Class #2431

Play with Spinal Curves

50 min - Class


Play with the curves of your spine in this Tower workout with Julie Driver. She focuses on moving the spine in all planes of movement so you can really mobilize it. She also adds in fun challenges like Kneeling Side Kick, Teaser, and much more!
What You'll Need: Tower

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Hi, I'm Julie. And today we're going to do a tower class. We are going to focus on moving the spine in all planes of movement. And we're going to have some fun. So this morning we're gonna start with some roll downs. No, we're not. We're going to start with chest expansion.

So if you come to kneel in front of your bar, and what I want you to do is I want you to not wrap your fingertips around the bottom. You'd have the heat of the hand on the bar and your fingertips are long. So your fingertips are he come forward a little bit more, Amy in line more with the upright. Okay? So we're going to inhale and press the bar down to the hip. And then as you exhale, control the bar up. Good. And again, as we inhale, we're going to pull the bar down an exile.

So now you've got the choreography, really start to think about what's happening in your body. We really need to make sure that you are open at the front of the hip so that as you pull the bar down, you almost need to think of pressing the hipbone forward slightly. We're going to do two more and ground down through the knees in order to lift up through the top of the hip and out through the crown of the head. Last one, breathing in and breathing out. We haven't added in the head. Turn with your Smith straight forward arm pool. So now from here we're going to sit down on the carriage and put your feet in line with the two uprights. We did do some rollbacks, so if you can have your heel against the actual operation of the tower and sit as neutrally as you can. So personally with the roll down, but I always prefer to have the hands round it, but I don't mind if you prefer using the heel of the hand.

That's absolutely fine. Do what you're comfortable with. We're going to do a sequential spinal movements, so rather than making a c curve, we're going to start from the base of the spine. You're going to inhale length and into your tall spine. And then as you exhale, start to tilt the pelvis back, unroll the spine, bringing the ball with you with control. Inhale. And then as you exhale, we're going to roll back up through the spine. So think of the arms almost as being extensions of the springs. So again, you're going to tell the pelvis and row control the spine to the mat.

Breathe in at the bottom. And as you breathe out, I'd like to roll back up with control. So almost allow the spring to help you protract the shoulders and curvy up the upper spine. So Amy, you've got beautiful Turner. I'd like you to try parallel please, because I just would cause I know it's harder for you. Pardon? Oh, I think it's an eyeball. I didn't know why. Okay, so we're going to nod the head and roll back up.

So this time we're gonna take the spine into extension. So we're just starting moving the spine through all the different planes of movement. So as you breathe and we're going to roll to the mat. Okay. Make sure you hit neutral spine before you start to. So as you exhale, I want you to think of sending your pelvis forward and the chest up towards the bar as you extend and then flatten out to neutral. You're like a race horse, you've gone.

I just wanted you to flatten to neutral and proper count. You two, you're like racehorse and as you've gone you're off. Okay, so find your neutral spine. So tilt your pelvis up a little bit more there. So now from here, now you've got your new shorts start to extend the spine. So you send the hips forward and you extend. So let the ribs lift you up. Good. Find the extension, but then flatten back out to neutral, not the head end roll-ups. So we're just starting to play those, not your head. We're just starting to play with the, the curves of the spine. Come back up, sit in neutral and then roll back down again.

Don't worry about keeping the toes on the bar of the tower or your Cadillac. If the feet need to come away, that's fine. So allow the feet to flex that so you keep grounding down to the heel, extend along the length of the spine, and then roll back up. And again, so you could almost think of the chest lifting to the bar, drawing you into extension, and then slide back out to neutral before you not the head end. Roll back up. There's going to be your last one.

Okay. From here, bring your feet together in the middle of the carriage. We're going to do two world bikes like this with the fit here. So we've lost the grounding with your feet. So you need to work a little bit harder through the legs. So as you exhale this time we're going to breathe out and roll back.

So you're gonna see it. But again, it's still a sequential movement. So you're gonna roll back, lengthen through the legs. You can be polasse stance parallel. I don't mind. And again, just talk a tell. When I do more, there we go. Not the head and roll back up. So a little bit more. What? Tuck the head in more unruly. Flex the spine.

Good one. More like this. Good, not the head. Really feel the opposition through the legs and through the back of the spine. Now sit to a neutral spine. Hold the bar. We're going to go for rolling. I could ball. So what I want you to do is to point your feet, draw your feet towards your bottom and start to curve the spine.

