Class #3248

Quick Reformer Flow

40 min - Class


If you ever have a day when life is so busy that you don't have much time to exercise, then this Reformer workout by Deborah Harris is perfect for you. She created a quick, "go-to" class that incorporates intermediate and advanced exercises. She plays with tempo and dynamics so you can feel energized and ready to take on the day.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hi, my name is Deborah Harris, and I'm so excited to be back here at Pilates Anytime. Have you ever had a day where life is just so busy, that you hardly have any time to exercise? I know I have. Which is why I created this quick, go-to reformer routine, that incorporates intermediate, and some advanced exercise. We'll play with tempo and dynamics to get our bodies flowing.

We'll work our arms and our legs to leave us feeling energized, and ready to take on the day. Participating in today's class, I have Jackie. Are you ready? Yes. All right, let's get moving.

Come on down. We're working on the Gratz Reformer. We'll start with our footwork. So, you can go ahead and lie down. You can work either on four springs or three springs.

Today, we're going to start on three springs. But it's completely up to you on what setting you do your footwork on. Heels are together. Toes are apart. Go ahead and press on out.

And as soon as you get out, bring it back in, one. And press out. And bring in two. Press out. And three.

And press out. Four. Press out. Five. Press out.

Six. Press out. Seven. Press out. Eight.

Press out. Nine. One more. Press out, 10. And hold.

Come all the way in. Draw your knees together. Come up to your arches. And press out, one. And bend to come in.

Press out, two. And in. Press out, three. And in. Press out, four.

And in. Press out, five. And in. Press out, six. And in.

Press out, seven. And in. Press out, eight. And in. Press out, nine.

And in. Press out, 10. And in. We come to the heels. We flex our toes back.

Press on out. And then back, one. Press out. Two. Press out.

Three. Press out. Four. Press out. Five.

Press out. Six. Press out. Seven. Press out.

Eight. Press out. Nine. Press out. 10.

Come all the way back in. Now we're gonna play with tempo. We're gonna stay on our heels. Press the carriage out halfway, working on squats. Press out about an inch, and come in slightly.

One. Press out. Two. Press out. Three.

Press out. Four. Press out. Five. Press out.

Six. Press out. Feel that nice work? Seven. Press out.

Eight. Press out. Nine. Press out. 10. Bring it in.

We're gonna do the same thing on our arches. Squeeze the inner thighs. The ribs are dropped. Press the carriage out halfway. Hold.

Press out about an inch, and come slightly in. One. Press out. Two. Let the shoulders relax. Three.

Four. Little smaller. Five. Yes. Six.

That's it. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10.

Bring it on in. We come to our metatarsal. I want you to lift hose heels up nice and high. Tummy is tight. Have your weight between your second and third toe.

Press the carriage out halfway. Hold up. Bring it in a little bit more. Here we go. We press out just a little bit.

And in, one, about an inch. Bring it in, two. And three. Nice isolation of the legs. Four.

Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.

It's a good shake. 10, hold. Now, without moving the carriage, which is very hard, roll down to the feet. Metatarsal, arch, heel. And then lift right back on without moving the carriage.

One. Work through the feet. Yes. And lift up, two. Shaking's normal. Drop it down.

Lift up, three. It's a nice isolation. Lift up, four. Good. Five.

Six. Going to 10. Seven. Eight. Nine.

10. Press out all the way, and then bend right back on in. Tendon stretch, finally. Press all the way out. Stay out.

We're gonna lower, lower, lower, and lift back up. Stay out the whole time. And lower, lower, lower, and lift. Lower, lower, lower, and lift. That's three.

Good. Four. Five. Six. Seven.

Eight. Nine. 10. Lower those heels down. Get a nice deep stretch.

Lift up. Bend the knees. Come all the way in. At this time, you would take the foot bar down, but I'll assist and help you with this. Bring your hands back, grab ahold of your handles.

Getting ready for your hundred. Legs in a nice tabletop position. Reach the arms on up. Good. Curl on up. As you curl up, press your legs out to your hundred position.

Reach those arms long, and begin to pump. In, two, three four, five, out, two, three, four, five. Naval, two, spine, and out, two, three, four, five, in, two, three, four, five, out, two, three, four five, in two, three, four, five, out, two, three, four, five, in, two, three, four, five, out, two, three, four, five, in, two, three, four, five, out, two, three, four, five, in, two, three, four, five, out, two, three, four, five, in, two, three, four, five, and out, two, three, four, and five. Reach longer. Bend the knees back in, and relax back down.

