Class #2642

Strong and Active Reformer

55 min - Class


Valentin is back with her vibrant personality to teach a strong and active Reformer workout! She wastes no time and goes straight into the workout with sequences that progressively become more challenging. She makes sure your abdominals are supporting you throughout the class by sharing her "grab and go" method to engage your core muscles. Have fun!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Jun 02, 2016
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Hi. Today, we're going to be doing a reformer workout. And let us get on and start right away. We're going to start with knee stretch and it's gonna be red-blue, alright? Our knee stretch to start with will be neutral spine.

Alright, neutral spine. Ready, sit back just slightly and begin. Eight, one and in. Two and in. Three and in.

Let's get in control. I must be the one in control. Two more, out and in and switch to round back. Out and in, two and blow. Three and blow, you have four left to go.

Out and in, out and in. Last two. Out and in, last one, give it a rest. Cross your arms, put them both to the right side, ladies, over to the right. And now, what's going to happen is you're going to go flat and round back for six each.

Ready and begin. Out and in. Two and in, be sure you engage your scapula and your serratus. Out and in, here you go, round back, let's go. And out and go.

Now, think of your cross, a cross abdominal sling. You have three left to go, girls. I can talk and cue at the same time. Switch girls, that's six. Flat back begin, we go out and in, out and in.

Long necks, think about it, out and in. Two more to go, slow it down, round back, out and pull. Use your abdominals to resist, boom. Three left to go. Two.

Last one, give it a rest. All right, now I think that we've woken up a few muscles. So, what's going to happen here is that we are going to do jackrabbit. You either have a choice of red-blue or red-red. Choose your own poison.

Alright, are you ready? Choose your poison. Okay, I'll give you the count. We're having 12, alright? Hover the knees, ready, set, push.

Out and in, two, in, three, engage. Four, long necks, five, release those fingers from gripping. Out, you have in, go out and in. Out and in, two more. Go and out, give it a rest.

Stretch back, girls, stretch back, back, back. Relax, relax, relax. Excellent, come up and start twirling your wrists because I know your hands have had a little bit of tension. Very good, we're going to step to the outside of our reformers. Our springage is going to be either a blue or a red, depending upon what you feel, you can push with a single leg.

Red is tight, I will tell you when you get around to it. Alright, now what happens here is you're going to place half of your seat here, and you're gonna cup your heel around the edge, all right? And you'll have genie arms. Let's everybody use your left leg as the pusher leg. Alright, so, cup the anterior portion of your heel around the edge of the mat.

From here I'd like genie arms. Now, genie arms means that you keep your forearms right in front of your sternum, not in front of your shoulders. I like to work a little bit, a little more functional. Now, you're sitting up tall and you're gonna be sure and place your foot in front of your ASIS. When you extend, ladies, you're going to keep your toe pads down.

Times six, go. Out and in, and don't lean forward. This is what I call a grab and go. Grab the stomach and go. You have two more, grab and go and in.

Grab and go and in. Very good. Step to the side of your reformers, girls. You are going to be using your other leg, and you're going to be pushing. I'd like your body to be right in the middle of your reformer and put your foot here and go into genie.

Alight, so it's the right leg. Genie arms, lower your forearms to your chest. This is the grab and go. Keep all of your weight on your supporting leg. Do not splay toward the right.

Six, out and in, and out, excellent. I don't even hear anything. Out and-- Sometimes they bang. Out and in, two more, out and in, last one, out and in. Now just shift a little further over and switch feet.

Now, you're going to be doing adductor work, okay? So, you shift a little bit over, and put your left foot against the shoulder rest. Same arms, ready, set, go. Pull! Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Pull! Aren't you glad you didn't use red?

Pull! Are you grabbing and going, girls? Pull! I see a little extrinsic tension here. Pull, and pull! Give it a rest, girls. And now, we're going to use, get our butts, so we're going to use our right leg and we're going to push back. We're going to add a red, though.

Holy Toledo, we're going to add a red. In addition, girls, I want your toes near the top of the shoulder rest. Alright, so softly bend your support knee. And we're going for 12. Again, this is a grab and go, grab your stomach and go.

Go. One and in, two and in, go three and in. Use your glute, glute, stomach, stomach, glute. Stomach, stomach, glute, and you have four left to go. Push, use it, push, last two.

Out and give it a rest. Very nice, ladies, and step off. Start all over from the beginning. Take off your red. Alright, now you switch to the other side.

