So it's coming to my attention that we haven't done any advanced reformer in awhile. So that's what's happening today. Um, I just like to remind you that it's always important when doing the advance work, not to do anything that feels inappropriate to your own body today. So feel free to modify, remember to breathe, and generally just stay in the moment and look after yourself. Here we go. I've got three reds and a blue springs set up for foot work and we're just going to start with the legs reaching over the foot bar and the body right at the very front edge of the, of the carrot. So taking the arms forward, lifting the arms up, opening the arms and opening the heart and taking a deep breath and then reach the arms forward and around the spine. Exhale as you roll back, pressing the legs down into the foot bar, bringing the body down. Take the arms around. Yep. Reach forward scooping up your energy. Roll up from around position at the top where the shoulders are over the pelvis.
Lift the spine, open the arms, lift the heart. Exhale, reach forward. Draw the navel to the spine and will roll back. Sending the legs out in front of us. Rolling back, rolling back, rolling back. Arms come up, arms reach around. They come forward. We deepen into the center of the body. Roll forward, shoulders over the pelvis. Inhale, lift the body, open the arms, lift the heart. Exhale around the spine and roll back.
Creating energy in the arms. That inward hug with the inner upper arms. Head down, arms open. Reach forward and roll up. Ah, ah, ah, at the top. Hollowing through the waist. Lift the right leg just off the bar. Roll down, not all the way this time just to the shoulder blade. Inhale, exhale. Bend the knee and curl the spine to the thigh. And inhale, push your way to come down. Exhale, bend the spine.
Bring the knee in towards the chest and push away to lower. Exhale, pull in. Inhale, push away. Exhale, pull in. Inhale, push away. One more time. Exhale, pull in. Inhale, push away. Take the leg down, take the body down, reach the arms out to the side. Feel the openness in the chest. Reach forward and roll.
The body hollowing through the waist at the tough. Float, the right leg and roll down and inhale. Exhale, curl to the fat that comes to the body. Inhale, push the Lego away. Excellent, cruel to the really hollowing out through the waist. Push away, and three more energy in the arms. Deep Curl, deep connection in the trunk.
One more time. Exhale, curl lower down. Legs go down, arms come out to the side, stretch the chest open. Reach forward, roll up and lift the body. Open the arms out to the side, lift the chest, push the arms forward, XLT around the spine and roll back. This time we lift the leg at the bottom. We're going to bend in, rotate, push away, and come down. Bend in, rotate. Put a shoe in. Come down three more times.
Exhale and exhale and down. One more. Exhale and down. Put the leg down. Don't go all the way down. Just come up and right back down. Exhaling as you go at the bottom, the opposite leg floods and we turn and lift and then push away. Turn left, and then push away. Three to go. Excellent twist. Feel that rotation happening around the trunk. Here's two. Oh wait, one more. Rotate reached. Yeah, let the leg come down. Rule up, lift the arms, lift the spine, take the arms behind you, push into the carriage with your arms, lifting your sternum up, and then coming around with the legs. Set the foot bar up.
Tailbone touches in here. Exhale, press down with the heels. Roll the body. Long arms, long spine in here and excess. And no matter how advanced we take our work towards the middle and the end of our session. It's always good in my mind to warm up the body with some basics and exhale to lift. Hips up high in here and exhale to lower down.
Feeling that head stretch away from the tail, feeling the arms reach out towards the foot bar. Last one. Inhale and XL to roll up and inhale and exhale to peel the bodied. Keeping the heels on the foot bar, flexing the feet. Press the carriage away and bring it back. Press away and bring it back. So as we work to warm the body up, just check in with all your pieces.
Shoulder blades are in the nice and flat back of the legs. Initiate that press. All minerals are connected to the movement. Breath is connected to the movement. Working towards being right here in this moment all the time and the last two and one more. Bend in, come back in onto the toes, pressing a feel the lift of the heels and then keep the heels still as you bend and reach as you're coming in. Try to feel that you're maintaining the length of the springs.
