch one and pull that spring back in and push two and back in press three and in press four pull it in. Press five and in press six pull it in. Press seven and in press eight pull it into more. Press nine and in, and 10 very good and pull it back in.

Now let's go from our heels up to our toes in this position. All right, let's take our inhale here and let's ask him. Push out the stretching. Hold there. Now we're going to lower one heel down, lip the other hill, and this is a great chance to give your client a nice Dorette, just a gentle pull of the heel. Our basketball players love this in Cleveland. They love to get their feet up out of, up onto the foot bar out of those tennis shoes and really work through all the muscles and joints they have in their feet. This try that again and we press and we're getting linked in. I just gently pull as he pulls back in the abdominal and stabilizes through the power of this and back and we go down good, and then we bring it back in. Very good.

Or go ahead and return your carriage is bring our feet together. We're going to go to two red springs now and we're going to do a single leg exercise. Now. Org was a ballet dancer, so I'm going to give him kind of a choreographic single leg exercise. All right, so we're going to start with the right foot on the bar right across from your sit bone. Your left leg is extended out. All right, so you're going to press the carriage out. You're going to double the, pay this leg up to the ceiling. So here we go. Press one. All right, good. So I'm looking for a pelvis that's place, a nice strong supporting leg holding the carriage. Still. I want you to lower the leg down. It taps the bar, it comes back up.

Now we're going to flex this foot and this heel does a heel drop and we point this foot and we bend this knee and we bring it out and stretch, right? Can we try it up to speed now? So here we go. So we go devil up pain and up bend down and up, a flex point and Ben and reach and up and down and up, uh, flex and point and a bin and stretch. Deb. Love, pay and grown. But Ma and flex in point and Ben, let's do one more. Deb La pay and grump. [inaudible] flexing a point and a bent are good. So since he's a ballet dancer, I'm going to give him a little challenge now.

So during the double pay when he's taken league knee into the tabletop in extending it, I wanna see both knees bend and stretch at the same time. All right, so a little bit more coordination effort. All right. Meanwhile he's still maintaining all the beautiful architecture of his body. That beautiful alignment, the pelvis, shoulders, the neck. Here we go. So we go Deb La pay and the Grom Ma and flux in the point and a bin and reach and two and up. Down and up. We flux.

We point and bend and stretch and three and up. Down and up. Buff. Luxon point and then and stretch and four and up. Down and up a flux point. One more time. Five and up, down and up in a flexin a point.

And then very good at straight the other leg and this go right into the coordination, right? So here we go. We're going to do it 10 times. We go double the pay. Growing Bob Mall, we flex, we point, we [inaudible], Ben and stretch and table top ceiling, foot bar, ceiling, flex point Ben and stretch three and up down in up a flexin a point and a bend and stretch. We go four and up, down and up, a flux in a point and a bend and stretch. We go five and up, down and up, a flux point, bend and stretch and six and down and plus in a point in a bin we go seven. Then up bud down and up. They flex in a point and a bin and stretch eight and up, down and up.

Flex Point Ben and stretch a nine and up, down and up, a flexing point and Ben and stretch. One more end up. We reach and we flex point and then, all right, very good or excellent. Kay. Let's go into our hundreds, right, so we're going to stick with the same amount of springs. Go ahead and reach through the strap. Sir, let's bring our legs up to a tabletop. Now on this tip of the top position with, I'd like to see us, the heels detach, but the knees open just a little bit, so I bring the female head, the thighbone a little bit more into the middle of the hip socket. All right? He's still doing a little squeeze of the heels that get that center line activating. All right, the arms are reaching up.

Both palms face me, so I'm always looking at the position of the arm that I see both palms facing forward, not one turned out. So let's prepare our body with the inhale and during your axle is pull the straps down, extend your legs out. Upper body comes up and we're going to pulse. We go, one, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five, two, two, three, four, five, two, two, four, five, three, two, three, four, five, three, two, three, four, five, four, two, three, four, five, four, two, four, five, five, two, three, four, five, five, three, four, five, six, two, three, four, five, six, three, four, five, seven, two, three, four, five, seven, two, four, five, eight, two, three, four, five, eight, two, three, four, five, nine, two, three, four, five, nine, two, three, four, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one. Then in, bring it back in. Very good. Go ahead. Put your legs down. So the hundreds. Yeah. Lovely. With across the shoulders. Nice pumping of the arms.