So, this is, front, you're going to face this way and then genie arms, alright, genie arms. Now, you know what we're doing. Okay, alright. So, you know what we're doing. Ready, chest tall, squeeze your stomach and go.

It's out and in, two, relax the neck. Three, point the toes. Four, two more. Think ahead and switch. Step off.

Step in the middle. You're going to push with your left leg. Genie in place, boom. Ready, set, go. Out and in, grab and go, balance it.

You're a little splayed, don't splay. Out and in, out and two more. Out and motor plan, out and in. Shift your body that way, it's adduction. Very good.

Ready, stay tall, pull! One and go, and two, I hear it, I hear it. Three and go. Two more, in and go, and in. Thank God that's over. Red, ladies, add your red.

Hip extension, use the one glute. Hop forward, soften the knee, pull the shoulders down, long neck, 12. One and go and glute, focus on the glute. Focus on the long line through the left arm, left leg, go. Eight left to go.

Out, go, out, go, four left to go. My, you have a little tension there. Out and in, and out and in, very good. The whole thing with rotation. So, you're going here, you're going to rotate towards your legs.

Start, take off your red, ladies. Alright, now, you're going to rotate six towards your leg. Even though you're going toward your leg, ladies, it does not mean look down. Keep your eyes on the horizon. Ready, set, go.

And turn, don't tip, and turn, very good. And turn and go, you have two left to go. And one and go, and other leg, stand up. This is abduction. You turn away from your leg.

Turning left, ladies. Ready, set, go. Left, stay on your legs. This is easy, grow tall, spin up. Good, you have two left to go.

Don't splay on your legs, the hard one's coming up. Switch, move there, now this is adduction, turn toward your leg because you need all the help you can get. Alright, girls, ready, set, go, (groans) And go, tall. It helps, I'm telling you. Don't you think this twist helps?

Yes, it does. Twist, two more, one and go, two, add your red. Hip extension, girls. Alright, in this one, you're like, what are you gonna do, are you gonna turn your head? Well actually, you have one hand and you hold it behind you.

That's correct. It's going to be, yes, it'll be the left one behind you. Alright, you'll get one. So, you're going to use your anterior sling. You're gonna hold it.

Ready, set, 12, one and go, and two, good. Three, a little softer on the arm. Four, come on. Eight, good, brace and go. Out, good, out, in, four left, girls.

Is it almost over? It is, two left, I'm distracting. Other side, very good, girls, switch. Take your red off, start again. Turn towards your leg, towards your leg.

Sit nice and tall. Remember, you're spinning on a vertical axis. Turn toward the leg, six, go. And one and go, and two, the concept is spinning up. Spin tall, go, and tall, continue.

And tall, last hit, and tall, very good. Slip off, abduction, alright? Spin away from your leg. Spin away from-- I saw that. Spin away.

(laughing) The eyes. Okay, ready, set, six. One and get taller, and tall. Somebody over here get in control. And out and go, get tall.

So, it's not a lean. It a uppish. Go and up, here it comes. All right, switch. Okay, spin towards your leg.

Now, just think like wringing, the strength of wringing. That's you. Are you ready, set, wring. Ooh, very good, take your time. On the control, on the return.

And go, pull, three, slow, slow, slow. Four, slow, slow, get strong. Good. Five, slow, slow, slow. Last hit, six.

Hip extension, add your red, girls. Alright, you ready? Fire it out. Okay, one hand, wrap the free one behind, secure your serratus and your teres. Stomach in, power, one and go, and two and go.

And three, you have four left to go. No, you don't, eight. I'm counting, I'm talking at the same time. You should be concentrating. You have four now, I finished four.

One, this takes skill to count and chat at the same time. And out, last hit, girls. Out and give it a rest. Thank God that's over. Now, you will lay on your back.

It's two reds, two reds. For you at home, it's two reds, too. Okay, we're on our backs. Now, we're going to actually place our arches on there. Okay, hands are down by your sides, relax.

And now, what's going to happen is you're gonna just push out. Alright, that's enough, okay. Now, what happens is that both ankles extend, so that moves and your knees stay straight, and then you flex and your knees stay straight. So, sort of massage your feet. For some people, this hurts.

Other people it doesn't, it feels good. So, extend, extend the ankles and flex, flex, flex. Extend the ankles out and flex, flex, flex. Out, out, reach, and I'm glad that I'm not doing this. My feet are so ugly.

Go and heels, heels, four more. I need you to relax that neck, and the heel, heel, heel. Out, out, out, and heel. Now, one of each, one of each. One, flip, two, flip, three, flip, four.

