Class #2668

Foot to Core Connection

35 min - Class


Explore all parts of your feet in this Wunda Chair workout with Amy Taylor Alpers. She continues the theme of connecting your feet to the rest of your body so you can go deeper in your powerhouse. She is working with two different chairs and two different bodies so she also shows the adjustments that may be needed for certain exercises.
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair

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Hi everybody. I'm Amy Taylor Alpers from the Pilati Center in Boulder, Colorado. And I'm here with Jen and Laurel. And we're going to do a one, two chair, low chair workout using the theme from the tutorial about the pepole pole and how the feet connect up through the body. All right, so we're gonna, we're gonna work on that theme a little bit throughout and in a couple of other classes as well. Okay. So we're going to start with footwork and we have two different chairs, two different bodies of course, right? And so there's always different issues for that. So we'll see if we run into stuff and we'll deal with it as we go.

Terms of springs, a typical is kind of a one low, one high. I suggested they go a little lighter today just because they're going to be doing a lot and when you're on camera you work extra hard. Um, and then we'll see if we need to make some other decisions on the XO or on the center line chair. We would usually do like a two, three. Hopefully that helps. Okay. So we're going to start on the balls of the feet, which is actually the most challenging part to figure out where you find that pedal pole arch, right? So you have this nice metatarsal arts that's almost kind of conforming a little bit to the roundness. The heels are together and touching and a sense of almost cupping a little bit.

You might have to feel like you're on your little toes more than you're used to. So, um, lower the ankle slightly rollout onto your little toes a bit more. Yep, that's right. That's right. So that there's a nice space here. You have this arch again and you're on the whole metatarsal. And I like for the toes to lift a little bit, not with tension, but so you know for sure you're not using them to stand on. You're standing on the big toe, the little toe, and you have a sense of awareness where your heel is. Okay.

So arms can be down or stack and you're going to press. And the task is as you go through your wraps, we're going to do about 10 that you start to feel the sense of the pedal pull lift from your arches. So again, you could go a little more little toes and keep that wrap a little bit more. Lower your heels back slightly. Yeah and stand on your little toes more. There we go. It should feel like it's literally like a jet that just comes straight up you and you don't have to manufacture that so much.

It just literally occurs. All right. Then let's go bird on a perch and you have made come for just a little bit Laurel and you have a nice sense of the lift of that arch. So pressing down and lifting the arch up. We're adding this extra thought now that when you push the pedal with your foot as opposed to your quad, so your quad would actually come this way. The foot would press but not the knee. Right.

And then the knee actually ends up coming back into you and you could get a little deeper ankle flection cause you want to really feel those ankles. I think it's one of the biggest struggles we have today is that people's ankles are tight and also a little bit off the brain radar. Yeah. And now we'll come to the heels and then here ankle flection is just very tight for people. Most people have to really work on that. So we press down, same idea. You're pressing the pedal with your foot and not with your knee. And that allows, yeah, that allows that nice inner arch line to come right up your so as and into your inhale every single time. Right.

And when you come up, think of lifting the ball of your foot and your toes instead of your knees. Yeah. Right. Great. Awesome. Now come down, go to the balls of the feet, press down until the thighs are parallel with the ground and we're gonna point and flex the feet and you really want to explore your feet. You really want to feel like you have located all the joints, all the ligaments, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, nerve endings. You really want to figure that one out. And again, the feeling is that you're holding the carriage open or the pedal open with your feet and not your quads. Right.

And your feet are managing the pedal versus you're holding things stiff with your quads. So again, you're more of an open chain because the feet are doing more, right. And then just levitate the heels and do some pumping. We'll do five with two feet. One lift the arches, lift the arches, lift, push with the feet. Yes. And then take your right foot off and pump five times. Still feeling like it's your foot doing it and not your quad.