I can remember Bruce King telling me that Joe wanted those pumps to be accent up, like almost like we were slapping puddles of water. Let's move on. So let's, let's do some simple arms. So once again, or was a ballet dancer. So I know that war understands how to do a porter bra and how to use his back. So let's put all that together and just do some very simple artwork. So let's bring your hands up.

So I want or to feel like these arms are extensions of his back and he's going to fill this whole beautiful studio here at plot is anytime up with his back. So let's bring your legs back up again. We have the heels, squeeze the knees, this a little bit open. We have that pelvis in that absolute neutral position with a natural curve. His shoulders are wide, his head is on top of that spine. Let's take an inhale and exhale.

Let's pull the straps down and then back up nice and smooth. And let's do five, two, good. And back up. Go three. Excellent. And back up. Go for good and back up and five. Good and back up. Now let's stick the arms out to the side a little bit.

Now when we open the hands out, it's very easy for us to open the ribs. Remember we want to keep our clients, those rips close and just the arms opening out, scapular down, lovely with across the shoulders. Let's take our inhale again and this exhale and this pull down. Tell your hips one and back out. Good. And press two and out three and out go four.

And we closed that spring back up where you go five. Good. And a wholistic. The arms up to the ceiling. Out and around for a circle. One. Excellent. Go two and go. Three. Good. [inaudible] and good for, let's do one more and then we're going to reverse and five. Good. Now let's bring it back up and let's reverse it.

And one around and two. Good, nice, smooth carries of the arms. The machine has floating back and forth for, let's do one more good. And let's go five. Excellent work and bring it in. It's all it. Put the feet down. Shake your hips up. Let's go into a little bit of coordination, right? So we're gonna start with the elbows next to the body.

We're gonna make a soft fist. So we kind of know Joe was a boxer, so we kind of know that this was the position of his hand. All right, so I don't want to rip this, but I want a soft fist. All right? And I want to bring the knuckles all the way back to the shoulder. So I get a great range of motion for the tricep. Again, my legs.

I love to see the heels touch that little gentle squeeze and the knees open and that beautiful neutral pelvis. So we're going to pull the arms down, extend your legs out, and bring your upper body forward. Here we go. One. So he's reaching. The arm is long, the legs are long. He's going to open and close the legs. He get getting Ben, his knees been his elbows and laid back down with control again too and reach. We open and we close and we been and return go three and reach. We open, we close, we bin and return and four and reach.

We Open. We close in. Bend one more and go five. We open and close. Now hold this. Tick the right leg over to the left. All right, like a nice tight fit position. Let's do some beats. Here we go. And Change One. End To end p n four and five and six, seven, eight, nine, 10 ten nine eight seven six five, four, three, two, one and bed and return. All right, very good. I'll take the straps. We're going to stand up on the floor and we're going to go into some long box.

So I'm going to go to one red spring and we're going to bring the bar down. All right, so I want you to lay down on the box chest over right and we're going to grab the straps right at this tape portion and this one at this tape portion, right? So it's going to be right off the box. This is like if I was to flip this reformer over in aura was the slight right off the box. He would be in a perfect postural position. This beautiful architecture of the body. So he has the hipbones pushing down into the carriage.

He had the shoulders wide, right? He's got the naval pulled up and I see some energy coming out the legs and not to lifted off of it. And you're not a pie and they're not down too low. He's in that position. So we get the placement of the powerless is going to do a simple inhale through his wide to his back. And Xcel is going to pull the arms back to your hips. One Stop.

