Class #2612

Reformer and Tower Flow

45 min - Class


Focus on the quality of movement in this Reformer/Tower workout with Tash Barnard. She starts on the Tower, working on flexion and extension in the spine. She then moves onto the Reformer where she reminds you to stabilize before you move so you can stay in control of your body.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Tower

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May 17, 2016
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Welcome to polite is anytime I'm Tash Barna on and today we are going to do a reformer tower combo starting with a the push through bar top loaded with a medium spring. Thank you. Go. So to start with, I want you to goals to go into a kneeling position. We're going to do the cat stretch, needy, your elbows slightly been to this side, draw up into the adductors. So this is just your warmup. So take your breath, inhale, and as you thought the XL, extend your arms first. Then allow the spine to roll forward.

Exhaling articulating the spine and just elongate the spine here. Pause for the in-breath, engage those abdominals. Exhale, draw in deep as you allow your spine to move and stretch at the same time. Eye Line. Inhale and exhale, stretching the arms, lower the chin rolling. Now enjoy the movement. Allow your spine to street. Hit in line with your spine.

Inhale and then exhale, drawing in and rolling up one vertebrae at a time. Working through the spine, elbow sprain. We're going to do two more and we stretch the arms. Then the chin nods towards the chest. Exhale to roll forward down and through feeling the spine elongates, or just make sure this body is parallel to the floor and then excel, draw the abdominals and roll up.

Getting that beautiful stretch over the lumbar spine. Elongate through the spine, elbows to the side. One more ladies, and we extend the arms. Exhale, lower the chin left the abdominals rolling down and extend through. So just feel where your body is in space right now. You'll hit is in line with your spine. Your shoulders are drawing back. Inhale to prepay, and then exhale.

Use The abdominals and roll back up. Roll back up. We're going to incorporate an extension and affliction this time, so we're going to extend the arms down. Roll down. Exhale, rolling down from this stripe back. I want you to Perise down into the bar, extend your thoracic spine forward, and then initiate the movement with the abdominals as you XL roll back up into your kneeling position. Curling and curling and curling. Bending the elbows and the extend the thoracic spine at the top of the movement.

Yeah. Beautiful. Back to neutral. Extend the arms. Nice ladies. Xcel, lower the chin, roll the body down. So you come into that beautiful elongated, allow the spine straight, and then initiate with the abdominals and articulate back up. So we're going to incorporate that arch and call the extension and the friction this time challenging the body more by extending the rightly guard behind you. So we first roll down. Exhale, roll down, roll down. Okay, so this is a little bit tricky.

Extend your right leg out behind you. Extend the leg, extend the thoracic spine for me. Inhale, extend the spine. Draw the abdominals. Pull the knee into wards the cheese as you exhale. Cool into your kneeling position. So Roy loblolly roll-up roller.

Pull the knee towards the chest and Roya. So roll roll, pelvis forward and tool. And we extend in Hell. Back to neutral. Exhale, roll the body forward. The leg extends out behind you. Press down into the [inaudible], get the thoracic extension, pressing down thoracic extension. Lisa left the cheese, left the chase, left the chase, then draw the abdominals.

Paul the knee in drawing up, drawing her. Add into that the Rasik extension again, one more on this leg. And we roll down first with the spine, then the leg extends out behind you. Extend the back, enjoy this movement, enjoy the extinction. Then we exhale. Good. Roll back up, drawing up, drawing up, drawing the knee towards the chest. Bring the body upright, then into the extension.

Plus you'll write me down goals. Good. And we stretch the arms. Roll the body down. Exhale, rolling down into that elongated, fine. Find your balance. Extend the left leg out behind you. Then get that thoracic extension. And then exhale, draw the abdominals. Royalla. Sorry. Cola up all the way up, all the way up and extend the back and XL. Articulate the spine to roll down.

So I think the secret here is not to have the legs too close to each other in the setup. So if you need to make an adjustment, place the knee down. Move the leg out, Lucy. That's it. That's it. Yeah. And then we XL drew the abdominals and roll back up, curling pres down with the hands into the, to the ball. So the shoulders are away from the ears. So the knee is still applause.

