So you'll begin by lying down on your backs just like you would on your mat. Get yourself organized, get centered, and just start to get into your body. Take a nice deep breath in. Lift your arms and exhale. Just kind of getting your mind wrapped back into your bodies and outside of the outside world. Get your thighs are up. Pulling those enables in and up. Two more.
Nice deep breath in and let your back's left, but then start to get that imprint. One more deep breath in. Long Breath out, Huh? All right, we'll begin. Bring your knees into your chest. Lift your heads, lift your legs, extend them out long. Still squeezing your bottoms. Begin your breathing. Long breath in.
Long breath out. Three four five Oh five 22 so you're counting inside
Lift your bottom. Set your heel. Okay, so now you're going to go into your rolling. Find your balance and take that off. We'll begin. Go back, calm and balance. Now go back a little bit further. Getting her bottoms up into the air, but not relying on to the next. Alright, nice and easy for what? Mark? Five. Rest your feet and lift your bottoms.
The stretch back. Lie Back Down. Say my like stretch was like is out. One isn't nice. Strong arms. Check your box, making sure you're squared off and begin to go. What? What to two, keep your gaze on your stomach and watch that. It's pulling in. Three, five, five, six, six AA. No arms or legs go out. So you should be familiar with these exercises so that your transitions are smooth and keep going. They keep flowing. Alright, far stretch.
Six [inaudible] seven on one. Like up right. You can always restaurant necks if they get tired, but keep the movement. Yeah, for the arms and legs. Five, five, six, six, seven. Starting to fail it. Hopefully rest your head. Hands back, legs up. All right, keep the zip in the leg. So the knees are straight. Six do I need to do eight seven and hey, Chris, cons to scoping, right?
Three and check that your knee right knee lines up with right hip, left knee, left hip, and you really get your shoulder off the mat. Okay, well set up. Go into your spine. Stretch should be pretty warmed up. Now take a nice deep breath in. Exhale, come on. Tall. So remember you're articulating to go down top of the spine to the back from the lower back to the neck.
Exhale up. Two more goal is to get the crown of your head on the Mat. Well more. Go ahead and give yourself an extra stretch by grabbing onto the back of your arches and said, all right. Then you want to just make sure you have some space behind you going into your open leg rockers so I move forward a little bit. Grab onto your ankles and you're going to take those legs up. Okay, beginning holding onto the back of the calves or their ankles. Heads down, go back and then you're in. Come up, find your balance.
Then lift your back rolling. Sit up tall. The higher you reach, the more concentrated. This gets to my mac top back top likes gloves. You walk down the leg suit now the like stay up going into your corkscrew circle center. Make these as big as you'd like. If you want to go into a Jackknife, you can or you can just keep them small. Just depends on what you're looking for today. One more side. Both hips stay very still and just sit up for yourself and your turn.
Reach for the toe so you turn stretch carefully. Your feet don't turn out and both hips stay still. We're going to flip over to our stomachs. Next guy here in your stomach together. [inaudible] Palm. So stomachs are up. Shoulders are open and down. Look right, massage the neck center.
Keep those navels up. Center Rod, come up onto your elbows. Squeeze your bottoms. Keep the neck long and kick. Don't let this happen so you're not collapsing. You want to keep those stomachs up. And this bottom of squeezing, one more man. Rise. It's back. Three kicks. Oh one, two, three. Drop your head, stretch and know quickly our strategy and stretching anywhere from two to three sets and sit back on your heels.
Lie back over onto your backs. It hip with part and flexed going into your neck pool. So beginning deep breath in. Exhale. First one's always the toughest. I guess you're just getting back into that. Exhale.
Tall energy out of the heels and Arctic to go down and now round down. Oh about five times. So as soon as you're at statue, try not to let those elbows come together very hard. I'm tall. Okay, let's lie on her side. I'm going to lie on my left side so that I start with my right leg.
Really doesn't matter as long as the knowing nothing's in your way. Okay. Lie Yourself up the back of your mat. Palm on the mat or take that leg up. Front kicks. Okay. Kick back too. So you're in kind of a v three keeping the lake level with your hip for [inaudible] five, six, seven and eight.
Thank you like that man. Pull in. [inaudible] so now the up and downs, two shoulders are open. Your chest three and you're squeezing your bottom, not your knees. Five about eight times six. Seven keeping the length of your reaching out as you come down.
And eight circles. Five times five reverse. Sorry. Fun and address going to our stomach. Chip for transition. Eat. I'm going to talk a palm on your hands. Legs are long. Can again meeting? One, two, six, seven, eight, 10 and quickly. 10 hands. One, two, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Over to the other leg, so you could just turn over. But for demonstration sake, I'll flip around.