Just think of massage and here you go. Very good, now move your feet to the side, go wide just for something different. As wide as you can, you're tall. Woo, you're tall, alright. Ready, same business.

Now, if it doesn't bother your feet, you can externally rotate just a tiny bit. Alight, if it doesn't bother your feet. But I want to get that same effect. Ready, set, go, extend and dorsal flex. Out those ankles, under the ankles.

Reach and go, and reach and go. Just think, is my neck relaxed? Is my stomach tight? Do I have neutral spine? Yes, very good, one of each.

Let's go, one and two, and woo, you gotta think. And your brow is frowning. You shouldn't do that, go. Gives you too many wrinkles. And go, and out, concentrate, out, and out, and out, and out, and out.

Very good. Now, we're going to go put our balls on the foot bar. And it's straight legs once again. Now, bring your legs close to the center, girls, so we are like heels touch, bunions touch, ankles touch, whatever you've got. Now, put your feet flat, just flat not under.

Don't hang below. Now, the object here, girls, is to put your right foot to the right, go, keep it flat. And the left foot to the left and keep that flat. And bring the right foot in and keep it flat. And then the left.

So, it's out, out, in, in, girls, without the carriage bouncing. That's called stabilization. Do you have that? So, that means if you rise up onto your toes, you're going to be bouncing like a low rider. Hold the carriage still, alright?

My rhythm, go, right, out, left, out, and in, and in. Out, and out, you're concentrating, in and in. Out, feel like this. And in and in. Straight legs, only ankles get to move.

Continue this for the last rep now. Out and out, left lead begins now. Left, keep it still, hold the tummy tight. Get out of your neck, last time and go. Four left to go, hold the knees straight, not the ankles.

Hold it, hold it, you have two left to go. One, ooh, bounce. In and go, last hit. Out and out and in and give it a rest. Different, huh?

Yeah, because your feet have to stay there. Push all the way out, and have your heels go under for a calf stretch, girls. Hold the calf stretch. Alright, now the next one is a little different. A little ballet, but you'll last, don't worry.

Pilates feet, girls, on your toes. Alright, now your left foot is going to be your stable foot. And I want your right toe to point and touch the outside of your bar. Point, that's very beautiful, and come back. The other side.

Point and in. Quit bouncing. Out and in, point and in. You've got a bigger point than that, come on girl. Point, whee, and go.

Whee, look at these beautiful insteps. Out and go and out, very good. Now we're going to do what's called pique. So your toe is pointed, it goes tap tap. But it comes, it generates from the hip.

It's not like that, like a horse, okay? That's pas cheval. We're going to point point, okay, from the hip. Right foot double tap, go. Point, point, bring it in.

And (clap clap) nice. (Clap clap) Go. And (clap clap) go. Last two. (clap clap) And (clap clap) Last one.

(clap clap) Beautiful, and (clap clap) give it a rest. Now we're just doing heel. The heel does not touch the bar, but you just flex and bring it in. Flex and bring it in. Ready, set, go.

Heel and in, keep your knee straight please. Just pull the toes up, four, anterior tib. Up and go. And heel and go. Heel and go.

And heel and give it a rest. It's point flex, bring it in. Point flex, bring it in. Are you good girls? Yes no?

Ready, set, go. Point, flex, bring it in. And point, flex, bring it in. Point, heel, go. And point, heel, go.

Nice toes. Point, heel, yoga toes. Point, heel, go. Point, heel, go. Last one, give it a rest.

Heels hang girls in pilates feet for the stretch. Oh, that's over, thank God. Alright, girls, sit up to your right side please. Bring your legs in, sit up to the right, swing your legs to the right, very good. And change your springs to a red-blue.

No, let's do red-green. Why not red-green? I like red-green. Yeah, so you only have one red, one green. Okay, grab your straps ladies, and then put them on your feet.

Slide down and grab your straps and turn around. Good. And strap your feet in accordingly. Alright, good. Nice, nice, nice.

Now we're going to do our leg circles. You know this is not one of my favorite, leg circles. A lot of people like leg circles. Girls like leg circles, I don't know why, but they do. Alright, you're good?

Alright, is everybody here neutral? Everybody here, there's only two of you. Alright, so, anyways, we're going to accent the down. This is a three count circle. Watch what I do.

One, two three. One, two, three. Okay, so I'm accenting hip extension. Hip extension, alrighty? Ready, set, go.

Down, two three. Down, two three. Accent down, two three. Down, two three. I want you to stop at that down.

Down, two three. Down, two more. Down, two three. Down, two three. Did you get what I was talking about?