So what I want to see is lots of with nice long wrists, lots of energy coming through the body and he returns at springs. Do four more and press two with exhale and inhale, go three. Good and back in and go for good and back in one more. And press five very good. And pull it back in. Now he's gonna let us upper body forward all over the box. All right, so we're going to reverse the breathing cause I'm going to take the spine into an extension. So I tell my clients, let your upper body fold over in the box like a beautiful piece of Chiffon nut.

Burlap. All right, so we're going to pull the arms back to the hips. With the inhale, we're going to lift our chest up right into an extension. Now notice the head position is looking right here past the reformers. We have that lovely net and he returns back down and he inhales through and lifts up. He fills his body up with air, any XL, and he brings it back down and go. Inhale up. Good and XL back down and go.

Inhale. Good and exhale. And let's do one more and say up there for a moment. Go in. How hold now let's try to come back down. One Vertebra at a time. Excellent work. Very good. All right, let's do one more extension and stay up there.

So let's take a deep inhale. Pull the arms back again. We're looking for the shoulder with this lovely, nice position of the cervical. Mrs. Bender Ellison, do four triceps. So we'd go push back. One good and too good. And three. Excellent.

And for one more please, and five very good. And then return the carriage and bring it back in. Very good. Okay, go ahead and step off the carriage there towards me. And we're going to still stick with one red spring. So we're going to do a little bit of a rotational. So I'm going to take the box back and I'm going to align the box up with the edge of the carriage mat here, not on top of the wood lawyer.

I want you to come around to this site and I want you to sit right on the box and I want you to take yes, the knees are always folded down. And then we're going to grab this strap here. Hey, we're going to hold the strap out. So let's hold it with this hand here and then placed his hand right inside, right? So we're in a nice rounded position, right? So we see the lovely lift of the body. So I'm looking for the ear, the shoulder, the mid rib and hip to give me that strong line and a muscle looking for the head to be on top of the spine. You know, the head is very happy. It's between 12 and 13 pounds. So when it gets forward, it kind of limits the body and a good movement pattern.

So always make sure that you bring your client's heads up on top of the spine so that we see everything lined up. Or it's going to take an inhale and during this exhale we're going to make an effort and we're going to rotate the body using these muscles here and we bring it back to center and rotation. Good and back to center now, or is moving right at the waist. He's not lifting a hip, he's not shifting. And he's got 50% on one sit bone, 50% on the other sit bone.

Good. And there's also this lovely spiral. So or spine is far right up to the ceiling. That was he. We do this. Let's do one more. Excellent. All right, very good. Now this take disposition and this make it a little bit more difficult. So what I want you to do is a rock back on your sit bones. All right, bring your legs up and balance like you're getting ready to do.

Rolling like a ball. Yeah, there we go. Extend those hands out now. Now this is a smaller movement, so we're balanced now and we make a rotation very good and bring it in. Now we do this with our Cavaliers and Cleveland. They love this exercise because of using all the oblique muscles for all the rotational things they have to do on the court and go for, let's do one more and we go five very good and bring it in and then back down. It was excellent. Now go back to that sitting position. All right, so you might want to get back to this a little bit. All right, so the rotation is great. It happens at the waist.

But let's say we've got an advanced client. All right? Or it's pretty event. So I of want to up the ante a little bit. So instead of taking the rotation here, let's take the rotation, five fingers below the navel. So the rotations happening way here and really feel that spiral right up through the top of the head. So the movement may be a little bit smaller, but I think there'll be a very effective movement outcome. So here we go. So we make the rotation, it's smaller and he is working at and back to center.

Very good and go to good, excellent. And back end. So always below the navel. Three good. And back in. And let's do one more and for very good and bring it back in. All right, let's try the other side. All right, so we're going to switch the box. So we push the box back. We line it up. So the box is not over the wood and we sit on the box.

I like doing the box this way because I like to see the clients, calves and knees fold right at the box and it kind of pushes the hipbone kind of back into that hip so they can get that lovely live. So let's go ahead and let's try a regular rotation here. Alright, so nice and lengthen. Shoulder blades. Nice long spine. Here we go, we ask hell and we bring it back in and go to nice. And in go three. Good. And pull it back. Go for good and back.

