Class #3513

Moving Environments Reformer

40 min - Class


Learn how you can connect to the moving environment of the Reformer in this workout by Jared Kaplan. He starts with a warmup on the Mat, to help you get a sense of your body in space. He then moves on to the Reformer, adding in a Triadball and Kneeling work so that you can use the input from the apparatus throughout the rest of your body.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Mat, Triadball, Pilates Pole

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Aug 21, 2018
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Hi, I'm Jared Caplin. I'm thrilled to be here from New York City today. We were doing a mixed Matt warmup that will then go to the reformers. What you'll need are Dow Robert. You don't totally need, but if you have it, we want to connect moving environments. So sensory input to your spine. We're going to use a ball for the reformer, a workout. But to start, let's do a little mat warmups. So come on down onto your mat, on your back. Feet can face in.

Get comfortably all the way down and hug your heels pretty close to your hips. So you're gonna do a four part bridge, which is from giveaways work. Your feet are gonna start all the way together. Toes spread wide to warm up your pelvis. You're going to nice and easy bridge up only as high as you can without your knees or your feet coming apart. Then go back down to the ground.

We're going to do six of these. Nice and simple. Flat back, rising up. Keep the knees together, keep the feet together and all the way back down. If I were to place a quarter between your knees, don't drop it, leave it there. Nice and back down. Two more to finish those six repetitions, warming up the hip joint.

So there's four positions of this coming up. This is the first. Let's go on to the second. Keep your feet exactly where they are. Allow your thighs to come apart externally rotating at the hip joint. Make sure that your first metatarsal, your first toe doesn't come off the ground. You're going to press up again six times into your bridge.

Pelvis stays level as you come back down. Feel both sides. Land again total of six repetitions so you have deep external rotation of the hip joint. Nice wide feet as you press through the ground. Thinking of your whole spine coming up. Okay, great. Two more as you come down, lead from the tailbone. There you go.

Nice deep hip crease coming back up. And last one, that's to next position fee. Oh little bit wider than your pelvis. You're going to internally rotate so your knees are touching again. If you were squishing a quarter, hold onto it. Don't give it away. Pelvis up and down six times. Take a moment. Just read the feet out. As you rise. You might find this a little bit of a harder position to maintain.

Good [inaudible] might find this a little easier. I'm going to again challenge you though. Let's be really clear. Don't separate the knees. There you go. And control your range as you do that last time. Then onto the fourth position. Allow your knees to just gently come apart. Good old classic bridge. Knees are parallel. Fee in line with the pelvis up you go six times.

Imagine if you will, that your heels are tractioning towards your shoulders as your knees reach forward, creating an open loop of energy. Let's go total of six. Again, medium tempo here. You want to move or you want to keep your form really clear? Good. And the last one coming back down.

Here's your devil's gonna. Come in. So one legged bridge. I'm going to assist for here. You're going to straighten your left leg. I'm just going to come around and have your leg all the way on the ground. What I want you to do is keep this alignment and roll your pelvis across. If you're at home or you're in a studio that doesn't have a dowel, just keep the general idea of your knee staying really steady in a vertical alignment and then come back across the pelvis. Let's go again, six of these.

Okay, so if you have a prop, you could place a small pillow or bolster on your knee like so you just want the sense of tracking so that you know where you are in space. What I'm looking for is that your Talus all the way through your lower limb to your knees. They really vertical as you roll across. Nice moving the pelvis around the Femur so you get that relative external rotation back to internal rotation as you come across when you're finished with those six, go ahead and switch sides for me. Okay. Nice and smooth. [inaudible] keeping the knee totally centered as you excursion the pelvis around the Femur, so rolling across your back. You've got kind of a nice massage across the low back through the pelvis, down through the leg. Check that your shoulders are relaxed, check that your breathing always and use your foot to help push your pelvis across through this action. After this one, we're going to come back down to the mat.