The down, so that's hip extension. So now we're going to start at the bottom. Start at the bottom, and we're going to emphasize up, which is hip flexion. Up, two three, okay? Accent the up.

Pilates feet. Ready, set, go. Lift, two three. Lift, two three. Lift, two three.

Lift, good, that's precision. Tell your body where it has to be. Up, two three. Up, two three. Very good.

Start at the top. Now we're going to think about abduction. So, it'll be one, two, three, one, two three. It's not really a circle, it just goes Y. It doesn't arc.

Accent one on abduction. Ready, set, go. One, beautiful. One, two, get up. One, two, three.

Out, nice. Go out, two, three. Out, two, three. Why am I yelling? And out, two, three, give it a rest.

Oh, my son says that. "Mom, why are you yelling? You think that's going to make me get it any more?" Aye yai yai! So, you don't need to do adduction because we always do adduction. But that was what I do for my leg circles. Alright, so now what's going to happen, is we're going into mermaid.

I love it. I love mermaid. So take your straps off, put them where they need to be appropriately, and it's a red. Alright, so you're going to have your left hand on the bar. Excellent, you're going to Z sit.

And the Z that I like, is I actually like you to intend to get your sits bone down on the mat. It may not happen, but at least the intent is there. Alright, now the other part I like is to have your greater trochanter near the very edge of your carriage. And if your knee hits, then you're too close, because you are very tall, lucky you. Alright, so here we are, our hand is slightly in the front of the middle of the carriage.

And we'll just do our classic up and over times four. Ready, set, go. Lift, up, side bend, over. And lift up, and recover. Excellent.

Inhale, open the ribs, and lift up and it's down. Again, one, and over, lift up, and recover. Last one, up, side bend over, and put your hand on the platform. Ready? Okay, that would be your carriage, this is the platform down here.

Good. (laughter) Okay, ready, set, go. Up, and touch the bar, and come up and relax. Again, up and open, open. Up, very good.

And lift, open those ribs, and up and down. Last one, up, side bend over, and lift up and give it a rest. Now, what's going to happen is you're going to side bend and you're going to hold that bar with your free right hand. Ready? Go up, hold the bar ladies, and hold.

Both elbows bend, and your head touches it. Go, elbows bend, and go. And bend, and go. And bend, and go. You have four, look down to your down hand.

Look down, and head straight. And down, head straight. And down, head straight. And down, look to your up hand. Up hand, and push.

Up hand, and push. Very nice. Up hand, and push. Up hand, and push. Pick up yourselves, girls, up, up, up, nicely, and come out.

Okay, now we rotate to our right. So you just move your legs over, very good, very good. And we start all over. Okay, okay. Ready, go.

Lift and times four. And we lift and recover. We go long, we spread our intercostals, lift, and recover. And go up and side bend. And lift up and a last one.

Goes up and side bend. Move your hand to the platform. And goes up and side bend. And come up, keep your heads still. And go up, and go over, and I sound like a record.

And go up and side bend. And come up, and go, and lift, side bend, prepare to attach. Go up, and attach, bend both elbows, and go. And bend, and push. You have two more before you look down at your right arm.

Look down, and stretch. Look down, and turn the head. And down, and turn the head. Prepare to look at your up elbow. Up elbow, but turn the head.

Up elbow, and go. Keep going. Lift, and lower. Last one, lift that head, and give it a rest. Come all the way up.

Nice, and relax. Girls, we're going to change to a red-yellow. Ooh, you don't have yellow, okay. So we're just go into green. Yeah.

That's all you get. Hands in straps, girls, on your back. Okay, excellent, excellent. Alright, now, I'm going to give you a little instruction here, because this gets to be a little tense. So be careful of your shoulder.

What happens here, girls, is that you're going to pull the carriage out two inches from the stop, and your legs just continue scissoring. My rhythm, my rhythm, scissor. Then I say move them, you move them halfway down, boom. You continue to scissor. And then you bring them all the way down, you pull yourselves into the hundred position with your upper torso and you scissor.

So your arms are three positions, right? Two inches away, halfway down, hundreds. You'll repeat that here, V hands, palms facing each other, and T arms. Good luck, have fun. Legs up, girls.

Alright, pull two inches ladies. Excellent. Scissor, right and left and right and left and don't move the carriage that means you're giving up. One and halfway down, and one and two, three and four, hold it still and six and seven and eight and nine and ten. Hundreds, one and two, three and four, five and six, and seven and eight and nine and ten.