Beautiful. Again, I'll assist. We're gonna take one spring off. And we'll get ready for our short spine. So, you'll do one strap, I'll do the other.

Go ahead and let the leather slide down just a little bit. And then we thread it right through the handle. We're gonna thread the leather right through that handle. Yes. Reach your hands up behind the handle, so your hands are gonna come back here.

And press down. Place your feet into the straps. Good. Bring your arms down by your side. We're keeping the headrest up, because we're starting with a prep first.

Stretch the legs out nice and long. Aim the glutes down. Allow the legs to float up, so you're hinging freely from your hips. Good. Pause. Let the legs go a little bit more.

Feel that nice hamstring to heel stretch. Soften the knees. Good. Press out on a long diagonal stretch. Make sure the straps don't touch the should blocks.

Allow the legs to lift on up. Keeping the glutes pressing down to the mat, hinging freely from your hips. Dropping ribs. Bend your knees. Good, when you press out a little higher, at a 45. Good.

Allow the legs to start to lift up. As you press those glutes down, hinge freely from your hips. That get beautiful stretch. And bend down, and pause. Reach around and take your headrest down at this time.

Make sure you don't catch your hair. Good. Getting ready to go up and over. Press the legs out to a long 45 degree angle. The legs come all the way up to 90, and then lift those hips up high.

Over. Come up a little higher. Soften your knees down to your shoulder blocks. Good. Keep your heels behind.

Start to roll down, stretching long through the legs. When you can go down any further, drop those heels down towards the glutes, and press out nice and long. Lengthen. Reach the legs up and over. Lift up high, high, high.

Support the movement. Soften the knees. Leave the heels behind, and roll down through that spine. Here's the massage. And, then, down.

And, again. One more time. Press out. Lengthen the legs. Lift high. Beautiful.

Stay lifted. Soft in the knees. And slowly roll down that spine, enjoying the massage. And good. Reach your hands up, grab ahold of the handles.

Let the leather slide right through, and you get ready for your coordination. Elbows will come down by your side. Drop them down even lower. Curl up nice and high. Look at your powerhouse.

Together, arms and legs pressed straight on out. Open the legs. Close the legs. Bend the knees, and then bend the arms. Press on out.

See if you can drop the legs lower, and if you can't, that's okay. Open, close. Bend the knees. Bend the arms. Press out.

Open, close, bend the knees. Curl higher up in the arms. Variation. Press out, stay out. We cross.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, heels together. Bend the knees. Curl higher up in those arms. And press out stretch. And cross one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Heels together. Bend the knees. Bend those arms, curl higher, and relax down. Beautiful. Take the straps into one hand, come up to sitting.

Turn around. Good. You can come up in teaser, if you want. And you're gonna take one spring off. And we'll turn you around to face the other direction at this time.

Our rowing series is next. Good. And then grab ahold of the handles. Rotate so the knuckles are touching, and then rotate them to turn to face you. Make a little bit wider space.

So pull it out just a little further. There we go. Begin to round back into a strong C curve. We're on one spring. Pull everything in.

Open the arms out to the side. Whoops. Come back in for a second. Open directly out to the side from here, press back further, dive your nose your knees, press your arms straight down. So, get the stretch, then reach up and over towards your toes, lengthening, stretching, and then roll up through your spine. Round back, strong C curve.

Good hold. Open the arms. Press back further. When you can't go any further, then, dive those nose towards the knees. Press down.

Reach up and over towards your toes, stretching. And, again, roll up. Round back into a strong C curve. Open out to the side. Press back.

Dive your nose to your knees. Reach the arms back, press down. Reach up and over towards your toes. Stretching, stretching, stretching. And roll through the spine.

90 degrees. The elbows are in line with your shoulders. And it's a flat back. Lift up nice and tall. In this position, lift up out of your waist.

Hinge back. Hold. Reach the arms past your head. Keep reaching the arms towards the ceiling. As you come all the way back on up, dive your nose towards your knees. Turn your hands to face the reformer.

Reach the arms straight down. Reach the arms straight back. Reach the arms behind you. Press down. Reach up and over, and stretch.

And sitting up nice and tall, elbows bent. Lift up out of your waist. Hinge back. One straight line. Reach past your head. Lift up.

