Class #2873

Rebalance and Re-Energize

45 min - Class


Rebalance and re-energize your body with this Mat workout by Sara Colquhoun. She teaches a class designed to reverse the effects of day to day life. She includes a good balance of release work as well as strength and mobility work to leave you feeling refreshed.
What You'll Need: Mat, Overball, Pilates Pole

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Dec 14, 2016
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Hi I'm Sarah, and I'm here today to take you through just a short little matwork sequence, I got sort of the inspiration for this matwork sequence sort of from my day-to-day life in the experience that I have with my clients in that very time poor, energy can sometimes be quite low and that we all need to sort of rebalance and re-energize the body. So, it's a really lovely sequence that you could do to even start your day, or maybe come to at the end of the day. It's got a good balance of release work, coupled with a bit of strength work and mobility to hopefully leave you feeling really refreshed. So, I've got the lovely Amy and Mary here with me today thank you so much ladies. We're gonna start lying down onto your back, and we're just gonna start with a little bit of breathing first.

So we're just gonna lie down into your supine start position and we're just gonna let the palms just roll up to the ceiling to start, just so that we feel that really lovely opening across through the chest. Just start breathing in naturally through the body, so we're gonna breathe in through the nose and then just breathing out through the mouth. So we just want these first few breaths, just to really get in tune with the body and just to connect with how your body feels on the mat. So, noticing as you breathe in if there's any tight areas in the body, or any spaces that you feel like you might be holding a little bit of tension from your day, try and let that breath in flush into those areas and then the exhale is gonna drain all of that tension out of the body. Start to bring one hand on to the lower belly, and then the other hand is gonna go towards the bottom ribs.

We're just gonna breathe in and start to breathe into the lower belly, so right down to that bottom hand, and then breathe out and just drain the air out of the lower belly. So be quite hard sometimes to get that air right down into the base of the belly and pelvis. When you keep doing that breath, so you really feel it opens out the bowl of pelvis and the lower abdominals, and then exhale just let the air drain out but without any tension. Two more breaths like that, this can be really good just for helping to release the pelvic floor muscles a little bit. If you tend to be quite tight around the pelvic or the groin region.

One more breath into the lower belly like that, and then on the exhale drain the air out. The next one we're gonna start the same way, so we're gonna breathe in for three counts to the lower belly, three counts into your top hand, and then three counts right up into the chest, and then you use the whole nine counts to let all the air drain out of the body till you've got absolutely nothing left. And then we try and start the first count of three right back down at the lower belly. So, in two, three to the upper hand for three right up to the chest, so you feel the air fill to the collarbones and then on the exhale drain all that air out so you've got nothing left. We're gonna do three more of those, so it's really exploring if you can get that air to fill through the whole torso, and then see if you can make that exhale last for the whole nine counts without creating any tension through the body, beautiful.

Do two more of those ladies, as you breathe into that lower belly picture the pelvic floor opening out into the chest, picture the whole back opening out. And then as we exhale gently start to feel the pelvic floor muscles drawing up through your midsection without any tension across the abdominal wall. Last time through. If you can push it past the nine counts as you breathe in, so you really feel that air gets right up into the chest, great work and then breathe out slowly let all the air out, fantastic! So then ladies we're gonna grab the blue ball that's beside you, so if you're at home we've just got a really soft ball and we've taken a bit of the air out of it, that's gonna slide underneath the pelvis, that's it. So you're gonna jump you down and slide the ball into the very center of the pelvis, and we're just gonna keep the two hands onto the actual bowl of pelvis, so that we can feel what's going on.

On the next breath out, we're really just going to gently float the right leg up to quite a sort of a soggy tabletop position, so we don't want any tension in the lower limb and then inhale slowly lowering the leg down. Exhale floating the left leg up, and then feel as though that breath in fills all the way through the back, as you lower on the exhale. I want you to really feel the fold in the hip joint as the knee draws into you, and then try and keep that femur really heavy as we lower the leg down. So again, it's that least amount of tension through the abdominal wall, and through the back. One more each side, start to bring the arms down by your side so you feel the upper torso connect into the shape, and feel the bowl of the pelvis really melting over the ball.