One more. And we go. Exhale, lower the chin. Roll the buddy down. This is the last one. You reaching it out, extend your back, extend your leg, brace down into the body, the abdominals in and exhale to roll back up all the way. Roller Roller Roller. Finish the movement and place the knee down. Great. Lift the ball up for me and here we go. Into a supine position.

Ready for your pelvic skull. Okay. Make sure your shoulder shoulders are underneath the bar. Your knees are beans so that we have this nice 90 degree angle with the rest in line with the shoulder. The knees are one fist width or shoulder width apart and feel like you pulling the bar apart with your hands so your arms are straight. We'd take a debrief, inhale, and we XL draw the abdominals.

Go into that deep lumbar affliction and articulate your spine. Rolling the pelvis up towards the ceiling. Inhale at the top and exhale. Drool the abdominals and roll down. Great work. Yeah, beautiful. All the way back into your neutral pelvis. Inhale and exhale.

Draw the abdominals deep abdominal connection and that allows the spine to move. Bracing up in how at the top and excel to roll down, curling, curling, and curling. Be careful of the shoulders. Keep the elbow strike. Two more. Inhale and excelling. Gage the ta before you move. That is the golden rule. With everything we do, we always stabilize before we move in Hell, bracing into the hamstrings and exhale, draw the abdominals and roll down. Great work. We all do. One more. Inhale to the neutral and we excel.

Drool the abdominals and articulate the spine. Roiling up. Rolling up. Rolling. Upset. The top here, I want you to lift your right leg bent off the floor. We're going to do three pelvic calls with the right leg in the edge. Your Xcel roll down, curling, curling, finishing the movement. Pelvis to neutral straight. Keep the leg up and we do. Exhale.

Two more spinal articulations on the left foot. Bracing that left foot into the floor, feeling the hip exceeds his work and excel to roll down. Cool and cool and into the neutral. One more and exhale, draw the abdominals. Deep Lumbar fluxion as you roll up, roll up, keeping the pelvis and the hips square. Place the right foot on the floor.

Inhale, breath into the lift, right hamstring and lift the left leg up. Inhale, prepay and XL to roll down deep flection. Deep flection knee. Yes, beautiful. Two neutral. Inhale and exhale. Draw the ribs down. Abdominals deep into the spine. Inhale at the top. Great Pelvic stability. You guys and excel two roll down.

Rolling down the center of the spine. This is your last one. Inhale and exhale. Draw the abdominals. Deep muscular activation. Right at the top of the pelvic core. We place the foot down. Inhale, and this time we XL roll down through this fine deep abdominals. Beautiful Work, great in your neutral pelvis. Inhale, lift your right leg bent off the floor, keeping the legs at 90 degrees.

We inhale and bring the left leg up. Ready for your spine to a supine. You're going to add up the legs. Draw the adductors to gators, so we're going to on the embrace and move towards your right side. As you inhale, making sure your knees stay stacked on top of each other and on the Xcel. Draw the legs back to the center and we go in hell over. Lower their heels a little bit. They're lowly good. And then on the exhale, draw the legs back towards the same [inaudible].

And on the inhale I'm going to assist you here a little bit. Keeping that opposite shoulder blade on the floor and we drew exhale back to the same term and inhale over towards the left. Beautiful work you guys. And Excel we're going to do form over the leg extension. So we inhale, keep the knee stack together. On the exhale.

The top leg only reaches away in however to the side, Xcel stretch the lift leg away. Draw the legs back to the center and then inhale in the knees and we go over in hell. Continue the inhale, extend the leg, exhale back to the center and in helping two more you guys over to the side. Extend drawing up in the quadricep. Paul the leg back to the center and bend your knee. Last one. Inhale over shoulder stabilization.

Extend the top leg, reach the legs back to the same time. Bend your knees and we're going to hold it here. We're going to do the leg changes. Breathing in. Exhale, tap your right leg towards the floor. Inhale, change. Exhale, tap. So here I really want you to initiate the movement with your hip extensors. So let's see the back of the legs pressing down and I'm going to resist you.

Good lolly. And we do two more and one more. Bringing both knees up off the floor. Draw your adductors together. Be Active in your body. If I want to come and sit on your shins, you'll be able to hold me. Good. We're going to breathing single leg, stretch XL, right leg saints forward, keeping the hay down for today and then left leg stretches forward and I want you to breeze into the ball with your hand and we do one more they may come into at chase, lift XL, draw the chin to the chase and we do formal breeze forward to me. Three XL, two exhale.