It's a different way to say resists the springs, but it's a nice way to think about it in my mind and when you go five out and pull back out and pull back out and put in two more last, come in, bring the heels together. Knee, shoulder distance apart. Add a wrap. Pull, pressing out and resist. Tail is heavy. Spine is long, eyes are soft and five foot for pool theory. Rapping through the back of the legs to bring the carriage in. One more time. Out and back. Take the heels to the outsides of the foot bar.
Generate a little addict or work a little inner sigh control. Press out and pull back. Stretch the legs and lengthen the spine to come in. Stretch the legs, getting that full extension feeling that you're lifting the quads or lifting the knee Katz up with the quads. As the knees are straightening, we do five and pull back for generating awareness, generating awareness around the center of the body. Last two I think. And then one more time out.
And then moving to the toes on the outside of the foot bar when in connection to all 10 toes, stretch the legs and resist and press out to pool, press, act and press at using the breath. Finding a breath. Doesn't matter what breath, but a breath for every moment. Checking in, going deep five and four and pull three, two and one. Hopefully you're getting a little bit warm by now. Bring the feet into the center, press out and he lower the heels. Feel the length out through the top of the head. Just pause for a moment there and then he heals up and pull under and lift all the way.
So can we find the connection of the heels all the way up the top of the leg where the back of the legs connects to the hips and we do five draw down four don't just drop but pull three. Don't just drop, but pull last two one more. And then prancing. We go down with one up with both alternating. And as we do this, moving from side to side in the body, we want to make sure that the pelvis is steady. Spine is steady or working through both feet, not just the one that's getting a stretch, but pushing into the foot bar. Lifting one heel high as the other heel draws down, and we'll do three more repetitions to each side. Here's one and two and two, three and pause. Give yourself a stretch.
Change sides. Give yourself a stretch.
And then just measure your distance before you lift your leg. So that inflection, I can only just reach to touch the shoulder blocks from that place. Bring the hands behind the head, fully support the head with the hands. Draw indeed. Lift the seat and in, he'll take the legs out and pull that. So we use those deep hip flexor muscles to move the straps. The move, the carriage we use, our abdominal muscles are deep abdominal muscles to stabilize the trunk.
Last for an reach, Siri Anri Cha to enter each ja, pull and reach out at rotation. Turning the body as both knees. Pull in, lift up into it and ex center. Think of lifting higher as you're coming into the center. We're going to do three more to each side. Three trying to keep the pelvis stable. Two and two and last time and last time we got ready for this with our warmer. And then find your center. Lift both lanes and ball. Six pull and then yeah, don't worry.
If you feel your hip flexors, you should and down, but you should also be feeling your abdominals. Here's number two, our last time and then we're going to take the legs down. Reach the arms. Four roll up. Up, up. Oh, I was afraid I wasn't going to make it there, but I did. I hope you did. To take the straps off the knees,
Press down around and together. Feel the connection to the back of the thighs. Feel the connection to the back of the size. Each time you press down and feel the connection to the front of the body as the legs come around and up, we'll do four more. Feels great to me.
Theory our island in up to all round up and last time press all round in up and then we take it in reverse. We open, take the legs together and open. Take the legs down and together and list down and together and lift. Still focusing on the breath. So bringing your awareness inwards, working deeper and deeper. So working beyond the choreography, feeling into the movement to had last time. Bring the heels together.
Press out, bring the legs up to vertical. As you exhale, press into the straps and lift the body. If the body open the legs, roll the spine down. There's a, there's a gentle pressure into the straps to hold the carriage still underneath us. Feel the spine come down right through the center of the Mat. Take the legs down and together and inhale, lift and exhale. Press into the strap. Set a roll up and that nice longs position open.
So the feeder reaching away. Light pressure into the straps as we peel the body down.
One more time here and roll up.
They feel good. So we can come this time all the way in.
Opening up the space between the heels and the pelvis, allowing the FYS to drop down. Flex the feet, bring the legs through and stretch out. Pointing the feet as we fold the body in half. Touch the carriage to the stop or roll up. Bend the knees, roll down.