With control, reach the arms down. Press back. Reach back behind you, then reach up and over, reaching towards those toes, stretching long. And sitting up. One more time.

Lift up tall. Hinge back one. Straight line. Reach long past the head. Yes. Come all the way up reaching towards the ceiling.

Turn those palms towards the reformer. Press down. Reach back. Press down, reach up and over towards your toes. Enjoy the stretch.

Place the handles down right in front of your should blocks. Release the handles. Turn around, face the other direction. From your chest, so the hands are gonna go in, four fingers on the top, thumb underneath. Good.

And scoot your tushy all the way back against here. Keep coming. And then your four fingers would go in the other way. That's okay. You're doing great. And thumb on the outside.

All right. That doesn't look right. There we go. Sitting up nice and tall, from your chest, press those arms straight on out. Now, grow taller in the spine as the arms press down.

Reach those arms back up. Open out and around. Lengthen back down. Try and keep the arms in your peripheral vision. Press the arms straight on out.

You got it. Press straight down. First, sit taller. Reach the arms up. Exhale, open out and around.

One more time. Right in line with your chest. Press on out. Press down. Reach the arms.

So keep those arms forward a little bit more. Open out and around, so you can see them in your peripheral vision. Perfect. Pause. Right in line with your hips, flex your feet.

Good. Reach long, down into the well. Now keep reaching towards me. Keep reaching as you roll up through the spine. Keep pressing those arms forward, try not to move the carriage, and roll all the way up to a straight back, and then open out and around. Of course, as you finally come up top, the carriage will move a little bit.

Reach long, down past your toes, into the well. Keep reaching. Now keep reaching towards me. Start to reach those arms on up. Beautiful lengthen in that spine. Come all the way, and then open out and around.

Don't forget to breathe. And reach long down into the well, stretch. And then come all the way on up, and then open. Good. All right, reaching those arms on up, begin to crisscross your legs, and bend your legs back on in.

And the hands will come back behind your head for shave. Thumb and four fingers touching. And press that arms out on a long diagonal. Take your weight forward a little bit more. Hinge from the waist.

Good. Press on out and stretch on the diagonal. And then bend to come back in. Elbows are wide. Press out. Stretch long.

Rib are pulled in, and bend in. And don't be afraid to look on up. Yay! And bend in. One more time. Press out and hold.

As you open your arms out to the side, exchange legs, whichever one's in front goes behind. And, good. And we sit up nice and tall. Keep the elbows lifted. Take a deep breath in.

Inhale, draw those arms in. Contracting your biceps. Exhale, squeeze your shoulder blades back and down. Inhale, contract in the biceps. Exhale, squeeze shoulder blade back and down.

Hold. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, contract in the biceps. Inhale, squeeze shoulder blades back and down. And exhale, contracting the biceps, inhale, squeeze shoulder blades back and down. Good.

Go ahead and hook those onto to the little loops. Carefully step off. And we're gonna stay on one spring, but you're gonna grab ahold of your long box at this time. Place it down lengthwise. I'm gonna bring up the foot bar.

And, again, as I said, we're on one spring. We're gonna do a little bit of swan here. So, lie down on your stomach. Your hands are wide to the side. And your forehead is reaching down towards that bar.

Good. So, come back just a little bit more. I think you're up too high. Good. Elbows are wide. The head is dropped. Tummy is nice and tight.

The legs are engaged. Beautiful. Press the arms on out. Widen the arms and bend to come back in. One. We do three of these.

Press out, stretch. Two. And bend in. Press out, stretch. Three. And bend in. Now we add on.

Press on out, stay on out. Begin to lift your torso on up. That's what brings you back on in. Press back on out. Beautiful. Widen the elbows, and bring it in.

It should feel nice. Press out and stretch. The shoulder blades slide down, the powerhouse pulls up, the chest comes forward. Press back out. And bend in.

Try and keep those legs drawn together. Press out. And lift up. And press back on out. Bend to come back in.

And hold. Take your right hand, bring it back behind you, so you're bending that arm. Now, keep your shoulders square. Tummy is tight. Go ahead and press out with one arm.

And then bend back in, trying to keep your shoulders square. Press out, two, and the legs drawn together. Bend back in. One more time. Press out, three, and bend back in.

Hold. Exchange. Hand comes back behind you. You get a little bit of a stretch. The shoulders stay square, the elbows stay out to the side.