Pull your knees into your chest, girls, arms come up, open to the V, palms face each other, pull two inches, girls, legs straight up. Scissor, one and two, and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and halfway. One and two, three and four, five and six, and seven and eight and nine and ten. Hundreds, one and two, get those arms, palms down, and six and seven and eight and nine and ten. Pull your knees into your chest, arms to the T, girls.

Are you getting warm in here? I think so, too. I can see the sweat. Alright, girls, two inches. Push it.

Legs straight up, ladies. Okay, let's do this in pilates feet, okay? Ready, set, turn, go. One and two, there's ten, and four, and five and six and seven and eight and nine and halfway down. One and two, three and four, work on your turnout and seven and eight and nine, pull the hundreds, girls.

One and two, three and four, five and six and seven and eight and nine, give it a rest. Very, very nice, girls. Are you okay with that? Okay, I can tell. We're happy now.

So now what we're going to do is our seated roll down. So ladies put away your straps, you'll need them again, but just put them away. And also I'd like you to sit up, and I think what I'd like is you to lower these bars so they're not in your way during this experience. Alright, so we're going to be facing our risers here, and you're going to be on a red. Oh, you're on green?

Well, I think I'm going to do red. Alright, so here we go. Sit and cross your ankles, please. So we'll have the right ankle over the left. Okay, and now we're going to grab our straps.

It's sort of like that dog leash hold where we go like this and we wrap it around, like this, and then we hook it around this way, okay? Did you see that? Good, excellent. Alright, this is like roll back, and it's also very rear delt-ish. Alright, so keep your arms out in front of you, and you can choke up if you'd like to hold it a little higher, alright?

And we're just doing roll back four times, count four down. Go. Four and three and two and one. Roll forward and three and two, sit tall. Again, down and two and three and four.

Roll forward, forward and up, very good. Two more. Down and down and down and down. Curl, four, good, good, and up. Get tall.

Last hit. Down and down and down and down. Halfway up, stay there. Make it safe. Turn your palms to the back, ladies, and you're going to pull rear delt.

Back and go. Take your time. Back and don't go for range. Just know that you're using your shoulder blades, not your hands. I can tell, I'm a professional.

Go. And back and go. Stay back. Lift and lower your leg, girls. Lift and lower.

Keep your arms away. Lift and lower. God, what's she going to make me do? You're going to pull now. Pull and lift.

And go. Just your arms, not your body. Pull and lift. Come on, girls. Pull and lift.

And go. And stay there, hold the position. Hold it tight, tight, tight. And relax. And roll up.

We start all over again. Switch legs, ladies. Ready, arms here, tuck and roll, the whole thing. Go. Down and two and three and four.

Forward and forward and up, get tall. Go down and two and three, hold the pose. Forward and up and up and go. Again, three and two and three, hold the pose. Keep those arms low, Chrissy, they keep getting higher.

Down and down and down, halfway up. Up, up, up, stay there, rear delts. Open, open, open, and (ch ch ch) Open and use the blades, nice, nice, nice. I see the muscles bulging, that's good. Out, out, out, stay there.

Leg up, go. Lift and lower, present your foot. Lift and lower, and up, stay up. Add your arms. Pull, and put it down.

Pull, put it down. Come on, pull, put it down. Hold your pose, look good, look good, look good. Give it a rest. Ooh, how was that?

Good? I hope it was good for you, as was good for me. I hope. Okay, girls, now we're serving, so I would think you could do a blue on the second tier. Blue on the second tier, alright?

Face me, and we're going to serve. Butt your feet up against the shoulder rests, serving with your straps, girls. Excellent. Alright, okay, now start seated. Now remember, depends upon the health of your feet.

I'm into the feet. Alright, so just do whatever's comfortable. Now I'd like your little finger on girl waist. I know that's a little hard, because most people start here. I like girl waist, and I like the elbows really adducted, emphasizing.

Okay, so we're just going to serve times four. Go, out out out, pull, back, back, back. Good. I want to think of the humerus moving. And back, back, back.

Humerus moves, and down. This is a long segment, girls. Humerus here, now add your knees, standing up, go. Lift, very nice. Go back, back, back.

And lift, very nice. And back, she's laughing at me. And lift, very good, and back, back, back. Whoo! Lift, stay there, now let the carriage return. Bend your knees.

Sit on your heels, girls. Sit and push, and sit. Keep your arms up, and push. Sit, and push. And sit and push.

Two more. Sit, do you feel this anybody? Yes? And sit and push. Stay there, and let's offer.

