Class #2641

Spine Mobilizing Mat

35 min - Class


Mobilize your spine in this fun Mat workout with Valentin! She focuses on extension throughout the class as well as isolations of the rib cage and hips to get your spine moving. She also includes many progression sequences so you can build up your strength safely.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jun 23, 2016
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We're going to begin today with Standing Swan. But I like to do a little warm up first. So first ladies, we're going to go internal, extra turn or internal x. Just take the four arm and open. Now we're going to add your elbows, elbows in, elbows out, elbows in, two more sets. And if you don't know me, I talk like this. And in, add your shoulders, shoulders, flex. Guess foot up.

Extend and round them forward and retract and protract and retract. Guess what? Add spinal flection. Spinal flection. Spinal extension. Add your breath and inhale. Exhale, blow. Inhale. Last set down. Now we're gonna add our knees.

Knees go in, they go out. Nice touch in, turn external and blow and out. Two more. Get into it. Ooh, get droop a little bit more. If you can, boom. And Go last one out and give it a rest. Let's put our feet in PyLadies first. Alright, excellent.

We're going to bring our arms up. Okay. Set your scapulary down. Boom. Take your heart to the ceiling. Tighten down your glutes for support. Lyft. Hide your hands behind what you see there and circle down and come home again. Arms Up. Look for the ceiling. Lift your heart.

Hide your hands. This time in, climbed back slightly. Release and go down. Third time up vertical. Bring your heart up. Squeeze, lean, Haha. Wide and last hit.

And the one heart lengthen. Get off of your pelvis. Relax your feet. Stretch your arms and give it a rest. Alright, good for extension. Let's work on flection. Let's get on hands and knees please. I will face this way. You can face center.

Okay. Check to see. Ladies at the heels of your hands are underneath your shoulders and your knees are underneath your hips. All right, we're going to start ladies first with a simple pelvic tilt, not involving the thorax, a carrier, so it's just a small movement and release. Eyes will stay on the mat. Exhale here, and inhale. Two more. Just like this. Exhale here. And last hit. Exhale here from here. Ladies, I want you to push from the heels of your hands. Drop your head, open up your back and push back. Sitting on your heels, pressing your insteps. Take a look of the airspace between your feet.

Is it symmetrical? Is there symmetry? Adjust if you need to round back up, using your thorax spine and then realign again, pelvic tilt first without your upper back. Drop your head. Involve your upper back. Push back. Exhale, land stretcher in steps. Look for symmetry. Come back up, up, up, up with the [inaudible] spine and release. Walk your hands toward the beach side. Very good, very good.

Repeat Pelvic tilt. First one. Involve the back. Exhale, push land. Really stretch with that back hand. Come back up. Rounded and neutralize again. Pelvic tilt. One upper back two. Drop the head. Push, push, push, push. Pick it up. Realign. Walk your fingers to the other side of your mat.

Same business. Pelvic tilt. One push back to land in. Stretch your beach arm. Pick it up. Realign again, turn in and involve your upper there. Push back. Go for a stretch. Use the heels of your hands.

Girls lift up and realigned. Come back girls with your fingers in a triangle shape right here. Okay, just in the triangle shape. All right, here we go again. Tilt one. Drop your head to now. I want you to push to your backside towards the camera side. Come back toward the beach side and come home.

Pelvic tilt toward the front or me the beach side. Go down, sweeping around and come home. So it's like a massage, tilt. Push back to your side, backside around toward the front and home. Last time tilt. Push swooping around and come up and give it a rest. So we did a lot of flection. Guess where we're going as extension? This is a back class, so we've got to have a healthy back.

So roll onto your pelvis. All right, now the first position that we're going to be taking ladies is a diamond position. So look what I look like. So you understand like this. Okay. All right, so my head is down just like that. So stay down there now gluing your fingers to your forehead. Ladies, pick up your head and your upper back one hold and down. Now think of your back, not your head. Okay, go lift, hold and down. Are you alive? Cause you're not responding. Okay, lift and go down. Does the interactive ladies go lift and go down from this position?

Ladies, take a look. I'm going to go to goalposts, so from here I'm going to go, go post. Okay, that's the next one. Ready? Set. Take your lift. Make a goal post. Go back to your diamond and lower again. Inhale below. Inhale and down. Keep going as I talk. Count One, count two, count three and down. Now on Khan count three.