One more and go five. Very good. And then bring it back in. So now from this position we rock off the sit bones. We found that balance point between the sit bones in the tub bone. We find our bounce weeks in our arms a little bit more. And we have five more of one, good work and two nice go.

Three good. Go for, let's do one more and go five. Perfect. And bring it back in and then sit up nice and tall. So we've done that. Now the next challenge is for the rotation to start way down here, below the belly, below the navel, five fingers. So here we go. So we lift and we go one good and back in and tune. You'll notice the carriage does this moving this small bit.

Sometimes these smaller movements and potties are this. They're this nuggets of information. There's this great opportunities for your clients to really connect with the movement. Four. Let's do one more place and we'd go five. All right, very good. And bring it in there. Hey, good. Go ahead and step off the box, right? So I have my box on short, so I'm just going to go right into some short box abdominals.

So I'm gonna send her my box and I'm gonna put all my springs on to stabilize the carry chair or if you'll sit on the box. Okay, you're okay with that there? Yeah. All right. So with the feet in the straps here, what I like to see my clients do is to put it on touch the wood to the arts, and take the legs and push out into the straps so the knees are bent. All right, so this pushing out, we get a little action in the side of the hips and also I can help get a my clients out of their hip flexors. All right, so we're going to bring the arms up this way and we're just going to do a basic roll down. So let's take a big inhale. Lifting the spine up and Axa, we pull the pubic bone and we wore the spine back. Very good. We take a sniff of air without changing the shape of our spine. And exhale, we bring the body forward and we lift right back up. So let's try that one time. So let's take our inhale please. This exhale, pull the pubic bone back.

Now a lot of times our clients sit in this position of our back. All right, so this is more about taking the lower back and lengthen it. So what I want you to do is pull your hips back further. Reindeers lift your Chin a little bit. There you go. And then bring your body back up. Sit Up nice and tall and stretch.

Let's do that one more time. Let's take it in how an axial is walled down. Good, perfect. Nice. So there's a little tone back here in the legs, a little tone in the glutes. Take your inhale and exhale. It's rolled back up. All right, very good. And let's do a little variation with this. So we're going to roll down through your spine. So go ahead and roll down, and then we're going to place the arms right next to her body, right down on the box and they're resting and the elbows are bent. All right, and the body stays there. Now he's just going to slide his hands out to the side.

He's going to change the position of the arms and he's going to roll back up this chain. I've again, inhale and exhale, hollow and rule in the arms. Go down. They rest for a moment. So the scapulars can slide down your back. Now swing those arms out a little. Shakings. Good for the heart there. And then roll back up. Let's do two more. Take your inhale and exhale hollow in a role.

Arms down beside the body, arms out and around and back up. And let's do one more. Yeah, good in how and acts. Hell you roll through that spine. The arms down. Very good. And he's reached those arms out around the rib. Stay together and you bring it back up. Very good. And you stretch and relaxed.

That was good. All right, so I wanted to do a nether variation that Romana taught me. So we're going to use a pole, right? So we're going to hold the pole with wide grip and it's going can be straight up to the ceiling. All right, so I'm looking for shoulders down. I'm looking for the long spine. So we're going to make a rotation towards the front here.

He's going to take his head and he's going to look up here. He's going to bring the body up and over the hip. We'll come off. He pulls the hip back down and he centers the body and we rotate again and we go up and over. You go and we pull the hip back down on the carriage and center and we rotate an oppon over. Very good. And back in and center one more and rotate and up and over you go.

Excellent. And bring it in and center. All right, good. And this released that. Now Romana showed me another exercise and she called it fairy godmother. So let's try fairy godmother. All right. Do you remember that? Yeah. All right. We make our rotation over and that's a spiral that happens at the woods. We go up and over. He releases the hand, he taps, he brings the hand back up, he finds it, he puts a back down and he centers and he rotates.

He goes over and he tapped taps. Good, and back up. Let's do it one more time in each side please and center and rotate and go over and tap, tap, good and center and go over and go tap, tap. Very good and center and bring it back in. Excellent work. All right, I'll take that before it comes a weapon. Go ahead and stand up. All right, so we're going to go from short box into some regular leg straps. So we'll need to red springs.