Open, open, open, and blow, blow, blow. Inhale here, blow, blow, blow. Don't worry, you're almost done. And go. Last hit, open, open, open, and blow.

Hug a tree. Open, open, open, and fingertips touch. Inhale here, use your pec muscles. Inhale here, don't brace with your neck. Inhale there, and give it a rest.

Woo! Okay, I think we have to go the other way now. So, let's say it's just a red, alright? So we're going to chest expand, this-a-way. Alright, ladies, let's put our ankles in the well, so that means move away form your shoulder rests, excellent, and don't cheat by hooking those ankles, no dorsaflexing on the ankles to hold you up. Grab your straps, girls.

Excellent. And we're tall now, very tall. Try and keep your hip flexors at 180 degrees, alright? So you know if you flex you're going to go down, and we don't want it. And it's not that tight, so don't pull fast, okay?

We're going to sweep our arms behind our rump. Go behind the seam in your pant, alright? And go. Here we go. Go back, back, back, return.

In in front. Go, two, two, two, we're going to go four times. Three, three, three, and go, go, go. Four, four, four, and go. Alright, now we're going to hold it to the seam in our pant.

Good, now sit back to your heels, good. Sit tall, stand tall, and let it return. Got it. Go. Pull and sit.

And move the carriage, and move the carriage. Move it, move it, move it, last one. Move it, move it. I think you moved your arms over there, Christy. And go, one more.

Hold it by the seam in your pant, now pull it with you. Go, yes, now keep it with you. Go, boom, very good. And go, and now hold it next to the seam in your pant. All you do is sit and stand.

Go. Sit down and stand. Move your carriage, and go. Move the carriage, and go. You have five left to go.

Don't bounce it over there, Christine. Go, and down. You were doing a nice bounce. And down, control the down. Go, and down, give it a rest.

Very good. Very good. That's not exactly the easiest one. Okay, let's put the straps on the shoulder rests, and let's get ready for short box abdominals. All springs loaded.

Does that mean we're near the end? You bet! Alright, short box abdominals. Excellent. Alright, and get your foot strap available for use. Excellent.

Okay, we're going to have the hug a tree arms. The hug a tree arms. Alright, excellent. Hold on. I need you girls to have your gluteal folds fairly near the front edge, okay?

Alrighty, just in case. You know, I like safety. Alright, here we go, girls. Tuck and roll times four. Tuck, roll, roll, roll.

And roll up, up, get tall. Tuck, roll, roll, roll, roll. Tuck and get tall. Two more. Down, down, down.

And tuck and get tall. Last hit, roll, roll, roll, and crunch and come up. Take your right leg, cross it over the top of the other. Very nice, very nice. Oh, no, not cross knees, we're not having a good time here.

(laughter) Have a cigarette. (laughter) Alright, here we go. Roll back, roll back and open your arms. Now present your leg, don't go too deep. Lift and lower your leg, turned out.

Present your foot. Up and down, and lift and lower. Lift and lower. And lift and stay up, girls. Up, now make your leg go right and left.

And right and left. Hold the body. Right and left, right and left. Bye bye. Right and left, and right.

Those arms, make them symmetrical. Right and left, and right and left. Bring it down. Okay, now your arms in front of you, roll down, boom. Arms up slightly higher, legs up.

One leg, well her leg and your leg make two. Alright, you'll go right and your arms go left. Go, arms this way and that-a-way. Keep your heads in line. Heads in line.

Keep moving, go. Four left to go. Three left to go. Two left to go. And one.

Stay here, hold the arms open. Lift the body up to the leg, and bring it down. That was a little tough. So sorry. (laughter) Other side.

You should see these faces on this side. Here we go, cross. Phew, we're good. Alright, you want to hear what I call this at home? See your arms can't be like this, you're not like this, but doesn't this remind you of a toilet seat cover?

Just flat here and then it goes around? (laughter) That's what it looks like. Alright, roll down. Roll, open your arms, show me your legs, come up a little more. Go, lift and lower, so you present your foot.

Everything is still. Keep going. Lift, you have four more. Lift and lower. Think ahead, what's going to happen?

I have to go over there, to the left. Go, stay up, here we go the legs. Left and right, don't let it fall. It has to stay the same height. Out and in.

Out and in, give it a rest, bring it home. Alright, arms. (laughter) Whoo! Alright, roll down. Down, down, down. Leg up.

Alright, let's do it both together, legs and arms. Go. One and cross, and two. We'll do 12. Go, and three, keep your eyes focused, just look for symmetry.