You can straighten both legs and you can come on up to seated. What I want you to do is bring yourself to a simple prayer position, so knees comfortably, right below your hips. What I want to do to sit down is to really fold it your hip crease without rounding your spine as you go down. So go ahead and just simply sit. Okay, and then go ahead and let your torso come down into a child's pose position. For this, I want your hands at your pelvis. Go ahead and hold onto both sides of your hips. For me. Good.

They're going to reach through the crown of your head to come to a vertical line hovering just off the ground, right about halfway a vertical. If you have a dowel rod and you're going to take your right hand behind the small of your back, it would land. Turn your hand for me. Other way. Yep. There you go. Just so it's comfy for your risks. So you see there's a straight line. You can feel there's a straight line. If you're doing this with a dowel rod in her own, what I want you to do is take yourself back up to vertical, nice and easy sitting on your heels as you come up. So let's do that again.

You're going to sit back, go into child's pose. Great. From that seated position, push your pelvis forward. Come all the way through to vertical. So if you have his dowel rod for input for where your spine is in space, you can feel all three points touching. Go ahead and sit back. Again, you don't need the Dow to do this, but it's a nice way to kind of amp up your sensing your body as you move through space. So we'll go twice more sitting all the back, really prepping the hip extension for what's gonna come next on the reformer. Good last time. Sit on back down.

Now we're going to add onto this really simple. Come back up to Tom kneeling. You're going to swing your right foot forward, plant your foot on the mat, replace it, go back to where you were. Hinge back down, and come up to seated while you're staying there. So as you come back up, just relax. Have a nice simple sip. When you're forward again, again, monitor's fine. Don't go too far forward. You're going to swing your pelvis up and through into hip extension. This time or left leg comes up good. Bring it back behind. You. Folded the hip crease. You're going to sit and then stay here with your hips, but let your spine come back to vertical. Just like a little prayer series.

We'll go one more time folding. Nice. Keep the spine long as you press your pelvis forward, right leg swings through to your lunge. This is going to come in handy later. Then bring it back behind you. Crease the hip without losing spinal length into that bend back up to vertical. Last time going through, you're going to fold.

Extend the pelvic push down through your shins. Get the pelvis right underneath you. The left leg comes up and back down. Good. You can release the dowel rod if you have it, you're going to relax out of that position. And let's go to the reformers. Okay, so you're on the reformer. I want you to have the the foot bar on your left side and you're going to take the strap with your left hand. You're on one blue spring, you're gonna come to tall kneeling, right hand is on your pelvis, nice and easy, warm up.

You're going to reach your left hand and slowly drag across your body about shoulder height or above. And then slowly back across. We're gonna do six of these. Get some nice easy movement. Feel the input of your knees through your trunk out the arm. Great. Stabilizing the torso and the pelvis as you move through space saying, trying to say nice and wide across the collarbones last one. And right away you want to switch sides.

So the right hand is going to grab the strap. Okay. Stable Pelvis, remembering that hip extension you had on the mat through. You're really tall through the pelvis and the hip. Challenging your torsos so you're not leaning back a little bit of a former, so you really feel both the pelvis and your trunk. Total of six.

A little bit of a warmup here. Moving through space, long neck. There you go. Tall Torso, good rest of the strap. You're gonna turn back around to the first side. I want you to take a ball. You're gonna stay seated. The ball is going to start at your left hip. So hold onto it in both hands.

Just a little rotation prep. So both hands hold the ball. I want to hold it on your left hip. You're slowly rotate your trunk to the rights and then back down. And I want to drag this time, come back to face the left. You're going to take the ball higher up so it's on your low ribs.

Now you're only going to rotate as far as the ball can stay in contact with your rib cage. It's not going to go very far. So if you're moving your head, come on back. Let's get the whole trunk rotating to the right ball, goes across your body. Great. That's plenty. And then go back to the left. Keep this small. Imagine your nose staying in line with the ball as you rotate to the rights and then a little bit back across to the left. Now bring the ball to the center of your chest. You gonna hold it against you. You're gonna rotate to the left so the ball stays in contact with you the whole time.

