Class #3602

Athletic Recovery Reformer

55 min - Class


You will address and realign your body with this athletic recovery Reformer workout by Ed Botha. Rather than just resting or stretching, he offers a mix of strengthening and stretching exercises to give you the true essence of recovery. He includes exercises that work the hip abductors and adductors and he moves the spine through all ranges of motion to get your body back to alignment.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Knee Pad (2)

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Hi, my name is Ed Bertha. I'm from Sydney, Australia, previously from South Africa. And I'm delighted to be back on [inaudible] anytime today. I've got Mandi and Martha with me. Um, and they're going to be joining me for, um, an athletic recovery reformer session. Right? So, um, in my mind athletic recovery, it's not just, uh, arresting, um, rejuvenating stretching session. All right. There's some work involved, right? So I always like to, to address the, the hip abductors and adductors and getting the spine to move through all its ranges of motion, right? That that to me is the true, um, or recovery in its true essence, right? So, um, enjoy the class and uh, I look forward to your feedback. So ladies, if you could have a lie down on your reformers for me, setting up for them, the footwork, I'll do your spring. So I prefer it if you keep your head race down and my face. So that for me, that's important for the neck alignment. Um, so that we are getting that head back in line with the spine as opposed to just starting in a flex position. So, um, I'm going to have the, the ladies on three reds and blue springs or in other words, three and a half springs. Right. I feel that's a great combination, um, for everyone that we can all work on. So we're going to start on our heels parallel please.

Okay, awesome. So your feet are doors he flexed and your toes are relaxed. All right, good. So we've got our knees parallel. Your arms are drawn down next to your sides. So we're going to just take a deep breath in to prepare. And on the exhale we're going to press the legs out fully extending at the knee joint and then drawing back in to the stopper and exhale to go out. So although this is just the conventional footwork, hey guys, there is just so much going on in the body and it's just such a wonderful time to address and realign your body.

So what I'm looking for as Mandy comes in, she really wants to work on her Dorsey flection, but without curling her toes back. All right, that's it. Good. And she's going to come back in flex a little bit more through the feet. Good Mandy, and exhale. All right, Martha, I want you to really think of pressing equally through both legs. So start pressing through your left knee straightening. That's beautiful. Good pulling up through that kneecap. Excellent. All right, so we are really starting to address all the little mechanical details in the body. That's it. Keeping some pressure on the insides of the feet.

We're going to push away one more time. Exhale full push away and then come back in and touch the stopper and to the toe position. Awesome. Good. Alright, so the feet are in a moderate plantar flex position. So what I always say is if you could use the, the frame of the foot bar, that gives you a nice line to work with. All right, so I'm going to lower yours a little bit, mother. Right?

Most people tend to lift the heels a little bit high and then they're not able to keep that position when they push the legs up. So we're going to exhale to press out, lengthen all the way out, full straightening of the knees and gliding back and in. Good. And again, exhale to push out all the way, full straightening of the knee joint and gliding back. And in lower the heels a little bit, they mount an exhale. So as Martha is pushing out and in, I'd really like her to keep the heels nice and steady there.

Beautiful exhale. So all the intrinsic muscles of the feet and the ankles are working together to keep that joint stable. That's it. Good. And then come back in. Great. And you guys can pause on the stopper. Touch the heels together. So I go straight into the small V and exhale to push out.

I'm coming back touch. Good. Add. Exhale to push out all the way. Good and coming back and in and out. Beautiful. And one last time please. So exhale to push out and coming back and great. Okay, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to load up another quarter spring, so another yellow spring.

So I'm just going to switch spring run and then I'm going to go straight into the prehensile. Okay. So I feel this is probably the most, um, valuable of all the footwork exercises when it comes to recovery because we're really getting that ankle to work into its full Dorsey flection. And obviously that's what we need to get down into our full squat and recovery position. Okay? So you could go onto the ball of the foot [inaudible] wrap the toes over the bar, right? Everyone's going to look a little bit different in this position, right? Because it really depends on the length of your toes. All right? But as long as you're getting that lovely stretch over the front of the foot. Now guys, you know when we teach this exercise, the first few reputation nutritions, I'd like it to go a little bit slower.

So as you push our ladies slowly start drawing your heels under the bar, but keep the toes wrapping so you can redo that so you can keep going. So not too slow. So just off the real time and hold. So what often needs to happen is there needs to be a secondary movement. When you get to the top where you really pull your heels under the Bar, right? Can you feel that mother, you had an extra um, saying to me to, to go there. Awesome guys. Now you can focus on keeping your heels down as you draw back in.

Where this is quite testing is in the pelvic position. We tend to want to go into a hyperlordosis when we come in. So we've got to think about the abdominals. All right? So if you've just come off a nice long run or a cycle, this feels great on the ankle joint. So we're going to press out with the legs. That's it. Simultaneously starting to think about lowering the heels.