One beam both knees. Inhale, lower the chest down. Last abdominal exercise. Yeah. Double leg stretch supine Xcel, priests both legs head out of you, greasing and inhale to beam. Initiate with the hamstrings and reach out if you guys are doing amazing. Three more initiate before we move and we do two more and Xcel drawer deep into the abdominals. Making sure the neck does not take strain. Xcel and bean this time lift the chest as you press the legs away.

Draw deep, draw deep, and just the knees been formal. Xcel Perise away reached to such me and being three more XL. Reach. Draw ta, drawer, ta and hold. Controlling that rectus abdominis with your ta and hold and being. And we do. One more. Xcel breeze. Hold one full love vendor.

Knees lower their head down. Great. I'll take the bar. Hug your knees into your chase, give yourself a nice little stretch thing. Great work you guys. From here, we're going to move into a footwork in a standing position facing the push through bar. So bring yourself up erect, standing on top of your bench, right at arm. Distance apart. So make sure these long arms slowly are straight and you pressing away. All right you guys. So just to get a feel for where the body is moving, we're just going to sit down into a squat. So in health to bend your knees, keeping your arms straight, initiate with the hip extensors and XL stretch up and we inhale.

Inhale, hold about tight and exhale up. Good work. Let's do three more here. Inhale and exhale. So we're looking at the alignment of the ankles, the lower leg, the upper lake, and brace up. Let's do one more and we're going to bend down and hold it solely from here. Just press more on the lateral, on the arthropod. Perfect, perfect.

And precise up right. So in the warmup we did the extension and the flection purely because in the footwork. Now single leg, we're going to add that. So stand on your left leg for me. Praise your rightly got behind you. Go into an extension of your thoracic spine and as you XL, draw your abs, draw your neat your chase and press the bar up towards the ceiling. Press the ball up. Angel Standing, leg Lucy, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang.

And we go again. Press the bar down, press the leg out behind you into the rassic extension, and then draw the abdominal sink of that catch straight shooter in the warmer, deep lumbar fluxion. And we extend out. Reach out back in hell. So not too high with the leg loss. Just yeah, it's more extension in the thoracic spine and the league moving. Draw the abdominals, pull the knee into wards your chase. Press the Bar, push the ball up. Whole the care. So take a moment in the banning of the knee that your head is not hanging.

The flection is happening in the lumbar spine. Then press the leg out behind you into the third extension. So the legacy, but yours, the rest. Expand your upper back. A six steaming and we excel. Drew in with the abdominals, curly Bristol, Bristol. And we'll do two more. Inhale, reach up, Elongate, Elongate, Elongate, and Xcel. Bend down, flex pressable. Bring the standing leg, bring the standing leg.

And one more. Inhale. And we're gonna add some pulses early, cause I know that these aren't working just yet. XL, draw in. Hold it in this flection position. Stay here. Establish a movement with a purpose, not only gimme slot, the rassic extension. Beautiful. Watch the trim, Pauline. So stay here. We're gonna pulse the leg down. We excel one x help to keeping the needs of the chase.

Three press down into the heel that you standing on four and five and we'll do eight, six and seven and pause. Bring the knee down. We got into abduction. Bring the bar down, lift your body up. Erect this time. So knee to knee and we go abduct and add Abdullah and [inaudible]. So the boss down and out and in, out formal out and input your toes. Three and two and one needs a knee. We go into hip extension and we breathe out.

Lift your chest and [inaudible] out. Quality of movement, quality of movement and keep. The body's still just the knee moving, formal bend and stretch and three more. That's it. And two more beautiful. And one more out whole left your body upright. Cross your right ankle across your left thigh.

Lift the arms and they sit back into the glute stretch for me. Hold it. The poorest the arms out for me. Loose and press out and hold. Hold it. One more break. Inhale. On the exhale, you're going to take your right leg out into a lunch.

Keep holding your bar in your lunch. Big lunch. Step right back. Lucy. Right back. That's it. Hold the chair. Good. That's it. One more break. On the next exhale, you're going to extend your front leg into a hamstring stretch.

Allow your body to come into a tabletop line. Beautiful work breathing. Don't let the neck hand drew other scapulas back and down. One more grace. So the [inaudible] bad news is that we have to do the other side.

