Class #2616

Body-Mind Celebration

45 min - Class


Bring the body and mind together in this Mat workout with Tash Barnard. She invites you to celebrate your body and it's ability to move in a pain-free environment. She includes many challenging movements like Lunges, Side Bends, Knee Stretches, and much more!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome back to is anytime today we're going to do a math class with my amazing friends and colleagues from South Africa. Please join us. Okay, you guys. So just take a debrief before we go and bring the body and mind together and just soak up this moment that we have to be grateful to move our bodies, um, in a pain free environment and as much as what the class is going to be intermediate, advanced level. I just want to ask you guys to be mindful. If you need to modify by shortening the lever or assist your head in affliction, please go ahead and be kind to your bodies. Okay. So we're going to start with a roll down.

As we bring the palms to face each other and we lengthen up through the spine, we take that deep lateral breath. Inhaling, start the XL by drawing your pelvic floor Ab draw your navel to your spine, draw the chin towards the chest and just rolling your body down and just check in with your body to see where you feel you might be a little bit stuck in your body. Inhale. And then as we exhale, we roll back up, drawing the abdominals, keeping your legs nice and parallel weight evenly on both feet in hell. We do two more and exhale. Draw the abdominals deep into the spine. Keep your palms facing each other so that your shoulders stay open and why in hell and Xcel draw the abdominals rolling up. Feel your back kicking in as you bring your head on top of your pelvis.

Your back and abdominals are working together. One more. Inhale and exhale. Lower the chin and roll your body forward. Reaching down. E elongate, Elongate, elongate. Inhale, and exhale. Lift the abdominals and we roll up. Your palms are facing each other.

You're going to stack your spine, one on top of each other, bringing your head on top of your pelvis. We're going to lift the right leg off the floor and hold the care for three breaths. Inhale and exhale. Standing Nice and strong here. So standing here with a purpose already so early on in the session. Inhale and exhale.

We're going to inhale on the next exhale. Step forward into a lunge for me and we go X. Health. Steve just hovering the back knee bent up off the floor. Inhale for two breaths and exhale, keeping the ribs connected. Inhale and on the next exhale we're going to stay back into that single leg stance. Boom, and we placed it down.

I have a side inhale and exhale, lifting the left leg up off the floor, keeping that side parallel to the floor, that 90 degree angle, two more. Inhale and exhale. XL, can you stand a little bit taller? Can you be more inside of your body? Inhale and on the XL we stay forward and lunch. Inhale and exhale, Ireland are policed. That's it.

Two inhales and exhale, getting ready for that. Stay back. Inhale and on the exile you saved. Felt that open your legs a little bit wider. Sometime you are just grateful for the range and sit down and we hold it here for four breaks this time. Inhaling and excel so the quads are active.

Can you activate your hamstrings and glute Max a little bit here for me. So feel that you engaging every muscle around your side and one more breath. Inhale and on the exhale, press your heels into the floor, standing up nice and tall and this time we roll down. Walk the feet in parallel. Inhale and exhale into your four point kneeling.

Roll down, roll down, finish the roll down. Walk your hands forward and just being your knees as you come down onto your hands and knees. Stack your joints on top of each other. Taking a moment, shoulder, wrist and shoulder, elbow and wrist in line with each other and maintaining the neutral spine. We're going to inhale on the exhale. Tuck your toes under. Hover your knees up off the floor. We hold the chair for three breaths. Inhale and exhale.

Keeping that head in line with your spine. Two more breaths. Inhale, pulling up the tricep to straighten that elbow. One more breath. Inhale, we're going to lift the hips. Keep the knees paint as you press through into that pipe, but keeping the nice paint, elongating your spine. Two briefs in hell and selves. H One more. Inhale and exhale. Come back onto your hovering the knees off the floor. Can you point your right-o off the floor without the pelvis shifting and place it down, bearing the left leg off the floor and play.

Sit Down in hell. Stretching our legs into your pipe, holding it here for two breaths. Inhale and exhale. Feeling that elongation in the spine, keeping the ribs connected. One more in. Rise up onto your toes.