And then the other foot, same feeling, the foot opens, the carriage, opens the knee and then bring it all the way out. Now we're going to do one very turned out. I don't know if it has an official name or not. So you're very turned out and we're going to do a few other exercises in this position and a really wonderful for finding that whole spiral up into the deep back of the hip. So you can take your toes a little wider. Yes, you have a little more ankle flection, even a little bit more. Yes. So you have pretty good ankle flection, right? You're still standing on the little toes, Kinda wrapping back more than you know you're going to put your weight on your hands on the front of the chair could be on the side edge or the front edge and you're going to hover your hips right over your feet and then you're going to just lower lift. But again, it's with the whole foot. So you're leaning into this part of the foot.

When you want to get to the back of the foot, pull your heels back under the chair a little bit and push that's better. And then find your spiral way up in your hips. Yes. So that when we flex, we flex the ankle. Yes. Beautiful. Versus flexing somewhere in the side of the arch of the foot. Okay.

And then bring your hips back on. All right, so quickly you'll see it and maybe especially from this angle, you'll see that when the weight is going into the navicular bone here, instead of the tailless, the Taylor is right at the end of the Tibia. And we don't want the weight to come this way. We want the weight to go that way. Okay, so we keep playing with that and it really gets to the back of the hip. All right, so let's go forward and just do a hundred on your chair. So scooch on forward. Your tailbone will come off the front edge.

You might have to come even a little further Laurel, cause that's nice. Tiny with chair and then stretch it out. You got it. Now we're taking our pumping. If we did our a pole before, we may be have a sense that we're not pumping here, we're pumping here. Soften the shoulder, the elbows, and imagine you're doing something more with your hands so that you don't tighten your upper body so you can breathe for one thing. Now we're going to add our feet. So we're going to have our Pedder pole feet. Not exactly cause they're pointed, but we're not here.

We're in here. So we're going to flex the ankle a tiny bit, have an ankle, and then we're going to point the foot and we're going to get cramps, but we're not going to be doing the nice job. And then last one and then gently bend your knees and then you can slide forward. So sometimes I'll say to people, if they're having a struggle with the foot wanting to, typically what it wants to do is something like this, right where you're leaning into the navicular here versus standing straight through the foot. That may be when it's up in space. You almost to stop doing that, have to prayer foot a little bit, like almost this kind of sickle roll and then come back out of that and you'll be in a straighter line. And the prayer foot, which was something that Peloton is used a lot and kind of disappeared is actually a very cool connection. So having a hint of it is a good idea. All right, so let's turn and face the chair and we'll do foot. Ankle, same idea.

All right, so one foot, let's take your right foot to the pedal. Hands go down to the chair. We're staying on the same springs. The kneecap is just off the front edge. So you take the pedal down a little bit. You're right below your knee cap, kind of on the tendon right there where it attaches to the Tibia. You have that feeling again that the foot calf pushes the spring to point.

And in doing so, the quad actually comes up the belly. You might lean forward a little bit, Laura, like that. Yeah. And then just checking on your standing leg that we're not hyperextending. But again, we're standing on the tailless in the tripod of the foot. Yes. That will allow the exercise to come up through the, so as into the diaphragm and not teach you to lock your leg to stand on it.

So it's that. When you get to Swan, you don't really know exactly where your legs are. Nice job. Okay. Press down on the pedal and then love. Teach yourself up to standing, pumping, and we'll stack the arms and the goal remains the same. So you're gonna lift your heel. So the heel is quite high. Yeah. Lift your heel even higher. Yes. And now you're not pushing with the quad, you're pushing with your foot, your foot pushes. And actually, yeah, the sense is then that the quad comes back up and what you might do is stick your butt out just a little bit. Yeah.

Bend the standing knee slightly and activate your foot more and then push this foot. Yes. So if you play with that idea, see you are locking and levering. Maybe instead of pushing with your feet and then bring your foot up and we'll do the other leg. Okay. So switching feet, checking to make sure you're standing on the tripod of your standing foot and not locking into hyperextension. And then you are tickling like we did before, trying to find an open and create movement in every single one of the joints of your foot. And you're feeling hopefully that as the foot presses and the bell and the quad comes up, it goes right into your, so us and into your lungs from there. That's right. Yes.