I don't mind if it's a double movement at this stage. So we're drawing, wrapping the toes. Good. So we keep that wrapping sensation. Just see that the knees don't collapse in either goods or the hip. Abductors need to stay engaged. All right? And hold. Okay guys. So let's try do it in one flowing movement now. So as you push out, you lower the heels and then inhale to pull back in straightaway. All right, so here we go. We go. Exhale, push and lower and inhale to come back and go. Just watching the spine. Exhale to push and low. And you can see Mandy, you guys can keep going. Mandy has her hands just around the powerhouse area, the abdominal area so she can feel that she's not letting that pelvis dip into anterior or the ribcage flaring the right.

Good and back in. And just do two more times though. Exhale to push heels down. Inhale to pull back in and last one, exhale to push and draw back in and draw back in and draw back in and pause and relax. Okay. So you know, you should feel that the, the muscles around the shins, like the peroneal muscles, they're alive. And um, you know, there's, there's a quite a strong link between the peroneal and the glutes. So if the peroneal muscles aren't firing are around the Shin area, often it's your side with your weaker gluteal as well. Okay.

So that's quite interesting. So important that we get them active early on in the session. Okay. Beautiful Guy Sir. If you could just slide down away from your shoulder, wrist [inaudible]. So I'm going to one and a half springs. Hmm.

Awesome. And you can put your hands into your straps for me please. [inaudible] good. And the arms are going to go vertical. Put a little bit of tension on the ropes. Good. And then we're going to bring the legs up to the table. Top position for me then. Alright, so we're going to do a couple of the coordinations the right.

So on an exhale you're going to lift up head, chest, and then reach the legs out along. And at this stage I just want you to hold the legs out so the arms are going to come a little bit closer to you. Good. Alright, we're going to do open and close. Bang, Bang, [inaudible] and hold. Beautiful. Now we're going to bend the knees in slowly and draw up a little bit higher. Letting those knees come in a little bit deeper than 90 degrees.

Then the arms lift up and the head and chest goes down and our, the legs would be set in a little bit deeper than 90 degrees. All right, so we're going to do that again. So we're going to exhale and left up hold and now we're going to open and hold pause. And this is where it would be nice if someone can spot you and you're going to bring your legs together and I'm just going to give you a little bit of feedback. There is a squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and bend and come back in a little bit deeper and then back. All right, so I'll do the same with Maddie. So she's going to exhale, she's going to lift up, we're going to lengthen out the legs, we're going to open and then we're going to close. So if you don't have someone doing this for you, you just go really slowly, slowly, slowly.

So if you imagine you're doing this exercise under water and you bend your knees good, and you lift the arms up and the head and the chest goes back down. One last time for me please. Oh yeah. And exhale as we go up and we go open and close. So you're on your own. Good. Bend the knees slowly. So you're working under water, under water, under water, you lifting a little bit higher. Slowly.

There's resistance coming from all angles and then the head and chest comes down and relax. So we really just getting that spine to move into correct flection. Yeah, as simple as that. Right? Ladies, I'm going to change to one blue spring and we're going to go into single leg sideline hip work. All right, so if we could use just the strap that's going to be on your front side. If you guys turn to the middle, you have a choice, either mark, that you're going to have this arm underneath you and you can lie on their arm. So that depends on your shoulders. Is that okay with you right there?

What I recommend, Manny, if you're on your own, you use your bottom leg against the frame and then you could just push out without leg against the frame and then you can hook your foot into the strap, right? Then your bottom knee, you just pull it up into a little bit of flection there and then you can push your top leg out. [inaudible] cool. All right, so we are going to be in a straight line, but what we don't want is the rope interfering with our movements. So I often just bring the hip into a little bit of flection. Okay. So it's not a big deal if it's inflection. So guys, what's particular about this is that I want to get those anterior fibers of the glute medius functioning. So we do this in a little bit more medial rotation. So you're letting your foot drop.

So what's important is that your heel is going to stay above your toes, right? So there's action of medial rotation cause this is athletic recovery is really important for your running gait. Yeah. Okay. So if you, you know, often we find that athletes limit themselves in the gate because they are in too much hip, external rotation. So the glute maximus has taken over. So we want this to just turn in a little bit. Good. And now we are looking for this little gap under the waist so that we know that the obliques are sandwiching the spine. Beautiful, right? So let's just go into a couple of hip abduction. So very small at one and down and two and down.

So Mandy, try lift your heel up a little bit. Toes down three. Oh, there we go. And four, it's different, right? Subtleties make a massive difference. That's it. Good. Just up and down. So there and down. You know, traditionally in the Bassey Repertoire, um, we get taught this exercise with a little bit of a softening in the knees. The right, it's really difficult to soften the knees under the tension of the ropes, right? So by all means, at this point, you are straightening the leg to try, keep the space. So try keep the toes down and release. Good.

Now from there we go into a little bit of hip flection. So we're gonna go forward and up and down and back. Yeah. Yep. So you following that, the forward and lift and exhale and back. Good. So my, the try, keep the toes down, heel up. There we go. Good.