I want you to get a little higher. Go One and two. Pick it up. Three and lower. One more. Set. One and two. Little higher. Three. Very good, and give it a rest. Now ladies, we're going to start at goal post. Okay, you're going to pick up times four. Ready, set, go pick up one. Put it down, pick up two.

I'm getting cross-eyed looking at this thing down on three and go and four and give it a rest. Let's stretch back. Just give your back a little stretch and then you're going back into that prone. Good. Now this time you're going to go from goalpost to elbow extension and shoulder flection. Let's go back down and go, okay, I'm goal posted. You go posted. Good. Everybody's engaged. All right, so we're going to pick up the back one goalpost one.

Extend the arms to pull them back to gold post and down. It's not a gold post. I said that, but anyways, on count three, be sure you pick up a little bit more. Okay. Ready? Set. Go. One goal post to hire three M. I said I go posts, no straight arms. Go one straight arms to pick it up.

Three last hit by yourselves. One and two and three and give it a rest. Last one is swimming. Pick it up. Straighten your arms, palms face each other in this swim. Go swimmed che to him too. No lights, no like cheat. And give it a rest and press back. Good. Good, good, good, good, good, good. Excellent. That's really good.

Nice. Nice work there. All right, so now what's gonna happen is we're going to go into a supine frog. So have your feet faced the center. You're on your back and you're gonna roll down nicely. Excellent. You're going to make a frog. This frog is going to be princess cat.

We'll do marquis later, but right now we're into the princess. All right, so get it a little squarish here. Alright, so what I want you to learn is to keep your pelvis neutral, so try and stay on your tailbone to the best of your ability. I'd like you to bring your legs in, lift up your rump without kicking your feet up. Put it back down and go back to princess so those knees are turned out. Fold the legs back in now without changing the shape. Rump it up, put it back down and go back to princess.

Go again, one and rump and down and open one and out and down and open. Now you're going to do the same thing. Have Your beach arm up, so really plug your beach shoulder into the mat and have energy in your fingers. The fingers aren't a decorative, they have energy. Here we go. We're going to bring the legs in. We're going to rump. We're going to put it down and extend full the legs in.

Take the rump and out and release. Fold, lift down. Extend a little bit. One, two, three, switch arms. Okay. Replug princesses in line. Good. Plug it ready. Folded in. One, two, three princess fold.

Lift down princess. Get those thighs in. Lifted up here, princess last one, one, two, three and release. Marquis in place. Now my toes are not going to touch, but my diamond is definitely open. Alright, so what's going to happen here is you're gonna fold your diamond in, roll it a little bit and bring it back. All right, so fold your diamond, roll it. Don't kick it. Roll it and go control one, control two, three and open the angle. One, control two, three.

And open it up goes be charm. Casey, you don't get to use your fingers. All right, here we go. Full roll here and return. Keep going as I talk. One roll. Excellent there. And go be sure your arm's going to the ceiling. One, two, good.

Three nice hands on the floor. Girls go last one, one, two, three. And go put. Bring your legs in. Recreate the marquis. Diamond Girls, I'm glad you know your diamonds. Very nice. Alright. Plug it in. Shoulders go. One ramp up and down, returned to an open hip. One lift two and go again.

One lift, keep going there. Boom, boom. And one left there and give it a rest. All right, let's work on a little bracing. A little hovers. So now we're back on our knees. Alright. Spread your fingers. Excellent.

Now do you all have healthy toes? Because in an ideal world, your toe should go like this. Well, mine aren't mine. So my two big ones. So there's going to be a lot of faking going on here. All right, so I'd like you to hover now. Really pull your shoulders down. Long next, no tension, and lift your knees. Hold it. Two, three, four. Now concentrate on the length of your neck. Now concentrate on both armpits bolting to gather. Concentrate on spreading the weight between your fingers. Concentrate on your abdominals defying gravity.

Concentrate on the stillness of your body. Concentrate. Just hold, hold, hold. Give it a rest. Stretch it out. That means your toes too. Down, down, down. If you need to twirl your wrist, twirl your wrists. All right, continuing on. We're going to have that hover position. Ready? Hook your toes and lift up.