Press out, stretch, one. But shoulder down. Good. Press out, stretch, two. Beautiful.

And in. Press out, stretch, three, and in. Good. Carefully step off. We bring our foot bar down.

And we prepare for pull straps one and two. Go ahead and lie down. Two fingers from the top is your shoulder. You're on your belly. And you're lying on your belly, and your head is this direction.

It's okay. For pull straps one, you're going to walk your hands up nice and high onto the leather. And, actually, can you slide back. I'm gonna take these from you for a second. Slide back just a little bit more.

Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Even more. Yes.

And now walk those hands on up. Good. Walk them up even higher, and then stretch the arms down. The knuckles are facing the reformer. I want you to think that you're pressing those arms down and through the floor.

Press straight down. Pull up in the chest. Lengthen that neck hold. Two, three, and then come all the way down, and pause for one second. You're a little crooked, so, I'm going to adjust you.

Squeeze the legs, the tummy is tight. Let the head hang, let it hang. There we go. Press the arms straight down. As you press the arms straight down, go ahead, it starts to bring your torso up.

That's what brings your neck up. So, everything is in alignment. And then come all the way back down. Squeeze those inner thighs towards each other. And, again, slide shoulder blades down, lengthen long.

Squeeze, and hold. Variation. Bend your elbows. Press back out, long with the arms for tricep work. One. And bend in. Stretch, two, and in.

Stretch, three, hold, and lower all the way down with control. Once you come down, walk your hands down lower on the leather, preparing for pull straps two. So, keep coming down even more. Good. Reach your arms, even a little bit more. Reach your arms directly out to the side.

Perfect. So, you're making a T. Squeeze to the side body, reach those arms straight back. Hold. Two, three, and reach back out to the side. Good. Be careful with twisting in the wrist.

Reach your pinkies towards the glutes, reach straight back so the pinkies' side of hand towards the glutes. Beautiful. Hold. Two, three, and reach back on out. And one more time.

Squeeze to the side body. Hold. Two, three, and reach back out. Take the straps into one hand, and carefully step off. You can turn around and face me for a quick second.

There we go. And we put on one more spring, getting ready for your back stroke. So, uncross them. You're gonna turn. Face this direction.

And take a seat down at the edge. And scoot on down. Good. Keep coming down a little bit more. Go ahead and lie all the way back down. Bend your knees back on in.

Curling up, knuckles are in line with the eyes, but not resting on the eyes. Inhale, arms and legs pressed straight up towards the ceiling. Exhale, open slightly, and your arms as well. Scoop down and around, reach those hands in front of the thighs. Hold.

Two, three. You've got it. And bend back on in. Good. Inhale, arms and legs. Press straight up, but press those arms up. Up, up, up.

You got it. Straight. And then exhale, open arms out and around. Swoop down and around in front of the thighs. Hold. Two, three, bend back on in.

Straight up with those arms. Press up, arms and legs. Beautiful. Exhale open. Inhale, swoop down and around, squeeze, hold.

Two, three, bend back in. Of course, now we're gonna reverse it. So, press out arms and legs towards me. Hands in front of the thighs. Curl a little bit higher.

Hold. Open out and around. Come all the way up, bend back down. And, again, curl up, stretch out, you're doing great. Hold, two, three.

Exhale out and around. And bend back down. Perfect. Relax for a second. I'll do your setup, but, typically, you would tease her up, and take one spring off. But I'm gonna give you a little assistance.

Reach the arms out to the side, relax the head. The arms open to the side for teaser. Stretch your legs out. Let them lengthen and drop down. Heels together, toes apart.

Inhale, exhale, press all the way up into your teaser position. Keep coming. Beautiful. Beautiful. Yes! Now, if you need to bend the knees, you can, if not, I got them. You can still bend them still.

Beautiful. Palms face up. Reach the arms down, and, then, reach the arms straight up and hold. And reach the arms down. And reach up and hold.

Reach down. Reach up and hold. Two, three, everything goes back down. Beautiful. All right, preparing to come back on up.

Go ahead and press your hands into the straps. Lift up into your teaser. If you need to bend those knees once you come up, that's perfectly fine. What a great option. Let the arms drop down.

And reach them back up. Open out and around. Good. And reach up. Open out and around.

One more. Reach up. Hold. Everything goes back down with control. One more. Pulling everything and up, lift on up. Good.