The breath in floats the leg down, next breath out we're gonna float the right leg up to the tabletop position, we're gonna keep the right leg there the knees folded into my chest slightly more than a 90 degree angle, next exhale left leg comes up to meet it. On the next breath out right toes go down to touch the ground, breathe and bring it back up. Exhale left toes go down, and back up. So as you breathe out feel that lower belly starting to connect back to the lower spine. Again like you were just squeezing all that air out of the body.

I only take the foot down as far as you feel that the pelvis isn't rocking forward and back, we wanna be able to keep that lower back stability and let the sacrum really rest over the ball. One more each side ladies. If you need to flip the breath to the reverse to suit your body that's absolutely fine. And then back up now we've got a little short pole beside us so you can do this with the pole, if you don't have a pole, you can absolutely do it without. We're gonna grab the pole and reach the arms to the ceiling, this will be quite telling if you've got little imbalances going on through the body.

We're gonna do the same thing with the legs, but now the pole goes back as we breathe out and then inhale to come back up. Exhale. So noticing how it feels from side to side, and you'll start to get a little bit stronger work going through the abdominals now, to really stabilize the pelvis and the lower back. This exercise is really great for integrating the upper body and the lower body together whilst keeping that stability around the sacrum joint and the lower back. We're gonna do one more each side, still feel that that hip is moving really fluidly in the socket as we reach and the same to come up.

Last one exhale reach, and then bringing the pole and the legs back up. Keep the pole to the sky as we float the right leg down and then we float the left leg down, beautiful. Bringing the pole down besides you, and we're gonna take the ball out from underneath you and then just pop the ball out of our way for the moment and we're just gonna reach the arms down by your side, you should feel a really nice release through the pelvis and the lower back now like a sense of waiting through the pelvis down into the mat, and pressing the arms down we're just gonna go into an imprint of the pelvis so we feel the lower back just gently get closer to the mat. And then as you breathe in, feel the lower back joints spring away from the mat and the tail becomes heavy. Exhale the lower back joints press in to the map, and then on the breath in think of those lumber joints lifting away from the mat as you rock the pelvis back to neutral.

It's a really subtle movement, but we're just really getting to know what's going on in that lower back region and the pelvis. Two more, it should be quite small if you're doing it correctly. You don't wanna be using the hip flexors or the glutes. Last one, feeling that weight down through the heels and all 10 toes, and we're gonna take that into the pelvic curl so we go through the imprint, roll the hips all the way up. On the breath in we're gonna reach the two arms overhead press the back of the hands into the mat and then exhale roll it down through the spine.

On the breath in press the arms through the air down by your sides, and exhale roll it up through the spine breathe in, reach it back with the arms and then exhale. Articulate each joint as we roll down, and then press the arms through the air down by your sides I'm gonna do three more of those, so we roll it up as the arms go back. Imagine someone was pulling your arms out away from you and you roll the breastbone away from the chin, roll the tail away from the breastbone and press the arms down. Last two, roll, breathe in and imagine the arms are reaching away from you, but keep the lift of the hips and roll the breastbone away from the chin, roll the tail away from the breastbone press the arms engage down through the body. Last one, roll, use the breath in to feel that length as you go back, exhale articulate the spine as you go down.

Press the arms down by your sides. From there keep a neutral pelvis, I'm gonna breathe out and press the hips straight up, so we exhale lift, inhale lower tail touches down no curl exhale press up, breathe in lower. Just a little faster pace, we're really getting that nice fluid action moving through the hip joint aiming to get the back of the hips firing to press the hips up to the sky, and keep the back of the legs really active as you lower down to touch the mat. Two more to go, last one like this press lower down just touch, go straight back up again, lift the two heels and now roll down through the spine. When the tail touches, lower the heels down press the hips straight back up again.