And each time and the need isn't rock because each time you press the quad goes up and then it stays there. Yes. Nice job. Okay, great. Press down and come up to standing pumping. Nice high arch. So lifting the heels very high. Yes, but it's a high arch as opposed to like what we call a forced arch or where you've popped into the toe joints. You actually are working from a very strong arch. You can lift your heel a little higher. Yes. And Push.

And again you want to just take about out a little bit, right? So that you're standing in the hip more than the quad. Yes. Right. Quite a challenging exercise. And then we'll come to the top and bring the feet down. Now you find your nice tripods with two feet, right? So you've got your big toe, your little toe center of the heel, big toe, little toe center of the heel.

It's actually harder than it sounds like you might have to flex the ankles a little bit to make it work. Right. Cause once we lock the knee out, we're kind of off the tripod of the foot. So soft ankle, soft knees, they won't stay soft, but you don't want to lock them. All right, and we're going to do, we call it standing pushed down. It's got other names, but you might, yeah, might want to scoot back to [inaudible]. All right, so we're going to take arms up. Stay on your tripod, don't lock your knees, maybe stick your tail out a little bit so you're not leaning on your quads. That's right. You curl forward. Hands go shoulder with onto the pedal. Stand on your feet. Stand on your hands and push and just relax in here a little bit. Soften your elbows, stand on your four footedness and then come back just to the top of the spring.

Unlocking your elbows. You got it. And then push back down. Whole body pushes. Let this go with you a little bit more long. Might yet and come back up nice and pressed down. And when you come back up, you don't actually lift off your hands. You lift your hands. There you go. Nice job.

And then when you come back up this time we're going to lift your hands all the way up, unlocking the elbow, keeping the body in an organized stand on your feet versus locking your knees. All right, we're going to do one set where we go down. Three pumps, come to the top three times. You're going to rise up, unlocking the knees. Stand in your tail as, see if you can find it round forward right at the base of your shinbone. Press down and stay on it and let your shoulders stay in your body. Then we're going to bend and straighten the elbows narrow so the bell elbows bend towards the knees a little bit more. Yes, and then straight arm and rise just to the top of the spring and press against.

Stand on your feet. Bend and straighten your elbows. Maybe even a little bit narrower. There you go. Keep standing on your feet. Come up to the top of the spring. One more time. We press down. You inhale, you do three pumps, ideally on the inhale, just continuing and then you exhale. Stand on your feet. Don't lock out. Now stay on your feet. Pull your abdominal. So as up. Yeah.

Nice job. Right. Excellent. Excellent. Okay, let's do upside down. Push up. So you're going to step onto the pedal. All of these can be done on the same spring tension. If you wet a little light, you might want to up it a bit for this exercise. But here's those arches again, lift all 10 toes, prayer, foot a little more than you're used to so that it comes up into your rap. And then you're not gonna stretch your legs. You're gonna pick your arches up, pick your arches up and put your arches back down again. So they begin to learn right to be this tremendously supportive place for you.

And you're not having to stretch or tense so much in the leg now because you're actually standing in the foot arch ankle arch. You got it left toes a little bit more on that left hip. Yes. And then up we come and lift your toes too, because if you point your toes, you're going to end up losing your arch a little bit and then up. Nice job. Nice job. Okay. Stay at the bottom, turn your feet in and bring them together. Don't put your right foot up on your chair. We'll do the up and down. All right, so now you've got both feet. Yeah, and if, if you wanted a little more spring tension, you can go up.

So you could technically still be on a high low, a one three or on a center line at two three. But if you want a little lighter for the earlier stuff, you could take it up. All right. And that all of those spring tensions are always open to interpretation a little bit. It's not designed to be just challenging. It's really designed, designed to help you as well. Okay, so the standing foot, find your pedal pole arch, lift your 10 toes, no hyper extension because you're on your arch instead of your knee. Right. Your pelvis is may be a little freer then.

