Class #2407

Improve Posture for Seniors

35 min - Class


Stretch your spine and improve your posture in this Cadillac workout with Troy McCarty. He teaches a class for seniors with many of the springs taken out of the picture to keep it very safe. He includes dynamic movement qualities to help make you feel taller for the rest of your day.
What You'll Need: Cadillac, Reformer Box, Magic Circle

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Dec 10, 2015
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Hi, I'm Trish McCarty. I'm here today with Amy, my favorite teacher and person in California. Really? United States. Pay me later. No, but we're gonna do a, uh, trap table session, um, for seniors. I work with a lot of seniors in Cleveland, Ohio, so, um, I see a lot of things going on with them and I see so many incredible opportunities to help them with the trap table. Now you're going to notice with the trap table. Um, I don't use springs a lot. I just get really nervous. They get nervous about it.

So I've kind of taken some of the springs out of the picture, which is a lot safer for them and really a lot sleeper for me too. So it takes the anxiety out just a little bit. So we're going to start with a very, very basic actu shoe size. We're going to sit over here. Alright. Your legs are going to dangle. All right. And we're going to put our hand right here.

We're just going to do some simple Comray silvers. So some simple side flections. All right. So if we look at Amy, we see that the ear, the shoulder, the ribbon hip is all lined up. You know with our senior crowd, lot of times their heads get so forward cause they've tightened up in their upper thoracic. So it's important that you bring that head back on top of the spine. All right, so we're gonna raise this arm right up to the ceiling. All right?

So usually I'm not going to see a beautiful balletic arm like that. So I'm to kind of make you raise your shoulder up to the ceiling, which is like so foreign for us cause we were ballet dancers at one time. All right. And we're going to take our inhale, we're going to exhale and we're just going to reach over. So we're looking for the hip to stay down on the carriage and then we're gonna bring it back up. So all I'm doing is taking their spine and taking a lateral flection.

I've taken the spring away and they're this working freely with the monkey bar here. The push through bar good. And we always want to see that this right hip stays rooted down and back up. Now a lot of times with our seniors, we see what happens. We see a lot of rotation. So I'm always talking about keeping their bodies in between a painted glass and front of painted glass in the back. So let's try it one more time.

So let's raise that hand up in the air. Big stretch those fingers right up there and we'd go up and over and we're looking for the ribs to open and to bring it back up so they get that stretch through the sides of their body. And let's try it one more time and go up and over. You Go. Good. And we bring it right back up. Now let's take this hand and this slated over to here and this bring this hand to right here, right? So it was a little bit of a stretch there, right? A little bit of rotation. His shoulders are down, so we're just going to do a little bit of a forward stretch here.

So we just get that upper thoracic and we're going to anchor that left hip right down on that carriage. And we go forward and we're pulling those dominoes up. Very good. And we bring it back up. Let's do one more and we go forward. Good. And we bring it back up. Now my client is able to, I have them take their hand and slide it over just a little bit more.

The eye focus is over here. We take our inhale and we ask them over and we're keeping this hip really rooted down and we're getting this lovely stretch through this portion of the back. You can back up. Good. And we go all over. Excellent. And back up. Let's do one more please. And we go over very good and we bring it right back up. All right, great. Let's try the other side, right?

So what scan we have Amy sitting upon the sharpest points of this sip phones we can find, you know, through through time and through age, you know, our clients start leaning forward. They're sitting on the hamstrings, they're their way forward of their Pawas. So getting this architecture back into its original place is so healthy for our seniors. Let's play say hand back on that bar. This hand goes up and we reach it right up to the ceiling. So we're getting this nice long stretch. Now when we take this side bend over, would I like to see my clients do is to think of these vertebrals over here doing some collection, you know, and back up as plottings teachers who are really good about getting this distraction up here. I think we need to take our focus down and we really feel that fluxion down here in the lower Lombard area and we'd go up and over and if we'll stop a moment in a good way to come out of a stretch is a stretch a little bit more and find that nice long path coming back. So this child again, excellent and we stretch out of a stretch and we bring it back up.