Beautiful. Beautiful. You've got it. So, the arms drop down. They open out and around. They come all the way up.

I know that's hard. And drop down. You're doing great. And lift, and one more. Drop down with the arms open out and around, and hold.

Everything comes down. Drop those straps into the well. Good. Let me just let them drop. All right.

Staying where you are. We're actually gonna do some stomach exercises. So, bend the knees back on in. Single straight leg stretches next. So, right hand down at the right ankle, left hand down at the left knee, or, the right knee, excuse me.

Stretch the leg out. Elbow are wide. Scoop and exchange. Good. Look right at your powerhouse, and exchange. And exchange.

And exchange. And exchange. And exchange. Beautiful. Going right.

And left. And right. And left. One more set. Right.

And left. Bend both knees back in. Double straight leg stretch. Inhale, arms and legs pressed straight out. Hold. Exhale, open the arms out, and in.

Inhale, press up, but keep looking at your powerhouse. Exhale, out and in. Inhale, press out. Exhale, in variation. Inhale, arch back.

Open the arms out and around. Scoop and come up deep. Inhale, press and lengthen. Exhale, come back on in. One more time.

Inhale, press out. Exhale, come all the way in, and hold. Stretch the leg straight on up. Single straight leg stretch. Pulse, pulse, and exchange.

Pulse, pulse. And pulse, pulse, exchange, pulse, pulse. So, reach more towards your ankle, and stretch, stretch. Stretch, stretch. Stretch, stretch.

Stretch, stretch. Last set. Going right. And left. The legs stay on up.

Hands back. Curl up higher. We drop down. One, two, three, and up, our breath goes inhale, drop down three. Two, one, exhale up. Inhale, three, two, one, exhale, look at your powerhouse.

Three, two, one, and up last one. Three, two, one, and up. Bend knees in. Crisscross, hold. Two, three.

And switch. Reach your armpit towards your knee. Two, three. And switch. Hold. Two, three, and switch.

Beautiful job. Hold. Two, three, and switch. Hold, two, three. Last one.

Hold, two, three. Come back up. Hold. And relax. Back down. Arch back, give yourself a stretch.

And when you're ready, come all the way on up. Carefully step off. We'll bring the box back. As you're doing that, I'll set up for the next part, which is our long stretch. Our headrest comes up.

If you use a pad, you would put your pad on now at this time. We go back to two springs. We spring our foot bar back on up. The way we get on, you're gonna place your right hand on, right foot, left hand, left foot. So, hand, foot immediately, hand, foot immediately.

Good, now shift your weight forward as if you're gonna plank position. Rise up onto those toes. Get the heels forward. Try not to drop your heels down. Pull up.

From your arms, press the carriage out. From your powerhouse, bring it in, sliding shoulder blades down. Pull ribs in, and press out, stretch long. And then pull it right back on in. Beautiful.

Press out one long line. Don't release. And bring it back in. You have one more. Press out.

And bring it back in. Hold. Bend in gently, bring your knees down to the mat. Bring your heels in front of the shoulder blocks. Really press your heels into the shoulder blocks to stretch out that achilles.

Make sure the knees are open in line with your hips, and now press your hips forward for your down stretch. It's a breathing exercise. Let's take a nice deep breath in. Inhale, press the carriage on out, bringing the front of your thighs to the mat. Exhale, open your chest towards the ceiling, emptying the air out of your lungs.

Inhale, press out. Stretch. Exhale, in. Pull up a little bit more, so you're not arching in the low back. Inhale, press out.

And then exhale, in, hold. Good. Drop your head down, around through your powerhouse come up to standing, so your heels will move to the middle of your shoulder blocks. You're on your metatarsal. You're staying nice and rounded.

This is the wave of our body. You're gonna stay in a nice pipe position. Press the carriage out from the hips, curl the tailbone under, come back in one long line. Drop your head, around, press out, curl tailbone under, drop your tailbone under, good, and around, try and keep your head down. Around, press out, curl tailbone under, head stays down.

Beautiful. That's it. Let's do one more. Around, press out, curl tailbone under, and come all the way in and hold. Place your feet down flat for your elephant. Dig those heels down.

Lift the toes up. But take your body forward. Round up high in your back. Now dig those heels down. Press he carriage out.