We're going to move four and f four. We look like babies trying to learn how to crawl here. Go for aft real. Keep those stomachs in. Go for af for AF. Stay there.

Now you're going to go toward the beach side and toward the camera side. Go One. Try not to sway your hips. Stay in a block. One, two, three, four, five, six. Keep your stomach sense. Seven, eight. Relax your toes. Press back, Mama. My toes. All right. In a sand. UNIS. For this one, we're going to make circles. Okay, so we're going to go toward the camera side first. Sit down and roll around.

Okay. All right, here we go. Camera's side first. Go now, push towards your heels. Take your time. This is a drop. Go toward the beach. Forward in extension, extension, extension. Forward. Go back to where we came from and the center. Alright, let's go toward the beach beach. Go toward your heels. Flection on the way to extension. Extend around, circle neutral and come back. Let's try it again toward the camera. Neutral. Fluxion sit back, flection coming around through extension, up, up, up, up, up, or you're making a circle. I hope so. Circle over and come back. Let's try it again. Ready? Go toward the beach flection. Sit back, go around toward the camera. Extension. Extension. Extension.

Back to the side. Neutral. One more time. Side to the camera. Fluxion first flection. Circle it around. Circle around, extend as you go toward the center. Go out of it and center toward the me, I guess flection first. Start your extension. Lead with your chest, then your head, head, head, head side and go. Okay. What's the reverse extension? First coke. Okay. So we're going toward camera, camera extension, and keep swirling around into flection. Okay.

And then go to neutral. Go toward me. Extend forward and flection back side and go toward the camera. Extension forward and the back side and neutral. Go toward the front and extend and now and around. And now we really should set our risks and circle. Okay. Circle, circle, circle, circle, circle. Good. Alright. So now we're going to have a sit back a little bit and we're going to do a little bit of an extension exercise.

But what's really strange about this is that you're in Lumbar flection with extension. So it's very tiny, very tiny, very, very tiny. All right, so your hands are back behind you and I want you to just keep the chest lifted. So you're going to aim somewhere toward the seam in the ceiling and the wall. All right, so we're going to flex. Keep your chest aiming and go. We're going to flex and go add your breath. Exhale. Inhale, exhale.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Give it a rest. All right, cross your back over the front. [inaudible] [inaudible] now you're gonna rotate towards me, correct? Exactly right. All right, so now what's going to happen? Foot lift your chest. Same business flection. Extension flection. Push, push, push for the extension flection. Push.

Push up, flection. Push, push up, give it arrests. Which legs? One, two, not direction, just legs ready now hold your chest up. Alright, flection grow. Now maintain your extension. Just flex. Grow. Maintain that new extension. Flex. Grow. Last hit. Flex. Grow. All right, now let's start this same foot crosses over, but we have changed our direction.

So you're facing the back now. Same foot. Now you face the back. Sort of ready. All right, here we go. Flex. Extend. Establish your new extension from here. Flex. Extend again. New Extension. Flex. Extend more XL for flex.

Inhale for extension. Change your body, not your legs. Body this way turned me. All right. Ready? Hands are out. Establish your extension. All right, here we go. Flex. Grow and flex. Grow and flex. Grow.

Love this one. Flex and grow. Very good. So remember one of [inaudible] sayings was are as young as your spines, we've got to keep that spine mobile. Very, very mobile. All right, so guess what? It's back to swanning. Alright, so we, here we are. Face down. We're good. Alright, now we're going to swan up.

So only do it according to how you feel. Okay, so I put my elbows about right here and I feel very comfortable bringing my body up at this point. All right, so we're there. Now remember you adjust your feet according to the health of your back. Okay. So we're going to try our hardest to lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower. Two more to go. Lift and lower lift. Last two up and down. Up. Give it a rest.

Good. So we are alternating. Okay, so now what's going to happen is that we are going to alternate sort of, but we're going to add rotation. All right, so come up to a safe place. I want you to take your back arm and I want you to push up, push off your bottom arm and come back. I want you to push up and go push up. Take care of your low back there. Keep your glutes engaged, keep your stomach engaged, add your breath, inhale and bring it down. Now from here, I want you to do the same thing that I want you to bend your support arm. All right, here we go. Come on up.