Over and go, and over and go. You only have six more to go. And out, four more, keep going. Four, pick it up, three, and go, two and go, last one. Hold it, hold it, hold! Okay, good.

Done. We were in flexion a lot, now we have to go into extension. Swan time. Turn your boxes, ladies. Bars up, and it's going to be a red.

How about just a green? Just want green. Alright, now your bars are up to your normal, good. Excellent. And get on your boxes with a nice arabesque line.

Yes, you get like this. I don't like when people put their knees up there and they look like... Yes, very beautiful, arabesque line. I'm very particular about that. I am, believe it or not, I am.

So we're going to keep supported here. Remember, the muscles that face the ceiling are the working muscles. So we've got everything engaged here. Alrighty, let's push out and in ten times. One, it's easy, and in.

Keep your head a little low, good. And out, out, out, and in, in, in. Go, out, out, out, in, in in. Pick it up a little bit, your legs. Out, go, in.

Good, good. Out, out, out. I think that's six. Out, out, out, in, in, in. Keep going, keep it long.

Very nice. Go. Nice, nice feet. You must also have good backs. Out, out, out, in, in, in.

Last two. Out, out, out, and in, in, in. Excellent. Now, what I want you to do is scoot yourself up, really scoot yourself up forward, and I want you to do an undulating swan. You know what I'm talking about?

(laughter) Okay, push out. (laughter) Okay, you didn't push up enough. I've got to get those ribs. If it's too strong and you feel like you're going to get launched off, drop it down to a red. Let's drop it down to a red anyway.

I want you to drop it down to a red. Let's not fight our machines. Alright, now really get a majority of your chest so that when you push out, ladies, your body is below sea level. Then I want you to come up, and then show your chest. Okay, push out.

Now, no one goes down, so we're at sea level with extended elbows. Now, girls, I would like you to drop below sea level. Drop your heads. Now I want you to pick up, through your thoracic spine and your head is the last thing to come up. Draw in it, keep drawing it in, and flip up, shoulders down, and breast bone.

Keep your head up as you go down. Head up, head up, head up, head up, head up. Drop down below sea level. Draw your stomach, upper back takes the round. And pull the shoulders back and show your chest.

Out, and go down with your head up, girls. And blow. Now scoop from your belly. Belly round, and flip it forward. And go down, again.

Round down, pull up, pull up. That's the best part, I don't have a back for that. And open, and give it a rest. Whoo! Have you ever done that one? I like that swan.

That's a Julian swan. I'm going to give my credit to Julian Littleford. Okay, girls, let's take the boxes off. And we're going to try red. Now because you don't have, oh, yeah, we can do blue on the second tier.

Alright, blue plus I call that. Is that on there? And put down your bars, girls, because you're going to stand. Alright, excellent. Alright, so what I want you to do is you're starting standing leg slides.

Step on here with your left foot first, okay? Left and then right. Don't put your hands on your thighs. I'm very particular about that. Left, right.

Power up, excellent. Alright, put your foot near the edge. Christy, yep, there you go. Alright, so it's pretty simple. You're just going to go out and, oh, no, it isn't.

It's not that simple. Alright, once again we're going to start here with our arms down. When you go to the full excursion of the spread of your legs you're going to be at twelve o'clock with your arms. They're going to circle, okay? Push out and hold your twelve o'clock.

Go. Push out, circle out to the side. It's a circle. And go. Christy, look at me.

I'm going sort of boom. And go, okay? Is it too tight? Oh, you have a red and a blue. Oh, my fault.

Alright, let's try it again. So girls, when the carriage is in, it's at six o'clock. When you're out at your max, you're at twelve o'clock. The tendency is to be there at three, alright? Ready, set, go.

And circle up. And you're going the wrong way. I want you to go that-a-way. My fault. And go.

And out, up, and a close and out up, and a close. Twelve o'clock, twelve o'clock, good, and go. And a twelve, and don't stop. Stop, girls, move your feet a little bit if you're more flexy, move it more inward, into the center of your carriage Christy. Alright, let's try it again.

Start all over from scratch. My, you're getting a workout here. She's sweating through two shirts. Ready, set, go. And one and a home.

Try not to stop. Two and a home. And a three and a home. And a four and a home. Stop.

Now we're going to bend the right knee. So turn your right leg externally, external rotation, and you're going to bend the right knee, okay? So it looks like this. It goes one and a in. But when your knee is bent, you're at twelve o'clock.

Ready, set, go. Bend and come in and circle, bend and good good. And a bend and come in and bend and come in. Okay, so what do we do now? Oh, let's make it harder.