But the good news is that we only have two lanes. Kay, are you ready? Take a deep breath and stay forward and right. Take a deep brace you guys. Okay, so step right back for me. The arms are elongated. The arms are straight. So lolly are we gonna do the other leg first? The Bain in stretches. Okay, so stay back for me. That's it. So the extension and the affliction.

So keep handier both feet on the floor for the preparation. So remember, our preparation is actually more important than the exercise itself. You need to set yourself up properly, I'm sorry. [inaudible] going to extend the left leg out behind you. Then extend the thoracic spine drawing deep into the abdominals.

Inhale, excel, draw call. Press the bar up, pull the knee towards the chest, pain the leg that you standing on and we go again in hell to extinct and excel. Draw call brace a beautiful and we've got six more in hell. Go a little bit further every time a little bit further and excel drawer road and inhale, pressing down on the extension and excel, pressing up on earth. Lekshun and in health for more recharge and excel drool. Krista, arms up and three no in inhale, extend and abdominals contract so much that it calls me in towards the chase.

And two more. Inhale, reach and enjoy the event. Guys, XL, Christa arms. And one more. Inhale, are you ready for those pulses? Let's do it. Exhale, bend the knee, reach the arms up and hold the chair. Pull your knee to your chase. Hold the cha breathing. Bring Body and mind together. We pulse down four, eight, and Saban and six and five.

Press into my hands for great work. Three, two, and one. Bring the knee in. Bring your body erect. Guys. Body is up and we go out and out and in island up, out. Don't kick the leg out. Keep it pained and for more. Thank you. Three and two and one. Bring the knee in and we go into the hip. Extension. Arms are down.

We go x thing and flex. Extend Bodies Upright. Always presenting yourself and formal. Just pulses here and being three more extinction and two good and one. Bring that lift leg up.

Stretch it over your side for your glued straight sitting back. This is your moment to be grateful for this body that can move. Take a deep breath, being aware of where your body is placed. Take a debrief in hell and then step the leg back and lunge it out. Isaac, Isaac, Isaac, Isaac. There we go. Good.

Hold it there. Enjoying the stretch in the hip flexor. Draw the pelvis towards their poster. It'll keep the rubs connected. All those things that we know. Take a deep breath. Inhale and on the exhale, step the back leg forward and we're going to do one roll down here. Take a deep breath. Inhale, press the arms down. Exhale, roll your body down. Exhale, exhale, exhale. Stay here, elongation. Take a moment, elongate the breathing and on the exhale, draw the abdominals and articulate your spine. Rolling up, rolling up, rolling up, finishing the movement, and just take the hands off the ball.

Great work you guys right there. From here on, we're moving onto the reformer. We are going to do have a medium spring, medium to light spring, so on this reformer we'll have one raid and you can have your headrest down. Ladies and lie in a supine position. We'll do this. Hey, face down. We're going to do an additional abdominal exercise first without the straps just to learn the sequence of the movement and then we'll add the straps right?

So in for me on the exhale, engage your abdominals, lift your right leg and your left leg. Paint off the ball on the in-breath. Extend your arms up to 90 degrees. Your palms are facing your knees, so inhale to prepay. Xcel, press into the hundreds. Position hundreds from here. Inhale, lift your arms up, press your arms into a t position. Xcel close. Draw your left, left your chest a little bit higher and bend your knees and come down.

So just to t okay, keep the arms up and we go. Exhale to hundreds. Lift the arms up to 90. Press through the sides, press into your sides, lift your chase and be journeys and lower down. Arms back to 90 degrees. We're going to do one more and we go. Exhale and lift the arms up.

Open. [inaudible] down parallel. Lift and hold and bend your knees and come back down. Right. Place your feet on the bar. And in this time we're going to take hold of your straps. So reach back, hold your straps in your hands, extend your arms up to 90 degrees. So remember the setup not to lie on top of the shoulder risk cause you need that space. So shift your body down an inch away from the shoulder. Wrist, hold it. I'm going to cue you through it. Okay, so first, make sure that you have good shoulders stability.