So you're holding onto the bar quite firmly. Now lift your heels. Trust me, lift your toes. Now find your balance point. And you're going to rock backwards and you're going to let the bar lift you up. There you go. And again, a No. So we're using the spring just as a little help in your Le System, just for you to find your c curve and your roll asset.

How's that Amy? Good. Hold your position. So simply the, the movement of the spine that's rocking and the bar is helping to bring you back up to more. You could always put a ball between the name of chest. If you're finding you're separating. Good. How's that last one? Good.

And then sit back up. Straighten the legs unlike them back up. Okay. We're gonna take the rollback bar off now and we're going to set with the push through bar. So if you take your roll down bar off, and I would suggest you use one red. Sorry. So now you're gonna Kneel in front of your boss when the bar is held parallel. I want it to be about Holmes with from the bar. So if you hold your ball, it's a horizontal outset now. Yeah, perfect hands nice and wide on the edge of the bar.

Sit on hold in a fist. So have the thumb outset right at the very edge. So we get come right to the very edges. Why did you can go? So we're going to think back to chest expansion. The first thing you're going to do is as you breathe in, you're going to push the ball down. Now I want you to think of your best cat. As you exhale, you're going to push the ball forward and sit back into a cat.

Now from here you're going to extend the spine. Along its length, the ball will move forward and you extend. Can you extend from here? Extend from here? Yeah, there you go. And then you flex as you pull the spine back and you come all the way up and again, push the ball down. So Amy to sit back and I don't go any further back. Go forward. So the bar goes forward and your spine goes backwards. Then you extend.

Can you extend through here? I mean she's going to curve and come back up and that's a technical term. Wow. Asset. So tries to think that you pushed the bar down like you did in chest expansion. Now as you curve your spine, the bone is going to go forward as much as your pelvis moves backwards.

That now extended along the length of the spine. Don't go lower. Extend. It's tempting to sink into your extension. You need to extend. Lift your chest boobs out, stick your button, your boobs out. There we go. And then flex back in. That's it. Press the hips forward. Good. What's going on over here? Last one.

So the bar goes forward. You go back equally that now from here, I want Amy not to go lower. I just want her to extend that. There you go. That's it. And then pull the spine back in. Good. Okay. I'm going to take our blue spring and you're going to put your blue spring on and take the red one off because we're going to start doing a one-armed work. Here we go. You got it.

So we're going to do the same idea, but this time you're going to add in a rotation. Okay. So we're mixing apos spinal pairings again. So you're going to press the bar down [inaudible] before. Now slide your left hand to the middle of the ball. Put your right arm around your waist. Sorry. From here, what's going to happen is you can do the same exercises before the Bible go forward. Your pelvis will go backwards, but now rather than extending, you're going to open your right arm out to the side.

You're gonna turn your head in the stick your butt out, put your arm, then you're going to bring your arm back, round your waist, bring the ball back up and roll back up. And again, push the ball down. Same as before, but with one arm on release your right arm. And then as the bar goes forward, you extend a little in the spine if you want to and then we're up the arm back round you uncommon. How's that feel? Yeah, two more. You can do the standing off the edge if the machine is what if you want. If you have a full sized catty or the space that's not really lengthen through here. That set good. One more. How's that? Feel? Good. Now come up and make sure you re stuck in between two.

Newt is really important. You align the spine in between. Otherwise we'll just get progressively wonkier. Not that I'm calling you one key. There we go. Sit back more as the ball goes forward. Now release your arm. Send the bar. Yeah. Beautiful. Really legs in the spine and then roll back up.

I'm pressing this forward. Restock to neutral and switch sides, so four on the side. Good on. Open the arm. I'm good. I'm through and again, sit back. Now release the arm and really lengthen. True here. Don't go lower. Go out with that. Yeah, that's it. So tempting to just sink and lean on the box. Find the opposition. You're pushing the boat away, not leaning. Last one.

How's the side? The other one I think I had again, push down, open the arm. Don't go any lower. Just start to twist. Open the arm, stick your boobs out. Stick your boobs out. Boobs out. There you go. I'm back in. Well done. Okay. How is that? So now we're going to turn solid wise. I'm going to leave the bar on the blue and we're going to do a side reach.