Very good. Now let's take that rotation again. So the rotation at the waist sit bones are down, eye level out, little shoulders are level and what does two forward fluxion here? And she's getting this lovely, lovely stretch through this portion of the back. We bring it back up in hell and we go XL. Good, nice. And we bring it back a and go press good and back up. Let's do one more please and go press. Perfect.

Good. And we bring it back up. Now let's slide this hand over again. Are I poke is goes out this way and we go forward and we stretch. Nice work. And we bring it back up and we inhale and exhale.

We go down and stretch. Good. And back up as you two more. Please. Inhale and exhale. We go down. Lovely. And we bring it right back up. And let's do one more and go down. Very nice. Very good. Good. And back up. Nice. All right, good. Now this, just go ahead in this face mean, let's put your feet flat here. Wait, so we're parallel. All right. And most of my clients can sit like that.

It's not the perfect alignment I want, but I'll deal with it. Again. My modification for this would be bending the knees so they can get up on the sharpest point of the sit bones are, maybe I would lift their pelvis up so they're a little bit higher of, you know, so they can get that nice alignment. We're going to do an insistent stretch here. So let's put our hands here and my hands are going to go in the middle. And all I want you to do is this, push the bar towards me.

We just do a gentle stretch. Good. And we bring it right back. Uh, and we inhale and we act a nice gentle stretch. I'm just gently pulling on the monkey bar here and she's filling in a nice stretch. So it needs pretty stretched out. Yeah, we could go further, but I won't. Yeah, and back up. Excellent. And go forward and stretch. Good. And we bring it back. Gotcha. Now I want you to raise the bar up to the ceiling, please. All right. And Bend your knees a little on this.

I'd like to give a little stretch upwards. So they're lifting out of those hips. All right. And we pull back down and they're getting a lovely stretch for this portion of the body. Good and back down and go. Now this is all done. If you've got a healthy client here, if I had somebody with shoulder cuff problems, I wouldn't be doing it. If I had somebody with Osteo, I certainly wouldn't be taking them into that much. Lexan.

Let's do one more and press and I just guide my hand helping that spine to really linkedin up. That feels delicious on there and back. Now she's going to bend her knees. All right, and we're going to just do another forward stretch and I just helped with the spine here and I miss guiding them, letting them stretch, talking about their day, bring it back up, lining that. I'll just do it one more time and we go forward. Good. And we stretch lengthening here. Good. And bring it back up. All right, very good.

So let's go ahead and turn around now and we're going to swing around and we're going to sit on this site with your feet down. All right, so perfect time for me to talk with my client. About their posture. So through their daily movement, we see a lot of people get so forward head, so forward how of alignment architecture is gone. So it's a great time for me to remind my client, you know, we want that head on top of this spine. We want the lovely shoulders out. Why they don't have to press them back. Just let them hang down.

We want scapulars that slide down the back and we want to find where we can sit on the sharpest point of those sit bones we can find. And what we're going to do is we're gonna take our hands and we're going to go to the inside of the bar out there and we're going to extend the hands out towards me and we're just getting to a simple pull the bar down where we keep the structure of the upper body down very good. And then back up and go down to good and back up and go. Three good and back. I'm just trying to move your arms and keep your body absolutely stabilize for perfect and almost feel like we were like bouncing a glass of champagne.

And that worked. Go five or go ahead and pull it back in. So she's using the arms and I love the sea. The arms come from here. All right, so your arms are extensions of your back. So we want to feel like we're filling this room up. I say that a lot, but that cue really works for me. My client usually understands that. So let's prepare our body with the inhale. A nice chance to lift up that spine and Xcel is pull the arms down softly and this bring the coils back together.

And we open the coils good and back together. And you as a teacher can be looking at the springs. Are they shaking around? What's the movement look like? What is the posture of my student? Let's do one more. Very good and pull it back in. Alright, great. So let's go ahead and step off the carriage. Now we're going to come over here. All right, now we're gonna do the same thing standing. All right.

So now I get to work with my client in a standing position. I've had them in a sitting position. Now we're gonna put them upright. We're going to take a look at legs, pelvis, torso, shoulders in the head position again, and do the same movement. So go ahead and grab that bar. Now on the outside, what I like to see is the thumb, the go round, right? And then I don't see any deviations of the rest here. Exactly.