So it really going to get into the anterior part of the glute medius and yes, the TFL is also very active here and bringing it forward and up and down and back. And let's just repeat that one more time. So we're going to bring it forward. We're going to go up and we're going to go back, back, back, back, back and hold there. All right, now we're going to bring it forward to about 45 so I'm not gonna bring it too far forward. Many put a little bit of tension on, and the reason I'm bringing it into that 45 is so that there's a little bit of hip extension coming from that hamstring right now. Mainly it's not up and down. I want you to think down and then back to the original position.

So it's drops going down and back to the original. So we're going down and back to the original. You guys are doing such a as super kind of job of keeping those hips level. Give me a little bit of an exe, uh, hip extension. Ready? So pull the leg back a little. There we go. That's an excellent, an excellent and excellent. Good job. And hold.

Now we've got one more. Let's bring the leg back. Bring the leg back, bring the leg back, bring the leg back, and now we're going to turn down and we're going to bend the knee. And now I want the knee to go a little bit high. Then the strap. Can you do that? [inaudible] can you do that? That's it. Knee higher than the strap. So yeah, you actually gotta Hook the Yes. Good. So again, you feel you're putting a little bit of tension and hold. Okay, that's it. Now all I want you to do is practice a little bit of medial rotation.

So just go one and out. That's it. And two good. So it's not the kicking art with the rope there. So we're just rotating three and and for good. So it's all about internal rotation at this point and five. So that rubs giving you a bit of feedback. So press into it. Six.

That's so good. And if you really good, you move the bed seven with your knee and highly unlikely and relax. Well done guys. And straighten the leg out. Good. So we're going to bend the top knee, bottom leg presses against the frame of the football. So can you get there? Good. And then you can take the leg off and then just lie on your back and then you get a deserved stretch. Right? Remember, stretching is a privilege, right? No flexibility without strength first. Okay.

So what we'll do is we'll do figure four. We're going to figure four first. So you can just ride the Karajan. So if you're not very flexible at the spring, take in as far as you need to. If you feel you've got more in the tank, then we just go into a little bit of a deepest stretch. Yep. That right there. Love it. Cool. Good.

Awesome. Andrew, relax. Two sides to every story. [inaudible] rollover, please. Bottom leg, use it against the frame of the foot bar. Push yourself away, Hook your leg into the strap. Bottom knee is bent. Yup. [inaudible]. And then guys, just a tip on, on the setup. And what I tend to end up asking everyone to do is to scoot their pelvis a little bit further forward than they think, right?

Most people end up with their bat backside a little bit too far back. You guys are good. So you want to be straight down the center of the carriage. It doesn't matter if the bottom knee is off the front of the carriage. All right, so we've got the medial. All right, I'm starting the leg not too high. And then stacking. So we're going to hold this position so you guys can just hang out there where I'll have a little chat. So this is good work. Just hanging up there, right?

So guys, you know what I'm looking for here is, you know Asi is ps and then the rib cage. So it looks like I'm holding a big loaf of bread over here, right? So that should all be in a nice line. Okay. So if I see this, then I know the rib cage is rolling forward or the pelvis is rolling too far forward or back. So you want to feel that you're really nicely stacked in on that hip bone again. So let's go up and down. So we just go one and out and two.

Good. Now you guys have got good internal rotation, three and, and four and good. Five. Excellent. And six and exhale seven. Don't forget to breathe. Eight, two more times and nine and one more time. And then 10 good. So we returned to more or less hip height and then we go forward not too far forward, up, down and back.

And we go forward to up, down and back. So with Manny, I'm just gonna put the brakes on a little bit. So go three. So stop about there. Up, down and back and forth. So remember if you are doing this with weights or just doing it on the mat, then bringing your leg forward, it could work to your advantage because you're going to get that hamstring to possibly stretch out. But here the robes pull you forward. So the work is actually keeping the leg from coming too far forward and keeping that hamstring switched on throughout the ride. So it acts as a stabilizer as well. And just do one more time for me. You guys good and bringing it back and yes.

So now find that position mark 45 degrees of your hip flection where the hamstring is still holding that strap. Nice and firm. And then we do the drops. So it's just down and up. One and two and three good. And four, five, six, seven letter drops and aid. Let a drop and nine let it drop.

And 10 good. Take the leg back. So remember this one's that unique set up. We in a bend the knee, right? Or let the leg come forward. All right, there we go. So I'd say that you're your femur. So manly before you go is kind of at 45 so you can push away a little bit.

That's it. It's more or less 45 degrees of your spine and then it's just pressing down. That's it. Pressing down with a knee and for good. So your heel can lift four, five, good. And six and seven. So it's almost like a reverse clams.

Eight exhale, nine. Good. And exhale 10 beautiful. Then push it out. So let's get that leg out straight, straight, straight, straight, straight. Right. And then bend the leg. Bottom Lake can reach out. So you find the frame and we can take the leg off. You can hook your strap and let's give it a little stretch.

[inaudible] so on your backs. So you crossed the working leg [inaudible] yeah, I don't think you need to guess which one that is and then lift up and take it into a stretch. Right? So now we're putting the hip in some kind of external rotation. Right? So getting that clued media send the TFL to to relax a little bit. All right, so those are the muscles that we were working. Now they're getting stretched in external rotation.