Bring your hands a little closer together. Now if I go up, I'm gonna say bend your support arm and reach. All right, here we go. Back arm, lift up, bend your support arm reach, bring it home up. Support arm [inaudible] and come home up support arm [inaudible] last one, one support arm reach. Take it home and give it a rest. Child's pose. Spread your knees for a little different. Stretch.

Push out. Check to see if there's symmetry, symmetry, symmetry. Give that arrest now. Good, good, good. All right. Now, so what I want you to do, we're going to be doing a standing cat so we stand up. All right, standing cat. So what happens here is you put place your hands on your thighs and you're going to sort of sit back. I'm going to do a side view. Feet further apart, hip width apart, be aggressive. Okay, so I'm going to go under here. All right, ready, set, go. Drop your head under. Then I want you to go in extension. Push on the bony portion of your thigh, lift your sternum and slide your shoulders down. Exhale again, curl it under and inhale big again.

Let the pelvis come with you. Tuck it under. Now flip your pelvis. Inhale. Good. Put your hands on the bony portion of your thighs. Ladies away from your kneecaps and go, Kay. Now we're going to move both hands to your right thigh. All right, so then we're going to do the same thing on diagonal. Ready, go, curl under and extend. Go under and push from the heel of your hands.

Dry Your abdominals in and go. This time I want you to look over your right shoulder. Go look over your right shoulder. Go under, look under it, your right hip and look over your right shoulder. Repeat that under, under, under. Push over, over last one, under, under, under. Push over, over, over. Walk your hands to the other side. Widen your stance, please. All right, so here we go. To in line.

Before you start looking over your shoulder, go under, under control your pelvis and release your pelvis. Exhale, dry it in and go. All right, now we're going under the left arm pit or the left hip and go over the left shoulder. Repeat three more times, one and extend and to and extend am three and extend last one and four and extend. Now your feet are really wide and your hands are now on your thighs. We're going to take this into a twist. Fingertips are inward.

I'm going to twist toward my, toward your right, and I'm going to use my hand against my inner thigh to facilitate the twist. Open up your opposing shoulder. Come back and cat. Extend. Rotate by pushing your hand on the inner thigh. Drawing your abdominals in, twisting your shoulders. Look up at the ceiling. If you can come back and round, do it again.

Find your center, rotate on that center. Push, push, push. Look for the ceiling. If you can center Kat, extend. Push on the inner thigh, rotate to your left, open up your hip at the same time, back to the center. Roll Up. Very good, very good, very good, very good. All right. Now we're going to be doing a standing spiral. I'm going to face this way only because it's so confusing when when I do it mere image, I'm going to take two feet and put one foot in front. Everybody puts their right foot in front. Now for Balance Sake, we're going to turn them out a little bit, assisting and turn out. All right.

So now we're going to take all the weight in your front foot and two hands up. Alright, so what's going to happen is you're going to bend your right knee and look right, bend your right knee and look right. So you really get into this right leg. Come back up. So we've got to rotate, bend, and look. Ooh, the waves are beautiful out there and up and go. Now you're going to bend and you're going to extend.

So this is extension with rotation. Reach for that back ankle, get into the front knee and recover. Other side. Let's start again. One foot in front and then turn both legs out. One side will always be different than the other. Okay? Bend your front knee and get into it. Take your balance.

Alright, now we're standing. Now we're bending and rotating the left and have the energy running through your right arm. The front left knee is bent. Come back to your balance up. Okay. And Bend and rotate. Reach, reach. So we've got rotation going here and again, up.

And then all right, here we go. Push down. Arm Extends, get a little bit of extension in there if you can go deep if you want, but be sure that you don't forget about that front knee being bent. Come back up. Yeah, bend, drop, rotate. Extend. Last one, lift that.

Rotate. Extend and band. Very good. Give it a rest. All right, so now we're going to do a rib cage circle. All right, so we're going to try and keep our pelvis steady as your rib. Rib Cage moves around your spine, so you have to sort of think parallel to the floor as opposed to a gyroscope. All right, so you're going to shift. Shift your ribs over towards your right. Come forward toward me. Shift. Take it home again.