We're standing parallel with the legs underneath our hips. So again, we've got this beautiful architecture of the body. We have the ear of the shoulder, mid rib, hip, everything like that. We see that strong line, that plumb line of our clients. Let's inhale, please, let's Axon on this. Push the bar down and bring it back up. Good. Now your clients, if they're, if they're that age, when they're going to get down to that far right and back up, and we're looking for the stabilization of the torso.

Good. And press. Excellent. Good. Let's do two more and press very good and progress. Excellent. And back up. All right, good. So let's go ahead and face the front here and you're going to put one hand on your hip and you're going to put one hand out. Let's step out just a little bit.

All right, so we're nice and tall in the body. Again, we have the head on top of the spine and we're in is going to do it with one arm now. All right, so we go pull down one very good and back up and go down to excellent. And back up we go. Three. Good. And back up. One more there and go for very good and back up. Let's try the other side. All right, so if we look at the back, we've got this beautiful back structure. We have a scepter sliding down, we have the lift up through this sparring. We have a publisher that is placed over the ankles correctly and we look at the feet, we see the toes are out, why?

And we can see that these are running right up the legs. These little Achilles will tell you a lot about your clients. Sometimes they're crooked, sometimes they're straight up this stick or inhale. Let's exhale on. Let's go down with that. We see the depression of that and back up and go to, so there's a little bit movement as scepter, not a lot. And go three.

Good. And let's do one more please and go for excellent and bring it back up. And we're going to sit on the table now and you're gonna put your feet up against the bar. All right, let me change this real quick. There you go. Thanks. All right, so we're going to do a simple roll down. All right, so I've gotten my client really warmed up thinking about the backs of the muscles, how the spine is nice and lined up.

Now we're going to take the spine and we're going to articulate it. We're going to roll down, so let's say cart in now. And during an exhale you're going to pull the pubic bone back and you're going to wall that spine down right in the legs. Go where they need to go there. And we're a little softly Lauren, back down. Perfect. And let this, that spring kind of pull those skips down.

Take your inhale here and that's exhale. Bring your head forward, pull the navel back and let's roll up and lets lets those bones come up one at a time. Bend those knees nice and tall. Let's try that again. Let's prepare a buddy with the inhale and exhale and we pull this way back. So the movement starts down here and we're giving that lovely flection. We come on, pull the Nia dominoes down and the shoulders go wide. Let's take one more ticket. Inhale and exhale.

Let's roll that spine backups slowly and we bend the knees to find the sharpest point of this sip bones. So we're gonna take another inhale and they just want you to push down a little bit. Ax help pull the pubic bone back and roll the spine down. Okay, now we're going to stay down there. Let your head come down. Great. So keeping your elbow straight. When I want you to do some shoulder rolls is pulling away up there and let's get those shoulders nice and open and go.

Three good. And we go four. Excellent. Let's reverse that and go the other way. One good. And we go to good and we go three good. And we go four. And as bring your head forward in this. Roll the spine back up. And we bend.

We sit on the nicest Sherbet, sit bones and we inhale again, Axa, we pull the pubic bone back, we roll the spine down, getting these vertebrals to come down here all the way through that spine. Your head down. Go ahead. Now we're going to pull the bar to our sternum with her elbows going out wide. So we go one good and we go to excellent. And we go three. Good. And we go for this.

Do one more musical elbows and we go five. Good. And You bring your head forward and you roll that spine back up. Very good. Alright and last roll down. I like to do with my clients as a single arm. So we're going to place your right hand into the middle of the bar.

You're going to place your left hand on your elbow joint, right? Sure. Like that. All right, so this hand here matches this bar. All right. So what we're challenging our client to do here is to still think about using both sides of the domino and both sides of the spine during the roll down in the rollback GAAP. So let's prepare our body with the inhale, lifting that spine up, and that's exhale. Let's pull that pubic bone back here and let's roll the spine down.

So kind of simple, coming down, not too much of a challenge I think we get into the challenge when we come back up is then how an exhale is bring your body forward, keeping everything level, keeping those shoulders out of that picture, and we roll back up. Very good and stretch. Just do it one more time. Inhale and exhale. We roll down to that spine. Bring those vertebrals down onto that table. Good. Excellent. Take your inhale and exhale. We roll the spine back up.