[inaudible] good. So you just breathing and good job. All right. So ladies, if you could hop up for me and if you don't mind grabbing your knee pads. So I've got some knee pads there. So I'm using these. If your carriage, um, might put a little bit of pressure on your knees, you'd definitely, it's, it's not a, um, uh, essential, but sometimes it gives you a little bit more comfort and I'm connecting all the springs on. Alright. And then if your foot bar has a setting to go one higher, then you can go ahead and do that for me. So, you know, this is pretty much as close to vertical as it's gonna get, and that's going to make a difference for this next exercise set up. All right?

So, no, not yet. Alright. Yeah, so we're going the other way. Okay. So what we want to do is if, do you mind if I demo this position for you? All right. I'm going to pop my head rest up as well. And I'm going to double up my knee pads and I'm going to pop it right to the back. Yep. So on the edge of the carriage, then I'm going to take my knee and I'm going to place it right at the back end of the carriage. And then I'm going to step my other foot forward and I'm just wedging in for a little bit of balance over there. And from this position here, I want to lift up, so I'm getting my quadricep to stretch out, getting that little bit of TFL.

So it's gonna feel really good after the exercises you've just done, right? So guys, it's important that you use this, the ball of the foot in the little gap between the head rest in the carriage to keep you nice and stable. All right, so give that a try. This, he use the shoulder rest for balance before you pop yourself up. So if you know, or if you have a inclination to being tied in the quadriceps, then um, you're going to want to use that for balance. So man, if you could put your hands down a little bit. And guys, what I'm doing with Mandy is I'm scooting her knee right back. So you want to use this whole carriage. Is that okay? There are two advantage. Mother, can I do that with you as well? So if you look at my, my knee was right to the back. Is that all right? Yep. Cause we want to take the knee into full flection, right?

So remember we want to stretch out the REC Fem, which is a muscle that crosses over the knee joint and the hip joint. Beautiful. All right, now try get your back up as straight as you can. So you could even lean your body slightly backwards, Mandy. Good. So if you can imagine there's a wall behind my, their head, her thoracic and her sacrum would be up against the wall, right? And then once you have that, if you comfortable in this position, all right, then start thinking about a little bit of a posterior tilt of your pelvis.

That's, and then you should feel that work just creeping up over the front of that hip. Good. Awesome. So you know, any physical activity requires some degree of hip flection. All right, so this is obviously an essential stretch for recovery. It takes a lot of stress off our lower backs if we have nice open hips, but obviously very strong hips as well. Good ladies. And then relax.

You can lean forward. Beautiful. And then I would just hop right off so we can move your knee pads across. And so we just going to slide those all the way over. That's a beautiful, so it would just be just off the line of your headrest because bearing in mind that your front leg is in line with your headrest and you don't want to end up on a tightrope. Yeah. Cool. So I'm going to pull this leg back a little bit. Good job. All right.

Then once you've got that, you lifting up through the spine and then try lean back a little bit. So think of your backside going into your heels. So okay, so mother, what I'm going to do is before you have a look what I do with my, the mother, we're going to bring your pelvis forward. Is that okay? Right now? Start lifting your spine without your pelvis moving. So you can see there is an element of extension happening here. All right, is that all right? Good. And then arms, let's bring them out for balance. Okay. There's nothing wrong with doing that.

And then you're going to scoop your pubis to your nose. Yes. And now if you feel good about that, we can move your whole spine back a little bit more. How's that? Okay. On Uni. Good. When you get there, you're getting a stretch. Excellent. So you just keeping that lift. Awesome. Good job.

And then we're going to lean forward. Place the hands palm and you guys can step off. Good. So far you breaking my heart. All right. Okay, so I'm just scooting, they're the knee pads across. So guys we're going to go into the avalanche standing. All right, so just a regular hip flexor hamstring type position and we'll just add some the extensions into that. All right, so beautiful. So, so let me show you here. Yeah.

Standing lunch. So toes in line with your foot. So I've got the foot bar up nice and high. What I like about that is the spine position. All right, so I started toes in line with the bar hands again on the end of the bar. And then you're going to push out and you want to get your back up nice and straight in that position right there we can work at from there. Okay. And just notice I'm trying to keep my heel flat against the shoulder. Wrist.

Yep. Okay. So we've got one red spring still. So one spring on start hands on. Okay. So for this one we can keep our hands on all the way and then we're going to push out. And then what I'd like, well there is this need to come up to 92 degrees more or less or the knee stays above the heel. That's it. Good. And uh, the, you know, the only reason I could get them too close to 90 is because I've seen that they both pretty flexible in this position. So the hips are square off, abdominals are drawing in, good arms are straight, eyes are looking straight ahead like a sphinx. So yes, there is that element of the spine extending. As soon as you push back too far and your spine goes on a diagonal, then you're gonna lose the, the flexor on the back leg. Right ladies. Now for those of you who can't, I wouldn't do this with anyone who's got any kind of hip pathology, but keep your position with your friend legs.

See if you can lift your back knee off by straightening it slightly. Good. So they both got a lovely hip extension in this position here. So again, just look at this and resembles that swan position. Yeah, abdominals are supported. Back leg is straight. Then bend the knee down and touch. Good. And we'll just do that one more time. So we're going to press out and straighten. Good.