Okay. So we're getting ourselves lined up again as quickly as possible so we stay warm. Okay. Take your leg up and again, kick, kick that one. Really solid upper body two, three, four. I try to keep your gaze forward. Oh, they're not kinking your next eight up and down and reach one and right out too. So make that left like longer than the right. Three lots of variations here.
You can always flex some point if you want six more about really strengthening those inner outer thighs and her bottom. That's it. Then of course, your powerhouse. Five, reverse your circle. So now we've circled and now we're reversing four, five, and Russell. Okay, let's go to our teasers. You lie on your back, whichever way you're facing doesn't matter. You should get yourself recentered. Okay? Take Amy arms behind you. If you're on the Cadillac, you just obviously have to know where your space is.
I didn't know that was there. Okay. So I'm gonna try to miss that as I come up and bring your knees into your chest. Alright, take plugs up. He'll take the legs down to a 45 degrees and peel off the mat to the dose. Reach up tall, try to keep your legs up and then lie back down.
Come back up, lift your back and come back down. Try to ignore this. And one more time. Do the tough dude ears. Really talk and rest. Alright. Sit Up for seal and let me actually just flip around so you don't see that big bulky thing. All right. And then heads down and began. One, two, three claps.
One, two, three, up. Three back. One, two, three, up. Let's do six. One, three. Staying grounded and scooped in. Sorry, three up and four, two, three, five. One more time. Sex, less your feet down. So the reason I started with a mat is so that when I get to the Cadillac, you're warmed up. And I didn't do a super advanced mat. Just something too that was more of an intermediate mat.
And just to get you really, like I said, warmed up. I'm going to do some leg springs. Yours should already be on your Cadillac ready to go. Some people might have fuzzies, um, different types of Cadillacs out of there. Your hooks might be over here as long as they're high enough that you get some tension on the springs, but not too much tension.
So you can put them on your feet holding onto
So now we're just kind of getting the feeling of the springs zipping up the legs and not letting this heel slide around and she pushed the legs out. So keep the heels glued. You're in a bloody stance. Turned out, and now let's hold it out there. Get a nice sense of that powerhouse. You don't want to be too high was legs nor too low that you lose your powerhouse, your backs. Come on. You want to keep those backs really solid. All right, so I want to start about right here for my back and we're going to go into some circles. Let's start with just a little boxes. You open about shoulder with the hip part. Begin to lower.
Use your bottoms, use your inner outer thighs, use that powerhouse. Bring the heels together at the same time. Lift up, lower together, lift. So get that control. Getting both heels to meet at the same time. The tendency is for one leg to come in before the other like that. Hopefully you could see that.
So now just kind of keep an eye on your feet and make sure they end up in the center each time and left. Let's reverse that down. Open up together. Every time you go down, you should feel an engagement happening inside of your powerhouse. So those roots pull deeper, your bottom squeeze a little bit harder and together, not the knees open lift together. People will power their knees and really not be working so much in their powerhouse.
So be careful and say one more time and to get that underneath for just a moment and we'll make them circles next. So now if your arms get tired, you can always put them down. Add them if you'd like. It's up to you. Usually we'll hold on, take legs out. All right, begin circle together. And these can be wider than the shoulders, but you don't want to see this happening. So it's about the back. Even though you're working your legs, it's about your powerhouse, keeping it very stable and getting both feet to come in at the same time. Teaching that cemetery in the body about five or six times and together, reverse it six times and one make sure you come in and hold and get that extra out to three. Also, be careful that you're not tensing by holding on so tightly that you begin to tense your next three, your gazes down towards your stomachs.
Four so your heads aren't, you're not crunching the next five and Walmart and six bend your knees, warming up the leg. Okay, let's take the legs back out. We're going to go into a walking exercise and that is what it's called, walking. Push lightly into the palm so the shoulders are down, those wings, Scapula and reps are together. Hips are down, so your bottoms not up. Anchored, right flat back, beginning little steps down for eight counts. One, two, four, five, six, seven, eight as low as you can, as long as you keep that flat back and then you'll work your way up. Right? Counseling two, four, five, six, seven, eight. Think of brushing the heels together as you go down softly, of course.
But you are trying to keep the feet fairly close. So you're working again in those inner thighs. Here we go. One, two, three. This is a great backstory. Clinics are size five, six, seven, eight, two, three, six, seven, eight and down. Two, three, six, seven, eight. So we've gotten faster. Five, six, seven, eight. One more time. One, two, three, six, seven, eight, up, two, three, six, seven, eight. Bend your knees and rest. Alright, we're gonna put the next exercise is called your beats. So legs out. A little bit. Tension on the straps. Springs. I want to get an anchored.
