Class #2628

Strength, Length & Precision

40 min - Class


Work on finding strength, length, and precision in this Reformer workout with Adrianne Crawford. She stays between a beginner and intermediate level, so you can focus on clean technique for each movement. She also shows the transitions between the exercises and as well as the transitions that are specific to the Gratz Reformers.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hi, I'm Adrian. This is Aliyah and Andrea and they're going to be my students today doing a reformer. We're working on the grots equipment. Um, I think I'm going to have both of you working on three springs. Just chill. You're fairly new to [inaudible] and you are not, but for your size, I think that's a good, good way to start. So let's go ahead and you're gonna Cross your leg. I'm sorry, not your legs, your concussion arms and gracefully as more as controlled as you can sit down and have you turn, you're going place your feet onto the bars as you lie back to the Mat. Yeah. Good. All right.

So today we're going to do kind of a little bit of a mix between, um, I think we're going to do more beginner, intermediate, so we'll see. Okay. But I think that's where we'll, we'll go. Cause especially cause you're very athletic but doesn't mean that these exercises are going to be easy for you. It just be especially they're all new to you, right? So heels together, toes apart. So some of the sequencing will be more challenging for, you knows most of the sequence. But let's just begin. You're going to straighten your legs and I'd like you guys to try to stay as together as you can. Okay. And then come back in. So exactly. You're just beginning to stretch.

Pilates is all about stretching, strengthening, lengthening, precision, right? You had to keep everything in control. Very good. Getting in those spines long, getting a nice imprinted back. Get down into that mat, especially right there earlier. So it's not so much your seat as it is, right? And this area can you sink into here? Relax your shoulders. Let's do maybe two more out. Good.

And Walmart out and, and you're gonna stay and we're gonna try to keep some sort of a flow going. Go to your arches with your knees and feet together. Nice and smooth. You'll go out and come in as out as you're going in and out. It's where you can kind of really figure out where you are. That's what you, I want you to know that, especially as you go out, find where your back is. Remind yourself what your shoulders are doing. Are they tensing? Good? Are you wrapped? Once you get out there, six, seven, next or long, two more.

Looks good for both of you. Last one, and that's enough. Go to your heels, flex them. You're going to keep them. Flex the whole timer and keep those knees together. Now you're going to stretch again. Get a nice stretch. Come in by really getting in your feet to flex.

Durag the carriage in you. Control those springs 10 times. It says three are your shoulders relaxed? Four. Five. I see a little tension going on. Oh, there it is. Six she relaxed. Seven.

Eight find that lower spine. That's better. Nine last one, and stay and go back to your toes. Heels together. Toes, Park. Go right back out. Tendon stretch low. One, two, three. Lift two, three and one. Two, three. Down, up to three. Up to two. Three, four. As you're moving, keep pulling up. Five. Aliyah, you're missing a little bit of that pelvis position to get that pelvis to stay anchored that at seven, eight, nine last one. Come on in. Give your shoulders a little space. Now you've learned this just recently, so do what you remember, but I'm going to have you grab your straps, your springs. You're going to stay on the same springs, your grabber straps.

You're going to take your bars. Now do you, you might not remember this cause you're used to use using balanced body. So you're going to take one foot under the bar. You have your correct [inaudible] and the other foot. You're already did a good job. Then if it has to find the other bar and then you'll lift that one up and then you'll lower it down. Your arms are straight up. Good job, little Chin fancy.

All right, bring your knees into your chest. You're going to go into your hundreds, so legs up as your arms come down here to lower those legs. You reaching out, lower the legs a little bit more earlier and start pumping. Breathing two arms above the hips, two, five, three, five and I want you to really fill up that die of France and they were wearing it out. Now you can keep going with as you're moving, squeeze your seats. You have good lower back support. 234-FIVE-FORTY-2234 or 550202345 can get those wings to pull down more.

So reaching out. I'm going to bring you here. I want you to turn in and that's it for you. You're going to stay just like that tomorrow. Deep breath in. Long breath out. Last one, getting tired. I can tell. Deep breath in. It's a good thing. Working hard. Bring your knees in and rest. Bring the arms up.