Lovely. And then bend the knee and bring it down. And what Simon didn't say times two, right? And we're going to push out with the front leg. So we're gonna end up in a hamstring stretch. So, so with a front leg, we're going to push out over there. Good. Yep. And hold right now guys in this position, the hamstring doesn't really get much stretch.

So what we really need to do is coming back to that prehensile is it's all about the Dorsey flection of this foot. Yeah. So it's all about some other, just feel this is where the magic happens now. So flex the football there, soften your knee a little bit, flex the foot, can you feel it? That's where your stretches. Yeah. So you know most people don't really have true hamstring tightness. It's often sitting behind that knee. So it's where the calf is attaching.

So it's all happening. Then if you're athletic it's definitely coming from there cause you're using those feet and cars all the time. So a foot goes flat, bend your front knee and then just started lifting and coming back in and relaxed. Let's go around to the other side. So if you could just slide your pad across [inaudible]. So yes, we do go into that hamstring stretch, but think more of the Dorsiflexion of the ankle. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. All right. So we're setting up, so the front leg, the toes are going to be in line with the bar. Hands are close together. Nice. Upright spine. Yep.

And push away with the back leg. But as you doing them other started lifting your chest up and push away. Back leg, back, leg back, laying back like good. And in this knee, bring it at it over the heel. Right? And guys, this is another position where people tend to over rotate as well. So think of opening that side of the pelvis slightly.

Yes. So now you can focus on dropping the hip of the bent leg and lifting the back hip up. All right. And that's going to help you when you're doing the lunge forward on the wonder chair or any of this going up. Forward exercises, right? Let's say lifting up of the back hip. All right, now the back knee can start straightening so we can add in a little bit of knee extension. Thinking of pushing away from your back heel. It's a good habit to get into straight away. Yeah. Good.

And then soften the knee down. Beautiful. So once again they keeping nice and still they're not coming up and down. They just driving away with their back heel. So whenever we can practice Dorsey flection, we do it. That's it. Good. And then beautiful. Good. Now guys, we stay nice and low and we just started pushing away with a front leg and pause there mother. Now Flex your foot early for me. Flex your foot early.

Flex your foot early. Good. So this hip, I'm going to just pull it back slightly. Good. And here we go. Yes. And here I'm just going to give you a little bit of pull back there. There we go. We're going to really feel great on your carves afterwards. I think guys, first the foot comes down like you pressing the accelerator, bending the knee and the back leg is you resisting the carriage coming in, lifting up through the spine. You want to get your Swan, you want to get your Swan, you want to get into this one and come into the stopper. Cool and touch. Good.

Now just if you could just take one of your knee pads and scooted over in line with the shoulder, wrist. Um, and then we are going to set up for a down stretch. So one red, one yellow please. So sorry man. Or you can just scoot them directly across from where they were. So one red, one yellow and the feet against the shoulder rest. And now from here you sitting down on your bum, right? And I'd like you to go into flection first before we go into the dance stretch. So you know we've just gone into quite a bit of extension with that lunging position. So it's just nice to get that little bit of stretch out.

Now from there you're going into flat spine again. Now we're going to return back to extension. So the pelvis comes forward and we're going to lift up here. So we were just on the knees and pelvis is pressing towards the foot bar. Chester's up and hold.

And again we've set up by working that Dorsey flection to get those heels pushing against the shoulder is good. So if you could just think you pushing yourself out of the swimming pool. [inaudible] climbing out of the pool, getting that proud chest position, keep that exact arc of your spine. And on an exhale we go backwards. So we exhale. So we maintain our shape, keeping the heads lifted a little bit. They might. And then inhale pool with your lads to come back up.

So we're coming up and up and up and up and up. So you know, very similar position with the spine, with it from the lunch. So we're going again, we're going exhale as we push back. Okay, so we keep a little bit of extension. I need just a little bit of abs there. Get the thighs to touch and inhale to pull back all the way up and use the, let's use the, let's use the latter and lift. Good. And exhale as we go back. So abdominals good. And inhale to pull and lift. Pull and lift.

Pull and lift, pull in, lift. And then one more time. Exhale to go back. Good. And inhale to come back up. Come back up, come back up, come back up and hold beautiful. C, curve it for me. So go round, round, round. Stretch it out, stretch it out, stretch it out, stretch it out, stretch it out, stretch it out. Awesome. Okay, now this is one of the most difficult excise and pieties is the scooter. All right? It's easy, but it's so hard to set up. So guys, all I want you to do is lift your bum up a few hills, right? So you're in the seek of Mandy. You can lift a little bit higher. That's it.

So you pressing pelvis forward. All right, arms pressing down. You can lift your head up a little bit. Now just take your whole unit and just step over to the right side of your carriage for me. So in other words, left knees coming here, right leg is going to step over to the side. But try not to change your shape. You've created a beautiful shape, good arms together. Remember there were over here and they were together. Good.

