Hi, I'm Sarah Cahoon and I'm here at Pilatos anytime today filming my mindful movement reformer class. This is a reformer class that I like to take myself through usually on a weekly basis. Uh, it's just a time to sort of slow the work down, really focus on what's actually happening in your body and tune into that mind body connection. So it's just going to keep a nice fluid flow at, it's not going to be too intense workout. Um, but it's really just going to challenge that mind and body. And I've got the lovely Mary here who's doing my class with me. We're going to get started with just showing you how to set up the theraband that we're going to use a little bit later on in the class. So if you've got a theraband, we're using a green band, um, you could use a blue band or even lighter if you wanted to.
I'm just going to pop myself down to sitting and grab the end of the theraband Lupe had around the arch of your foot. We're going to tie back there about, into a nice from double knot. So just make sure that it's really tight that it's not going to come under can be a little bit tricky. Sometimes once you've done that, just pull nice and tight on the band and make sure it's secure around the arch of the foot and then you can just unravel that loop and take it off the foot and that way we've got that lit ready to go from when we need it and we're just going to pop the theraband down beside the reformer bed and we'll come back to that later on. We are starting with the foot bar up and just one red spring on. We are going to come to standing beside the reformer bet and take your right foot or for Mary to be her left foot. Place it right up against that timber there and take your left foot and place it back up against the shoulder rest and have that back knee just resting onto the bed hands just nice and lightly onto the foot bar. On the inhale. We're just going to press back a little bit deeper into that lunge and just keep the chest open on the exhale. As the reformer comes in, round the side, fine and just skirt to pull the reformer in.
So we're going to take the arm up that is the same as the leg that's on the reformer. And take a little side bend over towards the outside of your reformer. Come back to center. Bring that hand down onto the reformer skirt round and pull in. Let's do three more of those smoothly. Take out out to the lunch, take that arm up and side stretch over.
And you should feel that a hip flexor stretch as you go into the side. Stretch. Last one, take it back, stay. Lift that arm up. Side stretch one more time and then bring that arm lightly back onto the reformer. We're going to hold that position. Just float the back knee up off the bed and then lower the back knee down and we're going to breathe out. Float it up, breathe in, lower it down. One more, float it up, and if we can, we're going to take that inside arm off again and we're going to reach it all the way up. Take the other arm off as well. If we can reach it all the way up.
Go for a little chest opener to three. Circle the arms around hands, find the foot bar scoop, pull all the way up to standing and rest and we'll walk it around. Do the other side and a scoot through there. So place that foot right up against that timber and the back foot, pressing up against the shoulder. Rest. Start with that knee resting onto the reformer bed. Really light on the hands.
As we inhale, press into that hip flexor stretch. Exhale, round and scoop. Breath in to open, opening up the heart and chest. Big exhale, getting rid of all that air. She come in last two. As you pull the reform or even really think about that tailbone rounding and scooping under towards the football. Chest opens as you go out.
Press it back. Float the arm up. Stretch over to the outside, back to center. Hand lightly on the football round to pull in. Last one, take the arm up, side stretch. I'm gonna come back to center. Take that hand down and stay. Lift the back knee up. Breathe that in. How low are lightly down. Exhale up.
So I'm really thinking about driving that back heel into the shoulder. Rest as I straighten the leg. Last one, we're going to keep it up. Float that inside arm all the way up if you can both arms to the sky. Little lift of the chest, two, three, circle the arms around, slowly scrape around, come all the way in. And wrestler foam my bed. We're going to pop the boxes on next long ways, so grab your box and popping that onto the reformer. Good.
Feel as though you zip and you scoop up that little bit deeper like your abdominals are drawing away from the line of your tights or the line of your shorts. Maybe you're wearing a skirt, I'm not really sure, and we're going to exhale. Roll it back forward. Inhale, stack the spine up tall. Let's do one more of those. Exhale, roll it back. Three deep breaths, and just think back to that last exercise and the hip opening that we got. You want to try and find that he poping in this position so that you really deepen that seeker from the spine. Exhale round the spine and come forward. This time we roll it back, we stay and we're just going to do 10 small pulses from that position. So little breath out in her back so everyone's height for this one might be a little bit different. You really want to try and work down through the feet.
Draw back with the abdominals away from those thighs. Lengthen and round the spine last to take a breath in. Exhale around the spine. Breathe in stack at old, way up tall. This time we're going to twist to the left so we do a little rotation. Exhale, roll the spine back and just do five little pulses. Now to that side, x, how to still keep the hips nice and square four and five. We're going to pass through the center on the breath in. Exhale, twist to the other side just from that upper body.