So the bone by bone curling up. Very good. And [inaudible] just try the other side please. So there's your hand, there it is, and the spring kind of in the center there so it doesn't twist it your risks. Prepare your body with the inhale please. Amy. Exhale, hollow out and rule that spine down. Touch those vertebral softly. Good. And we keep everything square. Now when we come back up, inhale and exhale. Bring your head forward.

The squareness, both sides of the back, the spine articulating again to inhale and go. Exhale, you will down to that spine slowly. Perfect. Nice. Take your inhale and exhale you roll back up. And let's do one more. Take your right and Ben. Take your inhale and exhale. Let's rule that spine down slowly. Bone by bone. Good.

And let's take your inhale and Exa and let's roll right back up. Very good. And stretch. Nice work. Good. Alright, so why don't you go ahead and just lay down on your back with your head right here. And we're going to bring this over. Alright, so bring your legs up through this strap, right? And we just kind of hook out, right? And we're just laying down nice and long, right? So we're just going to do with simple articulate your pelvis subs. So let's take our inhale and let's exhale this curl that puffs up slowly, bone by bone. Reach those legs out, widen the shoulders, soften that throat. Take your nether. Inhale, please soften. Exhale, roll back down through that spine. Good.

So this is a lovely chance for you to get your client to really think about articulation, really thinking of the bones moving by themself. We take our inhale again, we ask. So we reached the legs out and you'll notice that she's not pulling down on the strap. She's really trying to use the downloads, hamstrings in the articulation and we roll back down. Good. Let's try that one more time. So we take our in hell please. And we love the shoulder placement.

The shoulders are outside, they're not rounding forward. And we exhale, we curl the spine up. You take an inhale at the top of the movement and Axle, we soften and we roll the spine back out. And this lay there and relaxed me. Now my clients love this part. We kind of do a little shake for the sacred. You know that sick from is a really, really thick bone that the top part of the body rests down and it connects to the bottom part. Sacrum comes from the word sacred.

And what they used to believe was the sea sacrum is shaped like a vessel. It would carry your soul up to heaven when you die. So we'd say Grumman's sacred. Yeah, I have this a lady that comes to me and she teaches anthropology. Call and add me. So I get all these little tidbits of knowledge from her. All right, so let's try this one more time. So let's take our inhale and exhale.

Let's curl that pelvis up slowly reaching your legs out. Good. And let's take your inhale and exhale and let's roll the spine down. Good. Now Hole. We're going to take this jump way over and I want you to roll up that way. Roll up a little bit more of a challenge you have kind of feeling different in the spine, right? And I don't care about the pumps, you don't have to keep it.

Yeah. Good. So they of get a stretch out of this. Take your inhale again and exhale we roll up. Nice. Good. And then we roll that back down. Good. And let's take it over to me and we go roll up. Nice work.

Okay, go ahead. And we roll it back down and we inhale. We Act. So we roll the spine up. Yeah. And we roll it back down into the center. Alright, great. Good. Now hold.

All right, so we're centered again and I'm this lightening her getting her say creamery lags this nice relaxing moment for your client. All right, so now we're going to take our in how we're going to act. So we're going to roll the spine up slowly, bone by bone, the legs reach out. Nice. Link to that spine. Now hold there. All right, we're going to move this over. I want you to come down to vertebrals. Want to hold and we're going to swing over here. Come down to more. One, two, good. Swing over. Come down. Two more. One to swing over. Come down. Two more. One, two, let center. Let's come down. All right.

And let's go ahead and let's roll that spine up again. Slowly. Good. Excellent. Okay, now we're going to bring it over to me. Let's come down to vertebrals. One, two. Good and go two times. One, two over two. Me, two times please. One, two and center. And let's roll that spine back. Tap good. And I just finish off with again, the little s say crumb. Shake. I call it. All right, good.

Let's go ahead and step out of here. I'll get rid of this and I want you to sit on the tee Bible. Thesing the fronts. Now I love to work rotation with my clients. I think rotating is a great way to really think about stretching his spine and it gives them a lot of, you know, dynamics and movement quality that they can carry out through the day.