So they lift, and I'll lift the heels roll the spine down, and when the tail touches lower the heels back to the mat. Press the hips straight up lift the heels, roll it down through the spine and then lower the heels. Three more, and press, engage the back of the hips more to lift the heels. Keep that as you roll down, lengthen your body towards those heels, and then lower. Press the hips up, even work through all 10 toes as you lift the heels, roll it down through the spine and then lower the heels.

Last one two hips press up, lift the heels slowly roll it down joint by joint and then lower the heels down last, beautiful. I just wanna heel toe the feet and the knees together and bring the arms out to the letter T, I'm gonna bring my arms around to the side of the mat and we're gonna squeeze the legs up to the tabletop and we'll take both legs across to the windows for the spine twist breathing in, and then on the exhale drain all the air out. I think we want quite a full breath on that breath in so it's going right into the lungs the ribs, exhale drain all the air out as you come back. Breathing in right into those lungs and ribs and now try and flush any stale air out of the body as you pull back to center. Breath in, big breath out and flush all the air out of the body.

Last one each side, feel the back of the ribs melt into the mat as we roll back, last one inhaling, exhale melt the back of the ribs melt the sacrum all the way into the mat. Keep the legs squeezing together we're gonna lower the legs down to the mat, circle the arms out and around behind the head and we'll interlace the hands behind the head. I'm gonna breathe out and lift the head chest up slide the legs out to straighten along the mat. So, really feel that length through the spine and on the exhale I'm just gonna slide the right leg in and then breathe in back out, nice and simple. Exhale alternating legs, inhale down.

So the good thing about this chest look is you can really have a look at the pelvis and see what's going on as you do the leg slides, again we want that clean fold in the hip as the leg comes in and ideally you're aiming not to see the two sides of the body change as the leg slides in and out. Inhale reach now, exhale zip from your center to draw all the leg in. One more each side, inhale reach the leg exhale pull in, inhale back we're gonna slide the leg in one more time and keep the leg there. We're gonna go across towards that knee for a hula as the leg slides out, we reach back towards that elbow. Same leg, exhale pull it in breathe in reach back to the elbow.

There are just six of these to the one side and really think of stretching the back of the ribs to come across. Two more to go and that opposing hip stays pressing down into the mat. Last one stay up into the chest lift, come back through center, slide that leg out, bring the other knee in start with the twist across, lengthen back to that elbow, exhale. Take the eyes review as you look back to the elbow so that you really get that lengthening out through the obliques, just making sure the elbow doesn't start to pull across. Last two, breath in to reach last one stay in the chest lift slide the leg back out, now squeezing both legs together we're gonna bend both knees in, feet flat onto the mat there, reach the hands around to the back of the thighs and slowly start to roll it up, beautiful good.

Space the feet a little apart and we'll reach those arms out in front, that's it. And we're gonna go into our roll back so we exhale rolling it back, take a breath in breathe out come forward. Inhale stack it up tall, I think we want that roll back to start exactly the same as our imprint felt, so really getting that deepening from the lower abdominals take a breath into the back and then exhale deepen that scoop of the tummy as you come forward breath in lift the spine tall. One more like that exhale to roll it back, take a breath in and fill the back with air and exhale roll it forward, breath in lift it tall. This time we're gonna rotate, and we'll rotate towards the windows first, we roll the spine back, we'll rotate to the other side when we're there come up in that rotation and then back to center.

Start the other way we twist, exhale roll it back and keep that limp in the c-curve, twist to the other side roll it forward and back to center sits. Halt one more of those each side twist, roll it back, keep the length in the C curve as we change direction. Roll over, and see it's all center. last one, twist and roll it back keep the length through the spine as we change direction roll it forward and then stack up tall. Beautiful, and then we're gonna jump onto our tummies.