So go ahead and lay down red and so bring one leg up in the air please. We'll get into the strap and the other leg. All right, now how we put these reps on is important too. We want the strap down by the heel. All right. And we want to see that the feet are lined up and there's no sickling or no deviations of the ankle alignment. And we're also going to start with our legs separated just a little bit and right up to the ceiling.

Now I like to let my clients be here for a moment just to feel the stretch in the backs of the legs, just with the legs going up, some reverse circulation through the body. It's a very healthy moment for them. So let's go ahead and relax and Kinda let the backs of the legs soften out a little bit. So those hamstrings. All right, so the shoulders are nice and wide. The neck is soft. So his architecture of the bodies in a nice, strong state. So let's take her inhale please. And that's a wide breadth of your back. And this exhale and this, use the backs of the legs and pull the straps down.

One good. And then back up. Very simple. Go down to good and bring it back up. Now what I'm like, what I'm liking here, what I'm seeing or doing, he's really concentrating on the backs of legs. I feel like the foot is not pulling the strap. What's pulling this spring apart is the back of the thigh. Go forward. And let's do one more please. Excellent.

And go five. Very good. And we bring it back up. Let's bring the legs together. Let's do a little turnout there. And let's repeat again. So down one good. And back. Up and down to good. And uh, go. Three. Excellent. And up. Go four and up.

Let's do one more please. And Five. Very good. And bring it back up. Now let's go internal. So toes, any heels arap and five times we go down one good. And we go back up. And too good. And back up. Go three. Excellent. And back up. Go for and back up.

Let's do one more please. And we go five. Very good. And brand back up. Let's go back to our po parallel position and bring the legs this a little bit forward. Now we're gonna make some circles and this same parallel for this. So we're going to open the legs out to this side. We're going to bring the legs around, we bring the legs together and back up.

So always doing this circle. We're keeping that pelvis absolutely still and go. Three. Excellent. And we go four. Good. Let's do one more please. And we go five. Good. And back up this free verse and down and uh, and to good. And up. Now if we look at, or his legs, keep on going there. He's got a great separation of the toe and the thigh.

His legs are long, he's pulling up through the waist and he's really filling this room up with his legs. Let's do one more please. Good. And back around. All right. Now let's pull the legs down for 45 degree reach as turn the legs out. So we're going to do some plays or some frogs. So we bend the knees, we bring it in one. Now that promise is down, we're not curling it up and he squeezed him, pushes out and go too. Good. And press out and go three and press out. We go for good and press out and we go five.

And let's press out in hold. All right, so we're in a perfect position to go into next exercise. Let's try some short spine. So let's bring the legs back to a parallel. Let's bring the legs up and let's roll the spine up slowly. One at a time right there. Let's bend the knees and squeeze the hills and let your knees open there and this, roll the spine out slowly and let's extend the legs out and reach and reach out through the tops of your ears. We inhale as the legs come up, we ask.

So we rule, this might up, we inhale, we draw the heels down, we exhale and we roll it out. Pressing through and reaching. And let's try it again. Three and up you go. Now it's short spines. We don't go real high yet. We accidentally bring it down. That's your inhale. Sorry. And we accidentally push it out. Good.

And let's hold there and we're gonna try this. A little bit of different variation. Bruce sometimes had me do some different things with my feet to help me release through some different areas of my body. So just go in house. The legs come up. Let's Axon rule the spine up. Now we're going to draw the knees down to us with a little bit of turnout and we're going to put the soles of the feet together and hold something.

Now you're going to reach back out. So a little bit of a different feel and stretch. Let's do that one more time. Inhale and go. Exhale, roll up. And we draw it down. We put the soles of the feet and we're like holding something and we reach back out. Very good. And we stretch. Now let's bring the legs back up to the ceiling right there and a little bit higher. And this is open. The legs help for a stretch as far as she can go.