So your hand nearest to the bar is in the middle of the bar and I want you to just play around with the bar because what I want to happen is, is if you start with the on bed, when you push the arm down, your spine shouldn't have to move away from it. So you start relatively close to it. That's it. Maybe a little bit closer. There we go. Perfect. So again, focus on your starting position. There should be a straight line from the knee to the hip to the shoulders to the hip. Joint is open. You're going to breathe in and push the bar down and lift your other arm up.

Now as you breathe out, you're gonna take your side reach. Stay here, breathe in, open that rib cage. Then as you exhale, you're going to come back up. Free arm rolls down, our other arm bends, the ball comes back, and again, push the ball down. Side reach, stay there. Breathe into that rib. As you exhale, you're going to come back up two more. And again, we breathe in, we press the bar down, we grow taller. Just like chest expansion. You're going to go to the side.

Try not to turn the head. Stay looking forward. Breathe into the rib. That's forward. That's down. Okay. [inaudible] now we're going to take this into mealing sidekick. So what you need to do is you need to pass the ball down, go into your side, reach and find a balance point. So what I want you to do is not lean on the bar. You're actively working away from it. Stay here.

Now straighten that free leg outset. Let the leg hang from the hip socket. And as you inhale, we're going to sweep the leg forward. I'll get out your way. Don't worry an exhale. Pull it back. Good. Don't lean on the bar. Actively engage here. Lift, push there with that set. There you go. One more. Keep the Barstow, that's it.

And then put that knee down and length and back up. Great. Let's change sides. [inaudible] so side reach first, same partnering, same breaths and Choreography. Inhale, push the bar down, exhale to side reach. Inhale. Then as you exhale, come back up. Good.

And again in how pushes the bar down the exhale and again, lift off that bottle. Look straight ahead, that lovely burry then and then bereaved out to come back up to more that we'll find our sidekick. Kneeling. Good. Lovely. Okay, so now find your balance point. We could have gone to the rest state on the red spring, so if you're feeling really unbalanced, you can go back to your red spring. I'll just give you a little bit more support. Push the bar down, wrap the foam around it if you need to to give yourself some more support and side sideband. Find that balance point.

Then let the leg just lift off. And as you sweep it forward, keep your arm straight. Keep pushing the bar away there. Suit that like four. Keep pushing the bar away and bring it back to more. Yeah, there you go. Activate here. Push the bar away. Lift your spine away from the activity. Good. One more. Brilliant work and come back up. Well done. Great. How's that? Okay, so we're going to put the red back home for some reverse pusher and take away the blue. Yes. Sorry.

I should have said that. Take away the blue. If you're finding if the red will feel too strong for reverse, pushed it them to stay on a blue. Okay. So we're going to sit facing away from the tower and take the bar down with you as you go. So what we're going to do is we're going to have, um, Amy is going to do reverse pushed through and Candice is going to do straight forward push through. So we'll start with just the straight forward push through. So she's going to again think that chest expansion, I want her to keep her spine still as she pushes the bar down.

So we're doing a neutral spine version. She's going to push the button on, not the head, and press the buff. What does it just peeling away from a brick wall? Chronicle had gone forward and then she's going to come back up and I want her to refine neutral and bend the arms and push the bar up. Push through. So now over here we have [inaudible]. So from here, Amy, just like the river, the roll back that we did, she's going to reach her legs where she's going to start to posterity, tell her pals to the bone moves because the spine moves.

Then from here she's going to bring her spine forward. She's going to nod her head and let the ball come through it and lift her. Her head comes through to the knees again and she pushes through. So really be aware that the bar is moving because your spine is something more. Yeah. Now, not your head on come forward.

Let the spring left. You're try not to squeeze so much there. That's it. And one more like this and again, really articulate your spine. Move the pelvis around the five boat. There we go. And come back. That's your pushing with your arms now. So don't worry. It's tempting to push with the arms but don't let that happen. Lift. Good. Now she's going to sit back up to neutral and she's going to change her grip the other way round and again.

Yeah, yeah dude. This one where I'm, that's great. Yes. That not and again, lifting to the bar. Head down towards the knees for your k and then she's going to roll back. Now what I really want to make sure with Amy, she doesn't push the bar with her arm. She's going to roll.