It's rotation. So you're going to rotate, rotate, don't go rotate like that, you've got to rotate at the top. Rotate, rotate, come in. Go. Rotate, rotate, and come in.

You've got to rotate toward me, too. Go. Right, left, good. Go, and right, left, and go. And right left. Somebody's banging over here.

That means they have lost control of their machine. (laughter) And right left, and good. Last one, right left, and go. Switch feet. So you turn around and face the other way.

Yep, I like that. Getting off and then step up nicely, one, two. Straight arm, you're going to go over your leg as it goes out. Go. Up and go.

And two, good. Think about your lines. Three and go. What would be next? Four, add the bent knee.

Get into it. Lunge and go. And lunge and go. Bend the knee more. Lunge and go.

And lunge, add the rotation. Go. One two, beautiful. One two, nice. One two, keep going.

Ba bum, two more. Think ahead. Because this has to be repeated going forward and backward, and give it a rest. Alright, now that we're done with that, let's get off. Okay, let's adjust the bar so you can get full foot purchase on the platform.

That makes more sense. Alright, now I'd like you to get back on with your right foot on the carriage. Step and face it. Excellent. Now, you don't have to have your foot up.

Can you turn it so it's sort of flatish? You can have either heel hang or toe hang, whichever you feel comfortable. Alright, your front leg is turned out, girls, an external rotation. I'd like your hips squared to your risers. Alright, so it's the same exercise.

You're going to circle your arms over your leg, at the maximum excursion you'll be at twelve o'clock, both legs straight. Go. One and come home. And two and come home. More left hip, girls.

Three and come home. And four. Now we're going to bend the knee. Bend the knee and come home. Bend the knee, good, good twelve o'clocks.

Bend the knee and come home. Bend the knee, turn right left girls. Go, right left, twelve o'clock. And go. Twelve o'clock, twelve o'clock and go.

Right left, go. And right, two more, come on, girls. You can do it. Go, last dip. Up, up, go.

Last one. Up, up. Very good, girls. Switch feet, safely. Yep, and yep.

Re-square your feet. Bring those hips, girls, in line with your risers the best you can. You have to feel comfortable, alright? Hip. Alright, are we ready girls?

We're going to just slide, circling our arms over our leg. Go. A one and go. And a two and tall. And get tall and get taller.

And get tall and get taller. Bend the knee. Bend and go. And bend, turn that leg out if you can. And bend and go.

And bend, turn left right. Left right, go. And left right, get taller as you go, girls. Bend the knee but stay lifted. This is the secret of dancers.

Go, left right, two more girls. Make a six. Left, right, last hit. And left, right, excellent. Alright, so how do we change it, girls?

Right foot on the platform facing me. Mmm-hmm. Okay, turn out your front leg. Alright, same business. Arms going to circle over the leg.

Is it hot up there girls? Whoo! This is it. We can do it. Straight legs. Ready, go.

Lift, and go. And lift and go. And lift and go. Straight legs here, bend the front knee. Lunge and go.

You got it. Lunge, nice, nice. Lunge, and go. Prepare turning right left. Go, right left zip.

And right left zip. Arms are high. Right left zip, and right left get tall. Two more to go. Last one, other side.

I know it's hot up there. We're on the home stretch, girls! Right hips forward, girls. Alright, straight legs. Swing your arms over toward the left. Ready, set, go.

Left, straight knee over there. And two and go. And three and right hips, ladies. Four, bend the knee, get into it. Lunge and go.

And lunge, keep going. And lunge, think ahead because you have to turn left right. Go left right zip and left right recover. I know this is hard because it's been an hour, girls. Last one, give it a-- We're done, girls! High fives, high fives, yay! We're done!


1 person likes this.
Nice change to do this class! Loved your energy ! Ready to begin my day!
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Sheila M
3 people like this.
you're amazing!!!beautiful,fun class and unique as you!
2 people like this.
A killer:)
4 people like this.
What are we 12? Really enjoyed it without the volume though
1 person likes this.
awesome ! love the variations!
Fun Fun Fun!!!!! Try laughing AND holding a pose...made extra work for myself:) Always love your energy, ability to laugh with us, and creativity. I can always expect a unique and tough class from Valentin everytime. Thank you for an uplifting hour of "play"!
2 people like this.
Thanks for all your gracious compliments. I really enjoy teaching with passion and fun!
2 people like this.
Thanks for a fun yet challenging class!
1 person likes this.
Thanks, Valentin, for such a fun and energetic workout!
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