That is key that we have good shoulders stability to make sure our next opera takes that we breathe in, lift the right leg, then the left leg bent up of the floor in hell, and we go. Exhale to the hundreds. Press the legs way. Bring the arms up to 90 SLAs through the AE. Close the arms parallel left you chase a little bit higher and bend your knees and lower down and we go again. Exhale, bracing up. Left the arms. Slice through the AE, race into your sides. Lift your chest a little bit higher and we lower down. Can you guys do two more for me? And we go. Exhale to the hundreds.

Left the arms in line with the shoulder and give me precision of movement. Close the arm. Lift your chest a little bit high and deepen the goal and bend your knees and lower down. This is the last one you guys and we go X. Hel hundreds left the arms. Do 90 Barista arms do this. I draw in.

Increase the flection. Bend your knees and lower down. Place your feet down on the bar. Great work. How are the abs feeling? Okay, so here I'm going to just add the blue spring for this reformer. We're going into hip works. I'm going to ask you to press your legs away and again, make sure the way you get yourself into the equipment is safe and accurate.

Excellent. We're going to go into the hip abduction and we're going to start with the circles and the reverse circles for the hip work. So in health for the preparation XL, stretch your legs. Let's go into plantar friction here. Really working into the head actions. So other way laws that said go to 90 degrees to start.

Inhale and we praise down, exhale and we circle around and up and we repeat x held down, up and around and we do three more in this direction. Maintaining pelvic stability. Let's work together and we go. Exhale, circle around one moon and x held them, circle around, up together. We're going to reverse it and we add that and we extend and you flex up and add doc, not too wide. Maintain the pelvic stability. Are you guys done for a stretch?

Is that why the legs are going so wide and not now to more and exhale and, and one mole XL and left. Let's just finish the movement down at 45 or 60 degrees here. The next exercise we call close the legs for me please. The next exercise, Lucy, is so desperate for a stretch. Let's just go into adductor stretch. Just reached the legs out and just allow the adductors, district Ya Psycho brace you guys in hell and just ease out into the stretch. Two more breaths in Hell and excel.

So even in these quiet moments, we find a purpose in the movement. Take a deep breath. Inhale. I want you to bend your knees as you bring your legs back together. Excel, exchange your legs out. And we going into the Peter Pan or the bow and arrow. So the main focus here is to maintain your pelvic stability.

I want you to bend your right knee and extend the left leg out to the side. So there's tension on both straps on the XL. Brace into your right leg as you bring the legs back together. So throughout the exercise alternating. Inhale throughout the exercise, the straps stay connected and we inhale, pose, brace through the right hamstring and exhale parades and hold, play.

Show hands on your hips and make sure that is no shift in the powerless even if that means your movement becomes smaller and we go in hell to Bain, press through the right side. Exhale and we'll do two more. You guys. Inhale, staying in the midline of your body and XL. Perris. Push hauled and this is the last one and hell open and excel priests push and hold. Great work you guys. So Lorraine, on my left charm, uh, has a spa, a cervical spine injury, so we're not going to put too much pressure on her c spine today, so she's just going to modify the movement.

Okay. By doing her bottom lift or the here while Lucy goes into the long spine. So exhale, lower the legs down. Inhale, bring the legs to 90 as we excel. Articulate the spine, rolling up, racing high, abusing the abdominals in the hamstrings, brace, brace, sprays. Inhale, abductor legs familiars and then on the XL, articulate the spine roiling down without the carriage moon, without the carriage moving. Say you are stabilizing to the Max as the pelvis comes to the neutral, the legs to a semicircle around and together. Inhale and exhale. Lucy, articulate drawing.

Use the ABS. Use the ABS. Keep the carriage stores so you working the ABS, you work in the hamstrings. Exhale, Perissa, Perissa, Perissa, abductor legs. Inhale and excel. Articulate on. So it's so important. Again with the states up to make sure the legs come into the right position. So we're going to inhale two 90 here. Hold it. That's chief for praise. They regard. There we go. Keep the pelvis heavy to start with. Inhale.

Then think of your pelvic call as you use your lower abdominals. Yes, yes. There we go. Perissa Perissa, Perissa and Xcel. Ali Down. Yes, Lizzie. That's much better articulate down and down and down. And let's do one more. One more. Inhale, feel the heaviness of the pelvis. Then draw the deep, deep rectus abdominis is going to pull the pelvis in a posterior position as you excel and excel. Come on. Reach up. Use Your glutes and hamstrings. Yeah. Paraiso abductor legs. Inhale and in excel.