That's your move your pelvis. Move your pelvis that now comfort any further than that, it's going to be from your arms. Okay, that's good. I've caught the ball. You can pass it. So when you're teaching this, if you have somebody who has delicate shoulders, you can have the hand on the ball. Not to pull them or push them, but just if anything, if they need to let go, they can safely. Now let the arms come through and up and then bring your spine forward and then oppress the bar down there and obviously change the spring if necessary.

And now I've got the ball you can let go cause that's the hardest part is letting go of the ball and your arms are behind you like that. Good. Terrific. Okay, now mermaid with rotation. Mm Mermaid. We're going to be mermaids. So I'm going to, I think I might change your spring actually. No. Yeah. Do you know mermaid with a rotation? Okay, let's do it. So you're going to sit sideways again, take the bar down with you.

And for this one I always like to click because I have, I'm a damage ne. I tend to zed sit. Okay. But it's up to you. If you're happier to have the like stuck, that's fine. Personally, I prefer this position. So think back to a moment ago and we had the bar and we did this as a similar idea. We're going to push the bar down, bring the bar, and we're going to have both hands. So you're gonna take the hands away from each other. Sorry.

Oh, slippery floor. Press the bar down. Have a really firm grip. Have the thumb around the bar. Bring your hand a little further forward so it's front onto the shoulder. Push the bar down. Now going to a side reach. Now hold the bar there, twist towards your bar. With that left hand on the bar, and slide your right hand away to the other end of the bar. Now stay here.

You're gonna bend the elbows to the bar. We'll come to your forehead. Now press the elbows away. Now this time you're going to come up. Come up into your rotation. That's it. So bend the arms. Push the gold away.

Now this time as you bend the arms, you're going to let the ball come through and you're going to come up and you're gonna push the bar up. There we go, Ben, the arms. Now tuck the head in and flex from your head as you push the bar down. Push the bar out. Inhale, bend your elbows. Don't let the head drop. Exhale, press the elbows away. Once most we do a little on pumps in between. Now this time we're going to bend the elbows and at the bar.

Come through and follow the spine up on up. Good. One more arm pump. Push the bar away. And the next time the bar comes through you're gonna follow it up. Push the bar up and relaxed. Let's turn my on. Let's do the other side. So be aware again that one side will be different. The other, take a moment to organize yourself before you start.

Okay, so have your hand again so the hand is forward of the actual shoulder blade. If you're right in line, you're going to start to get a bit of squishing around the shoulders even a little bit further forward. There we go. So begin by pressing the bar down and going into your side. Reach. Good. Now put the right hand on the bar. Twist towards the Bar, right hand on the bar. Take the left hand wider. Inhale to bend your elbows. Exhale to straighten your elbows. Now the next time you bend the bell, there'd be elbows in. The bar comes towards you, the bar comes through and we extend. Lift your chest up, lift your chest up. Good. Beautiful. Now pull the bar down, not the head and flex as you push the bar away. Good.

Don't go any lower in help. End the elbows. Exhale, push the bar away. Inhale, and then again, the ball is going gonna come through and you're going to extend. I'm just careful if the shoulders there. Beautiful. Now we're going to pull the bar down as the bar passes the head that has going to flex and push the ball through. There we go. Last one. No, I let the bar come through and up. Good. And relax and untwist yourself. Lovely.

Okay, so now the spine is nicely warmed up with a little bit of arm work as well. We're going to work the legs, so we're going to take the push through bar down and we're going to put the purple like spoons on. Okay, so we're going to lie on our backs head push through end and feet in the straps. We're gonna do some asymmetrical legs, spring work, and then some symmetrical and then some asymmetrical. Okay, so you're holding onto the tower. Take a moment just to just do a fro.

Just make sure that the wait for the spring. The setting is not too heavy. You want to make sure that when your legs are at their full stretch, you're able to remain in a neutral pelvis or they hip and you're not being pulled around. Can you straighten your arms more? What I want you to feel is straighten your arms and straighten your legs and imagine you are standing up. Flex the feet so it's like you're pushing the floor away with the feet and the ceiling away with the hands. Now, length from the head between the arms as well. Good. Now Bend into frog. Good. Just lift the chin. Good.

Always prioritize the spine, so just stay straight forward. Frog in and out in Highland to bend and exhaling to strike. Making sure that we're not sticking our chests out. Thank you. Now the next little bit of choreography, I want you to straighten both legs. You're going to keep your right leg still and you're gonna bend your left like in and out, four times one. So both legs are working, but just in different ways.