Bring them carriage all the way in. All right, so for both of you, let's just do normal leg circles of what you'll have to do here is both of you are going to need to put your straps down. There are some hooks behind. You can put them on there. You're going to step off and bro, grab those black straps behind you. I'm going to drop both of you to two springs. Aliyah, I think I'm going to do your straps for you just because you've never done it before. Actually you can do one of them, so you'll take that. You'll take your strap. And for Grosse there's a, it's pretty technical. You're at first until you figure it out, you're going to lower the handle and loop it like this. Or you're holding the leather on the handle and you take your black strap and you're going to loop it between the leather and the handle. Yes. So if you're not used to grads, this is just something you have to learn.

Balanced body. You can just put the straps on your feet. Good. And you want the metal part on the outside. And then we'll just kind of lie that maybe right up here and I'll put the like right here on the outside. Cause you're going to lie back onto your back. And we're going to put this on your feet. So come on over and lie back onto your back. Do you need some help over here?

Okay, so that's it. You had it right down. You're going to hold the straps together like this and then you're in, loop it through [inaudible] and I'll do that and you can get the other one. Good. All right. And then you lie down and you're going to put the straps on your feet. Just be careful cause they're clunky, not to swing them in front of your face too much. I'm going to help you Aaliyah, and then I'm going to slide you back and I shift this one.

So you want the metal part on the outside of the foot? Yeah, get in it, heels together, toes apart, and let the straps fall between your knees. Good. So now the straps are between your knees. Heels are glued together, chest is open, neck is long. All right? So once that technicality, once you understand how to do that, the then you'll just move from one exercise to the other. But that's the idea. All right? You're going to stretch out. Both legs are long and you're going to start with some circles, but before you start, you don't want to be so turned out. It's really just two fingers apart and for you that's really, really something you want you to work on. Yeah, that'll help stabilize your hips. All right, you're going to start circling down around together. Yeah.

Now you're doing this really well. Just relax your feet so they're not yoga feed and she does yoga. That's good. [inaudible] or like ballerinas will point. You really want just kind of a loose foot. You're really working from your seat.

That's it. Together, don't come too high. You can go as low as you want, as long as just like when you're on a barrel, you want to keep your backing anger. It's really about keeping that spine long and together and lift. We're going to reverse those this time just about five, so you're going to go down around, up and together. This gets a little, you might hear a little and usually that'll tell you what side's working more [inaudible] so it might mean your left hip needs to stay down. If you hear that right, strap clicking better. Don't go so low yet. Two more, I think.

Keep those legs long. Make sure the heels meet in there even. And last one up and together. Okay. Bend your knees back into your chest with the straps fall between your knees and just frog. Just two, five. Yeah. As you go to stretch out, get everything to kind of deepen and flatten good here too. Don't let your feet turn out too much. Yeah.

And stretch and hold good. Yeah. Okay. Just is more about getting your back down. There you go. And that will tell you where your hips are. So if you keep your back anchored, that'll kind of give you an idea. You'll feel it. You'll feel where your hips are. Good. And one more time.

Nice and relaxed as you push away and come back in. All right, now getting these off of your feet because they're so clunky. You gotta be careful. You can take this part, both of the, the uh, straps together. You're gonna take them off and to the side. Just keep them up higher as you do that. And then take them over to the side and then you'll drop them behind you.

It'll be kind of loud into the, well, yeah. Good. And then I'm going to have you both sit up, step off, grab a mat of a pad, the black pad, bring it over here. Let's go into a stomach massage. So you're going to place that pad either short way. I like to do this way personally. Just gives you a little more room.

We're going to put the bar up and you're going to add one spring. So you're on three springs now and then I'll have you sit down facing me. You both will know this. It's your stomach massage series. You're going to get into a nice c. The more flexible you are, the closer to the front of the mat you can be. So you want to be in a position that you don't feel like you're gonna fall backwards. But then you start to kind of get a nice stretch.