And you could choose something better there as well. And then your standing foot the same. You find your tripod and then instead of pushing down on your quad, you stand on your feet and levitate. Yeah. And hands can be here. They could be on the knee for stability, whatever you need when you're trying a new idea like this, right, and the standing foot. It's as if I just came right under it and picked you up.

Just ticked you right up under the arch of the foot versus a feeling of dragging the leg. It's like there's a bubble right there and it just comes right up out of you and your working leg here is going this way with weight on your Shin instead of your knee. And then we'll come down and actually let's go into climb the mountain. So you go part of the way down. You can stack your arms or you can put your hands on your knee or on the chair is fine as well. Back Foot, heel, very high. You push with the ball of the foot. You got it. That's it. Beautiful.

You've got a curl up here and when you bend your knee, don't think so much of bending your knee. Think of lifting your foot, lift your foot up. Yes, and then enough and come back down and we'll switch. Okay, so other foot that exercises you play with that idea that particularly that last one really will change over time. It's quite an interesting journey. All right, so standing foot. We like to do maybe Laurel show, we like to kind of hang the foot low and use the calf, but what we're going to do is we're going to get the arch very high and lift the foot from the art, making sure we keep our tripod so maybe just a little more little toe and then it's free in the knee because the arch is doing the work and you rise up and you go back down and the arch lifts. Yeah, so that it doesn't have to be a calf lift. It's really more of an arch lift and the weight you feel in a way that the calf is actively trying to push towards the Shin. She can lift a little higher. Yes. Maybe even bend the knee and lift the heel more and lift the heel. How do you do it? There we go.

And then stay part of the way down stack or hold the knee and then pump. And again, don't let the heel drop. This one's challenging, right? You're pushing with the ball of the foot, not the heel. Yes. Okay. Good job. Curl a little bit in your belly. Nice. Excellent. And the gently down and step off. Okay.

So take a moment just on your two feet again. Feel your tripod, feel that inner arch muscle, that posts to your tip. No hyperextension. If anything, there's a sense of maybe kind of, if you ever skied, you know, like kind of putting the weight of your shit on the front of your ski boot a little bit. Right? Versus standing way back in hyperextension and then spreading the weight out through your feet. Beautiful. All right, so let's do, let's bow face this way and we'll do crossover pumping into the up and down. Okay, so Laura, let's have you turn and face the other way. Still could be the same spring. All right.

Standing Foot and working foot. Okay, we're going to cross over and I would probably have you come a little more forward with your standing foot. Yep. As long as part of the reason the pedal will hit your calf sometimes is because we're hyper extending. So soften the knee and stand in the arch of the foot. Yes. Right. And then there's room here. So same idea. You're standing in the arch of the foot. Maybe for today, try bending your standing knee and wrapping your hip more and pumping from the arch hip instead of the knee. You got it.

And letting the pump push you right up and out of your pelvis through your, so as to your lungs. Yes. And then let's press the pedal down. Now just for a moment, press the pebble down, put your foot on. You can put it maybe on this metal piece and you can put your foot on the wood and scoot your working foot back a little bit. Yeah, just so that you have a little more room for your up and down to the side. You're going gonna take your foot up to the chair.

Now this foot down here again, we're not hyperextending, we're standing in the ankle and this foot can actually prayer foot. Now it can truly reach around like you had a chimpanzee foot and scoop that pedal up a little bit. And then you're working the same here that we're not hanging in the arch. We're standing in the tripod and we're lifting the quad up. So we're standing in the Shin Arch.

Okay. Okay ladies. Yes. And carefully down. Nice. Carefully off. And we'll turn and face the other way. And Laurel maybe on the other side we won't have you have your foot back quite so far because the chairs big. Okay. Okay. All right. So you've got your, your standing foot. Yup. The other one. There we go. Cross over and then just take a moment.