Take the feet out of the straps and into the hands.
Feel the connection, the commitment to the back of the legs and roll down. The arms are long and straight.
Take one leg into the well and one leg into the air and
Nobody's perfect. I'm happy to be a reminder of that. Take the legs forward, reach the arms up, lift the roll up. Oh, the way you make that time and push. Lift the body, lift the body, take the head and turn it. Look over one shoulder center during, look over the other shoulder center.
Think of biasing towards pressing the pelvis forward. I know this is simple, but sometimes simple is important too. And then let's come all the way up and switch sides. So getting the knee right up into that shoulder bar. Other foot's out on the floor. Press the knee away. Lifting the heart, lifting the chest.
Draw from deep with him to bring the carriage in and in here. [inaudible] deep with and to bring the carriage in and inhale back and exhale and inhale back and exhale. And then let's bring the body out. Long. Pull the carriage forward. Keep the carriage still at the stopper at reach up and back.
Press out, find your long stretch. Push through the heels, energize the legs. Come forward over the foot part. Touch and lift back up. Reach out, pull through.
Keeping the reformer and out. If the hit, bring the carriage into touch. Keep the reformers still as you bring the body out over the arms last time out, lift the hips and bring the body out. And then let's lift the hips back up. Coming down onto flat fee. Tiny again, that nice flat position with the body. Take the left leg out to the side around and up behind you.
Externally rotating that hip, lift the leg up into the air. Both legs or arms are active. Articulate out and touch. And as the lay comes underneath you, we feel that we're trying to lift that straight like even higher and and back and lifting the straight leg last to att and back in one more time and back in. Take the hip, open it up.
Then the knee reach the heel out and around towards the hand on opposite side stretch. So like back up, bring it out to the side to place it down. Free extending, refining that long spine. Take the leg around and up externally, rotating the hip, get the nice height. Maybe my Arabic is not as impressive as some, but I assure you I am doing my best. So we energize. I like reach it up and out and lift up and push out. Draw in from the center of the body. One more time out.
Lift up, open the hip, lifting the leg, even her ope. Keep that carriage and try not to pull the bar towards you. Push it away from you cause you bring the leg around behind you.
Put a blue spring on, round back towards your heels. And inhale, taking the knee out. Resist and out and resist. And so keeping the trunk stable as he work that round spine. We'll do two more and one more. Stay here, stay low.
Lift the knees and we press out. Input in, out and round the back. Keep the knees low to the carriage. Keep the upper body stable. One more time app in. Bring the knees in. I'm taking my blue spring away. Bring the body forward over the foot bar for the down stretch. Reach down young gate. Reach out.
Now turn around and to make sure there's a little space behind us. We've got diamonds in the ocean today. It's so beautiful. Arms reaching out in front in the ILT. Then the arms. Exhale, roll the body down. Bring your arms with you. Continue to reach out with your legs. Take the arms down and back from here. Keep the body where it is.
Pull the carriage with your arms. Then fold forward over your length, lifts the arms up, bring the arms around, keep the body reaching forwards as you bring the arms all the way to the start position. And then bend XL rounding down, reaching the legs away. Take the arms down, push the carriage. Now keep the carriage. So as you come forward to touch, reach up, reach around Scapula, slides down as the arms reach for roll. Bend your arms. Exhale, roll down. Inhale, reach out, pull back, float forward. Reach up and around the front and we'll just go one more time. I may have said that differently a minute ago. This is the present moment, so we're going to go with what I'm saying right now. Reach, press back, fold forward, lift up, bring the arms around and through. Sit the body. Yeah, arm is out front.
Bend the arms. Inhale, bring the arms down into the body. As you roll through your spine, take a pause and then articulate the spine up in Ford. Keep the Elvis tight. Sit Up owl, I mean by that is don't let them go wider than the shoulders and bend. Bring that 90 degree angle with you as you roll your spine down. Let's add five bicep curls, hero and reach the legs away. Two, three, four, five. Reach out, lift the arm. Find your extension.