All right, so we're going to hold the ring. And the way I like to hold rings with my clients is we put elbow, thumb, elbow, thumb. Okay. So elbow, thumb and elbow. Thumb. And I'm gonna come to the behind you here. All right, so we have Amy sitting nice and tall again. She has the ring. She's this going to do a slight depression. That's it. That's all I want. Just a little bit. So they feel activity up here.

We're going to make a rotation of the spine with an n. How here? Good. And we ax help, we bring it back to center and we can release that ring for a moment. We compress it and we go rotation. Nice. Very good. And we bring it back to center. Good and relaxed. So remember a rotation is like a spiral. Yeah.

So we want that spine to spiral up to the silly, oh, there's a lovely energy coming up through the top of the head and back to center. Good. Ellie, go compress. Excellent. Very good. And back this center. Very nice. And bring it back. Good. Now from there, I like to take the ring and put her on the shoulder and we just do a few bicep curls there. So this simple bicep ones do for good and go to excellent. And go three good. And we'll [inaudible] go for in this.

Go ahead and try the other sides or it goes right and we go one good. And we go to nice and go. Three. Perfect. And one more for very good. And bring it back in. Okay. If you'll go ahead and stand over here now by the monkey bar. All right, so we're over here and again, I did not have this loaded with springs. I this, I really feel that it's a lot safer without a spring.

I'm dealing with a senior citizen. There could be hearing impairments, maybe they didn't wear their hearing aids that day. So I think it's safer for you, for me and for my client, right? So we're gonna put our hands on the bar. You can stand in a pair of low position, stand back, some parallel position. All right, so we have this lovely architecture of the body. Again, it's this so dynamic when we see our clients stand up nice and tall with everything in place that that spine is a beautiful instrument in the body. When we get everything lined up, we take our inhale now during your exhale, this do a little Chin and start rolling that spine for word re.

So we're articulating again for our client whether or not standing on their legs and bring your head up just a little bit and flatten your back out. If you can now plot really with your seniors, you're not going to get this big of a stretch. All right. We start with the tailbone coming on there and we roll that spine up and we walk that spine right up bone by bone, nice and tall to that standing position. Bring in head on top of that spine. Inhale, lift that body just a little without the shoulders and exhale, do that. Chin that and curl that spine for work in this table top position.

It's a great chance to talk to your client about this length here. Sometimes I just hold and I give this a little bit of a gentle pole. Can we pull the pubic bone back under and we roll that spine back up slowly? Let's do it one more time. We, you go in how axle we pull the abdominals down. We were out. We're stretching and I what? I love this movement too.

It's great movement here down in the hip. The hip really has to negotiate the movement correctly. It's a nice healthy moment for your client. We pull the pubic bone back, we roll that spine up slowly, bone by bone. Very good and stretch. Great. Now let's take both hands and one corner ones and let's just try a couple of that way, right? So a little bit more, a little bit of rotation here.

Again with fluxion and articulation, a nice thing. Take your inhale and exhale. Roll down. Yeah, just follow your hands. Yeah. Do you usually wear your eyesight? Your head goes, your body usually follows and we roll back up and let's do one more please. And we go reach it through. Okay, excellent. And we pull back up. Let's try the other side. Good. And we go roll it up.

Nice. And we roll it back, Huh? And we roll it down. Good. And we roll it back up very good. And bring it back in. All right, let's go ahead and face the front one. So go ahead and face the front. All right. And then we're going to put our hand right on the bar. All right, so now I have my clients standing up. All right. So I'm getting looking at that structure of the body, that beautiful architecture. We're going to do another site, Ben, and we're going to see if the client can really stand on the two legs without doing the things with the feet.

So the hand reaches up to the ceiling like you're trying to touch the top. We take our inhale, it's a lengthening of the body up and the exhale we go over. All right, and what I want to see is that they don't clap silver here and this side, right? That would be collapsing and we bring it back up. Publicists, nice and still steam right on top of those two legs. Inhale, exhale up in over. And there's a nice opening of the ribs here, so they're getting that lengthen and bring it back up. Let's try the other side please. Right? Again, another great opportunity to talk to your client about these bones.