Articulate the spine. Roiling down. Good. Circle the legs around. Bring your legs together. It's like your feet one and one at a time. Out of the straps Lucy. And from here we're going to go into your upstream [inaudible]. So I want you to go to stand up. We're going to do the elephant.

So are we going to stay on one rate spring here, right? Make sure you keep your carriage at home. So I'm going to ask you guys to step down and we're just going to get into this exercise again from the beginning cause it's such an unsafe piece of equipment that we working on that we wanna make sure that we from the gate girl doing the right thing. So remember the carrot is unstable and it's unaligned spring. So take good caution when you step up facing your football one leg at a time. So just step up, baby.

Go pricing your heels up against the shoulder race, right? So your legs are in the perfect position. Take a deep breath. Inhale on the exhale. Just hinge at the hips, reach your arms forward and place your hands on the football. Great. So ideally we want this beautiful straight back. So Lorraine, you can bend your knees. That's great.

And just press your pelvis in her anterior direction for me. There we go. That is beautiful. The heat stays in line with the spine. Dig your heels down into the carriage. Let me see if you can lift your toes up off the floor. And on the inhale you're going to press the carriage out to the back. Inhale, inhale, Xcel, draw your abdominals and pull the carriage forward.

Drawing back into the scapular more in health Perissa and excel drew in. Keep that tailbone high, high, high, and two more. Inhale and exhale. Pull the carriage in. And two more in help. Raise away Perris away. And Xcel drool the carriage in. From here, I want you to lift your heels halfway up against the shoulder raced.

We moving into your long stretch, your long stretch. So from here, press the carriage away and bring your body into that length line. As you press away, stay here and we're going to move forward. Stay in the plank, reach, reach, reach, and embrace back. And we move forward. Formal racing off the arms and draw back.

And three more beautiful alignment. You guys. Beautiful stability and press back. And let's do two more reach, reach, and reach. Pressing those years back into the, into the shoulder, wrist, and one more breast. Forward this time with your shoulders over your wrists. Hold the chair. I want to challenge your stability.

I want you to keep your carriage absolutely by working on the shoulder stability and just point your right leg up off the carriage and hold it for five and four and three. The character's not allowed to move as you place the right foot down, reaching the left leg up. So stability, then movement. Reach four, five and four. Three breeze off the shoulders, loose, lace the foot down. Inhale and on the exhale, draw your abdominals. Bring the carriage back, reaching out, pull the carriage forward. Forward, forward. Place your hands towards your feet. Bring your feet flat on the on the carriage and Xcel roll up through your spine, rolling up, palms face each other, rolling up to stand tall. Great work. Coming to a kneeling position on the same spring tension. We're going to do the down stretch, so press your feet back, make sure the toes are tucked and the heels are pressing back your hands on the ball. And then we're going to press the hips forward. Left the sternum, lift the breastbone, and when you really wear XL, press the carriage back, maintaining the position of your spine. Praise, praise, praise.

And then we come forward. Inhale, reach. I feel like you pulling your skeleton up and out of your body and we go. Exhale to praise. Beautiful shoulders yet beautiful shoulders, Lucy and left up. Lift up, lift up and we do three more eggs. Hell, keeping the heat in line with the spine and pulling up.

Drew the abdominals. Feel that stretch to the front of the thighs and excel for racing, pressing, pressing and lifting up. Oh did they draw your abdominals? Feel like you're pulling out of your close out of your, your close and relax. Great work.

We are going to place all the springs on the GAM and we are going into the side overs on the short box. Okay. Okay. You guys grab the box. The football comes down. [inaudible] right, sitting on your left side with your right leg up. Yup.

Keep your elbows in your peripheral view. So Lucy, bring your elbow slightly forward. Draw your abdominals up. Keep both hips to face your friends. And as we inhale, we're gonna reach that lift elbow into wards in the put. As you elongate, Elongate, Elongate, and then excel drew into the obliques. Left, hover and hold. And we go again in hell to reach. Elongate, Elongate, and excel and brace your head back into your hands. And we go in him keeping those ribs and Austin connected and XL up in hole two more. And inhale, aim hill, aim hill and XL up and hole.