So I'll flip you around, and we're gonna bring their hands into a diamond position so the hands are out in front of us, that's gonna put my pole to the ground and the head is resting down onto the mat, feel that firm pressure into the arms all the way coming back into the shoulder joint and from there nice and simply, we press through the arms. We start to lift up with the head first coming up into a small extension with the spine and then breathe out lowering it back down joint by joint, through the spine. feeling that pressure down through the arms lengthen up through the head and neck and really imagining you're trying to open the breastbone and exhale lower it all the way down, I'm gonna do four more of those using that breath in to start to come up and if you run out of air, just keep the breath flowing through this one so that we can really get that articulation in the thoracic spine and then slowly lowering it down. In your mind just imagining, yeah we're keeping as much length through the lower back as we can, and picture your thoracic joints melting down onto the breastbone, the breastbone shining out in front of you as you come up, two more two go ladies. Breath in, start feeling that wrap of the shoulders coming around that's beautiful with the thoracic.

As you lower gently feel a draw up of the abdominal so that the spine can lengthen that little bit more each time. Last one. That's it, letting those thoracic joints melt through that's it, you really wanna reverse all the effects of our day-to-day life bending forward, and lowering it down rest the head, beautiful ladies. we reach the two arms straight out in front now that's it, good you can almost hold hands. (giggling) And we're gonna press the arms and legs quite firmly into the mat as we breathe out, and then on the breath in let's float right arm left leg, and a little lift to the chest.

That's it, on the exhale press everything firmly back into the mat, and then on the breath in lift the opposing side. Exhale press into the mat, the breath in floats you up with opposite arm opposite leg. Exhale press into the mat, good and just keep that going inhale lift keep changing sides. So the pressure into the mat, we're gonna use that from the limbs to create that lift of the abdominals. So as they press a little deeper into the mat each time yeah it feels as though it scoops the abs up that little bit more, and you keep that as you inhale lift and extend.

Exhale press firmly into the mat, good. Inhale, and exhale Let's do one more each side keeping that same sense of length in the low back and you want that same feeling through the thoracic spine as we lift. Last one, beautiful and then lower it down. Good, push back onto the heels into a rest position and just take a little breather there. Really stretch the arms out in front and we're gonna picture that breath going all the way around into the sides of the hips this time.

So you imagine that the inhale, could go so far down the back that it actually starts to open out the sacrum, the pelvis and the hip joints. And then from there ladies we're gonna lie on to your side so we're lying on to one side, two legs squeezing together, lovely. That's it good, and we'll start with this hand down in front of us, you can either press quite firmly into that hand to get the back of the shoulder connection if you need, otherwise you could opt for your lighter fingertips yeah. So on the exhale we're gonna float both legs up off the ground, and we're gonna hold it up there for eight counts. So really getting that energy from both legs as we lift and then slowly lower the legs down.

On the exhale we squeeze both legs together and lift trying to keep the head resting on to that underneath arm so you're not feeling that pull up of tension. And then lower it down, we've got six more of these to go exhale lift, so we're really looking at the endurance through the side of the body with this exercise. And in slowly lower, exhale to lift. Feel the tailbone reaching towards the heels that pubic bone gently drawing up to the breastbone and lower, four more to go. And if you wanted to you could take that top arm to the ceiling as you lift, that's it, and then slowly low working that inner thigh yeah, on that underneath leg as much as you can.

Beautiful, and slowly down exhale to lift. Awesome, so you can opt for the leg slightly in front of the pelvis to keep that work going through the abdominals, or if you're feeling nice and even through front and back the legs can absolutely be in line with the pelvis, just keeping that let through the lower back. That's it good work. And slowly down. Last two, I want us to aim to go for a little bit more height on these last two so it'll feel quite challenging, you should really start to feel that fatigue in that top side, with the lift on the underneath side, yes.

And lower, last one keep that breath flowing and lift go ahead tailbone reaching to those heels lowering it all the way down, and then bring this top hand back down to the mat bend the underneath leg and press this top leg into the ground. This hand comes around behind the head, I'm gonna take it into a little single arm press. So we exhale push into that top arm come all the way up that's it good, and then inhale lengthen it down. Yeah, this one's tough. Exhale, good inhale back.