Walk your feet forward towards your hands as we get ready to lie in a supine position, bending your knees, sitting down, and then assisting yourself with your hands behind your thighs. Just roll yourself down and I want to encourage you to already from the beginning of this session, the beginning of the pelvic call to make sure that you have enough space to move over your head and to your side so that you don't have to distract your own practice during the next part of the session. So reaching your arms down by your sides, keeping your eyes up towards the ceiling, making sure your knees are running parallel to each other. We start with the inhale and we start with the post [inaudible]. As you exhale, just maximizing your lumbar friction here in hell to your neutral and XL drawer, the abdominals, call, call and call, and in health.

Two more preps and excel. Draw your hab, Domino's, keeping the glutes and the hamstrings switched off for now and release one more and exhale. Exhale, exhale and inhale back to the neutral. Next time we roll up all the way and we excel, draw your abdominal, Steve. Keep your collarbones wide rolling up. Now you have to work into your hamstrings, into your glute Max as you reach the top of the bridge chair.

Inhale and exhale to roll down. Articulate the spine, enjoying that movement over the over the lumbar spine. Inhale again and exhale to tilt the pelvis rolling up, bracing the pelvis up towards the ceiling. Aim Hell and excel. Articulate, articulate all the way back to your neutral spine, into your neutral pelvis. Three more.

Inhale and XL. Give every little muscle fiber the opportunity to work to its Max as you lift the pelvis. Inhale and exhale to roll down, articulate, articulate, feeling the stretch and then release to the neutral, but staying active in your body. Two more. Inhale and exhale, rolling up per racing up, never getting tired of the pelvic call. Inhale and exhale to roll down t flection into that neutral. This is the last one we're going to inhale and exhale.

Draw your abdominals. Articulate your spine, rolling up, lifting up, holding a chair. We inhale and exhale to roll down all the way down to reach your arms up to 90 degrees. Extend your arms out in a t position. Inhale, lift your right leg paint off the floor. Then bring the left leg off the floor for your spine to a supine. Moving to your right side. We inhale into that rotation and on the exhale, draw your legs back to the center and Inhale Erv to the left side.

Keeping those hips together and exhale back to the center. This time we inhale to the right side, extinct both your legs out. Draw both legs back to the center. Then bend your knees and we go in. How over to the side. Reach your legs away. Keep those toes alive, Paul the legs back to the center and bend your knees.

We do fall more in hell and reach away. Dig deep into the abdominals, draw the legs back, back, back, and bend your knees and inhale over. Reach your legs away. Reaching that right leg away, Paul the legs, back to the same turf and being the knees. We do two more. Inhale over XL, Elyria Ching. Those legs go a little bit further. Paul, the legs back to the center and being Johnny's last one and inhale over and reach the legs away. Reach the legs away.

Draw the legs back to the center and bend your knees and hold the chair. Reach your arms back down by your sides. We're going to move into the leg changes. We inhale. Exhale, tap your right toe towards the floor. We inhaled and then we exhale. Switch the legs in, buddy. Inhale and exhale. Switch the legs, maintaining that pelvic stability and exhale so your deep abdominals are working harder than what you think. Use your breathe and connect a little bit deeper into your abs.

We do four more with the heel. Tap tapping this time and three more with the heel tapping this time. Xcel. Two more. Exhale. One more and bring the legs up. Place your right foot down, place your left foot down.

Circle your arms around. Interlace hands behind your head, bringing your all goes in your peripheral view. In healthful the chase lift. Exhale, lift the chin, the Inter Chase and left up in hell to pause and excel to lower down and we inhale and we excel. Lifting the chest, curling up, using your abdominal support, your chase more forward and excel to lower down. We'll do three more. Then we're going to add on and Xcel. Draw the chin to the chase, the chase to the thighs.

Co Co cool in hold and excel to lower down. Two more. Inhale and exhale. Lifting the chase, curling up, curling up. Use your breath to connect deeper into the core. Inhale and exhale to lower down.

And one more. You guys inhale and exhale, but we're going to pass it up a little bit. Are you ready? Reach the arms and hold onto the back of your thighs. Walk your fingertips a little bit higher. You're not gonna love me, but I promise you it's good for you. Reach arms up towards the ceiling. We pulse up 14 little pulses and nine it's more of a internal feeling than what it is. A movement and six XL five your eyes are [inaudible].