Say up arms. Come forward and bend and roll back that five bicep curls deepening into the trunk. One, two, stretching along through the legs. Everything's involved. Last time. Benton 90 lifts the body. Reach the arms and sit up. Last time. Bend and roll. Back pose and float and pull. Three pull four and pull.
Five reach up. Sit Up. Take the arms in front of you. Pull one arm down. Let's go. Left arm down, right arm up. Lift and rotate and center right arm down, left arm up. Lift and rotate and center. Continue to alternate there. And Center.
Reach, rotate and center. Reach. Rotate. And we'll do three more total. Here's one and last time and come all the way through. Set the straps away. Turn it around.
Take that arm so that the straps come just underneath the arms. Lifting the spine tall. Take the arms forward, rotate, lift the body up even taller as the arms reach around to the top. Rotate the palms forward to catch the straps and bend. Exhale forward, keeping the body long and stable. Rotate. Grow the spine and bend. Take the arms forward. Go down then up.
Bend forward and internal rotation. Spiny long gates. Open the arms wide. Bend the elbows. Exhale. Curl the body down. Bring the elbows right down next to you. Then stretch the back out. Lift the back up and open. Bend.
As you roll down, bring the arms down with you. Reach the spine long. Hit that long straight back. Sit Up and reach around and bend and roll down. Reach out. Lift up and around.
Did I say last one? I didn't mean it. This is the last one. And her each. Yeah,
Gonna bring the arms just to the sides of the pelvis. Wrapping the hands around the foot bar. Take the legs out straight and holding. Here we bend the arms and straighten Ben arms. Strange. Trying to keep the carriage as still as you can. Last too.
Push it away all the time. And back. One more time. Bend. Yeah. Roll up dominoes in po the kerogen. Straighten the spine. Step in and sit down. Catch your breath. I let allow me to catch my breath. Okay.
Ready for the tendon stretch that's happening. So we come to the edge of the reformer on her toes. So falls of the fee. Wrapping the hands around the foot bar. Drop the head down, round the spine. Keep the carriage. So as you lift up and drop the heels down towards the springs, push into the bar with your arms. You need that backward pressure.
Heels draw down. Take the carriage away. Oh, the carriage back in. It's almost like a somersault. And take the carriage, a weight in here. Pull back in, coming all the way in and two more times. Press pull back in. [inaudible] who back in like I know the way to the end.
Thanks. Take the foot bar down, load up the springs are going into side overs. You're welcome. I know everyone's thrilled about that. I certainly am. If you know me at all, you know that I love these kids. So we're going to take the foot underneath the strap and I have a special special surprise today we're going to take one I'm at. We're going to interlock the hands and then take that shape down in here and reach out. Feel the energy going in the direction of your very straight arms.
And in inhale and exhale, pausing at the top, last too and up. One more time over separate the arms and take the one arm all the way down. The opposite arm reaches over. We push the strap away with the foot. I'm just pausing for a moment because we all deserve that stretch. I don't, I don't, I don't, I know that ideal anyway. I was gonna say, I don't care who you are, but I do care who you are. I think we all deserve the stretch no matter who you are. So we're, I'm rotating now down and breathing and then I'm going to come back around and let the pelvis rotate open.
Change sides.
Taking that top arm overhead, pushing out through the heel and the opposite direction. Maybe a small, small quarter. Turn with the chest, reaching it down towards the floor,
And now this time as we lift the body, we bend the knees, reaching the back of the head towards tips of the, and then stretch back out. And then the knees lifting the back. In my imagination, I can touch my toes to the back of my head. Believe you me. I know that I'm well away from that, but that's what I'm trying for. Let's do two more. Ben. Lifting the fires off the box, reaching around, touch the back of the head and down,
Scapula draws down, downloads, lift up off that bar and then press. And one more time. Pull the boxing. Press the blocks away. Roll up all the way. Lift the body up. Hello, my name was just a floater. Feel the lightness in your body. Open arms out to the side. 15 the chest, opening the heart. Breathing into the moment.
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