So it's very stretched out in this. Bring the legs back together. Let's do one more time please. And we go out. Excellent. And we bring the legs back together. Good. A slip out of here. Go ahead and bend your knees. Good and good. Go ahead and stand up on the floor and we'll get your machine ready to the next sex. She says. All right, so we're gonna use a red and a blue spring and I'm going to bring the bar up to its float work position and we're going to do some elephant work. All right, so go ahead and stand up there right, right now and want to see the heels instead of touching the shoulder as today, let's bring them a little bit forward away from the shoulder rest. All right, so we're looking for a nice placement of the foot that our clients are not rolling down. All right, we're looking for that long leg and let's take our body and shift back just a little bit. Also with this position of the body, we want to make sure that the ribs are closed and enables then and we see a good strong structure through this part.

So he's really connected with this foot bar. We're going to press the carriage way with our legs. One Go, good halt. And he's gonna press down into center of the heel and pull that back in. Good, impressed too. Good and center of the heel and pull it back in and press three and push down in the center heel and pull that spring back to its position.

That's go four and center and push down. Let's do one more please. And we go fi and is go push and pull it back in. All right, good. Now let's bring the legs together once right? And let's take our spine from being flat and this round the spine up and let's go into a Relevate foot. All right, so nice round spine.

So I see a lovely fluxion of the spine here, lifted a dominal, nice lift of the feet. There's no rolling in or are out of the ankles. And let's go ahead and this, push that back and forth. One Gun. It's a small and delicious movement here. Go to and we pull those abdominals up and we go three. Good. And bring it back.

And we go for good and back. Let's do one more and we go five very good and lower it back down. Now let's bring the heels up against the shoulder rest. All right, and let's lift them up into a relevant foot. All right, and let's just go right into a plank. So we press out, we hold here. Nice, lovely with across the shoulder bones, everything in place, tension back here. We push the carriage back one that's far enough and we bring it back in and we go to good.

And pull it back in and go three very good and pull it back in and we go for good. And then pull it halfway in and stop there. And let's do what Jack Rabbit. Bend your knees in and one. Now we're keeping this neutral spine here too. Nice solid placement up here. Three good work. We go for excellent. And we go five. Very good. And then flex at your hips and bring the carriage back in.

Go ahead and step off. That was very nice. Whore. Alright and now let's go ahead and let's lay down on the machine now. Right? So I'm going to go use three red springs and I'm having or put his heels right across minister to sit bones, right. Nice and lined up. So again, we've got this lovely architecture of the body. I see shoulders that are wide. A Nice soft throat I had that's on top of the spine. Knees are going over the toes, enough flats ran at our hips.

You know, so many of our clients, they come to us, oh my back is killing me and we ask them to bend over and we see that they bend over at the ways. So I think potties is a good, good experience for them to learn that they can hinge at their hips and pretty much keep their spine and its integrity as they move throughout the day. So more a little bit about, more about the spine. We're going to do some rolling up and down to really articulate the vertebra mouth and to release any tension that could be in this spine with our clients. So let's take a in hello please. And let's exhale this curl. The pub is up slowly blown by bunk. The highest reached to me.

The knees are over those toes, the shins over, those ankles stop there. Let's take an inhale and exhale. Let's soften the chest out and just get those upper Verda between those shoulder blades have rolled down and we take an inhale and we exhale and we curl the pelvis up. So building bone by bone. Perfect hole. Take another inhale and exhale. We roll the spine down and let's do one more please.

We take our inhale and we curl the pelvis up slowly. Bone by bone. Good. Now hold there. We're going to take another inhale. And during your exhale you're going to send the carriage back one good and you're going to pull the carriage back in and push out to any reach through the body and back in. Now you'll know something or citing this hubs come down, which is perfect a little bit, so we don't arch the back and he brings some back up.

Go for good and let's do one more and we go five very good. And we pull it back in the stick. Another inhale, pleasing. Exhale, soften that chest out and roll back down through that spine. All right, so let's bring our heels out to the sides of the bars. All right, now we're going to curl the pelvis up just a little bit and I want you to take your hands and put them behind your sacred with your hands like this. All right, now you lower your pelvis down so it's just right there. Now we're not resting on your hands for this.