Put your hands at the edge of the mat and let's see. Drop your heads. Your elbows are bent to the side. You're scooping those ribs back. Let me feel you pull into here. That's your c curve. So you really in a deep rounded position.

Okay? Both of you look nice. You're going to pull in and straighten those like so you're pulling that naval in. Can both of you fall forward a little bit more? Now hold that. Aaliyah. I want you to lift your head up and pull up here. Good. So it's a big tall c and now lower your heels, lift your heels, bend your knees and come in. So keep waist long. So you've got those ribs lifting up off your hips. Butt forward, lower lift and in. And I want you to go out, try to fall forward. Mark.

That's it. And, and now we're going to do it together. Out Together. Hold lower, lift in together. Now quickly out, lower lift in, out, lower lift and four more out left endo. Or if you're not together, just keep moving. But keep stretching up and over in that sea. Last two and in and last one out. Lower lift state in your stay on your three springs.

You're going to take your arms behind you instead of talk. Good. You're gonna lift your backs. Good. You want to get those hips really tall? Really lifted. Looks Nice. Both of you. I just want to challenge you more. I want you to move forward. You're actually close. Yeah, you could move forward because you've got that flexibility. Yep. All right.

So the idea is to get those hips falling back here to stretch up. That's, that's the hardest part. Okay. Keep your knees line with your shoulders or your hips. Ideally lift up, lift good. And now straighten your legs. But keep that lift in the hips. Lower your heels, lift, bend and grow taller with those hips. Okay. 10 times and in two out, that looks good. Three, you look nice and centered right now for control it in though.

Even though you're coming quickly. You, yeah, you want to feel that stretch. Five, that looks good to six. Keep those hips lifting seven and eight to more like how your staying together. Nice. A lot to remember, right? To stay together and understand both of you on your own can drop a spring and you want the spring probably in the middle just so the springs are got some evenness to him. Take your arms forward, sit as tall as you can and straighten your legs.

And here you've got nothing to hold on to. Just you, right? It's all gravity. So you keep working on that lift. Very nice correction and come back in and keep that lift going in your spine. Your new four of these and, and of your heels won't drop. You're going to keep them up to tall three. The springs are like, control it though, so you don't just fly out there three tall, open and in hold.

Now you're going to twist to the right as you straighten your legs at the same time, lift your back up, come back in. Keep those heels out. That's going to be tricky to keep those hips even. Get that taller in those hips. Yes. And that's it. And come back and I'll help hold you. I want to, she take holding those shoulders. Relax your shoulders. There you go. And come back in.

That's gonna go ahead and both of you can come in and grab that bar. Drop your head and just nontraditional. Go into a stretch. Okay, let's have you step off. You're going to drop your actual, I'll drop your bars. I want you guys to grab your boxes. You're going to keep those pads. And let's just go into a along box for a moment and do some uh, pulling strap exercise without the straps.

So we're going to stay on it. Normally you would go to one spring. I'm just gonna do that just for, for anybody who is actually going to use the straps. You're going to lie on your stomachs. I think you can use the straps. It might be good for you. You are not, I'm gonna have you lie on your stomach. Your shoulders are on the corners of the box. Your legs are long.

Good. Now you've got lots of apparatus going here. Now I'm gonna take these guys off and then I'll have you hold on to the handles and the strap. Good. All right, so you're getting pull up your tummies and kind of squeeze your seat so you're kind of pushing down into those hips, your arms. Do you want to walk your hands as high up the straps as you can? If you have the stress because you want some tension on them, your arms are going to be up here. They're going to make a fist with each hand, like as if you were holding the straps. If you don't have straps, this is really good without the straps. Just to kind of get the understanding, you're going to reach down alongside the carriage to lift the straps up.

Now if you are on this, you are one spring, shoulders pinch together, lower your chest, lower and pull up. Way Up in here and hold two, three. You hold it for three counts and then come back down. So you do three of these and each time you come up you hold for three counts. Come up. I want weight over here. Now open up your chest, hug those wings together. Two, three, very nice job at rest. Last one, rest and reach down and lift and squeeze.