So knee is going to lift up off the carriage. So that's your position. All right. Now try not to change anything. Inhale, push away with that left leg. Exhale, bring it back in. It's a Mandy knee off. A little bit more. Good. Inhale to push and exhale. So inhale to push and exhale. I want you to think more about your abdominals when you push back.

Inhale and exhale. Good. Inhale and exhale. Straight arms, mother. One more time. Inhale and exhale. Bring it back in. Pause right now. I wouldn't want you to put your knee down and walk around the other way.

I want you to climb through the middle so you feel that same position that you've been working on that it's a unique selling. Your pelvis is always lower than your shoulders. Then you step over to the outside. Good, so you're all set up. You feel like you're nice and low. You think there's this really low ceiling above your reformer. That's it. And we go press in and and in and out.

Good. And in and, and in. And exhale, pull. We'll do three more. Inhale to push. Exhale to pull. Good. Inhale to push. Exhale to pull, pause, and go. Inhale man, he's kept with us. And one more time and inhale and exhale.

Bring it all the way back in. Nice and tall. Good man. If you could walk around to that side of your reformer and you guys can face your shoulder rests for me please. Yep. So you're going to stand facing your shoulders. I'm going to take off all your spring so your shoulder is, so if you were standing, if you could stand perpendicular to the bed. So we were going to keep the bed please. There we go. Cool.

All right, so bang, there've been the killer. All right, cool. Okay, so just think of your Mandy, your right hand, left hand. Martha is going to move in the direction that you want to go. Spread your legs for me a little bit. Yeah. Good. And I straight spine. Okay. So you want your hands to be down your center line at this minute. Awesome.

All right, so we're just doing a little pendulum. So we're going to push the carriage away and let your spine rotate and go and go. You can drop down as low as you feel comfortable. And then just exhale as you pull back to your center and upper back, staying nice and along. So we go inhale to push. So you see their hands are going in the direction that you want to go. The fingers, letting yourself rotate and exhale to come back and in.

So we are getting this lovely rotation from the trunk. So we go inhale, body can dip, right? And there's no reason why you couldn't bend your knees here if it's your hamstrings, but obviously this does facilitate a lovely stretch on the back of the legs as well. An inhale, we'll just do one more time. So we're getting that lovely stretch. Good, beautiful rotation. Exhale to come back and relax. Good. And then to walk around to the other side. So perpendicular.

All right. So if you could set up yeah, to the middle and then Mandy is going to be, your left hand is going to move in the direction that you want to go. So if I could change, so we're going that way. Yes. Good. Mother, can I switch your hands? Feet pump and then that one? Yup. Awesome. And let's push away for me. So what's happening when Martha goes into this rotation, she's getting this beautiful stretch of her onboard as well, and an exhale as she comes back and in. So this is just pure kind of joy.

There's nothing hard about this, but the spine is just doing everything you want it to be able to do and exhale, if you are swinging a tennis racket, I guess a golf club, even turning your surfboard at all requires this rotation happening through this thoracic spine and a lovely stable pelvis. Good. Let's do two more. So we go, inhale to go. Lovely rotation. Exhale to draw back. Awesome. Good. One more time. And inhale to go. And exhale. Good to draw back in.

Good job, right. So, um, ladies, I'm gonna Hook on one Lou for you and we'll do an kneeling rotation. So if you could face the sway for me, Mandy, you're going to face in, I'm going to place the knee pads towards the end of the carriage. Good. And you're gonna go into tall kneeling for me. All right, exactly. So obviously you just always want to be careful because the bed is unstable then with your outside hand. So Mandy, it's going to be your right arm. Yep. You're going to hold. And basically if you could use bent arms slowly pull the arms into your chest.

Good. And then just turn square. So with your shoulders and your hips. Cool. Beautiful. So you just staying up tall. So from there we're just going to punch the arm out without moving the bed. [inaudible] and then pull the arms in. Good. Martha. So your challenge, here's my to move the bed at all.

So keeping the arms down your center line. Good. And bringing it back and in. So we'll go two more times. So we push the arms out and bringing it back in in and then push the arms out and bringing it back in. So how does that Spring feel? Does it feel doable? Yeah. Okay. So we're going to add a rotation to that. Okay. So let's pull shout and now this is where we've got to get tightness.

So really think of stretching those arms out in front of you. Try lift them up and I see if you can rotate a little bit beyond your center without your pelvis and inhale back and then let's go a little bit back beyond our midline and exhale. So all you guys want to think about is your head and your sternum moving together. Say if you're moving a couple of inches or centimeters, that's fine, right? But you want to keep that beautiful alignment of Chin and standard and exhale good. So now we've just added a little bit of resistance to that freely moving thoracic spine that we rotated.

Good. Let's just do one more. Inhale. Exhale, good. Sa, you know, bleak is drawing and then bring it back in. Good job. And you can hook your straps for me. Excellent. And so let's hop off too slowly and I'll pull the knee pads forward and we're going to do the exact same thing on the other side. All right, so the first one, you were taking the strap with your outside arm, or if you want to call it the inside, if that's where your foot bar is. So, um, this one here. Good. And then we're going to bring it out in front of us.