This is like a little gauge for measurement. All right. Romana showed me this. She said that was the position we wanted to pelvis. Hands were there. Take your inhale. Exhale, push out and stretch one good. Pull the carriage back in and push too good and back in and push three and pull it in. Go for good and pull it back one more. There or please and go five. Very good. And pull it back.

Release your hands and let's roll the spine down. Alright, good. And this goes back to our power low position please. So let's bring the heels up on the bar again, right in the middle of that heel. Let's take our inhale again and let's exhale Liz. Roll the pelvis up slowly. Bone by bone. Good. Excellent. Right there.

Now what we're going to do is we're going to tip our left hip down and we're going to lower it down towards the carriage. Good. And we're going to bring it back up and we're going to sooner. And we're gonna tip the other hip down. Good and back. Up and center. Very good. Now Center the body. Now let's check the stabilization of the pelvis out. This, lift this leg up without letting the pelvis drop into that beautiful two tabletop and we put it back down. Good.

And we lift this up. Beautiful. And back down. Take your inhale here and exhale. We roll the spine down. So the bone by bone. Nice work. This. Bring our feet down to the base of our toes. And let's go ahead and press the carriage out. Send your body all the way back.

Now let's do our running. All right, so one heel down, one heel lifts. Now make the carriage float back and forth and give me this lovely articulation movement down here. So we're pressing one hill as far as we can lift that other heel up. Lots of movement down there. Lots of beautiful articulation. Pelvises nice and stable. The lovely yard, the texture of the upper body in its place. It's about two more.

Press one good and one. And then one more and two. Very good. And to end, go ahead, bend your knees, bring the carriage back in. Okay. All right, you just go ahead and stand on the floor. You can stand over there and let's just do a simple thigh stretch. All right, so I'm going to go down to one red spring and let's go ahead and put your right foot against the shoulder rests. All right, and the other leg, it's a little bit forward. Shoulder blades are down and square off in your hip. Make sure this knee is lined up with that second toe and go ahead and push the carriage out.

We hold the body up so we look for that nice alignment of the body. He has his ear, his shoulder, everything lined up. We see this beautiful arc, this bring it in. One more time to see if we can go a little bit further and go to, and what else I like about this picture is he's not gripping the bar, he's wrestling those hands on the bar. He was using this as dom rose, the hold the torso up and bring it back in. Let's try the other side. All right, and this foot comes a little bit forward and we have that nice, lovely knee alignment and go ahead and press lovely torso. Eye level is out good.

And the spring it back up and go press very good and pull it back up. All right, or thank you very much. That was lovely. He's like my best friend. Thank you.


Julia S
2 people like this.
Basic workout, but nice.
1 person likes this.
Thanks Julia for watching. I appreciate your comment.
1 person likes this.
Thanks for teaching another PA class Troy. We can all now workout like a Cleveland Cavelier! You do a great job of explaining the spring settings you use, while keeping a fluid session.
2 people like this.
Or, you are an exquisite mover!! I could watch you all day!!!
Hyde: Thanks for watching. Lets hope the Cavs take it this year with their new secret weapon Pilates!! GO CAVS
Danielle: Thanks for watching the class. Your right Or is an exquisite mover and a top notch teacher there in Hawaii.
Mary L
1 person likes this.
Thank you, being trained on a 4 spring apparatus and now teaching on a 5 spring can be like learning to walk. Your explanations of which spring helped me quite a bit. I also, like the elephant on tip toes to get the roundness of the spine.
Great class, Troy! I'm a fellow Clevelandier myself! Go Cavs, this is our year! Your cueing is fantastic! Thank you!
Hi Callie:
Thanks for the great compliment. If you ever in Cleveland Heights please make sure you drop bye my studio!! Thanks again for watching.
1 person likes this.
Troy thank you so much, I really enjoyed taking your class. The exposure I get from watching you teach in such a flawless manner is such a great example to me. And lets not forget about Or!
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