So left facing than dragging the ball across here as you spin to the right's nice and easy back across to the left. Let's do that one more time. To prep this rotation. Spinning to the right's using the ball again for input with sensation across the body. Pause on your left side. I want you to come up to tall kneeling again. We're going to do the same thing on a diagonal. So we're gonna place the ball low left side, you know, roll across.

You dress below the bra line to the right. So just using that ball as sensation to go across the body. Coming back to the left. Nice keeping contact the whole time. The ball's going to tell you if you're using the shoulders only or the arms go across to the right's. Great, nice and easy. Back to the left's roll the ball in contact or cross your body.

One more time. Prepping rotation again for the next exercise coming up. Great. Let's switch sides for rotation, so face the other way. Keep your ball so you got the idea of it now, just nice, easy rotation. No big deal. From here again, right side going to the left. Stay on seated hips on heels, then back across so you can feel the difference of trunk rotation.

If you were to just move your arms, it's a different thing. Now let's add the ball rolling. Bring it up to about low rib level below the bra line. Rolling it across your body. Good, nice, easy rotation. Same. Pretty horizontal for now. Let's do that two more times to the right.

Great. Come across and to the left. Now adding on. I'm going to go into hip extension. You can go from low to high. Some remember has the ball low? A right? She's going to go up to the left, across her body, feeling the rotation of her trunk as she goes around. You want to pattern this with the ball now so it makes sense when we add load in a bit. Let's go twice. More hips fully extended, pressing down through the shins to really drive from the feet out through the motion of the spine. Great.

We're going to leave the ball by the a shoulder strap. You're gonna turn back around to the first side. I want you to take again the strap. Take it with your left hand. Now what I want you to do is keep it right at the center of your chest.

Give yourself a little bit of space away from your sternum. You're gonna allow the weight to pull you to the right, relaxing into it. Keep your knees where they are, and then spin to the left. Do that a couple of times. Let's say three total. That's one nice, easy rotation and get a sense of what this blue spring feels like. If it's too easy, you can add a little bit. If it's too hard, make it a little easier.

Okay, good. Stay here, but relax down. Now you're gonna take the ball. You're gonna place it at the shoulder rest behind you. So your Shin is in contact with the ball. Let's drop your strap for a moment. Put your hands down on the reformer in front of you. So you're in a little mini quadro [inaudible].

What you're going to do is try to push the leg that's touching the ball into the shoulder rest. So you get a relative internal rotation of that hip. Relax. Do that again three times. So just using that contact to wake up your rotators in a short range. Then relax again. One more time, trying to press the ball from left to right into the shoulder. Rest now relaxed that effort and allow your leg to go the other way so it touches your opposite heel. You know, flex the foot slightly, push into your own heel so you're externally rotating your hip.

Then come out of it, go back to the ball. So it's sets up a little bit of a windshield wiper for your legs. Go again, touching heel to heel. Nice. You can stick your butt out just a little bit so you're not flex. Great. Go across, find the ball again. Push. Take a moment. Feel the action of that leg so you're really getting the rotators to work.

Then relax it. Come across, make strong contact as you get your external rotators to fire. And then relax. We're going to build on to that, so come to tall kneeling again and take your strap with your left hand. Make sure your knees are wide enough that you feel steady here. I want to keep the hands very close to you for this first round so it's not too challenging. You're going to again, do the same thing you just did. Push into the ball. Now as you keep that pressure against the ball, you're going to rotate to the left. Now it gets fun.

Hold here. Don't change your rotation. Switch to your legs so you touch your heel to your opposite heel like you did a moment ago. Pressing. Get your deep rotators to fire. Now. As you relax out of that, touch your right leg to the ball and I'll rotate more. Yeah, as real as you can. Great. Hold there. Touch your heel to your heel again. Good as you relax, see if you can revolve the rib cage even further. So relax out of it. Push into the ball now as you squished in the ball, there you go. You get a little more rotation out of the trunk.