Three Su, one and a hole that place your hands behind your head and lower down. Taking a breath. Exhale, draw the Chin in. Reach your hands and hold on. Walk yourself up, up, up, up. Maintaining that neutral pelvis. Reach arms up. We pulse. Four nine XL one XLT, XL three XL four if the naked staking strain please Marty Farber holding onto the back of the neck. Three more su one.

Place their hands behind their head and lower down. You know where we going? Inhale and exhale. Draw the chin, curling up, curling up, curling up. Circle and hold onto the legs. Walk the fingertips. Established the position here. Then challenge the abdominals by taking the arms up over their head. Interlacing their hands.

Let's go for eight and we go eight and seven. Six, three c one pause and lower down. We'll do two more sates guys. Inhale and exhale. Draw the chin. Call the chase. Call the chase who reached the arms and Ho bringing the body forward.

Forward, forward, forward, forward. Reach the arms up. Keep your arms up, all modify. Here we go, four, seven XL, exhale and five and four and three, two, one and lower down. One last side. Inhale. Then we halfway exhale, lift the chest up. And of course I wanna maintain the friendships. That's what we're going to stop today, Coco, Coco, Coco. But if you're doing this at home or in your studio, you can go all the way down to one.

We did six spouse's here and we go six and five and four. Hi, well one and lower down. Bring your arms down by your side. Slide your left leg along the floor. Bend your right leg to 90 degrees and excel exchanger leg up. And Dorsey flex that ankle, bringing the leg across the body.

We inhale and shh and we inhale and Xcel getting the done NAMIC of the movement. Inhale and XL one more seat and inhale and boom. Hold the toe. We reverse. Inhale and exhale. Give me a little hovering home. Boom and XL. Two more seats.

Inhale and exhale. This is the last one and hopefully your pelvis is nice and stable. Keep it here. Point your toe. Reach your leg all the way. He blinked the length and end. Lengthen Bain, your left knee. Maintaining that pelvic stability.

Reach the leg up and Dorsey flex that ankle. Pricing the ceiling. Away we go. Cross the body. We inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and two more seats and XL and one more and excel hole and rivers. Inhale, anchoring that right hip down. Exhale, feel the obliques work an excel one was it. Inhale and excel. Hold. Point your toe.

Reach your leg away and reach your arms back over your head. Reaching all the way back, keeping your arms up in line with your shoulders. Beautiful work you guys with your palms facing in. Do the roll up. We lift your arms up towards the ceiling. Draw your chin towards your chest and XL.

Roll your body up into that seated c curve position. Inhale to pause and exhale. Roll down, roll down arms by your thighs. Then the arms come up in the head in the chase, lowers down and we lift up in Hell and excel. Use The abdominals rolling up, keeping your arms parallel to the floor. Draw your abs in circle. You can go into deeper lumbar flection and we excel. Roll down, draw the abdominals external rotation in our shoulders.

Arms down, down, down, down, down, down, then up and over to or you guys and in hell to lifter and Xcel to Rola. Great work. Left up and over. Be Aware of where your head is. Don't let your neck hang down in hell and we XL to roll down, roll down, roll down Brina, arms down. Take the arms up and over their head. We do. One more. Inhale up. Exhale, lifting up and over, holding a chest. So all those being active in your body, not sitting but being active. Breathing in for the riding. Luck a ball.

Exhale. Draw your heels up towards your glutes. Place your hands on the lower part of your passion and hobby your feet up off the floor, keeping your focus. We're going to inhale, roll back, left your hips. Xcel hover and hold and we inhale. Roll XL hovering. Hold four models, left your hips.

Xcel hover and hold elbows out to the sides. Remove and up and off. And two more. Finding your stillness within the movement here. And this is the last one. We inhale and Xcel. Hover and hold hovering. Hold.

Bringing your shins parallel to the floor. Reach your arms down to the sides of the legs. Alternatively, you can hold onto the back of the legs. We're going to roll down in help repair and XL roll down all the way. Control the movement. Use Your abdominals. Control, control, control. Place your hands on top of your knees. We're going to do a variation of the double x street.

As you lower your head down. We inhale. Exhale, lift your Chin and chased into the hundreds. Boom. On the inhale, lift your arms and circle your arms around excel. Lift your chest and inhale lower down giving the Neko break XL. Lift to chase stuff.