Hold. That's it. Two, three and lower rest for just a moment. Drop your necks. Good. And let's go ahead and Andrea, you're going to slide. So if you have straps, slide your hands to the end of the leather and you're a move way back so your shoulders should be on the mat. She was a little too far for a year. Okay. You're gonna take your arms out to the side, and if you don't have straps, point your thumb spit ceiling like a hitchhiker. Bring your fingers together and just the thumbs up. And Andrea, you kind of try to keep those thumbs up. Okay? So you're gonna do kind of the same thing you just did.

You're gonna pull those drops. You're gonna bring them back and it's not so much the back that's lifting as it is. Those wings hugging. Pull up in here, two and squeeze three and open the IronRidge and the rest of your chest. Come all the way down. That's it. Arms back up and pull back. I'm going to help you over here and you're doing good.

Just drop your Chin a little to your neck as long to tummy up three. That's it. And open air right away. Bring it back. I don't let you rest this time and hold two, three and open. All right, you're going to get rid of your straps if you have them. You're going to step off to the side and reach for your toes. I want you to just kind of stretch your backs up before you stand.

So drop your heads and stretch. And at this point is where we would add a spring. If you were on one, you go back to two, you're going to now take your box and turn it over, put it over the shoulder pads and make sure the shops aren't on there. You're going to want a pad here and because you want that on top of your box so that you don't slip and slide. We are gonna work without a bar today. Normally you would have a bar, but I'm not going to have you have a bar and let's have your pad right in the center. So go ahead and have a seat. You both are gonna sit on top of there.

Your feet are underneath the strap hip with the park. Be careful you have a bruise. So be careful that bruise. Okay to be aware of. If Star's hurting you, let me know. Okay, so you're going to start with a hug. Okay. So your arms are wrapped around your waist. You're in a seeker. You get that scoop up into those ribs.

Shoulders are relaxed and you want to actually be in this part of your back. You want to actually be over the hips. Good. I want you to pull up and lift in here more so you're not just letting all that weight go in your neck, shoulders, or lax. Now Begin, you're going to squeeze your seat. You're just going to go tabletop. So not all the way back. Keep your feet flex and keep your chin tucked. Now pull in and come back over. Stretch.

Do that maybe two more times. Inhale, same positioning. Good. Go back, Tuck your hips, and now forward and stretch. Last one. Just like that. Just exactly what you just did. Use your seat. Get in more pelvic tilt here, more scoop and come back up. We're gonna do another type of this time. So now you're gonna sit up tall.

We're going to add a backbend. So your arms are up when her first do three of these, just normal t, um, tall spine. So it was kind of like you have the bar, you're reaching up, you're lifting your waist, but you're scooped in. So pull in here, Aliyah. Yes. Hug your hips. Now, not very far. Start to hinge backwards. Get those ribs in. Yes. Now that's fair enough. Now come back up forward, stretched tall, and they relax.

Find a focal point so that when you go back that your head still go with you. You want to make sure your head stays with your spine. So squeeze your seat. Good. Start to hand. Look straight out. Nada. Drop your Chin just a little. There we go. That's good. And then come back up and stretch and rest and a one more.

Just like that. Getting tired, giving us the arms. They're working all right. Hand you once you over on this hip. And hinge doesn't have to be big. It really isn't. It's all about just really about coming up more so than anything to get that stretch at rest. Both of you reach down for your toes and now we're going to add the back bed.

Okay, so your arms are up and now as you start to go backwards, you're going to start to concave your chest. Drop those shoulders, flex your feet, Tuck your hips. That's it. Doing okay here, and you're going to go back. Your arms can go back with you. You can stretch if you'd like. You can grab on now as you come up, curl your chin to your chest, squeeze your bottom, Tuck your hips round over. How did you do? Want to move forward a little bit?

I think you need to move forward just a little bit. All right, arms up. Now we'll do that again. So we'll let's do three sets. So that was what started to go back. Tuck your chin. Good. Tuck those hips. That's it. Good. And now a little more pelvic curl, tummy, pubic bone up. And then you can go ahead and take the arms back. Open up your chest, deep breath, inch into your chest.