And you have three counts to bring in. Bring in one, round, deeper, two, and three. Beautiful. Press out. And pull up, one, pull up two, pull up three. Press out.

Bring it in, one, two, three. Last one. And lift one, two, three. And good. All right.

Carefully step off our machine. We slide this pad straight down, and we get ready for our stomach massage series. Since we started this work on three springs, we now come back to three springs. If you started on four springs, you go back to four. So, ahead and take a seat down.

Heels are together, toes are apart, hands come down onto the carriage. You're sitting up. You're gonna slide down those feet just a little bit more. We press the carriage on out. Lower the heels down.

Lift the heels up. And bend to come in. Pause for one second. Bring your tushy over just a, yeah, you're a little crooked. Good.

And, we press out. Lower the heels down. Lift the heels, and bend back on in. Beautiful. And press out. Lower.

Lift. And in. Press on out. Keeping this beautiful C curve lower. Lift, and in.

Stretching out the upper part of our back. Press out. Lower. Lift. And in. Working through those feet, press out.

Lower. Lift. And in. Press out. Lower.

Lift. And in. Two more. Press out. Lower.

Lift. And in. One more. Press out. Lower. Lift. And in. Stay in.

Your hands go back on top of the shoulder blocks. Now, if you were on four springs, at this time, you need to take one spring off for a total of three, if not, we're already on three springs, so, you're gonna lift up the upper back. Look straight on out. Good. This is opening up of the chest. Press the carriage on out.

Lift taller as you lower your heels down. Lift up and bend to come back in. One. Good. Press. Lower.

Lift. And two. Take your weight forward a little bit more. Press out. Yes. Lower. Lift.

Three. Smile. Press out. Lower. Lift. Four.

Press out. Lower. Lift. Five. Press out.

Lower. Lift. Six. Press out. Lower.

Lift. Seven. Press out. Lower. Lift. Eight. Press out.

Lower. Lift. Nine. One more. Press out. Lower.

Lift. 10. At this time, you reach down, take one of the springs off, take the other middle spring off. There we go, so, we have a total of two springs. Our reach. The arms are gonna reach long towards me.

Right here. This is the exercise where you're lengthening out of your back, and then press the carriage out. And then bend to come back on in. There's no lower lift. And you're gonna come right back in, reaching for shoulders, but imagine I'm taller.

Press on out, and stretch. And then bend back in. Lengthen. And press out. And then back in.

This time, when you press out, you're gonna twist away from the window. Press out, twist away from the window, and hold. Keep your weight forward for that beautiful stretch, and bend to come back in. Drawing your arm in. Inhale, exhale, and twist and lengthen.

And then back in. Inhale, exhale all the air out, lengthen, take your weight forward a little bit more, and bend back on in. And inhale, exhale, twist, and bend back in. Stay in. Turn your feet parallel.

Reach your hands either to the top, to the side, or down below, wherever you feel like you have a good grip. Our monkey stretch. Press on out, stay on out. Hold. Bend your right knee towards your nose.

Lower your heel down. That left heel. And then exchange. Lower that heel down. So, you're getting that IT band stretch, you're getting the calf stretch, you're getting the achilles stretch.

And exchange. So, you're gonna feel it wherever you're the tightest. And one more. Exchange. Nice.

Bend the knees. Come all the way back on in. Carefully step on off. We're gonna go right into our knee stretch series. So, we get rid of this pad.

We're already on two springs. Your hands on here. Your knees and your feet are flat. Again, make sure that your feet are pressing firmly into your shoulder blocks. It's a great way to really stretch out that achilles.

We're gonna make sure the knees are in line with the hips. Round back and a strong C curve. Wide across the chest. Bring the hips back a little bit more, and we press the carriage on out. And then tuck the hips back under in, and press away.

And in two. And press out. And three. Press out. Four. Press out. Five. Press out. Six. Press out.

Seven. Press out. Eight. Press out. Nine. Press out. 10. And hold. Flatten out the back.

Bring your tushy back a little bit more. Keep those ribs pulled in. And press out. One. Good. Two. Three. All the way in.

Four. Good. Five. Six. Seven. Eight.

Nine. 10. And hold. Take your hands physically off the bar, so you're gonna take those knee, or shift back a little bit more. Your hands come off. We're just bringing the bar down at this time for a variation on our knee stretch series off.

Place your hands down onto the wood. For this particular version, your back is flat. Your knees will lift up in line with your heels. So, lift your knees slightly off the mat. Hold that position.