Two good three for now. The legs come back together and just two rebounds. Do F do one straight frog both legs together. Straighten the leg away. Now the left leg stays still on. You. Bend the right leg four times. I've got my thumb on Candice's heel just to give her a focal point. Good. Feel the weight fall through the back of the eyes so the neck is low.

We're not falling into fluxion good four than bend both legs in straighten both legs. Now this time you're gonna bend your right again. And now as you straighten your right leg, you're going to bend your left leg. So we are doing in and out. That's it. So here now the challenge is really on the pelvis to stay still. It's going to want to regal and wriggle. Really keep it still good. Lovely.

And again, keep the weight falling through the back of the eyes. Keep the spine still, pump the legs. Try not to wiggle, just split the happy last one's legs together. And now we're just going to do some rise and lower point the feet. Inhaling to lift on an exhaling to lower.

Okay. With the springs in her left. Now really work the back of the leg so she's got to really use her bum to pull the spring out. That's better. And then left. Stick your bottom out as you left. There you go. And again, there we go. So rather than thinking of the springs pulling down, reach them away on an arc. Yeah, there you go. Stick your butt out. Yeah.

Boobs and butt. Huh? Last one. Good. Now the next time we're going to pull the legs down. You're going to open them the width of the carriage and circle six circles in each direction. Let the legs draw together in between down and you can go high. I want you to think of what the distance you are going to for your eyes and low is the distance you're gonna describe now in your circle, the good six in each direction.

Good. Lovely, cool. Down and reach away. Good. And when you've done bend the knees and to frog. I'm relax. Good. Take yourself out of the springs and let's get rid of, excuse me, reaching over you. And we're going to put the push through Barbara.

Yeah, let's have a read. Okay. You're going to La. Actually, what I'd like you to do is to cross the spring [inaudible]. Yeah, because I want to give you a little bit more tension. Okay? So when you move the ball, you'll have a little bit more resistance. So you're gonna lie down and when you lie on your back, we're going to pull the bar to you and there should be a straight line from hand to shoulder. We're going to bend the knees, so we're like semi supine.

So we're going to do a little spine coe or bridge your legs, the hip with the part in parallel. So again, your left hip and your right hip, a level with each other. And then down to the pubic bone, we're going to start with an exercise that I call chicken wings. So as you inhale, you pull the bar to you and then as you exhale, you push the bar behind. You inhale to pull the ball back through. Exhale to straighten the arms. So really think of widening from the collarbone to the shoulder joint to the elbow before you push the bar away. Beautiful. And again, the weight is falling through the back of the eyeballs. Now hold the Busto. Now as you exhale, we're going to bridge.

So you're going to posteriorly tilt the spine and you going to lift your bottom off the mat, one bone at a time. That's it. Keep going. So again, use the back of the leg to lift. Lift a little higher. Now stay up. And as you breathe in, pull the ball to you. Keep the spine lifted and do your chicken wings movement. Push the bottle away. Now leave the bar behind you and roll your spine down away from your arms. So again, it's that idea that you're pushing the ceiling away as the spine moves, bring the arms back through and again, so we were on to spine co-first.

Keep the pelvis lifted, push the ball behind you. Just watch these knees, the training app. Roll the spine down. Think of rolling the spine down from between the ears all the way down. Hit neutral, acknowledge that you're in neutral, and then bring the arms through. Good. And again, so stay on the big toe joint. That's that spine first. That's it. So think of a spine like links of a chain. The only reason the one will lift is because the one below it has already moved that set. And then we'll roll back down.

Useful. That's it. Good. Ring the bell through. Hold the bus still and bring your feet and knees together. So this time the choreography we're going to add in a rotation of the spine.

We're going to do a hip roll. So this, as you breathe in, you pull the bar to you. Now as you breathe out, push the bar away and you're going to hit roll to your left. Keep the hips together and make sure you're using your center. Now inhale, bring the ball back, and as you breathe out completely our movement and bring the legs back to the stop position. Feet and knees together, come back completely neutral. That always come back neutral in between. Inhale, pull the ball to you. As you push the bar away, you rotate [inaudible] and pull the ball through.