Good. Make sure you're really squishing into here. There you go. Relax it. Bring the foot across the other foot. We'll go one more time. So we'll make a strong connection through the hip joint. Good. Last time.

Pressing to the ball again and then maximize your rotation to the left. Great. Rest for a moment. You're not off the hook yet. Take the right arm only in your strap. Relax your rotation. Come all the way to the rights.

You're going to push into the ball. You're going to spin and press through your arm on the diagonal. Nice and strong. Slow motion. Come back across and again, we're going to do five more times. Use that ball again. In the sense that you can really drive from the ball through to the opposite side. Beautiful. And again, made contact through the ball.

Find that connection all the way through. Feel the Heidi responders you reach across full spiral last time coming up. Nice job and rest. Let's go right away to the other side. So leave your strap, leave the ball, but bring it behind you. Let's prep this side. So little mini quadro pad, hands in front of you, making pressure against the ball. Nice, easy spine. Relax the pressure the ball. Swing your foot across like a windshield wiper.

Activate the external rotators and then reverse sliding across. Press into the ball without changing your knee. Activate. Let's do this twice more now that you've got the hang of it. Good last time. Great.

Let's make it a little more dynamic. Bring yourself all the way up. Take your strap again, hands pretty close to you so you're not too far out. Shoulder blades and elbows wide. First round. Simple. Press into the ball. Rotate to the right. Stay here. You're already warm, so I want you to stay there as you relax the left leg. Bring it across.

Now activate again. Good as you come out of it, push into the ball and then increase your right rotation. Good. So the action is symbol. You're going to press off ball, relax it. As you press into the ball, you're going to rotate as much as you can, so you're relatively getting the external rotation of your hip with the rotation of your trunk. Good. One more time. Nice and strong into the ball. Good breathing.

Keep the height of your spine last time relaxing back all the way around to the left. Okay, you're going to switch just the left hand in the strap. A little more athletic here. May contact with the ball first for me. Find your center. Press into the ball, rotate around to the right and come on back. See if you can find a smooth relationship with your shoulder blades. You don't overextend the arm and make that connection through the air of the ball. Good. Reaching through.

You got three more total of six. Nice. See if you can keep the hip extensions or bring the pelvis forward even as you twist the spine. Last one good. We're going to ditch the ball. You're going to face the back of the reformer with your right foot down on the floor. Or if you have a clinical balanced body reformer on a box, your right hand is going to take your strap. You're going to breed a modified lunge position, so I want you to right foot about halfway forward so that your hip can be in a little bit of extension. Really simple action.

Don't move your right leg. You're going to slide your hip in deflection. As you pull the right arm back just that far as plenty and your release back you go. So wherever your thighs sets up, it's going to stay. And to keep the knee exactly as it is as you start finding the coordination of your right arm sliding back as your left hip flexes. So mimicking the laundry did from the Mat class on the reformer total. If six. Again, nice and smooth observing for yourself.

If you have any rotation tendencies, can you keep the length of the spine? If you want to challenge yourself to bend the knee, maybe a little more. Can You keep that as you go back? Great. And let's switch sides. The second side, same idea. So flip on over. Your left foot goes down, set the knee against the shoulder, a wrestler.

You're nice and steady and feeling this cross lateral position as you pull the right arm, you're gonna pull the carrot forward. Great taking care of that. You don't change the relationship of the pelvis to their femur on the standing side. Okay? The arm can stay close by your body as you pull straight back.

Nice. And again, nice and smooth. You're in a few of your hamstrings. You're going to fuel your glutes by now. Use your lad as you pull through nice and strong last time. Great. That's lung number one. Lens number two, staying here, you're going to slightly change. You're facing 45 degrees towards your standing leg.

From here. You're going to flip this strap to the opposite arm. So you're going to be a little bit forward facing. I want you to think of reaching into abduction. You're going to push your right leg with the carriage to the rights. Good. And you're gonna add a poll of your left arm.