Each side. Twist to the left. X How? Roll it back. See if you can float the arms through the middle, roll it back up on that side, and then stack Santa's last one. Big Breath out, up and over with the arms. Twist to the left. Roll it back up, and then hit center. Now we're going to do one more roll back just through the middle. Going back to where you were before. Take a breath in the next exhale, get a little bit further back. Take a breath in. Next exhale. Get a little bit further back. Try and press through those fie.
Really enjoy that opening of the chest and the jaw.
Right rib goes across towards the inner side of that left knee and then back towards the right elbow.
Squeeze both legs up to the tabletop. And now we just go left hose, go down to touch the headrest and then alternating the air, right toes and Shane.
Inhale to return. Breathe out.
Feel the waist narrow and the ribs soften as you press last one. And we're going to try and hold it out there for five. Breathe for four, reach through the arms, three press through the fate, two deep and the abdominals. One good work. And then slowly come all the way back and release those straps. So uncross your straps or don't do what I did and re cross them and pop them back down onto your spikes.
Try and increase that feeling. As you inhale, lift the chest into the extension. Exhale d even from your center and in how bent? Three that to press breathin guide you into that extension. Breath out. Reach away, and inhale bend. I'm gonna do two more. Exhale, press in. How?
Lift this one. We're going to stay up at the top. Take your right ear to your right shoulder and then circle the head around to the middle. Stack it back at all. Take your left ear to your left shoulder. Circle the head around to the middle. Stack it back up. Tool. Push back away again. Then the elbows come all the way in. Let's do one more like that. Press it am.
Lift the chest up into that extension and take the right ear to the right shoulder. Circle it around the middle. Feel that next stretch up to center. Left to left shoulder. Circle it all the way around. Come up to center. Push the ref on my bed back away. Get a little longer with that body.
Bend the arms come all the way in from there. Bring your hands onto the box, tack up into your rest position. So to bring those legs on, just let the body hang down and you can let the head rest where ever you feel comfortable. Let the arms just feel like they hang and really try and feel that breath right into the sides and back all the way down to the pelvis. One more deep breath in and deep breath out. Slowly come all the way up. And from there we're going to come onto all fours on your box. So in a regal, the legs back and let's take your right arm out to the side and we lift it up to the sky. Take a big breath in. Exhale, take the ride arm through for a thread the needle.
Really feeling that movement organically coming from the hip and not the foot.
So that external rotation is going to facilitate that little bit of a deeper range in the hip. As that happens, think of a little bit of a d for work through the abdominal, so it's really drawing back to your spine. Last three,
Feel that lent through your spine. Eight nine, 10 and now hold it. I got P and externally rotate that thigh lower than like all the way down. X how lifted up in how lower it all the way down. Exhale, lift it up. Go ahead and just imagine that you are balancing a foam roll that across your pelvis.
You'd want that foam roller to be really level and not tipping to one side.
10 and now we can't stretch. Round spine pull in. Inhale, lengthen, reach and open. Exhale and this you can just move at the pace of your own breath.
Lost one each side. Be as precise as you can with the landing of that foot on the foot bar. Last one, and bend all the way in. Press out one more time and stay place both feet back onto the foot bar. Let's keep the hands onto the pelvis there we start.
As we come all the way back, right from there, we're going to stretch your legs back out over that foot bar. Um, so the sky, let's roll it up and we're going to change the springs for the hands and straps. So let's go down to a red and a blue spring and reach the arms back hat. Roll it down through the spine. Bring the feet onto the foot bar. Just while we get our hands into the straps, arms are going to come straight up to the sky. And from there we're going to squeeze the legs up to the table top and we're starting with the arm circles. So we breathe that. Press the arms down. Inhale, circle all the way out and around. Exhale, press breath in around.
If the springs a little strong, take it down to one red
And the same as you open out to the side. You could let that strap wipe and Adelaide a bit more by holding on as you pull to the side, back to center, bend that leg eem. We'll bring that foot out of the strap, pop that back on a Spock and bring that left leg in. So pop that left foot on. Press that leg up to the sky and now we'll bend that right leg and enjoy that stretch across the body and then pass it through the middle.
Bend the right leg, open that left leg out to the side, back through center. Take it across. I like to also think sometimes I have a little role in of this foot in that position and it'll just get you a little bit of a deeper stretch right down through the peroneals, right down through that outer side of the ankle. Last one, each side and we'll just stay brief for a couple of deep breaths. Can Roll that footing if you like. It's not the prettiest set positions, but it's a good stretch and then back through center, open that leg out to the side and you can pull down on that strap.
Get a little bit of a deeper stretch through that inner thigh, pressing back with that opposing hip back through center. Bend the leg, come all the way. Ina Am I going to bring that foot out of the strap? We'll pop that back down onto your spike there and we're going to come up from there. Let's bring out a springs onto two red springs and up to kneeling.