Breathe out, bring the legs back. This is such a good one for getting control of the ribs. If you're a rib, stick around to like I am. Really helps. And again, inhale, pull the bathroom. Exhale. So if you're going to the left, the right hip lifts and carries you over. It's not the legs dragging. Good. Breathe in. Pull the ball back and now breathe out. Rolls back, relax, breathe. Please breathe. So we went to the left, first of all.

So our last one should be to the right. Heartset lovely. Okay, so the moment is come teaser. If you wish to go into teaser from Ben, Nathan, you can. Otherwise we're going to straighten the legs. [inaudible] okay, so heels together, toes apart. So that's your [inaudible] toes apart, toes apart. Hello, hello toes there.

So what I want you to think of is a moment ago you had your feet in those straps and how you were really reaching the legs away into the straps. I want you to refine that moment. Now you're going to inhale, pull the ball to you. Exhale, push the bar away behind you. So it's the same exercises before. Now push the bar away. You are at your longest. You push the bar away, your legs are straight. Feel that moment. Now breathe in. Bring the bar back through. As you exhale, you're going to straighten your arms and those legs, you're going to look at them and they're going to roll. Push the bar away.

Beautiful. Now as you inhale, what's your feet and lower down? Don't hang off the bop. Push it away. Roll down, Tuck your tail, went up. Beautiful. Push the bar away. Don't hang off that. And again, it's tow tempting to just hang. Actively push the bar away. Recreate this moment in the air. Bring the ball through. As you inhale, head nods. You see your feet, your feet, and your legs. Lift in line with your eyes. Beautiful.

Push the ball forward as you tuck the tail under and roll down. Yup. One more nice teases. Push the bar away. Find that length now as the bar comes through, not the head. See the feet. Push the bar up. Push it up. Good. That lovely. So this is why I crossed the bar. Otherwise, when you pushed the bar up, sometimes you run out of spring and you just, you can come down, come down. Especially if you've got a tall client or you're tall, you push the bar up and the spring goes dunk and you got nothing.

Let's do one more cause it's feeling good. Last one. Brilliant as it pushed that bar away on the left. Push the bar up. Now stay here. Bring your right arm off the bar. Stay there, take your left arm off the bar. So I narrow down short arms. Good and relax. Excellent.

[inaudible] roll over onto your side carefully because we're going to go for swamp. So I would uncross the spring. You don't want that much attention to this one. Okay. Okay. So again, you're gonna take the bar and we want the bar in between the two uprights. So that's it. And then you move away from the bar. Okay? So for this one, I would always have my thumbs around it. My kind of rule of thumb, no pun intended, pun intended, is that if you let go of the bar and it will come back and hit you in the face, that's when the fun should be underneath. Okay?

So make sure you're lying evenly in the bed. So Candace needs to move her butt to her, right? Slightly gone. We get over there, we go and relax the shoulders. So we're going to do a prep. First of all, you're going to exhale to lift the head off the mat asset. So you're in a neutral spine, slightly extended, and now as you breathe in, you're going to bend the arms.

So it's a similar moment to the one we were just doing. And as you exhale, you're gonna straighten the arms. Good. Inhale to bend the arm, send the elbows out. Imagine they're on pieces of string going to the edges of the room. That's better. Straighten the arms. One more. Inhale. And as you bend the elbow, send the elbows wide, push the ball away. Rest the head down. If this is enough, having the extension, doing the arm bends, you stick with this. If you wish to come higher, we're going to do the full swang. You can have the feet together like Amy has.

She's going to put my weight on this hip cause she's a little crooked. Or you can have the legs wider depending on your body. So the choreography, you're going to lift the head, come into extension and the ball will come through. Pass the head and you'll push the bar up into your swan. Now bend the elbows, pull the bar down, um, through, um, under and again, to lift the head. Start Bend. The elbows are now extended.

Push the ball through and I'll lift through here. Good. And then down. So when you're doing this or teaching it, just be really aware of the desire to roll from one side it before you start. Stay on this hip. You're twisting that really tempting to as you come up to favor one side that's better. Reach the legs away in opposition while it comes through.

And then you push it up there. Good. One more. And again, the head's going to lift your k. Don't be a hero. Just do the prep. Lift your head, lift the head, no, go by. Don't lift your head first. That sits. An extension has already started. There you go. There you go. If you leave the head hanging down, it's not particularly very pleasant.