Pull in and round. Brown, Brown stretch. Only do these if you've done them before and you are comfortable with them because they're very hard. Tuck your chin. Round your back. Yeah. Stretch. Deep Breath in, chin to your chest, and exhale, scope and drop forward and hold. Good. I want to let feel a lift here. Stay down there for a moment, Andrea. Good. Keep scooping. Yes. Good. All right.

Sit up tall and bring one knee into your chest. Good job. How do you guys feel? Moved. Hold your thigh. Good, good correction. I don't even have to tell her and she aligned herself. That's good. That's the beauty of these exercises.

They can tell you right away if you're off. So hopefully you start to feel that right now UL, he will. So if we're looking for squared off hips and as soon as you bring a leg up, what happens is we tend to kind of shift. So you don't want a shift. So you're right, whatever leg is working is the one that's going to pull back on you. So let's get your right hip forward. Yup.

You're gonna sit as tall as you can and you're going to stretch three times one, two, and three. You're going to walk up, you're in your seeker. Head is down. I want you to hop your hip forward again. Yeah. Did you feel misaligned there when you're up looking? No. She said No. Okay. You're going to Tuck your hips and just plant your trees at 90 degrees. You're not going into an arch back. You're going to just walk to tabletop.

So we'll lower your hands. Stop right there. Square off those shoulders. Wear off those hips. More pelvic curl. There we go. Now use that powerhouse. Come back up all the way up. I want you to soften your left knee, both of you and lift your backup really hard here is to make sure that left leg, the one that's holding you in the strap is still lined with your hip. Is it right?

And that kind of tells us if you're using your hips or not. Cause if that leg is migrating over you talking about this one, then we know that your hips aren't worth engaging as much as they could. All Right, drop your Chin's round your backs. You can be up here and I'll walk down. That's fine. Tuck your bottom bar. There we go. So we see some energy in here.

Now you keep yourself square. Don't go so low. Come back up. Put your nose on your knee. You've got that ability. Walk up to your ankle. Make sure that your hips are squared off, that the legs not migrating. And I want to feel a lift right in here. Yes, do it. Okay there Andrea. Just rock forward a little bit. There we go. Open up your chest.

You got one more. Try to put your nose on your knee, not your shoulders in your ears, and then go back. Shoulders down. Good. I want to feel your pelvic tilt. There it is. Now go down. So your pelvis should actually physically change. Stop right there. Now curl his hips again. That's it. Now come up. That's it. These are tedious lift.

And now can you fall forward just a bit and flex some point open. Soften here and that'll help get your backups to bend this knee. She's gonna kick me one. She's center. Forget you. Two and three. All right, other side, just get yourself reoriented or oriented and I'm centered. All right, so you're going to hold your left knee or you sit as tall as you can.

Try to feel out where you are. If you feel crooked, fix it. The idea is to kind of get an idea. You start to recognize when you're off. All right? So three stretches. One tall two and I can already tell you that hips pulling back on you. Huh? There you good? Hop It. Yeah. Alright, walk up.

Put your nose. Close your knee as you can and drew up those shoulders. Stretch that leg. Good. Alrighty. You guys ready? As ready as you can be. Okay. Start to go back. Feel, feel what's happening underneath you. Get that pelvic curl. Good job both. You now stop. Now come back up. Keep those hips rolling out. So you gotta turn out going in those hips.

That's it. And then lift your back. Now you can fall forward. So that's it. That's fine. You're doing great. And now you got two more round your back. So make sure your hips stay turned out. Both hips, Brock back. Then you walk down and now you climb that tree all the way up. Once you're up, you work on your stretch, there's going to be some adjustments.

When you're learning these [inaudible]. These are not easy either. One more time. Drop your head. Watch this hip wants to turn and go back. Plant your tree, walk down, and now climb again. Up, up, up, all the way up. Hold. Let's get out of that knee. Lift your backs. Can you lift those hips anymore? Can you lift those legs anymore?