You can see it very easily on Laurel just because she has that range that she might hang in this bode feeling and that makes her lean towards the chair. So instead we're going to actually soften the knee. We're going to create an arch. Yes, we're gonna stand in the tailless and then the three points of the foot, which comes right up the SOS to the diaphragm and we pump and pump. And that's another reason why you might decide a little bit lighter springs when you're playing with it, cause it's going to destabilize you until you figure the new organization out. However, when you go into up and down side, you're still gonna want the spring.

So you got it, Jen. It looks good. Nice, good, solid push. So we're not leaning in the hip, we're standing right on the arch of the foot. And then press it down. Adjust as needed. Just a little harder on that one. There we go. Okay. And then the other foot, so you're going to still say you changing feet. Oh, go ahead. We're doing the up and down to the side. Okay, so this standing foot again, we're going to really be, that's where you do want to take time to get it right where you want it, right?

We're going to be a little prayer footed. So we're going to have the foot scooped around the outside, which lifts that inner line or we're going to watch hyperextension so we're not standing in the calf, we're standing in the shin. Same up here. We're standing in the Shin, ankle foot, and we go up not quite heavy enough. Sprain and back down again. Yeah, on one side and be a little different than the other. Yeah. Now you're finding your standing foot wrap up into your hip.

Right. So we're trying to get, sorry as I throw her trying to get a little more wrap and that chair's very big for a Laurel, so it's a little extra high. We got it. We got it, we got it. Yep. And then carefully coming down. All right. And then always carefully stepping off. Okay. Beautiful job. Okay, so now we're going to walk around and we're going to do Pronoun press into the Swan dive. So if you like, you can put a pad on the front edge of your chair. That's to help you if your chair edges sharp. That's for one thing. And then also to keep you from sliding a little bit.

We're going on a spring tension that's a little bit lighter, like maybe a one, one, a low low, something like that. It can be one up from that, or even eventually a middle, middle or a two to something like that can work as well. Just depends on your size and et cetera. So we're starting prone, but we're trying to recreate the pedophile feeling. So where are our ankles? Our taillights, our arches, our tripods and this feeling of that we're not lifting the calf. We're actually pressing into the Tibias a little bit, right? To open the knee. And over time, this changes a lot of things.

You can see it's making Laurel shake a little bit, um, around the hip and the Sacrum, such that you might not have to worry about having your heels together in a swan eventually. Right? So we're working on getting there because this will open over time. All right, so first just prone arm press. We're in a, a strong head to toe line and we're just inhaling, exhaling, inhaling, exhaling. But you're feeling again from the four footedness, from your poems to your souls or from your souls to your palms. Versus I stabilized myself and I moved my arms.

Then we're going to take the arms straight and we're going to swamp dye forward by levitating the arches. And as you go forward, you'll slightly bend your elbows. The elbows stay bent and you rise up and down in once again for footedness, you feel your palms in your souls and your palms and your souls. You breathe. Nice job. And last one, yes, and carefully off. Nice job. Beautiful, beautiful. So let's take you up to either two, lows. If your chair's a little bit light or one very high spring you, if you're on a one one now, you probably can do it.

Let's do standing pushed down from behind the chair. All right, so chairs very dramatically on this one. Okay, so your goal is to get up really close to the chair if you can. If you can't, you can't because of the way it's designed, but then you're touching it but you're not leaning on it and that helps you make sure you're standing right over your feet the whole time. But you're in the Nice Polonius v which is a natural position. And then you have your tripod arches. You have ankles because you're not hyper extending, right?

And maybe you have that little wrap that comes into the deep hip, which frees the pelvis and spine a little bit more. It's going to take the arms up. You round over shoulder with apart part your hands meet, you press the pedal to the floor or as far as you can go. And then you rise back up again. A keep checking in. Are you standing on your feet or your calves? Maybe been the knees a little bit, and prayer for the arches of your feet more.