That's the last one. And relax. So to come out of this, just carefully bend the knees and control the ball back out. You don't want the ball whacking you in the head. Okay, good. How's that? So now what I'd like you to do is to kneel again in front of your bar, just like we did for push through. I want you to push the bar down and I want you to lean away from the bar and take a little hinge to hold the bar horizontal and lean and now extend.

But don't press the hips forward. Extend your spine backwards. That good? So you can press your hips forward more and lift your chest three arms more high, you go, and then come back forward. And just do that twice more. Bring the to horizontal, put your thumbs underneath, give yourself a bit more grip. Lean back first of all, to a straight line, straight line, knee, hip, shoulder. Don't let the hips go forward any more than this.

Now lift your chest to the ceiling to extend this. There you go. That's it. And then back forward. And then what I want you to feel is that moment when you lean back and the arms are reaching forward and you're extending the spine away from the bar and the hips are remaining open. Lift this up. Boobs to the ceiling. Boobs up, boobs up, boobs up. There we go. And back forward. Good under arrest. Okay, so the next exercise I call lost in space. And so Amy is going to sit on her butt facing the end.

Okay? That way. Okay. And you're going to hold the bar in front of you. There we go. That's it. Now, what I want you to do is you're going to market, so you're going to just roll back to the point where your shoulder blades are just off the edge there. Yeah, yeah. Getting familiar now? Somewhat. Somewhat. Yeah. So now she's going to come up, push the bar up, come up, push the button. There we go. This is your start position. So we're starting to mix a full, the other exercises we've done, I want it to remember how it felt when her feet were in the straps because they're reaching forward. She's going to start to posteriorly tilt the pelvis and she brings the ball.

She's not leaning on it. She's actively pulling it forward. So now she's going to bend the elbows to her and as the bar comes through, she's going to extend. Yeah. So it feels like the hinge felt a moment because she's going to bend her elbows, the bubble Passover, her face. She's going to nod her head and push the bar up actively. Good. And again, reach the legs away.

She's in a tilt the pelvis backwards now already she's going to start to extend. Bend the elbows, press the ball route. Really push the bar away. Make that sit. Not the head bend the elbows. Sorry. That was the wrong queuing. I actually wanted you to hit your head on the ball and notice how I listen to you. But could you I was talking out my, yeah. Bad knee elbows pushing the bar to the window.

Now bend the elbows first then not the head. So you don't whack yourself on the head with the bar. Push the bar up. Unrest. Lofton space. What do you call it? I don't know if I've ever given it a name or had a name for it. That okay. Yeah. That's good. Thank you. Power Kate. Okay. Okay.

Have your socks. Got Grip on them? Yeah. Good. Okay. So you're gonna take the bar down and you're going to put your feet on the ball. So the bar before you lie down, you want the bar just in front of the vertical uprights because what you don't want is to push the ball through and you lose control of it. So from here, you're going to bend the knees, brewing the ball through, and straighten the legs. Push the bar up and bridge the spine up. Good. Now begin to roll the spine down and push the bar down and through.

Good. Now bring the arms over the head. Now bring the arms back forward. Straighten your legs, Candace. Straighten the legs. Now bring your arms through your like strikes. Bring the arms through, not the head, and roll up.

If you need to hold the bar for your client, don't push the ball further forward anymore. Can you get hold of the bar? Can you get hold of him? Can you hold the ball with your hands that are pushed the ball? Now what's happened is canvas has pushed the ball through the uprights. So what I needed to do is to just shuffle backwards. So the bar is this side of the uprights. Let's say the feet on the bar.

That's it. You got it. So I can, she's going to let go of the bar now with her hands and she's going to roll down. Good. As she lies down, she's going to bend her knees. Bring the ball through and this time we're going to add in a little bar kick. We're gonna press up now. She's going to keep her spine still push into the ball with her left foot to released her right leg off the bar. Put the right foot back down. I really appreciate that contact before she listed the other leg off. Good.

Put that like back on the bar. Now start to roll the spine down. There's a point where you need to bend the knees, pull the bar to you, and then push the bar away as you push the bar away. Take your arms over your head. Good. Now bring the arms forward, not the head and roll up. Good.

Hold a little monkey stretch. Check where your bar is. Make sure it hasn't gone through the upright. Then let go of the bar with the hands and roll back down. As you roll back down the arms come to the side, the knees bend. Push the bar up and bridge the spine up. Push the bar away from you.