One, two, the front side. Go one to the front side, go one, extend, go shift. Reverse one, extend CIF and go ribs and chest ribs and go ribs, chest ribs, and go ribs. Chest ribs, and relax. Okay, so you did a chest, rib cage. Now you do the hips, but really they work together. You know you can't walk without the other. All right, so now we're going to just do pelvic tilt front.

Swing it to your right, to the back, to the side, into the front and recover. The problem is, is that you cannot let the upper torso take the band. It's got to be stationary. All right, I'm just, I'm going to go over here and do it your way, or you guys go on, right? Ready? Go right and back and left and forward, right and back. We need blossom here to do this. She does the Hawaiian left and go right back. Left by yourselves. Go left back, right.

Keep going. Ooh, left. I'll get some grass skirts and go and one and two sworn it around and go and one and two ad out. Give it a rest. All right, that's enough of that. Now we're going to be doing our standing roll down and into Swan. All right, so let's stand comfortable. Don't think polities here. Just think we're doing a back class here. This is a definite back class, so we really want to work on the mobility of our spine. All right? The first thing we're going to do is hitchhike back.

Now you're going to go into Swan, leaning back. Bring your arms up to the top. From here, you're doing your standard roll down, crunching, rib to hip. Pull it in. Go down, down, down, down. Take your time. Stay here and feel Ooh. Nice. Stretch and roll up with your arms down by your sides. You're going to hitchhike again.

Extend back our lymph grab or your stomach. Pull it in rib to hip. As you roll down. Stay here. Hey Gang. Hey Gang. Supported. Now the differences hang unsupported so you get a ham string.

Go back to your support. Go unsupported, hamstring, go supported. Roll up again. Hitchhike. Thumbs out. Swan it lifted up. Pull and roll forward. Now continue the support. Continue this port stomach is supporting and now let it go so you get a hamstring stretch. Again, support and stretch. Support and stretch. Well it up.

K, we're adding on. Hitchhike, r-chop. Everybody's going to rotate to their right. Roll down. Look at your left foot or your right foot. Sorry. And go down. Supported and support. Supported and support. Here we go.

Take your right hand. Flip it up for the twist. Look to the ceiling. Go back down again. Inhale as you open the same arm. Exhale. Inhale. As you open that same arm. Exhale, roll up. Yes. What? Hitchhike where you going?

Route 66 up. Rotate to your left or roll it down. Pull your stomach in. Keep your support system going. Drop it. Get a stretch UE and go again. Get a stretch and those legs. Check yourself to see you.

Don't have toe grip going on and Ah, stay down this time. Open up your left arm. Rotate. Get tall and go back down. I want you to really get tall there. Up, up, up for the stretch. Down, down, down again. Up, up, up for the stretch. Down. Down, down. Roll it up. Roll. Hitchhike. Lifted up and rotate. Boom. To your right.

I'm going to watch rotate. Good, good, good. Stay supported. Let it go for your hamstring. Add your arms, right arm. Yeah. Up, up, up, twist and down for the ham again. Inhale, open down for the hand. One more. Up and down. Roll Up. [inaudible] this time. Bring your shoulders up to your ears and as you roll them down, start your hitchhike and up, rotate n Tuck it in and roll down. Keep it going.

Stay supported, and stretch your hamstring. Up goes the left arm. Ladies, go. Inhale, blow home again. Inhale, blow home. Last one. Inhale, blow home. Now as you roll up, I want your shoulders up to your ears. Bring your shoulders up to your yours roll down.

Thank you very much.


2 people like this.
Very inspiring. Thank you! It was an excellent workout for my morning routine.
Sutthinee S
1 person likes this.
love this routine of extension. it seem easy but not really. thank you love your style of teaching.
1 person likes this.
Loved this class!!
1 person likes this.
Loved this! Found so many things to easily add and work into my classes. Thank you!
Loved this class!! Thank You!

1 person likes this.
I love the mobilization of the´s so important to do this...thank you
1 person likes this.
Very very nice!!! Thank you
1 person likes this.
very good streching...
1 person likes this.
Interesting, needed to go back over a few things in order to follow instruction
1 person likes this.
I love Valentin classes, she always has creative ideas. And she always bring on her classes Pilates principles. I loved it!!!
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