One more. Inhale, reach it, reach it out, reach it out. Can you go a little bit further and exhale up. Hover and whole. Bring your left elbow into the shoulder. Rest, stay there, please. Okay. Bring your left elbow into the shoulder. Raise.

Reach your arm over your head and enjoy the stretch. Inhale and exhale. Inhale head. Hold it there. One more breath. Inhale on the exhale. Bring your hand down onto the frame and push yourself up to swap over.

Great work you guys right until I saw the hands behind the head. Set yourself up. So Lucy, precious. Move up more. Hmm. There we go. Right. Elbows in your peripheral view. Sitting up nice and tall and we go. Inhale. Inhale. It's a long up and over movement. And then Xcel left up and post when you're over a little bit forward.

Good. And we go. Inhale over. Inhale over and exhale. Left formal. Can you sit taller? Goals? Yes. Thank you. In hell and XL. Engage. Left and home.

And in Halo River. And first the muscle connection, then the movement and inhale [inaudible] and it's [inaudible] sell one more after this. And Inhale, hold it. They hold it. They hold the day. Bring your elbow into the head race and then bring it right in lolly. So you raced it. Yeah.

Yeah. Take your hand down. Maybe go breathe in and out. And one more breath. Inhale. Bring your body down. Press yourself up all the way. Right? So for our back extension, we are going to do the rocking prep. On the long box.

So why don't you go see lie in a prone position. Hey Bet. Side legs extended to the back please. So correct work so you can just keep your hands down on the frame for a second. So Lucy, bring your hands back where they were. Hands under the shoulders, keeping the legs, that doctor. So we just got to do like a variation of the basic back extension to get our bodies ready for that rocking prep. Pressing down into the frame.

Elongate your spine and we praised through the elbows. As you reach up into this beautiful extended spine on the aches, lift your abdominals and resist the movement as your body lowers down. Great work you guys. Okay. And we're going to do two more like this and [inaudible] articulate through each vertebrae, each little vertebra and exhale, lower down. Good.

And one more in help. Reset into the extension. Bracing up, making a mental note of where your body's moving here cause that's what we were warming up for. And then Xcel come back just to parallel. Keep you back. Extensus active. Release your arms. Your back should not draw full down. Bend at the knee. Reach your hands to hold onto your ankles, beautiful work you goals. And this time we inhaled into the extension.

Bracing your legs away from you and love Jabs as you excel. Lower down. Good work you guys. We're going to do four more and we breathe in. Brace your hands into me, into me, into me and Xcel to lower down. It's still spinal articulation and we do three more in hell.

Pressing your feet into your hands and Xcel to lower down. Great work you goals. We're going to do two more and we inhale. Usual glutes, your hamstrings, press your legs are way off my hand, blindly off my hand and excel down. So one more and we inhale. Inhale, lift up. Can you give me a little bit more? This is your last exercise coming up a little bit more and XL, lower down. Release your legs, place your hands on the corner of the box, pull your knees in and set into your child's pose or your wrist position.

Just take a moment to extend your spine here. As we finish off the session, it's, I can a debrief inhale, and on the exhale, just relax your spine at your pelvis. Be Heavy. Two more inhales and exhale, and one more breath. Inhale, and on the exhale we can just roll up, make sure you don't tip off the back of your box and then steep down. And thank you for joining us today. Hope you enjoy the session and hope to see you soon.


I enjoyed much of the movement! Challenging, it brought full concentration to the movement. I felt the amount of talking that Tash used could have been minimized. However I did love her manual cueing! Nice work!
Tash Barnard
HI Debbie
Thank you so much for watching this class and the feedback is always welcome ! Eeeek - i will def work on my amount of talking : )
Have a happy week!
Thank you Tash:)
Elaine Clayton
Lovely session Tash! Your instruction and prompts really helped me to focus. I felt invigorated and balanced afterward. Thank you!!
1 person likes this.
Wonderful class !
I enjoyed the amount of talking and the cool leggings you ladies where wearing! Thank you!
Great class! Love your cueing. It also helped me to focus and concentrate on where the movement should be.
i love your work! thank you Tash
Ted C
Very nice class. Clear, good pace and challenging.
Katherine W
I thought your cueing was absolutely perfect.
Robin S
i personally only listen don't watch  and all of your cues where very helpful. thank you and this was challenging fun and varied. 
1-10 of 11

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