And then let the shoulders be in your body a bit more softened. Bring your hands a bit narrower. Bend your elbows a little wide and put your whole body in there. That's right. I try not to straighten your elbows at all for you and that's the way go down. Stay low. We're going to do three pumps, but the elbows go wide on this one.

And again, feet to hands. Can you feel it that you're not just locking something to lever something. And then last time you stand on your hands, feet, not your arms and you pull your so as in belly way up and you let yourself come. You try not to leave the chair if you were close enough to be on the chair and, Nice. Great. Okay good. Good job. Okay, so we're going to go on the floor now. So we're going to take a moment and reorganize a little bit so we have some space. All right, so now we're going to do low frog.

We switched our spring to like one medium. Again, make your own choice on that but especially depends on how many of these you might do. So we're in the Polonius v positions or the needs are slightly apart. Heels are together, but the foot is again, a little bit like a chimpanzee foot is if it really were more like a hand and then again, can you move the pedal? Not so much with your whole leg, but more with your feet. You can even feel your palms a little bit on the floor and feel the forefoot Agnes again and the feeling that the foot is maybe going to be a little further forwards. Come on over. So you're on the arch and again, you're not shifting through the navicular like that.

You're actually cupping in a little bit more. Yes, like maybe the next step would be to take hold of a little ball with your feet or something, right? Yeah, that's better. You'll know it. If you hook it just right, all of a sudden you're going to feel this really great connection through your abdominals in your sauce. Beautiful. That's the way ladies. Okay. Then let's do the actual prayer foot, so souls of the feet together and you can, it's a little hard on a certain chairs, but you can kind of tip the toes up towards the ceiling a little bit. Get a little more of work through that inner arch back of the Tibia and might get a cramp on that one too. And then you get to on this one, really feel that deep hip opener. Yeah, right. So it's not that you're trying to press your out or thighs to the mat, it's that you're pulling the pedal with your feet.

It's freeing your hip to actually work on deeper rotation. Nice job. Nice job. And last one and inhale and exhale. Okay, great. And then just roll up and we'll do spine stretch. Now again, here's the next size of your feet. What? What are they doing right? Palms are going to go on a bit of a diamond. Elbows are high palms or lower.

And then here we're going to flex our feet nice and strongly with a tiny hint of a little prayer foot, not such that it makes your flection not work and then you press down. Imagine in a way, maybe somebody is pushing the arch of the foot and picking you up over your hands and back up again. Right? The elbow stay high, the palms press, the lungs go. Inhale and exhale a little less. Shouldery press the palms down a little first maybe. Yeah. So you go up and over your hands. Okay. And last time, and Jen, maybe scoot back like one half an inch. There we go.

And then come up and over. Up and over. Up and over and come back. Yeah, and it could be that. That's brings a little high too. Yeah. All right. Let's turn around and we're gonna do a reverse tricep press now because this cherubs giving you some suggestions here for home, because this chair is very big and Laurel is not. We're going to have her sit on something for height.

This can also be very useful for people who are very tight in the shoulders or tighten the hips or below back. That's not really Laurel, but in this case, we're just giving her a little height so that when she reaches the pedal, it's not way up there. All right, so now you could go a little higher on this for somebody to go quite a bit higher. But today we're working on our palms, but mostly our feet. So here's a perfect time to, let's take this little moment here. Flex your ankles for a section session for a second. And imagine that you're going to do spine stretch with your feet. So you're going to curl your toes as if that's your head and your neck, and then your shoulders, and then your spine.

Soften and levitate the knees a little bit and then point your foot as opposed to your ankle and let the connection of those muscles come right up the back of your shins. So if I picked you up by your foot, your whole leg would lift and not your knee would be hanging. Okay? Take a big inhale and exhale. Bend the elbows, keep the feet, keep the hands. Inhale and exhale. Inhale. And if the next moment would be something like levitating your hips into leg, pull on the Mat, right? The arches of your feet would pick your shins up so your knees wouldn't hang in.