And now we push out and pulling. Push up and pull in. And this one really used that breath out to pull the reformer. Enc, you get that scope into the belly. Keep it as you push out. Last two, last one, and then haul. Come up onto the fingertips and then if you can take the hands onto the pelvis there and now push out and pulling. Great.
And if that's too strong with both hands off, feel free. You can always keep one hand on or even still keep both hands on and just do that flat slide. Yeah, it's hot in here. So if we get a little slippery,
Have the feet just in front of the shoulder. Press, press through the heels, press down through all 10 toes, and then lift all 10 toes up off the bed so they're in a little flex. Let's let the spine go into a little round today and we inhale. Push back with the legs. Exhale, pulling. Inhale, press back with the legs.
If you can reach past the ankle, go for that shoulder rest last one, and then place that right hand on left hand comes around, rotate the body and inhale, push back x half, and think back to that thread. The needle that we did at the start. Getting that rotation purely around that ribcage.
Stay on the one red spring. I'm going to come into a side reach, so we'll sit right up against those shoulder rests and just have your batshit just onto your heels. Grab a hold of your front shoulder rest and take these arm up to the sky. On the inhale side. Stretch over towards your feet. Looking down, take off with both hands and then find that foot bar. Push out into the side, stretch coming all the way up. And then from there both hands come off lift, look down towards the feet, take both arms off, same time if you can, and then take it over into that side. Stretch coming all the way up.
Inhale, lift the spine. Come all the way up. Exhale, press out. Rotate the body a little further. Breathing, lift all the way out. Let's do one more.
Grab a hold of that front shoulder, wrist. Reach the arm up to the sky side. Stretch over to the feet. Take both hands off at the same time. Find the foot bar side stretch coming all the way up. Really use the lift in the waist to float the arms off. Thinking of that spine lengthening in both directions. One more of those and we're going to stay out on the next one. Take that top arm around, find the foot bar, rotate and press away a little bit deeper.
Inhale, lift up.
Take a bit of a deeper side. Stretch. Slowly come all the way up and rest. Now we're going to finish off with one last kneeling lunch stretch. We're going to pop the foot bar down for this series, so pop it down completely flat. And Mary, we're going to get rid of that little silver bit across if we can, and I'm going to go to a red and a yellow spring for a little bit more support. Or You could use a red and a blue. So coming up from there, place your left foot back up against that shoulder rest.
We're starting really upright with the body so you're not in a lunge at all just yet. Press back with that left thigh. So we go just into a hip flexor. Stretch on that leg. From there, we're going to start to straighten that right leg out. Go a little bit deeper into your stretch if you can when we come in and stay as low as you can with the hips. So it's like you're splitting with the legs. Once the reforma gets all the way in, pull the hips back up and find your start position. And then starting from that hip flexor stretch first.
So just that left knee goes back, start to push out straight in the right leg, get a little deeper, Ben from that right leg. Pull the reformer in. As far as you can and then zip pull it up from there. We're going to add on the arms if we can. So the left arm goes down as we start the hip flexor stretch. Now the left arm's going to go up to the sky and if you can a little back bend.
As you start to come in, the arms slowly goes out to the side and then it stays out there. You scoop up up, up last one. Let's take that left arm down as we go out. It's a really challenging on the balance. Push out, lift the arm up, little back bend if you can, and then slowly coming in, scope it in with a chest with the abdominals, pull all the way up and then slowly come down and change sites. So bring that right foot back up against the shoulder rest and bring that left foot on.
And your foot position might be a little bit different depending on what type of reformer you've got, as well as to whether that heel will land on the foot plate or not. So let's take the arms out to the side. Right leg goes back into that hip flexor stretch first and then start to push the left leg to straighten. Getting a little bit deeper with your stretches, you start to come in, think of the legs splitting apart, and then scoop it up, throwing the body really tall, push back from that right leg and start to straighten that front leg and think of the leg splitting apart as you come in and in scoop. Lift it up tall. Let's add in the arm if you can. So the right arm comes down and it goes up.
Your little challenges to do an extension. Nice work, Mary. Slowly to come in. Keep the arm moving slowly. Skirt from your center. Lift last one, right arm comes down, stretch the front leg, lift the heart and chest slowly to come in, splitting with the legs and then pull all the way up and then bringing that leg off from there. And we're just going to come to standing beside your reformer and just do a little roll down. It's whatever you like to stand. Mary is going to reach the arms up to the sky.
Zip through your center or open through the shoulders. And then we are all done. Thank you so much for joining me, for my mindful movement, reformer. Thank you Mary so much. I hope you enjoyed it. Bye.
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