Here we go. Press out, one. Press out, two. Three. Four.

Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.

10. Hold. Two, three, and come back down. Good. Carefully step off. We bring our foot bar back up.

We go back to the number of springs we started, whether that was four or three for you at home. We started on three, so we go back to three. You're gonna lie back down. Head, back feet. Legs are parallel for running.

Press the legs on out, stay on out. Bend one knee, lower the other heel. And exchange. And exchange. And exchange.

So, it's a nice tempo. It's a nice run. You're trying to really work through the foot, making sure your knee goes directly up towards the ceiling, and you're dropping your heel down as low as it will go. Let's do 10 more. Going 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

And bend to come back in. Thread the needle. We're gonna stay on our metatarsal, but take your right leg into a tabletop position. Press out with your left, and bend your left as you thread the leg under. And then bend in, and thread on top.

And bend in. And thread under. And bend in and on top. Press out. And under.

Bend in and on top. You're doing great. Press out. And under. Pull in and on top.

Press out. And under. Press in and on top. Press out. And under.

Pull in and on top. Press out. And under. Pull in and on top. Good. We bend the leg, and we place our foot back on.

And now we go to the other side. Bending the knee into our chest, press on out. And thread it under. And bend in. Thread on top. That counts as one set.

Press out. And under. Bend in and on top. Press out. And under.

Bend in and on top. Press out. And under. Nice flow. This is beautiful.

And in, press out. And under, and in and on top. Two more. Out. And under. And in and on top.

Last set. Out. And under. And in and on top. And bring it in. Come all the way back on in.

Pelvic lifts, so you're gonna open up the legs. The arches go more towards the corner, or if it feels more comfortable to come up a little higher, you can. Let the knees turn out just a little bit more. Lift your glutes up slightly off the mat. Press on out.

As you press out, find that rotation. Squeeze those inner thighs, and smoothly come back in. One. And press out. Squeeze.

And bend in. Two. Press out, stretch, three. And in. Going to 10. Press out, stretch, four. And in.

Press out, stretch, five. And in. Press out, stretch, six. And in. Press out, stretch, seven.

And in. Press out, stretch, eight. And in. Press out, stretch, nine. And in.

Press out, stretch, 10. And in. Hold. Exhale. Slowly roll down through the ribs, to the waist, to the hips, and down. Draw those legs together, carefully step off.

And we're gonna get ready for speed skater. So, the foot bar comes down. We take one spring off. So, now we're only on a total of two springs. And she's gonna go ahead and step onto our carriage first.

Good. All right, tummy's nice and tight. And once she has her weight evenly distributed, then she'll bring her leg on out, which she did, which is great. For speed skater, you want to grab ahold of your wrist, bend your knees. Perfect.

And your weight is on the outside of your leg, 'cause you're pressing off with that leg on the carriage. Slowly press out for six. One, and bring it in. Slow it down. Two. You got it.

Three. Good. Ribs in. Four. Five. Six.

Now fast for six. One. Two, but no banging. Three. Four.

Five. Six. Slow for four. One. Good. Working for control. Two.

Three. Four. Fast for four. One. Two.

Three. Four. Slow for two. One. Two. Fast for two. No bangs.

One. Two. And hold. Stretch your legs. Standing up, hold and pause.

We lighten the spring, which mean easy out, harder in. So, don't push it too far out, go to where you can control. Bend your knees. Good. Your chest stays lifted, so, you can see where you're skating. And your weight on the outside of your leg.

Press out. Slowly. One. Press out. Two. Slow it down. Three. Four.

There we go. Five. Smile. Six. Now we go fast. One.

Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Slow it down.

One. Good. Two. Three. Four. Fast for four.

One. Two. Three. Four. Slow it down.

One. Two. Fast now. One. Two.

And hold. Stretch. Now you have an option at home. You can keep it on one spring for side splits, which is really advanced, or you can add a spring back on, for two springs for your side splits. From here, you're gonna toe, heel, toe, heel, out with your foot, to a position that you feel is comfortable. Reach your arms out to the side.

Now stay lifted. Keep your tailbone under. Everything moves in threes. So, it's like a nice little tempo. We press out.

Two, three, hold. Two, three, bring it in. Two, three, hold. Two, three, press out. Two, three, hold.