More. Good now at least one leg, but the leg back. Release the other leg. Put the leg back and I start to roll down. Think of riding down from the back of your throat. Really articulate the spine down. Hit neutral. Bend the knees simultaneously. Push the ball through. Take the arms behind you.

Now bring the arms forward, not the head on the roll up. I got it. I got ya right there. Thank you. Now one more. We're going to roll down, but the ball come through. Push the bar up. Not really focused on your head.

Really pressed the bar away cause I can send songs at the bar is coming into you. Push the bar away there. Now you're going to release this leg and you're not going to move your pelvis there. Put that foot back down and I really appreciate this connection. And here can you feel you've just dropped this hip slightly. Lift your butt. We're going to do that again. One leg off. There you go. That's it. And then the other leg. There you go.

So try to be square in the pelvis as you can be and then roll down good arms over the head. He's the like straighten now for the last time you're gonna bring your arms forward. I got it. I gotcha. I gotcha. So you will need to spot your client for this one if they're a little stiff. There we go. You got it. I'm going to let go and have a little stretch. So the safest way to come out of this, I've got the bar for countless issue's going to just bend her knees, take one foot off, and then she could control it with her hands and bring it through. Good.

Okay. Let's put a push through balls down. How's that? And we're gonna put the roll down bar back home. So we're going to finish today's class with some work from the end of the Cadillac or your tower. We've got the roll down bar and we've sprung it. It should be shoulder height can be slightly higher if necessary. But really you don't want it too high because when you step forward into your lunge, the further forward you go, the more you're going to extend the springs, the heavier they'll. Okay, so we're holding the roll down bar.

We're going to the left foot. Step forward into a lunge, taking the bar with you now, square the pelvis off. And as you breathe in we're going to straighten the arms, lift your arms higher, Candace to your eyes that now as you exhale you're going to burn. And the elbows wide inhale to straighten. Exhale to bend to the work is really keeping that pelvis square cause you'll feel that you want to twist two more. Good. One more.

No, very carefully. As you bend the bar back to you. Step backwards, not whacking yourself in the face. Good. Take the time to align yourself here, back against the machine and then step forward with a right leg. So again, you're gonna Square yourself off. You might find one side is much more balanced than the other. Inhale. And use the exhale to straighten the arms. It makes you feel more stable or use the inhale. Good.

Think of sending the elbows wide rather than back. Go wide with your elbows. There we go. Good. One more. And then again, step back. So now we're going to go full roll down. So I would suggest you go and you have your feet parallel and hip with the part [inaudible]. We're going to make sure the hips are level is to west before we start so that we're in a neutral spy.

We're going to lift the bar up in line with your eyebrows. Really feel you're pressing the springs forward, but bringing your spine backwards, press your hips forward to a neutral spine, protects forward. And if to chest up boobs out, there we go. Lift the bar higher now. Main from your ankles, slightly four to feel that you pick up the loading of the spring. Keep uploading as you nod your head and you roll down. Taking the spring with you.

All right [inaudible] go as far as you feel comfortable and then start to roll back up. As you roll back up. You've got to keep pushing the springs away from you with eyes as they contract. They'll pull you back with like a catapult and again, make sure you come back neutrally in between. Reset. Press the ball forward, not the head and we're all good.

And again it goes far as you feel comfortable. And then as you roll back up, try not to let the springs compress you. Keep really lengthening into them. We're going to do one more to finish, not the head to really flex in between the shoulders and the more you push the ball down, the more you're going. Gonna lift your heart, your ribs. Good. Breathe in, and then carefully restart the spine. Bend the elbows. I'd come out from underneath your role to humble.

Good. Hi, feeling good. Thank you very much. Thank you.


Thank you very much Julie:)
Thank you Julie, Amy and Candice! Beautiful work
Lovely ❤️
Really nice!
Lidia W
So refreshing to see real people doing the workout. Julie is actually teaching with her students (real people) reacting in similar ways as our clients. So many videos are not informative enough: clients come in all shapes and sizes and with different understanding of our instructions which we take for granted.  Teaching Pilates teachers is so different to teaching real clients. Well done Julie.
Feeling so good in my spine! Thanks
Loved this class. Great cueing for feeling all of the movements.  So many ways to move and challenge the spine on the tower.  I especially loved the last standing spinal roll down.  I had never done it that way - before.  Thank you, Julie and PA!

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