So we do feel a bit of a spiral of the body as you come around, so the body rotates and you look down to the hand, then we rotate look back straight in front. Exhale rotate look down to the hand, breathe in only go down as far as you can come back up we've got four more. Exhale, inhale back. Exhale, breathing to come back. Last two, if you can press that top leg into the ground.

That's it, slowly down, and last one exhale press up and hold, good all right. Bring that left hand down to the mat, tuck those legs all the way in and bring the head holding on to that leg, and we're gonna stretch it over for a side bend and then take this arm all the way out and lengthen that side we've just worked. And then lifting tall, you use those muscles and the waist to lift you up and then side bend look down towards the feet. Lift through the waist side bend over. Breathing in lift all through the waist and up and over.

Last one, reach it all the way out and we're gonna stay in that side bent. From here this top arm is going to go back down by our side and we let the head hang down towards the floor so you should get a nice neck stretch there. Then the heads gonna rotate look down towards the elbow, bring the head back around look straight ahead and then reach the arm back over into the side reach. One more of those the arm comes down, the head goes hang it's a really great neck stretch. Let the head rotate but try and keep this top shoulder back so you're opening out that peck even if you need to hold on to that shoulder, slowly bring the head back around, bring this arm over align the head again and then sitting all the way up tall, beautiful! Let's land to your side ladies.

So I'll flip you around, stretch both legs out that's it for squeezing the legs together and we start with our double leg lift first. So we're gonna exhale, float both legs off the ground holding it for eight counts, and then slowly lower it down. Exhale lifting up, so we've got eight of these in total. Sometimes, it can take a while to build up to that endurance of holding them for eight counts. So if you need to start with just a couple of counts with each one, and then just slowly build and work your way up to this, particularly on the weaker side of the body always harder.

Exhale. Keep feeling that underneath side lifting up away from the floor, and then if you can we extend that top arm to the ceiling, and slowly lower. Last three exhale reach out through the legs and try and get that little bit more height on the legs now. Slowly lower down, exhale zip up and lift reaching out, and lower. Last one, just check in with that top arm make sure it's not wavering in space, feel as though you're holding on to something up there so you've got that connection through that arm, and then slowly lower, good.

And then time for a single arm push-up so we bring that hand down, tuck this hand behind the head and bend the underneath leg up. And now from here we press up to straighten on this arm, we spiral the body around. We come back, if you can underneath shoulder touches the ground but doesn't rest, and spiral exhale breathing. So, I'm thinking about energy going out through my spine as I lift, keep that energy as we come back down to the mat. Breathe out, breath in.

If you feel it more challenging on the way down potentially flip that breath pattern, so you've got the exhale to support you on the way down. Three more, it is much harder than it looks. Inhale, exhale, inhale, last one I'm gonna keep it up, and hold bring that right hand down the mat and push yourself all the way up, and bring those legs in. We side bent over towards the feet first, and then lift up through the waist reach it out long lengthen out that side we've just worked. Lift through the waist and engage that side as we go over into the side bend, and then lift reach it all the way out lengthen that top side.

One more of those, lifts and breathe out reach it all the way over, and then we're gonna stay for the next stretch. So we reach this top arm down, we let the head hang and we're gonna let the head roll down towards the underneath elbow, keep the head heavy as you let it roll back front, reach the arm and just realign the head with the spine. And then the arm goes down the head hangs remember to open up that top shoulder, let the head turn, keep the top shoulder opening back let the head feel heavy as it comes back around reach it all the way and then coming all the way up sitting tall beautiful. From there ladies we're gonna open the legs out nice and wide, and we're just gonna take a little adductor stretch. Sit see you've got a little bit more mat to play with than I do.