Inhale arms up and around. Xcel left in hell to lover down three more and x hell up. So if the naked, pain-free, the arm circle right back like the double leg street XL, increase the call and inhale to lower down two more and exhale to lift, pressing away with the extensors. Lift your arm circle. Maintain that isometric contraction in the abdominals. Lift and hold and lower down.

One more add. Inhale. Exhale. Two. Inhale up in a round circle. Deepen the curve and lower the head down being your knees and just turn your head from side to side. Release any tension in the neck. We're going to move into the single leg street and alternatively keep the hands behind their head. If your neck is taken straight, we're going to inhale. Exhale, lift your chin to your chase and your chest, your size.

We're going to interlace the hands behind the head. If the naked pain-free, bring the arms into a t position here so it's just an extension of the elbow. Inhale and we single leg stretch. Exhale, right leg forward and change. Lift, leg forward. Nice work and XL formal. Exhale, three per racing where the hip extensors two and one whole they'd rotate towards your bent knee guys, and we change over XL in Helen. Exhale and formal. You guys are doing great. Xcel.

The rotation is coming from the waist XL two. Exhale, come into the center of your chest a little bit higher and lower their head down. Slide your right leg along the floor. Slide your left leg along the floor. We're going to do one roll up to come into a seated position. So we inhale, lift the arms, the chin in the chase, and we excel. Row Up all the way. A variation of the rolling, lockable. Draw your heels into wards your glutes. We're going to roll over.

We are going to tap the toes to the floor and we're going to come up into this hovering position and we go inhale, roll up, tap the toes, bend your knees, roll up and hover and again, roll up over it. Tete bend your knees and, and again, row over. Tip, bend your knees and Hover. And three more. Roll over. Tip, bend your knees and Hover. Two more and Fuad. And the next one we're going to roll over.

We're going to come up into the opening rocket position and a raw arrive. Arrive. We're going to rock back. Hey, inhale, lift the hips and Xcel so late. Your spine allow you to stabilize in Hell and excel. Eye Line, eyeline, eye line and in hell. Back. Okay.

And Excel. Keeping the arm straight throughout the movement. Let's see. Three more and in hell. Roll and excel. Food. Use your back. Hell yes. Feel the backward cat. [inaudible] and we roll back and we roll forward.

Boom. All the muscles active. Yes. Lucy. One more. Inhale. [inaudible] hold it. Hold it. Hold that. You guys are looking great. Bring the legs together. We are going to read it.

We're going to take the arms away and just hold it for five counts and we go four, five, five, arms forward, four and three and smile and two and one. Bend your knees. Stretch your legs are for your spine. Straight. Sitting up nice and tall. Reach your arms over your thighs, pull your knees up. Dorsiflex your ankles. We breathe in and we XL roll the body forward. Up and over. Roll the body forward in help pose and excel.

Articulate and roll up. Roll up, roll up. Inhale and exhale to roll down deep abdominals, keeping your head in line with your spine. Inhale and Xcel up, Dan, up and in. How are we going to add the extension? We exhale to roll forward. Roll forward on the inhale. Extend from the lower back, reaching your arms out, reaching your spine forward.

Then we lower down and we call back up and stack the spine. Stack the spine, stack the spine. Two more. Inhale and exhale to row, row and role in how they extend your spine. If you think you they go a little bit more. Shoulders down and and forward and roll back up.

Last one. Inhale and exhale to roll up and over. Inhale, extend, reaching. Hold it. Yeah, you're going to rotate towards your right side. Rotate, keeping the pelvis still pulse the arms back for six. Exhale five XL four drop the knees and drop the ABS. Last one into the center and right take to the other side and fold. Fix XL. Five being the knees.

If you have to modify three excel, two x, sell one holed into the same day. Give me a little bit more the core of the spine and lean forward, down, roll-up. Stay active. Reach your arms up in line with your head. Draw your legs together using your add drs into the twist towards me and we go to the right. Sorry too. Right side we go. Exhale. Exhale, inhale and exhale. Exhale. Keeping your chin parallel with flow.

You want to see if there's any dolphins in the ocean, so sit tall and taller and taller and we do formal and reach and reach and center. Staying on that longer. Tutor, no xes and two and one more. And hold it. Reach your arms into a t and just hold the chair. Come on. Want you to feel your backs work. Place your spine into your skin and your skin into your, your waist, into your top. Hold it, hold it, hold it, and lower down. Great job. Roll onto your right side for me. Onto your right elbow. We're going to do your side lift. Excuse me.