Go over to just know all up here in the upper thoracic. Let's take inhale and exhale. Let's go over and stretch and good we can reach, we can stretch out of a stretch rye and we bring it back up. Trying to find a longer path for the body. And we inhale and we exhale, we go over good. And we take an inhale, a little bit of a stretch here and an XL and bring it back up. Very good. And back in. And let's go back to the chap table.

You all right with your legs there? Kay. Let's go. Let's go to all fours ones. All right. Exactly. So knees are underneath the hips and we're have this nice neutral spine. All right. And I think the trap table is a good place. Kind of do a few little map thing.

So we're just gonna to do opposite arm and leg reached here. All right, so we're going to take this arm out here and we're going to slide it forward with the fingers touching the back. All right, this is their fingertips. All right. And then we slide that back. So what I'm looking for is that they don't drop their shoulders, they slide it and they slide it back. This try the left arm. So you slide forward. Good. And you slide back. Let's do one more. You slide forward. Very good. Inside. Back.

Now slide your right leg back, you slide it back good. And then you slide it back in without moving that him and your other leg. You slide it back good. And you slide it back in. Perfect. Now let's stick your right hand and slide it four, four with your fingers touching and hold there. And then take your opposite leg and slide it back. Hold.

Now you're going to lift the leg in the hand up at the same time. So we go up and left. We find that balance there, right? We bring it back down together and we bring it back in without distorting that hip or distorting that shoulder. That was good. Let's try the other hand. So we go out first, shoulders, opposite leg goes out. Good. And we lifted up. Good. That's it. There you go. There is that neutral spine.

Everything's lined up in that nice texture of the spine there. We bring it back down. Very good. And you bring it back in. Excellent. Alright, go ahead and lay down on your back with your head right here. All right, and let's just finish off. I'll be nice and take my shoes off before I get up on a champ table. Yeah, I don't in Cleveland. Then I get yelled at it for all the time. All right, so let's do one exercise to get the articulation of the spine again. Right now I do this with some of my seniors that can handle it. You know, usually it's a healthy body that I can work with. There's not a lot of problems, and other than that, a lot of movement problems. All right, so bring your hands back to that and grab that. And let me have your feet here, right? So I'm holding the ankles. All right.

Amy's gonna roll the spine up slowly, bone by bone, and I'm this guiding here. She's going to take an inhale, the top of the movement and XL. She's going to roll the spine down and I just do a gentle pole, right? So I'm helping them to get that length in their spine. Inhale and exhale. We rule that spine up slowly. We take another inhale axa. We rule that spine down. It feels lovely. Yeah.

Now this will keep your clients coming back to you all the time, and they're going to want to do it every time after you introduce it to them. Good. Now let's hold this. Let's do a little rotation, a little stretch. I pull on the top leg a little bit harder, getting back up and back. Center in this rotation and back. Very good. In, back up. Okay. Now this is rural. Back Down to that spine. Slowly. Good.

Ben, your knees now and I just do a general stretch if their knees can handle that. Good. Go ahead and sit up. Nice and tall. [inaudible] the front. And thank you. So this is my senior workout. The trap table. Work out for Medicare. Medicaid. Yeah. A r. P. Thank you. Yeah.


Karin H
1 person likes this.
So charming!
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1 person likes this.
Such a nice work out!
2 people like this.
Your seniors must love you. . Love the sans springs workout.
2 people like this.
So fantastic for ALL....I wanna an anthropological anatomy class!!! Love the ring placement and love the sacral swing. Thank you thank you !
Hi Jennifer:
Thanks for watching. So happy you liked the class. I have some others on PA hope you will get a chance to watch those.
Thanks again
Hi Shelley:
I love working with my seniors. Thanks so much for watching.
1 person likes this.
This is very helpful to me Troy thank you- I have been struggling with ideas for my senior clients and this really helped! Liz Dell- Chicago
Hi Elizabeth:
So happy you enjoyed it!!
Great session for seniors Troy! I'm thinking helpful to some spry fifty somethings as well :)
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