(laughing) That's it, but you're just gonna start to walk the hands forward, keeping the spine really locked and we're just gonna breathe in you can keep walking your hands straight out in front of you, yeah. That's it and just inhaling good, and do that adductor stretch. (laughing) Good, it doesn't matter what size your adductor stretch is, yeah. And then on the exhale just use your hands, walk them back in towards you yeah. I'm just gonna do that another three times.

So, inhale just walk the hands as far forward as you can and it's really just about feeling that opening through the hips, and just keep that sensation that the spine is lengthening out, and then exhale. Walk it back up, good two more. Okay, two more breath in walk it out feel that ribcage reaching away from the pelvis, and then breath out walk it back in. All right, this last one we're gonna go down I'm gonna stay for a full breath cycle. So, walk it out take a breath out while you're there get that little bit longer and lower, stay for the breath in and then slowly start to walk it all the way back.

Beautiful good, I'm gonna tuck the legs around come back into your rest position or your child's position whatever you prefer to call it, and reach those arms out in front. So, hip should feel feeling a little bit more open now as well, we're gonna keep a rounded back and slowly start to come forward keeping the head droopy, the tail droopy. Press the hips gently forward, open up the chest as you breathe in and then on the exhale, just send your pelvis straight back to your heels all the way down. And we go rounding the spine to come forward, and then as you inhale start to open. Good we're starting to stretch the jaw up with this one exhale, send the tailbone away and then as you sit all the way down take another breath in.

Two more of those and really just enjoy the fluidity of the movement through the hips, the spine, the shoulders stretch the neck exhale, breath in all the way back. Last one exhale round, breathing in wrap the shoulders open stretch the chest, exhale start to go back and then breathe in lower. Start to come forward from one last one but we're just gonna come halfway so you bring the hips on top of the knees, and now lengthen out the spine to a neutral and then lower down on to the elbows. So I'm gonna stay on the elbows for a little glute series here, so let's take the left knee and it's gonna go up to the sky with a little flex foot so we breathe out, breathe in too low and knee just glides in. Exhale press, breath in back.

So we're really feeling that stabilization from the shoulders, wraps around through the bottom ribs crosses all the way over to using the back of those legs to press. Three more, breath out to press up and we're thinking of keeping that fire bone as parallel as possible. so that we really get that glute max doing the press up. Last one, and we're gonna hold the leg up in space 10 little pulses from there, so it goes up two, three, four, five keep that depth in the abdominals. Nine and ten and hold the leg up.

Stretch the leg lengthen the toes. Leg goes straight down, toes touch them up exhale pull up 10 times. Really imagine that the lift of the leg starts from the back of the hip and not the foot, and only goes as high as we can keep the length in the low back, and the depth in the abdominals. Seven, three more to go. Eight, nine, last one.

10 slide that leg back in on to the knee come up on to the hands and take that left arm straight out to the letter T, we're gonna breathe in open that up, and then exhale thread it through for a thread the needle. Rotate the body and use this as your breather between sides and then breath in, take that arm up and big breath out rotate it through. last one breath in, feel the body spiral around towards the ceiling and then exhale keep that spiraling feeling as we bring the arms through. Coming back on to the elbows, and we do it on the other leg. So we're gonna take the right leg now, keep the knee bent and we press the leg up and lower it back in.

So the stabilizing hip should be working quite a bit as well so that we feel that glute meet on this side having to work and it's really tying in with the work that's coming down from my right shoulder. Three more to go, and we're opting for that flex foot for this one to get that connection from the heel to the glute max, and this next time we're gonna hold the leg up there and go into our 10 little pulses. Really using a small breath out for each pulse. Seven, eight, nine, ten stretch the leg out and now lower it down toes touch exhale lift. So the toes go down, you wanna feel we stay nice and level across the pelvis so the hip isn't lowering with you it's just the leg.