Both feet will open in your clap the heels together for eight counts. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Hold. Now you're gonna go a little bit lower. So you're testing that powerhouse, seeing if it's able to hold that. And now clap. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Hold. Remember, employees, we work from the hip to the top of the knee. So from the knee to the foot, they're not, you're, there should be no tension. So I don't want to see pointed toes, even though pretty, you're not really working in here then. All right, here we go. One, two, three, four, six, seven.
And you'll see the difference of you relaxed your toes and your knees and a little bit lower. So go to where you can control that back and clap. One, two, keeping your tailbone out long for six, seven, eight and hold just a hair lower. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Hold and lift a little bit more. So now working your way back up. One, two, three, four, six, seven, eight, a little bit higher. So these are great for any body, Eh, as long as you have good knees, you don't want to tense your knees, like I said, four, five, six, seven, eight and that you listen to your body. You don't go so low that you've lost that powerhouse. So really be conscious of what's happening in your back's two, three, five, six, seven, eight and Russ. So knees will come back. All right, so keeping the knees open.
We're gonna go into a bicycle. But first we're gonna do a little prep for that. So you're gonna take the left knee where you could start with your right. I'm going to drop it down and try to touch your heel on the mat. So here we go. Heel and knee goes down. I need a lift and come back up. Heel to heel. Watch that. You don't roll that, that office.
And he doesn't go anywhere to stay still top three. So really you're trying to work the outer thigh, inner thigh, bottom hip area for keeping that powerhouse solid so you're not arching five. So there's roots there together and six. So now I'm going to go a little bit quicker. Seven trying to stay warm.
So the goal is getting the heel to touch and not letting either hip move. So this hips hurt, rocking and rolling. You can feel one of my hips wanting to lift. I have to control it. This is all about the art of control. Four,
And then let's reverse that and skim the mat. Now you might not be able to go that low down here. Go to where you have that control that nothing arches in that spine.
Let's do one more down and hold and left. So now let's put that into your movement. Knees and feet together. This where it gets difficult to stay parallel with your feet together here in a drop the feet, keeping those knees together. Springs. We'll go to the outside of the knee. Slide your heels in, bring the knees in these sticky. Stay together and reach up lower and lift.
Try Not to let your heel shift. Really be conscious of that. Trying to keep them together. This is hard. Mine want to shift to especially my weaker side.
Stretch as far out as you can. Squeeze your bottoms one
Now immediately your backs will want to lift. Keep them down. Keep those belly buttons up are really flat. You're not popping them out to hold the back. You're scooping open the feet. That's count two. Count three is up for it together. Five is bed, six is down. So stretch one.
Open to lift together. Three touch, four. Spend five taps secs and two more out. One, open two up, three touch four. Then five tapped, six Walmart and one, two, three, four, five and six rivers up. One, two, three, down, four together, five. Then six up one. Oh Damn. Excuse me. Out to open. Three. Down, four together. Five and six. Two more. And one, two, three, four, five, six. This is a bit of coordination. So skip it. If it's too much, two down, three together, four then five and six.
We'll take these off and get rid of them. Now there's all sorts of things you can do on here, but I'm going to just demonstrate a few things today. Um, your trapeze bar. Do a few things on there that says that during the push through bar, I wouldn't take the red spray. You've got a garage, you just take the spring and you hook it. So you want to make sure it's secure. Then we're going to sit down and face, or excuse me, I'm gonna have you turn around to lie down underneath the bar. So I find it and I lie down. All right, let's, uh, you know, if you have a bad back, these aren't recommended. Um, unless you've had training and you know how to do this.
So because you have to be able to articulate your spine and if you have any kind of hernia or anything that discuss issues, you have to be conscious of that. Um, how far your body can go. So that being said, legs are long heels together and then they are, you want this bar above your collarbone because that way when the bar comes down and goes back, you've cleared your face. Also protect your neck. All right, so your chest is open powerhouses, sal, you're still wrapping the thighs. Then the elbows, this is a preparation exercise for your teaser. You're going to stretch back and right away your Rosa one pop up. So get that engagement again.
I've had a pull up and in wrapping the thighs still, so now your backs are really flat hopefully, and you're going to bend the elbows, keep them on the mat. Now again, the ribs will pop out, so pull them back in. Pull up your stomach. Don't let that bar just pop up. You have to protect your shoulders, not letting them roll and slide those wings down. Scapula wings up and bend that. Engage the powerhouse and stretch back. Now you can stretch as far as you want, as long as you keep that engagement.
Also teaches you some good cues for your roll-ups. How to get that engagement and stretch. So the equipment is really designed to help your mat better. So that's why we recommend taking private classes and that way. And you'll enable yourself to be able to do this on your own and stretch.