We're going to do a side vein. So s stack your top leg in front of the bottom leg. So, um, you want to be nice and active in your [inaudible]. Do you remember we not slapped chips. We not sloppy French fries. We are crispy French fries and we go inhale, lift your body up on the XL. Bruce your hips up and bend over to the side side.

Paid guys. Okay in hell. T o t and we'll twist in a moment please just for you. Lower down and we go in Howler, F and Xcel side Bend, lift your hips, lift your hips, looking down towards your elbow in how to your t and Harvard down last one. And we inhale lift and excel. Brace your hips, high brace your hips. Inhale to your t and hover your hips down with control.

Always with control. Low lying in your prime position. We are going to do your breaststroke on the mat, so bring your fingertips in line with your team pose. Draw your navel to your spine to protect that lower back. Keep the tip of the nose on the floor. We are going to inhale, hover your head and chased up off the floor as well as your arms, the arm. Reach your arms forward into a Hy-Vee position.

Circle your arms around so that your pinky fingers touch your floor and touch your glutes and then circle the lower arm as you come down and we go in hell. Reach up like you diving up and over. Circle the arms. Increase extension of your spine and lower down all the way we did. Two more. Inhale and extend and circles.

Circle and lower down and we do one more. Inhale, extend, reach and circle up and around and lower down. All the way. Rolling onto your left side. Okay, top like in front of the bottom leg. Again, make sure already from the beginning of the exercise you are active and in control of your body. Let's go. Inhale, lift the hips, XL brace up and over. Inhale to your t and excel.

Have a dow and in health three Mo and Xcel over turning the head down in hell to the t and hover. Hover, hover. Two more left up and herb reach. Lift the hips in healthy and hover down. This is the last one. Make it your base run. Inhale and excel over in healthy and hover the hips all the way down.

Good stuff you guys. Let's have your on your hands and knees ready for your leg. Pull front variation [inaudible] so come right to the front of your mat so that Jeff Spicy especially you goes with your long legs so that your feet stay on the floor. As we breathe in. Exhale, extend the right leg and press it down. Actively breathing. Bring that second leg and hold. We're going to point your rights are up off the floor and we're going to brace up into your pike.

Lift up and hold and forward and hover and excel. Lift up and hold and forward and harbor two more and lift up and hold. Reach, reach, reach and forward and hold. And the next one, lift up and hold and we're going to move into a straight, but hold it there for a second. As you step your leg right forward in between your hands. Good. And we hold a chair. Taking a breath. Inhale, exhale.

Keep your side parallel to the floor. Bring your body erect and your arms forward. Inhale and Xcel reaching up and over, holding it for two more breaths. Inhale, bringing that pelvis always a little bit more posterially so that we feel that deep stretch in there. One more breath. Inhale and Xcel brace into the front leg. Bring your buddy erect he your hips.

As you lean your body forward. Hold it for the hamstring stretch in Helena XL. Both knees straight in Helen Excel plus the hand Stan, if you need to. One more. Inhale and Xcel round the spine, down, down, down, aim and out. Inhale and exam. Leaning your front knee into the Piriformis. Stretch, so bend your knee. Plus the league down are the bring your hands on top of each other.

If you're a little bit more flexible and you need a deeper stretch, walk your hands out. We breathe in and we breathe out. Inhale, Ami exam. [inaudible]. One more breath and exhale.

Roll your body up off the floor. Place your hands underneath your shoulders. Tuck your back toe under and left that knee off the floor. Take a deep breath, one powerful movement back into your plank. Point your left foot off the floor and we reach up into your pack and forward. Hover and hold tumo and left reaching hold and forward.

Hover and hold. Push off your hands one more and reach up. Reach up Rita and swing that leg forward. Find the stability. Reach your arms forward and lift the arms up and over. Inhale and in excel. Inhale and exhale.

Wonderful. Stretching your front knee, hindering your hips as the arms come down, holding it. And one more. Place the hands down. Lower the spine down. Breathing in. Keep the body and mind connected here.

Bending your front knee. Step your leg in for that stretch that we all so desperately need on a daily basis. It says, and we lean down. Inhale and excel. Inhale.