Hyperextension right? So they hip is in charge of the femur. A little, the foot's in charge of the lower leg and the knee is free in the middle. And last one, exhale. Nice job. Great. And then slowly love it. Taped that. Alright, now we're going to go back up to couple high springs, some actual pretty high strength weight. We're going to do the one with a slightly lower spray first and then we'll go up to the iceberg. So you guys are going to come to standing and we're going to do, you're probably gonna want maybe a one one a low low. We're gonna do the piano player or what we call, um, kneeling, hand press on the floor, something like that. Alright, so here's kind of the ultimate wrecking of the whole thing, right?

Is that you're actually in the pedal pole position. It's a little bit wider turnout than on the Pedal Pole, although you could practice that wide turnout on the pedal pole as well. But you're going to then take a little relevant and you're going to find those incredible arches, which means you're on your big toe, your little toe, the center of your heel, which is up in space, and you have an actual very strong arch. And then you're going to flex ankles, deep hip rotation fingertips. And you just press and the pressing is actually helping you levitate from your arches. A little nice ladies. Beautiful job.

Hard part here. Rise up and put your hands down. Good job. Excellent. Turn and face the other way and do the reverse. Okay, so the hard part is kind of making sure you're somewhere going to hit your chair. All right. You go a little more turnout. You find those incredible arches.

You rise up and bring your heels together and you're standing on this tremendous arch. You flex your ankles, knees and hips, keeping your arch and a little prayer foot in the arch to make sure I'll move your chair to make sure that your really on all five toes. Yes. And the arch has you, so you don't have to work the quads so much. Or there's a feeling that the quad is coming this way and not into the knee, that you're standing on your shins and ankles and you've put your fingertips forward. And Ben in straighten the elbows. Yes. Beautiful Arts is beautiful. Artists turn out deep in the hips and then carefully come back up again.

Rise up. I know you got to save a little for the end. And then the last two, which are very similar and we'll finish there. So now we're going to up our spray. You can go pretty high, like maybe a high high cause you're going to want the help. Now for men, you might not have to because this is actually more of a tricep press now using this position. So we're gonna face the chair first. You're going to get on in that same position that you were on the floor in, right? So you're going to be on the balls of your feet with your heels together. Pretty turned out and you're going to be on your little toes more than you're used to. Yes, you're going to go into a deep, deep ankle, knee and hip flection.

Bring your hands kind of close to you on the front edge of the chair, right? Bend your elbows and then you're going to do a tricep press. So the elbows actually bend up and down, but you keep your heels together, the arches of your feet controlling the pedal. Yes. Excellent. Very good job. And then carefully step off. And then for the last one, we'll do the reverse.

This one is nice. You get to sit on the chair, you turn around and sit on the chair. Same foot position. You're feeling the deep spiral all the way up. Your weight is in your ankle, arch from your Shin hands go on the front of the chair and you slide your pelvis off a little bit, like how we started at the beginning. But now we elbow bend instead of knee bending, right? And you're working your turnout, you're standing on your ankle arch with weight in your Shin instead of in your knee. And hopefully that's making you feel a deep connection all the way up your so as to your lungs and last one and carefully sit back on.

Very nice job, ladies. Beautiful. Thank you.

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1 person likes this.
Amy, this was fantastic. I could feel my own feet wanting to cramp just watching! Amazing detail. Anyone can just push on a pedal, it's our connection that changes the body.
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Amy. Very helpful cues to stay out of the quads!
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Fantastic video!! Mentors like you continue to make us all better teachers. Thanks for re-acquainting me and subsequently my clients to our feet/powerhouse in this terrific workout
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Very easy to follow at home!

Perfect for me today and as always, I learned so much! Thank you Amy!
Thanks everyone. And Kristi Cooper i already want to come back. 😊
Wow- my feet feel completely different and ALIVE after that! AND, most importantly, I was able to achieve going up front and going up side for the first time ever without holding on to something. Holy game changer!! Thank you. xoxo
1-10 of 11

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