Now let's add to that. So now you've got the arms down, the powerhouse engage. You're going to straighten the arms and begin to articulate out. So curlier Chins, let the bar start to lift you pulling in so you don't pop up. Pull in and round off that mat. You sit up tall, but you don't want to arch the back.
So those ribs are together still. And then you're in a lie back down, not tensing the feet or the knees and stretch back and engage and stretch up and come on up. And now let's add the arms. So you're sitting tall, that lower back is lifted, the ribs hurt together and that pumped the arms and stretch up. This is a variation. You don't have to do the pump with the arms. If you have any shoulders issue, reach up and then control down, stretch back. So that's the arm or upper body portion. Now let's add the legs. You'll come up first year here, shoulders are down, cause you don't want to do this.
And then you're gonna add the legs and lift the back. And then let's melt down one vertebrae at a time. Everything goes together. Last thing down is your head. And then you stretch and pull up bed and stretch. And, and once again, everything comes up together and hold.
Let's add just the legs lower and left. One to stay tall. Three and come on down. So you should be getting a little more challenging. Stretch back and stretch up and articulate
So you're gonna come back up the mat, lift your legs, hold back, just stretch the legs up. Get the backup and stretch. So you took your arms back to stretch it and then you circle them. Okay, that's foot brown. You're pushed through holding onto the bar theatre, flexed against the Poles, and you're sitting tall to start. That's too much of a stretch. Just bend your knees, but keep your back lifted. Okay, you're getting round into your seeker.
You'll begin by rounding back who likes in the feed. So you've curled your hips, so you're going to articulate that spine again, lower to the top of the hips, almost still flexing the feet. Now you don't want to power with the arms. It's a powerhouse. So the, you should feel it here, not up here. So keep those neck soft. I'm not holding on really. It's just really deep scoop and stretch. Now you have to careful.
You do have someone have a grip so the bar doesn't get away from you, but you're not gripping it and careful coming back, this is where I want to pop up. You have to control that, but once again, articulating that spine, let the bar begin to come up. Last thing up is your head stacking one vertebra back on top of the other and tall. Now we'll go a little bit quicker and calm down and curl and stretch with control up. One more time and stretch. Really reach, lift your backs and rest. All right, I'm gonna take this off. Grab onto the bar, take your hook off. Careful of lowering it back down.
I'm going to get the trapeze. You should have this. If you have a Cadillac, take it down and it's just hooked on and then you want to get your roll back bar, which is this far. Okay, so you have any neck issues. I would skip this cause it's a little much for the next to take the bar, but it
You're flattening your back and you're going to just start with the arms. So this is a chest expansion line down and take a nice deep breath in and hold open up the chest. You hold that breath. One, two, three and exhale. So you are trying to get that bar pretty far down, which I didn't do right away. So here we go. Let's do that again. Do this about three times. Nice deep breath in. Lower the bar, open up your chest so the shoulders will want to rule forward whole long arms two, three and exhale.
Now let's do that again one more time. Nice deep breath in. Not letting your backs pop up. Those roots stay together. Chest opens, long, long arms hold two, three and exhale. All right, so that's the arms. It's really getting that chest to open and those shoulders in the back to work. They come down, they hold really getting that upper body, upper powerhouse strong. All right, so you're still holding on. Your necks are long and we're just going to go into the bottom hips.
So you know, peel off that mat, wrap the thighs, peel off the mat, one vertebrae at a time, come up into a plank. So now you're one solid plank. Next are still long and Chesler is still open. You hold that for three counts. One, two, three. Now you articulate, you don't just fall down, upper back ribs, middle back and really be conscious. Be Feeling where you are on the mat as you roll down that you haven't skipped one vertebra even especially that hip area. Lower back below the navel is where you want to be careful and yeah, getting strong and peel off the mat and come up and hold one, two, three. And now articulate upper back, middle back, lower back, tailbone.
I have scoliosis so I have to really be conscious of my weaker side. Well moving to fill it in cause it's easy for me to use my strong side one more time and come up and hold. One, two, three enrolled down right here, lasting down as a table and hold. All right, be careful as well. Not to lock the knees. You don't want to hold that in your knees. Now let's put it together. So the arms will come down. The will come up at the same time. And you're, it's a breathing exercise. You let me just demonstrate, you inhale and come up. You'll hold the breath for three counts, two, three.
And then you're articulating and coming down. Upper exhaling, lower middle rest. Alright, so begin. Here we go. Inhale, come up, open the chest and hold one long arms to try to touch your hips and squeeze your inner thighs three and exhale. Tell her all the way down. Careful not to hunch your shoulders when you come down. Let's do it again and inhale solid.
One long line with your back to three. And exhale, upper back, middle back, lower back, and Taylor. Let's do two more. Nice deep breath in and hold. One, two, three. Exhale.
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