And now start flex and point tall. That's it. And that's enough rest. Go ahead. Get off of here and get rid of your box. Get rid of your pads. Good. And just put those boxes behind you. And let's go into an elephant stretch. So you're going to actually have your bars up and your head rest up and yes, you are going to stand on the carriage. Your instincts are right.

You're going to put your hands on the bar and step up on top of the carriage. And I'm going to actually have these start up on your toes. That's it. So your heads are down. We're going to start with the kerogen. Okay? And you're lifting into a seeker so your tailbones are tucked. You're fine. Keep the leg straight though. Just use your hips.

You're going to use your legs and push out, and you're going to try to Tuck your bottom to drag that in. But keep the legs long. They're not going to bend. That's it. Five Times. Nice and easy coming in, pulling up three. Now if you can, try to drop your shoulders as you bring that back in. Slow and controlled. No momentum. Hold the in. That's enough.

Now we're going to add a step here for both of you. You don't push out with the hips. Lower into a plank like a pushup position. Open your chest, squeeze your seat. Now you're going to try to bring that carriage all the way and bring your shoulders over the bar. Drop your heads and around, back up. That's it. So you ready? I'm gonna have you do two more. Just like that.

So push out with the legs. Clank. Open your chest, squeeze now, slide forward. Try to get the shoulders all the way over the bar before you drop your head. And once you can't go anymore, drop your head. Good job. You've got Walmart guys out. Plank. Squeeze the seats. Got that powerhouse control come in. Very, very nice job.

Your heads go to a flat foot. Both of you, normal elephants. Both of you have done this before. I kind of threw that at you. Heads down, scoop up into those ribs. Hips are down, so you got a nice curve in the spine. You've got that lift and now you're going to push out with the hips and I want you to try to feel a stretch on your legs who really get those heels down and toes up. Soliah don't go quite so far back with the legs. Little bit back and I feel your ribs left. There we go. So you should feel a lift up as you come in.

You should feel your abdominals working very, very difficult not to use the arms here. Try to relax them. I should see your toes lifting as you come in. That's better. Walmart. I said easy. Come on in. That's an effort. Both of you are gonna lower to your knees. Still happy. Okay. Put your feet back against the shoulder path, round your backs. Ideally, you want your toes to kind of tuck forward towards your knees.

If you've got that flexibility, that's what we want. Okay? You're going to sit pretty close to your heels here. Knees, hip with the part you're getting ready for your kneeling knee stretch series. You're in around your backs of scoop up into those ribs. There's a good c right there, so she's got a good rounded position from her head to her tailbone and she's got that nice scoop and Andrea, just sit back more. Okay. Watch if you have any knee issues. You might not want to do these, but you just depends or you can put a little more extra padding underneath your knees. So sitting pretty close to your heels. There we go. All right.

Using your hips. Now your arms, you're going to push back and then you're going to Tuck your bottom. Come back in eight times and tuck under to here too. It's quick on the end, but it's also controls. I shouldn't hear any banging, which I don't, so that's good. Three, four, five. Where's that? Skip. You lost a little bit here. Six. That's really hard to stay up there. So upper body stays still. Stay back here. Now go out, do three more. One. That's it.

So you're still here. You're not rocking and rolling. One more and stay in. That's enough. Lift your head. Open your chest. Now just hips, legs, push out. Open your chest is a good one for tight shoulders. Two, three, so nothing, nothing else moves. Everything is still just legs and hips. Three. That's it. That's it. You got it. Four. So just kind of get in the zone.

They're five and six. Sit back a little bit further as you push. Pull in six. Tumor seven. That's a little burn. Going and staying. Okay. You're going to stand back up on the carriage, both of you like you did for elephants. Keep your hands right on the bar. Okay. These by far the hardest at your knees off, you're going to start with your heels up against the shoulder pad, so you're up on your toes. You are going to keep that upper body still.

You're going to shift your weight forward towards the springs. Head down, not quite so far forward. So you aren't in the top of her. She's literally, she's listening. Drop your head is good. She's paying attention. Job Your shoulders. Let's get that scoop. Go ahead now. Very good. Hold that scoop and start to lower your knees about two inches off the carriage. Keep your upper body right where it is. Don't fall back, push out, and he'll stay against the shoulder pads. Otherwise you don't have anything to push against to round your back.