So you're gonna face a little more this way. Make sure your knees against the s a shoulder rest and bring the carriage back across. Now think of pushing with this leg so your right leg presses out. Good and come across. Make sure that your left hand is doing the bulk of the work as your pull across, so you're pushing and pulling at the same time. Think about that opposition of your left elbow and your right hip, creating space as you reach the benefit of this position with two things going on at once, you have to really navigate how you're coordinating your body.

Plus the apparatus. Even pull through the left side, even pushed through the right. You've got one more Rep. Press out. Try to keep the pelvis totally level good. Now you're going to square yourself off facing street side. Same leg is down. Your whole Shin is against both shoulder arrests. There you go. Take the arms straight to your chest, holding the elbows wide, bring your foot a little forward so you're in relative extension of your hip.

You're going to slowly drive the hands forward. Don't move the pelvis as the carriage goes to the right. Let it slide back in. So I want to really think of standing pelvis stays steady. Try not to move away from center. Bring it back towards you.

Stay low through your knee as much as you can. You can breathe here and our glutes are a little bit working. You've got it. Keep going two more. If you want a little extra challenge, how much can you control the carriage coming back under you to a d duction abduction, sliding in below you almost coming across center if you can. And then again, driving out last time. That's your third lunch. You're doing great. We're going to flip sides. So bring the strap back down, flip around right fits down facing the back of the reformer squared off.

Okay. Setting deep into the right hip. Again, you're gonna pull through with the left arm for lungs number one, long torso, again, stable through this side as you pull through. Good, and again, six times total notes. Again, I want the pelvis stay really level squared off. Pull through. You got it nice and back. See if you can keep the knee quiet. The foot spread yellow. Smaller is fine. Don't worry about size here. It's about getting your coordination going. Great. Again, keep the knees steady and we'll do a couple more. There you go.

Last one. Great. Now we're going to face 45 degrees. Keep the opposite straps so you're going to face outside. The right leg stays down. The left leg is back. You're in. Reach your left leg to the left as you pull with the right elbow.

Great. Again, looking for the pelvis, staying nice and center. This is all about vertical spine. On a little forward, lean opposition, pressing out to the edges of your kinda sphere. Use The sled. Use the arms to really reach pelvis. Doesn't move just the hip joint. There you go. Back in. Great. You got three more. Give me a little more.

Reach to the right elbow if you can. Nice and back across. Anchor that pelvis last time. Steady here. Great. There you go. Now facing squared off to the side, Shin, fully in contact with the shoulder rest. Hands in the center of the chest, tall spine, a little bit forward with your standing legs. You have relative extension. Feel that side, the glutes really working and you're going to press out as you push the carriage. Coordinate the timing back in.

You go soft upper body but reaching long. Good. See if you can keep the pelvis relatively quiet. Try not to slide with the carriage. If you're practicing this with clients, you can give a little bit of a manual reference or you go more work. Nice. Two more. There you go. We can coordinate that timing, both leg and upper body and rest. Good. I want you to lie down on the reformer with your right side down.

Your left leg will be on the foot bar. You're gonna change it to add a whole red spring as opposed to a half, half red spring. So you have one red and one blue. Now sideline, right side, make sure your head and neck are comfortable. Whole foot is planted on the foot part, nice and smooth. You're just going to press all the way out. Hold there for a moment. Slow motion. Allow the knee to glide back in. And again, we'll do six of these. I want to take care that the facing of your ankle, your knee, and your pelvis are all squared off.

Where you're not going to do is let your knee collapse towards the floor or excessively pointed towards the ceiling. Good. On your sixth one, you're going to come back in and you're gonna rest. So returning home, now you're gonna push out halfway only. So come to us to halfway hold there. From here, I want you to allow your knee to slowly rotate down towards the floor and then allow it to pick back up. It's going to raise your head rest a little bit.