So in these research positions, keep the mind active, working into their areas that you needed most. One more. [inaudible]. [inaudible]. Roll your body back up. Place your hands underneath your shoulders, Tuck the toe, lift the knee in hell and brace back into your pike. Holding a chair. You're going to rise up.

We're going to jump through with your feet in between your hands and we sit back for the lip. Pull back. Okay, you guys. Okay? Right, left the arms off. Inhale XL circle. Place the fingertips in towards your glutes, keeping your head in in line with your spine. We inhale and we Xcel. Paraiso the hips up, up and up and hover down. Inhale and excel. Three sips and hover down two more and paresis the hips.

Brace the hips, feeling the work in the glutes and the hamstrings. Stay tall as you hover down and we do one more and exhale, bracing out of the shoulders. Hold the chair. If you have the stability, the writer kicks up three times. Boom. And tap to my time. The poster. It's old one and change and keep doing the hip. And now sue. Good. Lucy one prays hard enough, the hips, beautiful work and lower the hips down all the way.

Crossing your right leg over your left leg, reaching your body forward. Ready for your boomerang. Holding it. Yeah. Take one. Inhale, stay for the exhale. And we go. Inhale and we'd start rolling back. Lifting your legs up as the body rolls up and separate and switch the legs around Xcel to roll forward, reach your arms forward, lift your body up, arrive at your destination and extend the arms.

Stretch and circle around and let's go. Aches. Drew the abdominals. Keep your palms facing each other. Roll up and open and snatch the legs around XL to roll down. Churn for chase for it up, up, up, up, up. Yeah.

And Interlace and street and roll up and sumo and Xcel to roll back. Bring the legs. Good work low up and over. Open and change and excel to roll down. As they hit comes up, the legs move away and I wanted you to hold a gimme back. Lizzie ACAC stretch the arms.

Go into lace from second and stretch away and [inaudible] over and around. Little those long legs and how they can do it. And one more. Let's go those long legs that are in, we come, let's go up and over. Separate and change and excel to roll down, roll down, roll down, reach, arms, lifting up into the t, into the street all the way. And so color round and hold the Jaffa tube rates Mean Hill and excel.

And one more. And exhale. From here, we're going to finish off. I want you to bring your legs into a frog position and we're going to do 30 little nice traitors or squats. I want you to keep the pace, keep the rhythm going, and let's go. Inhale, exhale. One down, two down, three, keep the hating and five and six and seven and up down nine.

20 more and up. Down to three squeezes y'all together. Four, five, six and seven. Eight and nine last for love and up and two amps. Me and four and five and six.

Don't get Macy's and parallel feet. Lower the head breathing. Grab hold of your elbows as you hang over here. Exhale, keep it. Yeah. Inhale and exhale. One more breath. Inhale, keep holding the elbows as you exhale, rolled up, pressing your arms into your shoulders, rolling up, rolling up and swept the arms.

Inhale and exhale. Roll forward. Roll app. [inaudible] remembering how your body felt in the beginning of the session in the distant memory, right? It's hell riling up. This is why we do pull out these to stay balanced. Don't you just love it. Relax your arms by your side while Dan, thank you for joining us. You guys were amazing. Thank you.


2 people like this.
Wonderful class love your cues and transitions. We're are those pants from. How fun are they?!
1 person likes this.
I'm so HAPPY! Love, love, love these mat classes from Tash. Thank you!
Angelika G
2 people like this.
This whole class was such a pleasure. Love the frogs !
1 person likes this.
What a fantastic class, loved it, thank you!
1 person likes this.
Tash that was wonderful! it's not often I enjoy a class thoroughly from start to finish! What beautiful flow and transitioning. Your tone and pace could have kept me interested for another hour! Love your work!
1 person likes this.
Super class! Sometimes I found the instruction a little unclear,the ladies on screen are obviously very used to the movements. Challenging but really enjoyable. Where do you all get your lovely leggings????
1 person likes this.
Outstanding workout. Lots of fun and challenging. Beautiful cueing. I loved the frogs. Beautiful, colorful leggings. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Such a fun class ! Thank you
Tash Barnard
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for taking time to send me your feedback - i appreciate your time and value every comment! Thank you for watching PA!
Tash Barnard
Sharon - thank you for your valuable feedback - i would love if you can give me some advise on what was unclear so that i can grow in this area!
The leggings are available from
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