So drop those heads way, way down three. Now you've shifted. So shift forward, that's it. And now tuck four out and all the way in five. Get those hips underneath you, Aaliyah. And don't push so far out. Just a little bit out. Yes, in doing okay. Tomorrow out, hanging in there and Walmart and lower to your knees. Arrest.

Those are hard ones, aren't they? It's all gravity. You're getting, you get nothing to nothing to support shoes. Yeah. All right, you're going to step off and let's go ahead and add one springs or you're back on your three springs. And then let's just cool down. I'm gonna have you guys lie down on your backs, toes on the bark, feet together and just kind of get re centered. Good. You're going to slowly push out. Pulling up springs might make a little noise. That's good. Just adjusting.

Soften in your position and just start walking for 20 counts. Two, three as you move, make sure your hips aren't moving with you, that they stay really level with one of each other. Take advantage of the stretch so you're really lifting, you know those prancing horses. So we really lifting, lowering, lift and lower lift and lower. That's it. Put that into a job for ten nine, eight little bit quicker. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and come back in. It's a great place to watch people's feet and kind of see what you do with your toes. And some people don't articulate their toes enough and that'd be good for your ankles. Good. You did.

You did pretty good with the stretch, so that's good. Let's put your feet on your arches. Keep your chest open and you're going to put the arches on the corner of the bar doing pelvic lift. So the feet are apart. Exactly. You are going to lift your hips and now you're going to slowly push out, stretch out long. Now you want your ribs on the mat, so not quite so high up with those hips and then come back in and if you want you can put your palms together underneath your bottom and just kind of let your hips rest on there and that's how high up you want to be too. There's different variations.

I know with them like um, other parodies. They have higher hips. Open up your chest though. Good. It's usually that shoulder. Yeah, all the way. Get your legs long and wrap the thighs and then come back in. Ribs down. So dropped. There we go. [inaudible] they're out again. They're down again. Last one all the way out long.

Take advantage of his pause and come back in. Take your time, stay in but slowly bring yourselves down. Good. Let's have you step off and stand. Let's have you stand on this side and you guys can stand. Why don't you stand at the end of your rear form right there. That's far.

Not too, too far right there. Yeah, and you're facing the right way. Both here. You can take your arm straight up. Take a nice deep breath in, heels together, toes apart. And I want you to roll down like you would a roll up in a roll down on the mat. Go all the way down and just hang. Think of all 10 toes being weighted.

So your light on those heels now as you come up, try to keep those hips on top of your ankle. So more forward. Forward, forward. There we go. More. Yes, beautiful. And all the way up so you can do that again. Lengthen. Grew tall, long waist and go down. Stretch lower, lower. You can grab your ankles if you'd like. The heels are down. Just light on the heels. Good. Now let yourself just relax a little bit.

Next soft and I'll start to come up as you come up. That's where I want to see those hips. Yes, those hips kind of adjust so they're more forward kind of they're there. Yes, you did it. Good job. Deep breath in. Stay up. Open their arms to the side. Grow Taller. You do three big circles with the arms, so just arms down, up and pull into here. So the waist is still long and you're not popping those hips out. Those hips are down. Good. One more. Every verse, your circles up. Don't lose this. And lower one rib smart too. They're there. Where's your seat? There we are at three.

Now take both arms up. One more to stretch down to the toes. Grab his ankles, stretch. If you have the flexibility, you can put your palms on the floor. Keep your balance in line, and now start to come up.

Remember those hips on top of the ankles and that will give you a nice protection for your back. Deep breath in, arms to the side. Exhale, shake yourselves out. Give yourselves a hand. Nice job. You're done.


Carly L
You need a box.  It should mention this in equipment needed.
Hi Carly
We have a filter when searching for videos under Apparatus > Reformer (No Box). Anything that is listed under Reformer contains a box. I'm sorry this wasn't clear.
I needed some modifications for the tree climb. My hip hurt too much trying to get down.
Great video!  Thank you!

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