Using that breath out to support the motion to lift two more, last one, and then glide that leg back in come up onto the hands, and we take that right arm straight out to the side so it opens out, breathe in to lift and then exhale rotate through, spiral the spine. Breathing in, lift up just make sure you're not leaning onto that left arm, you're lifting up to the ceiling big exhale. Thread it through rotate. Last one breath in, and exhale spiral the spine around and coming back onto all fours and now from there we're gonna take it into a plank position, so the right leg goes back, use that energy in the back of the leg and then the left leg goes back to meet it. Go ahead from there, we're gonna bring the right hand into the middle and we're going to spiral right into a side support, so we twist around and we open.

We're gonna replace that with the left hand so we can open to the other side. So left hand comes down, and we swivel. We're gonna do five of those each side, so breathe in to come down exhale to open. That's it, breathe in and breathe out. So we've really gotta keep that pull up as you pass through the front support, and my lovely squeaky feet on the mats.

Exhale that's it inhale through. One more each side, engaging through to the feet, last one and then bring it back down into the plank position space the hands back out, press it up into the pike really stretching the heels down towards the ground and then gradually start to bend the knees so that the knees come all the way down to the mat, stretching over the toes. Release the feet sit back to the heels. I'm gonna start the same way we did before with the rounded back coming forward but all the way till we open the chest out in front of you. And then from here we tuck the toes under back up into the pike.

Stretch the heels to the ground, and I gradually start to bend the knees so you really stretch the fashur of the feet the toes, release three more of those, breathing out breathing in open tuck the toes stretch the whole back body, as we press away gradually lower the knees releasing the feet and then sit it down. Last two, and just keep that breath flowing with you and feel the shoulders engage away from the ears as we stretch it up, stretch over the toe joints and then release, last time through. And rolling it forward, opening up the hips and spine stretch it up into that pike position and just stay in the pike position there, just breathe into that position for five deep breaths and again see if you can get that air to go right back into the pelvis, just like you did in the rest position that's it. It goes all the way down through the heels so we're guiding those heels down towards the mat and then slowly start to walk the hands back into the feet. Hold the finger to the hands, either way.

(laughing) Okay, that's it slowly start to roll up to stand and then just take a breath in and reach the two arms up to the ceiling, and then on the breath out let the arms come down roll it back down through the spine, all the way back down, taking that breath into the back of the body and then on the exhale slowly rolling it back up to stand. Take the arms again up towards the ceiling, this time we're gonna step the feet out widen a little turnout, and you could space, yeah that way or perfect, good. And on the inhale we're gonna just lower the arms come down, bending the knees and then exhale back up. So you're thinking of that inner thigh stretch that we did as we go down, so we're opening out the adductors and then exhale lift it back up tall. Two more, big breath in and big breath out.

Last one big breath in open the pelvis and the adductors exhale and then we're gonna toe heel the feet back together again, we got a full one last roll down releasing the arms, rolling the spine. Let the knees be soft, take a breath in exhale roll it up joint by joint through the spine. Lifting tall and then we're all done. Beautiful thank you so much ladies, hopefully you're feeling a little bit more re-energized and rebalanced. Thank you, bye.


5 people like this.
Thanks so much Sara. Lovely to hear an Aussie accent! Feeling very energized.
I love the way you teach, nice class, nice voice, nice feeling inside.
Thank you very much with teachers like you Pilates is better...
1 person likes this.
Nice end to a long day:) thank you.
1 person likes this.
Thank you for sharing.A perfect lesson for end of the day.
It's been a tough week this week and your class was a great way to get me moving again straight after my physio appointment. Some lovely variations to play with on flat days. Thank you Sarah!
2 people like this.
Sare - i was going to tell you how much i loved you... then you threw those adductor stretches in!!..... hmmmm yep still love you - thank you for such a good session!!
1 person likes this.
Wonderful way to end the day. Thank you so much for a lovely workout that has stretched my muscles to the point of relaxation. Your voice and cuing are extraordinary!
1 person likes this.
Thank you for a really lovely workout! Great end of my busy day.
1 person likes this.
This class is brilliant. Thank you Sara!
1 person likes this.
This was just what I needed great class and nice sequence thanks you Sara 😊
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