So you're comfy there. Try that. Let's go a little hair. Try that. Okay, so continue the rotation of your hip. Try not to move the carriage. You're going to spin your leg into extra rotation. Allow the foot to adapt on the bar as you can, and then gentle, no moving of the carriage. Allow your hip to rotate inward. So you thought you were getting a break for your rotator.

Is that not so much nice and smooth? Try not to move the pelvis, coordinating the rotation of your femur with moving lower leg. You can do that one more time. Great. Now find middle ground between the two. So I want you write a parallel with the horizon.

You're going to press out again four times. So you're prepped the rotation sideline, keeping a nice steady position as you come back in. Let's keep your healing touch for now. Good. And press out full foot on the bar, stopping yourself if you feel it come up good and back out. Notice for yourself. If you feel the knees start to slide down, come back in.

I want it perfectly on the horizon. Good. Last time. Great. Come back in. We're going to switch sides. So you're gonna slide over with your left your down. Make sure, again, the head rest is comfortable for you. Full foot is going to be on the bars, your right foot on the bar, you have a blue and the red spring. First round. Just press out, keep it easy and come back in after six you're going arrest. Nice. Keep the heels steady and we're going to wake up your rotation in this position, so come in halfway.

Hold right there. Pelvis steady. You can put your own hand on your pelvic half so you stayed steady there. Make sure that stays as a reference. Then allowing the hip to glide into internal rotation. There you go.

Keeping the length through your trunk and then smoothly initiating from your trow canter to go into external rotation. Then back in, let's go twice more. Good. Marina is doing a great job of setting the pelvis that she gets that deep excursion through the hip joint [inaudible] and last time we were to come back to parallel with that foot knee on the horizon. Lower leg on the horizon. You're just gonna push out four more times.

Find the length of the tops will hold for a moment before you come in. Let's go again. Reach, hold for a moment, feel their full extension. Good. And come back in. Keep the heel where it is. You've got two to go. Reach out. And last time reach. Hold for a moment and back off. Good. So you're going to come off of the carriage.

You're going to grab your long box and place it down. So placing the long box down on the carriage made sure the football is out of the way and you're going to live face down prone. Gotcha. That's plenty. Okay, so I want you to start here nice and easy as a prep. You're going to hold on to the right strap.

I want you to have only a blue spring, so just check that for yourself. One blue spring, right arm holding onto the strap. Nice and easy. You just, you know, six times pulling straight through. If you want a little assist for your head, you can place your left hand at your forehead and allow your head to rest a little bit. Pull through again, receive a total of six. Do you want to challenge your extension a little more? You can really allow yourself to rise up. You can bring the heels together, so it's a one sided pole.

Good control the tempo. You're going to switch sides. Great. And switch. [inaudible]. Left hand is gonna. Hold on. Nice and simple. Let's go right away. Again, if this is too much work for your upper back, you could always bring the upper back a little lower just to show that you can rest a little bit. Come on through. If you want a more challenging variation, you can really work your upper extensors with the heels together with the hip reaching up. Okay, total of three more. We really work the legs towards each other.

Good. After that last one, you can put the strap back down. Come on to all fours on the box. Good. Hey, we're gonna do the same exact thing right here.

So first thing I want to do is take the right strap with your right hand please. That hand at your forehead, like you just had it. Make sure your knees are a little wider so you have a nice stable base, you're going to want it in a second. With one blue spring, nice and easy. You're going to rotate your trunk around to the rights. So want enough tension that you can get an a nice strong pull on the strap.

Come back to level, keep your pelvis where it is and rotate to the right. So you may need to choke up on your own strap. You may need to hold a shorter loop depending on what you have. Wherever you grabbed us, make sure it's nice and Taut as you get that spin. And I'm looking for the pelvis here to stay a totally level, nice smooth work through the supporting arm and a rotation to the right.

Now you're going to stay on all fours. You're gonna switch the strap to the opposite hand. You're gonna do a nice smooth pole with this opposite arm so it makes sure you're well-grounded through your three points of contact. Pull with the left arm all the way through. Great 60 views. Try to find center again.