Oh, sorry. I then actually pull it into your chest. So pull it into your chest. So this is the easiest position to hold is where it's on your sternum, so it's nice short and the Eva. Alright. And all you're working on is keeping square [inaudible]. All right, now from there we just, without moving the bed, we just push the arms out in front of us. Exhale and inhale. Good. And exhale. And in how this really works really nicely on a Cadillac spring as well. Yep. And exhale to push.

Let's go two more times. Exhale, push and back. Then this last one, we push out and we get a hold. So we had to push out in a hold and hold it, hold and hold. Arms in the little high. I'm that shoulder down, left side. Now rotate past your midline. So against the tension against the tension.

And now we slowly, we give in with that East centric contraction. Okay. And exhale and then try turn this sternum just beyond. That's it. Good. And inhale and exhale. Good. Just beyond. And inhale an exhale and let's do our last one and exhale. So we're going just beyond, just beyond, just beyond. Beautiful.

And then rotate back all the way and then just safely hooked your strap. And then you guys can hop off there for me please. All right, so we're going to use one red and a yellow, one red and one yellow. And Mother, um, I think, let me bring you around to the side and we can just push these out the way we don't need them the second. So you guys can step your inside leg to the front. So I think you should have enough space. So if I get you over there, so you gonna step over to the front. Awesome hands can go onto the frame and then this time you're going to step your leg onto the edge of the carriage. That's it. Correct.

So you're going into the skating single leg position. Now try roll yourself up to standing. Lovely. And you're up in a nice tall position there. Good. Right? So what's going to happen is I'd like you to bend the knees. [inaudible], push the carriage out, little bit and just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit.

And now mother, try get your spine a little bit more upright for a second. Good. But now Mandy, we're going to take all weights to the center. So try, try. Yes. Beautiful, good try. Be alert. Little Bit Taller and the initial phase, but that is going to change. All right, so this isn't the Bassey skating single leg. We're going to get to that, right? Right now all I want you to do is to sink a little bit lower, but without moving the bed, sink a little bit lower, keep the carriage stall, and then push up a little bit with the legs. Good.

A little bit longer, longer, longer through the legs, mother and then sink down. So we're going down. Try not to move the bed and up. So we want to keep the tension and then down and up. Good. So we putting a little bit of tension back onto those quads. So we're going down. Try, minimize your forward. Lean and up.

Good. So the ankle dorsiflexion again and down. That's why we need it and up and one more time and down and then come up all the way. Good. And then bring the carriage into the stopper. All right, now keep it on the stopper. Now Bend is deep as you can where you don't lean forward. Beautiful. Now transfer your weight slightly to your standing leg. Good.

Right now your right leg, Martha, left leg for Mandy is just doing abduction and push away one and back without changing your height to Andy and exhale so that legs are sweeping out. Three. Try keep the hip down a little bit. Posterial fall. Good and out for five. Good. Mother, can you straighten this leg?

So try and get terminal knee extension six. There we go. And reaching, reaching, reaching seven someones straight leg. And one more time for land full end. And then bring it back in and then come back up nice and tall. Good. And then roll down safely.

I guess it's not so safe when you're so close together. And then step your leg off. That's on the carriage first behind you. Good. And then let's walk around. So maybe Mandy, you step up first, roll up, and then Martha after you, there we go. Give yourself some room there. Good. So your foot that's on the carriage is wedged. You're gonna roll yourselves up. So we've still, it's got that red and yellow spring. So we curling back up, curling back up, curling back. Our beautiful. Alright, so Mandy, you're going to squat, you're going to push the leg out, then you're going to send to your body. Good. Hold there. And then mother, we're going to center our body. Good.

Now try go a little bit posterior with a pelvis. That's it. Good. Now just keep your carriage manly. I think you can move yours out a little bit further. That's it. And then just hold it and I'll just lift up a little bit and then down. So up and down.

So all it is is just that steady carriage position and the Dorsey flection of the ankles. And then you're getting that little bit of knee flection, little bit of knee flection, but the hip abductors are working to keep the pelvis. Sorry, the carriage stable. Go do three more. So we go one and down and two and down. One last time and three. Good. And then bring it all the way up and bring it in and touch. Good. So now staying on the stopper. Bend both knees, staying vertical.

So you've practiced the vertical. Awesome. Go a little bit of a tilt. Yes, but without swaying. Good. Right now the weight is transferred towards the inside. Legs are inside being close to me. And now the outside leg is just abducting Perez away.

One and back working on the knee. Extension two and back. And exhale we did age three and back in good for lovely and back in four. Five. Lean back a little bit. Mother and exhales. Six and back in and exhale seven and back in one more time.

And exhale eight and back in and [inaudible] up we go. You can roll forward. [inaudible]. And then mark, if you step off first for me, one and two and you can get a box for a long box. Thank you. Awesome. Alright, so I'm going to use one blue spring. Yeah, the foot pads can disappear and we're going to put our box in the long position and what I'd like to do is lying chest over the end again towards the headdress side and we're going to play around just with the pulling straps, two positions about, we're not going to use the straps for the first few Betty. So I think let's just work on our positioning first.