Two, three, bring it in. Two, three, hold. Two, three, press out. Two, three, hold. Two, three, bring it in.

Two, three, hold. Two, three, your outside leg, toes, heels in to the center of your carriage. Toe, heel, toe, heel, toe, heel. Once you have your weight on that foot, bring your other foot to meet it on the carriage, and then we carefully step off, and we go around to the other side. So, again, we're going two springs.

It's speed skater on this side. So, we step on our machine. Beautiful. Our foot goes to the outside. Hands come back behind you.

Bend your knees. Keep your weight onto the outside of the leg. There we go. Slowly press out. One.

Press out. Two. Press out. Three. Press out. Four. Press out. Five. Press out. Six.

And now fast. And one. Two. There. Four.

Five. Six. Slow it down. One. Two. Three.

Four. Fast for four. One. Two. Three. Four. Slow it down.

One. You got it. Two. Fast for two. One. Two.

And hold the carriage still. Stretch your legs straight. We take one spring off. So, remember, it's an easier out, harder in, lots of control, no banging. Slowly press out. One.

Good. Press out. Two. Beautiful. Press out. Three. Press out. Four. Press out. Five.

Press out. Six. And then fast. And one. Two. Three.

Four. Five. Six. Slow it down for four. One. Good.

Two. Three. Four. Fast for four. One.

Two. Three. Four. Slow it down. One.

Two. Fast for two. One. Two. And hold, stretch.

Make sure that carriage comes in again. Slide splits, so, whatever you did on the first side, do on the second side. We're adding on a second spring, we used two springs for our side splits last time. Pull your ribs in, tummy nice and tight. Everything moves in three.

Press out. Two. Three. Hold. Two. Three. Pull up. Two. Three. Stay. Two. Three. Press out. Two. There.

Hold. Two. Three. Pull up. Two. Three. Stay. Two. Three. Press out. Two. Three. Hold. Two. Three.

Bring it in. Two. Three. Stay. Two. Three. Your leg on the carriage. Toe, heels in. Once you have your weight on that leg, bring your leg to meet it.

And then carefully step off. And good. We're gonna bring the foot bar back on up. And we're going to do our Eve's lunge. So, go ahead and bring your knee down.

This'll be your right knee. And really press your heel firmly into that bar. Your other foot, for me, is going to come up. Good. Bend that front knee. From here, go ahead and press on out.

Once you get out, I want you to stay out. Pull up through the back leg, so, you lift up. Find that stretch in the hip flexor. Beautiful. Keep your weight slightly forward.

And then bring it all the way back on in. And, again, press on out, and stretch. Good. Hold. And bring it back on in.

And one more time. Press out. Hold. We're going to add in an additional stretch. Reach your arm out to the side. Reach it back towards your thigh, and feel this beautiful stretch.

You feel that? Reach the arm back out to the side, and bring the carriage all the way back on in. And let's transfer to the other side. Come on in. I know this feels really good after this workout.

Bring your knee down. Hop your other foot up, your outside foot. And, again, make sure you're really pressing that heel in to stretch out. Let me make sure that knee is in proper alignment. Go ahead and press on up.

Pull up through your powerhouse. Press on out. Bend through the front knee a little bit more. Now press out through the back. There we go. Now pull up right through here.

Yes. And then bring it back on in. You felt that, right? Yes. And, again, press on out.

Stretch. Bend that front knee more. Pull up through the back. And bring it in. Adding our variation, press on out first, find that, lift up out of the hip.

Open your arm out to the side, reach around, see if you can find that calf, so, the arm comes down, and reaches. Good. Reach back out to the side. And bring it all the way back on in. Good. Carefully step off.

That finishes your reformer for today. So, I hope you're feeling energized and ready to take on the day. Thank you so much for participating. Thank you.


3 people like this.
Mas pilates suelo por favor¡
3 people like this.
That was perfect, thank you!
4 people like this.
Love the energy of this class. It is perfect for a 40 min routine. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
3 people like this.
3 people like this.
Thanks, love it!
Love the quick pace. Great workout. Thank you.
Fantastic workout, great pace, wonderfully clear cues!
1 person likes this.
This seems like the Peak Instructor Test Out choreography... are you Peak?
2 people like this.
Enjoyed that this was sufficiently challenging, in a short time frame, great voice and energy in your cuing! going to be my "go to" to be done frequently!
2 people like this.
Thanks! Loved it
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