Coordinating Pelvis, rib cage, steady arm, moving arm. Nice. Breathe. Moving through space broad across the shorter way. It's really pressing the torso away from the ground. Good. Stay with this hand. Switch your straps so left-hand too far ahead.

Little salutes. Find again your center alignment through your whole body. You're going to gently rotate to the left, back to center. Try to relax the lower legs. Get the full expression of your trunk spinning around as you ground for your steady arm. Nice.

One more time. Great. You're going to switch to the right hand opposite side and gonna pull through going from right to left again, feeling that your shoulder blade, nice and wide, long neck eyes kind of past the hands. You're not looking too far forward, too far down and that smooth agonal pole. Two more views and we have one more exercise to wrap up today's workouts. I want to stay with this arm.

You're just simply add a rotation with this straight arms or as you pull looking towards your right. Push down through that left arm. Slow motion. Come back to center. I know we did this arm in two ways. Keep going. Entire you out, hear back across. Allow the stretch and then get the full pole to the right. Nice and swing through. Looking up. Good. Back across. Now you're going to switch arms completely, so both strap and hand.

Take the right strap with your left hand. Set yourself up. You're going to look and pull to the left. Beautiful, steady. Reach towards me, a straight arm. If you can. Nice back across, find the stretch and then go through again. If you're not getting enough stretch, choke up on the strap a little bit, so reach a little higher. See if that gives you a little more pull and pull it through. Now, slow motion and come across good.

You're going to do two more of these to wrap up. Good. And Paul, good rest of the strap. You earned a final stretch. So coming off the box nice and easy. I want you to go into a front split position with your knee down after all that lunging. So let's start with your right foot forward.

Stay with these springs are going to have one red, one blue. So let's put one red and one blue on right foot's going to be forward nice and easy. Push the carriage back and let your torso hang forward. I want you to keep your knee down, soften the upper body and come back in. We're going to do three of these at a slow tempo. Reaching out. Allow the torso to drape forward.

Give yourself a little bit of relaxation through the trunk, driving through the foot and heels your press. Good last time. Hold a stretch for a moment. If you want to add a floor, their stretch, you can always straighten the front leg and come back in. Switching sides right away. You're going to place your left foot on the bar, right foot is back.

Steady yourself out. Make sure you're nice and square. Soft Torso reach back out. Good. Great. The way the torso forward as you drive the hip back and wherever the food is most comfortable is totally fine.

You're really looking at the pressure from the lower limb to drive the carriage back three times. You can hold. If you need a little extra stretch. After all that lunging, go ahead and straighten the front leg to deepen into it. Beautiful, deep breaths, soft knee, and come back in. You made it. Thank you so much for joining me today.

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Fantastic lesson! Fantastic!
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More of your lessons please!
4 people like this.
How many times can I press "like"? More like "love"! This was amazing! My pelvis continually falls into a locked position which restricts the upper body rotation creating a frozen spine. Also, no surprise that my internal/external rotators have not been working properly so this entire series turned everything on! My pelvis feels great and I found more rotation where I should! This is a practice I need every day and I know a few of my clients who are going to be joining me! Thank you, Jared! Awesome!
Filippo and Sue : You're making me blush!! LOVE that you found this class useful to help you re-pattern, re-engage , and workout! I personally love the ball series for connecting the rotators of both hip + spine as it relates to full motion - feels good right?! =) Thank you for using it!
2 people like this.
Thankyou! Excellent class...great explanation and progression...great stability and body awareness work..looking forward to more please
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Thank you so much for a great class :) smart and unique pilates workout hope for more thanks again :)
I really appreciate this class and your creative and concise teaching style..thank you!
2 people like this.
Brilliant classes.Thank you
Appreciate your comments Vicky Ronit Deborah Wasko and Menchu ! I'm curious how you felt after? What will you use for your own class/sessions?
1 person likes this.
Very Cool! I will definitely do again
1-10 of 40

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