So chest is over the edge of the box. All right. Legs are together. Arms out in a t position, right? Yep. Good. All right. So what I want to get at in this position is that Mandy is in a long line, but I'd like you to think of her arms being possibly a little bit higher than his shoulders. So we starting to get that little bit of abduction of the Scapula, just a little bit of that action of the Scapula. Now ladies, when you lift up into extension, that's what you're going to do with your thoracic. So you're going to lift up.

Then you arms. It's almost like they're pulling down into a slide, diag and old. But it's really just because the chest is lifted up that the arms are pulling down a little bit lower so that pinky fingers are coming towards our thighs, but not necessarily having to touch. Then as you lower your chest back into neutral, your arms should feel like they lifting up a little bit, a little bit higher than your shoulders or those rear deltoid muscles. And Ron boys have to work to keep your shoulders stable. So we do that again.

So as you left into extension, the arms feel like they're gliding down at a bit of a diagonal. Right? So the arms are coming to a diagonal position. So there are little fingers are coming down towards the thighs. So I always feel the mistake people make as they pull the arms back to high. Right. And then bring the arms out. Now feel that they are lifting a little bit, Mandy, but the chest up slightly. Good. Good mother. That's it.

And I'll relax. Okay. Can we do that with the ropes? Yeah, let's do that. Okay. So if you want to hold, I would just hold the hands onto the clip right there. Make it a little bit longer for yourself, Mandy. Yeah, so if you hold too high or too low, it kind of loses its tension, right? So bring the arms out to the t position. So immediately when people get things in their hands, they start changing that rotation of the shoulder. So arms are perfectly in the tee position. Now keep your spine in a horizontal. That's all you've got to do.

But hold the arms a little bit higher than your spine. Just slightly. Now guys, start your extension to lift from the crown of your head and start pulling the arms towards your hips or towards your thighs. Can you come up a little bit higher there, mother? That's a good man. He a little bit more. Turn the palms down, Mandy. Good. Think of the tips of the shoulder blades coming together and then lift the arms up. Mandy and the spine. Not Too low, not too low.

Nodular arms can go further forward. Further forward. Hold, hold held. I'm going to bring you up just a little bit more, Mandy, and we go again. I left through the spine, lift through the spine, arms can come a little bit lower. Good. And I'm just come up, arms come up. But it's actually the chest that's just learning a little bit.

Bring the arms a little bit further forward. Mandy, forward, forward and how and Hook your straps. Good job. And then you guys push back into the rest position for me. Um Oh slow. Good. And then you can hop off there for me slowly.

And if you can, don't mind just putting your boxes away for a second and I'm just going to take your springs off and I'll pop the foot bar up. Sorry. Let's just move that out the way there and you can hop into the the well again facing your foot bar. Alright, so you want to stand close enough that you're going to go into a little squat down. All right. So it's again, just to get that final bit of Dorsey flection of the ankles, whether it be careful of your knees, you're only going as far as you feel comfortable, right? So basically I would just be close enough that I can sit down and take a very gentle hold and just get into that lovely little stretch there. Okay. It's obviously really important that we are able to get to a comfortable position and just make sure your foot buyer's nicely locked. Good.

Yes. So my rather just push the knees out. Just gently there. You really thinking of your sacrum just dropping in their position. A UK though. It could. Beautiful. Good. So they both got a lovely squat now, right? Knees are nicely aligned over the second and third toe.

So we don't want the knees falling in. I had to get a little bit of upper back extension and then push yourselves back up to standing all the way up and you can turn and take about while then guys, thank you very much.

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2 people like this.
Love this class! The details make all the difference, for example, in the height of the arms in pulling straps. I love the slow speed - it makes me really make sure I’ve got the alignment. I think i’ve done all Ed Botha’s classes, and I’d love more :)
5 people like this.
Love the precision, this workout is a great example of how less is more. :)
1 person likes this.
Love all Ed Botha’s classes!
What a great workout for recovery! I was sore and stiff from my workout last night and demonstrating today at work. My glutes don't hate me anymore. Thank you, Ed! :D
I am SO glad you came back with another great class Ed! I have done all of your classes and they all are awesome, challenging and fun! Loved this one because of the precision and control in every movement and the strengthening and stretching variations! Perfect cueing! Want more please!!
Really appreciate the small details of your settings and tempo. I myself deal with a lot of athletes who needs recovery. One question- many of them are really tight on TFL as well as gluteus medius and IT. One of the slide lying with the strap on one foot made my TFL and IT engaged more which they are often overused and felt tight and uncomfortable. Could you enlighten me why you choose to include the movement? Thank your.
4 people like this.
Most athletes struggle with internal hip rotation. If your intention is to be an athlete that is able to run or sprint, then TFl and anterior fibres of Gluteus mediums are essential. Lose the external rotation...
I suspect tight and uncomfortable is more like weak and not working correctly.
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very much appreciate the pace which provides time for detailed instruction. thanks much
Excellent overall resistance stretches after being quite sore last few days. Thank you!
Loved it, more please Ed. Thank you
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